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Transform Your Kitchen In Just 2 Days!
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Do You Dream Of A New Kitchen?
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Editor: Scott Nightingale Advertising & Editorial: Shelly Nesbitt Tel: 01525 222379 / 07852 453043 Email: info@thevinemagazine.co.uk Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the content of advertising and articles published in this magazine are accurate, neither the publisher or its editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors. Neither do they reflect the opinion of this publication. The Vine does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission.
Inside this issue... 6
Keech Hospice Santa Dash
10 Transform Your Kitchen 12
In The Garden
14 Competiton 16
18 Puzzles 22 Stoptober 24 Martin Lewis - Mental Health 26 Auto-biographies 28 Local Rio Hero Copy deadline for next issue:
November 18th
Would you like an honest, reliable and AFFORDABLE *police checked cleaner to clean your home?
Are Are you you Freezing Freezing in in the the Winter and Sweltering Winter and Sweltering Are you Freezing Freezing in the the Are you in in Summer? Winter and Sweltering Winter Sweltering in the theand Summer?
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KEECH HOSPICE SANTA DASH 2016 Sunday 4th December - The Embankment, Bedford Sunday 11th December - Wardown Park, Luton With millions of rooftops to reach in just one night, Santa must be pretty quick on his feet! But, can you give him a run for his money? December will see Keech Hospice Care host two 5K Santa Runs which will take place in Luton and Bedford. This is your chance to kick start the countdown to Christmas by dressing up as Santa (suit provided) and joining hundreds of others for a fun walk, jog or run, whilst raising vital funds for Keech Hospice Care. It’s sure to be great fun and perfect for the whole family as everyone can take part – you can run, walk, jog or toddle! Places are limited so you must register for this event in advance.
Entry for adults is just £15 and for that you’ll be given your very own Santa costume to keep. Children (under 16) can enter for £5 and will receive festive headwear. Everyone will receive a medal and a gift on completion. Prior to the event you will also receive an event pack containing the Keech guide to preparing for the event and ideas on how to raise your sponsorship. Sign up for a Santa Run today and help Keech care for more local families this Christmas... it’s all in a good Claus! Visit www.keech.org.uk and search ‘Santa Run’
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Issue 17 • October / November 2016 7
Don’t Wait Until Winter For Your Flu Jab Local doctors are urging people in Bedfordshire to have the flu jab well before winter, and say it is especially important for those at risk of more serious health complications and even death from flu.
The flu vaccine is available from the NHS free of charge to:
In Bedfordshire over 1,000 people were admitted to hospital last winter because of flu. Public Health teams are especially concerned that the number of pregnant women who had the flu jab last winter fell by 6.7 per cent compared with the previous year, and less than half of two year olds, and adults under 65 who have health conditions had the flu vaccine.
• pregnant women • young children • carers • people in long term care facilities • anyone with a long term health condition, such as heart disease, diabetes or neurological conditions • people over 65.
Dr Dayo Kuku, Respiratory Clinical Lead for Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, and a GP, said: “You can’t get flu from the jab. The vaccine stimulates your body's immune system to make antibodies which attack the flu virus. The flu vaccine changes every year to fight the latest strains of flu – so even if you had a jab last winter, you need another one this year to stay safe.”
The vaccine is safe and effective, and can reduce the chances of getting flu and its complications by 70 per cent and of death from flu by 80 per cent.
If you are eligible for the free flu jab, you can get it from your GP or local pharmacy. If you aren’t eligible for a free flu jab, you can still receive the vaccination from your local pharmacy for a small fee.
Last year 57 per cent of Bedfordshire residents who were entitled to a free flu vaccine took up the offer, and local health leaders are keen for more people to get protection from the virus, which can be life threatening.
Find out more by visiting www.nhs.uk and search for ‘flu vaccine’.
Got a child aged 2, 3 or 4? Flu can be serious for young children. Help protect them from flu with one simple nasal spray. It’s free, fast and painless. Don’t put it off. Take up the offer from your GP as soon as you can.
Lorna Cousins, Nurse
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Transform Your Kitchen In Just Two Days
Before The kitchen is the heart of every home, from the chaos of getting the children off to school, the grabbed coffee before work, preparing the Sunday roast with family and friends gathered round or maybe a quiet moment to yourself with a cup of tea. Did you know the average UK household spend about 6 hours cooking a week? That doesn’t include eating, chats over coffee, using the kitchen table as an office and all of the other time we spend in the hub of our house. Is it any wonder that so many of us spend time dreaming of our perfect kitchen? A new kitchen is also said to add between 2-5% to the value of your home but with new kitchens costing between £5,000 and £8,000+ at the budget end and £10,000+ for a bespoke solution, you may need to re-mortgage just to afford one. Not to mention living off take-aways for weeks, or every meal with your parents, the dust, noise and disruption of the builders. Fortunately a new and growing trend is to avoid the mess, disruption and huge costs by having a kitchen makeover and it is not hard to understand why. Most kitchens have already maximised the space available and all that is needed is a facelift. Replacement kitchen doors and perhaps a new sink and worktops can transform a kitchen in 1-2 days.
10 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
After Imagine staying away for a day and arriving back to a completely tranformed kitchen. The beauty of using a professional company such as Dream Doors is that everything will be properly fitted for you and tidied up afterwards without a huge upheaval and overnight you have increased the value of your home and saved yourself £1000’s off the cost of a new kitchen, can’t be bad! Okay if you wanted the new sink and worktops it might be two nights. The other beauty of a makeover is that you can go a little wild knowing that when trends change you can change too. So if you fancied metallic blue doors or a vibrant orange release your inner desires knowing that in 5 years you can change again without the huge cost or ripping out the entire kitchen and starting again. If you are looking at a makeover purely to increase the value of your home for sale then pick a neutral colour and use less expensive accessories to bring the look together. The fashion is for high gloss finish and if you look around any show home at the moment there are reflective surfaces everywhere so steal their ideas and go light, bright and shiny to increase your chances of a quick sale. For ideas and inspiration why not speak to Mark Stephen at Dream Doors South Beds Tel: 01525 888026.
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Broken Or Damaged Windows? Faulty Locks, Handles, Hinges? Issue 17 • October / November 2016 11
In Theen Gard
A Colourful Grand Finale So, if you are now looking out on a bare garden with little colour, think about the ornamentals you could plant to add some pizzazz to the scene and contrast well with each other. Autumn colour shows up best with a solid, dark background such as conifers and evergreen shrubs, so bear this in mind when planning. Trees should be used carefully so that their effect is a highlight rather than just a small part of a busy planting scheme. Green is still the most important colour in the garden and should therefore be the most prevalent, so don't overdo it with bright-leafed plants or the effect will not be restful. The ornamental cherry (Prunus sargentii) is a wonderful specimen whose young leaves are red, turning to dark green. In early autumn they become brilliant orange-red and finally a deep red. The leaves don't drop at the first hint of frost, but last longer on the tree. A smaller tree is the Persian ironwood (Parrotia persica), which grows to eight metres and whose leaves turn to a patchwork of orange, bright red and purple-red in autumn, although it needs acid soil for good leaf colour. Combine trees and shrubs of different hues. The rich, deep reds and burgundies of Japanese maples such as Acer
palmatum 'Bloodgood' contrast beautifully with the yellowing leaves of silver birch, while Chinese lanterns (Physalis alkekengi) provide additional warmth with their bright orange, lantern-shaped fruits, ideally in a large shrub border in a woodland setting. Plant perennials such as bearded irises at the front of the display for structural foliage from spring to autumn, and for flower colour earlier in the year. If you don't have room to add more plants to your borders, select a Japanese maple in a pot for warm autumn colour. Choose a container at least 30cm in diameter and a compost comprising equal parts John Innes No 2 potting compost and a soil-less multipurpose compost. Add lots of drainage material in the base of the pot and top-dress the compost with gravel. Ideal specimens for a pot include A palmatum dissectum 'Garnet', whose leaves open bright red and then deepen to a rich garnet colour. This deciduous acer is very slow growing - up to 1.8m in 10 years and looks great alongside a pond or in an ornamental planter. Acers should be grown in moist but well-drained soil. The foliage colour is best in dappled shade, although full sun can be tolerated. Shrubs can also provide dazzling foliage tints and flowers. Look out for
Euonymus alatus, the spindle bush, which is a world away from the compact, variegated evergreen forms we use for shady gardens and winter hanging baskets. This one is deciduous, but produces spectacular autumn colour, producing a molten crimson display. It is medium-sized, fitting into most gardens. Other good choices for autumn colour include Hebe 'Autumn Glory', which produces purple bottle-brush flowers which can last until Christmas, and the oak-leafed hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia), whose leaves turn purple in autumn and hang on to the plant for ages. If you have a wall which looks bare in the cooler months, train a colourful pyracantha along it, such as P 'Orange Glow', which produces clusters of sizzling orange autumn berries and white spring flowers. This evergreen shrub has a vigorous, dense and spiny habit and can also be planted as a barrier hedge. Train it like a cordon, and in years to come it will reward you (and the birds) with masses of colourful berries. Other shrubs with colourful autumn fruits include Berberis x carminea 'Pirate King', Callicarpa bodinieri var giraldii 'Profusion' and Cotoneaster salicifolius 'Rothschildianus'. Autumn in the garden can truly be the firework display before the more muted tones of winter set in.
Looking Up! October and November 2016
Bedfordshire’s Night Sky
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See A Galaxy Far Far Away: Grab some binoculars and head up into the Chilterns on a moonless evening in the second half of October, or second half of November. High up to your south-east look for a large square pattern of stars. From the top of the square follow an arc of brighter stars running northwards. Select the next star along the arc from the square then look for a fainter star slightly above it. Sweep your binoculars up above this fainter star and you’ll find a soft glow of light in the sky from the Andromeda Galaxy – a collection of more than a trillion stars in a slow swirl around a supermassive black hole 2.5 million light years away! Take The Autumn Shooting Star Challenge: 21 October and 17 November mark
the dates of maximum activity for two autumn meteor showers. For both showers look to the south-east sky between midnight and dawn. If you’re lucky you might spot a rash of shooting stars firing across the sky from that direction. It’ll be a challenge this year as moonlight is set to drown out all but the brightest meteors.
Watch Orion Rising: November sees the
return of Orion to Bedfordshire’s evening sky. Look to the south-east from 10pm onwards for this iconic constellation – a rectangle of bright stars with a line of three stars across its middle forming Orion’s Belt.
By Seb Jay Image Credit: Torben Bjorn-Hansen
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Starring Stephen Triffitt - the world’s No1 Frank Sinatra Thursday 3rd November 2016 - 8.00pm Grove Theatre Dunstable Tickets: £25.00 - £23.00 Box Office: 01582 60 20 80 www.grovetheatre.co.uk The world’s No1 Frank Sinatra, Stephen Triffitt, is coming to town to celebrate the golden anniversary of Ol’ Blue Eyes’ most famous recording – Sinatra Live at the Sands. This brand-new production features many of the songs from the classic album, performed just the way they were back in 1966. Stephen is famed for performing classic hits Fly Me to the Moon, Mack the Knife, New York, New York, My Way, That’s Life, Under My Skin and Lady is a Tramp with all Frank’s laid back charm. Authenticity can be assured: star of the show, Stephen Triffitt, has himself enjoyed three seasons at Las Vegas’ Sands Casino portraying Frank and he created the role of Ol’ Blue Eyes in the original West End production of The Rat Pack Live from Las Vegas. Show producer, Michael Taylor, says “There’s no better Sinatra! Stephen Triffitt has sold out the London Palladium twice and the Royal Festival Hall with solo concert shows. In Frankly Sinatra he skilfully dips in and out of character to tell the fascinating tale of the greatest vocalist and most charismatic performer of our time.” The critics agree. The London Evening Standard describes Stephen’s resemblance to Sinatra as ”unsettlingly perfect”. Frankly Sinatra comes to Grove Theatre Dunstable on Thursday 3rd November and we’ve got 2 tickets up for grabs! To enter simply tell us: In what year did Sinatra perform Live At The Sands? Email your answers to win@thevinemagazine.co.uk One winner will be selected at random no later that 24th October.
Friday 4th November 2016 - 8.00pm Grove Theatre Dunstable Tickets: £25.00 - £23.00 Box Office: 01582 60 20 80 www.grovetheatre.co.uk Join the party as this scintillating show celebrates its 10th birthday. The unstoppable Magic of Motown thrills its millionth music fan this year, embarking on a supersensational nationwide tour and arriving in Dunstable on November 4th. Revel in hit after hit as the incredible, all-new for 2016, theatrical treat with a huge cast continues the legend of solid-gold artistes the Supremes, Temptations, Jackson 5, Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Lionel Richie and more. The captivating concert show oozes the style, sophistication and musical brilliance of these megastars as more than 36 classics are revived amid a flurry of glittering costume changes, starring all the dazzling dance moves and superb musicianship of the original artistes. Magic Of Motown comes to Grove Theatre Dunstable on Friday 4th November and we’ve got 2 tickets up for grabs! To enter simply tell us: Who Heard It Through The Grapevine? Email your answers to win@thevinemagazine.co.uk One winner will be selected at random no later that 24th October. Terms and conditions apply.
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Issue 17 • October / November 2016 17
Answers on page 30
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Issue 17 • October / November 2016 19
local News News local
Join professional dog trainer Tom, founder of Unique Pets Training, for a fun, practical training session with your dog. Amongst other things Tom will guide us through some recall exercises and socialisation techniques. There will the opportunity to find out more about unique pets, to purchase light up collars and to receive Blow’s Downs updates.
Plumbing & Heating
Engineers Offering 24hr Service Saturday 5th November With 40 Years Experience 2pm—3.30pm
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Light Up A Life This Christmas The Luton and Dunstable Hospital invites
For more information & to book please contact Sarah Cowling Please ring Andy Clemmit on: on 01525 874317 or email sarah.cowling @wildlifebcn.org
you to join in with their Light up a Life
www.uniquepets.co.uk www.wildlifebcn.org
campaign this Christmas! You can buy a Light on our Christmas Tree as a gift for someone special or you can dedicate a Light in memory of a loved one. All proceeds will benefit the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Parents’ Accommodation; which will provide a home from home for those parents’ who want to stay at the hospital overnight so they can be near their baby. Lights are just £5 each or 3 for £10. If you buy a light as a gift for someone, they will receive a card with your special personal message and if you buy one in memory of a loved one, you will receive a letter of dedication. The giant tree will twinkle proudly outside the hospital for everyone to see. Lights can be purchased any time up until Christmas and will be put on the tree, but the switching on ceremony will be on Thursday 1st of December at 6pm at the front of the hospital where there will be festive music provided by the Hadrian Academy school choir, and refreshments in the warm afterwards… everyone is welcome! To buy your Lights please call the Fundraising Team on 01582 718 289 or visit the website www.ldh.nhs.uk/fundraising and download a form.
20 6 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
01582 873354 wildlifebcn and wildlife north chiltern’s Mobile: 07956 110919
Registered charity No. 1000412
Electrician Electrician Osteoporosis Luton & Dunstable
Based in Dunstable Support BasedGroup in Hockliffe Nigel J Garrard Electrical Contractor Nigel J Garrard Have you been diagnosed
with osteoporosis? Electrical Contractor • Fuse Box Upgrades Would you like to find out Rewires • Fuse Box Upgrades Rewires more about it? • Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Additional Sockets, Lighting • Additional Lighting Get the latestSockets, information on: All electrics for extensions • All electrics for extensions Wednesday 2nd November 2016 Electrical Installation Condition Reports/Landlords Time: 10 - 12.30 pm • Certificates Electrical Installation Condition Venue: Incuba 1 Brewers Hill Road, Reports/Landlords Certificates All estimates Dunstable are free of charge. LU6 1AA AllInformation work properly certified and guaranteed & Charity stands, Christmas cards & raffle. 40 YearsAll Experience estimates are free of charge
A number of disabled spaces will be made available, please contact us
to book a space. registered for Part Pand – Building Regulations All work NICEIC properly certified guaranteed For further information email: Deborah.nos@btinternet.com 40 Years Experience 01525 211528 Speaker : Dr Home: Chanda Consultant from the Mobile: Luton and 07795 Dunstable University Hospital 415440 NICEIC registered for Part P – Building Regulations
Home: 01582 263736 WELCOME Mobile: 07795ALL 415440
National Osteoporosis Society Camerton, Bath BA2 0PJ Tel: 01761 471771 / 0845 130 3076 Fax: 01761 471104 Helpline: 01761 472721 / 0845 450 0230 Email: info@nos.org.uk Website: www.nos.org.uk
National Osteoporosis Society is a registered charity no. 1102712 in England & Wales and no. SC039755 in Scotland Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales no. 4995013
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Thinking Of Quitting? Find the support that’s right for you! England’s seven million smokers are being encouraged to take part in the biggest stop smoking challenge of its kind by joining this year’s Stoptober campaign, starting on Saturday 1st October. If you’re thinking of quitting smoking this Stoptober, then quit with Bedfordshire Stop Smoking Service! Evidence shows that smokers who use the service are four times more likely to quit smoking - for good! You can find more informaion or arrange to make an appointment at www.smokefreebedfordshire.co.uk. During your first appointment, you’ll spend up to 30 minutes with your advisor on a one-to-one basis to tailor your own stop-smoking plan. Your advisor will also provide you with the tools and techniques to help you quit, including nicotine replacement therapy and/or Champix (prescription charges may apply unless exempt).
Register today for support with your Stoptober attempt and the Stop Smoking Service will also send you a free quit kit!
Stoptober is here to help you!
Based on research that if you stop smoking for 28 days you are five times more likely to quit for good, the Stoptober website has information on the range of free and proven support available to help you start your quitting journey. From the app, email and social media support, including Facebook Messenger, as well as the different types of stop smoking aids available, you can be sure to find the support that’s right for you this Stoptober. You can find links on our website: www.thevinedirectory.co.uk.
Singing for Change
Saturday 22 October 2016
Join us for an evening of wonderful choral performances by Caritas Harmony in support of the Luton-based children’s charity, Level Trust. Level Trust exists to remove the barriers that poverty brings to a child’s education. They work in partnership with schools and families to ensure that Luton’s children have what they need to do well at school. The concert will start at 6.45pm, and will include performances by Bushmead Primary School’s Choir. It will be held at St Mary’s Church, Luton, LU1 3JF. Tickets will be £8 and under 12s can attend for free. To buy your ticket, please call Level Trust on 01582 797 347 or book online at www.caritasharmony.co.uk Level Trust is a registered charity number 1153936 admin@leveltrust.org www.leveltrust.org
22 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
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Money Matters By Martin Lewis
Mental Health
Mental health issues & debt are a marriage made in hell and worse, each feeds off the other. If you or someone you know is hit by this, you’re not alone. This is one of the biggest and most hidden financial problems affecting the UK. The more we talk about it, the better, so I want to take you through what’s happening and some tips if you’re affected.
The statistics are horrific. Here are just three of them: 1: You’re four to six times more likely to have debt crisis if you’ve mental health issues. 2: Half those seeking debt help have mental health issues. 3: The treatment time for clinical depression can be 18 months longer for those with financial worries too. Breaking this relationship has been a passion of mine for a long time. So having planned it for years, a few weeks ago I launched the new Money and Mental Health Policy Institute (www.moneyandmentalhealth.org.uk) with a brilliant full-time team I’m funding for at least four years. The aim of this charity is simple: to reduce the number of people affected by the issue. And that number is huge - when I’ve written about it on social media I’ve been swamped by the responses. Here are just a couple: “I have bipolar and was given huge amounts of credit which I spent while on a manic high. I am now in so much debt there’s no way out, which has an impact on my depression.” “When I’m in a depressed state I find that I can spend recklessly, without thinking about the bigger picture. Having financial struggles does make you
24 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
stressed, anxious and cause sleep issues, which can then all lead to further depression. It’s a vicious circle.”
What can be done about it? Thankfully over the past decade, the financial services sector has improved its attitude and procedures when dealing with people with mental health illness once they’re already in the mire. So the Policy Institute’s focus is prevention, to come up with solutions, research them and then lobby to get them in place. Here’s a sample of the type of ideas we’re looking at, both are based on spending sprees, which are common with bipolar disorder and depression.
Credit freeze Allow people to voluntarily
put a freeze at the credit reference agencies, so they can’t apply for any new credit. To unlock it would take a set time – say 30 or 90 days – giving breathing space if your decision making ability is temporarily impaired.
High-control account options Go abroad and debit and credit card firms freeze your accounts if they detect unusual spending patterns. Why not allow people to voluntarily apply that to all spending? Then if unusual spending patterns happen, their card is cut off for a set time, say 10 weeks, unless
Money Matters By Martin Lewis a nominated trusted friend or mental health case worker agrees it should be unfrozen, because the high spend is, for example, just due to a house move. Of course there are many other conditions too, such as dementia, which require other solutions. (go to:www.moneyandmentalhealth.org.uk /joinour-research-panel/) Yet that’s all in the future. If you or someone you care for has issues now, what do you do? Well my free Mental Health and Debt Booklet at www. money savingexpert.com/mentalhealth takes you through step-by-step. Here are some tips from it.
Speak to a non-profit debt help agency. If you’re in debt crisis, then www.CitizensAdvice.org.uk, www.StepChange.org, www.NationalDebtline.org and especially www.CapUK.org can help – I say especially as it also does emotional counselling too.
Can you cut the interest rate? The lower it is the more of your repayments clear the actual debt. A balance transfer credit card can shift debt to 0% for 40 months.
3 Consider informing your bank. Once a lender is aware that a customer has a mental health condition, it has to make adjustments. The Lending Code says banks should consider keeping a debt in-house rather than passing it to debt collectors, and they should make court action the last resort. Though telling your bank is a decision to discuss carefully with a caseworker or debt counsellor.
You can’t be discriminated against for your mental health. In other words, if the fact you’ve declared your illness to a bank affects your ability to get other products with them, such as a mortgage, it would likely breach the Equality Act.
Know the early warning signs. Even when people plunge into debt, issues like depression don’t bite overnight. Look out for tension headaches,
Mental Health arguments at work, back pain or bad skin. And seek help.
6 Banking control if you have bipolar. A few banks have minor procedures to allow you to register your mental health issues and stop your overdraft going beyond a certain amount. Bipolar disorder sufferers, who may be prone to overspending during a manic episode, could consider discussing this with their bank. It’s worth chatting through with a debt counsellor or case worker first. 7
Consider adding a note on your credit file. If you overspend when you are unwell, you can volunteer to add information on mental health problems to your credit files in what’s called a ‘notice of correction’. This alerts potential lenders so they don’t lend further credit. This can be added or removed whenever you want though. Yet it may stop you borrowing when you are well.
Consider paying bills by direct debit. This can simplify your finances, helping to ensure bills get paid when you’re ill. Yet while direct debits for gas and electricity bills, home phone and broadband can save you money, home and car insurers charge you interest so annual payments better.
9 Prioritise heating and eating. Don’t simply pay
those who hassle you the hardest. The debt counsellors above can help.
10 There’s no such thing as an unsolvable debt. For as long as I’ve been doing my job, I’ve never once seen a debt case that isn’t solvable. It may not be easy, it may not be quick, but I want you to know it is ALWAYS doable. If you start to sort it out, it does get better. Martin Lewis is the Founder & Editor in Chief of Money Saving Expert. To join the 10 million people who get his ‘Martin’s Money Tips’ weekly email, go to www.moneysavingexpert.com/latesttip By Martin Lewis
Issue 17 • October / November 2016 25
auto Biographies By Robin Auchterlonie © Wheelwrite.co.uk 2016
VW Tiguan
R-Line 2.0 TDI 4MOTION
is a brand back in growth after the horrors of the emissions scandal, and it’s the Tiguan leading the way as their major launch this year. It’s a car that was last refettled in 2011 and its sales have risen every year since, mirroring the rise in popularity of the compact crossover in general. More and more are hankering after a car that looks like a big SUV but is more compact in size so actually isn’t. This one is the classy option. Built on the VW Group’s multipurpose MQB platform that is being used for a growing number of cars from their stables, the new second generation model is lower, wider and longer than before and therefore has an altogether more dynamic and even sexier look than was once the case. It’s the start of a VW SUV offensive that will see more product arrive in the next few years. In Tiguan there are five trim levels to pick from and there’s a broad engine choice which will total seven before long, ranging from 115ps to 240ps. The 2.0 TDI 150 with 4MOTION in SE Navigation trim is expected to be the best seller here in the UK. And for the internet generation of car buyers, it also has a mind boggling array of apps available via its onboard communica-
tion system. All the bases have been touched and ticked – safety, styling, space, technology, engineering, performance and economy – so the perceived improvement is not just visual. 4MOTION Active Control is also available in a range that starts at £22,510 (1.4 TSI 2wd S spec) and tops out with the R-Line 2.0 TDI 4MOTION auto at £36,375. The 4MOTION sampled on the UK launch felt very reassuring on the road, and so it should with those MQB underpinnings already having been honed on cars like the Golf and the Passat. It’s a given that it has predictable handling and while firm, it copes well with your British Standard Pothole without causing too much grief for those inside. It’s fair to say it’s confidence inspiring behind the wheel. R-Line is the one to go for if looks are important to you and you’re not going to be pulling Penelope’s pony across a muddy field in its horsebox. And talking of towing, Tiguan has a class leading 2500kg towing capacity for all versions with 4MOTION all wheel drive. A set of 17 inch alloys are standard even on the entry level model, along with manual air con, front and rear electric windows, cruise control and daytime running lights, and there’s a
26 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
piece of safety equipment for every eventuality. Instrumentation is clear and logical, easy to read and very user friendly, and it comes with very comfortable seats that offer plenty of support in all the right places. Headrests have loads of adjustment as well. There’s more room inside than before as well so less need to squeeze people in. Quality comes at a premium of course, and Tiguan ownership will set you back more than some of its immediate competitors like the soon-tobelaunched SEAT Ateca, which is also built on the MQB platform but which costs from £17,990. £35,125 1968cc four cylinder common railturbocharged diesel, 150ps, 340Nm Seven speed DSG auto box Top speed 124mph, 0-62mph 9.3secs Fuel - urban 41.5, extra urban 55.4, combined 49.6 CO2 149g/km Will it fit the garage? 4486/2099/1632 (l/w/h) Three year/60,000 mile warranty.
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local News
LOCAL RIO HERO At the time of writing, Liam Irons, a 25 year old footballer from Dunstable will be on a return flight from Rio having been called up to represent Team GB at the Paralympics Games as part of the 7-aside football team for players with Cerebral Palsy. Liam, who attended Mill Vale Middle School and Queensbury Upper, has always played mainstream football in Bedfordshire and currently plays for 61FC in the Spartan South Midlands Football League. His manager at the club and Beds FA Chairman, Richard Everitt, said “Everybody at 61 FC are very proud of what Liam has achieved, it is a reward for lots of hard work and dedication which Liam has put into his game.” Liam, who was diagnosed with Cerabal Palsy, also plays for Saints FC on Sundays and it was while playing for the side that he was spotted by an opposition manager who also has the condition. He put Liam in contact with national CP football coach Jeff Davis who sent a scout to watch Liam play which led to him being invited to train with the squad. CP (Cerabal Palsy) football is a 7 a-side fast-paced, tough tackling game with lots of technique and skill. It has been part of the Paralympic Games since 1984 and this
28 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
year teams from 8 nations qualified for the finals in Rio. There are seven players from each team on the pitch - in addition to seven on the bench. Because there is no off side rule, matches are open and exciting with teams able to adopt a more direct, attacking style. Throw-ins can be completed with one hand, rolling the ball onto the playing field. Matches last 60 minutes, divided into two 30-minute halves, with a 15-minute interval between them. Until six months ago Liam was unaware that there was a CP team, having always played mainstream football. He now found himself faced with the challenge of preparing to represent his country as part of Team GB, something he had only previously dreamed about. Before flying out to Brazil, the team was put through a rigorous training camp at FA National Football Centre, St. Georges Park, which Liam describes as “an amazing place”. The elite level strength and conditioning was the first of many new experiences for Liam but he took it all in his stride and in the past six months his attitude and commitment to his game has changed completely. Liam says “It has completely changed my approach to football as I’m now training six days a week which includes strength and conditioning with a coach and lots of sprint and agility work. They have also taught me to play a lot calmer and relaxed which has improved my decision making on and off the ball”
Liam’s first chance to represent the team was at a pre-Paralympic tournament in Spain where his training and dedication paid off, scoring in his debut against Ireland. Arriving in Rio Liam was impressed by the Paralympics village and his fellow athletes. “The place is truly inspiring, the things you see on a day to day basis is quite remarkable. The lengths to which some of the athletes go to get themselves so that they can compete in the games is incredible.” The team were also lucky enough to get some pointers from one of the biggest stars of Rio 2016. “Alex Danson, who won Gold with the women’s hockey team, gave us an inspirational talk. She went into detail about how and why they did so well. It was great to meet someone like Alex let alone hear about her experiences and advice.” Liam’s Team GB debut came against hosts Brazil. Not a bad way to start your international career and he reflected that despite the result, “It was still one of the best experiences of my life.” The second game saw Team GB lose 2-1 to the favourites Ukraine, who went on to claim gold. Team GB then smashed five past Ireland in their final game to set up a 5th place playoff with rivals Argentina. A feisty 2-0 win meant the CP 7 a-side achieved the highest finish in their history. Liam’s girlfriend, Carly Smith, commented “We are so proud of Liam and everything he has achieved. Liam’s family and I have watched all of his games together, cheering him on from home. We can’t wait to see him now and welcome him home.” Summing up his experience of the games, Liam said “We finished Rio 2016 in 5th place with a 2-0 win over Argentina. That’s the highest the Team GB football team have ever finished. It’s been by far the best experience of my life and I have enjoyed every minute of it. All of the squad and staff have bonded so well and it’s great to have been on this journey with them. I think we can come home knowing that we gave our all and competed with the best teams in the tournament.”
It’s fair to say many events during the games have captured our attention and hearts. There is something wonderfully personal and relatable about the Paralympics. Perhaps this is why we felt such a connection with Liam’s journey. Liam’s personality and achievements deserve special recognition and a willingness to share his new experiences through his Paralympic Diary only highlights his character. Josh Spavins (Bedfordshire FA Disability Football lead) said “Liam’s story has done so much for young players with disabilities in Bedfordshire. His remarkable story is proof that nothing can stop you pursuing your dreams. We’d like to encourage any footballers with disabilities to explore the opportunities out there.” This was something echoed by Liam when asked about his hopes for the future, Liam said “Having had the great coaching I have received, I definitely think I would love to get into coaching when I can’t play anymore, to share all I have learnt with local clubs and players. He added “It was a massive privilege to be asked to go on Channel 4 Live to talk about the games. Hopefully I can help promote the sport to any CP players watching at home.” “Finally, I would just like to add that any disabled players playing mainstream football should make sure they try and get in touch with Jeff Davies because the possibilities could be life-changing - it has been for me. “ If you would like to get involved in football, regardless of ability or disability, Beds FA would like to hear from you. Disability sessions run across the county and you can contact Josh Spavins for full details at Josh.spavins@ bedfordshirefa.com Read Liam’s Paralympic Diary and check out Disability Football online via the Bedfordshire FA. Website – www.BedfordshireFA.com Twitter - @BedsFA / @_LiamIrons Facebook – www.facebook.com/Bedfordshire-FA
Issue 17 • October / November 2016 29
Out & About SAPPHIRE SOCIAL CLUB Sapphire Social Club - this social club caters for the unattached aged 50+. We meet weekly in Hitchin and organize a variety of social events every month. No joining fee for the first two months. Come along and meet new friends. Tel Joyce 07952 678021 or Ian 07900 890583 for details www.sapphiresocialsinglesclub.co.uk KNIT AND NATTER GROUP Every Tuesday, 10am-12pm Join our friendly Knit and Natter group every Tuesday at Lewsey Library. Come and share your experience, or get some great hints and tips, and meet new people. Tea and biscuits provided. The group is always looking for donations of wool; knitting needles etc. so if you have anything you no longer need, just drop it off at the library.Free, donations welcome LUTON WRITERS’ CLUB Every other thursdayat 5.30pm Luton Central Library A free club, open to those interested in writing. THE PARKSIDE SINGERS Do you enjoy singing? The Parkside Singers is a lively mixed choir, singing four-part harmony music including pop, songs from musicals and some choral favourites such as Ave Verum and The Lords Prayer. Call Claire on 01525 753110. LUTON POETRY SOCIETY Last Saturday of every month, 2-4pm Luton Central Library £3, free for Poetry Society member (£20 annual membership) Our meetings usually take place on the last Saturday of each month at Luton Central Library (3rd Floor) For more information visit www.lutonculture.com/luton-libraries or call 01582 547 418
BREAKOUT SOCIAL CLUB We are a club for the over forty fives, not a singles club but a social club for people who enjoy going out but are on their own, where they can meet like-minded people, with a varied monthly programme covering Disco’s, Pub lunch’s, walks, parties and much, much more, we meet once a week in the front bar at the Conservative Club, High street North Dunstable For more information please contact Sandy on 07813 262556 WARDEN AFTERNOON CLUB Meets every Tuesday 2 - 4pm Warden Hill Community Centre (rear of the Warden Tavern) We are a recently established group of friendly ladies and gentlemen who meet weekly for companionship, activities and refreshments. If you would like some company, or know someone who would benefit from joining us, please come along any Tuesday - everyone is very welcome. For more information contact Sue on 07706895444 or email sueblee@hotmail.co.uk 5TH STOPSLEY GUIDES Guides is our section for girls aged 10 to 14. By becoming part of a worldwide community of girls who learn together and share skills and experiences, Guides have the chance to get out there and do something really different. Members take part in a wide range of exciting activities at their regular meetings, and at special events or holidays. Girls can get involved in anything from adventure sports to performing arts, travel and taking part in community action projects. Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. By volunteering with us, you can help us create amazing opportunities for thousands of girls around the UK.
30 www.thevinemagazine.co.uk
FLEXERCISE EXERCISE Thursday 2 -3 £3.50 Warden Hill Community Centre Gentle Exercise for Older People Men and Women -With No jumping about or running around, the class includes low impact and every exercise you will be faced with will have a specific benefit to your body and your unique make up. The class is aimed at improving and maintaining flexibility and balance, thus enabling you to be confident and enjoy life. For more info Tel Lorraine 07868 030540 BEDFORDSHIRE GUILD OF WEAVERS, SPINNERS & DYERS. A friendly group of textile crafts people who meet in Flitwick Village Hall twice a month. First Tuesday evening of each month 7.30 - 9-30 and Third Saturday, all day, 10.30 to 4.30. We welcome visitors interested in seeing what we do, so please pay a visit to our website www.bedsguildwsd.blogspot.co.uk
Across: Loyal 9 Ill Across:61Spinney Amass 47Stipend 10 Abounding 12 Second-class 8 Gladden 9 Press 10 Open 15 Contented 11 Infantrymen Headland 1317 Elan 14 Ante 19 21 Sloth Discern 16 Fee Accuracy 1722 Pert 20 Inapt Down: 1 Spell End 3 Kerb 21 Undoing 222Natural 23 Tress 4Down: Gondolier 5 Garnish 8 Sundry 1 Agglomeration 2 Adage 11 Devastate 135Outing 3 Side 4 Singer Impudent 14 Ennoble 16 Merry 18 Edit 6 Elevate 7 Disadvantages 20 12 Icy Narrator 13 Enchant 15 Actual 18 Exile 19 Edit
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