The Oklahoma Daily

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VOL. 94, NO. 117 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢

TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009 © 2009 OU Publications Board

THE OKLAHOMA DAILY Fliers that contained hate speech were illegally inserted into several copies of The Oklahoma Daily Monday morning. Staff members of Student Media are investigating to determine who is responsible for the fliers. If you have any information, please call 405-325-2521.

WHAT’S INSIDE Do you know how to change a tire? What about your oil? Check out page 3 for the Daily’s How-to-Tuesday.

LIFE & ARTS The Daily’s Dusty Somers spoke with the director of “Knowing,” which stars Nicholas Cage. Check out what he had to say on page 8.

SPORTS The women’s basketball team is one game away from the Women’s NCAA Tournament Sweet 16. For a breakdown of tonight’s game against Georgia Tech, see page 6.

TODAY’S INDEX Campus Notes 8 Classifieds 10 10 Crossword Horoscope 11 L&A 8, 9

News 3, 5, 11 Opinion 4 Police Reports 5 Sports 6, 7 Sudoku 10



LOW 50° HIGH 66°


Okla. lawmakers seek stem-cell research ban • House Bill 1326 attempts to ban embryonic stem cell research LEIGHANNE MANWARREN The Oklahoma Daily President Barack Obama recently reversed former President George W. Bush’s 2001 funding ban against human embryonic stem cell research, but some Oklahoma lawmakers are trying to ban research of the same type of cells. If passed, House Bill 1326 will make the research of embryonic stem cells, which are taken from unborn fetuses, a misdemeanor because “it would kill a human embryo or subject it to a substantial risk of death or injury,” the bill states.

“Saving lives has been a focus of my legislative career and this is a significant issue,” said Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, author of the bill. “If we cannot protect the unborn, we are destined to not survive.” Reynolds said he is glad the Oklahoma legislature had the foresight to create the bill in response to Obama’s reversal of Bush’s funding ban. There is currently no embryonic stem cell research in the state. The OU Health Sciences Center, a state leader of stem cell research, does not conduct embryonic stem cell research because of Bush’s ban on the National Institutes of Health’s funding of embryonic stem cell research. The institutes are national leaders in medical research funding. But with the funding ban now lifted, there is new medical potential for Oklahoma citizens to benefit from embry- Research associate Crystal Pacutin views pluripotent human embryonic stem cells grown on a

mouse cell layer under a microscope at the University of Michigan Center for Human Embryonic RESEARCH Continues on page 2 Stem Cell Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Overcrowded prison system could cause ‘major problems’ • More funding and use of private prisons could alleviate problems LEIGHANNE MANWARREN The Oklahoma Daily


LOW 43° HIGH 60° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab

Science internships attract OU students • OU promotes student interaction with scientists, networking SHERIDAN STOVALL The Oklahoma Daily Stafford Marquardt has a strange double major. Medicine and marketing aren’t usually thought of as complementary disciplines, but Marquardt, a microbiology and entrepreneurship senior, has found the perfect internship for his unusual course of study at OU’s Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth. For three years, the CCEW has been uniting students with scientists to practice their entrepreneurship skills as they work to take technologies from concept to completion. Each semester, the center’s staff selects student interns who work in groups of four to promote the intellectual property being developed by scientists at OU. Interns gain hands-on experience in marketing, communications, financing and research as they work to promote new technologies, according to program manager Mariana Barrientos. “It is not until students actually implement the theory that they learn in class that they can really learn,” Barrientos said. This spring, Marquardt, who has been with CCEW for three semesters, is working with his team on the development of a vaccine that could protect people from the tropical disease dengue fever. The project has been a challenge. When the group was originally presented with the idea, they were told the vaccine

SCIENCE Continues on page 2

About a third of American adults in the correctional system are incarcerated, while the rest are on probation or parole. In Oklahoma, that number balloons to more than half being incarcerated. Some state officials say being so much higher than the national average wastes state funding and overcrowds correctional facilities. Oklahoma is ranked 43 for the number of people on probation and parole, while the adult incarceration ranking is the seventh highest. “We are a very conservative state and I guess that is why we incarcerate more people than other states,” said Terry Jenks, Pardon and Parole Board executive director. After the implementation of the “truth in sentencing” law in 1999, convicts of certain offenses are required to serve at least 85 percent of their jail time before being eligible for parole. Before 1999, an offender only had to serve a third of their time to become eligible. “With [the 85 percent rule], legislators continue to be harsh by adding additional crimes to the list,” Jenks said. He said Oklahoma started with 11 offenses under the 85 percent rule in 2000 and now is up to 19. Another reason Jenks said he believes it is difficult to obtain parole in Oklahoma is because the state has an extra step in the parole process. “The Pardon and Parole Board sees and reviews over 600 cases about every six months and recommends about 30 percent of the cases they see,” Jenks said. “The board is not particularly harsh with a national average of 34 percent.” After the Pardon and Parole Board makes its decisions, the eligible parolees

AP photo

Book drive brings lift to prisoners • Drive aims to improve statistically low inmate literacy RICKY MARANON The Oklahoma Daily

Eli Hull / The Daily

The Cleveland County Detention Center is located on Eufala St. and Jones Ave. The Clevelend County Commissioners voted last Fall to build a new county detention center near Franklin Rd. and 24th Ave. must await approval from the governor’s other community solutions such as probation, said Massie. office, which has the final say. “It is considerably Oklahoma’s cheaper to parole or Department of probate an offender Corrections forerather than incarcercasts major overate them,” he said. crowding problems With more funding in 10 to 20 years for the community if the incarceracourts, Massie said tion rate continues he thinks the state to grow and is not incarceration rate abated. • In adult incarceration rates, Oklahoma could be lowered. “We need to look is ranked 7th with 1.32% of the adult Massie said it at the other side of population currently in prison and jail. costs the state more the issue, taking than $20,000 a year into account non• In adult community supervision rates, to incarcerate an violent offenders Oklahoma is ranked 43 with 1.09% of offender, compared and the alternatives the adult population currently on probato about $730 a year to prison time for to supervise them on them,” said Jerry tion and parole. probation or parole. Massie, Oklahoma Another solution Department of SOURCE: Pew Center for the States to the overcrowding Corrections spokesof prisons would be man. to expand the use of In some community court systems, a lack of resources private prisons; prisons not owned or like well-trained public defenders, drug maintained by the state. Massie said while Oklahoma holds six rehab and mental treatment centers causes nonviolent offenders to be forced private prisons, the state only uses three. into prison rather than be subject to


PRISONS Continues on page 2

Inmates in some Oklahoma prisons will now be able to pick from everything from Glamour magazines to Tom Clancy novels if they want something to read. English advisor Grettie Bondy and English graduate student Kyle Baker started the OU Prison Drive when a librarian asked them for help collecting books for inmates at prisons in Taft. According to statistics from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, 70 percent of Oklahoma prisoners scored in the two lowest literacy levels of the National Adult Literacy Survey. Jerry Massie, a spokesman for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, said the Oklahoma Department of Corrections offers several programs, including literacy programs, to help inmates learn life and career skills while they are incarcerated. He said many inmates actively participate in these programs because it will be beneficial to them when they return to society and progress can help them when they present their cases before parole boards. But some inmates are simply voracious readers, Bondy said, and they want new books to read. She said science fiction, westerns and romance novels are some of the most popular genres. She and Baker are hoping to collect a wide variety of books, including different genres and different reading levels. Because some adults who are new to reading will be among the prisoners affected by

DRIVE Continues on page 2

Jewish fraternity to join Interfraternity Council • Alpha Epsilon Pi still retaining small, close recruitment LAUREN STALFORD The Oklahoma Daily An exclusive Jewish fraternity will join the ranks of 17 other fraternities when it becomes a member of the Interfraternity Council next month. Alpha Epsilon Pi first approached the idea last semester because they wanted to be part of a larger group on campus. Isaac Freeman, Alpha Epsilon Pi president, said joining IFC will allow the fraternity to help more on campus. “There is a lot more we can do for

the OU communisenior and Alpha ty,” said Freeman, Epsilon Pi meminternational secuber also said the rity studies and group felt isoWhat:Israeli Week political science lated from camjunior. “Joining a pus because they Who: Alpha Epsilon Pi larger network is didn’t participate the next step.” in IFC-sponsored What: A week-long series of events He said the fraevents. that celebrate Israeli culture. Events will ternity has always Because Alpha include an panel discussion on Israeli operated like a Epsilon Pi is a peace, Israeli cultural night and an Israeli Greek fraternity member of the block party. by participating in North American rush and philanInterfraternity When:April 27th-May 1st thropic events but Conference, the is still technically OU chapter could a student organizahave joined IFC tion. when they wanted, but IFC is slowly Joining IFC also will help the fra- easing the fraternity into membership ternity get involved in campus-wide so they can be introduced to other IFC events like homecoming, Freeman members, said Kevin Estep, associate said. director of Student Life. Benjamin Walnick, meteorology He said the fraternity will be offi-


cially presented as an IFC member next month at an IFC meeting. But the fraternity will have to get used to some changes. “The biggest hurdle is the transition, dealing with things we haven’t done before,” Freeman said. The biggest change will be participating in IFC recruitment and rush events, he said. But Walnick said the group isn’t joining to have a larger recruitment. “We aren’t in it to be in a big house,” he said. “We are a close-knit group and that’s not going to change.” One large difference between Alpha Epsilon Pi and other fraternities is its closeness, Walnick said. “Everyone preaches brotherhood and best friends, but I didn’t get that from the other fraternities because they are so large,” Walnick said.

FRATERNITY Continues on page 2

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