L&A: ‘The Great Gatsby’ is coming to the Oklahoma Memorial Union. Read our review here. (Page 10) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
2 012 S I LV E R C R O W N W I N N E R
F R I Da Y, au G u s T 3 0 , 2 013
City Of nOrman
Fans advised to seek other routes to avoid traffic
City ordinances are not friendly toward students
sooners can expect delays, changes during game days KAITLYN UNDERWOOD Campus reporter
Sooner football fans should be prepared for some traffic delays and policy changes at Gaylord-Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium for the first home game Saturday. Both the Norman Police Department and the OU Athletics Department are advising fans traveling to Norman on game day to add extra travel time to their plans because of construction on Interstate-35. Fans are encouraged to seek alternate routes to avoid the I-35 corridor in Norman entirely. Southbound travelers should exit no further south than Exit 113 or Exit 112, Tecumseh Road, according to
a Norman Police Department press release. Northbound travelers should use Highway 9 or Lindsey Street, according to the press release. Norman Police and City of Norman Traffic Management have developed alternate routes for southbound traffic from these two exits to get to the stadium, according to the press release. The police department and OU Athletics Department also have provided maps tracking the possible alternate routes, which can be accessed on soonersports.com Officers will provide traffic control assistance beginning three hours prior to kickoff, but fans are urged to arrive earlier to avoid traffic congestion, according to the press release. There also are policy changes regarding what is and isn’t allowed in the stadium, said Pete Moris, assistant
athletics director for communications. Among the allowed personal items are women’s purses, but they must be smaller than 10 by 10 inches, Moris said. Clear water bottles also are permitted but they must be empty, he said. Other allowable items include approved medical devices and family care items, such as diapers and baby formula, Moris said. Items no longer allowed in the stadium include any and all types of backpacks, seat cushions or chair backs and merchandise bags, Moris said. Fans not bringing items into the stadium are encouraged to take advantage of the various express lanes available, Moris said. There also will be seat cushions and chair backs available to rent at the sooner seat customer service booth, he said.
sOOners at tHe HUff
Students jog, shoot baskets and sign up
Nuisance policy doesn’t allow more than 3 unrelated people to live together KAITLYN UNDERWOOD Campus Reporter
Five nuisance parties were reported to the Norman Police Department over the past year, three of which resulted in arrests and citations, according to the Norman Police Department Crime Analysis Unit. Citations for nuisance parties can be a serious offense, because racking up three nuisance party citations within a year can result in a residence being declared a “nuisance property” by the city of Norman. Known as the nuisance house policy, it falls under Chapter 10, Article II, Section 10-203.1 of Norman’s Code of Ordinances. If a house is declared a nuisance property, the city may shut off the home’s utilities, including the water supply, making the dwelling legally “Really, it was uninhabitable. pretty much In order to receive a nuisance designed to party citation, the gathering must violate three areas of the city’s be for singleCode of Ordinances. Those areas family areas.” include 24 possible offenses, ranging from noise violations to public lINDa PRICE, intoxication to furnishing alcohol REVITalIZaTION to a minor to assault. Having a nui- MaNaGER FOR CITY OF NORMaN sance party in Norman is a criminal misdemeanor. OU housing, such as the dorms, is excluded from the nuisance house policy, but fraternity and sorority houses are not explicitly precluded from the ordinance. “Really, it was pretty much designed to be for single-family areas,” said Linda Price, revitalization manager for City of Norman. No homes have been declared nuisance properties due to multiple nuisance parties since the law’s adoption in 2005, Price said. However, in February 2013 the City of Norman see POLICY paGe 2
Student groups dig into public policy Controversial topics like the economy and healthcare are on the agenda MAX JANERKA
Campus Reporter
Top: Students run the track in the Huston Huffman Complex during the CaC Howdy Week Night at the Huff event. above: Students compete against one another during the CaC Howdy Week Night at the Huff event in the Huston Huffman Complex. Left: a line of students sign up for different events during the CaC Howdy Week Night at the Huff.
Sports: Tyrus Thompson looks to add to the left tackle legacy at OU. (Page 8)
Honors students created a set of discussion groups focused on public policy and economics that will start meeting this semester. The discussion groups will operate similarly to the reading groups held in the Joe C. and Carole Kerr McClendon Honors College, said Cooper Lund, economics junior and co-founder of the group. Each group will be made up of 10 to 12 students and two student moderators, meeting every week for about an hour, Lund said. Also, each discussion group will have a specific topic, such as healthcare, to develop over multiple meetings, said COOper Andy Stewart, letters sophomore and LUnD co-founder. However, this setup would not limit the group to that particular topic but would instead give them somewhere to start, Lund said. Lund, Stewart and their friends came up with the idea last semester while taking The Politics of U.S. Economic
Opinion: Military takes over dictatorship in Egypt and student voices are sparking a revolution. (Page 4)
see GROUPS paGe 3
VOL. 99, NO. 10 © 2013 OU Publications Board FREE — additional copies 25¢
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