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Syria formally recognizes Lebanon after 60 years

Wall Street fluctuates as profit-taking sets in


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board

VOL. 93, NO. 39 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢

Latin American journalists, students exchange experiences WHITNEY ORTEGA Daily Staff Writer

Photo provided

A group of Latin American journalists visited OU this past week to meet with students, professors and faculty members. The visit was arranged by the U.S. State Department.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Quotes from the delegates were translated from Spanish into English by the reporter. Latin American journalists from 11 different countries visited OU this week to visit with their northern neighbors and broaden their borders as journalists. Out of the 18 visiting journalists, most agreed that the trip was not only a success but a pleasure. “The visit has gone really well. We’ve been shown hospitality and everyone is very friendly,” said Eduardo Galindo, a journalist from Venezuela. The group of journalists came to OU as

part of the Edward R. Murrow program for journalists. The program is sponsored by the U.S. State Department and invites almost 200 leading journalists representing television, radio and print media from around the world to the U.S. It is meant to help visiting journalists examine different journalistic principles and practices from the U.S. and around the world. They are also examining media coverage of state politics and government, as well as current and future trends and challenges within journalism in the U.S. and around the world. The group of nearly 200 journalists was broken up into smaller groups and sent to visit different universities across the country.

OU was picked not only because of its journalism program but also because of its location, said Charles Self, Director of the Edward R. Murrow Program at OU and a professor in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications. “The State Department really wants them to see the heartland area of the country,” Self said. Even though a few of the visiting delegates call the same country home, none had ever met before. “No one knew each other before coming here,” said Ruth Del Salto, a journalist from Ecuador. “But we’ve all got along really well and we’ve become like a fam-

JOURNALISTS Continues on page 2

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Students had the opportunity to try out “Gears of War 2” and other video game titles Tuesday evening in the Union. Also, Batman might be dead for good. Page 10.

SOONER SPORTS It wasn’t difficult to see that the running game was the weakest part of OU’s offense against Texas. The Sooners will be looking for ways to fix that problem this week. Page 5.

Photo provided by Pedro Gonzales

Students walk with Democratic Senate candidate Andrew Rice during the 4th of July parade in Bethany this summer in support of the Rice campaign.

CAMPUS BRIEFS Cat food drive In honor of National Feral Cat Day, Norman nonprofit group Fix A Cat will hold its first annual food drive. The drive will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the PetSmart store on Ed Noble Parkway. They are asking for unopened dry cat and kitten food. Alley Cat Allies started National Feral Cat Day in 2001 to raise awareness of the overwhelming number of feral cats that are killed in animal shelters. For more information about Thursday’s event, visit

For students, it’s not politics as usual • Turnout tripled among young voters in 2008 Oklahoma primary RYAN BRYANT Daily Staff Writer am Ikard is racking up miles on his car to garner support for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, in hopes that the Illinois Senator can change the lives of Americans. Ikard, political science junior, has worked for Obama’s campaign since its inception 20 months ago. He took a road trip to Springfield, Ill., in February 2007, where he watched Obama announce his candidacy. In August Ikard attended the Democratic National Convention in


Denver. is working as an intern for Republican Sen. Jim He has traveled the country to Inhofe’s re-election campaign. see Obama speak, and has worked “Being involved with a campaign is a real throughout Oklahoma and Texas to adrenaline rush,” she said. spread the word about the campaign Maricelli said she is drawn to Inhofe and to register new voters. because his stances are more in line with “I’m more enthusiastic about candiher own, including the issue of global dates, not political parties,” Ikard said. warming. “One of [Inhofe’s] more controversial “I’m definitely not a party loyalist.” views is that he doesn’t believe in global Ikard said he supports candidates warming,” she said. “I don’t believe in who will use their strengths and abiliglobal warming, either.” ties to make life better for the American Maricelli said that Inhofe has more difpeople. ficulty attracting youth involvement in his “I’m interested in the ability of the governcampaign because of universities tend to be a more ment to influence and better people’s lives,” he liberal atmosphere. said. “Younger people tend to hold more Democratic views, Ikard is one of many students who aren’t just voting this year but are investing time in a campaign they sup- and there are usually more intellectuals around a college port. Petroleum engineering sophomore Katie Maricelli POLITICS Continues on page 2

TODAY’S INDEX A&E Campus Notes Classifieds Crossword Horoscope

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News 7 Opinion 4 Police Reports 7 Sports 5, 6 Sudoku 9


Professor: Bailout will save student loans, job market


LOW 64° HIGH 66°


THURSDAY LOW 49° HIGH 63° 20% Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab

President George W. Bush signed the $700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, which went into effect Oct. 3. The bill calls for the government to purchase troubled assets from financial institutes. “I’m sure everyone’s really nervous about this,” said James Benson, senior finance and energy major and Finance Student Association JAMIE HUGHES President. “It’s kind of like swallowing a bad Daily Staff Writer pill.” If the bailout plan works, the effects will be Wall Street’s financial crisis has gained positive. The economy will slow in the beginnational attention, but business professors say ning and jobs will decrease for a time, but then the latest financial woes won’t affect students along Lindsey Street.

• Employment in banking industry should remain steady


AP Photo

Specialists look at their screens as they work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday. Employment in the banking and finance industries should not be affected by the current economic turmoil, professors said.

BAILOUT Continues on page 2

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