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Proud To Be Local Business Find Us Highly Commended Inside this issue... D Scott and Sons Local Events CUSTOMER CARE EXCELLENCE On. AWARD Limited Local News TheVineDirectory.co.uk Home6 Services Revitalising Dunstable • Local Business Directory Plumbing, Heating Local Offers • Local Events • Local News 10 Eden On Our Doorstep? Editor: Scott Nightingale Editor: Scott Advertising & Nightingale Editorial:
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Boiler repair - Competition 20 TeamSport Other services... We offer a full range of
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full bathroom refits, 26 At Home: Caring For Houseplants Powerflushing
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32 Body Change 4U: Calories Landlords certificate Drainage - including
repairs, camera surveys
34 Autos:system Mercedes AMG Magnetic filtersC220 & drain jetting. 36 Puzzles Radiator valves The Gunpowder Plot 38 central Snippets: Oil heating
46 A Pensioners View
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Greetings from Christ Church Dunstable!
How did someone like me end up in a place like this? A movie cliché has grown over the years where the film starts on a dramatic scene: the main character comes flying in and then everything pauses, and a voice over says something like “Well, this is me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.” And then the film will unfold explaining exactly how the character got into that situation. You may have had that feeling in your own life. You find yourself in a situation and you look around and think ‘How did someone like me get into a place like this?’ Maybe it’s a positive: a promotion party at work, a wedding ceremony with the person of your dreams, maybe you’re receiving an award for doing something amazing. But it might
also be a negative: you end up in a hospital bed, in a law court, or maybe you’ve fallen on hard times and find yourself at the Foodbank thinking, “I never thought I’d end up here.” The wonderful yet sobering message of Easter is that we can find ourselves in the most amazing place because someone else ended up in another place that you would never expect them to be. Jesus Christ is an historical figure who almost everyone would say was a ‘good man’. He is compassionate, caring, and loving. He is the hero of the story. And in hero stories what do you expect to see? You expect to see them praised and awarded, given keys to the city, and celebrated. At Easter, we see the opposite. Our hero Jesus is hanging on a cross. Completely the opposite of how we would expect to see our hero treated. It looks like a defeat. But as with all the best hero films what looks like their lowest point is always actually their most triumphant moment. The cross of Jesus wasn’t an accident where we wonder “how did a man like Jesus end up in a place
Website: ccd.church • Telephone: 01582 661621 • Email: hello@ccd.church
like that?” because Jesus tells us exactly why. He tells us what his very purpose is in Mark 10:45,
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus’ ultimate act of service was to give his life paying off a ransom: a debt. And that debt is what we have built up for ourselves as we reject God and put ourselves first. Jesus experienced the rejection of God at the cross so that you and I may never need to. And we know he was successful, because he rose to life again on the Sunday having defeated death. Our hero stands up with sun rays shining all around, and he is awarded the key to the City of God.
Because of what Jesus did at Easter, we are welcomed into a place we have no right to; God’s presence. The many tha will find themselves welcomed into the courts of heaven for eternity face to face with God experiencing his love. And they will be stare at each other, each thinking the same thing “How did someone like me end up in a place like this?” And the answer is “Jesus got me in. He made me right with God because he paid off my debt on the cross of Easter.” Paul says it like this,
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Cor 5:21
local Notices New Course Of History Talks The Dunstable Tuesday Group are offering a new course, commencing 27th February.
The English Country Estate; 1500-1950 Great estates have been a feature of the English countryside since the Middle Ages. This course examines how these estates operated and the impact this has had on today’s countryside. Topics covered include the estate owner as agricultural innovator, industrial magnate and creator of parks. The ten week course, presented by Adam Smith, will commence on 27th February for five weeks, we will break over Easter and start again on 16th April for the next five sessions. The price is £60 for the ten weeks, or £7 weekly. The course will be held at Pioneer Hall, Manchester Place, Dunstable, LU6 1HT. To register please contact Carole Smart on smart.carole@talk21.com or 07917 083850
2022 Aternate Thursdays, 2:30 - 4:00pm Tea Time Tales are being held in Grove House, 76 High Street North whilst Priory House is being repaired.
Talks of local & national interest with refreshments 15th February - When Medieval Merchants Failed: Richard Arnold in Fifteenth Century London by Dr Justin Colson 29th February The Roman Road from Verulamium to Magiovinium by Tony Woodhouse 14th March
London Silver Hallmarks, our earliest Consumer Protection scheme!
by Martin Attridge 28th March The Russell Family of Woburn by Ann Ledger
Spring Concert At: Parkside Community Hall
Woburn Street, Ampthill MK45 2HX
Saturday 9th March 2024
at 2:30pm (doors open 2pm)
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Home Home Counties Loft Ladders, HomeHome Counties Loft Ladders, Counties Loft Ladders, Home Counties Loft Ladders, Quality You Can Trust! Quality Quality You Can Quality You Can Quality YouTrust! CanTrust! Trust!
every installation that simply simply wouldn’t watchwordsare are Quality, Quality, -- that Thesedays daysmost most installation we we watchwords These Integrityand andValue. Value. homeownerssuffer sufferfrom from Integrity carry out!’ happen if if we didn’t homeowners happen every installation we - that simply wouldn’t watchwords are Quality, hese days most Quality inthe thematerials materials lack ofstorage storagespace. space. adhere to Quality in aalack of adhere overriding every installation - that simply wouldn’t watchwords areare Quality, These days most every installation -our that simply wouldn’t watchwords Quality,to These days most So, if you want to want to make makewewe Integrity and Value. homeowners suffer from carry out!’ happen if we didn’t that weuse use for all all ourValue. Somany many precious items principles. that we for our So precious items principles. Integrity and homeowners suffer from carry out!’ happen if we didn’t Integrity and Value. homeowners suffer from carry out!’ happen if we didn’t use of your loft space, loft space, Quality in the materials lack ofthat storage space. adhere to our overriding installations and the fact that need to be kept installations and the fact need to kept Quality in in the materials a lack of of storage space. adhere to our overriding Quality the materials abe lack storage space. adhere to overriding So, ifour you want make At the the end end call to Jamie free on 0808 of the day the on 0808 that for all our o many––precious items principles.At that all our loft packages So,So, if you want to to make butwhere where tostore store itwe use if you want make that all our loft packages but to it that we use forfor allall our SoSo many precious items that we use our principles. many precious items principles. use of your 301 loft 9560 space,and he’ll old adage be installations and the fact hat need to be kept old adage that happy he’ll be use of of your loft space, are fittedinstallations by timeAt served use your loft space, all?That’s That’sthat where Home are fitted by time served all? where Home and the fact need to be kept installations and the fact that need to be kept the endcustomers of the day the call Jamie free on 0808 customers happy to pop round and that all our loft packages but where to store it lead to more round and AtAt the end of of the day the Jamie free onon 0808 the end the day thecall call Jamie free 0808 tradesmen, so our CountiesLoft Loft Ladders tradesmen, so Counties Ladders that allour our loft packages – but where toto store that all our loft packages – but where store it served old adage that happy 301is9560 and he’ll bea no obligation are fitted by it time ll? That’s where happy customers true give you happy customers obligation oldold adage that happy 301 9560 and he’ll bebe adage that happy 301 9560 and he’ll customers are assured come in.Home customers are assured come in. are fitted byby time served are fitted time served all? That’s where Home all? That’s where Home customers lead to more happy to pop round and tradesmen, so our Counties Loft Ladders and we we customers work quote you to too can and work hard lead tolead too can to to more happy pop round and customers more so happy to pop round and ofthe thebest best job. happy of job. tradesmen, soso our tradesmen, our Counties Loft Ladders Counties Loft Ladders customers is true give you a no obligation customers are assured ome in.The Thecompany, company, ofyou your make that that your loft! make happen for happy customers is make true give a no obligation happy customers is trueuse give you aloft! no obligation customers are assured customers are assured come in.of come in. the best job. and we work hard to quote so you too can Integrityin inthat that we we basedlocally, locally,offers offers Integrity based and wewe work hard to to quote soso you too can and work hard quote you too can of of the best job. the best job. he company, make use of your loft! make for willturn turnup up at the timethat happen make homeowners the Thethe company, company, use of of your loft! homeowners that happen forfor make make use your loft! make that happen Integrity will in that we at the time based locally, offers The wesay say and makein sure opportunity tomaximise maximise Integrity that wewe based locally, offers Integrity in that based locally, offers we make sure opportunity to will turn up at theand time homeowners the thehouse house is spotless theirstorage storage space will turn upup at at the time will turn the time homeowners the homeowners the the is spotless their space we say and make sure opportunity to maximise whenwe wewe leave, and say and make sure we say and make sure to to maximise withaspace aloft loftopportunity ladder, opportunity maximise when leave, and with ladder, the house is spotless heir storage the house is spotless the house is spotless their storage value in that we offer their storage space 50sqft ofboarding boarding andspace value that we offer 50sqft of and when we leave,in and with a loft ladder, when leave, and when we leave, and with aevery loft ladder, installation every installation weservices we - that simply that wouldn’t simply wouldn’t Quality, with avalue loft ladder, our services atwe price light all fully fitted every inste - that simply - that wouldn’t simply wouldn’t watchwords are Quality, are Quality, These days These most days most watchwords our at aa price aa-light --all fully fitted in that we offer 0sqft of boarding and ue. carry out!’ carry out!’ happen if happen we didn’t if we didn’t Integrity and Value. and Value. homeowners homeowners suffer suffer from Integrity carry out!c happen ifhappen we didn’t if we didn’t value in that we offer value in that we offerfrom 50sqft of boarding and 50sqft of boarding and people can afford. in less than aday day from every installation every installation we we - that -simply - less that wouldn’t simply wouldn’t Quality, every inste - that simply - that wouldn’t simply wouldn’t watchwords are Quality, are Quality, These days These most days most watchwords people can afford. in than aoverriding from our services at a price light all fully fitted terials adhere to adhere our overriding to our Quality in Quality the materials in the materials a lack of a storage lack of space. storage space. adhere to adhere our overriding to our overriding our services at a price ue. our services at a price carry out!’ carry out!’ happen if happen we didn’t if we didn’t aBut light -not all fully fitted a light -you all fully fitted Integrity and Value. and Value. homeowners homeowners suffer from suffer from Integrity carry out!c happen ifhappen we didn’t if we didn’t just £355! it’s not So, if So, want ifcan you to make want to we make £444! So, if you S every installation - that simply wouldn’t people afford. just £355! But it’s ll -principles. our nQuality, less than a day from that simply wouldn’t watchwords are Quality, These days most principles. every installation we that simply wouldn’t that we use that for we all use our for all our So many So precious many precious items items principles. principles. every inste that simply wouldn’t watchwords are Quality, These days most Our business relies on terials adhere toadhere our overriding to our overriding Quality inQuality the materials in the materials a can lack of a storage lack ofspace. storage space. adhere toadhere our overriding to our overriding people afford. people can afford. use ofinstallation your ofout!’ your space, loft space, indidn’t less than ause day from Our business on in less aloft from use ofinst you u ue. carry happen ifaffordability we just the affordability the factsimply Integrity andfact Value. homeowners suffer from watchwords c happen if we wouldn’t didn’t every we -our that wouldn’t carry out!’ So, ifthan you So, want ifday you to make want to we make relies happen if we didn’t installations installations and the and the factsimply that need that tomost be need kept to be kept every that wouldn’t watchwords are Quality, These days ust £355! But it’s not just the Integrity and Value. homeowners suffer from carry out!e So, if you S happen if we didn’t every installation that simply wouldn’t Quality, that simply are Quality, ll principles. These days most principles. we use thatfor wealluse ourfor all principles. ourthe end Soget many So precious many precious items that items principles. referrals and we get a At the end At of the the end day of the the day the call Jamie call free Jamie on 0808 free onand 0808 At At of the the end day of the the day the call Jamie c terials adhere to our overriding just £355! But it’s not Our business relies on just £355! But it’s not ackages referrals we a Quality in the materials a lack of storage space. adhere to our overriding carry out!’ happen if we didn’t use of your use loft of your space, loft space, adhere to our overriding that all our that loft all packages our loft packages – but where –storage but tosuffer where store it tosuffer store it of the package that Integrity and Value. homeowners from carryofout! Quality inIntegrity theand materials happen ifhappen we a lack of homeowners space. use you u adhere to ourdidn’t overriding ue. carry out!’and happen if we didn’t and Value. the fact from c if we didn’t ust the affordability of the package that So, if you want to make installations installations the fact and the fact that need that to be need kept to be kept Our business relies on old adage old that adage happy that happy Our business relies on 301 9560 301 and 9560 he’ll be he’ll be So, affordability if youcall want to make old adage old that adage happy that happy 301 if 9560 3 ourthe end principles. So, youS huge amount of our calls ellterials served that we use for all our So many precious items principles. adhere to our overriding At At of the the end day of the the day the call Jamie free Jamie on 0808 free on 0808 principles. are fitted are by fitted time served by time served all? That’s all? where That’s Home where Home just the referrals and we get a just the affordability Quality in the materials that we use for all our a lack of storage space. So many precious items adhere to our overriding At the end At of the the end day of the the day the call Jamie c principles. huge amount of our calls adhere to our overriding Quality in the materials ackages a lack of storage space. adhere to more our overriding makes Home Counties use of your loft space, that all our that loft all packages our loft packages – but where – but to where store it to store it customers customers lead to more lead to more u happy to happy pop round to pop and round and of the package that So, if you want to make use of your loft space, makes Home Counties customers customers lead to lead to more happy to h the fact referrals and we get a So, if you referrals and we get a use 9560 of you So, if you wanthe’ll to make ur installations and the fact that need to be kept S principles. old old that adage happy that happy 301 9560 301 and 9560 he’ll and be becalls tradesmen, tradesmen, so our so our Counties Counties Loft Ladders Loft Ladders from people who have that we use for all our installations and the fact So many precious items that need to be kept principles. old adage old that adage happy that happy 301 3 ouradage principles. of the package that that we use for all our ell served huge amount of our So many precious items of the package that principles. Atof the end thestand day the call Jamie free on 0808who are fittedare by fitted time served by time served from people all? have That’s all? where That’s Home where Home Atof the end of the day the c happy customers happy customers is of true is true give you give a free no you obligation a0808 no obligation use of your loft space, Loft Ladders At the end the day the call Jamie on happy customers happy customers is true is true give you g a ackages use of you At the end the day the call Jamie makes Home Counties use of your loft space, sured that all our loft packages – but where to store it u huge amount of our calls customers customers lead to more leadstand tohappy more tohappy Ladders pop round to pop and round and customers customers are assured assured huge amount our calls come in. come in. installations and theare fact that all our loft packages that need toof be kept – but where to store itbe the fact Loft customers customers lead to more lead tohappy more toh installations and the fact ur that need to kept been referred to us by old adage that happy 301 9560 and he’ll be tradesmen, tradesmen, so our so our Counties Counties Loft Ladders Loft Ladders makes Home Counties from people who have makes Home Counties old adage that happy 3y andthe weend work and we hard work toofthe hard to Jamie quote socall quote you too socan you too At of the day call Jamie free on 0808 old adage that happy 301 9560 and he’ll be eackages served andthe weend work and we hard work to hard to the quote soc q been referred to us by At of the day the call Jamie old adage that happy 301 9560 At the end the day the Jamie free oncan 0808 are fitted by time served all? That’s where Home out, as manager At the end of the day of the best of the job. best job. happy customers happy customers is true is true give you give a no you obligation a no obligation oft Ladders stand that all our loft packages are fitted by time served – but where to store it all? That’s where Home happy customers happy customers is true is true give you g a from people who have from people who have that allassured our are loft assured packages sured out, asthat manager Jamie – but where to store it customers lead to more happy to pop round and customers customers are come in. come in. customers lead to more h make use make of your use loft! of your loft! make that make happen for happen for our existing customers old adage that happy 301 9560 and he’ll be customers lead to more happy to pop round and The company, The company, ur make m make that make happen that for happen for use Loft Ladders stand been referred to uscan bycustomers Loft stand old adage that happy 301 customers lead to more happy to3 old that happy 9560 and he’ll be tradesmen, so ourserved Counties Loft Ladders old adage that happy andas wemanager work andadage we hard work to hard toLadders quote so301 quote you too socan you too our existing are fitted byjob. time served tradesmen, so our all? That’s where Home Counties Loft Ladders e served and we work and we hard work to hard to 9560 quote so qy Oakley explains: ‘Our are fitted byjob. time out, Jamie all? That’s where Home of the best of best happy customers is true give you apop no obligation been referred to us by been referred to us by offers we happy customers true Oakley explains: ‘Our customers leadthat to more happy toexisting round and Integrity Integrity in the that we in that we happy customers is true give you apop noyour obligation based locally, based offers locally, sured customers leadthat toismore happy tog happy customers true tois give you a customers lead toas more happy toJamie round and customers are assured come in. customers lead more our customers out, manager Jamie h make use make of use loft! of your loft! out, as manager make that make happen for happen for tradesmen, so our customers are assured The company, The company, Counties Loft Ladders come in. ur make use m make that make happen for happen for tradesmen, so our Counties Loft Ladders and we work hard to quote so you too can e and timeweexplains: Oakley ‘Our and we work hardis totrue q turn up will at turn the up time at the and timewecustomers happy customers is give you ayou no you obligation work hard totrue is quote sogive too can homeowners homeowners the the will our existing customers our existing customers happy istotrue give you ay work hard quote sog happy customers true a no obligation of the best job. we happy customers customers Integrity Integrity in are thatassured we in are thatassured we of the best job. based locally, based offers locally, offers come in. Oakley explains: ‘Our Oakley explains: ‘Our customers come in. make use of your loft! make that happen for esured sure The company, m make that happen for we say and we make say and sure make sure and we work hard to quote so you too can opportunity opportunity to maximise to maximise make use of your loft! make that happen for The company,
ties s Loft Loft Ladders, Ladders, ties s Loft Loft Ladders, Ladders, ties Loft Ladders, u You Can Can Trust! Trust! s Loft Ladders, sCan Loft Ladders, ties Loft Ladders, u You Can Trust! Trust! You Can Trust! u Can Trust! u Can Trust! You Can Trust!
Home Home Counties Counties Loft Loft Ladd La Home Home Counties Counties Loft Loft Ladd La Home Counties Loft La Quality Quality You You Can Can Trust! Tru Home Counties Loft Ladd Home Counties Loft Ladd Home Counties Loft La Quality Quality You You Can Can Trust! Tru Quality You Can Tru Quality You Can Trust! Quality You Can Trust! Quality You Can Tru
Need more Need Need more Need Needmore more storage space? storage storage space? storage space? storage space?
and we work hard to quote so you too can e time we less of your make that happen useloft! of your loft! make thatfor happenmake for usemake e sure e time and we less eoffer sure e time and less price eoffer sure and d. less price offer and d. es on price offer get a d. es on price our calls get a eshave on od. our calls get a us on by oeshave our calls omers get a us by oour have calls omers us by o have omers us by omers
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INSTALL LADDER INSTALL AA LOFT INSTALL A LOFT INSTALL ALADDER LADDER INSTALL ALOFT LOFT LADDER AND USE YOUR LOFT! AND USE YOUR AND USE YOUR LOFT! AND USE YOUR LOFT! AND USE YOUR LOFT! e Need Need more more e STARTER PACKAGE: Aluminium loft Need Need more more STARTER PACKAGE: Aluminium loft loft STARTER PACKAGE: Aluminium loft e STARTER PACKAGE: Aluminium STARTER PACKAGE: Aluminium loft space? Need more ace? e? Need more storage storage space? ladder, light50 plus 50boarding, sqftNeed boarding, fully more eace? Need more ladder, light plus sqft fully ladder, light plus 50 sqft boarding, fully e? storage storage space? space? ladder, ladder,light lightplus plus50 50sqft sqftboarding, boarding,fully fully ace? storage space? from £355 fitted in less than a day e? DDER LADDER storage space? INSTALL INSTALL A LOFT A LOFT LADDER LADDER from £355 fitted in less than a day from £355 fitted fitted infitted lessinthan dayastorage £444 e? space? from £355 day ace? inless lessathan than a day from £355 storage space? DDER LADDER INSTALL INSTALL A LOFT A LOFT LADDER LADDER FT! LOFT! ANDAND USEUSE YOUR YOUR LOFT! LOFT!
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local News
New Charity Shop In Dunstable Will Help Pets In Need Woodgreen Pets Charity has opened the doors to a new shop in Dunstable’s Quadrant Shopping Centre. Stocked with stunning fashion, homeware, accessories, children’s toys and more at bargain discount prices, funds raised will support the charity’s essential work to help pets and their people. Woodgreen takes in and rehomes thousands of dogs, cats and small animals every year at its centre in Cambridgeshire, many of which require life-saving veterinary treatment and care. Not only that, the charity also supports pet owners with free behavioural advice and hands-on support to resolve issues and keep pets in loving homes. This wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of the public who shop pre-loved with Woodgreen in Dunstable, donate their unwanted items, or volunteer in store. A range of volunteer roles are available, giving local people the chance to meet new friends, earn valuable skills and qualifications, and make a big difference to the lives of pets in need.
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Mabel’s News
Hello again!
from Appledown Rescue Kennels
I am Mabel the resident dog at Appledown Rescue and Rehoming Kennels in Eaton Bray.
F ro m T a n k ! o l l e h d An
The White Horse
the Month scue Dog of Appledown Re
rs. aged 5/6 yea nk is a lurcher rs, Handsome Ta e lead manne -nature and nic walkers! our With his sweet h wit ite a favour e om us vio bec pre he has to his e nervous due ce to help He can be a littl ners with patien ow d a nee in g will life, so pt to livin fidence and ada with another him gain con could live nk Ta k t thin tha house. We a gentle boy s. He is such secure dog, but not cat sehold with a hou red reti a he may suit ase garden. ing home, ple cue dog a lov our website To offer a res tion form from lica app ing an om ad downlo n on the reh find informatio nt only. where you will by appointme are gs win Vie process. make a one-off work please 70111, or To support our ting APPLE to tex by rt £3 of donation ‘DONATE Suppo ypal using the Pa via lcome. ate we o don es are als equ Ch . ion a Cause’ opt homing
Handsome Tank is a lurcher aged 5/6 years. With his in a lovely village location sweet-nature and nice lead 300 year old character pub set in beautiful gardens manners, he • Beautiful village location has become a scue & Re Re favourite with wn do ple Ap • Warm and cosy restaurant and bar Y Beds LU6 1Q , Eaton Bray, He can be our walkers! g Road with character fireplaces Kennels, Harlin 383 (10am-1pm & 2-4 pm) edownrescue.co.uk 220 ppl www.aso a little nervous due015 to25his previous will Website;life, ! tinternet.com r & Instagram own.kennels@b itte led Tw k, app oo ail: E-m • Ample parking us on Facebto help him gain need owners withFollow patience confidence and adapt to living in a house. We Tank could live with another dog, but not think cats. He is such a gentle boy that he may suit a retired household with a secure garden.
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'Equity released from your home will be secured against it' www.tod www.t tax services'As a mortgage is secured against your home, it may be repossessed upnot the mortgage repayments, ThePensions financial conduct authority does not regu Mortgages, Insurances, &placed if keep you do keep upFree the mortgagewith repayments, The financial conduct authority does not regulate Investments & Pensions ofFree overWill £50,000 and within 6 months oforinvestment keep up the mortgage repayments, The financial conduct authority does not regulate tax andplanning estate planning will planning' Free Will with Investments & Pensions Will with Investments &will Pensions placed tax and estate or planning' Investments, Equity Release, Inheritance Tel: 01582 608601 ✓ Latest cloud software tax and estate planning or will planning' Free through us of over £50,000 and within 6 months of Talk to us forTV a£50,000 free initial consultation through us of over £50,000 through usand ofInvestments over and within 6 months ofand within 6 Will with & placed Tax, Wills orwe a Pensions general review 99 High Street South, Unlike some adverts we don’t charge a fee for Unlike some TVTrusts, adverts don’t charge aof fee for investment some TV adverts we don’t chargethrough fee LOCAL for ✓ Free initialUnlike meeting OFFICE: Toddington investment investment Contact Your Local Office Inposition? Toddington us of over £50,000 and within 6 months of your current Dunstable, LU6 3SF aLOCAL OFFICE: Toddington
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'Equity from your home will be secured against it' Mobile 07768 277 532 Mobile 07768 277 532released Mobile 07768 277 532 info@toddingtonifa.co.uk Unlike some TV adverts 1 we don’t charge a fee for info@toddingtonifa.co.uk info@toddingtonifa.co.uk info@toddingtonifa.co.uk equity release, so no broker fees added to your Toddington Independent Financial Advice Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Toddington Independent Financial Advice Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial The Griffin Farm, Conger Lane, Toddington, Bedfordshire, Authority.Conduct Registered office: 1 St Stables, John’s Barns, Griffin Farm, Lane, Toddington, Bedfordshire, LU5 loan! Toddington Independent Financial Advice Ltd isConger authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduc 'Equity released from your home will be secured against it'
Authority. Registered office: 1 St John’s Barns, Griffin Farm, Conger Lane, Toddington, Bedfordshire, 6BT Registration Number: 760687 Company Number: 9931606 Authority. LU5 Registered office: St John’s Barns, Griffinagainst Farm, it' Conger Lane, Toddington, Bedfordshire, 'Equity released from1your home will be secured 6BT Registration Number: 760687 Company Number: 9931606
6BT Registration Number: 760687 Company Number: 9931606
Toddington Independent Financial Advice Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 1 St John’s Barns, Griffin Farm, Conger Lane, Toddington, Bedfordshire, LU5 6BT Registration Number: 760687 Company Number: 9931606
Snippets By Paul Heley
The Saxon village at Puddlehill The Romans decided to leave Britannia in the early 5th century and by AD 410 they’d all gone. Rome itself was undergoing increasing pressure from barbarian tribes to the east (Goths, Visigoths, etc) and Rome gradually brought its soldiers back from more distant outposts - and there wasn’t anywhere more distant than Britannia - in an attempt to help resist these invaders. But the withdrawal of the Roman Army from Britannia meant that the British were now left to fight their own barbarians from the east - the Saxons - and only had those Romano-British soldiers who had served in the Roman military to act in their defence. This was the time - if you believe the story - of the Romano-British “King” Arthur and his heroic battles against these invaders from the east. They were collectively known as the Saxons (from Germany) but also included Angles, Jutes and Frisians. Early on, the British enlisted the mercenary support of two Saxons, Hengist and Horsa who, with their small armies, helped resist these occasional invasions for a while. But they later realised which side they were really on and joined their fellow countrymen against the British. This reversal didn’t help our cause very much at all !
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Basically, the Saxons wanted land : in particular the fertile soils of (what is now) East Anglia and Lincolnshire; and there were many battles fought over this region. In our immediate area, there is record of battles fought at Puddlehill (north of Dunstable), the Five Knolls on Dunstable Downs, Marina Drive (Lancot Hill approaching Totternhoe) as well as at Kempston, Bedford, Biscot and Toddington. There are at least 12 burial sites (following battles) along the Watling Street and the Bronze Age tombs on Dunstable Downs were revisited and reused - either as burial sites following a battle or possibly as later sites where Saxon justice was conducted and where death was often the result. But over the hundred years or more from AD 450 onwards, the Saxons gradually gained the upper hand and settled in the conquered areas - often in a state of uneasy peace with the locals. However, if the locals were really stroppy, and refused to give way, these Celtic people were driven further and further west into what is now Cornwall and Wales. During these warring years, the Saxons set up villages away from main roads (such as there were at the time). They wanted to keep away from any potential trouble which main roads could bring - the Roman town of Durocobrivis
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Snippets By Paul Heley
(for example) had already been abandoned. But in truth, the Saxons were basically farmers and wanted to share with the natives and for there to be peace - even though they’d fought to get the land in the first place. Something of a contradiction one might say! There’s evidence of such a Saxon village at Puddlehill ; and others have also been found at Eggington, Toddington, Leagrave and Luton. Saxon village, Puddlehill By AD 600, the Saxons had gained control over almost all of England (originally called Angleland after the Angles) and as far as south eastern Scotland. Following a host of treaties and agreements, the country was divided up into 7 separate - and mutually hostile Saxon “kingdoms” with a number of minor tribal kingdoms incorporated within them. This “Heptarchy” consisted of :- Northumbria (north of the river Humber), Mercia (most of the Midlands), Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk), Essex (East Saxons), Cantware (Kent), Sussex (South Saxons) and Wessex (West Saxons). Where Dunstable is today was just in Mercia and very close to Essex. These separate kingdoms continued for many decades prior to the unification (in 927) of England by King
Athelstan (a grandson of the most famous of all Saxon kings, Alfred the Great). The Romano-British had always been Christian - there is a possible site of a church on Lords Hill approaching Toddington - perhaps the earliest Christian church in England c. AD 250. The Saxons, however, were originally pagan. But, gradually, they also “saw the light” after the arrival of St Augustine in Kent c. AD 600. Christianity soon followed - and embraced the whole country - and helped to bring additional peace, prosperity and the setting up of a legal system - vestiges of which are still found today in English Law. Alfred the Great (871 - 899) was a principal mover in many aspects of Law and Education - especially in his own particular kingdom of Wessex - a relatively civilised place in which to live. But the early peace and prosperity of Saxon rule was shattered by the arrival of the next batch of invaders - the Vikings in AD 793 along the east coast. For many years, savage warfare between Saxons and Vikings persisted - but that’s the next story. I should like to express my sincere thanks to Tony Woodhouse for his permission to use some of his drawings.
The early Roman (Christian) church on Lord's Hill
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Cloudy2Clear, A Local Has YourDouble Double Has Your Service A Smile. Glazing Steamed Up? Glazing With Steamed Up? Established for 1616 years, been been held dear for aheld number forover over 16 years, havehave values have been for a Established for over years, held dear fordear a number Cloudy2Clear windows have of years. Sinceof starting the business Cloudy2Clear windows have number years. Since starting windows have of years. Since starting the business become the UK’s company somethe years ago Cloudy2Clear UK’sleading leading business some yearshave ago haveAll C2C employees become the UK’s leading company some years ago Cloudy2Clear for domestic glass replacement. remained true to their core values All C2C employees company for domestic glass Cloudy2Clear have remained true for domestic glass replacement. remained true to their core values Customers are no longer needing of supporting the local community operate a strict social replacement. Customers are to their core values of supporting Customers are no longer needing of supporting the local community to risk their windows by using the by providing a service that saves the operate a strict social to risk their windows by using by providing a servicebythat saves theadistancing policy. no longer needing to risk theirthepublic themoney. local community providing dreaded double glazing cowboy distancing policy. down thedouble road, instead, now dreaded glazing cowboy public windows by using the dreaded servicemoney. that saves the public money. they can join over 320,000down happythe The Cloudy2Clear service only down the road, instead, now double glazing cowboy glass to be replaced customers andover have their Thethe Cloudy2Clear service only they can join happy road, instead, now320,000 theyglass can join requires only and not the whole window once the replaced in an affordable and requires the glass to be customers and have their glass over 320,000 happy customers be replaced replaced unit has failed. Stephen commented ethical manner. Remember, a and not thewere whole once replaced in an affordable and in “Cloudy2Clear and have their glassnoreplaced once the the ablewindow to assist our failed glass unit may longer unit failed. Stephen commented ethical manner. Remember, a community an affordable and ethical manner. unit has hasthrough failed.the Stephen commented last financial provide you with the protection were able to failed glass mayglass no longer crisis“Cloudy2Clear in 2008 due to the savings you need orunit be energy efficient. Remember, a failed unit may “Cloudy2Clear were ablethat to assist assist our our made in using our service. Why notyou spend a few minutes community through the provide with the protection no longer provide you with the can be community through the last last financial financial Unfortunately we might be going checking your home to see if you crisis in due the that you need oryou be energy efficient. protection need or be energy through crisis in 2008 2008similar due to toagain the savings savings that something soon have not any spend failed double glazing? can be in our service. Why a few minutes efficient. Why not spend a any few and the canpublic be made made in using using our service. can rest assured that we If you act now you can avoid we be going checking your home to see if you minutes checking your home to will Unfortunately Unfortunately we might might be there to help once again”.be going future costly problems. through have double glazing? see if any youfailed have any failed double through something something similar similar again again soon soon and the public can rest assured If you act now you can avoid any When talking to the Manager of For a free quotation please call glazing? If you act now you can and the public can rest assured that that we be 118 there tovisit help onceonce again”. future costly problems. Cloudy2Clear windows Stephen 61will 21 avoid any future costly problems.0800will we be or there to help again”. Moon it became clear that these values www.cloudy2clear.com
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Alternative Amore Ditch the clichés this Valentine’s Day and embrace not just your partner, but a unique way to celebrate the union you have together. Outdoor adventure How about the thrill of being amongst nature, immersing yourself – and a loved one – in the serenity and raw beauty of the outdoors? Whether it’s hiking through winding trails, whispering sweet nothings under a starlit sky, or enjoying a sunrise breakfast picnic, being in and around Mother Nature offers a unique way to connect. Cultural exploration If you like your adventure under the security of a roof (or at very least a piece of tarpaulin), why not expand cultural horizons by visiting a museum, art exhibition or festival? Even couples who have been together for decades should still be looking to discover new perspectives, so stroll handin-hand through galleries, get swept up in the vibrant atmosphere of a local cultural event, or simply head to the local pub quiz!
More than just preparing a meal, this creates an adventure in flavours and techniques, offers a chance to experiment and laugh over meal-time mishaps, and should leave you both feeling satisfied and replete at the end of it. Volunteer together It could be anything from helping at a local animal shelter, supporting a community garden, to participating in a beach cleanup, but spending Valentine’s Day giving back isn’t just altruistic; it deepens your bond in a unique way. Working side by side in supporting a cause bigger than yourselves will help you gain new insights into each other’s compassion, empathy and strengths.
Home cooking Transform your kitchen into a portal of romantic gluttony! Simply choose a country, then challenge each other to dive into its culinary treasures by cooking a traditional dish or two.
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Artistic endeavours Choose a fun, artistic activity such as painting, pottery, or crafting. Set up a space where you can be messy and playful, whether it’s spreading canvases for a painting session, shaping clay on a pottery wheel, or assembling a handmade craft. The focus should be on the joy and laughter that comes from making something together, no matter how it turns out! Memory lane Finally, for those of us permanently caught in the dewy-eyed sentimentality of romance, consider revisiting the place where your love story began by re-enacting your first date. While the experience is, of course, a light-hearted look at recreating a special moment, it will doubtless also about serve as a poignant reflection on the journey you’ve shared since then.
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Peter Sidwell’s Prune & Orange Hot Cross Buns
As a master baker and judge of ITV’s Britain’s Best Bakery, Peter Sidwell knows a thing or two about hot cross buns, as this fragrant and delicious recipe testifies.
Method 1. Remove the bowl from your stand mixer, then add the butter and flour. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips to form fine breadcrumbs. Add the yeast, salt and sugar, then stir to combine everything together. 2. In a jug, mix together the milk, water and boiled green tea, make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the liquid. Put the mixing bowl back on the stand mixer, then use the dough hook to combine wet and dry ingredients into a ball. 3. Knead the dough in the mixer for 10 minutes until smooth and stretchy. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave the dough to rise in a warm place for one hour until doubled in size. 4. Prepare the fruit and spices, then scoop the risen dough out of the bowl and stretch it over the work surface until the size of A4 paper. Scatter the spices and fruit over the dough, then fold in on
itself, kneading gently to distribute throughout the dough. 5. Portion off the dough and, on a lightly floured surface, roll into balls – either six large or 10 small. Place on a floured baking tray, 1-2cm apart, and leave in a warm place for about an hour until doubled in size again. 6. Heat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas 4. Using a pastry brush, brush the tops of the buns with beaten egg. 7. To make the crosses, make a smooth paste with the flour and water (add 4tbsp first and only add the rest if you think it needs it), put into a plastic piping bag and pipe onto each bun, then bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven. 8. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack. Leave to cool for 10 minutes, then brush glaze with runny honey, before leaving to cool completely.
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Ingredients: (makes six larger buns or ten smaller buns) For the buns • 25g unsalted butter • 500g strong flour (50:50 white and wholemeal), plus extra white flour for dusting • 7g yeast & salt • 50g caster sugar • 150ml milk, 50ml water • 200ml green tea • 140g California Prunes, finely chopped • 50g candied orange peel, finely chopped • ½ tsp ground ginger • ½ tsp cinnamon • 3 cardamom pods (seeds only) For the crosses and glazing • 1 egg, beaten, for glazing • 75g flour • 4-5 tbsp water • Runny honey to glaze
Top Tip You don’t need to buy plastic piping bags especially for this recipe, instead transfer the flour and water paste into a food bag and simply snip off one bottom corner.
Home & Garden
Kerb Your Enthusiasm
While we somewhat slavishly obsess over the internal spaces in our home, it pays not to dismiss impressions given from the outside, particularly when how our abode looks, from the street, can significantly impact its value and desirability. They say it’s what’s inside that counts, and while this may be true when it comes to selling your home, research also shows that the kerb appeal is vital if you want your property to stand out from the crowd.
So, whether Kirsty Allsopp is popping over for valuation advice or your aunt is dropping in for a cuppa, make sure your gaff has as much front as you desire with these top tips for maximum kerb appeal.
This means being totally honest with yourself about the state of your exterior. Our own emotional feelings towards our home can significantly warp our perceptions, so try to be as impartial as you can about that peeling paint and climbing ivy that you planted when you bought the place but now threatens to consume it entirely.
Landscaping One of the most impactful ways to enhance your home’s exterior is through landscaping. A well-maintained lawn, trimmed bushes, colourful flower beds, and neatly pruned trees can instantly make your home more appealing.
You may also just want to freshen up your house for your own pleasure, in the mindset that these first impressions are how visitors first perceive you and the home you have devoted your love and energy to.
Exterior paint A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for your home’s kerb appeal. Whether it’s painting the entire exterior or just touching up the trim, choosing a modern and inviting colour scheme can make your home look more attractive. Neutral colours are generally a safe bet, but you can add pops of colour to the front door and shutters to make your home stand out. Roof and siding Inspect your roof and siding for any signs of damage or wear. Replacing or repairing these elements can improve both the appearance and functionality of your home. Additionally, consider upgrading to more energy-efficient and durable materials, which can be appealing to potential buyers. Front door and entryway Your front door is a focal point of your home’s exterior.
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Upgrade it with a stylish, highquality door that complements the overall aesthetic. Enhance the entryway with new hardware, lighting fixtures, and a fresh doormat. A welcoming entrance sets a positive tone for anyone visiting your home. Windows Old, draughty windows can drag down your home’s value. Replacing them with energyefficient windows not only improves the appearance but also helps with insulation, reducing utility bills. Choose window styles that match your home’s architecture and design. Outdoor lighting Outdoor lighting can make your home safer and more appealing, especially at night. Install landscape lighting to highlight architectural features, pathways, and gardens. Consider motion-activated security lighting as well. These additions not only enhance your home’s appearance but also provide practical benefits. Driveway and walkways Cracked or worn driveways and walkways can be an
eyesore. Repair any damage and consider upgrading to more attractive materials like pavers or stamped concrete. Properly maintained paths not only improve aesthetics but also increase safety and accessibility.
additions can make your property more inviting and appealing for both relaxation and entertaining. Maintenance and cleanliness Lastly, regular maintenance and cleanliness are crucial. Keep the exterior of your home clean, including windows, siding, and sidewalks. Remove any debris, trim overgrown vegetation, and repair any visible damage promptly. Routine maintenance not only preserves your home’s appearance but also prevents costly repairs down the road.
Fencing and gates If your property has fencing or gates, ensure they are in good condition. Repair or replace damaged sections and consider staining or painting to refresh their appearance. A well-maintained fence can provide privacy and security, which can be a selling point for potential buyers. Outdoor living spaces Creating functional outdoor spaces can significantly boost your home’s value. Consider adding a deck, patio, or pergola with comfortable seating and outdoor kitchen features. These
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A Design for Life… The Kevin McCloud Column Designer, writer and television presenter, Kevin McCloud leapt into our consciousness with his vastly successful Grand Designs show on Channel 4. This month, the affable architectural business owner talks about where sustainability in the home can take us in the year ahead. Wind energy will also play a role, with innovative, noiseless wind turbines designed for urban environments. The goal is to make renewable energy sources more accessible, affordable, and attractive to the average homeowner. Smart home technology will also be pivotal in optimising energy use. Intelligent systems will manage heating, cooling and lighting based on occupancy, significantly reducing waste. These systems will also monitor energy consumption, providing real-time feedback and suggestions for improvement. I’m excited about the coming years witnessing a significant shift towards not just in sustainability in our homes, but self-sufficiency too; where our homes, traditionally seen as places of comfort and personal expression, will become frontiers for environmental stewardship, no less! This isn’t just about solar panels or recycling bins – it’s an integrated, holistic approach where every element contributes to a sustainable ecosystem. We’re looking at a future where the places we live are not just energy-efficient, but energy-producing. Solar technology will continue to evolve, becoming more efficient and aesthetically pleasing too. We’ll see solar tiles that seamlessly blend with traditional roofing, making this type of power the norm rather than the exception.
The materials we use to build and furnish our homes will also see a sustainability revolution. Expect to see a rise in bio-based materials such as bamboo, hempcrete and mycelium. In fact, as far as the latter is concerned, it’s not only environmentally friendly but also contributes to the production of white blood cells for immune strength. I also think water conservation will become a bigger thing. Innovations in water harvesting and recycling systems should allow homes to reduce their dependence on municipal water supplies, with greywater systems for garden irrigation and lowflow fixtures becoming standard in new homes and renovations. And to return to the idea of self-sufficiency, gardening will become more than a hobby. It will be an integral part of urban home design, contributing to food security and reducing food miles. Innovations in vertical gardening and hydroponics will enable homeowners to grow a significant portion of their produce, even in limited spaces. Ultimately, these advancements in the home are not just technological innovations; they are a testament to our evolving relationship with the planet. In this future, our homes are not just shelters, but active participants in a sustainable world.
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Home & Garden
Greenfingers… the Alan Titchmarsh column He’s a magnificent broadcaster, gifted gardener, brilliant author and all-round horticultural visionary. This month, Alan Titchmarsh talks about the best flowers – other than roses – for Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is a celebration decorated by crimson petals and sweet scents, often symbolised by the ever-present rose. Yet, when it comes to our gardens, there is so much more out there that can raise the thoughts of romance. So while many folk end up finishing too; but hopefully this year I can show you there is so much more out there. First, let us pay homage to the tulip, a bloom that, in its elegance, speaks of perfect love. From purest whites through to deepest purples is really quite beautiful. The Victorians knew well the majesty of this flower – a sign of undying love that exceeded
the value of a humble rose many times over! Elsewhere, many regard the orchid as a bloom of exotic beauty, mystique and delicacy… certainly the latter is true, and there probably isn’t one of us who hasn’t at some point panicked as this lithe, flimsy plant sways about in the footwell of the car on the way back from the garden centre! Ultimately though, the orchid is a symbol of love, luxury and, believe it or not, strength. Its delicate appearance belies its resilience. Let’s also not overlook the allure of the peony, with its lush, full-bodied blooms. It embodies romance and prosperity and is believed to bring good fortune and a happy marriage. A bouquet of peonies suggests a promise for abundant joy in the years to come. And finally, for those with a fondness for tradition with a twist, the ranunculus (or buttercup as it is often better known) is an enchanting choice. With rose-like blossoms, ranunculuses are all about charisma and allure – a fine way to celebrate a day dedicated to affection. The answer to what you should give to a loved one on Valentine’s Day though is, ultimately, anything! Even a
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sprig of lavender, a lone daisy, or a single bluebell – let the flower you choose be just the first step to a commitment every bit as great as the gardens and allotments and window boxes we tend to. Look after your partner, look after your garden – and they will love you back!
Home & Garden
A Natural Love Affair
For the reluctant outdoorsman - someone who hasn’t chosen the spade, but has it thrust upon them, gardening can seem like a daunting task. Yet with the right approach, it can be both manageable and enjoyable…
Picture the scene. You’ve suddenly become the steward of a patch of earth, a garden space that stares back at you with terrifying expectation. You’re hesitant, understandably so – but what if we told you that this outdoor pursuit could not only be practicable but also pleasurable? The health oasis right outside your door Gardening is not just about growing plants; it’s a holistic activity that benefits both body and mind. As a lowimpact exercise, it gets you moving and increases your flexibility without the intimidation of a gym environment. The act of nurturing life from the soil is truly meditative.
The affordable hobby Gardening can be as inexpensive as you choose. Start with seeds or cuttings from friends, use compost made from kitchen scraps and repurpose household items as planters. There’s no need for fancy tools or attire – just a willingness to get a little dirt under your fingernails. With minimal investment – just time! – you could harvest a return that not only feeds your soul but your table too. A connection to the earth In a world where screens and concrete often dominate our senses, gardening provides a vital reconnection to nature. It’s a hands-on experience that requires you to notice the details: the texture of soil, the variety of insects, the changing of seasons. This connection can be profoundly grounding and often sparks a newfound respect for the environment and the intricate web of life.
A personal project with room to grow For those who thrive on achievement, a garden is a project with tangible results. Whether you’re tending to a single tomato plant or cultivating an entire backyard ecosystem, gardening offers a sense of accomplishment. It engages your problemsolving skills and ignites creativity as you learn about different plant species and design a layout.
The flexible pastime Gardening doesn’t demand a schedule. You can devote five minutes to watering, an afternoon to weeding, or a weekend to planting. It’s a flexible hobby that can fit into the busiest of lives. You decide the pace and the scale, making it less of a chore and more of a pleasant diversion that waits patiently for your attention. The potential for a growing passion Many a green sanctuary has begun with the sigh of obligation, only to become a retreat of passion.
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A chance for legacy and stewardship Finally, embracing gardening is about legacy – about leaving a piece of the world better than you found it. It’s a legacy that speaks to future generations, teaching them the value of nurturing growth and beauty in the world. So, the garden need not be a burden but an unexpected friend – embrace it in 2024, and you will surely be surprised. Gardening has a way of growing on you. As you witness the first sprouts break through the earth or savour the flavour of a vegetable you raised from seed, the satisfaction can be addictive. A harvest beyond vegetables Beyond the physical benefits, there are the intangible rewards. Gardening can lead to community involvement, from sharing surplus produce with neighbours to joining local gardening clubs. It also offers educational opportunities for all ages – children especially benefit from the handson learning about where food comes from and the responsibility of caring for living things.
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Health & Fittness Finance
Understanding Mental Health
February 1st marks mental health charity MIND’s ‘Time To Talk Day’ – an initiative that aims to open up even further conversations about mental health – yet our understanding is a year-round exercise, so with that thought, here’s how you can improve your own. Causes Life events The death of a loved one, losing a job or relationship breakdowns can trigger mental health problems. Even positive changes, such as getting married or having a baby, can lead to stress or anxiety. Work and finances Work-related pressures, the stress of unemployment, and facing financial challenges can have a deep influence on an individual’s mental wellbeing, affecting daily life and overall happiness. Relationships Navigating strained relationships, whether with family members, friends or intimate partners, can be emotionally taxing. Such tensions can foster feelings of isolation, loneliness and worthlessness.
Genetics and physical health problems Living with chronic disease, dealing with a genetic health condition, or confronting a grave illness can be overwhelmingly stressful, often acting as a catalyst for mental health challenges like depression or anxiety, affecting one’s overall quality of life.
Appetite and aches Experiencing notable weight fluctuations, coupled with altered eating patterns, can be symptomatic of stress, while continuous physical manifestations, such as recurrent headaches or consistent stomach discomfort, can be related mental health issues.
Signs Mood swings Experiencing dramatic mood fluctuations, or enduring extended periods dominated by intense emotions such as profound sadness, anger or even elation, can signal underlying mental health concerns; while enduring a relentless stream of negative thoughts is a serious indication of mental health distress requiring immediate attention and support.
How to access help Talk to someone Your GP should be your first port of call, while seeking guidance from a trained therapist or counsellor can offer a structured and supportive environment to move forward into.
Withdrawal Deliberately distancing oneself from friends, family and previously enjoyed social engagements, may indicate a shift in emotional wellbeing or the emergence of mental health challenges. Sleep problems Feeling overwhelmed by fatigue, or battling persistent insomnia (or, conversely, experiencing periods of excessive sleep), can signify underlying emotional or mental health challenges.
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Don’t stop there – voicing emotions and feelings to a trusted friend or family member can offer significant relief and provide a sense of understanding. Helplines Organisations such as MIND, whose ‘Time To Talk Day’ is on February 1st, offer avenues where individuals can talk anonymously about their feelings. Communities Finally, there are various communities – online and face-to-face – where people share their experiences and provide support to one another. These can foster connections where individuals can feel a strong sense of belonging and mutual understanding.
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Health & Fittness
MAD AS A MARCH HARE From snail slime to bird poo, these beauty treatments are simply bonkers!
Bee venom facials Apitherapy became a hot word in beauty when Hollywood superstar and wellness guru Gwyneth Paltrow confessed to being stung by bees in a bid to reduce inflammation and scarring on her skin. Fortunately, apitherapy (or beevenom) facials are considerably less invasive. During a bee venom facial, a trained skincare professional applies a specially formulated bee venom product to the client’s cleansed and prepped skin. The product typically contains a controlled amount of bee venom extract, along with other skincare ingredients. The concept behind these facials is that bee venom, when used topically, may have several potential benefits for the skin, including anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects, though there have also been examples of people suffering an allergic reaction to the treatment, so bee-ware!
Snail slime products They’re known for their shiny complexion, so the fact the humble snail is secretly secreting a useful beauty treatment is really no surprise. In recent years, snail mucin has been used in various skincare products, including creams, serums, masks, and even cleansers. Snail slime contains a variety of natural components, including glycoproteins, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, antioxidants, and peptides. These ingredients are believed to offer several potential benefits for the skin, such as hydration, exfoliation, and anti-aging effects. The good news is you don’t need to have any actual snails on your skin. On the flipside, some brands don’t prioritise the ethical treatment of the snails when harvesting their slime, so do your research before purchasing.
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Snake massages Not for the faint-hearted, this unconventional form of massage therapy involves the use of live snakes to provide a unique and sometimes controversial massage experience. Believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, fans of snake massages claim that the sensation of snakes moving across the body can have therapeutic benefits. They suggest that it can help with stress relief, relaxation, and muscle tension reduction. It is also an electrifying experience for the amphibian inclined as it involves several live, nonvenomous snakes writhing across the body. Not surprisingly, there are concerns about this particular treatment. Beyond the ethics of using live animals, there is also the chance of getting bitten by a snake along with a sneaking suspicion that treatments like this are aimed more at the thrillseeking tourist over those truly seeking healing.
The antioxidants found in wine and grape extracts are thought to help neutralise free radicals and protect the skin from oxidative stress, potentially promoting a youthful and radiant complexion. It is also thought to be luxurious and relaxing though, frankly, you’d probably get the same effect from quaffing a glass of very fine red.
Wine baths You’ve heard that drinking red wine has health benefits, but what about bathing in it? The concept of wine baths has its roots in France, particularly in the Bordeaux region, where the wine industry is prominent. The practice was popularised by Mathilde Thomas, the founder of Caudalie – a skincare brand known for its use of grape extracts in beauty products – and was initially developed to make use of the by-products of winemaking, such as grape seeds, skins, and vines.
Bird poo facials Favoured by geishas and kabuki actors in the Japanese Edo period (17th to 19th centuries) to remove heavy makeup and to brighten and exfoliate their skin, bird poo facials are thought to be a very effective treatment.
for powdered nightingale droppings. The droppings are collected, sanitised, and then finely ground into a pale green or white powder. These days, there are many more products which are as, if not more, efficacious for achieving a glowing complexion. However, next time a flying friend bequeaths a gift upon you, at least you can be thankful for its potential skincare properties.
The main ingredient in bird poo facials is ‘uguisu no fun’, which is the Japanese term
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Across Clues: 5. Seven-figure bank balance (11) 9. A day in the sun and sand (9) 10. Ship’s officer responsible for equipment and crew (5) 11. Carry all your accessories (3) 12. An online platform for discussions (5) 13. Small stand or booth (5) 15. System of measurement (6) 17. Not theoretical (6) 19. Garlic sauce (5) 20. Stitched-together fabric (5) 21. A pig’s shelter (3) 23. Disaster (5) 24. A nutrition expert (9) 26. Place to learn celestial bodies (11)
13 14
Down Clues: 1. Nightclub (5) 2. Tool, intense heat (9) 3. Popular pet (3) 4. Intentional flames (8) 6. Clear (6) 7. Base-16 (11) 8. Significantly large (11) 14. Falling balls of ice (9) 16. Trustworthy (8) 18. Attractively old-fashioned (6) 22. To search (5) 25. A small hotel (3)
18 19
21 22
24 25 26
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By Dr Lorna Moore
Tracing Paper Painting/Drawings
You can do this with a black felt tip pen or black acrylic paint (this is paint created by a student). Find a picture of a few trees you like. From direct observation either draw in black felt tip pen or black paint and copy your trees onto white paper. Stipple (dabbing) with the tip of your brush to create leaves and a bit of a foreground. Let it dry. Get a piece of tracing paper the same size as your paper and copy just one of your trees (drawing or painting) on top of the tracing paper and glue it on top of your work. Make sure your tree on the tracing paper is offset from the trees underneath. You now have a ghostly layer giving distance and atmosphere to your work. Upcoming Workshops
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Looking Up! Bedfordshire’s Night Sky February & March 2024 Follow Jupiter into the Spring: The bright ‘star’ you see tonight high up in the south-west is not a star at all. It is the planet Jupiter – the largest planet in our solar system. It outshines even the brightest stars in the night sky making it easy to spot. Binoculars mounted on a tripod is all you’ll need to resolve Jupiter into a tiny disc of light. Flanking it you’ll see a string of up to four tiny dots of light. These are Jupiter’s bright Gallilean moons - Io, Europa, Ganymede & Callisto.
Catch a Glimpse of the Orion Nebula in Binoculars: Look south tonight and you’ll see the majestic constellation of Orion the Hunter dominating your view. Orion is easy to identify by the three stars in a short line making Orion’s belt. Below the belt there is a smal drop of stars know as Orion’s sword. Point binoculars towards the sword and you’ll catch a misty cloud of light. This is the Orion Nebula, a stellar nursery where new stars are being formed.
See Mercury in March: The elusive planet Mercury is at its most visible in the evening sky this year between 23th - 26th March. Look low towards your western horizon at about 7:15pm for a white-pink ‘star’. Mercury on these dates can be seen with the unaided eye, but sweeping binoculars across the area should make detection easier. Easier still is to use the visual guide to identifying Mercury contained in the Planets 2024 gift pack at www.astronomygiftboxes.co.uk/ By Seb Jay - Image: Kevin Gill Dark Sky Telescope Hire www.darkskytelescopehire.co.uk
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Super Six In an age of fiscal uncertainty, it is sometimes wise to invest your money in physical objects. The following six items are in the category that, if chosen wisely, can acquire value with age.
We’ve all heard the adage: the moment you drive a new car off the forecourt, it depreciates in value by 20%. It’s a sobering reminder of how quickly some assets can lose their worth. But not all purchases are fleeting investments. There exists a unique category of items that, contrary to this principle, actually grow in value over time – whether it’s over mere days or spanning centuries. These assets not only retain their value but often see it multiply and whether it’s the intoxicating allure of wine, the timeless beauty of art, or the tangible history of a coin, there’s value to be found in the passage of time. Wine Certain wines, especially from renowned vineyards, possess an innate ability to age with elegance. As time progresses, these wines transform revealing deeper flavours and entrancing aromas. This evolution amplifies their allure making them coveted treasures
for aficionados and collectors alike. Proper storage is paramount as when maintained in optimal conditions, their intrinsic qualities are preserved and their value can surge dramatically. Exceptional bottles, imbued with history or rarity, often fetch impressive sums at high-end auctions, even years after their creation. Art From the intricate strokes of renaissance masterpieces to the bold expressions of modern abstracts, art has perennially captivated the imaginations of investors and art lovers. As artistic movements ebb and flow, certain timeless creations stand out. Truly iconic works, be it from legendary artists or pieces that have sparked cultural shifts, consistently appreciate over time. Beyond mere aesthetics, the profound value of these art pieces often lies intertwined with their rich historical context and deep cultural resonance, making them invaluable to connoisseurs and historians alike. Vintage watches Timepieces, particularly those from distinguished brands such as Rolex
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and Patek Philippe, transcend beyond mere time-telling devices. They epitomise the pinnacle of craftsmanship, bearing testament to meticulous attention to detail and artistry. These watches, with their intricate designs, often come from limited-edition collections, adding to their exclusivity. As the sands of time pass, rather than diminishing, their value tends to increase, particularly if they’re meticulously cared for and maintained in impeccable condition. Such horological wonders, in essence, age like fine wine, only becoming more desirable and valuable over time. Comic books It’s astonishing to think that simple paper and ink can command prices in the thousands, or even millions. First editions of renowned comics, especially those that marked the debut of nowiconic characters, have become highly sought-after treasures. As years go by, these tangible pieces of history
don’t just evoke waves of nostalgia but also become increasingly scarce. This combination of emotional resonance and dwindling availability ensures that their monetary value doesn’t merely hold steady but ascends to remarkable heights as time unfurls. Antiques Spanning a diverse range from heirloom furniture to vintage toys, the realm of antiques is both expansive and enchanting. Whether it’s items steeped in provenance or artifacts emblematic of a distinct epoch, their worth is magnified when they’re preserved in impeccable condition.
Outside of their financial worth, these antiques resonate deeply with history, weaving tales of bygone times, encapsulating the essence of the periods they hail from and painting vivid tapestries of the past. Rare coins Numismatics, the intricate art of coin collecting, has fascinated enthusiasts for centuries. Coins, whether from ancient civilisations, possessing rare mint marks or bearing unique errors, often appreciate remarkably. Beyond their face value, they captivate collectors with their deep historical roots and serve as palpable links to distant, bygone eras, making them treasures in both monetary and historical terms.
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Digging for Europe In the crisp winter air of February 6th 1964, some six decades ago, the British and French governments etched their signatures into an agreement that promised to redefine the geographic and economic landscape of Europe. At the time, the Channel Tunnel – or ‘Chunnel’ as it soon became affectionately nicknamed – was envisioned as a twin-tunnelled rail link that would burrow beneath the English Channel, providing an unprecedented physical link between the two. The audacity of this venture was matched only by the exuberant confidence of the era. Projections at the signing heralded a mere five years for completion, a timeline that, in retrospect, was as much a product of wild ambition as it was of the technological optimism of the 1960s. British Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home and French President Charles de Gaulle viewed the tunnel as a conduit for greater economic collaboration, strengthening both social and commercial ties between the two vibrant capitals.
construction officially commencing only in 1988. It would be another six years further on that the world witnessed the realisation of this Herculean undertaking. The official opening of the Channel Tunnel, on May 6th 1994, not only marked the project’s completion, but also ushered in a transformative period for European transportation. President François Mitterrand of France and the UK’s longreigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated matters, and in the years since, the link – which also encompassed the revolutionary foot passenger Eurostar service – has offered speed, connectivity and a travel experience that is both novel and transformative.
However, the journey to completion was as turbulent as the waters above the tunnel’s eventual path. The initial optimism waned as technical, financial and political hurdles emerged. The five-year projection turned into a 30-year marathon, with
44 www.thevinedirectory.co.uk
Each Eurostar train has a capacity of 900 passengers, with two departing each hour. The Channel Tunnel, meanwhile, can move 120 cars and 12 coaches under the sea on each service, with a departure every 10 minutes at peak times, a maximum speed of 99mph, and a journey time of just 35 minutes. The accomplishment of the latter has also bolstered freight transport, becoming a vital link for the conveyance of goods between the UK and Europe, where previously ferries took the burden. In reflection, it seems many of the ambitious forecasts of 1964 – while not realised in any timeline – ultimately came to fruition. So as we approach the 30th anniversary of its opening, and the 60th of its conception, the Channel Tunnel stands not only as an engineering marvel, but a testament to the enduring human spirit of connection and innovation.
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Community News From your local Houghton Regis store
Firstly Hi and Hello to everyone out there in our community. What an amazing community you are. Just and update from me to you. Where shall I start. Ah yes I know. Last year Morrison’s set up a Dementia café that ran on the second Tuesday of the month. It was a place for people suffering from Dementia etc. could come together and have a relaxing couple of hours with various activities and refreshments. We had a range of activities in each session including picture quizzes, music of different types and board games to name a few. On 12th December we had a special Christmas party where the attendees were entertained by people from Tibbs Dementia St Vincent’s school choir along with David Gibbons and Mike the Jazzman. There were drinks and a buffet available. We were also visited by a special guest who gave out gifts to each person to take home. I would like to thank everyone involved in making this day a great success with a mention to the following : Jimmy Carrol Houghton Regis Town Mayor along with Councillors Netty and Tracy. So New Year New challenges. The first of which is our valentine event. To kick of the fundraising for Together For Short Lives we will be holding a raffle in store tickets may be purchased from the kiosk. Easter will soon be upon us. What I hear you say are we doing for this year. Well we will be selling Diamond Painting Key Rings at various prices along with pay a £1 choose a bag and win the contents . Everyone’s a winner. We will also be holding Food Bank drives throughout the year . There are so many people out there and surrounding area that are struggling with the cost of living. Please If you can help there is a list of foodbank most wanted even if it is one of our pick up packs every tin and packet helps. Now for some exciting news A groups of colleagues at Morrisons Houghton Regis are going to be taking part in a Skydive . This is the first time that we have done anything
46 www.thevinedirectory.co.uk
like this to try to help raise funds for our charity. The aim is to do the skydive in April. So from Monday 28th January you will have the opportunity to sponsor the skydive hero’s in store. Please look out in store for where you can sponsor. This will be our final year raising funds for Together For Short Lives. It has been challenging, amazing, great fun at times and also an honour to have been able to help make some precious memories with children’s families with short lives. Of all the charities that we have helped to fund raise for this one has also been an emotional one with personal experience involved. Thank you to everyone you are all amazing people Keep Smiling and I look forward to writing in the near future SUDOKUWEB Sandra.
Sudoku Solution #037
Answers 2 7 8
3 6 1
Step On It
9 4 5
WORD WORE 9 6 4 1 3 7 5 2 8 WIRE 8 2 5 6 4 9 7 3 1 TIRE 1 3 7 8 2 5 6 9 4 TILE 7 8 2 9 1 6 4 5 3 TALE 5 4 6 7 8 3 2 1 9 General Knowledge Crossword Solution TALK 3 1 9 2 5 #036 4 8 6 7 4 9 3
5 7 2
1 8 6
6 5 1
4 9 8
3 7 2
D B C A M I L L I O N A I R E 1
• First select a number/operator and than apply it to a sudoku cell. 5 7 9
B I N O O L P L A N E T A R I U M 25
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Answers: Managed by Google. Complies with IAB TCF. CMP ID: 300 Across: 5. Millionaire, 9. Beachwear, 10. Bosun, 11. Bag, 12. Forum, 13. Kiosk, 15. Metric, 17. Actual, 19. Aioli, 20. Quilt, 21. Sty, 23. Fatal,
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