DESPITE 20-POINT COMEBACK, SOONERS FALL TO THE JAYHAWKS IN LAWERENCE, KANSAS (ONLINE) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
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T U E S DA Y, J A N UA R Y 2 0 , 2 015
Football player speaks at NCAA convention 2015 NCAA Convention invited student-athletes to vote and speak JOE MUSSATTO
Daily Correspondent @joe_mussatto
Civil engineering major Kyler Norman plays his guitar and enjoys the warmer weather in the Unity Garden on the South Oval. Norman is expected to warm up over the weekend before dropping slightly during the middle of the second week of school.
Winter will return soon Absence of cold air mass raises temperature
NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — Joe Castiglione’s phone lit up as Ty Darlington addressed his fellow student-athletes and school administrators at Saturday’s first-ever NCAA autonomy session. As Darlington spoke, the Oklahoma athletic director Joe Castiglione had a slew of texts from fellow administrators, praising Darlington’s poise and leadership. Castiglione couldn’t help but to be proud of the Sooner. “His presentations today didn’t surprise me, but I did have to hide my pride a little bit,” Castiglione said. “I was kind of bursting over here.” Darlington was one of 15 student-athletes, three from each Power Five conference, to vote on matters of autonomy for the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC. The inaugural autonomy session was historic in its own right, but equally momentous was student-athletes having voting rights in the Division I rules-making process. “We finally got asked to be a part of it and now you see student-athletes step up and represent themselves,” Darlington said. “That’s going to have a great effect on the welfare of athletes for years to come.”
Ruff said this early in winter there is still a lot that can change. Snow is a possibility, Ruff said. For information about the forecast of severe weather, visit For students who are curious if the cold weather is gone for the winter season, the shift in temperature is normal and win- the National Weather Service on their website. ter weather will be back by this Friday. Gloria Noble, Wayne Ruff, senior forecaster at the National Weather Service in Norman, said the warm weather can be attributed to the absence of a cold air mass. Ruff said that shifts in temperature are normal due to natuSee More Online ral shifts of warmer and colder temperatures throughout the season. Scan this QR code with your phone to go straight to the National As for the warmer weather sticking around, Ruff said that it Weather Service website, http:// just depends on whether the colder air masses will come back to the plains quickly or slowly. The forecast for the rest of the week brings back highs in Follow the National Weather Service on twitter, @NWS the 50s for Tuesday and Wednesday, and highs in the 40s on Friday.
News Reporter @glorianoble_
From medieval German to English OU professor creates first English translation of Middle High German tale AMBER FRIEND Campus Reporter @amberthefriend
A modern languages and literature professor granted his students a unique opportunity last semester: the chance to study an English translation of a medieval legend that only a handful of people in the world have ever read. OU professor Joseph Sullivan is working to produce the first English translation of the story “Wigamur,” only the second modern language translation of the story following a 2009 version in modern German. “Wigamur” is one of 15 Arthurian romances originally recorded in Middle High German during the Middle Ages, Sullivan said. While many of the more popular and academically-revered stories have already been translated — in some cases, multiple times — Sullivan chose to go after one of the lesser-known texts. As a teacher of several German language and medieval culture classes, including medieval German culture, history of the German language, medieval literature and medieval Arthurian romance, Sullivan wanted to introduce his translation to his classes in order to feedback from his students, he said.
WEATHER Partly cloudy today with a high of 58, low of 34. Follow @AndrewGortonWX on Twitter for weather updates.
Dance students showcase works University to hold performance of pieces created by students themselves EMILY SHARP
Life & Arts Assistant @esharp13
After months of training and preparation, OU students will present their own original dance pieces at the School of Dance’s Young Choreographers’ Showcase this weekend. The performance will feature two acts with five dances each. Each act includes a mix of dance styles ranging from classic to modern contemporary, dance senior Manuel Valdes said. SEE DANCE PAGE 2
A lot of the insights that they were going to have reading this are going to be insights that nobody else has ever had before” JOSEPH SULLIVAN, MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE PROGESSOR
He first incorporated the story into the curriculum of a graduate seminar focusing on Arthurian romance in the fall of 2013. One of his students, Chelsea Epps, who now also teaches in the OU German program, was excited to read and discuss the new story. “It was really fun to read it, because not many people know about the story.” Epps said. “I’d never read something that no one else has read before.” SEE WIGAMUR PAGE 2
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