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The University of Oklahoma has a complicated history and relationship with the state’s tribal community.
BUILDING A FUTURE OU President James Gallogy, Native leaders work to collaborate amid tumultuous relationship
U President James Gallogly made OU history in fall 2018 with his decision to organize a gathering for all 39 tribal nation leaders. Only half of the 39 leaders attended. Jacob Tsotigh, a Kiowa tribe citizen who has been involved in American Indian education programs for the past 38 years, said he speculates the lack of attendance could be due to “some degree of cynicism” from tribal leaders who “encountered indifferent attitudes” from university leaders, or higher priorities with their tribal nation affairs. The relationship between Native American people and OU has been a long one, with Native students attending the university since its inception in 1890, and the work of Native American people and nations have lead to many drastic changes in OU policy and history. Native American heritage and culture is now more emphasized by the university through its many institutional changes, like the beginnings of the Native American Studies department, the adoption of Indigenous Peoples’ Day on campus and more. “The fact that Gallogly hosted a reception for all tribal nation leaders in his very first semester was ... historic and heartening in many ways as a dawn of a new relationship,” said Amanda C o b b - G re e t h a m, p ro f e s s o r and chair of Native American Studies department. “There are other things to be done, listening sessions to be held, other ways to figure out how OU can be responsive.” Cobb said the event was a way “to formally recognize the institution-to-institution relationship between OU and the Native nations of Oklahoma.” “It really marked a turning point in the relationship between OU and specific institutional relationships to Native nations,” Cobb said. As a new presidential administration begins to examine its relationship with Oklahoma’s tribal community, it will have to reflect on a history between
NANCY SPEARS • @THISISNANCYS the university and Native students as long and troubled as the state’s history itself. GROWTH THROUGH TURMOIL Under the state constitution in 1907, indigenous people were considered “white” and therefore not barred from attending the university, unlike African Americans, who were prohibited from entrance until 1948. The years from the university’s opening until around 1930 are widely considered a “low point” in the relationship between Native peoples and OU, according to John Truden, a graduate student specializing in Native American history. This low point is generally credited to what was happening in Oklahoma’s history prior to that time — David Payne’s land run, the Dawes Act and the division and distribution of Native land, among other things. “Although this is kind of a paradox, I am proud to be Sooner born and Sooner bred,” Tsotigh said. “I accept it but I also recognize it as an implication of what we’ve given as a people and what’s been imposed upon us as a people” The Dawes Act opened up settlement of Native land. Native people were paid “pennies on the dollar” for their homeland, which was “essentially stolen,” Tsotigh said. “From the 1900s, ‘10s, and ‘20s, Native people are under assault, people are hammering their society and culture, people are coming in trying to take their stuff, their land,” Truden said. However, there was some hopeful progress for indigenous people during this era. In 1914, OU began working with the Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw and Seminole tribes, establishing the first official relationship between university administration and Native American tribes, Truden said. By 1924, all indigenous peoples became U.S. citizens with the Indian Citizenship Act. In an effort to bring further elevation and emphasis to the presence of Native Americans, the OU
Sequoyah Club was also founded in 1924. “(The club) became the cultural opportunity for Native students to come together and participate in a group setting,” Tsotigh said. “Before that, Native Americans were considered more of a social group than a political group on campus.” The purpose of the Sequoyah Club was to support OU’s Native American students, Tsotigh said. The annual OU Powwow, considered the longest-running University-supported powwow nationally, was initiated by the club. “OU’s Sequoyah Club was the only indigenous organization on campus and therefore the primary place for Native students to be themselves in an otherwise-white university,” Truden said.
“It’s incumbent on the university to understand what our dreams are and what our vision is for our Native people.” JACOB TSOTIGH, KIOWA TRIBE CITIZEN
The Sequoyah Club did not engage in much organized resistance or protest, as its primary existence was in the ‘40s and ‘50s before the emergence of the Red Power movement and a period of self-determination for tribal people in the ‘60s, Tsotigh said. The establishment of Native American studies in 1929 at OU was a major milestone in the relationship between indigenous peoples and the university. According to an article from The Chronicles of Oklahoma, a j o u r na l p u b l i s h e d by t h e Oklahoma Historical Society, the first Oklahoman to advocate for Native American curriculum at OU was Joseph Brandt, the first editor of the University of Oklahoma Press. Brandt wrote a letter to
then-president William Bizzell outlining what he called the American Institute for Indian Civilization, which had three components: a special building for an Native American library, annual conferences in the Native American building and Native American-related courses. According to the article, a driving factor that initiated his push for Native studies was American Indians requesting an on-campus building in 1915 and again in 1926. Bizzell, president from 192541, was highly supportive of the institute, and was one of the few university presidents during the early 20th century who took deep interest in Native Americans, according to the article. Bizzell started a letter-writing campaign to attract donors for the movement, and although the campaign did not succeed, Native American courses began t o o p e n u p u n d e r B i z z e l l ’s administration. In the spring semester of 1930, OU offered a course called “The American Indian,” which was the first Native American-related history course introduced at the university level in the nation. CONFRONTING ADVERSITY As opportunities grew on campus, Native communities started to use their voices to spark change on campus in the face of injustice. A lot of this change can be attributed to Native activism. Native students and employees were at the forefront of a movement to remove a controversial football mascot that caricatured Native Americans. Little Red was an unofficial OU football mascot dressed in Native American regalia, Tsotigh said. Many Native American students were opposed to the mascot. “It was a point of contention for us. We felt that until the university recognizes us as more than cartoon characters captured from a time in history, we did not support that,” Tsotigh said. “We felt that it was degrading for the university to utilize us in that fashion.” While some students
passionately opposed Little Red, there were about 4,000 others who signed a petition to keep the mascot, Truden said. There was a protest in front of Dale Hall in 1970, where about 300 individuals gathered for a powwow to protest the mascot. Little Red was officially banned in 1970. Tribes saw other successes during the 20th century legislatively and worked to develop both their own governments and one-on-one relationships with federal and state governments throughout the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, according to Lina Ortega, head of op erations at O U ’s Western History Collections. “The federal legislation (that happened during this period) would have impacted the daily lives of Native Americans in Oklahoma, including students at OU, and would have also impacted course curriculum on campus,” Ortega said. But on campus, many disparities remained unaddressed. Native members of the OU community again had to make their voices heard in order to promote justice at the start of Boren’s administration following a racist incident on campus. In 1994, during the transitional per iod when For mer President David Boren was not yet president, there was an incident on OU’s campus during Indian Heritage Week in March. The Native American Student Association had erected a teepee, and members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity urinated on the structure. The president of the Native American Student Association fasted on the steps of the university president’s building in protest. In the end, the university sanctioned the six students involved, but did not reprimand the fraternity. During the transitional period between presidents in 1993-94, Boren, then a U.S. senator, came to speak about how he would approach the needs of OU’s Native community. According
See FUTURE page 3
• April 15-21, 2019
Nick Hazelrigg, news managing editor dailynews@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-3666 oudaily.com • Twitter: @OUDaily
OU moving toward research goal Expenditures, proposals up from previous year SCOTT KIRKER @scott_kirker
As a warm March afternoon signaled the arrival of spring on OU’s Norman campus, OU ’s Board of Regents and a few dozen other attendees listened in the OU Armory as OU President James Gallogly spoke of growth his administration has pursued in research. At the March 13 meeting, Gallogly said the university is performing well toward his administration’s goal of doubling research in five years. He said research expenditures compared to the previous year are up 10 percent, and the number of research proposals and dollars requested from research sponsors have increased, as well. As the administration reports increases in research proposals and hopes to see accompanying increases in research funding, proposals that receive selective federal funding can provide insights into OU’s research strengths. Ernest Abrogar, director of research statistics analysis for the Office of the Vice President for Research, puts together an annual dashboard compiling research statistics from across OU’s Norman campus to track university research metrics. At OU’s Norman campus, research funding that
is awarded directly to OU researchers from federal agencies makes up nearly 70 percent of research funding, according to the fiscal year 2018 dashboard. Abrogar said the Association of American Universities, an organization of prestigious research universities, evaluates university research on federal funding exclusively because it is often more difficult to obtain than research funding by state, local or industry research sponsors. Because of the significant role that federal research funding plays in academic research, the sources of federal funding reflect research areas in which the university excels, Abrogar said. Norman campus research expenditures direct from federal agencies in fiscal year 2018 were led by expenditures from the Department of Commerce with 30.3 percent, NASA with 23 percent and the National Science Foundation with 14 percent. The Department of Commerce houses the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Abrogar said, making it a natural research sponsor for the university. “OU’s bread and butter is weather,� Abrogar said. “Ever since weather has been a big department at OU, (the Department of Commerce has) been a very large sponsor for OU research.� Abrogar said that for a long time, Commerce and the National Science Foundation, which funds
OU President James Gallogly attends the Board of Regents meeting at the Armory March 13.
several kinds of general scientific research perceived as good for the national interest, were the two principal sources of federal funding for the university. OU’s research portfolio began to diversify significantly under Kelvin Droegemeier, the former vice president for research, Abrogar said. Droegemeier now has a cabinet position as the White House’s director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. “He set out on a mission to increase our participation and to look for grants outside of NSF and Commerce,�
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Abrogar said, “agencies that have a clearly defined mission that involves research.� One example is NASA, which has become a major sponsor for university research, due in part to a $166 million grant to study the change in carbon in the atmosphere, Abrogar said. Other federal agencies that OU works with to some degree and is trying to grow as research sponsors include the Department o f T ra n s p o r t a t i o n , t h e Department of Defense, the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior, Abrogar said.
Another major OU research sponsor is the National Institutes of Health, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. A large portion of its funding to the university goes to researchers and programs at OU’s Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City. According to OU’s Health and Sciences Center’s research dashboard, the center received over $50 million in federal funding from NIH in fiscal year 2018, making NIH another major source of federal funding for OU as a whole.
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As OU works to expand research toward Gallogy’s goal, it remains to be seen whether research funding could expand from agencies from which OU receives large amounts of funding in its strong research areas, or whether funding will expand elsewhere. Nonetheless, Abrogar said the goal is exciting for OU research. “I think this is a unique time for us in terms of opportunity. It’s not often that a president says one of his goals is to double research,� Abrogar said. “Most people consider doubling research expenditures. But I think it’s doubling our effort and our impact, not just in sponsored research but in societal impact, in influence, in reputation for the university.� After the conclusion of the March 13 Board of Regents meeting, Gallogly credited the progress toward the research goal to the work of researchers. “It’s absolutely the passion of the faculty. I think they’re invigorated to do this part of what they came to the university for,� Gallogly said. “They’ve responded just brilliantly, and you can see they’re putting these proposals forward, and hopefully we’ll get quite a few of those (funding awards), and we’ll continue to build that out. We expect to double research in five years.�
April 15-21, 2019 •
OU lacks recovery program Students call for addiction support on OU’s campus BAILEY LEWIS @BaileyLewis75
Dustin Huckabe never imagined that at only 18 ye a r s o l d , h e w ou l d b e standing in front of a judge with felony charges. Huckabe started using drugs and alcohol when he was 13 to self-medicate, and by the time he was 18, he was on probation for felony charges and put in a zero-tolerance boot camp for three months. Huckabe was unable to get a job anywhere when he was released from the boot camp because of his charges, and relapsed and was put in the boot camp again for six months. He relapsed again after being released, but this time started using heroin. Huckabe finally reached his breaking point and realized he could die if he didn’t s e ek help, s o he joined a 12-step recovery program, and after a long battle, is now seven-and-ahalf years clean. “By the time I was 18 years old, I had two felony charges on my record already, and I couldn’t even get a job at Subway,” Huckabe said. “I didn’t get sober until I was 23, and I’ve been struggling with it since I was 13. I mean, it affected every aspect of my life — every single aspect of it.” Huckabe, a social work junior, started the student organization Students in Recovery in fall 2018 and is the president of the organization, and said he is calling on OU President James Gallogly to support a collegiate recovery program on campus. Huckabe is a transfer student from Texas Tech University and was a part of Tech’s collegiate recovery program. A collegiate recover y
FUTURE: Continued from page 1
t o Ts o t i g h , B o r e n b l a tantly told the group “he didn’t worry about Native American people and he wasn’t concerned about our needs because Native people didn’t vote.” “It was kind of a reality check for us, because what he said was true. That’s politics,” Tsotigh said. “I was appalled that he had that attitude — I understood it, but that didn’t make it any less of a slap in the face, because we were underserved and marginalized community. It caused me pause.” Boren’s administration and Boren himself later became an effective voice and strong advocate for Native Americans, but this doesn’t become exceptionally tangible until the later part of his term, Tsotigh said. According to Cobb, Boren “had excellent personal/
program is a supportive environment on a college campus that helps prevent students struggling with addiction from engaging in addictive behavior and gives students the chance to get their degree while recovering from addiction, according to the Association of Recovery in Higher Education. Huckabe said there are more than 140 universities across the country that have implemented this program, and OU is “not even a blip on the radar” in the national conversation. “My message to our president is that I hope it doesn’t take a student dying for us to realize that these programs are reliable, tangible and feasible,” Huckabe said. Hu ck ab e s a i d i t ’s e ssential for students who have suffered from addiction to earn a degree, especially those with felony charges like him and Vincent Gonzalez, a social work junior and member of Students in Recovery. Gonzalez said he started using drugs at 13 but drank heavily when he joined the military. When he got out of the military in 2011, he began using pain pills and opioids. He joined a veterans drug court program in Tulsa that helps veterans struggling with addiction, but continued to fail the drug tests and was eventually sent to prison for two years. He began using drugs again when he got out of prison, but eventually went to the rehabilitation facility 12 & 12 in Tulsa, which he said is the place “that saved my life.” Gonzalez said he spoke to his counselor when he was at 12 & 12 about how he didn’t know what he would be able to do with his life as a felon and realized how important it is to get a college degree. “But (my counselor) said, ‘Man, I’m a felon, too, and I’m getting my doctorate from Langston University. If you get a
professional relationships with different tribal leaders,” and many previous OU presidents “have had personal and professional relationships with the individual tribal leaders that were perhaps formalized in some way, but it was not an institution-to-institution relationship.” In 1994, Native American Studies at OU was established officially as a degree-granting unit, offering a major and minor, out of the desire to have Native nations be taken more seriously as separate sovereign nations and to initiate deeper institute-to-institute relationship between the University and tribal nations during the Boren administration, Cobb said, B U I L D I N G OPPORTUNITIES Over the last 20 years, OU and the city of Norman have both made strides with supporting the Native community. The Native Amer ican Studies program was elevated to a full department in 2015, and 2015 also saw
Emma Keith Editor in Chief Nick Hazelrigg News Managing Editor Julia Weinhoffer Engagement Editor George Stoia Sports Editor Siandhara Bonnet Culture Editor Kayla Branch Enterprise Editor Caitlyn Epes Visual Editor Emily McPherson Copy Chief Emily Douthitt Print Editor
contact us 160 Copeland Hall, 860 Van Vleet Oval Norman, OK 73019-2052
Social work junior Dustin Huckabe poses for a photo April 3.
strong this disease is, that even though his brother passed away from this, he’s still addicted.” Max Vrana, an advertising senior and vice president of Students in Recovery, also struggled with addiction and has seen firsthand how much it can destroy someone’s life. “I’ve seen people go to jail,” Vrana said. “I’ve seen people die. I’ve seen people go to rehab, drop out of college, really injure themselves or others and steal. Basically, I’ve just seen people become someone or something that they’re not because of the disease.” Huckabe said that while he is grateful for the prevention programs OU offers, it’s not enough, and the university perpetuates stigmas about those with addiction and is “fining someone for a mental illness” with its “three strikes” policy. The “three strikes” policy controls alcohol abuse on and off campus. A “strike” is defined as a student’s or organization’s violation of the University’s Student Alcohol Policy. The first strike results in the university notifying the student’s
parent or guardian and additional alcohol education. A second strike also results in notifying the student’s parent or guardian as well as an “appropriate sanction.” A third strike results in suspension from OU for a minimum of one semester. Hu c k a b e s a i d h i s o rganization has “exhausted its resources,” and has reached its maximum capacity of what it can do and needs institutional support. “When you’re looking at statistics and research, it shows that students that are in these collegiate recover y programs have higher GPA rates, higher retention rates and higher graduation rates at their host institution,” Huckabe said. “So you have these students who have faced adversity that get a second chance, and they outpass the students that are a ro u n d t h e m. S o t h e s e are the students, in my opinion, that you want on campus.”
the formal establishment of Indigenous Day, OU’s first tribal liaison position and the elimination of a Norman land run parade. The tribal liaison position was specifically created to help OU have a person to work with tribal governments in an institution-to-institution relationship. According to Cobb, although several previous university presidents had friendships with tribal nation leaders, this kind of relationship was more of a president-to-chief relationship, instead of recognizing Native American tribes as their own sovereign nations. OU is still seeing its fair share of student advocacy regarding Native nations’ rights. In 2016, during the Standing Rock protests, a “fairly large protest” occurred in solidarity on the South Oval, Truden said. The controversy over OU’s “Boomer Sooner” mantra was also highlighted in 2016, as the phrase is historically derived from the Land Run of 1889, where “Boomers” waited for lands to open for settlement and “Sooners”
left to stake their claims early. “Some indigenous people would argue that using the Boomer/Sooner mascot essentially is reinforcing an idea that it was acceptable that Native people were dispossessed of their land,” Truden said. “It solidifies the dispossession of Native people, which is not acceptable. Maybe some day a president of university will decide to take a brave step and change the name.” Perhaps the most recent historical success for Native nations was the re cep tion hosted by Gallogly in September 2018. He spoke to welcome tribal leaders and students, speaking about the goal of collaboration between the university and tribal nations and the need to address “critical issues related to tribal sovereignty as well as address issues related to their tribal citizens,” Tsotigh said. “I have a goal to be the No. 1 university in Native American Studies, and so I’ve had a lot of interaction with some of the tribal leaders, with a lot of the students, with a lot of the groups,” Gallogly said in an interview with The Daily Feb. 7. A notably offensive tradition held by the city of Norman — a parade celebrating Oklahoma’s land run — was ultimately halted a few years ago. Tsotigh called the parade a “slap in the face” for the Native community. “ W h e n you c e l eb rat e someone coming in and taking over your land, it kind of makes it a paradox,” Tsotigh said. “Are we welcome here if they celebrate that and they don’t do anything for the Native community?” Like the university,
Norman has had its share of growing pains, but it seems to be improving. “In the past five years that I’ve been here, it does seem like Norman as a city government has been interested in engaging with Native nations and with its Native American population generally,” Cobb said. “I think t h e y hav e d e m o n s t rated that Norman is open to dialogue.” “Having a community that has such a broad spectrum of humanity is important as a university,” Tsotigh said. “There are so many opportunities for us to grow and learn more about the humanity that we all share and the university does a really good job promoting that.” The future seems bright for the relationship between Native people, Native nations, and OU. Through the university’s provost office, a “large-scale Native peoples initiative” is taking place to make Native research a priority across all three campuses. Cobb said that the Native American Studies department and the Native Nations Center will serve as anchors for that initiative. “It’s incumbent on the university to understand what our dreams are and our vision is for our Native people — then we work together to accomplish a common purpose,” Tsotigh said. “This institution has done so much for the state of Oklahoma, and we think it can do even more for our tribal nations. I know our tribal leaders are excited about the new era of collaboration and I hope that continues.”
Tribal flags hang in the Hall of Native Nations inside the OU Native American Studies department April 14.
degree, they can’t say anything. That speaks for you. All that stuff can be taken care of,’” Gonzalez said. “And I’ve seen other counselors at the same facility that got pardoned from the governor after getting their (degrees).” Not only does addiction affect the life of the addict, but it can also have devastating impacts on the addict’s friends and family. “(Addiction) affected my life in the sense that I stopped being a son to my mom, stopped being a brother, stopped being an uncle and I stopped being a friend,” Huckabe said. G onzalez said he has other members in his family who struggle with addiction, and it’s hard to watch how it affects everyone in the family and not just the addict. “My cousin is an addict, and when I visit (my aunt) it’s sad because it’s hindering,” Gonzalez said. “She’s constantly worried, like, ‘Is my son going to die today? Is he going to overdose? Am I going to get a call?’ And she’s already had that call one time, because my other cousin passed away from it, his brother. And that’s how
Bailey Lewis
Nancy Spears
160 Copeland Hall, 860 The Oklahoma Vleet Oval Daily isVan a public forum, the University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice and an entirely student-run publication.
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VOL.104, NO. 21
© 2019 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25¢
• April 15-21, 2019
Siandhara Bonnet, culture editor dailyent@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-3666 oudaily.com/culture• Twitter: @OUDailyCulture
This week’s Outsourced column discusses sexuality and sexual intimacy.
How has sexuality evolved?
Professor discusses acceptance of sex, intimacy in US SIANDHARA BONNET @siabon
wasn’t greatly accepted in the United States until the “Swinging Sixties.� Meredith Worthen, is an associate professor of sociology and women and gender studies at OU, and studies and teaches deviance, feminist criminology, sexualities, adolescent LGBTQ identities and stigma, according to her website. The Daily asked Worthen about sexuality and intimacy, how it became accepted in the U.S. and how it’s changed over the years.
E d i t o r ’s n o t e : T h i s i s the seventh in a series of columns discussing healthy relationships and sex lives from The Daily in p artnership with the Gender + Equality Center, G o ddard Health Center a n d No r m a n’s A d a m & Eve. Some answers have WHEN DID THE been edited for brevity and UNITED STATES REALLY clarity. EMBRACE SEXUALITY Sexuality and sexual inti- AND WHAT LED UP TO macy didn’t just appear out IT? Americans have a comof nowhere. A l t h o u g h i t ’s b e e n plex relationship with around since the begin- s e x u a l i t y . E s p e c i a l l y n i n g o f t i m e, s e x u a l i t y during the Victorian era,
sexual repression was often deemed to be the norm. However, during the 1950s, Alfred Kinsey’s scientific study of 10,000+ men and women revealed some surprises to the general public, namely that our sex lives were much less “vanilla� than we all thought. Then a huge wave of changes happened in the 1960s including Second Wave Feminism and the invention of the successful birth control pill and copper IUD, which gave women more control of their sex lives than they had in the past. We also saw a focus on “The Joy of Sex� (as the top-selling book title proclaimed) and a focus on enjoying sexuality more so than in the past.
PERCEIVED? People were able to celebrate their sexualities in ways that they hadn’t in the past. Sex was not as taboo as before, and the idea that w e could/should enjoy sex was becoming more normalized.
dominant conversation. People are generally more aware about sexuality, our sex education programs have been strengthened (though there is still much room to grow), and people are talking about sex more openly and more frequently. These shifts are HOW HAS THAT PER- in the right direction, toC E P T I O N C H A N G E D ward a healthy sex-positive OVER THE YEARS (AND culture. HOW IS IT PERCEIVED N O W ) , A N D W H AT HOW HAS SOCIAL WOULD YOU ATTRIBUTE MEDIA IMPACTED THE IT TO? PERCEPTION OF SEX, One major shift during AND HOW HAS IT IMthis time occurred after PACTED RELATIONSHIPS the HIV/AIDS epidemic AND THE STRENGTH/ in the 1980s, which put a T Y P E O F T H O S E halt to the “free love� ethos RELATIONSHIPS? o f t h e 6 0 s / 7 0 s. P e o p l e One major change has were scared of sex (again). been the introduction of However, fast for ward a these YouTubers and their H O W D I D T H I S I M - few decades, and we are sex education channels PA C T H O W S E X A N D in a time where LGBTQ (for example, Laci Green). SEXUAL INTIMACY WAS r i g h t s h a v e b e c o m e a Now kids, teens and adults
HOROSCOPE By Eugenia Last
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MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2019 ASTROGRAPH by Eugenia Last
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ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Show everyone what you’ve got going for you. A presentation will lead to suggestions, connections and a chance to bring about a positive lifestyle change. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Make choices for the right reasons. If you stretch your budget or make promises you cannot keep, you will experience setbacks. Stick to what you know and do best.
Previous Solution
Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Clear up unfinished business. Put your responsibilities before someone else’s requests or demands. Practicing a moderate lifestyle will help you avoid getting into trouble with someone who tends to be excessive. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- It’s OK to be different. If you let your intuition guide you, you will come up with an interesting way to use your skills to help others.
Use your insight, experience and intelligence to choose the path that’s best for you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- If you find out more about your heritage, you will understand how to use your attributes to the fullest. Refuse to let anyone discourage you from striving to enrich your life. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Take an interest in something you’ve never done before, or engage in talks with people who come from different backgrounds. A change will do you good and will hatch innovative ideas and friendships. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Emotional matters should be kept under control. If you let anger take charge, someone will use it against you. Concentrate on personal growth and self-improvement, not on trying to change others. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Take care of domestic matters, home improvements and finding ways to lower your overhead. Get your personal documents in order and adopt a healthy lifestyle if you want to decrease your stress levels.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Share your thoughts and offer help to someone you want to see LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Sometimes succeed. Your input will change the dynamics of a relationship and will you just have to go after what lead to an interesting agreement. you want. Follow your heart and embrace challenges that are meant to teach you and guide you toward PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- A professional change is apparent. If you a better future. connect with a former co-worker, you will be offered information VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You regarding a position that interests have plenty of options. Don’t feel you. Romance is highlighted. pressured to jump into something just because someone else does.
can watch short clips to learn practical information in an informal, relaxed manner. This is a tremendous difference in the way we learn and can also help us to explore questions we may never have asked as teens. Exploring asexuality and LGBTQ identities are accessible topics now with social media. This changes the landscape of our abilities to learn about sex and to feel comfortable about our sexualities. For other questions about healthy relationships, sex or other interactions, please ask a question anonymously using our Google Form. Siandhara Bonnet arahdnais@ou.edu
Universal Crossword Edited by David Steinberg April 15, 2019
ACROSS 1 It’s often mistaken for love 5 Gym set 9 Heron habitat 14 What many wool socks do 15 Original sin garden 16 ___ Gay 17 Actress Reid 18 Puerto ___ 19 Practice piece 20 1981 running film (letters 4-6: 2011 macaw film) 23 Prosciutto, for one 24 Greek N’s 25 Downtown make-out sesh, e.g. 26 Beetle or butterfly 28 “Amen!� 33 1968 roommate film (letters 9-10: 2009 balloon film) 37 Flawless ring? 40 “The Matrix� hero 41 Roll call calls 42 1997 space horror film (letters 5-8: 2011 thunder god film) 47 Suez Canal’s southern end 4/15
48 Chronicles 52 Furry sitcom E.T. 54 Go downhill fast? 55 180 56 Two-film showings, or a hint to this puzzle’s theme 61 “Space Is the Place� bandleader 62 Big laugh 63 Cubs legend Sammy 64 Rose part 65 French Sudan, today 66 Straitlaced 67 Isle such as Bikini 68 “Casablanca� heroine 69 Rational DOWN 1 Chinese nut 2 Jazz fan? 3 Beats it 4 “___ she blows!� 5 Send another way 6 Cleans up, as writing 7 Chest muscles, briefly 8 Be a busybody 9 Hybrid on the range 10 Prefix for “perspirant� 11 “It’s ___ lucky day!� 12 Shoppe descriptor
13 OPEC member 21 Creep (along) 22 Bankprotecting org. 27 Short jackets 29 Greg Evans comic strip 30 007, e.g. 31 Drink sold in pints 32 “Absolutely!� 34 “Walking on Thin Ice� singer Yoko 35 “___ Rosenkavalier� 36 “And how!� 37 That sow 38 Blvd. relative 39 Called the shots 43 One often ends up in hot water 44 Campus building
45 Fareed on CNN 46 “Don’t bet ___!� 49 Dawn goddess 50 Uses, as a hammock 51 Halvah ingredient 53 1938 Physics Nobelist Enrico 54 Elite Navy group 56 Song such as “Shallow� 57 Not deceived by 58 Russia’s ___ Mountains 59 Filly or colt 60 FedEx rival 61 Couples massage site
4/14 4/8
Š 2019 Andrews McMeel Universal Š 2019 Andrews McMeel Universal www.upuzzles.com www.upuzzles.com
Picture in Picture by Paul Coulter
April 15-21, 2019 •
George Stoia, sports editor dailysports@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-3666 oudaily.com/sports • Twitter: @OUDailySports
Freshman wide receiver Theo Wease celebrates a touchdown with freshman wide receiver Trejan Bridges during the spring game April 12.
Receivers shine at spring game New, seasoned receivers compete in front of 50,000 CALEB MCCOURRY @CalebMac21
In Oklahoma’s spring game, the receivers’ highlights shined as bright as the Friday night lights. On the first drive, reds h i r t f re s h m a n Ta n n e r Mordecai threw the bal; behind redshirt senior Lee Morris, but it didn’t matter. Morris reached back and caught it with his right hand, and ran down the sideline 58 yards to open
up the scoring for the night. Morris finished the game with 79 yards and three catches. On top of Morris’ highlight, more big plays were made by him and the phenom freshman wide receivers Theo Wease, Jadon Haselwood, Austin Stogner and Trejan Bridges after months of anticipation. “I thought the receivers stepped up and made some competitive plays after the catch,” head coach Lincoln Riley said. Wease was found by redshirt junior quarterback Tanner Schafer twice in the end zone. The freshman receiver, along with the two
touchdowns, finished with 68 receiving yards on three catches. Transfer quar terback Jalen Hurts under-threw Bridges, who was about 30 yards away and almost inside the end zone. Redshirt senior cornerback Robert Charlton had his hands all over Bridges, but Bridges was unfazed. All he had to do was turn around and place his body where the ball was going. He caught it just shy of the touchdown after drawing the pass interference. Bridges finished the night with three catches and 76 yards. Hurts connected with Stogner nicely Friday
night. Stogner finished with three catches and 41 yards. Haselwood was having trouble with junior corner back Tre Brown for the first half of the game, but finished the game finding his rhythm, and finished the night with 18 receiving yards. “All four of those (freshman receivers) are good players,” Riley said. “You could tell that the moment, especially tonight, wasn’t too big for them, so they got out there and made some competitive plays. Trejan kind of started off the night and made a couple nice plays. Stogner did. Then Haselwood had some nice
(catches). Obviously Theo had a couple nice plays at the end.” Redshirt freshman wide receiver Jaquayln Crawford — after spending last season on the sideline with just one appearance — finished the game w ith six catches and 44 yards. Although not the flashiest of the night, the redshirt freshman made an impression on Riley. “I was proud of Jaquayln Crawford,” Riley said. “He’s one of those guys who kind of raised his game when the (White team) came on. I thought he had a really nice game as well.” Under the lights, Hurts,
who finished the night with 174 passing yards and two touchdowns — one passing and one rushing — got to try out his new receiving arsenal in front of a crowd of over 50,000 people. “We got a lot of good guys, a lot of guys that can make plays,” Hurts said. “The biggest thing is letting them play. Really the offense is all nice. It’s about getting the ball in the playmakers’ hands.” Caleb McCourry
Defense sees results despite missing starters Grinch emphasizes turnovers with new defensive strategy TARIK MASRI
The Oklahoma defense had a very difficult chall e ng e h e a d i ng i nt o t h e spring game. Facing one of the country’s top offenses from a year ago while missing several key starters is never easy. Oklahoma defensive coordinator Alex Grinch’s scheme emphasizes playing fast and creating
turnovers, two things the Sooners struggled with last season. Just a few months after the 2018-19 season, the defense is already changing. “Yeah, I’ve seen results,” said junior corner back Tre Brown, who finished with two tackles for the Red team. “Tonight was one of them — you know, we showed it when we went out there in front of the fans. Defensive-wise, everybody got their hands on the ball. Im pretty sure ever y DB that went out there got their hands on the ball, made a couple plays — that’s a lot different from
last year.” When asked about the defense, Oklahoma coach Lincoln Riley was happy with the team’s ability to rush the pass but acknowledged that they were hardly at full strength. Riley said that a physical practice on Tuesday led to three defensive backs being sidelined with injuries. Riley went on to say that he’s been happy with the defense’s ability to create turnovers this spring. “We’ve had quite a few (turnovers). You see the emphasis taking hold — you really do,” Riley said. “We got our hands on a lot
of balls, we had the interception, we had the fumble there at the end. So, for a half of football it was fairly active on that point — really another two or three of those tipped balls could’ve easily been picked, and with our top cats in there, they might be.” The play of the day for the defens e came from redshirt sophomore safety Justin Broiles. In the first half, Broiles intercepted redshirt freshman Tanner Mordecai’s pass and nearly returned it for a touchdown that was called back. “Turnovers have been emphasized heavily
around here,” Broiles said. “If you ain’t stripping at that ball, it’s an issue. If you ain’t getting turnovers it’s an issue. (Grinch is) going to let us know that it’s not okay to call it a good practice without a turnover.” While the spring game is viewed by some as nothing more than a glorified practice, the Sooners are seeing it as taking another step forward. With defensive starters from last year sitting out such as junior defensive back Tre Norwood and redshirt senior defensive lineman Kenneth Mann, the team that took the field on Friday still
has the ability to get even better. “We were ready to play, we treated this like it was a game. We put our practice to play,” Brown said. “It seems like all of its playing out — what (coach Grinch) was talking about, the way we were being taught and everything. It’s going to be a real good season for us defense-wise.” Tarik Masri
Junior corner back Tre Brown holds up horns down after the spring game April 12.
• April 15-21, 2019
Hurts shows out in spring game
Sooner fans finally able to see transfer quarterback’s skill VIC REYNOLDS @vicareynolds
The spring game finally gave Sooner fans what they have been waiting to see since January — transfer quarterback Jalen Hurts playing in an Oklahoma jersey. And he did not disappoint. It didn’t take long for the Alabama transfer to impress. On his first play, he rolled out to the right and hit senior receiver Nick B a s q u i n e o n a 3 3 - y a rd pass. Hurts capped off that drive with a 6-yard touchdown pass to redshirt sophomore running back Kennedy Brooks. He finished the game with an 11-of 14 completion rate, 176 yards in the air and two total touchdowns. Hurts has the potential to take the Sooners to the same heights that former Heisman Trophy winners Baker Mayfield and Kyler Murray did, and the fans were thrilled to see his potential in the spring game. But for those in the Oklahoma locker room, Hurts’ performance was expected. They have been seeing the poised, experienced and talented quarterback that he has been all offseason. “Jalen’s a competitor. He’s going to go at you and he’s going to tell you he’s going to go at you,” junior cornerback Tre Brown said. “He really stepped up in the spring game … We weren’t surprised by what he did tonight because we knew
he could do that.” Oklahoma coach Lincoln Riley echoed Brown’s sentiments. Riley’s offense is difficult to pick up on, especially in Hurts’ situation because he’s so new to the program. But Hurts seemed very comfortable both in the pocket and when scrambling. “I thought he handled it well,” Riley said. “He made some nice plays in some scramble situations and he made some good decisions in the pocket. He got settled in quickly and felt settled in the whole time. He gave some guys some chances to make some competitive plays … I thought he did a nice job.” While the spring game u l t i mate ly i s n o t mu ch more than a scrimmage, Hurts didn’t step on the field to take it lightly. 2019 will be his last season in college football, and he came to Oklahoma to capitalize on his final opportunity as a college player. “Any opportunity I get to step on the field is a big deal. I love the game. I’ve been playing my whole life, so any time I get the chance to step on the green, I’m going to try and take advantage of it,” Hurts said. “They always say the moment you stop getting those butterflies or those feelings before a game or about a game, you should stop playing. That time ain’t coming any time soon.” In coming to Oklahoma, Hurts had to enroll in a different school, move to a different state and learn and adapt to a new football culture. That type of change can be difficult for anyone to deal with, but Hurts had no problem instantly gelling with the rest
Senior quarterback Jalen Hurts runs with the ball during the spring game April 12.
of the team. “The first day he fit right in. We listened to what he had to say,” Brown said. “He’s been part of Alabama and what they’ve got going on over there. He’s a leader and they build leaders (at Alabama). It hasn’t been tough at all for him.” Hu r t s b r i n g s c e r t a i n qualities that few players can bring to a team. In his time at Alabama, he went 26-2 as a starter, won the SEC Offensive Player of the Year as a sophomore and led the team to two College Football Playoff
appearances as a starter. This level of experience is something that Oklahoma simply couldn’t find in any other quarterback who was on the transfer market. Hurts’ experience instantly made him one of the leaders of the team. “He definitely walks in with leadership credibility,” redshirt junior lineman Erik Swenson said. “Guys just kind of levitate to what he has to say. It’s kind of impressive, honestly, just the magnitude of his leadership skills that he can just come in and meet some
of the guys in less than 20 minutes and they’re already listening to him.” G oing for ward, Hurts is still not satisfied. His coaches and teammates often describe him as a relentless competitor, and t hat c o m p e t i t i v e s p i r i t drives him to keep pushing. He came here with a goal — to win a national championship — and he and the Sooners won’t rest until they hoist the trophy in New Orleans, the site of the 2020 championship game, next January. “I think comfort will
continue coming with time,” Hurts said. “On the outside looking in, I probably do look (comfortable here), but there’s always more, there’s always more that I can do. There’s always more we can push each other to do and there’s always more that we can accomplish.” Vic Reynolds
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Way of the Cross to be prayed across campus on Good Friday On Friday, April 19th Good Friday - members of St. Thomas More University Parish, University Lutheran Church, St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church and others will pray the Way of the Cross on the University of Oklahoma’s Norman campus. Participants will begin at St. Thomas More, Jenkins and Stinson Streets, two blocks south of Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, at 3:00 p.m. People can join the procession of the cross at any time as it progresses across campus. This is the 21st year that members of St. Thomas More have led the Way of the Cross on the OU campus on Good Friday. Praying the Stations of the Cross alone or with a group is a Lenten tradition that can be traced back to the 1100s. Roman Catholics and other high church denominations visit
fourteen stations, usually located in a church or along a path, each station representing an incident or encounter that Christ made on his way to Calvary and continuing through his death and burial. On Good Friday, participants in the Way of the Cross on the OU campus stop and pray at various University locations. A map of the route is available from St. Thomas More’s parish office and online at stm-ou.org (under the “Faith Forma-
tion” tab). Prayer guides will be distributed at St. Thomas More University Parish at the start of the procession. The same Stations of the Cross prayers that are said by Pope Francis at the Vatican on Good Friday will be used. “The Way of the Cross receives great support from throughout the Christian community,” said Father Jim Goins, pastor at St. Thomas More. “We hope all Catholics in the Norman
area as well as members of other faith communities know they are invited and welcome to join us.”
For more information, call St. Thomas More University Parish at (405) 321-0990 or visit stm-ou.org.