The Oklahoma Daily

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VOL. 94, NO. XX FREE — Additional Copies 25¢

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25, 2009 © 2009 OU Publications Board

CAMPUS NEWS Islam expert speaks on Islamic reformation and globalization Reza Aslan, an expert on Islam and a New York Times bestselling author will speak to the OU community about the reformation facing Islam today. The title of Aslan’s REZA lecture, “How to Win a ASLAN Cosmic War: God, Globalization and the War on Terror,” is also the topic of his latest book, set to release in April. The OU Center for Middle East Studies and the International Programs Center is hosting Aslan’s lecture. “Reza Aslan is one of the most thoughtful, articulate and constructive Muslim voices in America today,” said Charles Kimball, religious studies director. Kimball said Aslan’s work has helped put a face to the diversity and complexities that are shaping Muslim events worldwide and has helped clarify dynamics with the Western world. Aslan’s lecture will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Robert S. Kerr Auditorium in the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. He is also a University of Southern California fellow at the Center on Public Diplomacy and a Middle East analyst for CBS News. LEIGHANNE MANWARREN/THE DAILY

• OUPD has two trained bomb-detecting dogs CLARK FOY The Oklahoma Daily The OUPD recently hired a new member to the Hazardous Devices Unit — a German shepherd. Hailing from Slovakia, 3-year-old Ambra is the newest member of the force. As an explosive-detecting dog, her job is pretty simple; sniff out and find explosive devices. Last semester, veteran canine Zilly died after serving six years on the force. Ambra came three months ago as a replacement, said Officer Brian Nelson, OUPD canine handler. “[Ambra] is good natured, minds well and very friendly,” Nelson said.

Nelson said Ambra and Zilly are quite different from one another, but both are easy to work with. “Dogs are a lot like people; each has a different personality,” Nelson said. “Zilly was more assertive and full of herself. Ambra is generally good natured and playful and spends a lot of time just sitting next to me.” Ambra is one of two such canines at OUPD, the other being a black lab named Jackie. Both are trained exclusively to detect explosives, not assault, Nelson said. The training of Explosive Detecting Dogs starts when they are young, Nelson said. They begin obedience training when they are about six months old and begin specialized training around the time they turn 1. The dogs are used at a variety of events on OU’s Elizabeth Nalewajk/The Daily campus including every football game, some basketball games, public events and lectures, Nelson said. Canine Ambra, 3, shows off her skills Friday morning outside OUPD “Our job is to go and scout an area ahead of time headquarters. Ambra is OUPD’s newest bomb-detecting canine.

DOG Continues on page 2

Two OU soloists compete on national stage • Contest features best collegiate musicians LAUREN STALFORD The Oklahoma Daily

LIFE & ARTS Having dating problems? Stressed with class? Check out The Daily’s Advice on page 7.

SPORTS The women’s basketball team dropped its first Big 12 contest of the season Monday night. With the Sooners still in first place in conference, the Daily’s Annelise Russell ranks how well each Big 12 team is currently playing. Page 5. Without sophomore forward Blake Griffin, the men’s basketball team has lost two straight games. The Daily takes a look at OU’s future. Page 6.

OUDAILY.COM Check out The Daily’s News Desk blog at where reporter Reneé Selanders discusses the dorm birth story. Also, check out the triumphant return of the Sports Desk blog where sports editor Steven Jones discusses OU sports, only at

TODAY’S INDEX Campus Notes Classifieds Crossword Horoscope L&A

Newest member of OUPD walks on all fours

2 8 8 9 7

News 3, 9, 10 Opinion 4 Police Reports 2 Sports 5, 6 Sudoku 9



LOW 43° HIGH 72°

THURSDAY LOW 53° HIGH 74° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab

Two OU music students will rosin up their bows as finalists next month to compete for the title of national string champion. Jesse Kaminski and Talon Davis, both string bass players, will compete in the American String Teacher’s Association National Solo Competition in Atlanta, Ga. The two are the first OU finalists in the competition’s history. “It’s probably the biggest music accomplishment I have had so far,” said Davis, string bass performance junior. Anthony Stoops, string bass professor and the finalists’ trainer, said Davis and Kaminski were the only students from OU to apply for the competition. Stoops, who competed in 1995, said he was shocked but happy for the two when they were selected. “I was kind of floored,” he said. The students were selected by a national panel of judges after being passed through a series of preliminary reviews. “I was shocked,” Kaminski said. She said she already had

Michelle Gray/The Daily

Talon Davis, a bass performance junior (left), and Jesse Kaminski a bass performance sophomore (right) practice their bass’s Tuesday afternoon in Catlett Hall. The musician were selected as two of three finalist in the Nation to compete in the American String Teachers Association National Solo Competition. spring break plans, but canceled them when she was selected. Davis said he thought the audition would be a good opportunity, but didn’t expect to make the cut, even though he has practiced three hours a day for nine years. Kaminski said she has played string bass for five years and

has been preparing for the competition since May. The competition began 25 years ago to help start careers of young string players and has been key in getting students recognized, Stoops said. “A lot of professional organizations keep their eyes on this competition,” Stoops said.

Kaminski and Davis both hope to play in professional symphonies after graduation. The students’ participation in the event also will help the music school, said Debby Lamb, University College freshman. She said the competition will show music professionals and scholars across the country

that OU should be considered a national competitor for music students. “I was really happy for them,” said Kristin Keys, string bass performance junior. “Just the fact that two people from OU made it is incredible because it’s against students from all around the country.”

OU collaborates with institution to fund research • EPSCoR provides research funding for states that receive less federal money JAMIE BIRDWELL The Oklahoma Daily Oklahoma has received $110 million in research funds since 1979 from The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, or EPSCoR, is a program that funds science research projects for states that have historically not been as competitive for federal funding, Frank Waxman, Oklahoma EPSCoR director, said. Twenty five states currently participate in EPSCoR, James Wicksted, Oklahoma EPSCoR asso-

ciate director, said in an e-mail. “Because of these programs, researchers at institutions like OU and OSU and [Tulsa University] have been able to obtain more federal grant funding through individual grant competitions,” Wicksted said. Universities as well as other institutions collaborate on proposals, he said. Researchers submit their proposals to EPSCoR which reviews them and chooses the best ones to send to affiliated federal agencies: the National Institute of Health, the Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation or the Department of Energy, he said. EPSCoR consists of representatives from the state government and educators and is chaired by the state chancellor for higher education, Waxman said. Typically, it takes three to four weeks for the

committee to hear the proposals, then two more to review them, he said. In August 2007, NASA granted OU $1.9 million for three EPSCoR research proposals to study lightning, according to its web site. The research began in September 2007, but the first successes came in May 2008 and researchers are continuing to work, William Beasley, meteorology professor, said. The research is comprised of three parts, Beasley said. The first is to provide ground data for NASA, he said. Oklahoma researchers will study low orbit satellites during storms to provide data for more effective weather forecasts, Beasley said. The second part consists of analyzing what goes on between the cloud and the ground, he said. The third part of the research is lightning safety, Beasley said.

FUNDING Continues on page 2

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