WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4, 2009 © 2009 OU Publications Board
VOL. 94, NO. 88 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢
Professors debate Israeli-Palestinian conflict • Panelists hopeful for amicable future JAMIE BIRDWELL The Oklahoma Daily A divided panel of Middle East experts on Tuesday discussed the future of the decades-old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The panel that gathered in Meacham Auditorium included Norman Stillman, professor of Judaic studies; Maurice Roumani, visiting professor from Israel; Joshua Landis, political science professor; and Housam Mohammed, political science professor from University of Central Oklahoma. The discussion was organized by the Muslim Student Association, Jewish student organization Hillel and Sooners for Peace in Palestine. Israel launched a three-week assault against Gaza in late December, aimed at stopping years of Hamas rocket fire
into southern Israel. Hamas, which based on the academic opinions.” seized control of the Gaza Strip in The panelists discussed many 2007, is the militant, Palestinian rul- aspects of the conflict including the ers of the Gaza Strip. The fighting Israeli embargo on Gaza, the Hamas killed nearly 1,300 Palestinians and missile attacks on Israel and the 13 Israelis. debate on whether Hamas should be A cease-fire went into effect two considered a terrorist organization weeks ago but has or a credible governsince been tested by ment. sporadic Palestinian “The situation is shelling and retaliatory far more complicated Israeli airstrikes. than presented in the Panelists answered media,” Stillman said. a series of questions The panelists disLog onto compiled by modagreed on Hamas’ staerators Bekah Stone, for video of Tuesday’s tus in the world. president of Sooners Landis said Hamas for Peace in Palestine debate at Meacham. is supported strongly and Shayna Daitch, by the people, and vice president of Hillel needs to be negotiated and international security studies and with because without strong leaderJudaic studies sophomore. Stone and ship on both sides, negotiations with Daitch are former Daily employees. Israel cannot succeed. “We don’t have any kind of hidden Roumani said the Hamas regime Michelle Gray/The Daily agenda,” said Stone, international and was not elected, but seized power by A panel discussing the conflict in Gaza Tuesday in the Meacham Auditorium included (from right to left) Josh area studies junior. “We’re coming a bloody coup. Landis, political science professor; Maurice Raimani, visiting professor from Israel; Housam Mohammed, UCO in to get some questions answered. Students can form their own opinions CONFLICT Continues on page 2A political science professor and Norman Stillman, Judaic studies professor.
WHAT’S INSIDE Looking for a good job? Check out page 3A for a look at popular Web-based job searches that are connecting employers with tech-savvy job seekers. Normanites are a divided by issues like race, gender, language, economic status, age and disabilities. But some residents are looking for ways to make Norman more inclusive to all people. Page 3A.
LIFE & ARTS Inside the ring, cage fighting is an intense experience, but what is it like outside? Who are these people stepping into the steel ring? The Daily’s Adam Kohut finds out on page 3B. The Greek House has been a staple of the OU student diet for 30 years now. The Daily’s Kyle West visits with the owners to talk about their time in Norman. Page 1B.
SPORTS Photo by Zach Butler/Illustration by Julianne Rice /The Daily
Today, top high school football recruits from all over the country are deciding where they will spend their next four years. Check out who’s becoming a Sooner today. Page 5B. Bishop McGuinness tight end Gabe Ikard started for four years and won two state championships in high school before deciding to head to OU. Find out more about his recruiting experience. Page 6B. The men’s basketball team is ranked No. 2 in the country and has been cruising through conference play. The Sooners continue tonight against Texas A&M in Norman. Page 6B.
OUDAILY.COM Want to know more about National Signing Day 2009? Go to to see videos of OU’s prospects, along with a map of where all the Sooner recruits are coming from.
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The Daily asked experts in academic and career advising to distill the most valuable advice for students as they approach the biggest decisions of their college careers.
TODAY Picking a major
THURSDAY LOW 31° HIGH 68° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab
THURSDAY Setting a post-graduation plan
FRIDAY Getting into grad school
ome students struggle for years picking their majors, but the decision should boil down to two basic formulas: OU Career Services recommends students choose a career first, then choose the right major, or choose a major and find a career that fits the area of study. Career Services Director Bette Scott said this is the simplest way to approach picking a major. But, if picking one major out of more than 150 seems like an impossible choice, OU offers resources to ease the stress and help students finally figure out what they want to be when they grow up.
Introduction junction Students should explore a variety of majors early in their academic career, Scott said. Whether it is the major they always wanted to pursue or something new that peaks their interest, looking into different majors allows students to understand what material will be taught and which careers one could pursue in that field. Scott advises student to take advantage of elective classes and enrolling in multiple introductory courses. These classes, like Intro to African American Studies or Intro to Philosophy, give students a taste of what different programs entail. To narrow down which introductory courses you want to enroll in, students should familiarize yourself with the OU’s course description catalog, she said.
A-major a-fair With a booth for every department and college on campus, the annual Major and Minor Fair will provide any undecided student with a wealth of information to help make the major decision. This year’s event takes place 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m on Feb. 18 at The Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Molly Shi Boren Ballroom Donald Asher will open the event with the presentation, “How to Choose a Major.” Asher is a job-search expert who specializes in career development and higher education, according to his Web site. Returning to OU after previous campus visits, Asher will offer step-bystep instructions on how to choose a major. His presentation will be broad enough to help any students who are struggling to find the major that suits them, Scott said.
Career apt Though relatively simplistic, career aptitude tests can generate results that can help students learn about themselves and think about careers they otherwise might not consider, Scott said. These programs process students’ interests and goals, then suggest a career path to fit. For students who don’t know where to begin the process, career aptitude tests may steer students in the right direction. • University College in Wagner Hall offers two tests: Discover and Sigi. Students may take these tests any time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the college’s office hours. • Goddard Health Center’s Counseling and Testing Department offers six self-interest tests. Career counselors also provide guidance for undecided students. • Career Services in the Oklahoma Memorial Union also offers career aptitude tests called Focus and Keirsey. Both tests are administered online.