The Oklahoma Daily

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10 study-friendly tunes to hear

Kruger sits down with The Daily

Daily columnists put together a list of music students should listen to help keep them focused and their mind on track during finals week.

Men’s basketball coach Lon Kruger (shown right) talks about developing a better relationship between students and the program.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Boren invites students to discuss possible tuition increase with him President asks to receive opinions, concerns before making decision CARMEN FORMAN The Oklahoma Daily

David Boren

OU President David Boren will host an informal discussion with students today to explore potential tuition increases for the next academic year. Boren wants to hear student concerns before

making the choice to raise tuition, university spokesman Chris Shilling said. Students will be able to ask Boren questions about tuition and fees, Shilling said. “The environment will be very informal, and Boren will give his outlook about next year’s tuition,” Shilling said. Boren is likely to discuss how much students will have to pay if SEE TUITION PAGE 2

If you go WHAT: Open discussion WHEN: 3 p.m. today WHERE: Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Beaird Lounge

Fair extends sign-up deadline More student organizations have registered for fair compared to last year ALEX EWALD

The Oklahoma Daily

The registration deadline for Howdy Week’s Involvement Fair has been extended until the end of the summer, and student organizations have responded by increasing their participation in the event. The deadline was extended indefinitely because the original Friday deadline coincided with student preparation for final exams, said Joe Sangirardi, fair coordinator and letters sophomore. Fair administrators wanted



Music festival collects no profit Norman Music Festival 4 saw more attendees, fewer profits PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY REINA LYONS/THE DAILY

Students should avoid excessive caffeine use and practice effective study habits this week, said Heather Kirkes, Huston Huffman Center spokeswoman.

How to survive end of semester Students should avoid quick Campus energy-boosters, expert says to cater to Healthy diet, sleep and exercise more beneficial means of staying focused KATHLEEN EVANS The Oklahoma Daily


affeine and other energy-boosting drugs are not as beneficial as they may seem for students looking to keep up with end-of-semester demands, OU health professionals said. Although caffeine may provide a quick energy boost, in time it will cause a crash that is not beneficial to students’ energy levels or ability to study, said Heather Kirkes, Huston Huffman Center fitness and outreach coordinator. “You don’t feel rested or get a good sleep after drinking caffeine,” Kirkes said. “It makes you feel drained afterwards.” Instead, students should focus on eating a balanced diet throughout the day, and drink plenty of water to feel regenerated, Kirkes said. Tea is also a healthier alternative to coffee and contains reduced amounts of caffeine, Kirkes said. Other stimulants, such as the prescription drug Adderall, may also appear to be beneficial in boosting energy but can cause feelings of panic, blurred vision, sleep problems and seizures when used long-term or in high doses, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information website.

A LOOK AT WHAT’S ON Visit the news section to read about the OU Society of Portuguese Speakers night of dances, cuisine and music Saturday

The brain needs fuel to concentrate and focus, preferably in the form of blood sugars, OU Health Services dietitian Patti Landers said. However, this does not include junk food or foods full of processed sugars. Students should complement sugars with proteins and healthy fats such as milk, eggs, cheese, fish, peanut butter, olive oil and nuts, Landers said. “Do not go longer than four or five hours during the day without eating,” Landers said. “Signs of physical hunger include stomach growling, feeling weak or dizzy and inattention or inability to concentrate.” Exercise breaks are also one of the best things for students hoping to boost their energy during finals, Kirkes said. “Exercise keeps your metabolism strong and steady,” Kirkes said. “Students should try to stay active on a daily basis. Plus, exercise can be good for stress relief.” Even if students do not want to take the time to go to the gym, something as quick as a short walk around the house or some stretches can be beneficial, OU Health Services spokeswoman Maggie Pool said. “This will help increase energy levels and will also give your eyes a rest from staring at a book or computer for long periods of time,” Pool said. Finally, students should get plenty of good rest, which caffeine will inhibit, Pool said. Lack of sleep and energy affects concentration and focus.

THE OKLAHOMA DAILY VOL. 96, NO. 146 © 2011 OU Publications Board

finals needs Multiple locations, organizations on campus alter hours, offer special events at end of semester CARMEN FORMAN The Oklahoma Daily

Students in need of a final push before the end of the semester can take advantage of special events and increased hours of operation in certain campus buildings during finals week. Bizzell Memorial Library will be open 24/7 during dead and finals weeks, and students can also reserve group study rooms, library spokeswoman Sarah Robbins said. A number of locations on campus, including the library, the Oklahoma Memorial Union and Wagner Hall are good areas to study, depending on the comfort level of the student, Robbins said. “We do try to maintain an environment conducive to studying, especially during finals week,” Robbins said regarding the library’s finals week policies. “The second and third floors are designated quiet floors, so we probably police those a little heavier than SEE FINALS PAGE 2

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CARMEN FORMAN The Oklahoma Daily

Norman Music Festival administrators received fewer donations from attendees and sold less merchandise than in previous years, however, after all forms of revenue are counted the event will likely break even. Festival administrators had hoped to set aside money earned from the fourth-annual festival for next year, but that may not end up being the case, festival chairman Robert Ruiz said. “The decrease in donations was probably because in the past we had people collecting donations at every entrance, while this year the people collecting donations were roaming around,” Ruiz said. Roughly 50,000 people attended this year’s festival in contrast to about 38,000 last year, Ruiz said. There were 3,500 people in attendance Thursday, and that number grew to 10,000 and 35,000 Friday and Saturday, respectively, Ruiz said. The festival’s administrative committee hired a crew to clean up the mess created by the festival, Ruiz said. The crew worked after events came to a close each night and throughout the day on Friday and Saturday, Ruiz said. “We wanted people to come down Main Street the next day and not be able to tell a music festival happened,” Ruiz said. After the festival concluded Saturday, the administrative committee performed a quality-control sweep of the festival grounds Sunday to ensure they were clean, Ruiz said. “I see no reason we would condense the festival when it went so well this year,” Ruiz said.


75°| 53° Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, high of 77 degrees

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