The Vine Dunstable - December 2018 & January 2019 - Issue 86

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Local News / What’s On / Local Directory e m ber 20

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: Issue 8 6

I Dunstable I Studham I Kensworth I Whipsnade

Local News

What’s On Puzzles


Switching Banks

By Martin Lewis

WIN A FACIAL At Bella Vita Beauty

What’s n WIN PANTO TICKETS! TheVineDO Snow White

At Grove Theatre

• Local Business Dir ectory • Local Events • Lo cal News • Local Offers ADD YOUR LISTIN G TODAY!

Connecting local people to local businesses

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4-8 High Street Edlesborough LU6 2HS we tel: understand 01525 220208 At JANES FLOORING buying At JANES FLOORING we understand buying your new floor will need careful your new floor will need careful consideration from Price, Colours & Service. consideration from Price, Colours & Service.


As a small family run business we pride ourselves As a small family run business we pride ourselves on offering you the very best advice, products and a on offering you the very best advice, products and a tailored service from start to finish tailored service from start to finish all at a competitive price. all at a competitive price.

a small family run business we pride ourselves As afamily small family run business pride ourselves As a As small a As small family run business run business we pride wewe pride ourselves ourselves As a small family run business we pride ourselves on offering you the very best advice, products and offering you the very best advice, products on offering onon offering you the you very the very best best advice, advice, products products and and a and aa a on offering you the very best advice, products and a tailored service from start to finish tailored service from finish tailored tailored service service from from start start tostart finish toto finish tailored service from start to finish all a competitive price. at a competitive price. all atallaall at competitive a at competitive price.price. all at a competitive price.


Browse our showroom at your leisure, borrow samples to look at the Browse our showroom at your leisure, borrow samples to look at the colours at home and we can arrange a home consultation and measure. colours at home and we can arrange a home consultation and measure. “it’s easy when you find a company you can trust to look after you” “it’s easy when you find a company you can trust to look after you”

AtJANES JANES FLOORING we understand buying FLOORING understand buying At JANES AtAt JANES FLOORING FLOORING we understand wewe understand buying buying At JANES FLOORING we understand buying your new floor will need careful your new floor will need careful youryour new new floor floor will will need need careful careful your new floor will need careful consideration from Price, Colours & Service. consideration from Price, Colours Service. consideration consideration fromfrom Price, Price, Colours Colours & Service. &&Service. consideration from Price, Colours & Service.

As a small family run business we pride ourselves Browse our showroom at your leisure, borrow samples to look at the Browse our showroom at your leisure, borrow samples look the Browse Browse our showroom our showroom at your at your leisure, leisure, borrow borrow samples samples to look toto look at the atat the Browse our showroom on at your leisure, borrow samples to look at the and a offering you the very best advice, products colours home and we can a home consultation and measure. co colours atat home and we can arrange a consultation home consultation and measure. lours colours at home at home we and can we arrange can arrange aarrange home a home consultation and measure. and measure. colours at and home and we can arrange a home consultation and measure. tailored service from start to finish “it’s easy when you find a company you can trust to look after you” “it’s easy when you find a company you can trust to look after you” “it’s “it’s easy easy when when you find you find a company a company you can you trust can trust totrust look toall look after you” you” “it’s easy when you find a company you can to look after you” price. at aafter competitive

4-8 High Street Edlesborough LU6 2HS tel: 01525 220208 4-8 High Street Edlesborough LU6 2HS tel: 01525 220208 4-8 4-8 High High Street Street Edlesborough Edlesborough LU6LU6 2HS 2HS tel: 01525 01525 220208 220208 4-8 High Street Edlesborough LU6 2HStel: tel: 01525 220208

Home Counties Counties Loft Loft Ladders, Ladders, Home Quality You You Can Can Trust! Trust! Quality

These days most homeowners suffer from These days most a lack of storage space. homeowners suffer from Solack many preciousspace. items a of storage that needprecious to be kept So many items – butneed where that to to bestore kept it all? That’s where Home – but where to store it Counties Ladders all? That’sLoft where Home come in. Loft Ladders Counties come in. The company, based locally, offers The company, homeowners based locally, the offers opportunity tothe maximise homeowners their storageto space opportunity maximise with astorage loft ladder, their space 50sqft of boarding with a loft ladder, and a light -ofallboarding fully fitted 50sqft and inlight less -than a day from a all fully fitted just £355! But it’s not in less than a day from just £355! the affordability just But it’s not of the that just thepackage affordability makes Home Counties of the package that Loft Ladders makes Homestand Counties out, Ladders as manager David Loft stand Saxon explains: out, as manager‘Our David Saxon explains: ‘Our

watchwords are Quality, Integrity andare Value. watchwords Quality, Quality inand theValue. materials Integrity that wein use for all our Quality the materials installations andallthe that we use for ourfact that all our loft installations andpackages the fact are fitted time served that all ourbyloft packages tradesmen, ourserved are fitted byso time customers are assured of tradesmen, so our the best job. customers are assured of

- that simply wouldn’t if we wouldn’t didn’t -happen that simply adhere to ourdidn’t overriding happen if we principles. adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the oldthe adage happy At endthat of the day the customers leadhappy to more old adage that happy customers true customers lead toismore and wecustomers work hardistotrue happy make that happen for and we work hard to

the best job. Integrity in that we will make that happen for turn up atinthe time Integrity that we we will say and make sure the turn up at the time we house spotless say andismake surewhen the we leave, and value in house is spotless when thatleave, we offer services we andour value in at a price people that we offer our can services afford. at a price people can

every installation we carry out!’ every installation we carry So, if out!’ you want to make use ifofyou your loft to space, So, want make call David 0808 use of yourfree lofton space, 301 9560 and he’ll be call David free on 0808 happy to and pop he’ll round 301 9560 beand give you no obligation happy to apop round and quote so ayou can give you no too obligation make use of your loft! quote so you too can make use of your loft!

afford. Our business relies on referrals and we geton a Our business relies huge amount of our referrals and we get calls a from people have huge amountwho of our calls been people referredwho to us by from have our existing customers been referred to us by our existing customers

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Local Businesses Proud To Be Find Us Inside this issue... LocalCommended Events Highly Inside this issue... Local News CUSTOMER CARE EXCELLENCE AWARD On . 6 Revitalising Dunstable Local Offers 6 Revitalising Dunstable • Local Busine Editor: Scott Nightingale Editor: Scott Advertising & Nightingale Editorial:

ss Directory • Local Events • Local News • Local Offers ADD YOUR LISTING TODAY!

Advertising Shelly Nesbitt & Editorial: Shelly Nesbitt Tel: 01525 222379 / 07852 453043 Tel: 01525 222379 / 07852 453043 Email: Email:

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the content of advertising articles in Whilst every care hasand been taken published to ensure the this magazine are accurate, publisher content of advertising andneither articlesthe published in orthis its magazine editorial contributors accept and are accurate, can neither the publisher hereby disclaim contributors any liability to any party and to loss or its editorial can accept orhereby damage causedany by liability errors. Neither do they disclaim to any party to loss reflect the opinion ofby this publication. or damage caused errors. NeitherThe do Vine they does notthe officially endorse any advertising reflect opinion of this publication. The Vine material thisany publication. does notincluded officiallywithin endorse advertising No part of this publication reproduced material included withinmay thisbe publication. without permission. No partprior of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission.

10 Eden On Our Doorstep? 8 Christmas Waste Collection 12 Local News 10 Local News 20 TeamSport - Competition 20 Snippets: Local Geology 22 Martin Lewis: Money Matters MartinCaring Lewis:For Free Cash Houseplants 26 22 At Home: Competition: 28 26 In The Garden Bella Vita Facial

32 28 Body Change 4U:Snow Calories Competition: White Panto 34 30 Autos: Mercedes C220 AMG Puzzles 36 Puzzles 34 At Home: Christmas Tree Care 38 Snippets: The Gunpowder Plot 38 In The Garden 46 A Pensioners View Copy deadline 40 Looking Up Copy deadline for next issue: 48 Out & About for next issue: January 18th 44 Out & About November 2019 18th

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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


Revitalising Dunstable This year, few of us could have not noticed that town centres across the UK have seen several big-name shops close, including Toys R Us and Maplin. Other retailers are scaling back or thinking very carefully where about where they locate their premises. Commentators are putting this down to a shift from physical shopping to the convenience of big online outlets. In an effort to help boost physical shops and level the playing field, central government cut business rates for small retailers, and proposed a new tax on online retailers in the October’s Budget. Prior to this, a rate relief scheme was introduced for small businesses in April last year. In Dunstable, there are already 305 small businesses who pay no rates as a result.

coffee shops nationally now on UK high streets. The Royal Society of Health did a survey that showed there had been a 31% increase in these purveyors of caffeine. I wasn’t surprised to see the figures about coffee shops. In the UK we are increasingly looking to our high streets as places where we can meet our friends and families. In a society where we seem to be spending increasing time only interacting with people online, the coffee shops are now providing a vital place where we can actually meet each other in person. This is no bad thing.

People often say that Dunstable’s High Street is suffering more than other towns nationally. However, recent research shows that Dunstable’s retail mix and shop type is very similar to other large towns within the UK. While more people are shopHowever, our high streets do still ping online and the council are need our support, probably now unable to control national chains more than ever, if we want to from closing down, we are doing continue to have local shops for our upmost to regenerate the the future. That includes shoptown and make it an attractive ping at independent shops and place for residents and visitors. boutiques that have interesting I went on BBC Three Counitems that may not be available ties radio recently to talk about from larger retail chains to get a the changing face of the local unique gift for the people who high streets. They were discuss- matter to you this Christmas. Or ing whether there are too many the local butcher which can sell


you a fresher turkey or joint of meat for your season fodder, and who can most likely can tell you the name of the local farm down the road where it was born and raised. As a nation, people are placing emphasis on this provenance behind our purchases. If we don’t keep supporting our smaller local shops, then we may not have the choice in the future whether to buy that special something from a local name, or a big-name store. We are committed to revitalising our market towns at the council. We have put forward £4miilion to help boost high streets, including £1million on facelifts for independent shops and businesses. In partnership with the Town Councils, this capital funding offered grants to landlords and businesses for up to 60 per cent of total costs of renovating shop fronts, forecourts and making improvements to vacant units, in order to attract more shoppers and visitors onto the high street. In Dunstable, The Saracen’s Head, Lombardo’s deli, Café Latte, the art gallery Allframe, and the Conference Centre have all benefitted, along with vacant units. So we’re delighted to support these businesses to help boost the vibrancy of Dunstable

Last year we asked the public for their ideas for how to improve Dunstable. We asked what would encourage the public to spend more time in the High Street, and how we can make crossing the High Street safer. The public told us they wanted to prioritise pedestrians, as they are the ones spending their money in the shops and businesses. The reason we reduced the traffic lanes in Dunstable is because we want to create the feel of a more traditional market town, with cafes and seating out front on wider pavements in the summer. The high street had become akin to a dual carriageway when it was the old A5. We want only local traffic to come into town, rather than using Dunstable as a through route. So we’ve made £1.5milion worth of improvements to widen the pavements, and added trees and benches to the high street to help encourage pedestrians back into town. We’re incorporating sustainable drainage solutions as part of the overall town centre design. So, as well as being attractive, the trees will have a grill around them which will take away extra surface or storm water to below the surface to help with the flooding that has affected the town at times. We’ve also used permeable paving which means the excess surface water seeps through the top layers to the ground or away to enter the underground drains below. All of these investments will help fulfil our over-arching ambitions to give our residents back their High Street and encourage people to spend more time in the centre of Dunstable. But we also need you to remember to spend your money on your high street.

Where to shop In Dunstable for something different: So you’d like to buy clothes in Dunstable?... We have New Look, Peacocks, Best Look, Bon Marche, Hipster, Ruby Tuesday, Studio J, Johnson Tamar, Penny’s Fashions, Big Stuff, and Gladrags.

For your specialist food items in Dunstable,... Shop at Magazinul Tau, Gelateria Antonio, Auntie Claudette’s World Foods, Kopernik, Lisa Roberts, Lombardo’s deli, Food Plus, Peter Dorn butchers, Delight – Wedlinka, and Holland & Barrett, Cakes by Claire Kelly, and Vrancea.

And if you want an unusual gift this Christmas... Try Dormans, Celebrations, All Frame, Dysons Cycles, Pedalworks, Secrets, The Workhouse Art Gallery or Timeless Interiors.

By Cllr Nigel Young, Executive Member for Regeneration at Central Bedfordshire Council

Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


local News

Refuse & recycling collections over the 2018/2019 Christmas and New Year period. Please put your usual wheelie bin or bag out as normal by 7am on the revised collection dates.



Scheduled collection

Revised collection

Scheduled collection

Revised collection

Monday, 24 Dec. Tuesday, 25 Dec. Wednesday, 26 Dec. Thursday, 27 Dec. Friday, 28 Dec. Monday, 31 Dec.

Saturday, 22 Dec. Monday, 24 Dec. Thursday, 27 Dec. Friday, 28 Dec. Saturday, 29 Dec. No change

Tuesday, 1 Jan. Wednesday, 2 Jan. Thursday, 3 Jan. Friday, 4 Jan.

Wednesday, 2 Jan. Thursday, 3 Jan. Friday, 4 Jan. Saturday, 5 Jan.

Refuse and recycling collections will resume as normal on Monday, 7 January 2019. Please recycle all your Christmas cards, wrapping paper and cardboard packaging. Don’t forget you can recycle your reusable textiles, small electrical items and household batteries separately. For more details please visit:

Garden waste collections All kerbside garden waste collections will be suspended between Monday, 10 December and Friday, 1 March 2019 inclusive. The service will resume on Monday, 4 March 2019. Central Bedfordshire Household Waste Recycling Centres: Our sites are open Monday-Sunday,9am-5pm except Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve 9am-1pm. They’re closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year’s Day. For information about collections, updates during adverse weather and information about the Household Waste Recycling Centres visit: Call 0300 300 8302 or email

A great place to live and work.

Recycle your real Christmas tree. Simply leave your real Christmas tree NEXT to your recycling bin on your normal collection day between Monday, 7 January and Friday, 18 January 2019. Please ensure its placed separately and not in any bin or bag – No other garden waste will be accepted. accepted Trees should be no taller than 6ft with trunks no greater than 3 inches in diameter.. Alternatively, you can recycle it at diameter your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.



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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


local News

Dunstable Library At Vernon Place To Close To prepare for its relocation, the current Dunstable Library at Vernon Place will be closing. Its last day will be Saturday 22nd December when it will close its doors for the last time at 2pm, ahead of the move into its new home at the future £20.1 million Dunstable Centre in Court Drive, Dunstable, which is due to open in March 2019. During the closure, there will be a drop-off point for returning library items at The Grove Theatre. This will be open between 10am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, and 10am and 2pm on Saturdays throughout the closure period. Loans are being issued for a longer period than usual to help avoid fines while the

library is closed. Councillor Ian Dalgarno, Central Bedfordshire Council’s Executive Member for Community Services, said: "The leisure centre and library in Dunstable were no longer fit for purpose or cost effective to run. By bringing services together under one roof, the new facility will reduce running costs, while providing more flexible services to customers, such as improved opening hours for public services.

ferent activities."

"The brand-new library will be a large, bright and airy open-plan space, incorporating state-of-theart equipment. The space will flow seamlessly within the main foyer and will have zones for dif-

More information about the new Dunstable Centre is available at

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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


local News

Community News From your local store

What an amazing November we have had and I must begin by saying a huge thank you to all of our customers, the community and staff who helped raise ÂŁ10,600.53 for the Remembrance Day Poppy Appeal. This would not have been possible without all the work that Ray Canning and his team put in to make it a success. It was a privilege to work along side them and I look forward to working on the appeal next year. Now for this coming month, on 1st December Houghton Together are putting on a 1940's Christmas fair at Bedford Square Shopping Centre. This is an event for all the community and we hope you can come along to enjoy the entertainment and join in with activities. There will be something for all ages. The event will go on from 12pm until 4pm with the annual Church Service and Christmas Lights Switch On taking place straight afterwards to finish off the day. This will be the third fund-raising event that Houghton Together have organised in 2018 with the money raised going to charities in the community. Here at Morrisons on 4th December, we will be holding our Traditional Coffee And Mince Pie Event. The event will take place in the Customer Cafe from 2:30 until 5:00 and you are all invited! So please come along and join in with St Vincents School Choir and the Salvation Army Band. This year, for the first time, we will be having a raffle every hour with all contributions going to our partnership charity, Clic Sargent. Throughout the Festive Season we will be engaging in many in-store based activities - from Bag Packing to Memory Tags for our Christmas Tree - and there are also plans for many more events in and around Houghton Regis so pease keep an eye on our community notice board for updates. We are now taking orders for Christmas! If you are ordering for Christmas Eve, orders must be in by 15th December and for New Years Eve by 21st December. We would llike to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers, and our local community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, however you celebrate. Sandra Gibb Community Champion, Houghton Regis Morrisons.


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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


local Community

Christmas Is Coming

Santa and the Rotary Club of Dunstable are gearing up for their festive events taking place throughout the town. The Festive Season will soon be upon us so to get everyone off to a good start, Father Christmas will once again be touring the streets of Dunstable and the surrounding villages between the 3rd - 23rd December. During that period he will also be at some of the local supermarkets so please come and see him on his sleigh and give generously to the charities he and the Rotary Club are supporting! Last year the club were able to support many charities with the help of local organisations and several PTA’s so listen out for the music as it comes round your street and keep an eye on social media for updates on where he will be.


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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


local News

Seeing in Christmas at your local...

Best Bar None!

In and around Dunstable we have a wonderful eclectic mix of places to drink – high street pubs and bars, village pubs, social clubs, rugby and football clubs. All of them unique and different, but bound together by being a focal point for the community. Many of us like to visit a pub for a drink at Christmas. We choose where we visit according to our own set of criteria – atmosphere, location, food and drink – but we also want to feel safe and know staff are looking out for us. Schemes such as Best Bar None and Pubwatch exist to make sure that while we enjoy visiting pubs, we can do this safely. Many of our local pubs have achieved Best Bar None status – look for the Best Bar None sticker or plaque in pubs, and you’ll know that they’ve been independently assessed, achieving criteria around fire safety, crime and disorder and importantly, train their staff on how to deal with incidents. This reciprocal relationship of pubs and bars looking out for us and us supporting their business will ensure this vibrant mosaic of venues will keep thriving in our community.

Enjoy a drink in your local Best Bar None this Christmas...

Best Bar None pubs in Dunstable include Club Cookies, Creasey Park Community FC, Gary Cooper, Grove Theatre, The Old Sugar Loaf, White Lion, White Swan, and in Houghton Regis, The Kings Arms.


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Bull Pond Lane, LU6 3AH. Tel: 01582 606031 E:

Can you help us?

We urgently need Voluntary Meet and Greeters at our counselling venue in Dunstable Town Centre on Mondays from 5.15 to 8.30 p.m. Our Meet and Greeters volunteer on a rota system and any help you can give, however small, would be greatly appreciated If you can help in any way, please email Tina Miller on or call on 01234 356350 for an informal chat. Registered Co. 394221. Registered Charity 207314. Reg. Office Premier House, Carolina court, Lakeside DN4 5RA

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T: 01582 937 901 I E: I Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


local Notices

Travel Talks (with associated history)

Travel Through History With The New Course From Adult Learning Charity For 5 weeks each Tuesday morning starting January 15th 2019, Paul Heley will be giving talks about places visited together with the history - both ancient and modern - associated with these places. The talks will be entitled: "On the trail of the Vikings" and will deal with the Viking explorations of places like the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador and the mystical "Vinland" 1000 years ago; "Over the top and round the corner" covering a trip to the Shetland Isles, the North Cape of Norway and the White Sea of Russia. The history deals with the Jarlshof Bronze Age centre on Shetland and then covers the "Shetland 'bus” and the Arctic convoys of WW2 and finally the grim story of the Solovetsky Islands gulag in the White Sea; "Machu Pichu and the Incas" tells of a recent trip to Peru and of the "them and us" contrasts in life styles between the Quechan Andean Indians and the European Spanish both today and during the 1400s with the destruction of the Incan Empire by the Spanish Conquistadors. There is also the beautiful scenery and the amazing wildlife;



"In the wake of Shackleton" deals with the heroic story of the disastrous Antarctic voyage of the "Endurance” 100 years ago and of the unbelievable courage, incredible navigational skill and seamanship, and miraculous rescue of 22 men from the remote Elephant Island. This story, standing in the annals of heroism, is set amidst beautiful scenery with millions of penguins for company. "A journey to the edge of the World" covers a trip to the archipelago of St Kilda 50 miles beyond the Outer Hebrides in the north Atlantic. Amazingly, this rain lashed, wind whipped inhospitable dot in the ocean was home to extremely hardy people living a unique lifestyle for thousands of years before deciding in 1930 that enough was enough. The venue will be the LUBYA building, Manchester Place. The price is £25 for the five talks, £6 for individual talks - drop ins very welcome. Any questions or to register please contact Elisabeth Pynn: 01582 696352 or Carole Smart: 01525 872525


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Snippets By Paul Heley

Local Geology And The Chalk Cutting

That part of Dunstable lying on its northern edge, namely Chalk Hill or Chalk Cutting, used to be topographically much higher in the past - when it was known as Puddle Hill (why Puddle? Don’t ask me!). Before the advent of the former Houghton Regis chalk quarry and the present cutting, it was possible to walk from Houghton to Sewell over this hill.

be seen in good time thereby giving plenty of warning. But as soon as wheeled transport became part of the scene, then Puddle Hill became a nightmare because the drop down from its top to the lower ground (ie around present day Thorn turn) was extremely steep and very difficult to both get up and also to get down. The reason for this difficulty is

The Romans roughly two thousand years ago also had a problem here when they tried to construct their Via Vitellina (Watling Street). They sawed some of the chalk off the top and placed it at the bottom in order to take something of the “sting” out of this wretchedly steep hill. (Fig 2, schematic only). And it stayed like that for centuries causing considerable annoyance and inconvenience to

that Puddle Hill represents what is called the “scarp slope” of the Chalk which stands proud of the much softer Gault Clay and Greensand horizons to the north. (Fig 1)

anyone who had to use the road. Please remember that Puddle Hill was completely deserted at the time and that the centre of Dunstable was 2 miles away - nothing like today.

Fig 1

In much earlier days (Neolithic and Saxon), there were settlements on Puddle Hill because the location offered an excellent view northwards so that any attackers from that direction could easily


Fig 2


The Changing Profile Of Puddle Hill

(Now called The Chalk Cutting)


Original Following the Roman building of Watling Street Present Day Chalk Cutting (1837)

The hill was a real pain in the nether regions during the stagecoach days and a number of “cock” horses (ie particularly strong horses) had to be used to help pull a coach (or any other vehicle carrying goods) up the hill and also to act as an extra brake when going down. And in winter time, the journey through the clinging mud from Hockleyin–the-Hole (Hockliffe) made life even worse. However, although the hill might be a nuisance to the coaches, it was a godsend to highwaymen who took advantage of the fact that here was a coach full of potentially rich people stuck out in the middle of nowhere and at their mercy. There are a few local stories about the rather nasty practices of some of these highwaymen; and also one about how the authorities tried to put a stop to these robberies and how they caught one of the highwaymen, Gabriel Tompkins in 1746. After execution, his body was placed in an iron gibbet on Puddle Hill and left to rot – for all to see. The intention, of course, was to warn “wannabe highwaymen” that this is what could happen to them too. Another attempt to ease the

problem of this steep hill was the construction of a “bypass” in 1782 which swung westwards from somewhere around present day Suncote Avenue and took a much gentler route down the hill. It’s known as the “Old Coach Way”. (Fig 3) But eventually, Thomas Telford, the famous civil engineer responsible for the construction of such as the Caledonian Canal and the Menai Bridge, was commissioned during the 1810s to improve the London to Holyhead road (ie the Watling street) since it was the principal route to Dublin. Part of

his remit was to sort out the notorious Puddle Hill and in 1815 work started on the cutting we see today. Basically, it attempted to improve on the Roman effort and tons of chalk were removed by pick and shovel, wheelbarrow and truck from the top of the hill and placed at the bottom together with suitable roadside reinforcements which are still there 200 years later. The work was completed in 1837. (Main image shows the cutting in the 1920s).

Fig 3

Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


Money Matters By Martin Lewis

FREE CASH For Switching Bank Accounts

There are laws against bribery. Luckily they don’t apply to banks wanting to bung you free money

@martinslewis There’s a banking price war on right now which means you can earn up to £200 for switching account. So take a bribe, and get some extra cash in the kitty. And don’t just do this for the money. I get more complaints about banks than any other sector apart from energy, yet people loyally stick with the perpetrators for years. If that’s you – stop bitching and start switching – many of the accounts that pay have decent service too.

Switching is easy... they do it all for you.

Before I get to the best-buys, let me deal with the “isn’t switching bank a nightmare?” question. I’m sure you’ve heard stories. Yet do ask people, when, this happened. For five years now we’ve had the switching guarantee in place, and that changed everything - for the better. To get the free cash you’ll be credit scored (it’s not too harsh) and will need to go through banks official switching services. The switching guarantee means you’re switched within seven working days. Your new bank moves direct debits and standing orders for you (some require at least two to be moved), and closes your old account. All payments to your old account are automatically forwarded. In a recent twitter poll I did on this, 76% said


in return for your custom. switching was hassle-free and easy, like Sophie who says: “I’ve switched 2 accounts in the last few years. Was so easy I persuaded my parents to do the same”. Most of the rest only had minor issues. The top current account give-aways... These change regularly, for full daily updated details and all the tips and eligibility criteria see my full guide at Here’s a quick summary of the top deals at the time of writing…

Free £200 (£150 upfront, £50 if you stay) + 5% fixed savings.

Switch to the Advance account and you can get £150 free cash. Stay with it for a year and you’ll get another £50. It also lets you save up to £250 per month in its linked 5% fixed regular savings account. With HSBC like most banks there’s a minimum monthly pay in. Here it’s a relatively large £1,750 a month - equivalent to £25,900 a year. This is effectively just a way to get you to pay in your salary. Yet if you don’t earn enough to meet this, there’s a way around the rule. If you earn £1,000 a month, then just withdraw £750 and pay it straight back in and you will qualify. When do you get the money? Within 30 calendar days of switching.

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PAUL HELEY: 01582 664339 or Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


Free £125 plus 2% cashback on bills.

Free £125 M&S vouchers with no monthly pay in.

Switch to most current accounts and you’ll get £125. Among those is the NatWest Reward account where for a monthly £2 fee you get 2% cashback on household bills that you pay via direct debit from it, including council tax, water, energy and broadband – many can earn £100 a year from this. Its minimum monthly pay-in is £1,500 (equal to an annual salary of £21,500). When do you get the money? It’ll be paid in February and you’ll need to keep your account till then.

Switch to bank. and you get a £125 M&S gift card with no-minimum monthly pay in. Though if you do pay in £1,250 a month (equal to a £17,080 salary) you can earn an additional £5 a month voucher for a year. It also has a linked 5% fixed regular savings account. When do you get the money? Within a month of switching.

Free gadgets plus top service.

You can switch too…

Though not free cash, switch to and you can choose a free gift from choice of gadgets (e.g. £120 Amazon Echo or £120 Fitbit), or a £150 Expedia voucher. Plus it’s won every customer service polls I’ve done for the past eight years - 89% rate it ‘great’. You’ll also get a £250 0% overdraft, and can open a linked 5% regular saver. The minimum monthly pay in is £1,000 (equal to a £12,675 salary). When do you get the freebies? Within 2 weeks of paying in your first £1,000 you’re emailed instructions on how to get the freebie which can then take up to a month or so to arrive.


Being overdrawn doesn’t stop you switching, though you may not get the same overdraft limit as your current account. For those with smaller overdrafts, the First Direct account above is useful as, as well as the free gadgets it offers an interest-free £250 overdraft – an easy way to avoid costs. Alternatively,'s FlexDirect gives a year's 0% overdraft. Yet there's no set limit - it depends on your credit score. Though as after the year you pay 50p a day if you’re overdrawn, do use the time to try and ditch the debt.

Although Money Matters is based on extensive research and personal knowledge, Martin Lewis is not necessarily qualified in the given field/subject. We would therefore always recommend that readers take this information as advice and do their own research before committing.


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Family business, BellaVita Beauty Rooms first opened their doors in Lovers Walk in 2002. Since then, business has grown year by year allowing the family to employ a full time therapist and relocate to new premesis in the heart of Dunstable. The new salon opened at 22 Albion Street in August 2017 and business continues to thrive with an ever expanding client base, some of whom have been loyal customers since first opening in 2002. The range of treatments on offer includes waxing, facials, massages, manicures and pedicures. They also specialise in Caci which is a non surgical face lifting used by many celebrities including Jennifer Lopez, Anthea Turner to name a few. Other speciality on offer include micro needling, which is also used and trusted by many celebrities, and Microblading which is adding hair strokes to the brows, shaping and defining, the technique is a very natural looking brow. A full list of treatments can be found by visiting

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LEWIS BUILDING Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Are Coming To Grove Theatre!

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From the team that brought you Sleeping Beauty; Evolution Pantomimes returns to To be in with a chance of winning, answer the Grove Theatre with the greatest pantomime of following question... all: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! From Friday 7th - Monday 31st December you Which famous TV soap did Charlie Brooks, will be entertained! Tickets: Gold Performance: Price Band A £25.50*, Price Band B £22.50* (Concessions £4 off) Blue Performance: Price Band A £22.50*, Price Band B £19.50* (Concessions £4 off) Green Performance: All Seats £15.50*.

Box Office: 01582 60 20 80 (opt 2) Book Online:

A £2 transaction fee will be added to all bookings.

Book your next holiday with Suitcase Travel Dunstable’s only independent travel agency.

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Queen Ivannah feature in?

A. Coronation Street B. Neighbours C. EastEnders D. Hollyoaks Enter online at or email your answer to Competition ends Thurdsy 6th December. Winner will be chosen at random and contacted via email.


Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019



Answers on page 62



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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019



Don’t get the needle at Christmas If you buy a real Christmas tree, how can you make sure it stays looking its best over the festive season? Some 30% of people in the UK do buy the real thing each year, yet many are often left with more needles on the floor than on the tree within a week of putting it up - especially if they haven't chosen a non-drop variety such as the ever-popular Nordmann fir. But if you give any Yuletide tree the care it needs, it shouldn't drop too much. If you look after trees properly, most of them should look good throughout the festive season. Cut trees remain the most popular, and it is essential that they should be fresh when purchased. The needles should not be dull and dried up, the branches not brittle. If you gently shake the tree, the outer needles should not fall off. When you've bought your tree, keep it outside in a cool, shaded place, preferably standing in water, until it is required indoors. Before bringing it inside, cut about half an inch off the base of the trunk to open up the pores of the tree and then place it securely in a water-holding stand or wedge it in a bucket with pebbles, small stones or screwed-up newspaper and place it away from direct heat. Anyone who places the tree next to a radiator is asking for trouble. Keep the container topped up with water every day,


as trees can get through a pint a day. About 8.5 million trees are sold in this country every Christmas, of which half are Nordmann firs. The Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) which is popular in the eastern United States is narrower than other trees and therefore more suitable for smaller rooms. Look for growers who are situated in an isolated place away from urban centres. They are less likely to get a big retail market and you may get a better deal and a better tree from them. Remember that trees sold retail in urban areas may have come from out of town and may have been exposed to drying winds in transit. They could have been cut weeks earlier. Ask the retailer whether his trees are delivered either once at the beginning of the season or at different times during the period. Some people may opt for a tree that will last for years. If you are looking for a tree you can plant in the garden afterwards, go for a container-grown tree. You can plant it out after Christmas and may be able to bring it in again next year. You should put it in a sheltered spot initially and slowly acclimatise it to the open before planting in its final home, making sure the root collar is at ground level and to water it well.

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In Theen Gard

Attracting Birds In Winter

Feed The Birds They are as important to the wildlife garden as butter is to bread, not only providing interest to budding birdwatchers, but helping to keep unwanted pests such as slugs and snails under control. As their natural habitat continues to disappear, it is more important than ever to feed the birds during the winter months. But there are so many different feeders and seed types on the market, it's difficult to know which are the best. There are a lot of nasty feeders out there which can trap beaks and feet, so you need to go to a reputable supplier. And be aware that some feeders are ridiculously cheap for a reason. Never put out the nylon mesh bags containing fat as birds can become trapped in them. Go for steel mesh feeders and provide a mix of seeds to attract different birds. Birds require high energy, high fat foods during the cold winter weather to maintain their body reserves to survive the frosty nights. Finches are especially grateful for seeds in late winter and early spring. In summer they love black sun-

flower seeds, pinhead oatmeal, soaked sultanas, raisins and currants, mild grated cheese, mealworms, waxworms, mixes for insectivorous birds and good seed mixtures without loose peanuts, on which their young could choke. Never put out loose peanuts, dry hard foods, large chunks of bread, or fats during the spring or summer months. Make sure you buy 'safe nuts' from reputable outlets and offer them in cages. Peanuts will attract blue tits, great tits, woodpeckers and even robins if you crush the peanuts, niger seeds will encourage finches and siskins, but the more variety of food you have, the larger the range of birds you are likely to attract. Small flocks of greenfinches can be a common sight at bird tables, sometimes queuing up with chaffinches and sparrows to take a turn at feeders. Use bird tables to attract larger birds such as collared doves, wood pigeons and starlings. There are also many plants you can grow to encourage birds to visit. Traditional countryside hedges are now full of blackberries, elderberries, rosehips, haws and sloes on


• Buy squirrel-proof feeders • Keep feeders at least 10 feet away from tree trunks and branches • Buy quality seed to attract a wide variety of birds • Keep feeders fully stocked. • Clean feeders periodically • Fill the bird bath, even in winter • Provide a safe haven and bird houses for shelter

which the birds can feed, and you can mimic the classic hedgerow in your garden by planting a fruiting hedge. The RSPB advises gardeners to mix rugosa roses, elder and hawthorn to act as a wild foodstore, even adding a gooseberry or bramble if there's room. If you have a large garden, try growing hazel (Corylus avellana) for its nuts and attractive catkins. Other plants, including crab apples, ivy, box-leaved honeysuckle and cotoneaster also add glorious colour to the autumn and winter scene as well as producing fruit and berries for the birds. Avoid sterile hybrids, which won't produce seeds or fruit, but give your garden some colour and nutritious seeds for the birds by planting coneflowers, teasels and knautia macedonica. If you have fallen apples and pears on your lawn, leave them for the song thrushes and blackbirds who will feast on them. Let the birds make the most of nature's larder - but make sure you offer them some extra titbits to help them through the winter months.

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Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


Looking Up!

Catch a Falling Star! Shooting stars are back on the menu this December with the annual Geminids meteor shower. Active from 4 December until 17 December the Geminids are best viewed at their peak on the nights of 13 / 14 December from 8pm onwards. Choose a spot in the Chilterns with an open view of the sky to your south and east to enjoy a pre-Christmas light show unlike any other! See a Christmas Comet: A bright comet is on its way across the night sky just in time for Christmas. At mid-evening on 17 and 18 December look for a large diffuse smudge of light high above the eastern horizon between the red supergiant Aldebaran in Taurus and the Pleiades star cluster. By Christmas Eve Comet 46P/Wirtanen lurks close to one of the brightest stars in the sky called Capella, located high up in the sky towards the east. Watch a Total Eclipse of the Moon: In the early hours of Monday 21 January our full moon falls into darkness as a total lunar eclipse sweeps across Bedfordshire. This one is for night owls only with a 3:35am start! Watch as a dark shadow creeps over our silver-faced friend. At 4:40am totality begins! For the next hour the full shape of our moon appears as a ghostly grey-orange orb hanging low over the western horizon. It’ll be a spectacular sight against a starlit sky. By Seb Jay - Image Credit: Neal Simpson Dark Sky Telescope Hire

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call us now a free quotation. • Steamed Up Glass •double New Conservatory Local Local company company who who can can fix fix all allall types types ofof of Local company who can fix types call us for a free quotation. problems withfor your glazing, Local company who can fix all types of call us now now for a double free quotation. Roofs problems problems with withfor your your double glazing, glazing, with your double glazing, • Faultyproblems Window or call us now a free quotation. problems with your •double glazing, • Steamed Up Glass New Conservatory call callGlass ususnow now nowfor foraafree free quotation. • Steamed Up New Conservatory • quotation. Conservatory call quotation. Locks Hinges • Door Steamed Up&us Glass • New Conservatory call us now for for a a free free quotation. Roofs Roofs Cleaning & Service • Steamed Faulty Window or • Up Glass • New Conservatory Window or Roofs • •Faulty Draughty Windows • Steamed Steamed Up UpGlass Glass •••New New Conservatory Conservatory Faulty Window or Conservatory Roofs Conservatory • Security up grades • Steamed Up Glass New Conservatory Door Locks & Hinges Roofs Roofs • •and Faulty Window or Door Locks &Glass Hinges Doors Steamed Up New Conservatory • Conservatory • Faulty Faulty Window Window or or Cleaning & Service Door Locks & Hinges Cleaning Service Roofs Conservatory We also fit& Roofs Cleaning &Windows, Service •••Conservatory Conservatory • Leaking Faulty Window or Draughty Windows Door Locks &&&Hinges Draughty Windows • Conservatory Faulty Window or Door Door Locks Locks Hinges Hinges • Security up grades • Draughty Windows Cleaning & Service •Cleaning Security up grades Cleaning & Service Doors &&Service Conservatories Conservatory and Doors and Doors Roofs Conservatory • Security up grades Door Locks & Hinges • Draughty Draughty Windows Windows • •and Draughty Door LocksWindows & Hinges Doors Cleaning & Service •Security We also fit Windows, ••• Security up upgrades grades Security up grades We also fit Windows, Cleaning & Service • Leaking Conservatory and and Doors Doors and Doors Leaking Conservatory • We also fit Windows, • Draughty Windows Doors & Conservatories • Leaking DraughtyConservatory Windows Doors &Windows, Conservatories ••• We also also fitfit Windows, Security up grades Roofs •We We also fit Windows, • Leaking Leaking Conservatory Conservatory £0 DEPOSIT REQUIRED BALANCE UPON Roofs Security up grades Doors & Conservatories Doors • •and Leaking Conservatory and Doors Doors Doors & & Conservatories Conservatories Roofs Roofs Roofs Doors & fit Conservatories • We also Windows, COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! Roofs Conservatory • We also fit Windows, • Leaking • Leaking Conservatory £0 DEPOSIT REQUIRED BALANCE UPON Doors & Conservatories £0 DEPOSIT REQUIRED --BALANCE BALANCE UPON Doors & Conservatories Roofs £0 £0 DEPOSIT DEPOSITREQUIRED REQUIRED- -BALANCE UPON UPON Roofs £0 DEPOSIT REQUIRED BALANCE UPON COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! £0 DEPOSIT REQUIRED BALANCE UPON COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! • Fascia Soffits •SATISFACTION! Gutters COMPLETION COMPLETION OF OF• YOUR YOUR FULL FULL SATISFACTION! COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! £0 -- BALANCE UPON COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! £0 DEPOSIT DEPOSIT REQUIRED REQUIRED BALANCE UPON Special Discount •••Fascia Soffits Gutters Fascia Fascia ••• Soffits Soffits ••• Gutters Gutters COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! COMPLETION OF YOUR FULL SATISFACTION! • Fascia • Soffits • Gutters for OAP’s • Gutters • FasciaSpecial • Soffits Special Discount Discount Special Discount Special Discount • Fascia • Soffits • Discount forOAP’s OAP’s • FasciaSpecial •for Soffits • Gutters Gutters for OAP’s for OAP’s Special Discount

for OAP’s Special Discount for OAP’s CALL: 07511 906 161 Special Discount for for OAP’s OAP’s CALL: CALL: 07511 07511 906 906 161 161 CALL: 07511 906 161 CALL: 07511 906 CALL: 07511 906 161 161 CALL: 07511 906 161 2% service charge

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Volunteers Needed

Citizens Advice Dunstable & District is moving into a brand new Library & Leisure Centre building in February 2019. We are launching a recruitment drive in preparation for this exciting expansion.

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decorative glass

3D Hinges 3D Hinges For more For styles moreand styles glass and options glass options please see please our see our AffinityAffinity With With Active Active With 3D 3DActive adjustment adjustment 3D adjustment Unit 3 Westbury Close Website Website Q-Lon Gaskets Townsend Industrial Estate Chiltern ChilternChiltern Tradeframes Tradeframes Tradeframes Direct Direct Direct Triple Glazed Full Full range range Full of of Triple rangeThe of Glazed world’s best Houghton Regis Factory Factory Factory address: address: address: decorative decorative decorative glass glass glass Unit Unit 3 3 Westbury Westbury Unit 3 Westbury Close Close Close Bedfordshire LU5 5BL weatherseal gasket


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North Chilterns Chalk


10am - 4pm, Free North Chilterns Chalk Thursday 3rd January


Totternhoe Nature Reserve LU6 1QG - Meet TBA Saturday 5th January Blow’s Downs

(Half Moon Lane Entrance). LU5 4AB

T: 01525 874317 E:


Why not make helping wildlife one of your New Year’s resolutions? At the same time you’ll meet likeminded people in the fresh air and, after all those Christmas festivities, get some wonderful exercise.Suitable clothing, footwear and packed lunch required. Gloves,protective gear, tools and hot drinks provided.

THE SKY AT NIGHT Friday 18th January 7.30pm - 9.30pm £8 including hot drinks Live and Let Live Pub, Pegsdon Way. SG5 3JX

Bookings andfurther information:

T: 01525 874317 E:

Discover more about the night sky with astronomer Helen Muir-Howie. This event will begin with a tea or coffee at the Live and Let Live pub followed by a presentation on astronomy. We will then make our Spring Summer 2018 way out onto the Pegsdon Reserve to view the night sky. Unfortunateley there is no wheelchair access.

MANAGING RESERVES FOR TOMORROW’S CLIMATE Wednesday 30th January 7.30pm - 9.00pm £3 Lecture Theatre, Dunstable Community Fire Station,

Brewers Hill Road. LU6 1AA Bookings and further information:

T: 01525 874317 E:

The impact of temperature changes and habitat management on UK butterflies: Dr Andrew Bladon will take us on a journey to discover how climate change and humaninduced habitat loss will affect the future of UK butterflies. Dr Bladon will present the results of surveys undertaken on five reserves around Dunstable.

COMMUNITY ORCHARD DAY Saturday 2nd February 10am - 3.00pm Blows Downs Spring Summer 2018 Community Orchard Off Station Road. LU5 4EY

No Wheelchair access.

Bookings and further information:

T: 01525 874317 E:


Orchard Training with the Wildlife Trust BCN: Join us for a practical morning to learn how to care for and manage an orchard. You can also book onto the afternoon indoor session for a more in-depth look at our orchard heritage alongside their care and management. Training funded by Orchards East. Children’s activities: 10.30am-12pm.

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IfIfyou youneed needblinds blindsto torefresh refreshyour yourdécor décoror orprovide providethe thefinishing finishingtouch touch to toaafull fullrefurbishment refurbishmentininyour yourOur domestic domestic or commercial property, property, successor iscommercial built on your satisfaction Our success is built on then thenlook lookno nofurther furtherthan thanAllegro AllegroBlinds Blindsin inDunstable. Dunstable. If you need blinds to refresh your If you décor need or provide blinds tothe refresh finishing your touch décor or provide th If you need blinds to refresh to a full refurbishment in your domestic to a full refurbishment or commercialinproperty, your domestic comme If youorneed blin to a full refurbishment in y Our Ourthen success isno on yts then look no further than Allegro then Blinds look no Dunstable. further than Allegro Blinds in Du Our success is built on yourin satisfaction to abuilt full refur If you need blin look further Our success Our success is built on your satisfaction If you need blin Our success is built on your satisfaction then loo toisabuilt full refur Our success on If you need blinds to or refresh your défiy you need blinds to refresh your décor provide the If you need blinds to refresh your décorIfor provide the finishing touch If you blin toindécor aneed full refur then loo If you need blinds to refresh your or p to a full refurbishment your dom to a full refurbishment in your domestic or commerci a full refurbishment in to your domestic or commercial If you needor blinds refresh décor or provide finishing touch If you need blinds property, tothe refresh your décor provide the If you need blinds toaneed refresh yo efreshtoyour décor provide the your finishing touch Iforyou blin to full refur then loo 2 YEAR GUARANTEE to a full refurbishment in your domestic o then look no further than Alle then look no further than Allegro Blinds in Duns • Motorised Blinds then look no further than Allegro Blinds in Dunstable. to a full refurbishment in your domestic or commercial property, to a full refurbishment in to your domestic or acommerc a full refurbishment yo to full in refur then loo ent in your domestic or commercial property, then look no further than Allegro Bli ALL OURthan PRODUCTS then look no further than Allegro Blinds in Dunstable. then lookON no further Allegro in Dun then lookBlinds no further tha then loo • Plantation Shutters

rther than Allegro Blinds in Dunstable.

Our products productscome comewith withaa22YEAR YEARGUARANTEE. GUARANTEE. • Awnings &Our Canopies Here HereatatAllegro Allegro Blinds Blinds we wehave haveover over70 70years yearsof ofexperience experienceininproviding providingquality qualityblinds blinds • Quality Fitted Blinds for forhomes homesand andaawhole wholerange rangeof ofcommercial commercialcustomers. customers.

Our products come with a 2 YEAROur GUARANTEE. products come with a 2Our YEAR GUARAN products com Here at Allegro Blinds we have over 70Here yearsatofAllegro experience Blindsinwe providing have Here over quality 70Allegro years blinds ofBlinds experience inOur pro at we have ove for homes and a whole range of commercial for homes customers. and a whole range of commercial custom • • QUALITY QUALITY FITTED FITTED BLINDS BLINDS • • AWNINGS AWNINGS & & PLANTATION PLANTATION SHUTTERS SHUTTERS for homes and aOur wh • BBSA Approved Company Here at Allegro Blin Our for Our products come with a h2 • • BBSA BBSA APPROVED APPROVED COMPANY COMPANY • • MADE MADE TO TO MEASURE MEASURE SERVICE SERVICE Our products come with a 2 YEAR GUARANTE Please proceed Please proceed Here at Allegro Blin Make cha Make changes Proof correct Proof correct Our productsFAMILY come with a 2 BUSINESS YEAR GUARANTEE. • LOCAL RUN • LOCAL • FULLY FAMILY TRAINED RUN BUSINESS • FULLY TRA Our • STAFF LOCAL FAMILY RUN Bh • Showroom come with a 2 YEAR for after alteration Our products after alteration and re-pro and re-proof please proceed please proceed Here at Allegro Blin • • REFURBISHED REFURBISHED LOCAL LOCAL SHOWROOM SHOWROOM Our products come with a 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. Our products come with a2 YEAR GUARANTE Our products Our Here atblinds Allegro we have over 70come years at Allegro Blinds we have over 70 years of experience in providi • QUALITY FITTED BLINDS •Here •AWNINGS QUALITY & FITTED PLANTATION BLINDS SHUTTERS •Blinds AWNINGS PLANTAT •& LOCAL FA Here at Allegro Blinds we have over 70 years of experience in providing quality • QUALITY FITTED BLINDS


for h Here at Allegro Blin 70 EXPERIENCE for homes and whole range o for homes and a whole range of commercial customer Here ataYEARS Allegro Blinds we have 70•ayears ofMEAS experi for homes a whole range of commercial customers. Call today for more information or tovisit arrange aget visit Call today to toand arrange arrange aavisit or orto toget more more information from from ain friendly friendly member member of of our our team. team. LOCAL FA •Call BBSA APPROVED COMPANY • information BBSA MADE APPROVED TO MEASURE COMPANY SERVICE •over MADE TO •experience QUALITY FITT attoday Allegro Blinds we have over 70 years experience providing quality blinds Here at•ofAllegro Blinds we have over 70 years of in provid Here at Allegro Blinds we have over 7 for h • BBSA APPROVED COMP Here at Allegro Blin Please proceed Make changes Proof correct Here for homes andBLINDS a whole range of comme PROVIDING QUALITY We Weare are one one ofof theleading leading suppliers suppliers ofofblinds, blinds, so sofor don’t don’t hesitate hesitate to to get get in in touch. touch. We are one of the leading suppliers ofthe blinds, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. for homes and a whole range of commercial customers. •REFURBISH LOCAL FAh homes and a whole range of forcommercial andcustome a FITT whole ••homes QUALITY for alteration • REFURBISHED LOCAL SHOWROOM •ofREFURBISHED SHOWROO andLOCAL re-proof •RUN BBSA APPRO please proceed •finished LOCAL FAMILY BUSINES •FULLY • LOCAL FAMILY TRAIN PLEASE That the after print isrepresentative in no way representative ofBUSINESS the finished product PLEASE NOTE: ThatNOTE: the print quality is inquality no way theRUN product

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QUALITY FITTED BLINDS •aor AWNIN 1A 1AWest West Street, Dunstable, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, LU6 LU6 1SL •Phone: Phone: 01582 01582 607 493 493 QUALITY FITTED •607 AWNINGS &FULLY Call today to arrange a •visit or toBUSINESS get• more today to • arrange from a•friendly aBLINDS visit or member toBUSINESS more of ourinformation team. friendly • Street, LOCAL FAMILY RUN •1SL FULLY TRAINED STAFF • QUALITY FITTED BLINDS AWNINGS &Call PLANTATION SHUTTERS •information LOCAL FAMILY RUN TRAIN •get LOCAL FAMILY RUN BU •PLANTATIO LOCAL FA Call today to arrange afrom visit to get ••••QUALITY FITT BBSA APPRO We are one of the leading suppliers of blinds, We are so one don’t of hesitate the leading to get suppliers in touch. of blinds, so don’t hesitate • QUALITY FITTED BLINDS AWNINGS & Additional Information: • • • BBSA APPROVED COMPANY ••• t We are one of the leading supp • BBSA APPROVED COMPANY • MADE TO MEASU QUALITY FITTED BLINDS • •AWNINGS & PLANTATION SHUTTERS Call today to arrang BBSA COMPANY • MADE TO MEASURE SERVICE QUALITY FITTED BLINDS • AWNINGS & PLANTATIO ave •over 70• APPROVED years of experience in providing quality blinds • QUALITY FITTED BLINDS • QUALITY FITT • BBSA APPRO •o PLEASE NOTE: That the print quality is in no way representative of•the finished product BBSA APPROVED COMPANY • MADE We are one • REFURBISHED LOC • REFURBISHED LOCAL SHOWROOM Call today to arrang • BBSA APPROVED COMPANY •LU6 MADE MEASURE SERVICE nd a whole commercial •ofREFURBISHED LOCAL • SHOWROOM BBSA APPROVED COMPANY •LU6 MADE MEASU • BBSA APPROVED COMPA • BBSA APPRO 1A range West Street, Dunstable,customers. Bedfordshire, 1A West Street, 1SL Dunstable, •TO Phone: 01582 Bedfordshire, 607 493 1SL •TO Phone: 015 •o 1A West Street, Dunstable, Bedfords We are one • REFURBISHED LOCAL SH Call today to arrang • REFURBISHED LOCAL SHOWROOM • aREFURBISHED LOCAL SHOWROOM REFURBISHE Call today arrange a visit or to get more inform •o • •______________ www.allegroblin Callfrom today arrange visit to Date: gettomore information from a friendly me 1A West Street, Dunsta _________________________ Date: Authorised Signature: _________________________ _____________________ Call today to arrange aAuthorised visit or to getSignature: more information a friendly member oforour team. Email:info@allegroblinds-dunstab We are one Call today to arrang We are oneofof the leading suppliers ofto blin 45 Wehesitate areIssue one of86 the• in leading suppliers so don’t hesitate RUN BUSINESS FULLY TRAINED STAFF December /blinds, January 2019 Call today to arrange a2018 visit or toEmail:info@allegrob get more information frog We are one of the • leading suppliers of blinds, so don’t to get touch. 1A West Street, Dunsta

Call today to arrange a visit or to get moreCall information from a friendly member of ourinformation team. today to arrange a visit or to Call get more aorfriendly We are oneme o today to arrange afrom visit get mo Call today to arrang

Park Rd N, Houghton Regis, Dunstable. LU5 5FU


Please join us for a short walk followed by a presentation of some historical Christmas traditions in the park. The meeting point is in the visitor centre. Please let us know if you would like to come so that we can ensure there are enough refreshments by emailing Admission includes a hot drink & traditional plum pudding. All proceeds go to the Houghton Regis Heritage Society.

Family Christmas Event Sun 16th December

Save the date! Full details to be revealed on our website and Facebook page soon, make sure you follow us to find out!

Conservation Volunteering Sun 16th December, 10am-3pm

Volunteer with the Greensand Trust in Houghton Hall Park one Sunday a month! In December, continue upon the previous month’s efforts to enhance the park’s woodlands by carrying out a historical management technique called hazel coppicing, which improves woodland bio-diversity and woodland age structure. To join this activity, email :

Door Garland Workshop Sat 8th December, 10:30am-12:30pm, £7.50

Watch a short demonstration before recreating your own version to take home. All foli-

age, ribbon, cone and seed heads will be provided to create your own design. Be prepared to find your creativity and inner flair! To book, email Admission includes a hot drink & biscuits.

Napkin / Place Setting Workshop Saturday 8th December, 1:30pm-3:30pm, £5

Some simple wiring techniques & ideas to transform your Christmas table. Within a short time, you will find yourself totally absorbed and proudly holding some decorations which would not look out of place in a magazine! To book, please email Admission includes a hot drink & biscuits

Festive Floral Display Demonstration Fri 20th December, 10:30am-12pm, £5

A variety of floral displays will be made to showcase a variety of techniques and effects. A perfect way to enjoy the very best nature has to offer. To book, please email Admission includes a hot drink & biscuits

JANUARY ACTIVITIES To be released on our website and on our facebook page nearer the time.

Nikki, Phil & The Team Welcome you to...

Dogs welcome in the Study bar!

The Bell in Studham

"For Food & Gifts we Love!" Celebrate Christmas & New Year with us! RESERVATIONS: 01582 872460

"An Award Winning Pub"... Dunstable Rd, Studham, Beds. LU6 2QG



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Order Prints

Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019

COLLEGE LAKE Upper Icknield Way, Tring. HP23 5QG Tel: 01442 826774 Please visit the website for more information and to book your place on walks and activities. College Lake Artists Christmas Fair 1st & 2nd December, 10 am - 4pm The amazing College Lake artists are back. With lots of lovely art and craft for sale you will be sure to find a beautiful gift to take home. There will be some new artists joining them this year so why not come and take a look to see whats on offer!

Wild Winter wreaths Adult Workshop Sunday 2nd December 1 - 3pm Come along to our popular, annual, festive wreath making afternoon. Using materials from our reserves, why not enjoy a relaxing couple of hours and get creative with willow and winter foliage to produce a beautiful wreath to take away and decorate your home. Make your wreath individually or with a friend and enjoy a glass of wine/juice and a sweet treat too!

Winter Trees at College Lake Sunday 9th December, 10.30 - 12.30 Identifying trees during the summer is often easier as there are leaves to help you but what clues are there to help us during the winter? Join us for a walk around site looking at different trees and learning how to tell them apart.

College Lake Winter Walk Sunday 27th January, 10.30- 12.30pm College Lake is a wonderful haven for a variety of wildlife. Join us for a walk around the lake to see some of those animals and plants that can be seen here in the winter. You will have the chance to learn about the different habitats of the reserve, as well as the history and management of the site.

St Giles Church

Christmas Fayre

At the Church Hall, St Giles Close, Totternhoe

Saturday 1st December 11am until 2pm • Lunches • Games • Bric a brac • Crafts • Homemade cakes, • Raffle • Books and much more With Carols sung by Totternhoe Lower School Fun for the whole family.


AFFORDABLE FURNITURE designs to fit your lifestyle

We specialise in made-to-measure fully fitted furniture for bedrooms, studies and lounges. Visit our NEW SHOWROOM.

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UNIT 7, SPARROWHALL BUSINESS PARK, LEIGHTON RD. EDLESBOROUGH, LU6 2ES 39 51 Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019 19

Come to Dunstable this Christmas to enjoy a feast of festive activities for everyone to enjoy. Dunstable Christmas Carols and Torchlight Procession 2018 Ashton Square, Dunstable Friday 7th December, 7.00pm

who will help you into the snow globe and take a free picture of your family to take home. The snow globe will also be in The Square on Sunday 9th December 11.00am to 4.00pm where you can also book a Christmas Afternoon Tea at Priory House or browse around the stalls in The Square. This is a free event funded by the Dunstable Joint Committee

Christmas in Priory House… Mistletoe Magic Saturday 8th December Priory House & Gardens 10.00am to 4.00pm £3 per child

Christmas officially begins in Dunstable on Friday 7th December, when the annual Christmas celebration brings everyone together to enjoy the festive activities. Join the schools choirs of Dunstable to sing traditional carols, meet Father Christmas see the Christmas Tree lights Switch On and enjoy the Christmas Light Show Extravaganza finale’ funded by the Dunstable Joint Committee.

Snow Globe in the Square Saturday 8th December & Sunday 9th December The Square, Dunstable. FREE We all remember miniature snow globes which shook snow into any tiny landscape. You can now bring this nostalgic piece of magic into a stunning life size reality. The snow globe will run alongside the Christmas Magic Market in Middle Row, Ashton Square and Mistletoe Magic in Priory House. On Saturday 8th December from 10.00am - 4.00pm, you will be greeted by two elves

Come along and meet the big man himself, he’ll be bringing his elf helpers and a couple of his reindeer will be there for you all to meet too. There’ll also be fun arts and crafts in Priory House £3 per child. Manshead School Band will be performing throughout the day. Priory House Gift Shop will be open, where you’ll find lots of different things – great for a spot of Christmas shopping. The Priory House Tea Rooms are open with Christmas themed goodies; the perfect place to warm up with a mince pie and a cuppa or maybe one of our seasonal cupcakes.

Christmas Pudding Nights Thinking of a pre-Christmas celebration with friends, a chance to catch up before the Christmas madness begins or to exchange presents? Our pudding nights are perfect for a festive occasion. Thursday 6th, 13th and 20th December 2018. 6.00pm to 9.30pm To book please email: or call 01582 891420

le Town Guide des w s wou ould ld lik like e to to in invi vite te yo you u to to

Santa Claus is coming to town…. We know our tea and breakfast with Santa is a massive hit with you all. So this year we’ve once again managed to get Santa to take a break from his busy schedule and fit in some of visits to Dunstable before the big day arrives.

Tea with Santa

Friday 21st December 2018, 2.00 to 4.00pm

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday 22nd December 2018, 8.00am to 10.00 am

Breakfast with Santa

Monday 24th December 2018, 8.00am to 10.00am £10 per child Minimum age - 4 years These magical sessions will include food and drink, a story, a chance to meet Santa individually and each child will receive a gift. Whilst parents/carers cannot stay during the session, they will receive 10% off any food or drink in Priory House Tea Rooms during the event. We recommend that you book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. To book either pop into Priory House or visit: product-category/shop/

Ghost Walks Ghost Walks Dunstable To

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children over 8 yea ompanied by an 8.00pm The walacc rs old ks star t at Priory Chuadu why not come in The£2.5 rchlt,car fancy dress! wal0ksper and park. Tickets cos starchil t atd Prio Aryregu t £5.00 per adult &.......... wal nee rch k ked dChu car at tolar and £2.50 per.......... 8.0 park be boo 0pm . Tick .................... ets in cos chil.......... adv .................... d t anc £5.0 & nee e .............................. from 0 ry aduse Heritaged Cen to be lt booked .............................Prioper in adv We e from Priory Hou 891anc Herdn 420 itages datre e Cen y on House 31015 tre st82 on 015 Oc 82 tob 891 420er

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Supported by Dun

stable Town Cou


Coffee Morning Wednesday 12th December 2018

Wednesday 20th February 2019

Christmas will soon arrive at Priory House Gift Shop Tired of gifting the same old thing, struggling for new ideas or trying to find something different for that ‘difficult to buy for’ person in your life? (We all have one!) Christmas is coming to Priory House Gift Shop from 12 November, there you’ll find lots of different gift ideas, many of which are unique, locally made and not otherwise found on the high street.


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Wednesday 16th January 2019

Priory House Christmas Gift Shop

th October

Family Walk a family vers6.3 ion 0pm - Fam suitable for chilily Wa a omp lkr 8 years old family dren acc ove vers anie suit d ionan able for children adu lt, why accompanied by comove 8 yea e inr fanc old an adult, why not y rs dres Abyregu lar wal e in fancy dress! k at not .............................. 8.0com 0pm s! A .......... .......... regu .......... lar .......... walk at .......... ..........0pm .............................. 8.0 .............................. .................... .........

Wednesday 13th March 2019

G Adventures Small group escorted tours in partnership with National Geographic as well marine adventures.

Cyplon Holidays Sunny holidays to Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Morocco, Croatia, Sicily and Sardinia.

Cox and Kings High quality small group tours and private tailormade holidays to many of the world's most fascinating regions.

Premier Holidays The southern states of USA are truly rewarding and intoxicating with fantastic music, Civil War history and natural splendours.

Where: Suitcase Travel 5b Queensway Dunstable LU5 4DW

Telephone: 01582 349480 E-mail:

Every month we will be holding a free event where you can come along and have a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits with a free talk about a different type of holiday from an industry expert! Each talk starts at 11:00am.

Out & About

Easter 14 - Heath 17 April 10am – 3pm Old Weekend Linslade Rd, and Reach,

LU7 0EB. Tel: 01525 234260 Although it's free to visit Rushmere Country Park, a £3 parking exit fee applies.

Tree Tops Music: Christmas with the Rat Pack Friday 7th December from 6pm

Easter Bunny Hunt Complete the trail and win an egg! Come and find eight wooden rabbits hidden in the park, answer the questions and win an Easter egg. Pick up your question sheet from the Herons’ Hatch, return it there with your answers to receive your chocolate egg reward.

 Tickets £3.50 per child  To avoid disappointment book in advance at (search Easter Bunny Hunt)  Or you can just turn up on the day of your choice at the Herons’ Hatch but numbers are limited

Pick your own Christmas Tree 2018

8th December, 11am - 3pm (Final admission 2.15pm) For ONE DAY ONLY you can visit Rushmere's very own Christmas Tree plantation to pick your own special Christmas tree fresh from the ground! Our Rangers and volunteers will be on hand to help! Warm clothing and suitable footwear essential - follow the signs to the Lower Meadow on arrival. No booking required. Please note the £3 parking exit fee still applies if coming to the park solely to buy a Christmas tree. All proceeds from the sale of our Christmas trees are reinvested into the park. Pre-cut trees will be on sale outside the Visitor Centre daily 10am - 4pm from 24 Nov - 23 December while stocks last.

Christmas Craft & Curios Sunday 2nd, 9th & 16th December. 11am - 3pm Ryan Beange returns to the Tree Tops Café to perform an evening of festive entertainment featuring classics Let it Snow, Winter Wonderland and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas as well as other big band favourites from the Rat Pack era. He first performed here earlier in the year and was a big hit! Combining his silky vocals with full orchestral backing tracks with classic big band hits made famous by Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin. With a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie included in ticket price what better way to get into the festive spirit than joining us for a cosy night at the Tree Tops Café. Food available from 6pm prior to performance starting at 7.30pm Tickets £15 per head (18+ only) and include glass of mulled wine, mince pie and parking. Licensed bar available.


Join us for the second of our Christmas Crafts & Curios Sunday events with gift stalls from local suppliers in the Visitor Centre atrium, festive refreshments and entertainment and Christmas trees for sale. Providing the festive entertainment today will be Brad Bradstock from Kobold (you may have seen the band play at our Concert in the Park in August!) No booking required, it's free to attend (though the £3 parking exit fee will apply). Information for stallholders Anyone wishing to exhibit with a table-top display at this event with gifts and non-food items will need to complete our Stallholder Application Form - return by email to:

Leighton Buzzard Railway Christmas Specials

Tickets are now on sale for LBLR 2018 Christmas specials. There are three types of train, each offering a different experience. Santa Specials – take the train to meet Santa in his brand-new grotto Santa After Dark – Santa travels on the train, along with entertainers Mince Pie Specials – festive train ride with seasonal refreshments For groups of nine or more passengers, contact us on or 01525 373888 with your requirements. Please note our Santa trains only run as far as Leedon Loop and the scenery is predominantly suburban in nature.

Keech Carol Concert At Priory Church Join us for Keech Hospice Care’s Christmas Carol Concert on Monday 17th December. Come and enjoy a traditional Christmas Carol concert in the beautiful Priory Church, Dunstable. The evening will be filled with festive music from the Dunstable Ladies’ Choir, Priory Girls’ Choir and the congregation, with uplifting seasonal readings given by local dignitaries and people with a special relationship to Keech. Tickets cost £8 per person or £25 for a family of two adults and up to three children. The concert will be held from 7-8pm and you are invited to enjoy the Christmas drinks and mince pies from 6pm. If you have any queries or would like further information, please call 01582 707940 or email Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019


Out & About CHILTERN GATEWAY Dunstable Road, LU6 2GY Tel: 01582 500 920

Breakfast with Father Christmas

TOTTERNHOE PLAYERS present PANTO IN THE WILD WEST by Jo McBrearty assisted by Jonathon Goodson

Saturday & Sunday from 1st - 23rd December 9.30am - 10.30am/11.30am -11.30am £7.50 Adult & £5.50 Child

In the run-up to the festive season Father Christmas will be having breakfast in The View Café so why not join him? He will be there to talk to everyone so if you have any requests you can give them to him. He will be here every weekend in December so don't miss out. We will be giving a free Christmas Trail with every child's breakfast booked. Call 03442 491895 A booking fee of 5% will be added to your bill

Christmas Carol Trail 2018

Saturday & Sunday from 1st - 23rd December 10.30am - 3pm (Last entry 2.30pm). Child £2.50 Our Christmas trail, this year, is based on the carol - 12 days of Christmas so who will you be - a leaping Lord or a dancing lady? You could 'high-five' for the five gold rings or whistle with the eleven pipers. Collect your trail at reception and follow the clues. You might want to sing along as you walk! Get a free trail if you book breakfast with Father Christmas! You could combine the trail with a craft making session afterwards.

Christmas Crafts 2018

Saturday & Sunday from 1st - 23rd December 10.30am - 3pm Child £2 Come along and make your very own winter/ Christmas themed craft at the visitor centre. Make a winter/Christmas craft from natural materials found here on the Downs to decorate your own tree and maybe an extra one to help us decorate ours.

in association with Friday

Donna's Dance School


February 2019 at 7.30pm & Saturday 2nd February at 2pm and 7.30pm at Totternhoe Lower School, Totternhoe LU6 1RE

01582 603287

for tickets. Adults £7, Concessions £5 Family tickets £20 (2 adults and 2 concessions) Please note: Tickets must be ordered and paid for in advance. All seating places will be allocated at the time of booking. Box office: Tickets:


Grand G ra r Christmas

CHARITY CONCERT e chanc Your carols g in s to l live a rea ! with stra e h c r o


Beacon Commun

ity Choir

Sing along to your favourite carols with the Beacon Community Choir, Carols by Candlelight in the beautiful Sunday 9th Decemb er 2018, 6pm St Mary the Virgin, Ivinghoe candlelit setting of St. Mary’s Church, Ivinghoe. The choir will be joined by children from the Tring Park School of Performing Arts, and the Breakspeare Signing Choir, Abbots Langley. musical director Judith


Tickets £10 (childr en free) from Lindsa y Hewlett 01296 660670 lhewle or on the door

presented by


at St Mary’s R. C. Church, West Street, Dunstable. LU6 1NY. Doors open 7.15pm Admission: £10 including programme, children up to 12 years entry free with an adult For tickets - Tel 01525-753110

Proceeds to East Anglian Anglain Air Ambulance (Charity No. 1083876) “Together we save lives”

A concert for the whole family, Carols by Candlelight is the perfect start to the Christmas season. Accompanist Craig Nathan with Aylesbury Grammar School Brass Ensemble

DUNSTABLE LADIES CHOIR Festive Afternoon Concert

Saturday 8th December, 2:30pm Come and join us for a wonderful afternoon of Christmas music and carols - festive fun for everyone! St Augustine's Church, Mayfield Road, Dunstable Tickets: Adults £8, Under 12s £4, including delicious home-made refreshments Contact: Pat Jackson on 01582 520302 or find us on Facebook

Clubs & Groups TODDINGTON MUSICMAKERS Toddington MusicMakers is an instrumental all age all ability music group based in Toddington. We aim to provide a safe non-judgemental space where people can enjoy making music together, whatever their level of ability. We meet every Friday evening in term time in the Methodist Hall in Toddington 6.30-7.30 pm. DUNSTABLE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY The society, founded in 1991, meets at 7.45pm on the second Tuesday of each month (except during the summer break) at the Methodist Church Hall, The Square, Dunstable, where visitors are welcome. Annual membership costs £8 (June - December fee £4). Entrance fee for non members is £2 per meeting. Visiting speakers cover a wide range of subjects. Our Research Room in Priory House, High Street South, Dunstable and open to the public on a Thursday morning 10.15am – 2.00am.


We meet at Chew’s House 77 High Street South, Dunstable on Monday mornings from 10.00am. Monday afternoons from 2.00pm and Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. We are an informal club who meet to paint together, all abilities are welcomed, the club has a friendly and relaxed atmosphere where we all try to encourage and help each other. We also run social painting days. A club exhibition is held every year where members are encouraged to enter paintings for display. Contact: Derek 01582 611607


We are a group of slightly older men who meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s between 10am and 1 pm to chat, drink tea and some-

times make useful items for local schools, charities and for ourselves from a range of materials. We have been loaned a Council building on the Meadway allotment’s as our manufacturing hub. Come and visit, all are welcome. For further information visit our website or find us on Facebook. Ring Martin on 01582 668598, or Terry on 01582 604476. Alternatively leave a message on our Shed phone 07707 259395. WIDOWS & WIDOWERS CLUB We are an active Widows and Widowers club. Meetings are held locally and new members are always welcome. If you would like to make new friends and join in our many outings and activities please contact Jenny 01582 672766 or Val 01582 659717 or email Carol at CURTAIN CALL THEATRE GROUP & YOUTH THEATRE Youth theatre open to children aged 5 - 16 Mondays 5pm - 7.30pm Eaton Bray Village Hall. Acting, Singing, Dance, Fun & Games! Adult group (16+) Mondays 8pm 10pm Eaton Bray Village Hall. New members always welcome wheather on or off stage. Call Gavyn 01525 220525 WEDNESDAY CLUB at NORTHALL VILLAGE HALL Are you or do you know of an elderly person in the Northall, Dagnall, Edlesborough, Eaton Bray or surrounding villages who might benefit from a social day out once a week? Why not come along to the Wednesday Club from 10.00am to 3.00pm. Our own minibus can pick you up, morning coffee and biscuits, home cooked lunch with pudding, afternoon tea and cakes. Play games and bingo, sale table, entertainment by visitors and outside club visits.


Join in as much or as little as you like, make new friends, very friendly atmosphere. Only £9.00 per week including transport. Contact Barbara on 07854 230243, please leave a message if no answer. BEDFORDSHIRE GUILD OF WEAVERS, SPINNERS & DYERS. A friendly group of textile crafts people who meet in Flitwick Village Hall twice a month. First Tuesday evening of each month 7.30 - 9-30 and Third Saturday, all day, 10.30 to 4.30. We welcome visitors interested in seeing what we do, so please pay a visit to our website BEECROFT CRAFT & CHAT Beecroft Community Centre Westfield Road, Dunstable We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m on a “drop in/drop out” basis. We meet to have a cuppa, chat and craft together in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. ALL CRAFTS WELCOME The first session is FREE Annual subscription £5.00 Session Fee: £3.00 Tel: Dorothy on 01582 606812 DUNSTABLE PROBUS CLUB Dunstable PROBUS Club meets on the second Monday of the month and membership is open to retired or semi-retired professional and business men. The Club’s main purpose is the promotion of good fellowship. Members enjoy a variety of social activities and occasional organized visits throughout the year and at their regular monthly meetings they are entertained by after-lunch speakers. If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, Philip Savage on 01582 662462. SAPHIRE SOCIAL CLUB We meet every Thursday at The Orange Tree Stevenage Rd Hitchin from 8.30pm. A small and friendly group

for single people aged 50+. We offer a variety of social events during the month and the opportunity to make new friends. Potential new members are warmly welcome to come along and meet us with no joining fee for 2 months. For further info call/text Ian 07900 890583 or Joyce 07952 678021 FRIENDS OF STUDHAM COMMON We are a friendly,voluntary group whose aim is to conserve,maintain and promote Studham Common as a haven for wildlife and a place for everyone to enjoy. For this purpose we meet as a work party on the third Saturday of each month (except Dec.) The work is not onerous and we enjoy the exercise and the good company –and a picnic lunch is provided! Tel Pam on 01582 872608 LANGDALE CHURCH Langdale church communities: Art group every week, Friends and Neighbours open to everyone speaker and refreshments every second Thursday, Toddler group every Wednesday term time only, Saturday coffee morning second Saturday every month, Carers drop in 1st Thursday every month. Neighbourhood chaplains befriending and support in the local community. Sunday morning services at 10.30am. Please contact 01582 602980 SOCIAL GROUP We are a small group of people age 45+. If you like to have fun and enjoy yourself then please get in touch. No Membership required, just ring Tina for more information between 10am & 8pm week days 01582 619035 NORTHALL TODDLER GROUP Northall Village Hall, LU6 2EX Join new mums, dads, grandparents and carers.Every Tuesday 9:30 – 11:30am (including school holidays) For children aged 0-5 years. Tea, coffee, juices and healthy snack.

Come join in the fun, games and learning (inside and out) £2.50 during term time (per family) £1 per child during school holidays (Adults free & older children welcome) Tel. Sarah Cox on 07765 158182 THE BOGTROTTERS The Bogtrotters (Dunstable and District Walking and Hostelling Group) are a group of about 90 walkers, hikers and hostellers. We run a surprisingly diverse range of activities, including half and full day walks, hostelling trips, meals and evening activities. New members are always welcome. Prospective members are invited to get in touch via the website, give us a ring or just turn up to an event or walk. Contact Eila: 07964291892 ARTS & CRAFTS Art & Craft for adults with learning difficulties every Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30pm & every Sat 11am - 1pm at Arttrend, rear of 440 Dunstable Road.Please see the website for all the details or phone 07794987796 DUNSTABLE DAOS

Tuesdays and Fridays, 7:45pm - 10:00pm

We are Dunstable’s premier Musical Theatre group. We perform out major shows, once a year, at The Grove Theatre in Dunstable along with concerts, small shows and so on. Find our Facebook Group or Facebook page for more details. Email: BREATHEASY Do you suffer from a lung condition? Then why not come and join our local Support group - breatheasy - Part of the British lung foundation. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at peter newton pavilion (Behind Tesco) 2 - 4pm carers also welcome As well as supporting each other we have a variety of speakers and also arrange day trips out. New members most welcome Tel: Amanda Fletcher 01582 404479

DUNSTABLE BAPTIST CHURCH St Mary’s Gate (Middle of Ashton Square Car Park) Our Friends and Neighbours meetings are open to everyone on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. For more information contact David tel: 01582 872106 NATIONAL TRUST All meetings are held at Salvation Army Centre, Dunstable. Guests are welcome at £3.00 As well as outing we also run a holiday once per year. If you would like to join the group, please contact, Lynder Power 01582 696193 or Janr Lingham 01582 606838 DUNSTABLE SALVATION ARMY FRIENDS TOGETHER (Over 60s ) Weekly Subscription £2 We meet every Weds at Bull Pond Lane,Dunstable,LU6 3AH. We have a Cup of Tea or Coffee at 1.00pm then the the meeting starts at 1.30pm - 2.30pm. The Programme consists of Various Speakers.Quizzies, SingA-Longs, Musicial Artists. Lunch Club for Members on the first Weds of the month @£3 Also lots of good fun and Christian Fellowship. For more information tel: Maureen Dunn 01582 759509


A friendly local choir that is open to all ages and all abilities – there are no auditions, all you need is a love of music and a sense of humour. We sing a wide range of musical styles from classical choir repertoire to pop, jazz, gospel and folk. Our conductor is a highly qualified and experienced musician. Rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 8.15pm in St. Mary’s Church Ivinghoe. If you would like to know more, contact Lindsay Hewlett (01296 660670, or Richard Cooper (01296 661725).

Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019



ARE YOU TROUBLED BY SOMEONES DRINKING. Al-anon Family groups are an organisation that offers support and understanding to families of alcoholics. We do this by sharing our experiences , strength and hope in order to solve our common problems. Al-anon groups are completely confidential and free of financial obligation. For details of local meetings Contact National Helpline: 020 7403 0888 10am - 10pm www. al-anonymity.


Studham WI meet on the first Thursday of every month, 7.45pm at Studham Village Hall. An open and friendly group of around 30+ ladies, we enjoy laughing and socialising, be it at our meetings, our monthly lunch outings, darts matches, quiz evenings, or at group and county events. Our programme for 2018 includes: puppets, advice on getting the best energy deals and tariffs, the importance of an up-to-date will, seated flexibility exercises, and mosaic making, as well as trips to a wine-tasting evening, the theatre in London, a Cotswold farm and our (members only) Summer Garden Party. If you’re interested in joining us, then come and try the WI! We’re always happy to welcome visitors to the majority our meetings.


Houghton Regis Memorial Hall. Every Monday afternoon. Modern Ballroom Dancing (Waltz Quickstep Slow Foxtrot etc) and popular sequence dancing (Cindy swing, Rumba one etc) 2.00pm to 4.00pm every Monday afternoon with large free car park at the rear of the hall off Dury Lane, opposite the green Houghton Regis. Music by John Hunter with Tea/Coffee & biscuits included in the admission price of £3.50 per person. Opportunity to practice your dancing and meet new friends in a nice friendly atmosphere. For additional

information call John 01525 633877. Mike 01525 635904. or Derrick 01525 210568.


We are a friendly, supportive group for keen Am. Drammers aged 16 80+ and always welcome new members. We usually put on a panto, a murder mystery and either a comedy or variety show each year. We aim to make the most of the talents you can bring to our group. If your interests are in one of the back-stage disciplines, eg. lighting, sound, set construction, costume, admin, then you will be particularly welcome! We meet Wednesdays and most Fridays, 8pm - 10pm in Totternhoe to rehearse. Come along and meet us! Please call Els on 01582 758108 or Jo on 01582 603287

DUNSTABLE LADIES CHOIR Houghton Regis Baptist Church, Houghton Regis, LU5 5RG We’re a friendly local choir, always looking for new voices to join us - no audition required! We sing a bit of everything, from traditional choral pieces to songs from top musicals, with a few pop classics thrown in for good measure. Why not come along to a rehearsal, and see how you get on? Every Tuesday, 7.30pm to 9.30pm For more details, contact Pat Jackson on 01582 520302 or find us on Facebook WOMEN’S WORLD Meet 3rd Wednesday of the month, at St Anne’s Church Hall, Crawley Green Road, at 8pm. Join our friendly group of ladies for talks, activities and outings. For more information about our next meeting ring Lynne on 01582 617470.


Monday Evening - Jive. Tuesday Morning - Mums and Tots, Afternoon - Scrabble Club, Evening - Salsa. Wednesday Evenings – Bingo. Thursday


Morning - U3A Carpet Bowls, Evening - Carpet Bowls Club. 1st Thursday evening in month – Women’s Institute (WI). Main Hall and a Meeting room available for hire. Modern kitchen. Contact Des Salmon T: 01582 872082. E:


If you collect postage stamps, postcards or postal history why not come along and meet fellow collectors? We usually meet on the first Friday of the month* at Bushmead Primary School, Luton, LU2 7EU from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Your first visit is free! New members are always welcome.(*Dates may change if the school is closed). Call Fin on 01582 453244 or email for a programme of events or more information.


formerly known as Priory Pram Service We hold a service for under 5’s, including babies even from a few weeks old, on the 1st Tuesday of the month. We sing, dance to songs, have a bible-linked story, play percussion, make a simple craft activity and have a prayer. All are welcome and we finish with refreshments, chatting and Christian fellowship. We meet in the Priory Church and start at 2pm. Dates for future services: June 5th, July 3rd, August 7th (with Teddy Bears’ picnic afterwards), September 4th, October 2nd, November 6th and December 4th


The Danesborough Chorus meets on Wednesdays 7.45 - 9.50 pm in Aspley Guise Village Hall. The new season started Wednesday 6th September, and we will be rehearsing Brahms’ German Requiem . If you’re interested, why not bring your vocal chords along for a few sessions? Please contact membership secretary Carol Yirrell on 01296

680328, or via our website at www. She’ll invite you to come along to a few rehearsals and see how you find it.

BEDFORDSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY WED 26th DECEMBER, Woburn 9:30am – 12 noon (F) Boxing Day Walk through Woburn Park. Meet at the Woburn Village car park, opposite the church in Park Street, MK17 9PG. Visitors welcome. Leader: Mary Sheridan. TUES 15th JANUARY, Maulden Village Hall, MK45 2DP Talk “Uncertainty and opportunity: what’s the future for Britain’s pollinators?” by Professor Jeff Ollerton, University of Northampton. He will discuss the diversity of pollinators in the UK, how and why this is changing, why that diversity is important, the roles of pollinators in maintaining both plant diversity and agricultural productivity, and the current and future threats to pollinators. Parking is free INCREDIBLE EDIBLE DUNSTABLE. We are a group of neighbours that have come together to grow food on public land and offer it for free. Since 2013 we have been striving to create a kinder, more confident more connected community through the power of food. Small actions really do make a difference. We meet at the community garden on the junction of Katherine Drive and Duncombe Drive Dunstable LU5 4NP on the third Saturday of the month 1-3pm free tea and coffee for all our incredible volunteers. Please bring your own gardening gloves. Find us on Facebook or email

REGULAR CLASSES AT HOUGHTON HALL PARK Buggy Exercise Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am. £2 New parents can get social, get fit and make new friends whilst most importantly - having fun! Register at to book on or for more info email Hayley at Parkrun Adult Run: Saturdays, 9am & Junior Run: Sundays 9am. Free Adults, why not take part in a friendly 5k run every Saturday morning at 9am, and kids , why not join in the 2k Junior Parkrun (4-14 year olds) on Sundatys at 9am? both at Houghton Hall Park. It's completely free to take part but please register before your first run, you only ever have to register with parkrun once! Don't forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode. Join in whatever your pace, everyone runs for their own enjoyment. It is entirely organised by volunteers so please email to volunteer your help. Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee at the visitor centre, please do come and join us! DANESBOROUGH CHORUS Sing to banish those January ‘blues’ Put your phone down and ignore the cold - sing with the Danesborough Chorus on Wednesday evenings and leave your stresses behind. Our concerts in Woburn and Milton Keynes attract excellent reviews. Music Director Ian Smith has conducted choirs of all ages in the area for over 40 years, and he gets the best out of around 100 singers, who need no introduction to the many benefits of choral singing. Singing in a group is scientifically proven to reduce stress, fight depression, lower blood pressure and it’s even said to supercharge brain power. Best of all, it’s fun and enjoyable to sing together, and even rehearsing a Requiem will make you feel good. If your New Year resolutions include boosting your health and ‘finding your happy’, we’ll help you sing goodbye to that wintry gloom. Whether you’re a keen amateur singer, or a professional singer, or even if you have little or no experience in singing classical music, the Danesborough Chorus is recruiting in all voice parts. The Spring term starts on Wednesday 9 January from 7.45pm 9.50pm in Aspley Guise. If you’re interested in coming along for a few rehearsals - we hope you’ll want to stay - please phone our membership secretary, Carol Yirrell, on 01296 680328, and visit

Issue 86 • December 2018 / January 2019



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