Campus: Is gender-neutral housing still on students’ minds? (Page 2)
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L&A: Start your vinyl record collection today with these tips. (Page 7)
How does flat-rate tuition affect you?
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Name: Blake Armstrong
Name: Peggy Sabatini
Name: Changing Chen
Name: Jozette Massiah
Year: senior
Year: senior
Year: graduate student
Year: senior
Major: business administration
Major: advertising
Major: petroleum engineering
Major: public relations
I think it will affect more people negatively. I know a lot more people that take 12 hours and not many that take more than 15 … It could also be motivation for people to study more and enroll in 15 hours.”
I’ve never wanted or needed to take more than 12 to 15 hours … I also work a lot during the year and pay for part of my education, who has time to take advantage [of the new plan]?”
It’s not reasonable. If you’re only in 12 hours why do you need to pay for 15? But It could push people to study and enroll in more hours.”
I like it! I’m enrolled in a lot of hours, so it helps me … But I can see why some wouldn’t like it. It has it’s advantages and disadvantages.”
The flat-rate tuition initiative means fulltime students will pay for 15 credit hours per semester. (Page 4-5)