The Oklahoma Daily

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More than one road to Miami — CAMPUS NEWS, PAGE 3



Short on CASH? Students get creative to save their bucks


VOL. 93, NO. 75 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board

December’s graduating seniors may walk before finals •New schedules designed to avoid additional conflicts PAIGE LAWLER The Oklahoma Daily Although some seniors are sticking around Norman after finals for convocation ceremonies, others will walk before taking their exams. Several colleges are holding their convocation ceremonies before or during finals week. December grads in the Gaylord College, the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, the Weitzenhoffer College of Fine Arts and the

College of Liberal Studies will participate in ceremonies Friday and Saturday, days before finals are scheduled to begin. John Hockett, assistant dean of Gaylord College, said the ice storm isn’t the reason the school is holding its graduation on Friday, a week before other ceremonies that are scheduled for Dec. 20. He said convocation is a week early due to scheduling conflicts and student convenience. “It just seems like the right thing to do,” Hockett said. Spring ceremonies are normally tailored around the university graduation, but in winter semesters, the colleges are given more flexibility, Hockett said. Other convocations are scheduled much later than last year, with dates only five or six days before Christmas, he said.

Public relations senior Elyse Richardson said she is ready to graduate and is glad to have convocation early so her family can attend. “My family is invading Norman on Thursday,” Richardson said. “I can enjoy my last few days without flipping out about finals.” Richardson said she only has one paper and one final left in her college career, but the earlier convocation date would stress her out if she had more on her plate. “It would be really hard to have five finals

Out-of-state students and students leaving town for the holidays would have to stay in Norman much later, and others want to focus on finals without having to stress about a ceremony, Hockett said. “I think our heads and hearts are in the right place,” he said. Gaylord College has experienced a high turnout of confirmations from graduating seniors and their families.

WALK Continues on page 2



Voters pass sales tax for county jail

The Daily’s Dusty Somers participated in a conference call interview with “Bride Wars” stars Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. See A&E, Page 8.

• Low voter turnout likely due to poor weather CAITLIN HARRISON The Oklahoma Daily Even though turnout was low, Cleveland County voters approved one-fourth penny sales tax Tuesday to fund the construction of a new jail in Norman. The tax increase passed by a vote of 5,610 to 3,161. The new jail will be built at Franklin Road and 24th Avenue N.W. The low voter turnout was probably due to cold weather, said Mary Francis, election official at the St. Thomas Moore University Parish polling location. Only 34 voters had voted at the location by 6 p.m., an hour before polls closed. Only one of these voters was a student, despite the fact that the church is across the street from OU”s campus. “This whole area should be full of college students,” Francis said. Election official Tom Norwood said he knows many students are registered to vote, judging by the high voter student turnout for the presidential election. He said the jail tax is an issue students do not care about or fully understand. “I think the voter turnout on the fourth [of November] shows that voters will turn out when they understand the issues,” he said. Norwood said some people opposed the tax because the proposed jail will be farther outside town than the current jail, which could create unnecessary work for police officers who will be required to transport inmates farther from the courthouse. But he said most people who have opposed it probably care more about having to pay the tax than about the jail itself. “No one cares about jails,” he said. “It’s a money issue.” Mark Prickett, Cleveland County voter, said he cares about the jail, which is why he voted for the tax. The county needs a new jail, he said. The new jail will be safer, larger and easier to expand than the county’s current jail, which is outdated and overcrowded, Rusty Sullivan, Cleveland County District 3 commissioner, said. Construction on the facility will begin next March, according to a report on Cleveland County’s Web site. The new facility is scheduled to open in November 2011.

SPORTS The men’s basketball team returns to Norman to take on Maine at 7 tonight. Page 5. The Daily hands out its second batch of regular-season football awards, and this time we honor the Sooners’ defense. Page 7.

CAMPUS BRIEFS Cold-weather readiness Temperatures dipped into the 20s on Tuesday, and sleet and snow fell intermittently throughout the day. If you haven’t already, it’s time to prepare for winter. The OU Health Sciences Center released a fol the following tips to help students get ready for winter: wi h At home, have at least three days’ worth of food and water, an alternate fuel source such as a generator and/or firewood, and have ash a flashlight or extra batteries, candles and matche matches/lighter. y car, carry extra clothing, blankets In your sh Carry an emergency kit with and shoes. snacks water and other supplies and keep the snacks, tan full. gas tank




Michelle Gray/The Daily

Bridgett ridgett Kiefer, anthropology sophomore, and Brian Watts, anthropology senior, search for materials for a research paper on Tuesday afternoon in he Bizzell Memorial Library. Kiefer, who is deaf, and Watts, who is blind, have become friends since meeting in class early in the semester. the

• Blind student, deaf student create special bond MEREDITH MORIAK The Oklahoma Daily reparing to climb the stairs in Dale Hall, Bridgett Kiefer looked at friend Brian Watts and asked, “Ready?” Watts pulled out his walking cane for aid while climbing the two flights of stairs. At the beginning of the semester, Watts, who is blind, asked Kiefer about the date of a test for one of their anthropology classes. Kiefer, who is deaf but speaks clearly and reads lips well, answered his question.


After running into each other repeatedly in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, the two started eating lunch together and have become close friends. They proofread each other’s papers and spend a lot of time together studying for classes through instant messaging. Watts, anthropology senior, said having Kiefer, anthropology sophomore, look at his papers and catch grammatical errors is advantageous. “We help each other and work together,” Watts said. On the other hand, Kiefer said Watts is valuable in helping her create the concepts and outlines of her papers. “We have a little competition going between the two of us to see who gets the better grades,” Kiefer said. “We always score within a few points of each other.” Having a blind student and a deaf student in class was daunt-

HELPING Continues on page 2

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THURSDAY LOW 26° HIGH 47° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab

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