Tuesday, August 27, 2013

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The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

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Summer flood damage to Gould Hall repaired No classes disrupted due to late-July flood, repairs cost university about $85k COURTNEY WOLTJEN Campus Reporter

Gould Hall is good as new after summer rains flooded the building’s basement with up to 3 inches of standing water, costing the university approximately $85,000 to clear and repair water damage. After heavy rain caused the College of Architecture’s building to flood on July 19, repairs performed by OU’s Facilities Management and Flintco Construction lasted less than a week and ended up costing about $85,000, although all the invoices are not in yet, said Facilities Management director Brian Ellis. To clear the water, hundreds of humidifiers were brought

into the basement, as well as fans and vacuums, said College of Architecture dean Richard Ryan. Due to water soaking through the walls as far as the insulation, extensive repairs had to also be made to the walls of the basement. “It took about four days of 200-plus humidifiers and vacuuming and everything to get what I would call the main part of the moisture out of there,” Ryan said. “ They had fans going everywhere. I mean it was a monstrous effort.” The flood is believed to be caused by the heavy rain flooding nearby streets with drainage issues, Ryan said. He said he hopes nearby construction on the east side of the Van Fleet Oval will address the capacity issue for the storm sewers to ensure no flooding will occur in the future. No classes were disrupted due to the damages, Ryan said. JOSH VASCIL/THE DAILY The computer labs in the basement were miraculously one Gould Hall has been cleaned up after being flooded with 2 to 3 inches of the only areas spared. of water on July 19.



Two students pass time by singing between classes

Offensive lineman arrested Monday night An OU offensive lineman was arrested on Monday after breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s home and threating to kill another man. The senior was charged in Cleveland County court with one count of assault and battery, one count of domestic abuse and one count of first-degree burglary. Jake Reed is suspended from both the team and the university while he is being investigated, according to OU athletics spokesman, Pete Moris. Reed was second on the depth chart behind senior Tyrus Thompson. Julia Nelson Sports Editor


Judge stops student petition Stipek sues for parking records PAIGHTEN HARKINS

Assistant Campus Editor

Editor’s Note: Joey Stipek is a special projects reporter for The Daily. Nick Harrison was a reporter in 2011. JACQUELINE EBY/THE DAILY

Whitaker Henson (left), mechanical engineering senior, and Avery Lair, petroleum engineering junior, sit at the north end of the south oval and sing worship music on Monday.

An OU student journalist will refile his case against the university after the judge decided Monday to dismiss the petition, saying the plaintiffs named the wrong defendants. Joey Stipek, film and media studies senior, went to a summary judgment hearing today for a lawsuit he filed against OU president David Boren and Rachel McCombs, former Open Records Office director. SEE LAWSUIT PAGE 2

L&A: Ben Rector’s newest album is good but safe and expected. See our review. (Page 6)

Sports: Five things Sooner soccer fans should look out for this season. (Page 5)

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