L&A: Norman Music Festival announces headliners for 7th annual event. (Online) W W W.O U DA I LY.C O M
The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
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Dinner to host CIA director, patriot Second President’s Dinner this semester will cover covert action, CIA happenings AMBER FRIEND Campus Reporter @amberthefriend
Assistant Campus Editor @alex_niblett
The director of the CIA and former White House staff member will speak at the second President’s Associates dinner of the semester Wednesday. CIA director John Brennan will speak at 6:30 p.m. Brennan will also meet with students on campus before the dinner, according to a press release. Brennan has worked in the CIA for more than 25 years and was named CIA director on March 8, according to the press release. As CIA director, Brennan regulates “intelligence collection, analysis, covert action, counterintelligence and liaison
relationships with foreign intelligence services,” according to his profile on CIA’s website. He has worked under presidents Bill Clinton, G e o rg e W . Bu s h a n d Barack Obama as CIA intelligence briefer, director of the Counterterrorism Center and assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, respec- John Brennan tively, according to his CIA leadership profile. Brennan and OU President David Boren have worked together in the past, which is part of the reason Brennan accepted Boren’s invitation to speak, university spokesman Michael Nash said. “President Boren works to expose students to as many
leaders in as many different disciplines as possible,” Nash said in an email. Political science senior Gabrielle Skillings said she is excited to hear about Brennan’s experience and career. Skillings said she hopes to get a better understanding of Brennan’s career and his views on where the CIA is headed, specifically with intelligence collection and policies. “It’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime things,” Skillings said. While there will not be an online stream of the dinner, a simulcast will be broadcast in Oklahoma Memorial Union for those in overflow seating, according to the press release. Students can make reservations by calling Public Affairs at (405) 325-3784 or emailing the office at specialevents@ ou.edu. Amber Friend, ambermfriend@ou.edu Alex Niblett, alexandra.g.niblett@ou.edu
Students’ tuition could be frozen for 5 years after today OU tuition, fees will remain at $3.5K for in-state, $9.6K out-of-state CAITLIN SCHATCHTER Campus Reporter
Landscape and Grounds employee Angel Mejia brushes up the soil around an empty garden Thursday morning on the South Oval in preparation for the upcoming spring. The gardens should be blooming around mid-March, Mejia said.
Spring brings skilled hands to create a beautiful campus for all Flowers to be planted in March ETHAN KOCH
Campus Reporter @sportsmaestroOU
ith the temperature rising, Angel Mejia starts preparing the South Oval for spring. Mejia, OU Landscaping and Grounds technician, tills the flowerbeds in the South Oval, pulls weeds, lays nutrients and composts as needed and tends to the flowers in the greenhouse
O U L a n d s cap i ng a n d Grounds staff is preparing to plant 34,000 red dianthuses on campus. Mejia will plant 20,000 of those on the South Oval, which amounts to almost one dianthus per He knows when the plants need water and student. T h e d i a nt hu s e s w e re when they are poisoned. He’s been through chosen because they can the school of hard knocks.” thrive in cooler weather, like the kind Oklahoma has BRANDON BROOKINS, experienced recently, said ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LANDSCAPING AND GROUNDS Brandon Brookins, assistant before they are planted. gardener, it means creating director of Landscaping and Spring means it’s time for a relaxing atmosphere. Grounds. Mejia to start on his next “People take pictures and This is Mejia’s fourth project : planting flowers enjoy it out here,”Mejia said. year on the South Oval, and on the South Oval. For this “I enjoy the scenery.”
Opinon: OU should require students to take a personal finance class to learn relevant life skills. (Page 3)
An Oklahoma house bill that could prevent state universities from raising tuition and fees for five years will be presented to the Committee on Higher Education and CareerTech on Tuesday. House Bill 2781 could prohibit state universities from raising their tuiJames Lockhart tion and fees above the amounts established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education on Sept. 1. The costs could not rise until June 30, 2019, according to the press release. If passed, the bill would keep OU tuition and fees for residents at approximately $3,543.75 and keep out-ofstate tuition and fees at about $9,638.25, according to the Office of the Bursar website. The committee will hear the bill at 3 p.m. today in Capitol Room 412-C, according to the press release. Rep. James Lockhart, D-Heavener, authored the bill, which was first read on Feb. 3. The bill was referred to Higher Education and CareerTech on Feb. 4. Lockhart said some people haven’t wanted to hear the bill because it would require the state to give more money to higher education. Additionally, the state budget’s proposed tax cuts limit the amount of money available to higher education. “The more taxes are cut the more people have to pay for college,” Lockhart said. “This is the first time in history that people are in debt more on student loans than mortgage and credit cards. This is a serious issue.” Although OU President David Boren said he couldn’t speak about HB 2781 specifically, he said he hopes legislators would give higher education enough funding so they wouldn’t have to increase tuition. Caitlin Schatchter, caitlinschachter@yahoo.com
Sports: Signing Jason Collins was purely a basketball decision, and that’s how it should be. (Page 4)
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