VOL. 93, NO. 48 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢
TUESDAY, OCT. 28, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board
Boren changes political expression e-mail policy
WHAT’S INSIDE The Daily is extremely, ridiculously biased. On Page 4, anyway. Check the Our View for details. Turn to... Page 4.
• Boren: University should be ‘free marketplace of ideas’
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Daily reviews Wu-Tang Clan, Dennis Wilson, Dark Dark Dark and Tribe After Tribe in New Music Tuesday. It’s all in A&E. Page 8.
SPORTS Redshirt freshman linebacker Travis Lewis has been a pleasant surprise for the Sooners this season. He had his best game of the year Saturday with 15 tackles and two interceptions, and was rewarded with Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week. Page 5.
JAMES LOVETT Daily Staff Writer OU President David L. Boren sent a campus-wide e-mail Monday revoking an OU policy over political expression on the OU e-mail system. Boren’s decision to clarify the university’s position came after several OU students and a national individual rights group expressed concern with a Sept. 12 e-mail from Nick Hathaway, vice president for executive and administrative affairs. In the clarification e-mail sent Monday, Boren said he
admired those who questioned the original e-mail and thought a clarification to the OU community was appropriate. “I applaud those who asked the questions about this policy which was worded to make it appear overly restrictive,” Boren said in the e-mail. “I am encouraged by the vigilance of members of the OU family in defense of free expression.” In the Sept. 12 e-mail, Hathaway wrote that the university’s e-mail systems “may not be used to endorse or oppose a candidate, including the forwarding of political humor/commentary.” The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education or FIRE, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, informed Boren that the wording of the original e-mail sent by Hathaway seemed to violate basic rights guaranteed by the
Text of David L Boren’s Monday e-mail Dear OU Community, On Sept. 12, an e-mail was sent to the OU community regarding the use of our e-mail system for political purposes. Since that time, several people have inquired about the meaning of the e-mail. I applaud those who asked the questions about this policy which was worded to make it appear overly restrictive. I am encouraged by the
TEXT Continues on page 2
POLICY Continues on page 2
Oklahoma crosswinds
CAMPUS BRIEFS International Affairs Society International students will discuss U.S. politics and its effect on their home countries at 6:30 p.m in the Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center.
Wind energy industry brings altered horizons to Oklahoma’s landscape
OUDAILY.COM • Log on to to listen to The Fifth Quarter podcast, where The Daily’s Corey DeMoss and Steven Jones discuss the Sooners’ performance against Kansas State and preview OU’s next matchup with Nebraska. • Already lost The Daily’s election guide from today’s paper? Download a PDF online.
TODAY’S INDEX A&E Campus News Campus Notes Classifieds Crossword
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Jerry Wofford/The Daily
The Centennial Wind Farm in Fort Supply can produce 120 megawatts of power, which is enough to supply around 36,000 homes. Some residents, however, complain that the giant turbines are ruining Oklahoma’s natural landscape. JERRY WOFFORD Daily Staff Writer
WEDNESDAY LOW 41° HIGH 63° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second part of The Daily’s three-part series on wind energy in Oklahoma. Wednesday’s story focuses on the politics and government involvement in the wind power industry. WOODWARD — From more than 10 miles away, all 80 turbines at the Centennial Wind Farm are clearly visible. At more than 300 feet tall, these rural skyscrapers dominate the horizon.
Developers have used private lands, working out lease agreements with landowners, often to the landowners’ own financial benefit. “Here I don’t think it is too tough to convince people,” said Jerod Blocker, auxiliary operator at the Centennial Wind Farm in Fort Supply, north of Woodward. Woodward boomed in the 1950s when oil was found nearby. The town boomed in size until the oil markets fell in the 1980s. However, because of the recent spike in ‘Amazing for the town’ oil prices and the heavy investment in wind The wind industry is new around energy, the town is experiencing another Woodward. The first wind farm in the state boom, according to Ian Swart, curator of was completed in 2003. the Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum Don Quixote would not like Woodward very much. While the literary character would charge with lance in hand, many Woodward residents welcome the wind farm and what it blows into town: jobs, money and a view. There are those, however, who dislike the wind industry’s invasion into this oil boom town because of its potential impact on Oklahoma’s pristine prairies.
in Woodward. The town’s population has grown an estimated 3 percent since 2000, according to U.S. Census data. “Woodward has built back up to the point where we can work on community projects,” Swart said. A large portion of the sustained income that directly benefits local residents is through the lease agreements between rural landowners and the wind farm developers. “If I owned ranch land, I would want windmills to be built on my property just because they get royalty,” Swart said. “That could help out ranchers.”
CROSSWINDS Continues on page 2
Professors create winning design for Oklahoma City bridge • Sundance Bridge to replace Harvey Avenue LEIGHANNE MANWARREN Daily Staff Writer
Emily Ganus/The Daily
Architecture professor Hans E. Butzer and civil engineering professor Chris Ramseyer look at a scale model of Skydance Bridge Monday morning at City Hall in Oklahoma City. Buzter and Ramseyer are working with Buzter Design Partnership on the bridge which will span Interstate 40 in Oklahoma City.
The scissor-tailed flycatcher, Oklahoma’s state bird, will have a permanent perch over Interstate 40 in a few years. The representation of the bird will hang over the SkyDance Bridge, the 30-foot wide, 185-foot-tall pedestrian bridge that will connect Oklahoma City’s central business district to the Oklahoma River, replacing Harvey Avenue over the new I-40. Hans Butzer, architecture professor and codesigner of the Oklahoma City Memorial, won the city-sponsored competition to design the bridge. Civil engineering professor Chris Ramseyer is also part of the Butzer Design Partnership team. “The scissor-tailed flycatcher seems to embody the most beautiful ideas that relate to engineering, the Oklahoma wind and our love for the Oklahoma landscape and wildlife,” Butzer said. Butzer said the idea to incorporate the scissor-tailed flycatcher into the design stemmed from a letter by
Photo Provided
The scissor-tailed flycatcher is Oklahoma’s state bird, and served as inspiration for a new Oklahoma City bridge. Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett that was included in the packet of information about the competition. The letter encouraged contestants to use the bridge to convey the distinct qualities of Oklahoma’s people and landscape. “We are very excited about the bridge. I think it will capture a lot of attention because it is a huge work of art, not just a bridge. It is very special for the city,” said
BRIDGE Continues on page 2