The Thirteenth Scholars Vol. 3 Issue 1-2

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Spaces grew silent, and sounds grew wide, moonlight to the night and dread for the day. Here she lays suspended and drained for the last amount of might, flocking






VOL 3. NO. 1-2 AUGUST 2018-MAY 2019 | 16 PAGES

For the moment, camp Stark showed the fighting heart they had in over three straight hours albeit being undermanned.

Newly installed Campus Director aims for higher regional development contribution BEA JANE V. SERNA

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RSTW brings Science closer to the People JU KIRSTEN M. DE GRACIA

In realizing Caraga’s goal of becoming the Fishery, Agro-Forestry, Mineral and Ecotourism (FAME) Center of the Country by 2022, newly Inaugurated Campus Director Engr. Ramil A. Sanchez aspired for Philippine Science High School — CRC’s greater effort on its attainment, during his Installation as Campus Director.

“We have a responsibility — to use our talents and ideas to address the challenges we are facing in Caraga Region, and as a Filipino nation.” Sanchez said, as he explained how Batch 2020 would start the contribution of Pisay Caraga to the goal of Becoming the FAME Center, and the collective goal vision “Ambisyon Natin

2040”. To spread the impact of Science and Technology in the region, the Pisay Caraga family should scour the whole region for talented students, as it would achieve its first goal, in becoming an inclusive institution. “If we have a “build build build” program in our infrastructure, we also need to a “build build build” program for our human resource particularly the youth sector.” Sanchez added, especially on how the human resource would be far more important than Natural resources, as to Globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In order to come up with a critical number of this required professionals


who will lead and innovate more for Caraga Region’s rise and sustainable development, reforms on the education sector and the massive investment on scholarships and training took place. “Pisay scholars we are very much privileged. The government has poured immense resources and has hired the best teachers to nurture you. Learning at Pisay is a distinct privilege, and all learners here are more empowered than those outside.” Sanchez further explained. Sanchez is Pisay Caraga’s second Campus Director, following Ruwina S. Gonzaga, who recently resigned last March 2019.

The wonders of how science, technology and innovation (STI) play a major part in achieving national development was featured in the annual Regional Science and Technology Week (RSTW) held at Robinsons Place in Butuan City, September 5-8,2018. This celebration was led by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and bore the theme "Science for the People: Innovation for Collective Prosperity." It showcased the S&T initiatives implemented in the region and the available technologies and innovations of the various Research and Development Institutes (RDIs) and other agencies of DOST to support the Regional Development Council’s thrust to become the “Fishery, Agro-Forestry, Mineral and Eco-tourism" (FAME) Center of the Philippines. Meanwhile, the 2017 SciTech Fair ISP winners partook and extended their projects to the mass, gaining exposure and experience in societal skills in disseminating the abstract of their projects. Furthermore, the Young Inventors’ Club aided the elementary contestants in the robotics demonstration and lego making contests. Different S&T contests like logo making, extemporaneous speech for elementary and high school levels was also present. Signaling the end of the four-day event was a closing remarks given by DOST Caraga Regional Director Dominga D. Mallonga, who thanked institutes, councils, and all those who participated in the said event.


Studying to be one of the best means taking away the best in yourself. As the leading science high school in the Asia Pacific Region, one might think it is only a tremendous honor to dedicate studies in the Pisay system. That isn't wrong, but it isn't quite right either. Being a Pisay scholar is both an honor and a curse.

full article on page 5






2019 DOST budget decreases by 1.34 Billion BEA JANE V. SERNA

After the release of the budget allocation for 2019, Department of Science and Technology (DOST)’s Philippine Science High School System shall receive a lesser budget, together with two other sub-agencies. Expecting a 1.43 Billion difference with this year’s 21.23 B budget and 2019’s expected 19.8 B, DOST’s Advance Science and Technology Institute and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research shall also be affected. Fortunato Dela Peña, Science and Technology Secretary, explained during a press briefing that due to the Department’s Modernization programs and how it is not being implemented anymore in 2019, it played a big role to this year’s budget cut for DOST. “Some of the reasons for probably the reduction is the fact that many of those projects will not be implemented anymore.” Said Dela Peña. Yet despite of the budget cut, Dela Peña reassured those present in the hearing that such decrease of budget shall not affect and intervene with the execution of the agency’s duties and responsibilities with its projects to the Filipino people. In connection with the budget cut, Leyte 3rd District Representative Vicente Veloso confronted Dela Peña with the ongoing struggle of Rice Shortage, and

asked on what are the actual plans of the department in helping the farmers with any technology that may prolong the rice harvests and may prevent such from getting spoiled, especially nowadays in which harvest falls on the rainy season. Dela Peña responded to Veloso’s issues by determining their role in the problem, which is to use Research and Development in order to help the Agricultural sector in any improvements with the material they use or the resilience of the crops the farmers may harvest. Lawmakers also gave their praise to the department’s great job on releasing information with great accuracy about the weather that gives way to doing safety measures and precautions earlier to prevent further damage that may occur to the country.

BUDGET AT HIGH RISK NATHALIE A. LIBRESCAPTION The Department of Science and Technology main office in Taguig, Metro Manila— home to research and development in Philippine technology still stands as a beacon of innovation—even if it is facing a crisis cut that could potentially hold projects.

PSHS-CRC organizes Mental Health Symposium JU KIRSTEN M. DE GRACIA

A DAY FOR OUR SECOND PARENTS JEZNIN ANGEKYLA P. BARROQUILLOCAPTION&PHOTO Teachers of the PSHS Caraga Campus laugh and smile as they welcome World Teachers’ Day with games, performances, and gifts.

World Teacher’s Day ‘18 honors CRC teachers

The Philippine Science High School -Caraga Region Campus conducted a mental health symposium both for students and parents, on May 7 at Balanghai Hotel, Butuan City with the theme “Mental Health: Becoming a Holistically Healthy Individual #NoHealthWithoutMentalHealth”. The symposium commenced with a prayer and the singing of the National Anthem. The opening remark was given by Ms. Jecelyn R. Elorta, CID Chief. Who gave an introductory speech concerning the symposium. Mr. Azielu P. Mantilla, Life Coach, introduced the resource speaker DR. Tristan I. Filipinas with his acquired achievements. Dr. Tristan I. Filipinas began his seminar by sharing that it was a first for him to have a lecture with the youth. He then proceeded to the seminar proper by defining stress. He then expounded this through its effects and ways to cope with it. Such as social media breaks, relaxation time, family trips and etc. He continued with one of the most common issue the youth are facing, depression. He opened

the topic with a saying “It’s ok not to be ok”. He further explained that depression was normal and that everyone experiences this in their life. Moreover, Dr. Filipinas lectured with regard to how youth considered drug use when depressed which linked to the discussion of drugs and its effects. The seminar was concluded with an open forum. Dr. Filipinas was then awarded a certificate by Ms. Jecelyn R. Elorta. Followed by the Closing prayer and the singing of the PSHS and DOST hymns. Pisay scholars are constantly exposed to pressure and stress. Concerning this students often end up restless which lead to not only physical problems but also mental issues. This is why the students’ coping mechanism impacts their performance. The understanding of mental issues such as depression gave students awareness. Through this students are reminded to reach out to adults and not keep it in for too long. It gave light to more efficient and mentally healthy scholars.

KIT LESTER P. BALAYO October 26 was the annually celebrated World Teacher’s Day commencement with the theme:”Turo mo, Kinabukasan ko” that was made possible by the Student Government and the united scholars of Philippine Science High SchoolCaraga Region Campus at Barangay Ampayon-Tiniwisan, Butuan City. The event was started by an Invocation led by the Accelerando Club then a welcoming message by Danika Mae D. Soberano, the Student Government President. In her message, she emphasized the true essence of teaching, being the PSHSCRC teachers genuine role models. Danika also stressed the hard-work and effort every teachers have put into their discussions and just how important it is. Lastly, she invited the teachers to have fun and enjoy the World Teacher’s Day 2018 celebration. Afterwards, parlor games were facilitated by the SG, specifically Susanne Christine Hierl, a Grade 9-Calcium student and Krystil Maureen Tupas, a Grade 10-Proton student. Some of the games played were Arrow-Bunny-Wall and Emergency call. Arrow-Bunny-Wall, is an alternative game of Rock-Papers-Scissors where players stand back-to-back with each other. Both players chant “Arrow-BunnyWall” then faces each other and acts their desired persona. Emergency call, on the other hand, is a game where players are grouped into two and sits in a vertical line. Each person is assigned with one profession. Whenever

their profession is called, through a story line, the person runs around the group, and back to his/her chair. Next to the parlor games were the presentation of songs prepared by each grade levels, Grade 11, Grade 7 with the Greatest Showman’s a million dreams, Grade 10 with their song you can count on me by Bruno Mars, Grade 9, and Grade 8, respectively. Latterly, Ms. Ruwina S. Gonzaga, PSHS-CRC Director III, gave her message where she expressed her thanks to Caraga Scholars, importantly the SG members, that despite the heavy workload everyone currently faced, they still had time to prepare for the celebration of World Teacher’s Day. “Pisay Family has always been by our side, through ups and downs.” she said, “that’s why, never forget your Pisay fam.” Awards and Prizes were given thereafter to the winners of the parlor games which wereannounced by the Masters of Ceremony, Hans Kaiser Ciano and Isabella Geolingo. Along with this, Mr. Nestor Bong Nemeno and Ms. Judy Ann Cabreros were crowned as Mr. and Ms. teacher’s day, a special award given by the Student Government.


After Dengvaxia Scare Parents ‘still scared’ of govt’s free vaccines LAWRENCE D. OSORIO Almost a year after the Dengvaxia controversy’s media frenzy, the Department of Health (DOH) claimed that people are still having second thoughts of the free vaccines given by the said sector. DOH National Immunization Program Manager Maria Silva stated on Wednesday, parents are still unwilling to have their children immunized in their various vaccination programs. She added that the “very low (vaccination) coverage for most regions” in the Philippines has resulted in several outbreaks of preventable diseases such as measles. “Not only were the 3 regions plus Cebu province that implemented dengue vaccination affected because of the

dengue controversy. But it’s all over the Philippines” Silva said during a forum of health journalists. Only 60% of Filipino children were getting their scheduled vaccines, far from DOH’s annual vaccination rate target between 85 to 90% as reported by Health Undersecretary Enrique Domingo. Dengvaxia’s controversy started in November 2017 after its manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur released an advisory warning that its vaccine could cause a person to later develop severe dengue if he or she had not been infected by the virus prior to immunization. Latest data showed 19 out of 154 kids died of dengue despite getting immunize with the Dengvaxia vaccine.




Butuanon Gem Tops Sports Writing tilt KIT LESTER P. BALAYO

WHY WON'T THIS BRAIN WORK? JEZNIN ANGEKYLA P. BARROQUILLOCAPTION&PHOTO Pisay CRC students show both smiles and frustration in the Math Fair 2018 Quiz bee.

Pisay Caraga holds Math Fair 2018 KIT LESTER P. BALAYO Math Fair 2018 kick-off, with the theme:”Moving Towards Greater Altitudes in Mathematics: Enhance, Explore, Experience”, concluded successfully with the help of the math department of Philippine Science High School- Caraga Region Campus on September 21, Tiniwisan-Ampayon, Butuan City. The event was started with an invocation by Retchel Medel, a Special Science Teacher-2, then a welcome remarks by PSHS-CRC Director III, Ruwina S. Gonzaga. In her speech, she shared the fun of learning mathematics and uplifted the enthusiasm of every pisay students with her humorous gags during the message. Afterwards, Daisyre Mae G. Altar, the Math Unit Head lead the reading of the series of activities along with the mechanics of each events. Math Fair 2018 covered various activities. Among them are: Quiz Bowl 2018, Rubik’s Cube Challenge, Soduko, Damath, and Math Trail. The Quiz Bowl was comprised of 9 teams, each group having one student

every grade level that formed a group of five members in total. The questions prepared by the Mathematics Department teachers ranged from grade 7- grade 11 lessons. At the end of every round of the said activiy, Rubik’s Cube challenge commenced with two grade levels at a time. Every section was expected to have one representative which resulted to having three challengers for each grade level. Meanwhile, Soduko, Damath, and Math trail was simultaneously conducted to save time. After the winners were determined for each event, the awarding began with the Masters of Ceremony, Lily Dale M. Subla and Kimnard Joseph Duat, announcing.


STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM, NOW WE'RE HERE NATHALIE MAY A. LIBRESCAPTION GIO AYENTO GUELOSPHOTO From left to right: Alfer Joefranz Fucoy, Gio Ayento Guelos, and Christan Jay Salvaña pose with their winning smiles as they hold their NSPC recognition certificates. Despite the slim chances to enter the top 7 in Sports writing, the Butuanon scribe won first place in the recently concluded National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) 2019 at Lingayen, Pangasinan. After days of competing with other sports scribes from all over the country, one of Caraga’s bet for NSPC successfully nabbed the championship title along with his two other fellow journos who placed fifth and second during the awarding of sports writing contest. “It was a huge blessing. Achieving a podium finish was unexpected, even the gold medal, regarding that it was my first SWSE appearance in the nationals,” said Harold Giovannie Ayento Guelos, sports writing champion. Alfer Joefranz Fucoy from Bayugan City division was awarded fifth placer while Christan Jay Salvana of Agusan del Sur division won second place during the NSPC awarding. Five years have passed since Gio competed with other regions in the NSPC. On year 2013, he went to the nationals as a sports writer for a collaborative desktop publishing but ultimately lost which was held at Ormoc City, Leyte. Afterwards, he never once again entered the Nationals. During his high school years, he participated four Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC). All four contests occurred after he entered Philippine Science High School – Caraga Region Campus.

Before the Nationals, Gio claimed that it took an entire Christmas break for him to practice all techniques and research all wining sports articles in NSPCs. In addition, his grandmother inspired him all the more to write sports articles and win the Nationals. To the aspiring sports writers of Caraga, he said “Sports writers here in Caraga have a lot of potential in excelling at the NSPC. For now, Kenneth, Joefranz and Christan are some of the sports writers I know who won for two or even three times in the said contest.” But despite of what he said, he insisted that there are more sports journalists that are yet to be discovered. When asked about the offer of covering the Palarong Pambansa which will be held in Davao City, he said that everything depends on the upcoming examination and his parent’s approval. Concluding his little speech, Gio once again reached out to the people who have helped him achieve his dream in the NSPC for the longest time. “I’m just thankful to everyone who helped me and it was an honor representing CRC, Butuan City, and Caraga Region. Hopefully by next year, more scholars will return victorious.”

Senior Mathletes settle for Division Finals KIT LESTER P. BALAYO

HIV Cases rise to 483 in Caraga BEA JANE V. SERNA


NATHALIE MAY A. LIBRESCAPTION Tests for HIV and AIDS. The primary tests for diagnosing HIV and AIDs include: ELISA Test — ELISA, which stands for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, is used to detect HIV infection. If an ELISA test is positive, the Western blot test is usually administered to confirm the diagnosis.

Region XIII’s Commission on Population office (POPCOM 13) disclosed Friday that 483 HIV cases are already registered in Caraga Region, where, together with the health sector of the said region, will intensify their respective advocacies and programs on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), especially the youth. Both of the said institutions urge everyone, especially the young people to be responsible of their sexual behavior or action, refrain from sexual activities that would lead to unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV and aids, said POPCOM 13 Regional Director Alexander A. Makinano, in his statement with The Manila Bulletin. With the record of the Department of Health, from 1995 to February 2019, there were 483 HIV cases recorded region-wide with 41 reported HIV-AIDS related deaths., having most of the recorded cases, male. Only 24 cases (5%) were females, as 459 (95%) of the cases were males, and most of the cases were from the 15-24 age group. Butuan City ranks first with the highest number of cases, 153; followed by Agusan del Sur, 94; and Surigao del Norte, 93. Sexual contact remans the main mode of transmission with 479 cases, 53.2% (257) of which are through homosexual contact.

Philippine Science High School – Caraga Region Campus Grade 10 scholars ended their Metrobank MTAP Mathematics Challenge (MMC) journey after they placed fourth in the Divisional Finals, Butuan City division. On February 8, the MMC wrapped its Division final tilt as schools from all over the Philippines competed for a place in the Regionals. MMC is an annual math competition that aims to awaken greater interest in math among elementary and high school students nationwide and to discover mathematical talents among the youth. Jo Dee Salise and Mark Francis Poson Venus represented PSHS-CRC together with six scholars from different grade levels. CRC’s seniors ranked fourth for garnering zero points out of 60. Meanwhile, Enfant Cheri Study Center Inc. placed first for gathering a total of eight points. Father Saturnino Urios University followed next with five points then School of the Morning Star with three points. “(spoken in bisaya) I felt that I needed to do good this year because this is my last year joining MTAP. During the Elims, I didn’t really expect anything but luckily I passed,” said Jo Dee Salise. In a statement, Jo Dee claimed that the questions were too hard even for her and her teammate. “lisud ra jud kaayo sa among na training and mental pa jud so na overwhelm ko,” she added. But despite the loss, the neophytes and sophomores moved their way to the top

and scored 25 & 38 respectively. The Grade 7 scholars are Kenneth Jerome Gloria and Hans Ethan Ting while the Grade 8 scholars are Cris Adrielle Costelo Abrea and Matt Raymond Ayento. Grade 9 scholars Emmanuelle Jawn Lisondra and John Robert Guisando ranked second for garnering a total score of 39 who followed Agusan National High School with a score of 45. “In the end we did not win “Thank you Pisay but like, it’s okay for letting me because and my Partner even though represent our I didn’t school in this win I still have good prestigious contest. memories For my 8 years of of MTAP from the joining, I’ve really previous learned a lot and it times I joined,” helped me build up Mark said, my math skills,” Grade 10 MTAP contestant. “Thank you Pisay for letting me and my Partner represent our school in this prestigious contest. For my 8 years of joining, I’ve really learned a lot and it helped me build up my math skills,” he added.





The Tongue’s Borders EULIVANNE ROSE ANDUYANILLUSTRATION The country being split into sectors by the creation of states makes a decentralized nation that will theoretically progress faster but will be impractical logically and financially. Federalism is an ideology present in Philippine politics which first started in the revolution. The topic of a federal Philippines is resurfacing with President Rodrigo Duterte’s statement about making the country a federal nation. The president has already in fact created a Consultative Committee (ConCom) to come up with a draft federal constitution. Arguments of the persons that want

to pursue a federal government include the strengthening of the country through individual effort, and peace with the Moros down in the south. As the DILG provincial director Ruperto Maribbay stated, “With adequate powers, the federal states will be able to modernize themselves, thus, the country’s political stability will be strengthened”. However, contrary to his statement of the modernizing of the individual states, it will be a challenge because of the ethnic diversity of the Philippines. Streamlining the various ethnic groups of one state into a single character will make national

culture be overtaken by ethnic culture. Funding for the federal government will also be costly because of having to accommodate finances for many states at once. The proposed 18 states in the Philippines, with the current 17 regions plus a separate state from Central Visayas, is problematic to budget for each state will have its own great share of the nation’s wealth. Instead of changing the way of government of the Philippines, the current government could introduce better ways of modernizing and improving the country as to not induce national chaos. The

BOL proves to be one effective way even though some disagree with it and more could be done with proper processing and thought. A federal system in the Philippines is currently inoperable due to the current state of the government. A sudden switch to a new system will not solve the nation’s problems and will just pile above them. Our country should take this matter slowly, and make more alarming matters a priority.


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lawrence D. Osorio

NEWS EDITOR Kit Lester P. Balayo

SPORTS EDITOR Kenneth Jerome Gloria


OPINIONS EDITOR Joaquin Jerecho R. Ferolino

PHOTOJOURNALIST Jeznin Angekyla P. Barroquillo Nathalie May A. Libres

ADVISER Lily Dale M. Subla

FEATURE EDITOR Jemuel Adrian D. Mongado

CARTOONIST Eulivanne Rose F. Anduyan

Campus Director Engr. Ramil A. Sanchez

SCIENCE EDITOR Jessie Lix C. de Ramos Jr.

LAYOUT ARTIST Judd Christian F. Bañas

CONTRIBUTORS J U Kirsten de M. Gracia John Riel M. Tepait Lee Arwen B. Sabit Adiel Jasiel R. Trillo Paul Vincent D. Felias Jeodvayn B. Estorco Rhojen Elah L. Jampac Carl Djhon E. Gangca Yza Nicole F. Oco Bethel Ruth M. Recososa Iriah Monica Benito Gian Christopher Bonilla Dirk Ellery Platil





Among 8,761 students from Grades 7-9, Year 4 in the Philippines:

One document could dictate your whole future. Once you sign it, a whole new level of stress, hardships, tasks, and challenges await you once school starts in order to ‘secure’ a bright and well future for you. Does this end however justify all the means you’re gonna go through?

11.6% among 13 to 17 year olds considered themselves depressed 16.8% among 13 to 17 year olds attempted suicide 2015 World Health Organization Global school-based surveySOURCE rappler.comvia Studying to be one of the best means taking away the best in yourself. As the leading science high school in the Asia Pacific Region, one might think it is only a tremendous honor to dedicate studies in the Pisay system. That isn't wrong, but it isn't quite right either. Being a Pisay scholar is both an honor and a curse. The classrooms of each regional campus are littered with workloads of papers and folders that can only be requirements for a better grade. Although scholars paint a smile on their faces as they study for yet another test or that next periodical exam, a hidden emotion

Jeznin Angekyla Barroquillo TheThirteenthScholarsvia

is pounding beneath that facade of theirs, and it is begging to be set free. Pisay students are stressed, it's true. But underneath all those laughs and jokes lies the true issue almost everyone in this prestigious institution faces; the impact of a heavy weight on their shoulders that pressure them to pursue their studies and become the best. Dreams and ambitions of Pisay scholars are feuled by the drive and influence that the system bestows upon them. That drive is what makes them anchor their minds toward a common goal to become professionals for the betterment of the country.


The passion that comes with the effort to bring out the highest level of intelligence within a Pisay scholar are the commodities that the institution instills in its teachings. This passion can become too hot for students to handle and their minds melt under the burning magma of high expectations. After that binding contract an NCE passer signs for the Pisay scholarship, it may seem like the journey ahead is full of strawberries and chocolates. But the Pisay journey is one riddled with hardships, sleepless nights and the mourning of grades. Being a Pisay student brings forth

many oppurtuities to become a successful person in the future, but it comes at a cost. It comes at the cost of arduous tasks, isolation from family and straying away from friends. All in order to achieve that grade scholars are pressured to attain. The winding hallways of a Philippine Science High School Campus may have lingering students with smiles on their faces, telling jokes and basking in each other's company. But it is no secret to themselves as to what they truly feel when their fun times come to an end.

From data recorded by the HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP), in only the span of January to September of 2018, there have been a total of 8,533 new HIV infections. 8,066 of the recorded individuals are male, and the other 467 are female. The rising HIV/AIDS epidemic has been recognized by most countries in Asia like India, Cambodia, and Myanmar. The Philippines however, instead of reducing the number of cases for HIV/AIDS, it increased even more since 2017. There was an estimated number of 30 cases per day in 2017; and in 2018, this number has only increased to 32 cases per day. Of the recently recorded data for cases of HIV, 2,505 cases were aged 15-24. This has been an alarming rise in the number of young individuals with HIV cases which is 170% of the number of cases in 2010. These numbers might look like nothing next to the population of 106 million in the Philippines, but it is still a disappointment for the Philippines compared to the number of cases of other Asian countries. However, compared to other SEA countries, The Philippines has shown more effort to decrease HIV cases. The government has done many efforts in addressing and disseminating information about the current situation. Sex education has been included in the K12 curriculum to educate the youth about what HIV is and how it is avoided. The private sector has also done its part

in this nationwide campaign with some independent organizations creating programs about sex education. DepEd has also made contributions as well with letting students as young as high school know about what HIV is and how dangerous it can be. Although the government’s efforts might not be enough just yet, the society should do its part as well. The greatest challenge now is making the society change its views about sexual education. Currently, talking about reproductive health in public garners laughs or sharp looks from anyone around. The society should be able to understand that a discussion about sex education is not to deprecate or tarnish anyone’s mind to have sex. It is supposed to be about how to be responsible in engaging in sex. It is hard to make people change their mindset about sex being a taboo topic, but one solution might be making the government continue with its campaigns. Aside from just talking about reproductive health, campaigns could also include topics about why it is important for people to know and why it is beneficial for the people especially for the youth. Once the society gets a better understanding of sex education and reproductive health, the future generation might be saved from infection. If they are well-taught, then they would realize the dangers of sex when they come of age.





Clockwork One's time is as limited as one's money. The numerous branches of the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) have endured the effects of the budget cut of its main umbrella, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It appears that even something as sturdy as the department's budget would fall ill to time's corrosion. But the DOST wont take lightly to the situation as the department aims to curbe to the said budget cut. DOST Secretary Fortunato Dela Peña said that such an eventuality will not affect their scientific research and other pressing matters. These claims were clarified by the department itself, stating that they would observe no lack to the PSHS system's own budget. Moreover, PSHS wont only rely on the DOST's budget alone. The schools have gained some monetary growth because of their self-produced funds. Several campus officials cited this as an effective action to take amidst the financial cut.

However, ongoing scientific researches have continuously taken a big chunk off thr budget itself. This budget was cut from Php 21.23 billion to Php 19.8 billion, mainly to the cost of such scientific breakthroughs. This amount is still expected to deplete as the DOST continues its research, affecting its sub-sectors including the PSHS. In addition, the monetary cut has proved quite an obstacle for not only the DOST but also the PSHS. DOST officials expected nothing less of an outcome from such a drop on yearly stored money. In these times of monetary struggle, the DOST must conserve, if not preserve, its hold on current funds and financial grips. Several aspects are at risk including the budget of many PSHS branches throughout the Philippines. The allocation of money is not to be wasted as time wont reverse itself like clockwork to earn back that wasted money.



Her islands of resource and her people of virtue; she provides nutrition for the body and healing of the soul. A delicate archipelago adorned with tropical flora and fauna; alluring travelers far and wide, beckoning them to bask in her calming warmth. Eventually her hospitality would be mistaken, and her lovers will abuse her, even her own children will take her for granted. She now lays in the dust, taken of her resources, stripped of her beauty. If not written like that, we’d reckon that only few would be moved to realize the conditions of the Philippine environment. It was once a tourist hotspot guaranteed to be worth the money spent, it’s now the complete opposite of that. It’s beaten by the carelessness of the aliens, the welloff natives, and the money-worshipping businessmen eyeing its resources. A testament to this is Boracay and even the Manila Bay; tampered symbols of serenity, now similar to toilet bowls and cesspools. Manila Bay, once considered a trove of historical events; now considered a symbol of environmental degradation since 2008. Boracay, often regarded as one of the best beaches in the world from media like Reader’s Digest; has now struggled to keep its waters clean with all the waste the establishments there need to throw out to accommodate their clients with deep pockets. These aren’t even the only places bombarded with almost all kinds of pollution, need we have to add more to the list? Even our biggest metropolitan cities like the Queen of the South and the Pearl of the Orient hide their rubbish underneath

their lavish gowns, only visible to their respective citizens. It raises issues because the country relies heavily on the tourism sector, hauling in huge profits from over seven million tourists in 2018, a 7.65 percent increase of the numbers in 2017 even with the closure of Boracay; imagine the numbers if we were mindful of tourist hotpots like it, it would skyrocket. Yes, NGOs and the government are doing the best they can to purge them of their flaws, but have you come to consider our negligence to them that not our conscience, but our own authorities gave us the push to revive them of their former glory? Not even the ignorant people to witness Boracay’s reopening realized they’ve already left garbage hours after the initial public opening, it speaks volumes on how great the possibility of other hotspots in the Philippines ending up like trash bins is. Would that be enough to hurt your pride? Must it have to get to the point that we’d have to let people literally trash our country for us to act? The fact that we’d all be living in piles of garbage regardless of how wealthy you is alarming, so wake up.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR As a student, I have noticed a disconnect between the faculty and staff, and the students. To be frank, the communication isn't the best between the heads, the homeroom advisers, and the students which leads to a lot of miscommunication. The feedback isn't very constructive and that just lowers the morale of the teachers and the students. The thing is, the students aren't given many chances to address and help resolve problems in the school without receiving repurcussions either. For example, we feel as if complaining about the excessive amount of paaperwork needed for being late for even a single minute will fall on deaf ears. Do we really need 12 sentences to apologize and explain why we are late when the explanation can be stated in a few words on the admission slip? Sometimes, tardy students arrive in the classroom and the teacher is still not present or prepared to have a class. If they are not going to at least revise the system set for latecomers, they might as well be more lenient by giving the students a 10 minute window after 7:30. After all, Ampayon is far from Butuan, the lines can get long on certain days and some I.Ds don't scan well. I certainly hope that the school can improve its communication in order to improve itself overall. I'm taking the first step to better communication with this letter.





Being a primary medium of information circulation in our school is such an honor to have your concerns addressed to. The problems that you have voiced out greatly concerns the school administration and that, we regret to inform you that we cannot do a lot but to let them know about this. Each school department will be receiving a copy of our tabloid, and let's just hope that the people behind this inconvenience would spare us their time to read this section of the school paper. May you continue to voice out your opinions and insights on particular social issues and school matters. The Thirteenth Scholars would gladly help in your advocacies and intentions, as long as it's in line with the school's core values, of course.




#GIRLPOWER Women; with a fierce face, they stand strong against the horrors of reality. With a gentle heart, they accomodate and care for the inferior. Did you know that one-third of the same people are reportedly victims of sexual violence? Although the horrors of reality hinder them from showing their true potential, this doesn't stop them from fighting back ten times stronger with organizations and programs helping them like United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women or UN Women, World Vision, Gabriela, etc. If Thanos can make a significant change in the whole universe by the snap of his fingers, then women can dominate the whole universe by their sound of their voices.


Who tells your story? Who tells your groundbreaking milestones that no one could ever expect from a girl wearing an orange school skirt and a polo with the Philippine Science High School logo on the pocket on the left breast? Who will showcase you to the world for your excellent intellect or your amazing ability? Who will chatter about how your gender never hindered you from the misogyny? Who will remember your name? Women of today strip out of their puffy, ankle length dresses and jump in their statement outfits consisting of rough-cut crop tops, black ripped skinny jeans. They march together as one and walk their way to the top along with men who are overall “stronger than women.” But are women really inferior towards the other sex? Are they really meant to be in the kitchen cooking for their children who they carry for 9 long, dragging months and their husband who’s out there showing his talent to the world? Nowadays, the damsels in distress step away from the back of their knight in shining armor and face the cruelty and shade the globe throws towards them and fights back with their newly found voice. They have stood

with their two legs and walked past the kitchen and out to the real world. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, notoriously famous for being mentioned several times at a very successful broadway play called Hamilton, was loved by for her strong, loyal, dedicated character. She has captured the hearts of the fans even during the first few minutes of her screen time. Her lovable, wife-material self makes hearts flutter as she continues to awe the fans with her immense love and care for her father founding, hardworking, not-sofaithful husband, Alexander Hamilton. Consequently, she has successfully squeezed the hearts of the play-lovers when she spread the story about the great works and triumphs of her great spouse. Her establishing the first ever private orphanage in New York City has said a lot about her character and further emphasizes her awe-inspiring, wifely attitude as a whole. Unknowingly, she has also spread her story for the future generations to know. Another dedicated wife to be mentioned is Marie Curie, a female scientist with a bright mind and also a person who earned many “firsts.” She,


The Right That Once was Lost JEODVAYN B. ESTORCO

Time is relative to its principles and people and people is relative to its economy and standards. So far fetch that we live in an era where people finally reaped what history sowed. from the earliest rise to a whole new chapter, we arrived as a representation of the continuouss struggles and endless battles on pursuing our belief of having Women’s Right. It’s hard to believe that it seemed like yesterday where our forebearer stood up for what is justifiable and equal. And now stepping foot to another era of greatness seems like a good way to start. Our beloved country and homeplace the Philippines, dates its historical foundation pertaining women’s right from pre-colonial times. Instead of undermining the potential of women during those times, the filipino people gave its power by giving them a place on the heirarchy which earns women the respect and

along with her husband Pierre Curie discovered the polonium and radium which we now easily know as radioactive elements. Due to her outstanding intellect, she was able to bag the Nobel prize for chemistry twice. She was known to be the first woman to ever win such a prestigious award and the first person to ever claim the prize twice. Somewhere in 1906, her ever loving smart spouse died due to an accident of him stepping in front a horsedrawn wagon. However, this loss never hindered her momentum as she later took over his work and became Sorbonne University’s first female professor. Following this is her development of x-rays. Just by sharing her discoveries to the science community, she has successfully showcased her story for the whole world to know that even women can have bright minds like men. The recently crowned jaw dropping, beautiful, intellectual, brave woman, Miss Catriona Gray, voiced her story with a mic and her voice through an event broadcasted all throughout the world. Coming from the dirty corners of Tondo, Manila, she made an impressive entrance to the world shining in her fiery and sparkly red and brown gown. Her slow-

mo turn made time stop for a moment for the viewers to admire what was once a poverty-stricken child who grown to become a fully developed woman lava walking her way to the top. Her story left a lasting impression not only to the filipinos and the viewers but also the judges who saw beauty not only in her physique but in her heart. The world is so small and yet so big for a mere student like you. So many things to discover and yet so little time for a female student like you. So many ideas to be acted on and yet so little support towards a normal high school girl like you. However, all big things have to start small and you are just at the first step towards making it big out there. Don’t give up! To all of you aspiring young female students of Pisay, who will tell your story? Who will show how you, a sparkling gem in progress, shined so bright after going through pressure for more than a decade? Who will narrate to the people how you caught the light of the sun when the lid opened to welcome you to the world outside these 4 walls inside your school? Who will tell your story? Only you can.

acknowledgment of the people. However traditions are still intact in the form of family roles and such. Our represntation for women was much more comprising than other countries during the 18th century where little amount of rights and respect are given to them. Belittling and controlling the potential of women was the foundation of the right that was stripped from them a long time ago. The skin complexion determines the probable amount of respect the society will give to a women, and consequently it will tell how they are ranked in the heirarchy. A forlorn thought they must have for they have to face and crawl their way up just to attain their desired right. But why do people fought and put a fine line between women and men? Is it because one is too feminine and one is too masculine? Or is it because one assert much of its power and one does not? Or is it because of descrimination? However what reason it may give there is only one truth and that we are all human beings. So figuratively and literally saying that we are just equal and that the differece must not pertain to a certain gender discrimination From the power of the people believing what they believe at, the people stood up from the bottom and climbed there way up to the top. Now women gained more rights that is historically been stripped away from them. Women also paricipated that of works by men, considering its occupation and gaining

personal offices. Because of the uprising right and empowerment, women gained international laws, republic acts and as well as advocacies. A good and responsive exmple of women advocacy is a movement called feminism. Now feminism is an ideology which pertains the equality of the sexes. However, there are certain cases where women’s right is misinterprted as a double standard which somehow violates the advocacy of feminism and human right. For example, there are certain cases where what’s done on men is okay but not to women. Truth be told, most probably a woman hitting a man is okay and that people may view it as a way of disciplining a man and not reaising that it is a form of abuse but when a man hits a woman it is immidiately being process as a violence against women. But the point here is, women’s right, human rights, feminism, they are all the same. They comprehend on the right to be justified and to have a freedom from internal and external control from the discrimation, violence, abuse and unjustified acts. Principles are relative to knowledge and knowldge is relative to people and people is relative to the economy and therefore, we must be equipped with knowledge to have values and principles that are justifiable in pertaining the rights whom our forebearers fought to the better end.






Spaces grew silent, and sounds grew wide, moonlight to the night and dread for the day. Here he lays suspended and drained for the last amount of might, flocking sleepily away. His Button nose perked up to the ceiling, seemingly unconscious for the duration of the day. Possessing a complexion moderate of hues, and dark circles underneath, one can say oh what a weak must it had been. A ring it emits besides the place where he lay, waking and upright he sat. “Oh no! What time, is it still day or night?” he exclaimed from his head. Checking the time, white light flashes through his sloppy eyes making his head tilted to the side. He noticed the time, oh what a waste, for a dreadful of requirements and topics he needed to study and accomplish. 2:41 a.m., he reads while pondering the time, estimating to the extent on how he will finish this until the sun touches the sky. Slowly rummaging around, step by step, his tall figure towers the room, he turned on the lights while squinting his doe-like eyes. Keeping his eyes open the entire period of his might was not an easy task. The battle of his mind while attaining all

sorts of information can be an inspiration to cocooned himself and be tempted by the allure of his bed. Oh how time and isolation triggers the thought of oneself, breaking its streak of concentration. Laying his head on the wall, he blanketed himself with soft satin like blanket fitting for his taste. All sorts of thoughts run through his mind like how would he, a student of the 21st century be when he would leave it all behind and put his mind at ease. I mean he would certainly fail but it’s just a onetime opportunity and tomorrow will just certainly pass. If tomorrow will come with his head on the pillows then why doesn’t he work harder for the future of tomorrow? Certainly it will cover the unfortunate events he made. Twirling his pen on the tip of his fingers, he abandoned his thoughts, rubbed his eyes and continued on studying. But what about courses he thought? What about it? He knows that he must pick a stem course that is permitted on his school? Is sleeping really worth it? Is not sleeping more worth it? Oh he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know anything anymore. Fighting for tomorrow may be a simple problem as solving for

a problem, memorizing terms, gaining information but maintaining his eyes open and fighting on his last amount of might be an indication of having a will to fight for a better future. Determination is felt underneath his sloppy eyes Drained from thoughts there he succumbs to peace as he lay. Eyes set closed and from the moment where the sun kissed the sky and vanished the night, he profoundly and cautiously stood and faced the day. A Mundane routine he contain, greeting everyone a fair morning, with eyes smiling, with soul full of compromises. For a time that runs like a wind, the cycle completes its turn once again. Sighing deep and gaining strength, he mustered up the courage to fight what comes in his way. He learned how to melt with the fire and dance with the smoke, because he, a student with rim of blackness under her eye, barely surviving and consequently hanging on a thin line, has a spirit and will of a fighter. Space grew silent and night comes for his sweet kisses, there he lays, free and intoxicated, wrapped in comforting sheets in the redemption of accomplishment.


“5 more minutes to go,” the round clock screams as the man answered the extreme and brain crunching test during the middle of the day. Crumpled papers at the trash are abundant. Pencils are broken because of the intense writing. For a brief moment, the clock counts down alarming the man to bring up the finishing answers of the test. The man then stood up, proud of what he had accomplished after the clock ticks the final second of the time. It was that moment he realize to pick the vial with no lace of poison. It’s picking between being active or inactive, with the inactive being the toxic choice. Time is a golden artifact that should be valued. Every tick of a clock grants a change to our chapter, whether important or irrelevant. It is an unstoppable factor that brings future to present. It creates a spectacular momentum. The 24 hour of a life can be splendid if every second has its worth. Time is important yet onerous to take care with due to its enemy – laziness. Imagine the instance of passing a requirement during 5 PM and the time is already quarter to 5 PM. Can the rapid time be beat? You realized that time is slow when you know you've been indolent. Indolent behavior is committed whenever a slight breeze whispers the maxim "carpe diem" to one’s ear. In the other hand, time is fast when you're doing something

productive. When time is over, it's either you reach the time or the time will devour you. Catching up to time is not as easy as you think. The tension of the clock going tick-tock every time rattles your nerves to become faster to reach the goal on or before the dedicated deadline. Even a workaholic person experience the hassle of losing time. Starting from a beautiful and scenic dawn hour to the bright and vibrant morning, you composed a suitable meal and prepared for another tiring day. Not too long when the time alarms that you’re late, you ran for work and reached the location with sweaty clothes. Exhausted and worn out, you went home during a wonderful dusk time and a message notification popped up your phone that you advanced to another rank. This implies that every hardships has great gifts in store. Grabbing time rewards a prize depending on the circumstance, Even though time can be sedate or in swift motion, it is their knocking on the door to open up from idleness. It’s free to do something as long as the important is done. Time is not to be wasted. Through the stacked troubles, the willingness to act upon the work takes care of the time without a sign of fret.


CRC sc they ar


cholars say re stressed.



Fra n t i c Fr e n z y


“4 minutes left” a fierce blurt of excitement was the words that went out of your subject teacher’s mouth after some of your classmates while taking a view-of-perspective-hard-or-easy quiz asked “Ma’am/Sir, what time is it?”. These were the uptight moments whereas you wish you were the glorious Catriona Gray while doing the legendary slow-mo walk in order to stop the unstoppable time because you were either unsure, or almost there, or the opposite of halfway there. Due to the ferocious anxiety given

by time pressure, your supposed to be undaunted mind was booming everywhere, like an unexpected eruption of a volcano. Your lips drooling, your eyes may start watering, your fingers starts shaking and maybe, your heart beating faster than a baby’s heartbeat during an ultrasound or worst, galloping like a horse running faster than “The Flash” under the determined command of its rider in order to win a polo match. However, there’s this fiery burning spectrum of passion coming from your insides, telling you to lessen your

constant overthinking as time passes by. By this time, as long as you are telling yourself that you can get through this heart-burning test, you’ll survive and you’ll finish on time. Just take some deep breaths, don’t overthink, focus and make kisses of whispering thoughts in your pretty head saying “You can do this. Every journey starts with a single step, tip toe if you must, you may not know you’re a step closer or you’re already there”. Then, you’ll be surprised that you’ve beaten the waves of time pressure and anxiety that has been causing you some serious frantic frenzy.


Imagine if you had to put down your phone for a while. No, maybe a few days…or even months! What could have been our life if we chose to use our screen time into other recreational activities? Would we be more interactive? Curious? Smarter? Or those kinds of people who does primitive survival online? Technology has eaten up our time. It has exceeded our limits. And to think that we designed the world to be like this, there is no doubt that we are the most affected ones. Since the holiday has

started, I challenged myself to completely not use screens for a week. I failed on the very first day, and that was not a good way to start. So, I came up with stricter rules, and made exceptions when it comes to phone calls and communication. It was tough, and boredom quickly suffocated me. I grabbed pen and paper, and listed down the activities I wanted to do. Surprisingly, I came up with more than I could’ve imagined. I forgot how old school I am, so it got easier as time passed by. From a hundred books in my shelf, I am certain I’ve only read half of it. I was ecstatic to finally read some of the books. It was as if I became like my 11 year old self again. The first few days were very interactive. I felt like I needed to go out more, and I did. I woke up early in the morning, and did some biking around the village. I mean, do you get that sense of relief that that cold morning breeze is the definition of peace? I can’t remember the last time I felt like this, and it is uncertain if I could experience this again. My mind was just empty, it’s empty but at peace. Communication with family is something I wanted to achieve. It’s very sad to see that you feel irritated by your

family just because they disturbed you from a single YouTube video. And yes, I spilled some tea. This time, I initiated to make a move. We have board games at home, and played with it the entire night. I was expecting some cash prizes, but that never happened anyway. It was just pure laughter and bonding with them. I kind of replaced all the mindless entertainment with the things I did before. For me, screens became like brain sugars. It’s addictive. I realized that my addiction to screens was toxic, and I was admiring all these pictures of nature online, when in fact it’s just there outside. I was happy that I had a childhood without any screens, but in the end I’m just like everyone else, drugged in the world of technology. Sure, it is addictive, because we are able to reach every corner of the world in this little gadget of ours, but where’s the essence of real exploration? The infinite scroll consumes our life. The connection between boredom and creativity emerged, and happier things happened when I chose to regulate my screen time. There’s a whole other side that has yet to be seen! I never imagined that being disconnected is actually being connected to whole different level.




#PAWESOME Their amusing ways inside the premises of the school has earned one of them a twitter account managed by a student of Pisay Caraga with the username @ArfPebbles which currently has more than 70 followers. The white and brown spotted female dog adapted the name “Pebbles” by some grade 7 students who have taken a liking toward this dog. The supposed mammal has given birth to other cute puppies that makes you “aw” at first sight. Currently, the account is active and now posts amusing tweets with totally unique catch phrases and sayings that us, millennials and of course, dogs can relate to.

PAW PROBLEMS Having staying in the new Philippine Science High School – Caraga Region Campus for almost 2 years, most, if not all, have already encountered those little troublemakers running down the halls, sometimes sleeping during class discussion. They trut along the school corridors as if it was their own. When they walk inside a room, it’s as if all eyes land on them and the spotlight shines on them. They wag their tail at the sight of food, literal puppy eyes would form as they sit in front of their chosen victim. Their eyes, like eagles, are trained toward the food. They wait and wait for their prey to fall for their pity worthy expression, and when they do, there’s no turning back for the victim. They would wait until there’s no food left for neither of them. When this

happens, they finally succeed and move to their next victim. Now, they get to be the hunters. These thieves have stirred up trouble for the students as they report to have their food gone on their arm chairs and desks after leaving it for some time. I guess it’s safe to say that the food had gone in to the wrong stomach. Some even found the lost belongings of the students on the ground between Academic Building No. 1 and Academic Building No. 2, some of which have been observed to be chewed on. Many have seen them caught in the act, however their four skinny legs carry them out of the situation as fast as the victim gets to notice his or her food is gone. Walking to the wrong classroom is embarrassing as it gets, however it isn’t


the same case for these 4-legged intruders who saunter their way inside the room and doze off as soon as they get in. Their shallow breaths indicate they are very well-off unconscious unless they are shoo’ed away with a broom by a student. Although they aren’t a hindrance to the class discussion, it is quite an amusement to the students seeing that these creatures have the audacity to fall asleep in front of the teacher that they miss the words about the formula written on the board. Their amusing ways inside the premises of the school has earned one of them a twitter account managed by a student of Pisay Caraga with the username @ ArfPebbles which currently has more than 70 followers. The white and brown spotted female dog adapted the name “Pebbles” by some grade 7 students who have taken

a liking toward this dog. The supposed mammal has given birth to other cute puppies that makes you “aw” at first sight. Currently, the account is active and now posts amusing tweets with totally unique catch phrases and sayings that us, millennials and of course, dogs can relate to. Truly, they are a fresh breath of air to the students who breathe in books and notes all the time. They are candies to the eyes of students who stare at a computer all day. Although they may be a nuisance to scholars who have been victimized by their saddened looks, they never fail to lend a paw to us stressful working machines.

and materials are now the aim for a better reputation than being just a true person. The current value of money is now at the highest peak of the mountain while mostly the value of money during the bygone society is at low level as what parents usually say. This so called Generation Z is either improving or disrupting the world. Some may be grasping it right but there is no denial that there are others who abuse the satisfying generation. It depends on how the people these days utilize the stuff given in this generation. The common medium to the transformation of era is technology. Often, it is described

as fruitful or infamous. In the new generation, good morals of the past must remain and taught to the children. It is what brings the humanity and selfdiscipline to the Generation Z. Is this generation really hard to handle? Note it that whether what generation you belong in, there is still hope to remain the first-rate ethics. Build up the amazing world by sticking the lessons learned together in every generation. Whatever generation it is, A to Z, the people should commit to the right and make an awesome debut ahead.


Missing the days where outdoor activities are being valued and appreciated? The days when all the games were played by several marbles, elastic bands, and even just an open field – these are days that went to waste in the newly born era, as what the people called as the Generation Z. Your forefathers might sunbathe all day long as they run to each other playing tag during their childhood days. In the other hand, kids these days tend to seek cellphones or gadgets just to play their desired game. Some might say that the same characteristics of the past years are the same to the current and vibrant

days. Although, others might say that this generation is the most productive and fun because of the superb kickoff of technology. Different perspective of different people seemingly contrast to each other in regards to the beneficiaries of Generation Z. Not just to certain games, but it differs from how life is being seized the way as your ancestors and the way as the existing life today. Now, life is full of jargons which is noticeable in the internet such as “brb” for “be right back” and “lol” for “laughing out loud.” All day surfing in the internet rather than spending valuable time is now increasing. Such luxurious cars, houses,



JESSIE LIX C. DE RAMOS JR. JUDD CHRISTIAN F. BAÑASILLUSTRATION The Thirteenth Scholarsvia thenewyorktimes.comvia One night I was checking my twitter notifs and found some hashtags on measles. I mean, it’s a world epidemic but as I opened every retweeted links I arrived at a discussion, between concerned people trying to think of solutions to this local health issue. I scrolled down reading and one comment captured me. “The problem is, the damage has already been done.” And as I contemplated amidst the night skies, I had to say, that user has a fair point. From what I recall, the dengvaxia scandal has caused a lot of damage since it cost lives of suffering children. The issue was highly medical in context but was made political due to allegations between the nation and the Department of Health. One notable person to mention is Public Attorney’s Office Chief Persida Acosta. She was the one who caused a vaccine scare, after claiming that Dengvaxia caused the death of several schoolchildren. Now in the wake of that controversy, a measles outbreak has been declared on Metro Manila, after receiving news that the number of patients increased from 351 in 2017 to 3,646 in 2018. Eastern and Central Visayas were included on the outbreak issue. Measles is a highly contagious respiratory disease, causing fatal complications such as pneumonia. This disease is air borne, but can be prevented through inoculation of the measles vaccine. But since parents are now refusing to vaccinate their children due to the dengvaxia vaccine scare, and that decision brought risks to the health of every Filipino child. Going back to the outbreak declared by the DOH. Many sued the low vaccine coverage due to dengvaxia scare as the main reason of the measles outbreak. Health Secretary Francisco Duque said that the vaccination program, and even other services offered by the DOH like deworming are suffering from false and unrealistic claims of Acosta. She claimed that around 600 people have suffered from the dengvaxia’s perilous effects and therefore causing a lot of casualties. Yet even though the dengvaxia scare is viewed as the main reason, personal discipline is also the cause of this highly contagious epidemic. Like in the US, many parents did not consider having their kids vaccinated since it would cause more harm. To be frank, measles is not dengue. Measles vaccine has been given for a really long time, protecting each and every infant from the disease until they grow up. It is never a problem to vaccinate your kids if the vaccine has already been proven effective for the past years. It is merely an idiotic act of the antivax people, or those who don’t believe or trust in vaccines. “Vaccinate your children!!” – provax people speak. But the thoughts and beliefs of the antivax can’t be changed in an instant. Will it cause more and more casualties? Measles has spread not only within the Metro Manila area, but also in some other parts of the country. Who should be blamed? provax or antivax? Let us not wait for this war between provax and antivax to stop; always remember, prevention is so much better than cure. Stay safe and please vaccinate your kids.


The problem is, the damage has already been done.




#STF2019 Last April 16, the Philippine Science High School Caraga Region Campus held its annual Sci-Tech Fair with the theme “Science for the people”(?)”. Its main goal was to introduce the projects of the campus scholars that could potentially benefit not only the people of Caraga, but everyone who believes in the power of science and technology. With all grade levels participating in this prestigious event, judges, faculty and staff, parents, and fellow CRC scholars were able to witness a vast range of S&T projects. The grades 7 and 8 presented their Interactive Science Projects (ISPs), whereas the grade 9 students—conducting surveys and plotting graphs—showed the results of their statistical studies. The higher years, grades 10 and 11, defended their scientific studies and researches. These studies were divided into two categories, life and physical science.

Science for the People: PSHS-CRC holds Scitech Fair 2019 CARL DJHON E. GANGCA JUDD CHRISTIAN F. BAÑASPHOTO

The continual promotion of Science and Technology to the Filipinos had its own way of advancement through Philippine Science High School’s (PSHS-CRC) Annual Scitech Fair. This annual event allows students to provide an avenue to showcase their innovation and inventing skills in an attempt to provide new and relevant solutions to the community. With the theme: “Science for the People”, PSHS-CRC was able to conduct a program on April 15, 2019, at PSHS-CRC’s Academic Building 1. Various researches from Interactive

Science Projects (ISP) from Grades 7-9 and Science Investigatory Projects (SIP) from Grades 10-11 had a lot to offer to the public and the judges. The SIP Competition was divided into two categories: Physical and Life Sciences, which enables the SIP Competition to allow two winners per grade level. Researches like Utilizing Okra as Air Filter for Vehicle Exhaust, Portable Air Conditioner, Antifungal activity of Carbon-based materials, Sewage Filters, Monitoring Systems, Chitosan-Collagen as Potential Wound Dressing, Water Quality

CRC on the path to scientific communication: Innovators League on the rise JESSIE LIX C. DE RAMOS JR.

Assessment, Adaptive Timer system in Traffic Management, and etc. were among the few award winning researches this year. First Place Proponents are namely: (Grade 7) Noel Zathdane G. Andong, Venice Joliane D. Burgos, Geisha Mae Gwyn N. Casio; (Grade 8) Emmanuel A. Barabar, Francis Isaac S. Mijares, Elmer Jon D. Mupas; (Grade 9) Jenny Lou P. Batalla, Susanne Christine A. Hierl, Jergy U. Tuazon; (Grade 10-Physical Science) Danielle R. Ajoc, Jason Gil P. Villanueva, Danika Mae Soberano; (Grade 11- Life

Science) Kevyn Marie Gamutan, Francesca Louise Tupaz, Amanda Gaye Urag; (Grade 11-Physical Science) Miko C. Nuñez, Angelo Mari C. Montero, Hannah Marielle G. Tecson. “The projects of the students are geared towards the development of Science and Technology for our nation. Through this we can contribute not only to our nation but also to the scientific community. “- Jay M. Maique, Scitech Fair Coordinator.

September 8, 2018 – Caraga’s Regional Prince Richmond Ang, Jude Escol, and Science and Technology week Kenwood Segundino – teachers from culminated with Philippine Science PSHS-CRC. The contestants were tasked to High School – Caraga Region Campus’ assemble a robot within a given time with Innovators League conducting a robotics a manual presented by the students from exhibit and competition, participated by the Innovators League. top-performing elementary schools in This event marked an opening for the city. more exposures to come – not only The Regional Science and Technology by the Innovators League, but also week is an annual event hosted by for aspiring technology leaders and regional offices of the Department of developers in the school. With these Science and Technology. Its aim is to kinds of exposures, student will be highlight developments, achievements able to present, communicate and and scientific ventures by the region’s inspire others in molding the country local scientists. The event also serves through technological advancement and as a media of scientific communication development. through exhibits and exposures, making a step further in promoting science for the people. The week-long celebration was held at Robinsons Place Butuan, participated by different sectors of the DOST as well as local participants from all around the region. PSHS-CRC, with the use of LEGO™ robots, demonstrated the physics and principles behind the working contraption as well as presenting the program created for the robot’s function during the robotics workshop held in the morning session. NATHALIE MAY A. LIBRES CAPTION The afternoon session DOST-13PHOTO was the actual competition, Pisay CRC's booth during the Regional Science and Techparticipated by ten schools nology Week last September 8 at Robinsons Butuan. from the city and judged by


Sports Science: A breakthrough to body kinetics JESSIE LIX C. DE RAMOS JR. Information PSHSvia


Fitness is one of the latest trends these days - with over a lot of fitness centers, going to the gym is more of like a necessity. Yet many people just don't know that in order to maintain a healthy body, you can simply not go to the gym at all. This year’s Science Camp revolved around kinetics, with activities involving many body work and an advocacy in support and to promote sports science. Sports science is a discipline that studies how the healthy human body works during exercise, and how sport and physical activity promote health and performance from cellular to whole body perspectives. Basically it is the study of why we do these exercises and how it benefits our body's capacity. Like the English language, our body is complex. The goal in learning sports science is that it studies every single muscle and movement of our body and further study on how to improve and to maintain stability of its functions. Sports science is commonly studied by sports enthusiasts, physiologists, sports doctors, and trainers. Learning sports science is undeniably helpful since the trend of having to go to the gym also

needs some informational background. This topic/ course was the highlight of the annual camp, and thus many activities involving body kinetics were included as highlights of the activity. The activities included Hip-hop dance competition, Jingle making/performing, station-to-

But these were so last school year. How are the laboratories now in S.Y. 2018 – 2019? With a single chem lab as a starting point, a new laboratory opened up in the school – the biology laboratory, equipped with the basic lab apparatus and components was made available in late 2018. The construction of the physics laboratory is now ongoing and more equipment supplied the chemistry laboratory, such as testing kits, a flow hood, more chemicals and new sets of hot plates. The smart classrooms were installed also in 2018, starting off with one smart classroom featuring high speed internet

and new sets of computers. A promise of having tablets for students’ use turned to reality as Ipad units were also distributed for the laboratory use. Another smart classroom also perked up and is now used mainly by the SHS physics core. In a span of nearly one and a half years the school has established laboratories suitable for students learning and use. Will the development continue? Hopefully within two to three years, the laboratories will be completed by up to 95% or more.

station races, photo contest and even Dodgeball. Understanding the science behind every movement is important, and with sports science, we could definitely learn more on how our physical body works, thus promoting a healthier life choice and establishing ideas for health maintenance.



It has been almost two years ever since PSHS-CRC relocated to its new campus, with state-of-the-art buildings and a promise to provide practical and advanced laboratories for different scientific activities. It has been kept as a promise for a really long time now, is there any progress towards building ideal laboratories for the school? CRC started off with a single laboratory; the Chemistry lab. There were equipment from the previous campus that were still used like the long tables, microscopes and other basic lab apparatus. Fortunately, the school purchased more furnaces and

a fume hood for better storage of harmful chemicals and etc. More lab chemical solutions are also available for use in the chemistry laboratory. With that to start, progress is observable in the development of CRC’s laboratories. In addition to the lab development, CRC also installed its old computers from the previous computer laboratory, and for the whole year a single comlab was used. It was considered by many as an inconvenience, since not all the time students can access the laboratory – mainly because of the growing population and the scheduling of classes.

Do Things Right Up There - The dreams of a Filipino space program blooms JEMUEL ADRIAN D. MONGADO

Technological advancements in space had also created new fields at which the Philippines needs to keep up with. Weather monitoring, territorial defense, agricultural and maritime concerns, and disaster risk reduction; all these can be dealt with through the pursuit of a national space program. Senator Benigno “Bam” Aquino had authored and pushed for the Philippine Space Development Act, aiming to build the foundation of a solid Filipino space program. And finally on the 20th of May, 2019, Senate has passed the act on its third and final reading. It now only needs a presidential nod to become law. A space program had already existed in the Philippines, however it was decentralized. Agencies who needed assets from space such as satellite images and data needed to pay foreign governments and companies individually. Due to this, national expenditure on satellite data had amounted to hundreds of millions of pesos annually. A centralized space

program, which the act provides for, will be able to purchase satellite data and distribute it to agencies that need it. The PHL-Microsat program was also initiated in partnership with Tohoku University in Japan. UP Diliman scholars were sent to Japan to help create microsatellites to be deployed into space. The first microsatellite, the Diwata 1, was launched aboard an American Cygnus spacecraft. The Cygnus carried Diwata 1 along with supplies, cargo, and other countries’ microsatellites towards the International Space Station. It was then deployed and carried out Earth observations. The second microsatellite, Diwata 2, was launched aboard the Japanese H-IIA rocket towards a sunsynchronous orbit. Unlike its predecessor, it had weather monitoring capabilities. Aquino had included in his bill a strategic roadmap for the Philippines to become a space-capable nation in the next decade. Once legislated, it will create the Philippine Space Agency

(PhilSA), which will be a subsidiary of DOST. The bill included appropriations for a PhilSA central office in the Clark SEZ in Pampanga, as well as future establishments and even launch facilities. An initial fund of P 1 billion and P 2 billion will be given to the agency. An additional P 10 billion will be given by PAGCOR as well. The need for a Philippine space program increases by the day as more and more countries involve themselves in space development. Once it comes into fruition, PhilSA will spearhead this effort to transform the Philippines into a spacefaring nation. There was little opposition to the legislation in both Houses, so the chances that the president would nod are high. There is the support and the legislation, now all it needs to be able to bring the changes it promises is proper implementation. If we as a nation will reach beyond the heavens, then we will have to do it right.





Batalla, Rosero hack Greyjoy's upset axe, pushes Stark to Intramural Glory YZA NICOLE F. OCO Batalla and Rosero surely knew how to execute a comeback. House Stark banked on the efficiency of Jenny Batalla and Anigen Rosero to redeem themselves from a two-point deficit, upsetting House Greyjoy, 6-3, In the 2018 Intramurals Girls Basketball Championship, December 7. Batalla and Rosero showed exemplary performance in the late minutes of the game, creating a two-point lead which lead to Greyjoy's demise. Batalla carried the team as she tallied four points and 2 steals. Things weren't that great for Stark at the start as the Leahfel Beldad and Lovely Calumba tandem managed to keep in step



throughout the first three minutes of the game with their mid-range shooting and good offense. Stark started losing their pace when they saw the freshmen outsmarting their gameplan. In the last minutes of the game, the ball was sent back and forth at both ends of the court. Greyjoy's players grasped their breath as they struggled to keep up with the outstanding momentum displayed by the sophomore players. Greyjoy fell 4 points shy from sealing the Intrams Title. "We got a bit rattled because we were going against the higher grades, and


maybe it was because we were too small for them. All in all, it was a good game.", Beldad said. Batalla then capped the game off with a 1 point free-throw. "The game turned out unexpectedly because we were against grade 7s and unlike the previous games, we needed to play by the rules just like real basketball.", Batalla remarked.







Do you engage in Sports?


9 17.6%


GIANCARLO AGELIO A. BRINGAS JUDD CHRISTIAN F. BAÑASART NATHALIE MAY A. LIBRESPHOTO In the world of sports, a game or match can end in multiple ways. Those ways can be where one side wins while the other side loses or a draw between the two. With that in mind, another way of ending a game is one that does not involve the counting of points or one team beating the other, but in a way where consequences play a big part. This is the concept of forfeit and it is a kind of way conflict ends without a fight or, in this case, a game ends without the entire game being played through. Forfeit can easily be confused with surrender, but that can easily be sorted out through remembering that surrendering is a choice while forfeit is a penalty or consequence. Teams have encounters with the concept of forfeit in their careers which may come as the match is ongoing or even before that very match had even started. Whether it be the actions they do that break the rules or the state they are in that renders them unable to join the match they are to play in, forfeit comes around as the only way out and can happen anytime during the match. Having in mind the relationship between forfeit and players, forfeit is a consequence to a players actions. If the question comes around on whether forfeit is tactical, the answer is yes as forfeit is

a very flexible concept. It is a penalty, but that does not mean it is not a choice. As mentioned, a team’s actions are what brings forfeit. A team is responsible for its actions which means that they can choose to forfeit a match they do not want to play. This places forfeit right in the options for possible ways a match can end. If the concept of forfeit was right in front of a team leader or somebody who decides the actions of a team, it would be very beneficial to resort to it if the team truly cannot continue to play the match and can make up for the loss soon after. But if the consequences of a team’s actions lands them right on forfeit as the only outcome, then that is a very unfortunate situation as it is most likely involuntary. No team is above the rules of a game and if a team’s actions result in forfeit, then that is fate and justice doing their job. If you are new to the world of sports, it is recommended that you take into mind the art of war as tactics in battle are very useful in sports and forfeit is also a way to save your team. It may be a loss but it can be avenged as your team can still play for another day in another match. Thus, when you are faced with forfeit as a way out of a game, keep in mind the cliché but meaningful saying: “you may have lost the battle but not the war”.

Do you think engaging in sports enhances academic performance?


11 21.6%








Hot-handed Zerrudo hacks out gold, waylay foes KENNETH JEROME C. GLORIA

Banking on wit in shortcut patterns, senior McClareenz Zerrudo punctuated the Math Fair speedcubing tourney, anchoring on the top podium over scholars from different year levels on a Friday, September 21 at the mini-stage of PSHS – CRC. Zerrudo forged agile motions on the side portions to wind up a 4-second

headstart in his first cube. Meanwhile, freshman James Guisando trailed close behind, blasting away fastpaced twist and turns, cruising pass older adversaries. “Maayo gyud ang F2L kung gusto mo madaog pero paspas lang gyud siya (Zerrudo),” stated the young gun. Sophomore Joshua Calumba, on the other

hand, showcased his bronze bid after concluding his first two cubes in a blink of an eye, but a slight error in the third dissipated the latter’s hopes. Eyeing rival’s meltdown, grade 11’s Ezra Tejoe sank the clutch putback off a botched Calumba rally, snatching bronze in a matter of seconds. “Opportunities don’t usually come,

but when they do, grab them,” exclaimed Tejoe. Guisando almost jagged top spot after a flashing third-cube charge. However, top-seeded Zerrudo made an endgame breakaway at crunch time to kick off his campaign, netting gold. “Shortcuts gyud ang kailangan para madaog,” shared Zerrudo.

in the eyes due to continual exposure to radiation. Addiction is also part of the list. These high-tech athletes may sink into the world of net games so much that there is a high possibility for them to neglect and be unable to buoyant back to the surface of their studies. Obesity can also possess these poor players because of sitting for hours. However, involving eSports heightens crucial sporty attributes like reaction time. If you constantly play mobile games, you can develop a stimulus that affectively reacts to sudden changes in the match like an endgame meltdown of your team or a surprise enemy offense. It also enhances your mind to think of strategies crucial in claiming victory.

These benefits are hampered by the increasing number of people turned blind because of too much exposure to radiation. The seed of electronic sports may have too much sunlight, but it still lacks water and carbon dioxide. Its roots may have tightened their grip on people’s acceptance, but it lacks the minerals of risk-reduction that can flourish its germination. A seed can’t grow into a tree if it lacks its needs and if it is blocked by a wall of concerns, same holds true to eSports in considering it a sport. We need to mark a ground zero that will fortify the growth of the nature in eSports and reducing risks embedded in it.



A plant will cease from reality if it lacks certain factors which hoists its existence. As this world gradually ripen and grow in terms of technology, so does the definition of sports cemented in our society. The search for its general meaning is still on the hunt. More and more activities that some does not fit under the umbrella of what we mean by physically are now considered sports and are making its way to the fields of Olympics’ tourney. The International Olympic Committee considered chess as sport. Upon thinking of either a modern-day or an old school athlete, what comes to our minds, whatever generation may be, is a person clad in jersey number three and not a nerd

sitting on a desk with a wooden arm. If you try to discover the true speed of light, that is how fast technology advances. It slowly closes the world’s eyes to the pain of the past and riveting it on embracing life’s foundation in the future. Its influence has surpassed its hilt and even landed on the yard of sports. eSports, or electronic sports, is considered as one of the most high-prized tournaments around the globe, shedding opportunity for competitors to notch millions worth of cold hard cash and its acceptance has exceeded expectations. Just like chess, this ‘sport’ has a level of physical activity that is as tiny as bacteria. With the lack of activity, comes the high risks of ailments. It can cause several problems especially

Samonte bags season-high; seals an ADMU Final Four berth KENNETH JEROME C. GLORIA Ateneo de Manila University proved to much of a scare for the Bulldogs as they dominated three sets, 25-14, 2426, 25-17, 25-19, during the 2nd round of the UAAP Season 81 women’s volleyball last April 7, 2019 at the Araneta Coliseum. The Eagles banked on Jules Samonte as she notched a season-high 13 points while making 19 digs

while 4 other Lady Eagles scored doubledigits though the National University volleybelles was able to put up a fight. The Eagles waxed hot at the start as the Deanna Wong and Maddie Madayag duo blocked NU’s Gelina Luceño and grabbed a 4-1 lead. On the other hand, NU exacted a decisive revenge with a 3-0 mini run, but fall short over the ADMU uprising. Lady Bulldogs steamed hot in the 2nd set as they took a 9-8 lead. Furthermore, Ateneo had a spurt of errors that stretched the NU lead to 12-9, but the Lady Eagles rallied back with a 4-0 run to rgain

dominion. Luceño lifted the Lady Bulldogs with 3 straight attacks and Princess Robles tied the score at 18-all but the Lady Eagles winded up the set point at 24-23. However, NU extended the set and closed it out with a 3-0 run, 26-24, to level the match. Moreover, the Bulldogs held tight to their second-set momentum, but Lady Eagles raced back to take the lead, 8-6. Furthermore, Samonte and Madayag powered the Ateneo breakaway, 25-17, for a 2-1 match advantage.



VOL 3. NO. 1-2 AUGUST 2018-MAY 2019 | 16 PAGES




THE STARKS WILL ENDURE This year's Intrams MVP are both from house Stark.

COMEBACK IS REAL After a year, Virshem Nery finally redeemed himself from his 2018 Intrams loss to Lance Irisari, after outlasting Irisari in this year's badminton championships.


Targaryen bucks slow start as balanced outing crushes Stark in Volleyball Finals HAROLD GIOVANNIE A. GUELOS

READY, SET, GO CARL DJHON E. GANGCACAPTION&PHOTO Targaryen player, Carlo Asotigue, hits a well-placed cut shot after executing a successful attack block. For the moment, camp Stark showed the fighting heart they had in over three straight hours albeit being undermanned. But team Targaryen, considered as the school’s powerhouse in volleyball, showed to their juniors who’s boss as they seized gold in the 2018 Intramurals Meet Boys V-Ball Finals Game Two, riding high on a 3-1 (25-22, 20-25, 25-18, 25-15) victory, last December 17, at the OAD grounds. Captain Carl Asotigue, a 17-year old senior, led the charge with a herculean 18 points, built on numerous spikes and dinks. “Wala na mi nag kumpyansa sa second game unya ni improve pud among communication,” Asotigue uttered.

The series was a tit-for-tat affair all throughout. Stark came in scorching hot in game one, attacking with brute force when Aljeryk Priete and Virshem Nery frolicked on wide-open hits and stunned the seniors on a 3-2 shade, thanks to a depleted Targaryen-defense. Showing no more signs of complacency, batch 2020 managed to ignite the fire next match and leaned on a taller lineup, converting crucial drops and solid rejections to garner a 7-1 rally right from the get-go. Yves Nuyad looked like a man possessed in the second frame and the whole grade nine squad recalled their cohesion and tremendous plays to attain a


Who tells Your Story?

1-1 deadlock midway. Targaryen then waged a fightback as Gab Sollano and Hanz Badic rifled kills which laid the foundation for a 9-0 run, the largest of the game. Once the seniors got rolling, camp 2022 had no answer. They immediately blitzed through sets three and four as Ken Mahinay’s pictureperfect sets proved accurate and also fed Judd Alvizo’s quicks, breaking their juniors’ hearts that bleeded gray and white. The seniors immediately expressed mixed emotions and huddled for a prayer in their second to the last sports meet.


CRC on the path to scientific communication: Innovators League on the rise


Danika Soberano of batch 2021, is the Girl's Chess Champion for two years in a row.

HEAR OUR ROAR House Lannister, Batch 2021, is 2019's PSHSCRC Intrams Overall Champion

TABLE TENNIS PRODIGY Talk about a personification of a God. Ralph Bayron is Table Tennis Boys Champion for two years straight

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