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What’s next for America?

beat the stress with finales

See our two-page spread reflecting on the death of Osama bin Laden and his place in the U.S. consciousness over past decade

The cast of popular TV shows such as 30 Rock, shown right, gear up for season’s end as students gear up for finals

The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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bin Laden’s death opens doors American intelligence benefits from al-Qaida leader’s killing, boren says KATHLEEN EVANS The Oklahoma Daily

The death of Osama bin Laden has demonstrated the ability of American leaders and is beneficial to our national goal of ending

terrorism, OU officials said Monday. Many groups deserve credit for the achievement of a goal many years in the making, OU President David Boren said in a statement. President Barack Obama acted decisively, Boren said in the statement. “The special operations forces performed with great heroism and precision,” Boren said. “The intelligence community worked tirelessly

and effectively.” The credit for bin Laden’s death will go to Obama because of his changes to U.S. strategy in the Middle East, Joshua Landis said, director of the OU Center for Middle East Studies. “His focus on policing actions has paid off,” SEE BOREN PAGE 2


Grant funds vaccine video video by nursing school attempts to quell rumors that shots cause autism

STUdenTS CHeer For bin LAden’S deMiSe


The Oklahoma Daily

OU’s College of Nursing has developed an educational video to refute claims about the negative effects of immunizations. The video is intended to dispel rumors about immunizations and provide students with up-to-date information on the subject, said Sheryl Buckner, coprincipal investigator of the program. There has been a decrease in immunization rates in the past few years because of a belief that immunizations cause autism, Buckner said. The video was produced using money provided through a twoyear, $300,000 Nursing Initiative Promoting Immunization Training federal grant, Buckner said. “The [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] had loads of information about immunizations on their website, but it really had little organization to it, Buckner said. “I was convinced we could make the immunization material on the CDC website come alive in an engaging manner on our website.” Using Adobe Flash and the Suddenly Smart platform, a training module was set up for students to learn about diseases, immunity and the potential impact of immunizations, Buckner ALEX EWALD/THE DAILY

Students Michael Kahle, left, David Gagne, Tim Supinie, Tim Marquis, Steve Sichterman, Stephen Jones and Ashton Robinson Cook cheer with the American flag after hearing about Osama bin Laden’s death Sunday night on the North Oval. Pres. Obama announced Sunday that Osama bin Laden was killed in a special operation by U.S. forces in Pakistan.

Petroleum engineers to take Amazon trip University to sponsor 12-day summer study-abroad course in Columbia DIONNE BUXTON

The Oklahoma Daily

An OU college will sponsor a 12-day study abroad course in the Colombian Amazon this summer. Mewbourne College of Earth & Energy petroleum engineering majors will travel to Colombia from July 18 to 30, and the course will provide information on applied reservoir engineering and advances in enhanced oil recovery techniques, according to a press release. The three-credit course will be

taught in English by OU petroleum engineering professor Yucel Akkutlu and Colombian National University petroleum engineering professor and OU alumna Dora Restrepo, according to the press release. Students interested in participating in the course can still sign up to participate, said Yoana Walschap, Mewbourne professor and Energy Institute of the Americas director. “We are going to provide a travel scholarship to most of the students,” Walschap said. “Right now I have only five students, and would like to have a few more enrolled.” Students who travel to Colombia will perform field work on the local environment and study

the indigenous communities, Walschap said. “I think that our students will learn more than simply the content of the course with this experience, but also will witness firsthand the local environment, the beauty of the area, a different culture and will appreciate more this world’s treasure and help to maintain it for future generations,” Walschap said. The trip and course are unique opportunities for petroleum engineering students to take what they learn in the classroom to the field, Walschap said. Students majoring in petroleum engineering have very few opportunities to study abroad at OU, Walschap said.

How to apply for the course 1. Course prerequisites: Petroleum Engineering 3413, 3513, 3723, 3813 2. Acquire an application from Yaona Walschap’s office, Sarkeys Energy Center 1414 3. Provide with the application: » Statement of purpose » Letter of recommendation » Copy of student passport — Source: Yoana Walschap, Energy Institute of the Americas director


OU to close seven classrooms for technology update renovations will bring up-to-date technology to more oU classrooms SARA GROOVER

The Oklahoma Daily

Several classrooms will undergo major renovations as the university updates them with newer technologies, a university official said. Renovations will close seven classrooms in the Physical Sciences Center and Felgar and Copeland halls this summer through spring

A LooK AT WHAT’S on Visit the news section to read about four students who received fellowships for summer internships

2012, said Breck Turkington, director of enrollment services and academic records. OU seeks to update and install new technology — such as projectors or computer systems where necessary in all of the classrooms, Turkington said. Room 201 of the Physical Sciences Center will undergo renovations to install new seating, lighting and to raise the stage, Turkington said. Due to construction noise, two adjacent rooms will not be available for scheduling through at least the fall, Turkington said. The

THe oKLAHoMA dAiLY VOL. 96, NO. 145 © 2011 OU Publications Board

renovations will be countered by the opening of five centrally operating classrooms in Gould and Zarrow halls. Several departments located in Dale Hall Tower will be relocated while tower renovations are made during the next year. Only two small classrooms will be affected by these renovations, Turkington said. “That is what this renovations’ committee is set on doing,” Turkington said. “We are getting very close to having very little classrooms without up-to-date technology.”

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boren recommends College of Medicine dean as HSC provost A new Health Sciences Center provost and senior vice president will be named July 1 to succeed current Joe Ferretti. Dr. Dewayne Andrews has been recommended for the position by OU President David Boren in addition to his current role as executive dean of OU College of Medicine. His appointment is contingent upon approval by the OU Board of Regents. Andrews has served as the executive dean since 2002 and is also on the hospital staff of OU Medical Center. Andrews was selected because of his outstanding leadership at the HSC and the College of Medicine, Boren said. “After a broad consultation to assure a smooth transition and continued forward momentum, I have decided to recommend the appointment of Dr. Andrews to succeed Dr. Joe Ferretti as provost,” Boren said. Andrews received his bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, and his medical degree from the OU College of Medicine. He completed his postdoctoral training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the HSC, after joining the faculty in 1977 as assistant professor. — Hillary McLain/The daily


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