VOL. 93, NO.90 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢
FRIDAY, FEB. 6, 2009 © 2009 OU Publications Board
Affordable Energy Bill promotes nuclear energy
LIFE & ARTS Need some ideas for a date? Check out this week’s “Dinner and a movie.” Page 8.
SPORTS The men’s basketball team is No. 2 in the nation and boasts a 22-1 record, the best start in school history. Are they really the second-best college team in the country? The Daily’s James Roth and Colin Curley debate. page 5.
CADIE THOMPSON The Oklahoma Daily
The wrestling team has its final two home matches of the season this weekend and several other teams will be in action as well. See sports for more details. Page 5. Sooner gymnastics senior Chris Brooks placed fourth at the first day of the Winter Cup, a U.S. national reranking competition held Thursday in Las Vegas. Teammate Steven Legendre is in fourth. Competition concludes Saturday.
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framework necessary for companies seeking to build nuclear power plants in the state. Reynolds said he does not have a “hard or fast opinion” when it comes to nuclear energy, but wants to make sure nuclear power is considered an option for Oklahoma’s energy future. “It’s about energy,” he said. “It’s not just about nuclear power, it’s about energy and we need to be discussing it now. I just want to get it on the table.” If Reynolds’s bill, House Bill 1320, becomes law, the Corporation Commission would become the “sole forum” for the implementation of a power plant and the commission would have the right to start investigating nuclear potential in the state. Oklahoma is currently one of 19 states without a commercial nuclear power plant, but its
• Nuclear power touted as a cheap fuel alternative
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Some Oklahoma lawmakers are pushing nuclear power to the forefront of discussion as a viable means of alternative energy for Oklahoma this legislative session. Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, is one of the lawmakers spearheading the campaign for the consideration of nuclear power plants in Oklahoma. Reynolds has introduced the Affordable Energy Bill, which would establish the
history with nuclear energy is somewhat jaded. The death of Karen Silkwood, a Kerr-McGee employee who was killed while on her way to meet with a New York Times reporter to reportedly reveal the company’s violations of safety practices with radioactive material, spurred criticism of nuclear power in the 1970’s. In 1982, the construction of the Black Fox Nuclear Power Plant, which was backed by the Public Service Company of Oklahoma, was stopped after nearly a decade of opposition. There was also an accident at the Gore Kerr-McGee plant in 1986 when an explosion killed one employee and sent more than 80 people to the hospital. The Gore plant closed in 1993. Yet despite Oklahoma’s turbulent past with nuclear energy, Reynolds and other lawmakers are still keeping the doors open
“We have wind and lots of sun already in Oklahoma; we don’t have the resources for nuclear.” Gene Perry, Norman Sustainability Network for nuclear possibilities in the state. Sen. Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa, has introduced the Nuclear Energy Incentive Bill, a bill similar to Reynold’s. Supporters of nuclear energy in Oklahoma might be disappointed because expenses and other issues surrounding the nuclear energy issue are spurring some skepticism.
billion, said James Hewlett, a nuclear industry specialist with the Energy Information Administration. Reynolds said he is concerned about the initial cost of building a power plant, but said if a plant was built, the long term cost efficiency of nuclear energy would be cheaper and Oklahoma would be diversifying its energy resources. Gene Perry, a member of the Norman Sustainability The cost The costs of building a Network, an organization which seeks to educate Oklahomans nuclear power plant are steep and could range from $4 - $8 NUCLEAR Continues on page 2
Getting into grad school
LOW 52° HIGH 71°
• Expert advice for your graduate applications
LOW 55° HIGH 73°
Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab
The graduate school application process can be more intimidating than the under-
graduate admissions process. Knowing what helpful resources are available is the best way to begin applying, and a great place to start is OU Career Services. The office hosts a Graduate and Professional School Fair each fall and helps students polish resumes and cover letters before applying. “There is a lot of help, they just need to figure out who to ask, and that’s where we can help. We can help direct them to those
resources,” said Bette Scott, director off Career Services. Graduate programs generally require stu-d dents to take the GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, for admission, along with a full application and possible interview. For admission to three of the mostt notoriously rigorous graduate programs,, w admission experts for medical schools, law schools and masters of business admin-o istration programs give advice tailored to these schools:
THREEPART SERIES The Daily asked experts in academic and career advising to distill the most valuable advice for students as they approach the biggest decisions of their college careers.
WEDNESDAY Picking a major
THURSDAY Setting a post-graduation plan
TODAY Getting into grad school
Law School
Master o f Business Adminis tration
Medical School
The Test
The Test
The Test
Law School Aptitude Test—preparation for the LSAT is imperative to successful admission into law school. Using prep courses and study guides is strongly encouraged.
Graduate Management Admission Test—the GMAT is required by most business schools, including OU’s Michael F. Price College of Business. Prep courses and study guides help prepare students for the exam, but can get pricey.
Medical College Admission Test—start preparing for the MCAT four months before the scheduled exam with at least four hours of studying per day.
Who Can Apply Anyone—all college graduates may apply.
Who They Want The Well-Rounded College Graduate—good grades and a stand-out LSAT score are essential, but law schools also want to hear applicants’ stories. Strong moral character is essential, and diversity in life experiences is also a crucial component.
Getting In Get the good grades in place, then show your potential by taking undergraduate courses that highlight written and oral communication skills. Your major doesn’t matter as much as the quality of the work you produce. Source: Stanley Evans, OU College of Law associate dean.
Who Can Apply Anyone—students with any major have the potential to do well in an MBA program.
Who They Want Strong communication and critical thinking skills are a must. MBA programs seek students with these vital skills, no matter their undergraduate background.
Getting In When applying for an MBA program, explain exactly why you want an MBA and how you plan to use it in your career. Turning to an MBA program simply because you’re unsure of your future job usually isn’t a good reason to apply. Sources: Gina Amundson, Graduate Programs director at Price College of Business, and Dipankar Ghosh, director of the college’s MBA program.
Who Can Apply Anyone—all majors can apply for medical school if they take the prerequisite science courses and obtain a GPA well above 3.0 during their undergraduate career. Pre-med students should begin taking required science courses the first semester of their freshmen years.
Who They Want The Complete Package—medical schools focus on three main areas when choosing applicants: academics, MCAT scores and experience. Medical schools look for students who excel in class and have extensive experience in medicine, whether it is shadowing a surgeon or volunteering at a nursing home.
Getting In Set the foundation for your acceptance into medical school by earning excellent grades and an incredible MCAT score. Seal the deal with a colorful resume and well-rounded experience. Source: Nancy Blass, Premedical Professions curriculum adviser.