“WE LOVE OUR READERS WEEK” BEGINS MONDAY (PAGE 4) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
2 015 C R O W N F I N A L I S T
T H U R S DA Y, F E B R UA R Y 5 , 2 015
Receive alerts of sexual assault through OUPD OU plans to raise awareness about campus crime
to receive notifications of assaults on or around campus. The purpose of the service is to inform the OU community about forcible sexual assaults that are reDANA BRANHAM AND MIKE ported to the OUPD in order BRESTOVANSKY Online Editor and Assistant News to increase public awareEditor ness about crimes on campus and to dispel misinforOU Police Department mation, according to the has announced a new ser- website. Users can choose to vice on its website for users
receive notifications by email, or they can read the reports directly online. OUPD spokesperson Major Bruce Chan said that the assault report subscription became available last semester. “The intent of this is to put out info about sex assaults occurring at OU,” Chan said. Chan said that while the assault report subscription
was driven by OU Student Media, the reports are available to anyone who wants them. Dana Branham branham.dana@gmail.com
Students can stop genderbased violence One Sooner helps change harmful cultural norms PARIS BURRIS
Mike Brestovansky mcbrestov@gmail.com
News Editor @ParisBurris
The Women’s Outreach Center is working to
Koi fish grow vegetables for children Local group uses aquaponics to grow food for high school KATE BERGUM
A group of Norman students, staff and alumni are working to bring fresh vegetables to the cafeteria tables of a local high school — all with the help of a few koi fish. Earth Rebirth, a student organization and nonprofit, is currently planning building an aquaponics garden — a garden that uses aquatic animals to help cultivate vegetables — at Norman High School. Last month the group, which relies on community volunteers and undergraduate interns, raised over $10,000 on Kickstarter for the project, according to their Kickstarter web page. The project, which is currently in the final planning stages, is part of Earth Rebirth’s goal to create a more sustainable community using gardens, said Andrew Sartain, founder and director of the group.
Sports Editor @DillonJames94
Events offered for graduate students OU faculty, guest speakers to present on professionalism
Week next week, offering events for graduate students to receive advice about navigating the professional world. MIKE BRESTOVANSKY The event, organized by Assistant News Editor the newly-created Graduate @BrestovanskyM Student Life Center, will feature presentations from OU OU will hold its first-ev- faculty and guest speakers er Graduate Student Life Professional Development SEE GRADUATE PAGE 3
Updates: @AndrewGortonWX
OU hires new wide receivers coach DILLON HOLLINGSWORTH
Andrew Sartain, president of OU’s Earth Rebirth, works with middle school children after school Wednesday evening to teach and SEE EARTH PAGE 2 encourage them to grow their own fruits and vegetables.
Sunny with a high of 45, low of 31.
Coach comes from Washington State
Assistant News Editor @kateclaire_b
change social norms about gender-based violence. The first step is to educate people, said Bliss Brown, One Sooner student coordinator for the center. The center expects to educate over 100 people
Dillon Hollingsworth dillon.j.hollingsworth-1@ou.edu
Italian ambassador visits OU to discuss trade Treaty could boost U.S. economy $130B MIKE BRESTOVANSKY Assistant News Editor @BrestovanskyM
Claudio Bisogniero, Italian ambassador to the U.S., and Elena Sgarbi, Italian consul general in Houston, visited OU on Wednesday for a lunJIANI WU/THE DAILY cheon and discussion at the Ambassador to the U.S. Claudio Bisogniero discusses trade and Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. The event catered to a travel at a luncheon Wednesday afternoon.
OU DAILY OUDaily.com
Dennis Simmons will be the new wide receivers coach at Oklahoma, said Washington State head coach Mike Leach. Simmons has been the outside receivers coach at Washington State for the last three years and held the same position at East Carolina University, where he worked with Oklahoma’s new offensive coordinator Lincoln Riley. Prior to that Simmons spent 10 years working under Leach at Texas Tech. With Simmons’ hiring and the rumored hiring of Kerry Cooks as the new defensive backs coach, the Sooners look to have filled all of their obvious coaching needs this offseason.
mix of students, faculty and guests, including OU President David Boren and Oklahoma’s honorary consuls for Peru and Germany, who listened to Bisogniero deliver a brief presentation about transatlantic relations between the U.S. and Italy and the future of their trade. Despite Italy’s recent financial struggles, Bisogniero said that Italy is still a SEE WORLD PAGE 2
OU YAK OF THE DAY “College: where you used a hundred dollar textbook as a coaster.”
Be Our Valentine We Our Readers Week Coming Feb. 9-13
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