Thursday, February 13, 2014

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Sports: The Sooners’ next opponent — WVU — is one of the best teams in the Big 12 and the country. (Page 2) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916


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Boren: stolen art here to stay President Boren will not remove art unless forced MATT WOODS & ETHAN KOCH Campus Reporters @matopher, @sportsmaestroOU

OU President David Boren said the university would not return a French oil painting, stolen from its original owners by Nazis during World War II, until the matter has been decided in court. Giving away the donated painting, “Shepherdess Bringing In Sheep,” would set a bad precedent for the university and would not be fair to the painting’s donors, Aaron and Clara Weitzenhoffer, Boren said in a statement to The Daily. The painting is currently on display

at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Leone Meyer, daughter of the painting’s former owner, filed a lawsuit in May claiming the museum is in wrongful possession of the 1886 painting, according to court documents. Aaron and Clara Weitzenhoffer, longtime university donors, donated the painting by French impressionist Camille Pissarro in 2000. Max Weitzenhoffer, Aaron and Clara Weitzenhoffer’s son, was 14 years old when his parents bought the painting, he said. Aaron and Clara Weitzenhoffer offered the painting back to its original owner in the 1950s, who didn’t accept, OU regent Max Weitzenhoffer said. “The owner had ample opportunity to get the painting back,” Max Weitzenhoffer said.

Aside from his parents donating the painting to the museum, Max Weitzenhoffer said he has nothing to do with the case. However, he said Meyer’s suit doesn’t have merit. In a similar 2007 lawsuit against actress Elizabeth Taylor, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Taylor to keep a Vincent Van Gogh painting after an appeal from a Jewish woman who said she was coerced into selling it in Nazi Germany in 1939, according to a Reuters article. Max Weitzenhoffer alluded to the case when he said Meyer’s suit didn’t have merit. Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, R-Moore, protested and handed out fliers Tuesday at the Warren Theater encouraging SEE ART PAGE 2


Safe sex starts with a trip to the Union Representatives promote health EMMA SULLIVAN Campus Reporter

Wo m e n ’s O u t re a c h Center representatives will work throughout National Condom Week to teach students safe sex practices. Representatives from the Women’s Outreach Center have been tabling at the Oklahoma Memorial Union to educate students about safer sex, sexually transmitted diseases and how condoms are

effectively used, said Kathy Moxley, director of the Women’s Outreach Center. Terry Dennison, director of education for Planned Parenthood, will also be tabling at the Union the rest of the week, Moxley said. B o t h t h e Wo m e n ’s Outreach Center and Goddard Health Center have free condoms available for students to take if they need them throughout the year, not just during National Condom Week. More online at


Rong Gan, biomedical engineering professor, received a $2.5 M grant to research

to prevent

a device that checks the ear for damage caused by blasts on the battlefield.

war injuries

The lab’s High Intensity Sound Apparatus (right) simulates a war zone blast so Gan’s team can better study ear-related injuries.



n OU researcher is working to alleviate and prevent injuries afflicting millions of soldiers and

civilians. Among veterans with service-connected disabilities, tinnitus — a constant ringing in the ears — is the most prevalent condition and hearing loss is the second, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The study also stated that more than SEE EARS PAGE 2


Shangyuan Jiang, who is on Rong Gan’s research team, examines very thin slices of human ear tissue to check for disease and damage Feb. 4. Gan, a biomedical engineering professor, received a $2.5 million grant for research toward a device that checks the ear for damage caused by blasts on the battlefield.

Opinion: No glove, no love — there’s no excuse not to wrap it up on Valentine’s Day ... or ever! (Page 3)

ESCAPE: Read our Valentine’s Day edition with ideas about what to watch, what to listen to and to go. smile.where EXPLORE. relax. / Feb.(Inside) 13 / weekend


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