Monday, Nov. 19, 2012

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M O N DAY, N OV E M B E R 19 , 2 012


2 011 S I LV E R C R O W N W I N N E R


L&A: Three favorite picks for upcoming films to watch (Page 6) New exhibit shows off Sooners’ ceramic creations

Sports: Landry Jones has career day (Page 5)


First Mr. OU Pageant raises awareness for men’s health


No need for an appointment: The Dr will see you now Dr Pepper will be available in vending machines on Nov. 26

Inaugural Mr. OU Pageant attracts 14 competitors from various organizations HALEY DAVIS


Campus Reporter

dA iLY tHe N/ oR Ris o NM eVi BY ic APH GR

The first Mr. OU Pageant sponsored by the Union Programming Board took place Friday to raise awareness for Movember, men’s health awareness and men’s health charities. The event was held at 7 p.m. Friday in Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Meacham Auditorium. Each semester, one executive member of UPB hosts an event, and this year UPB Secretary Dehra McGuire created the Mr. OU Pageant. “I got the idea for a masculine pageant from my high school,” McGuire said. “All the students looked forward to it every year, and they always packed the auditorium. So I thought if it was that popular in high school, why not bring it here to OU?” Fourteen male contestants of all ages competed for the title in four different events includIN DEPTH ing sports wear, talent, formal Get involved wear and interviews, according to the event’s Facebook page. Visit the union Programming Additionally, the audience parBoard Facebook ticipated in choosing the evefan page for more ning’s fan favorite. information, and visit The contestants ed Christian Pearson, Lester for more information Asamoah, Slayde Meyer, Jason on Movember and what you can do to Dydynski, David Colbert, help. Cameron Frysinger, Julius Ta, Nick Dalheim, Johnson Truong, Jack Hardwick , Benjamin Welch, Kyle Catchings, Evan Mooney, and David Postic. David Postic, a business management senior who represented the Student Alumni Association, said he wanted to be in the pageant because he’s drawn to any opportunity to get outside of his comfort zone. “I’ve never been in a pageant before, so just getting out there on stage is an accomplishment in itself,” Postic said. Frysinger, a finance junior who represented the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, said he entered the pageant because it sounded like fun, and he had worked with student government before. If crowned Mr. OU, he said he wanted to put the prize money toward his fraternity’s philanthropy. Chemistry sophomore Welch, a member of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Friends organization on

Assistant Campus Editor

Beginning Nov. 26, students will get to taste the 23 flavors of Dr Pepper on campus. OU has been prohibited from selling Dr Pepper on the Norman campus since 2008 because of its exclusive pouring rights contract with Coca-Cola Refreshments, according to the contract. Because CocaCola Refreshments recently acquired Great Plains CocaCola Bottling Co., the university now will be allowed to offer Dr Pepper as well, univesity spokesman Michael Nash said. Great Plains CocaCola, a bottling company in Oklahoma City, is the sixth largest bottler of CocaCola in the U.S., according to its website. It has the bottling and

distribution rights for Dr Pepper in Oklahoma, said Nash. The Coca-Cola Co. acquired Great Plains Coca-Cola for $360 million on Oct. 25, according to an Oct. 27 article on Great Plains is now a part of Coca-Cola Refreshments, the North American bottling company, granting CocaCola Refreshments the right to sell Dr Pepper, Nash said. Because OU has a contract with Coca-Cola Refreshments, OU now has the right to sell Dr Pepper on campus. The first products — Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper — will start appearing in bottled form, according to a press release. Fountain transition and set-up will begin as soon as possible. “The university is very pleased that Dr Pepper is now part of the contract,” Nash said. Arianna Pickard

AT A GLANCE Sodas in vending machines - coke

- dasani

- coke Zero

- Mello Yello

- diet coke

- cherry coke

- sprite

- orange Fanta Source: OU Vending Machines

see UPB PAGe 2



Students to audition for TED Cultural night offers students Auditions will be held on Nov. 28 NADIA J. ENCHASSI Campus Reporter

Students have the opportunity to audition to give “the talk of their life” at OU’s independent TED event next semester. TEDxOU is a part of the TEDx program, made up of local, self-organized events PHoto PRoVided that bring people together OU students will have the opportunity this year to give the “talk of to share the TED-like experitheir life.” The TeDxOU Organizing Group is taking open auditions ence. TED, which stands for for its annual TeDxOU conference, an independently-organized “Technology, Entertainment, TeD conference, taking place Friday, Jan. 25, 2013. and Design,” began in 1984 as a nonprofit devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Auditions will be held from Sooner freshmen 5 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, shine in St. Louis Nov. 28, in room 3040 of Price VOL. 98, NO. 67 Hall. dismantling At TEDxOU, TEDTalks © 2012 OU Publications Board Sports: the ou women’s FREE — Additional copies 25¢ video and live speakers combasketball team beat st. bine to spark deep discussion Louis, 68-33, sunday and connection in a small INSIDE TODAY afternoon st Lloyd Noble group. campus......................2 center. (Page 6) T E D x O U v i d e o s have clas si f ie ds................4 drawn more than 55,000 L i f e & A r t s ..................6 views in less than a year. o p inio n..................... 3 Americans with TEDxOU Curator Adam spor ts........................5 Disabilities Act Croom said the response last Visit for more reforms necessary year was humbling and incredible, as there were well Opinion: it may seem like more than 600 applicants for government intrusion or the 300 tickets. Facebook just boring laws, but the “It was overwhelming, and


requirements in the act are necessary to give access to all. (Page 3)


glimpse into Lebanese culture Event features Middle Eastern nation’s traditional cuisine, song and dance JENNA BIELMAN Campus Reporter

To cap off OU’s International Education Week, the Lebanese Student Association hosted its annual Lebanese Cultural Night to inform the community about its culture. The main purpose of the event is to inform OU students and members of the Norman community about what the Lebanese culture is — to go beyond what the media portrays by having participants experience what it means to be Lebanese through dance, food and videos of life in Lebanon, said Hiba Baroud, president of the Lebanese Student Association. The event was held at 7 p.m. in the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. Students and families gathered at the sold - out event to learn more about Lebanese culture. People socialized at their tables before the event began, enjoying bowls of mixed nuts on the tables. The atmosphere was open and welcoming with a diverse group of people. The event began with singing the U.S. national anthem, which was then followed by the Lebanese national anthem. The dinner included a catered traditional Lebanese cuisine, including hummus, baba ghannouj, tabbouleh, falafel, grape leaves, kafta and more. The video

aboutL e b a nese history and its c u l t u re wa s shown during dinner. The event also included trivia about Lebanese culture, and during the final portion of the event, the audience got to experience traditional oral poetr y called Z ajal — traditional Dabkeh dancing and belly dancers dancing while balancing swords on their heads. Members o f t h e Turkey Student see CULTURE PAGe 2

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