Wednesday, September 4, 2013

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L&A: Have a busy morning? Make these breakfast sandwiches in advance to save time (Page 5) W W W.O U DA I LY.C O M

The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

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W E D N E S DA Y, S E P T E M B E R 4 , 2 013


‘It’s for everyone after me’ Pride members concerned with future of band ARIANNA PICKARD • CAMPUS EDITOR Members of OU’s Pride of Oklahoma marching band were called into President David Boren’s office Tuesday after over a hundred members confronted their director with concerns after their first performance.

Pride’s leadership team and seniors were asked to meet in Boren’s office after addressing their director, Justin Stolarik, on Monday about issues they have with recent changes made to the band, said melophone player Isaac Blaxton.

In the meeting, Boren assured Pride Pride alumnus and Isaac’s father. The list members that any frustrations they felt included the director improving commuafter their performance Saturday were not nication with members and staff, voicing matched by their fans, said Blaxton, botany more detailed feedback about what they’re senior. He told them to give doing wrong in practice and Stolarik time to implement more Pride mem“I’ve been in Pride including the changes he’s made to bers in performances. for four years, the performance. Leaving the meetBlaxton said he doesn’t ing, Isaac described how and the way I felt feel comfortable with the he felt after Saturday’s on Saturday is band’s performance beperformance. cause members are not “I’ve been in Pride for not a feeling I’ve being given proper instrucfour years, and the way I felt ever felt after any on Saturday is not a feeltion or feedback to help performance.” them adapt to the changes. ing I’ve ever felt after any “We’re just being told performance,” he said. “It’s ISAAC BLAXTON, that what we’re doing is just not something that I’m MELOPHONE PLAYER AND good and that we’re just used to — being uncomBOTANY SENIOR going to do it again and fortable in the group with make it better — there’s no what I’m performing.” how to make it better,” he said. Responses to the band’s changes this After Saturday’s performance, Pride year are divided among members. members met and compiled a list of issues to address to Stolarik, said Allen Blaxton, SEE PRIDE PAGE 2


Drum major Logan Stalcup, college of fine arts senior, drags his feet down the field as he leads the Pride of Oklahoma before the game.


Pride members leave President Boren’s office following a meeting regarding their new director Tuesday.


Campus Activities Council hosts open house for students Students interested in joining CAC should attend open house MOLLY EVANS

Assistant Campus Editor

Students interested in getting involved with Campus Activities Council, the event planning branch of OU’s Student Government Association, should attend open house Wednesday. All students can come to meet this year’s event chairs for each committee, which range from University Sing to Film Series to Homecoming, said KatieBeth Gardner, public relations chair. The open house will begin at 7 p.m. in the Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center, Gardner said. The hour-long session will have students breaking into different groups, according to the NADIA J ENCHASSI/THE DAILY committee that interests them, so they learn Ladan Radfar, mechanical engineering junior, gets a coke float on Aug. 21. The floats were more about what goes into planning certain given out for free to encourage students to get to know the Student Life office. events, Gardner said.

Sports: Analyzing Trevor Knight in the new read option offense we saw Saturday night against the Warhawks (Page 6)

Gardner made a connection with the council’s program, Sooner Scandals, an annual Broadwaystyle performance showcase among greek and non-greek student organizations, after attending the open house her freshman year, she said. “This is where people really first come to get involved in CAC,” Gardner said. The open house not only benefits interested students but also event chairs by putting faces to all the CAC applicants through one-on-one interactions, Gardner said. “That chair is not just somebody who sits in an ivory tower,” Gardner said. “It’s somebody who’s [the student’s] friend and somebody to be their contact.” For those who cannot make the open house, applications for the various committees with their corresponding deadlines are available on the CAC website.

Opinion: A call to action: It’s time to find a solution to the parking issues on campus (Page 3)

VOL. 99, NO. 12 © 2013 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25¢

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