Sports: It may be a bye week for Oklahoma, but the football team has been hard at work (Page 6) W W W.O U DA I LY.C O M
The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
2 012 S I LV E R C R O W N W I N N E R
F R I DA Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 0 , 2 013
Unused meal points used for H&F costs Leftover funds used to cover Housing and Food’s remaining overhead budget KAITLYN UNDERWOOD Campus reporter
Sooners left $63,456.01 in unused meal points on university meal plans last year, about $20,000 less than what went unclaimed in 2011-2012, according to Housing and Food Services records. Mo n e y f ro m u nu s e d m ea l p o i nt s g o e s towa rd
covering Housing and Food’s overhead costs, said Dave Annis, Housing and Food director. Housing and Food’s sole source of revenue comes from the money students pay for their meal plans, Annis said. Since Housing and Food generates its own revenue, it doesn’t get any money from OU or from the state. In fact, Annis explained that Housing and Food Services pays utilities to the university, including about $6 million in costs last year. Students prepay for their meal plans each semester, and the cost of a freshman meal plan this year is $1,973 per
semester, Annis said. The prepaid meal plans are loaded onto Sooner OneCards, which also serve as student IDs. The meal plans are priced according to how much it costs Housing and Food to run their operations on both the Norman campus and the OU Health Sciences campus, Annis said. “We price the plan to cover all the overheads, and we try to have a little bit leftover so that we can invest and do new projects, like the new university market that’s going to come see FooD pAGe 2
eNtertaININg tHe Oval
Students participate in blitz ball competitions on South Oval
CArA JoHnson/tHe dAiLy
Above: OU’s leadership & Volunteer team cover the south Oval with red stress balls for “red Ball Blitz” thursday morning. the Oval contained 1,018 balls to symbolize the starting date of their Ball Drive (October 18), asking students to donate newsports balls for the schools in Moore.
JACQueLine eBy/tHe dAiLy
left: Natalie Wallis, marketing junior, drinks pond water through a specialized filtered straw during the Creativity festival on the south Oval, thursday afternoon.
Campus black-out leads to canceled Writing class gears classes, affects one-third of facilities up for travel abroad Power outage caused by safety features in system
Week-long course offered for students who are interested in trip to Puerto Rico
At least one-third of buildings on campus lost power for about 30 minutes during the early afternoon on Thursday, releasing many students from class early. The power outage was caused by a problem with the OG&E system, and as a safety precaution OU’s power was shut down automatically, said Brian Ellis, director of OU’s Facilities Management. Ellis said he didn’t know what caused the problem with OG&E’s system, but he assumed it could’ve been something as simple as a lightning strike. Professors canceled classes because they didn’t want to teach in the dark, and some students got out of a psychology test because of the black-out. “Our professor said ‘no class’ when we walked into the room - and we had a test,” said Mariah Norwood, a Psychology senior.
had power outages in this building before, but never this close to news time.” Drew Farley, a journalism senior and OU Nightly crew chief, said he waited in a pitch black control room
Communicating Culture, a week long study abroad travel writing course, will be holding information sessions next week for students interested in a trip to Puerto Rico in January. At noon on Sept. 24 and 25, and 7:00 p.m. on Sept. “We’ve been doing 26, in Room 3120 of Gaylord this class for a few Hall, students can attend an years now, and information session about student responses Communicating Culture: Travel Writing in Puerto have been very Rico. positive.” Communicating Culture is a week-long course on JOCelyN PeDersON, the origins, motives and GAylOrD COlleGe iNstrUCtOr contexts of travel writing taught by professors Meta G. Carstarphen and Jocelyn Pedersen. The course is worth six credit hours and will be held before regular classes start. “We’ve been doing this class for a few years now, and student responses have been very positive,” said Pedersen. “It’s
see XXXXXX pAGe 2
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Campus reporter
Campus reporter
heATher Brown/The DAilyn
After a brief power outage on thursday, students walk through the rain down the south Oval back to the dorms and other classes.
The OU Nightly team in Gaylord Hall had to cancel Thursday’s show due to the power outage. “We were in a holding pattern for our systems to come back, and when that didn’t happen by 3:30, we called it off,” said Bob Dickey, OU Nightly news director and instructor. “We’ve
L&A: Never been to the ballet? Our columnist tells you what to expect at the Oklahoma Festival Ballet (Page 5)
Opinion: Sign the pledge to never text and drive — no text is worth a fatality (Page 3)
VOL. 99, NO. 24 © 2013 OU Publications Board free — Additional copies 25¢
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