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Union to add new eatery, market in the spring Students left with fewer choices, longer lines RACHEL MONTGOMERY Campus Reporter
Lines for Oklahoma Memorial Union restaurants twisted through seating areas and stretched into walkways, with some students front to back, unsure of where the lines were leading. While the union is always busy around meal times, this semester it seems to have gotten worse, or so say some students who frequent the union in this flux semester during the construction of a new union eatery.
The new dining option, known as the Union Market, will open in the Oklahoma Memorial Union this spring, but some Sooners are missing their old options because of longer lines and lack of selection in the food court. The new eatery and grocery store will open in early January, said Amy Buchanan, Housing and Food spokeswoman, and will take the place of Wendy’s, which left the union in December. With Wendy’s gone, the only restaurant options in the union now are Chick-fil-A, Crossroads Restaurant, The Laughing Tomato, Wong Key, Quiznos Subs and Sbarro.
Criminology junior Marla Bailey said she’s noticed longer lines at all these restaurants with Wendy’s absence. As well, Bailey said while lines are longer, she thinks less people are eating at the Union because there aren’t as many options. While the new option will include a salad bar, soups, bread, fresh fruit and snacks, some Sooners are missing the options offered by Wendy’s. “I will say people were disappointed when Wendy’s closed because it had a lot of choices,” said Cornelia Lambert, adjunct instructor in freshman
Kelsey Robinson, Quiznos employee helps Brandy Asberry, psycholSEE CHANGE PAGE 3 ogy senior with her order in the Oklahoma Memorial Union.
Sooners devour watermelon at eating contest on Walker-Adams Mall
Clubs meet and greet Involvement Fair offers clubs to join BENNETT HALL Campus Reporter
Top: Students participate in a watermelon eating contest Wednesday afternoon in the Walker-Adams Mall. Left: Lydia George, chemical engineering sophomore, smiles after her win at the contest. Lydia ate 22 slices of watermelon to win the girl’s contest. Below: Students participate in a watermelon eating contest Wednesday afternoon in the Walker-Adams Mall.
Howdy Week’s midweek festivities introduced freshmen and other students to the many clubs and organizations available on campus Wednesday on the South Oval. The fall Involvement Fair booths showcased many of the over 400 active, registered student organizations to crowds of students looking for their first experience in a campus organization, as well as upperclassmen wanting to take part in another club. World Literature Today, Pre-dental Club, Arashi Taiko drum club, Integrity Council, Christians on Campus and the Sooner Curling Club were just a few of the organizations that offered pamphlets, presentations and conversation about what involvement opportunities their club has to offer students. Although it is only his third day on the OU campus, University College freshman Jeremy Williams already had his interest piqued by a few clubs present at the fair. As an aspiring engineer, Williams said he plans to get involved in one of the engineering teams, particularly the newly-created rocket team. SEE FAIR PAGE 2
VOL. 98, NO. 03 © 2013 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25¢
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Opinion: Red Cross policies on gay men’s rights to donate should be addressed (Page 4)
L&A: Check out our beer review column for a tip on what to buy on your next trip to the liquor store (Page 7)