VOL. 93, NO. 49 FREE — Additional Copies 25¢
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29, 2008 © 2008 OU Publications Board
Treasurer: Resources may protect state from recession • Higher education to receive most pressure in economic downturn RAY MARTIN Daily Staff Writer State officials say Oklahomans are safe — at least temporarily — from negative local repercussions of the U.S. economic downturn. State Treasurer Scott Meacham said Oklahoma has collected nearly $170 million more than necessary in revenue so far this year, and the cushion will stabilize the state should the national decline turn into a local crisis. The national economy took a downturn in recent weeks after the bankruptcy of numerous investment
firms that issued illegitimate credit swaps to consumers with high-risk mortgages. “I think the message is we are looking really good for this fiscal year,” Meacham said. “We have good surplus funds and the state should do well for meeting its commitments for higher education through June SCOTT 30. Unemployment here is very low. The poverty numbers could be betMEACHAM ter, but we’re above the national average.” Non-seasonally adjusted unemployment in Oklahoma was 3.5 percent in September, which is down .3 points from August and .6 points from a year ago, according to reports from the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. OESC Chief Economist Lynn Gray said Oklahoma is and will inevitably continue to be affected by the national economy, which he expects to be declared offi-
cially in recession sometime in the next few weeks. Despite unemployment rates superior to those of most states and less housing bubble-induced spending, he said, Oklahoma is far from recession-proof. “Things aren’t as bad here as they are in other parts of the country,” Gray said. “But I think there is a real chance at hardship in this state. We’ll feel this recession. Employment is growing, but it’s considerably slower than it was 18 months ago.” If the national crisis spills over into Oklahoma, Meacham said the greatest impact will be on students and those in higher education, and that the 2010 fiscal year will be tight. He said the state spends more than half of its revenue on education, and that cuts in spending would put more pressure on students and their families to foot tuition bills. “I know it won’t be good news for all students,” Meacham said. “All of them need to hope that the economy does not affect us here in Oklahoma very
OKLAHOMA ECONOMY AT A GLANCE • Oklahoma has the 10th-fastest-growing economy in the United States. • The state is reporting higher-than-expected revenues this year. • Unemployment in Oklahoma is decreasing. • High energy prices have buoyed state revenues, but a decrease in prices could hurt Oklahoma. • Higher education will bear the brunt of future budget cuts.
STATE Continues on page 2
The volleyball team was unsuccessful in its first bid to take down No. 3 Texas, but the Sooners will try to get even tonight. Page 5.
Adams residents offer safe Halloween
CAMPUS BRIEFS Rice visits campus Forty-eight hours before early voting starts, state Sen. Andrew Rice is visiting OU to encourage students and Norman community members., said a spokesman for the Rice campaign. Rice, a Democrat, is running for the U.S. Senate seat against Republican Jim Inhofe. Rice will speak to students at 6:15 p.m. in the Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Sooner Room.
• Trick-or-treat alternative adds security, festivity
KATE CUNNINGHAM Daily Staff Writer
Poll data incorrect Due to an editor’s error, The Daily cited an AP test document as an actual poll in an article about the House of Representatives race between U.S. Rep. Tom Cole and Blake Cummings in Tuesday’s Election Guide and as a result incorrectly reported that Cole only leads Cummings by 5 points. The AP does not conduct polls for House races.
Voter ID cards not required Due to an editor’s error, an article on voting in Tuesday’s Election Guide incorrectly stated that a state-issued voter identification card is required to vote in Cleveland County. According to Michael Clingman, secretary of the Oklahoma Election Board, voters do not need voter identification cards. Voters do not need IDs unless they are voting in their first federal election since registration. Any form of state or national ID is acceptable, as are utility bills that include the voters’ name and address. Voter who do not have IDs can fill out a provisional ballot. The Daily regrets the errors.
Jerry Wofford/The Daily
News 9 Opinion 4 Police Reports 9 Sports 5, 6 Sudoku 8
THURSDAY LOW 47° HIGH 74° Source: Oklahoma Weather Lab
impacts to the radars,” Sandifer said. Weather researchers’ concern with radar clarity, however, should not be seen as an anti-wind energy stance. Sandifer said they support wind energy, but would like to be considered in the development phase of new wind farms. “We’re trying just to reach out to those developers and to the public in general,” Sandifer said. The U.S. government operates a network of 159 radars installed across the country to track weather for the National Weather Service, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense. The radars were installed in the 1990s at a cost of $1.4 billion to the taxpayers. Radars have filters that remove stationary targets in the radar’s line of sight, like trees and buildings. The source of the turbines’ interference with the radars is in the movement of the blades. “Radar sees that as a moving target and clutter filters are typi-
WIND Continues on page 2
ADAMS Continues on page 2
Oklahoma: Where the wind comes changing the plains •Wind might not only supply much-needed energy, but also jobs for Oklahomans EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third and final installment of The Daily’s three-part series on wind energy in Oklahoma. JERRY WOFFORD Daily Staff Writer
TODAY’S INDEX A&E 7, 10 Campus Notes 9 Classifieds 8 8 Crossword Horoscope 9
Witches, batmen and princesses knocked on the doors of Adams Center residents Tuesday night. And after the traditional “trick-ortreat,” the residents filled their bags with candy. About 500 costumed children roamed the hallways of the dorm as part of Adams Center’s annual Safe Trick-or-Treat, where Norman children can go door to door in the dorms for Halloween candy. “I love kids, so I knew this would be fun,” said University College freshman Jessica Losurdo. “I loved seeing all their costumes.” The night of ghouls and ghosts was complete with a moon walk, costume contest and haunted house. Richard Day, president of the Adams Resident Student Association and civil engineering sophomore, said as a safety precaution, parents had to sign a waiver for their child to participate, and the child was then required to wear a numbered wristband that corresponded with the number on the waiver form. “We have never had any security issues in the recent past,” Day said. “However, last year, some parents forgot to pick their kids up at the end of the night.” Student volunteer guides led groups of children from floor to floor to knock on dorm doors for candy. Volunteers also were posted at the door in every hall, along with four campus security officers standing by on the ground floor where the bulk of the population congregated. Norman resident Frances Case, who has brought her two children to trick-or-treat in the dorms for the last four years, said she was impressed by the safety precautions taken. “It’s one of the best places you can go [trick-or-treating],” she said. “There’s always so much staff around to watch the kids.” The only residents from whom children could take candy were volunteers who had previously agreed to participate. “I think it’s a good idea to have trick-
Instruments in a lab in One Partners Place on the south research campus tests wind turbine effects on radar on a small, controlled scale Tuesday. Researchers are looking to see what interference the turbine causes so they can adapt the radar’s coverage.
t’s an election year, and nearly every politician and government official has been touting wind energy, or at least the expansion of the nation’s — and Oklahoma’s — energy portfolio. Both presidential candidates say they want more development of wind energy. Both Oklahoma U.S. Senate candidates, Republican Jim Inhofe and Democrat Andrew Rice, support the expansion of the wind industry and the infrastructure to support it. The candidates for the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which regulates the energy industry, do as well. Others within the government and those in charge of existing infrastructure, however, would like to see more thought go into the turbines before they stand up.
Radar interference Because of the height of wind turbines and their moving blades, Doppler radars can receive interference from turbines if they are too close to radars, causing radar screens to show corrupted data, said Maj. John Sandifer at the Radar Operations Center at the National Weather Center. At the center, a team of researchers and government officials is trying to work with utility companies across the country on the placement of turbines while developing ways for the radar to filter out the clutter to ensure they can still protect people from dangerous weather. “A lot of the developers aren’t even aware that there are
Photo provided by the Radar Operations Center
These radar signatures show one example of how wind turbines can affect weather radar if the turbines are in the radar’s line of sight.