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VOL. 93, NO. 63 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board

Exchange program attracts more international students • Students gain valuable cultural experiences J.B. RUBLE AND JOSH HOOD The Oklahoma Daily OU will set a record for the number of international exchange students enrolled at OU this academic year. The office of Education Abroad & International Student Services expects another 70 exchange students to join the 1,583 international students already on campus. Record-setting numbers of international students

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT In “This Week in Comics,” The Daily opens the pages on everything from Supergirl to The Spirit. Page 10.

Audas, director of Education Abroad & are being seen across the country, International Student Services. according to new data from the Institute “What attracts students is this uniof International Education’s Open Doors versity’s sense of community and the Report. attention that is paid to the contribution In the 2007-08 school year there were 623,805 international students who stud- Log on to each student makes,” Audas said. “You for video of students can feel it here. There is an effort to ied in the U.S., a 7 percent increase over the previous year. describing their cross- recognize the individual that has created a wonderful reputation.” The report said the increase was due cultural friendship. This reputation as a haven for interto many factors, including a weak dollar, national students has earned OU much easing of the visa application process, increasingly mobile students and improved recruit- attention. OU was a recipient of the 2007 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization and ment by universities. The international students currently enrolled at was featured in an in-depth report by the Association OU are made up of a well-rounded global community, of International Educators. As these accolades were awarded, the exchange with more than 100 countries represented, said Millie

program had grown to include more students from more countries. Audas said OU President David L. Boren’s influence on the program since his 1994 arrival has been vital to its ascent. “President Boren always says, ‘When the doors of the University of Oklahoma open to a student, the doors of universities all over the world open up as well.’” Reciprocal exchange programs allow students who don’t need or want to complete their entire degree overseas to enroll as students at their home universities but study in the U.S. OU has 171 reciprocal agreements in more than 60 countries, Audas said.


The Texas Tech offense has gotten all the headlines going into this weekend’s monumental matchup, but how well the Red Raider defense plays may actually be the key to an OU victory. Page 5.

Archaeology lecture tonight

A&E 7, 10 Campus News 7 Campus Notes 9 Classifieds 8 8 Crossword

• ‘B-boys’ find home on campus MEREDITH MORIAK The Oklahoma Daily

Amy Frost/The Daily

Jay Devere practices breakdancing Monday night in the Huston Huffman Center. Devere and other breakdancers often practice their moves late at night at the Oklahoma Memorial Union.

weat pours down their grimacing faces, and their arms shake in an effort to support their entire body weight. Wordless electronic music beats at a fast tempo, pulsating throughout the room as the dancers repeatedly attempt to nail a specific move. Campus breakdancers can often be found twisting and flipping late at night in front of Wendy’s in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, or occasionally at the Huston Huffman Center. For the first time since high school, finance and accounting junior YeMon Min has found a group to “break” with.


MOVE Continues on page 2

ECONOMY Horoscope 9 Opinion 4 Police Reports 9 Sports 5, 6 Sudoku 9


Enrollment steady despite economic downturn • Officials predict more students will stay in state RAY MARTIN The Oklahoma Daily


TUESDAY LOW 40° HIGH 53° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab

Congress blocks concealedcarry bill

RYAN BRYANT The Oklahoma Daily




• Me Members want university a ‘gununive free zzone’


OU history lecturer Rangar Cline will give a presentation from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in Adams Hall, room 255, titled “Miletus Wears Magical Amulets: CIG 2.2895 and the Civic Use of Personal Magic.” Cline will discuss an inscription found on the RANGAR theater in Miletus, an CLINE ancient city in modernday Turkey, with a prayer for archangels to protect the city. His research challenges previous scholars’ assumptions that the prayer was a Christian inscription from the 6th century. The presentation is sponsored by the Classical Archaeology Society (CLAS).

EXCHANGE Continues on page 2

OU officials say the national economic downturn might not have an impact on the number of incoming students in 2009, but it could change the dynamic of freshman classes. Craig Hayes, executive director of recruitment services and Matt Hamilton, registrar and associate vice president, both said they suspect the declining economy will mean more in-state students who would have otherwise gone out of state will attend OU. Some in-state students who plan to attend OU, however, might instead attend community colleges. Hayes and Hamilton suspect enrollment numbers might stay comparable to the previous two classes, as they have already received more than 4,000 applications for fall and expect

“For many families, college is an economic decision.” Craig Hayes, executive director of recruitment services many more. “All in all, I think it will even out,” Hamilton said. Hamilton said the number of freshman applications they have received suggest enrollment numbers will either be close to the same or better than they were a year ago. He said it is difficult, however, to compare with OU’s new application system, which merges the standard application and scholarship application to lessen confusion for applicants. “For many families, college is an economic decision,”

ENROLLMENT Continues on page 2

Student Congress passed legisStuden lation Tue Tuesday night that officially opposes tthe carrying of concealed firearms o on campus. Studen Student congress’ legislation opposed the Oklahoma House of Represen Representatives’ bill that would allow ce certain students, faculty and empl employees to carry concealed handguns on Oklahoma college campuses campuses. Advoca Advocates for Student Congress’ legislation argued that the inclusion of w weapons in a university environment would not be beneficial to campus security, but rather detrimental. “Colleges are a traditionally gunfree zone,” said Sam Ikard, political science junior and author of the legislation. “Even though there have been some prominent shootings at universities in the past, they’re exceptions to the rule.” Ikard also said that it would be highly difficult for law enforcement to discern between a gunman and a student with a conceal-and-carry license during an emergency. Political science junior Matt Gress, who supports concealing and carrying weapons, said that efforts should be made to focus on measures that would prevent shootings in the first place. “We should work to identify red flag situations,” he said. Political science sophomore Buzz Becker opposes. He said Student Congress should try to understand the logic behind the Oklahoma House of Representatives’ bill, rather than drawing a line in the sand. Some members of Student Congress, like Frank Wood, zoology and biomedical sciences senior, wanted to let students vote on the issue for themselves in the spring. “I represent thousands of students in the life sciences district, and I’m interested to hear what they have to say on the issue,” he said. International business sophomore Brett Stidham said concealed weapons should not be allowed because not everyone is capable of wielding a weapon responsibly. “Rights to carry guns are your prerogative,” he said. “But not all rights should be included in all situations, like in a classroom setting.”

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