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State tries to attract teachers But many look for work elsewhere due to low wages ANDRES CLARK Staff Reporter @ClarkyTweets
Schools across Oklahoma are scrambling to find teachers, even if those teachers have not met the minimum requirements to be allowed to fill those jobs. According to data from Oklahoma State Board of Education meetings, there have already been 845 requests for emergency teacher certificates in the state of
Oklahoma since July of this year. These certificates allow those who have not reached basic teacher training requirements to begin teaching immediately. Due primarily to its rock-bottom salaries for teachers, Oklahoma is severely lacking in qualified teachers applying for jobs in the state. The situation for teachers in Oklahoma has not led to a decline in enrollment in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, said Gregg Garn, dean of the college. He said that some students are encouraged by the fact that there are so many jobs
available in the state. Most students in Rainbolt are driven by a passion to teach rather than money. Garn said that most of the students in the college have the test scores and resumes to pursue any career field they want. However, many graduates of the college are leaving the state to look for employment elsewhere. With most surrounding states offering more lucrative starting salaries and pay increases than Oklahoma, it’s difficult for recent Rainbolt graduates to make the decision to stay in the state to work. Garn said one incentive
that has encouraged some to stay in the state is a student debt relief program. The program forgives $5,000 in student debt a year for up to four years if the graduate works as a teacher in a high need area in Oklahoma for those four years. According to Garn, those that do stay in state are also often driven by a desire to serve the area that they are from. Education experts and lawmakers seem to be in agreement that there needs to be a change to teacher pay in Oklahoma. PHOTO PROVIDED
Dean Gregg Garn of the College of Education poses for a photo. Oklahoma schools are struggling to find teachers.
Boren favors change Ceremony to be held in celebration of holiday addition ANDREW CLARK
Assistant News Managing Editor @Clarky_Tweets
Creative media production senior Hayley Jamil speaks on the broadcast of BOOM Oct. 2. BOOM will soon be an FM station and will have the call sign KXOU.
WHAT IS BOOM? Anyone can listen on kxou. The station mainly plays variety music shows hosted by OU students.
OUʼs student radio station began broadcasting again the last week of September, with a new name and the promise of a broader audience in the near future.
The station also broadcasts OU hockey games.
OU President David Boren issued a statement Monday to proclaim the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day at OU. Although this proclamation has been issued, the resolution to create Indigenous Peoples’ Day at the university must still take the normal course of action for a joint resolution through the OU Student Government Association, according to OU press secretary Corbin Wallace. The resolution was passed by a majority vote through the Undergraduate Student Congress on Sept. 29. However, while it was in Congress, some of its language was amended at the meeting by Spanish international studies and world language education senior Brooke Lefler. Because of this, it must return to the Graduate Student Senate, even though it passed the resolution on Sept. 27. The GSS will next meet Sunday, Oct. 11, the day before this year’s Indigenous P e o p l e s’ D a y , a n d a r e SEE BOREN PAGE 2
Engineering college joins national program Diversity needed to ensure creative problem-solving ANNA MAYER News Reporter @AnnaMay136
An OU engineering college was recently chosen to be one of the five schools to participate in a national diversity and inclusion program. OU School of Aerospace
WEATHER Sunny with a high of 80, low of 60. Updates: National Weather Service
and Mechanical Engineering in the Gallogly College of Engineering will be a part of an 18-month long program called Transforming Engineer ing Culture to Advance Inclusion and Diversity (TECAID). Funded by the National Science Foundation, TECAID is meant to provide mechanical engineering departments with the support and training needed to create an environment that will promote diversity. The
program will focus on ways to attract more women and minorities to the engineering schools. “Complex mechanical problems require creative solutions,” Cengiz Altan, director of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, professor and Transforming Engineering Culture to Advance Inclusion and Diversity team leader said in a press release. “Finding those solutions means gathering a
variety of diverse perspectives and expertise.” Each of the five schools must provide a project team of four to five people that will represent that university at the three required TECAID workshops. The OU team attended the first workshop earlier this year and has just returned from the second one. At the workshop, the team studied different barriers that may exist between people and how to overcome
them, Zahed Siddique, mechanical engineering professor and team member, said. They also discussed how conflicts are neutral, and that it is the way they are then handled that matters. The members of OU’s TECAID team include: Altan, Siddique and School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering director’s assistant Rebecca Norris. To qualify for the program, universities must show proof
of their willingness and ongoing efforts to welcome female and multicultural students and faculty. The OU engineering school has been assigning projects to students that will utilize their creativity and problem-solving skills when faced with human issues, teaching them to be more inclusive, Siddique said. Anna Mayer
OU YAK OF THE DAY “Ever been so broke you have sleep for dinner?”
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