The Oklahoma Daily

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VOL. 93, NO. 36 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢

THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board

Corporation commissioner candidates spar over energy


Sooner scooters




RYAN BRYANT Daily Staff Writer Corporation Commissioner Jim Roth and challenger Dana Murphy debated Wednesday night about energy resources and how they can benefit Oklahoma. Beaird Lounge in the Oklahoma Memorial Union was packed with more than 100 people who came to see the candidates face off. Both Roth and Murphy said it is important to create additional energy sources for the state, and pointed to the economic potential of wind power and natural gas. They disagreed, however, on other topics. Roth emphasized the importance of putting Oklahoma first, while Murphy emphasized the DANA state’s oil and gas industry’s role in MURPHY the U.S. economy. “I’ve been working on your behalf since the governor gave me that opportunity,” he said. “It’s about people, and it’s about JIM the work that we do on behalf of ROTH everyone.” Roth said that he has qualifications and experience that Murphy lacks, and he criticized her stance on clean coal. He said clean coal in Oklahoma is a myth. “Oklahoma’s coal is not considered clean, in fact, its sulfur content is so high, it’s not burned here,” he said. “When someone is talking about the need to expand coal power for our state, that is a job creation opportunity for the state of Wyoming, not for us.” However, Murphy said that she believes all energy options should be on the table, and that includes coal and nuclear energy. “We already have coal-fired power plants, and we need to make sure we’re using those in the best way possible,” she said. “There is no one perfect fuel, they all have issues. We must use what we have.” Murphy also said she intends to restore the notion of what she calls the “Oklahoma dream.” She said all energy sources should be explored if they will ultimately create financial benefits and benefit the country as a whole.

Cotton Bowl Camaraderie With no class Friday, OU-Texas weekend begins early. The Daily concludes its threepart series with a look at the respect players and coaches from both teams have for one another. Page 8.

Preston Kunz, architecture sophomore, stops his Lance 50CC scooter Tuesday afternoon in the Dale Hall parking lot. Kunz, who bought the scooter on eBay for about $500, said it gets about 100 miles per gallon.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT In need of stress release? Art therapy could help — and it’s taught at OU. Read A&E’s feature on the course for more information. Page 9.

Photo by Michelle Gray/The Daily Photo Illustration by Amanda Turner/The Daily

NATION & WORLD Interest rates slashed The Federal Reserve, desperately trying to jump-start the economy, dropped its federal funds rate to its lowest level in more than four years. Central banks in England, China, Canada, Sweden and Switzerland and the European Central Bank also cut rates after a series of high-stakes phone calls over several days between Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his counterparts. Page 5.

Journalists missing in Lebanon The U.S. Embassy in Beirut is appealing for information about the whereabouts of two missing 20-year-old journalists. Holli Chmela, 27, and Taylor Luck, 23, were on vacation in Lebanon from their jobs in Jordan, and have not been seen since Oct. 1. Page 6.


MEREDITH MORIAK Daily Staff Writer


ith the high costs of gasoline, the sales and visibility of motor scooters in Norman are increasing. Kris Glenn, marketing and public relations specialist for OU Parking and Transit services, said he has seen an increase in scooter use on both Norman streets and the OU campus. “You see the burliest of guys and the girliest of girls riding around on scooters,” Glenn said.

“There are also professional people riding around on their scooters in business suits.” Ralph Slayer, owner of Extreme Auto Options in Norman, said he has had a boom in scooter sales. He said he sold close to 30 scooters last year, but this year he expects to sell more than 150.

RACE Continues on page 2

Campus Corner was bursting with the sounds of Cory Morrow’s country music Wednesday night for the annual Pre-Dally Rally, hosted by Phi Delta Theta and Pi Beta Phi. The show benefitted the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association, a research organization focused on discovering the cure to Lou Gehrig’s disease and the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. In addition to Morrow’s set, the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity performed a stomp dance. The Pride of Oklahoma, OU Cheer and OU mascot Boomer also made appearances. Morrow took the stage just before 8 p.m, opening with “21 Days,” a song about being on the road. Before the second song of his set, Morrow Amy Frost/The Daily yelled out “Boomer” to the crowd, and folCountry singer Cory Morrow performs Wednesday night in the La Luna parking lot on Campus lowed it with an upside-down Longhorns Corner for the Pre-Dally Rally. Pre-Dally Rally is an annual philanthropy event held by Phi hand-symbol. Morrow was chosen to headline the rally Delta Theta and Pi Beta Phi before the OU-Texas football game.

OUDAILY.COM Interested in what the rest of the U.S. is saying about OU-Texas? Log onto OUDaily. com/weblogs/sports-desk-blog to find out.


SCOOTERS Continues on page 2

Country singer Cory Morrow croons on Campus Corner CALLIE KAVOURGIAS Daily Staff Writer

Friday is the deadline to register to vote in Oklahoma. Registered voters will be able to vote Nov. 4 for national and state offices and statewide ballot initiatives. State residents can register to vote at the Cleveland County Election board on Peters Avenue or the U.S. Post Office on Gray Street.

for two reasons, said Jason Bailey, Phi Delt philanthropy chair and finance junior. “Texas country music has been popular around here, so we kept with that theme,” Bailey said. “And he was a reasonable price, so we went with him.” Cameron Kuenzer, civil engineering sophomore, said he hung out with Morrow before the concert. “He’s a very nice guy,” Kuenzer said. “He plays some pretty big venues, and it’s cool that he would come to Norman for a philanthropy event like this.” Kuenzer said Morrow told him he was “bipartisan” in relation to the OU-Texas rivalry, but Morrow said to the crowd, “We’re here to support the Oklahoma Sooners. We’re here to build you up to go to Dallas.” Kuenzer said he’s “a huge fan” of Morrow. “More people should listen to him,” Kuenzer said. “His music’s true. He doesn’t change the way he sounds for money or

MORROW Continues on page 2

A&E Campus Notes Campus News Classifieds Crossword

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Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab

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