OU volleyball comes back from deficit against Jayhawks (page 8) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
M O N D A Y , O C T O B E R 17, 2 0 1 1
2 010 G OL D C ROW N W I N N E R
scholars to be honored with walkway Completion time to be announced, spokesman says BLAYKLEE BUCHANAN Campus Reporter
Sooner football is undefeated this season, but football isn’t the only thing OU President David Boren
wants to showcase. Student and faculty academic excellence someday may have a permanent memorial walk on the South Oval. The new walk, as Boren proposed to The D aily, would be called the Scholars’ Walk and would be located on the east side of the South
Oval, parallel to the Michael Price Walk. The academic walkway would be similar to Heisman Park on the east side of the stadium. Boren said scholars deserve to be honored alongside other OU achievers. “We have statues of athletes, statues of presidents
of the university, but where are the statues of the great scholars, the great teachers?” Boren said. And the president isn’t the only one thinking it’s time to honor OU’s scholastic achievements. Elementary education sophomore Sam Hale agreed that academic excellence
should be honored. “It seems only fair to do the same for another group that performs well in another area,” Hale said. “I think it would be nice for those who are visiting OU to see that we have people that reach high levels of achievement in many fields.” There is no estimated
t i m e o f c o mp l e t i o n f o r Scholars’ Walk, spokesman Michael Nash said, and it’s something very early in the works.
MORE ONLINE Visit OUDaily.com to read the complete story
sHINY TOY GuNs rOcKs aT MusT sTaY MusIc FesTIVal
OKC strides to fight cancer Survivors find support from local community VICTORIA GARTEN Campus Reporter
meLodie LettKeman/tHe daiLy
Shiny Toy Guns vocalist Carah Faye Charnow performs at the final show in the Must Stay Music Festival on Saturday on the union’s east lawn. The event featured several bands over three days, as well as a watch party for the OU-Kansas football game. Life &Arts editor Katherine Borgerding interviewed Charnow and Jeremy Dawson. (Page 3)
Norman movement in infancy stage of protest Local offshoot to work with other affiliates UNY CHAN
Campus Reporter
The Occupy Wall Street movement is growing in Norman after three meetings were held on campus last week to decide on the group’s course of action. Occupy Norman identifies itself as an independent organization that operates in
solidarity with Occupy OKC, Occupy Wall Street and all occupations worldwide, according to their website. Occupy is a leaderless resistance movement with people from various backgrounds and political persuasions seeking to end corporate greed and corruption by replicating the nonviolent tactics deployed in Arab Spring. O c c u p y No r m a n w a s started by OU students and Norman residents, most of
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local artists sell creations downtown
whom were OU graduates. It is still in its infancy stage, and its early meetings focused on the logistics of voicing participants’ dissatisfaction with excessive corporate influence on politics. Some local participants were first-time protesters such as Brielle King, a political science sophomore at Rose State College who learned about the movement on Al Jazeera and decided to join the cause. “Our plight is for justice,”
King said. “It is not limited to the people in Wall Street only. Corporations shouldn’t be demonized, but I do think everyone should be treated fairly.” At the group’s first general assembly, Norman resident Brian Husted emphasized supporters must understand the basic financial system protestors are rejecting. “We need to learn about how derivatives work so that when the media asked what we are campaigning for, we
Sooners pry victory away from Jayhawks
Fair allowsw artists to showcase their work in Norman. (Page 3)
Honor academically excellent students
shiny Toy Guns sit down for a chat
changes brewing in state liquor laws
Band members discuss their present and future plans. (OuDaily.com)
Task force considers selling stronger beer in grocery stores. (Page 5)
Ron Paul campaign underway in Norman Staff Reporter
orLin WaGner/tHe assoCiated press
Junior defensive back Javon Harris battles a Kansas player for the ball during OU’s 47-17 win against the Jayhawks. Harris and the defense held KU to just 54 yards in the second half. (Page 7)
see RACE paGe 2
elecTION ’12
Boren should go ahead with proposal to recognize academics. (Page 4)
see MEMBERS paGe 2
Residents set up downtown HQ
could be clear about what we stand,” Husted said. His enthusiasm for complex financial operation was not shared by many campaigners; however, it has inspired others to facilitate discussions about the socioeconomic problems. No explicit agenda has been finalized by the Norman chapter, and no events have been announced as of yet. However, some people feel
Angela Startz joked ab ou t t h e t h ou g ht o f cancer. It ’s j u s t a c y s t , t h e OU College of Arts and Sciences information specialist said on the phone to her best friend, Darci Gregory, as Gregory prepared for a mammogram. An hour later, Startz was faced with the daunting fact that her best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. Their close friendship began the first day they met working together at OU. Over the course of seven years, they had each other at every stage of life. Through breakups, kids, birthdays and now cancer, their friendship didn’t waver. “I answered the phone, and she just said, ‘I have cancer.’ I couldn’t talk. My heart stopped. It was surreal,” Startz said. St a r t z a n d G re g o r y said it was an emotional night as Gregory decided it was time to shave her head, and they made it a celebration. “It was very awkward,” Gregory said. “I think what was harder than losing my hair was losing my eyebrows and eyelashes because that, too, is such a huge part of who we are as women. We look different without our eyebrows and eyelashes.” Many women and friends, who have
Presidential primaries are just a few months away, and one local organization is getting prepared for the highly contested Republican nomination. The Norman Ron Paul 2012 headquarters opened Friday in downtown Norman to begin campaigning for the Republican representative
from Texas. Paul advocates limited constitutional government, low taxes and free markets, according to his campaign website. Coordinators at the Ron Paul Headquarters, located on Main Street, are trying to build a larger following within the local community, and supporters said they hope their centrally-located building will create a buzz around Norman. see PAUL paGe 2