VOL. 93, NO. 77 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢
FRIDAY, DEC. 12, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board
UOSA laptop lending program gets upgrade • New MacBook Pros, Dell e-Series available to students for rental CAITLIN HARRISON The Oklahoma Daily
Photo illustration by Amy Frost/The Daily
Students do not have to go far — or pay a thing — if they want to use a new Apple or Dell laptop next semester. UOSA will expand its current rental service with 10 new laptops for students to check out and use. The nine Dell laptops UOSA offered this semester are outdated, so five Apple MacBook Pro and five Dell e-Series laptops will replace them, said Vince Winston, UOSA vice president. The service has been around for nearly two years, but many students still do not know about it, he said.
“The program needs to get revamped because only a small circle of students are using it,” said Winston, public affairs and administration and African American studies senior. “I think that any student who would come to college financially strapped in bad economic times definitely could utilize the laptops.” Sidney Njenga, biomedical sciences senior, said she checks out a laptop about once a week but only heard about the service because she used to work for a student organization near the UOSA office. Winston said he hopes more students will use the new laptops next semester, and he plans to promote the program as much as possible. “The new MacBook is going to be a huge hit,” he said. “So I think that once people start realizing it’s available and it’s out there, students who are not wanting to go to the computer lab or bring a laptop from home will start using them for class or presentations.” The current laptops have basic programs like
Windows XP and Microsoft Office, said Adam Pinkney, Student Organization Resource Office director. He said the new computers will have updated versions of the same types of programs. International students and student organizations use the laptops most often, especially for events such as elections and The Big Event, Pinkney said. Njenga said the rental program’s low popularity could also be because most students already have a laptop, although the service could be helpful to students whose laptops are not working. Students can check out the current laptops from the Student Organization Resource Office for 48 hours at a time, said Pinkney, journalism graduate student. He said that since there is not a high demand for the laptops, the office allows students to check them out as many times as necessary. “There’s probably going to be more of a demand for it [next semester],” he said. “We may have rules for the people that check it
LAPTOP Continues on page 2
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Daily’s Dusty Somers reviews “Milk,” a biopic starring Sean Penn as gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk, and directed by Gus van Sant. “Milk” opens today in Oklahoma. Page 8.
Also, The Daily’s Jonathan McKeeman wants you to dress down for finals week. Read “Fashion Friday.” Page 8.
Merry Christmakwanzukka-al-Adha in December that have nothing to do with sleighs, elves to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, to God, according to the Koran. or “A Christmas Story” marathons. Abraham didn’t kill his son; when God saw the man’s faith and obedience even in the face of extreme sacriEid al-Adha: Dec. 8 fice, he relented and told Abraham not to kill Ishmael, said Masumah Amil, accounting junior. Although it isn’t tied to a date on the Roman calenNATASHA GOODELL Eid is celebrated the day after the period of time dar, the Muslim celebration of Eid al-Adha falls during The Oklahoma Daily set aside for Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that December this year. Eid is marked on the 10th day of the 12th month of draws millions of Muslims from around the world to the anta may get most of the attention during December, at least among good boys and girls and greedy retail- the Islamic lunar calendar. Muslims celebrate it to honor holy city. This year, Hajj began Dec. 6 and lasted until ers, but people have all kinds of reasons for celebrating the sacrifice of the prophet Abraham, who was willing HOLIDAY Continues on page 2
• The Daily breaks down the happy holidays
Economy worries students studying abroad • Travel, homesickness other concerns NATASHA GOODELL The Oklahoma Daily
Photo Provided
Emilie Blanchard, academic affairs senior, sits on the ancient petroglyphs of the Incas during her study abroad in Arica, Chile.
Winter break might mean relaxation for some, but for other students it will mean packing, shipping food and clothes to a new home and deciding on which classes to take in a foreign country. The number of Americans studying abroad has increased 150 percent in the past ten years, according to a study released last month by the Institute of International Education. During the last school year, 241,791 American students studied abroad. The number of foreign trips may be good for international relations, but it can place a strain on stateside relationships and make winter breaks
more complicated. Lauren Miller, Spanish and education sophomore, said she has been doing what she can to prepare for a new semester in Madrid, Spain. “I’m nervous about the classes,” Miller said. “If they call on me and ask for my opinion, I don’t know what I will say.” Miller said she has been preparing for her trip by reading Spanish news Web sites to keep up with what is going on there. Despite her preparation, Miller said she already feels a little homesick. “Whenever I think about not seeing friends and family for six months, it weirds me out,” she said. “But I’m really excited. It seems like it will be more relaxing because you go out and do fun things there.” Miller said she is also looking forward to Spanish
ABROAD Continues on page 2
Kevin Hahn, The Daily’s multimedia editor, writes about his experience in the Huston Huffman’s 40-Day Fitness Challenge. Page 3. Also, log on to to read an updated blog on weight-loss surgery from The Daily’s night editor Amanda Turner, who discusses the language of LAP-BAND and celebrates dropping 25 lbs. in five weeks.
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