Go stuff yourself with musical delights this Thanksgiving (page 6) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
T U E S DAY, N OV E M B E R 2 2 , 2 011
2 010 G OL D C ROW N W I N N E R
Professor agrees to resign for $75K Accusations of unethical practices prompt university to not renew researcher’s tenure-track position KATHLEEN EVANS
Senior Campus Reporter
The university is paying $75,000 to a professor and giving him one year to find a new job after his research was suspended for violating protocols and experimenting on students. Health and exercise science professor
Chad Kerksick’s tenure-track position was not renewed and was placed on a leave of absence after students accused him of unethical research practices, according to documents obtained by The Daily. Kerksick was removed from his duties Sept. 2, according to a settlement agreement between Kerksick and the OU Board of
OU MeDiciNe
Regents. The regents approved the agreement during their Sept. 19 meeting. The professor admitted to not following proper procedures by enrolling unqualified research participants — chaD including himself — into a KeRKsicK study about creatine nitrate, an exercise supplement. OU terminated his research in June.
Kerksick challenged the university’s decision to remove his tenure-track position and called it a “depravation of rights” and “violation of state and federal laws.” OU denied those allegations but reached a settlement agreement. The agreement gives Kerksick a $75,000 check in his name and an academic year of unpaid leave, which will end June 30 or when Kerksick finds full-time employment. Once the professor finds a job, he must
BlacK FRiDaY
Class of 2016 gaining entry
Sales to start hours earlier Norman retailers plan to open doors at midnight Friday
Above-average applicants given early admission
Campus Reporter
JAKE MORGAN Staff Reporter
Numerous students will breathe a sigh of relief as the OU College of Medicine accepts its newest slew of applicants to the class of 2016 through its early rolling admissions. Dr. Sherri Baker, the college’s associate dean for admissions, said the college accepts a certain number of the upcoming class during the early acceptance period. “Those students applying early typically have equivalent or better qualifications than the previous year,” Baker said. Students who miss the deadline will be deferred to February for a decision, but those who applied early typically receive their decision within two to three weeks of their interview, Baker said. “While we do use early acceptance, we differ from other colleges in that we don’t commit those accepted to attend OU,” Baker said. “They are able to receive acceptances from other colleges up to May 15.” Kristy Nguyen , one of the newest additions to the medical school, said she has always wanted to attend medical school and decided on OU’s College of Medicine upon arriving as a freshman. The extensive time management and application essays turned out to be the
meLodie LettKeman/ tHe daiLy
Senior middle blocker Carlee Roethlisberger (7) hits against Texas A&M on Saturday. The Sooners won the first set but were unable to fight off the Aggies and lost the match, 3-1. Roethlisberger and her fellow senior teammates play their final regular-season games this weekend against Texas Tech in Norman and Texas in Austin, games that could improve their postseason standing.
Seniors to bid farewell to Norman Five players to end careers with pair of home season finale Wednesday LUKE MCCONNELL Sports Reporter
The OU volleyball team won’t be taking much of a break for Thanksgiving when it faces its last two opponents of the regular season this week. The Sooners host Texas Tech at 7 p.m. Wednesday at McCasland Field House. It will be Senior Night for the Sooners as the team honors Brianne Barker, Suzy Boulavksy, Caitlin Higgins, Kylie Cowan and Carlee
Roethlisberger. This group of seniors came into the season with high hopes for a Big 12 championship and at least an Elite Eight appearance in the NCAA tournament. While their Big 12 championship hopes have been dashed, the Sooners can improve their stock for the tournament by winning these last two games. OU has struggled in the second half of the season, going just 1-5, including a four-match losing streak, to start the second half. OU seemed to get things back on track with a 3-1 win at Kansas last Wednesday but fell see SENIORS paGe 5
see COLLEGE paGe 2
VOL. 97, NO. 68 © 2011 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25 cents www.OUDaily.com www.facebook.com/OUDaily www.twitter.com/OUDaily
INSIDE 2 4 6 3 5
Black Friday is upping the ante this year by starting nearly five hours earlier than in previous years. In years past, die-hard bargain hunters were forced to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch Black Friday sales, which started around 4 a.m. or 5 a.m; but this year, businesses such as Target, Best Buy, Macy’s and Kohl’s are opening their doors to the public at midnight. Norman’s two Walmart locations will start its sales at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. An estimated 152 million people are expected to shop during this year’s Black Friday, according to a report from National Retail Federation — nearly a 10-percent increase from last year. Mark Cejda, team leader of the Target in Norman, said the Norman branch opened its doors to the public at 4 a.m. during last year’s Black Friday, but this year they will be opening at midnight to be competitive with other major retailers. “Our circular for Black Friday will come out on Thanksgiving. It will be delivered with the (Oklahoman) newspaper and will also be available online,” Cejda said. The Walmart ad for Black Fr iday came out in the Sunday paper and will come out again Thursday. There will be an online version of the ad available; however, there will be no copies see SALES paGe 2
News .......................... Classifieds .................. Life & Arts .................. Opinion ...................... Sports .........................
see ETHICS paGe 2
act threatens nature of using the internet
Pedestrian hospitalized after on-campus collision
Regulation of the Internet limits both privacy and social freedoms. (Page 3)
sPORts OU basketball opens thanksgiving games Sooner women’s team challenges Liberty Flames at Vanderbilt. (Page 5)
liFe & aRts
More eateries open on campus corner
‘Glee’ holiday album a tribute to tradition
Restaurant swaps give students newer choices. (OUDaily.com)
Cast’s second Christmas volume covers seasonal standouts. (Page 6)
CHris miLLer/tHe daiLy
An ambulance at the intersection of Lindsey Street and Asp Avenue prepares to take a motorized pedestrian to the hospital after he was struck by a vehicle Monday. (OUDaily.com)
The Daily’s open record requests Requested document and purpose
Date requested
all invoices related to professor chad Kerksick’s creatine nitrate study — These documents were requested to determine how much money was being used on Kerksick’s study.
Nov. 11
all emails produced by or submitted to the advisory committee on tobacco Policy’s email address, tobaccocommittee@ou.edu — All meetings of this committee have been closed. These documents were requested to gain further insight into the actions of the committee.
all documents related to the use of student fees by Undergraduate student congress for academic year 2010-11 and fall 2011. — These documents were requested to view how much money has been spent by Undergraduate Student Congress and to determine where that money has been spent.