campus beat X page 4
scene X page 6
Finale fails to satiate blood lust
National Chess Day celebrated
Final ‘Dexter’ episodes disappoint viewers, leave questions unanswered
Richmond to hold tournament in Macy’s Court at Hilltop Mall
VOL. 101, NO. 5
Program installed by police
Officer reaches out to, works with, students By Brian Boyle NEWS EDITOR
Police Services is seeking to foster communication with student clubs through the Students Together Awareness Response Safety (STARS) program. The brainchild of Police Services Officer Tim Thomas, STARS is an adaptation of the district’s neighborhood watch program. STARS differs from the neighborhood watch program in that it takes a more proactive approach to teaching students about techniques to Thomas avoid being a victim of crime, as well as helping connect Officer Tim students and campus police in Thomas reaches out a more intimate fashion. “(STARS) focuses on safe- to students ty tips, what services campus with the police can offer to students STARS proand on connecting with stu- gram, which he started dents,” Lt. Jose Oliveira said. The program began five five years years ago, when Officer ago. Thomas began giving safety presentations to student-athQ SEE STARS: Page 3
Moving forward — Current Puente Club President Luis Vega explains how the Puente Project has inspired him to excel in his studies and give back to the community.
Building bridges body success
For more than 30 years, the Puente Project has been aiding California students in furthering their education and becoming more involved with the community. “Once a puentista, always a puentista,” program counselor and professor Maritza Vande Voorde said. The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges, earn college degrees and return to the community as leaders and mentors, Vande Voorde said. “It is one of the best programs on campus because it works,” she said. “I have really seen
The temporary Bookstore in Lot 9 is slated to open Tuesday, but students should expect a new, downsized shopping experience with reduced offerings and a sales floor that is 63 percent smaller than the original. As the Contra Costa College Facilities Master Plan continues, every-
in brief X Contra Costa
College adopts the Puente Project in 2002. X Students
from the program have a high rate of transferring to four-year universities in California.
Telephones in the Contra Costa Community College District are currently experiencing a switch to a more modern, easier to maintain system. Technology systems Manager James Eyestone said, “It (switching phone systems) is just something we have to do. Our current system is just no longer serviceable. You can’t get the parts to fix it if something goes wrong.” The new phones, which are being installed on campus this month, will be hosted through a voice over Internet protocol, or VOIP program, Eyestone said. Traditional telephone systems are set up with a landline. A phone must be connected to a land-
Bookstore moves, offers fewer goods Temporary location presents problems
By Brian Boyle
Bookstore’s temporary home The college Bookstore will be closed from Friday to Monday as it moves to it’s temporary home in Lot 9.
thing is being removed from the current Student Activities Building before it is demolished, forcing the Bookstore to relocate to a modular set of portables in Lot 9 adjacent to the Library. The Bookstore will operate from this location for the next three years, but because of its small size will only be able to offer limited amounts of food, drinks and supplies, Darris Crear, lead operation assistant of the CCC Bookstore, said. “We have to eliminate a lot of our variety,” Crear said. “(The new store) is much smaller than our current operation. There will be cutbacks of general supplies and food.” Q SEE MOVING: Page 3
Puente Project aims to support student
results and it is because of the students.” Norma Valdez-Jimenez, counselor and counseling department chairperson, said, “I think Puente works because students become a part of the community and through that build support.” Created at Chabot College in 1984, the Puente Project was adopted at Contra Costa College in 2002. Since the program was implemented on campus, Jimenez has seen the project progress and help students every step of the way. “Every semester a cohort of students is put together, with three to four cohorts being worked with at a time on campus,” Jimenez said. “Currently, this semester, we have about 35 students (in a single cohort) that will be
Telephone system sees adjustment
l WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 2013
Quotable “We have freedom of speech — but not freedom after speech.” Steven Gan co-founder and editor, 2001
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 2013 VOL. 101, NO. 5 L
Editorial Faulty priorities
George Morin editor-in-chief Rodney Woodson associate editor Brian Boyle news editor Jared Amdahl Cody McFarland opinion editors Mike Thomas sports editor Veronica Santos scene editor Qing Huang Christian Urrutia photo editors Janae Harris assistant photo editor Lorenzo Morotti editorial cartoonist Paul DeBolt faculty adviser Staff writers Jesse Armenta Jeff Baker Jose Jimenez Ryan Margason Heather Wallin Jamah Butler Evelyn Vazquez Stephen Son Marci Suela Staff photographers Camelia Dillard Staff illustrators Joel Ode Honors ACP National Newspaper Pacemaker Award 1990, 1994, 1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011 CNPA Better Newspaper Contest 1st Place Award 1970, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 JACC Pacesetter Award 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Member Associated Collegiate Press California Newspaper Publishers Association Journalism Association of Community Colleges How to reach us Phone: 510.235.7800 ext. 4315 Fax: 510.235.NEWS Email: advocate@ or accent.advocate@ Editorial policy Columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of individual writers and artists and not that of The Advocate. Editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Editorial Board, which is made up of student editors.
Campus structures in need of seismic retrofits
hether it’s the tribulations of the inner-city environment or the risk of a natural disaster, safety for students at Contra Costa College is paramount — most of the time. The Hayward Fault, the most active fault in Northern California, runs through the college campus, making it an “Earthquake Zone,” as defined by the Alquist-Priolo Act. In 1972, the Alquist-Priolo Act was signed into California law to regulate how structures near active fault lines, like those at CCC, are to be constructed or renovated through projects planned by respective city and county groups. Many buildings on campus are original structures that were built when the school moved to San Pablo in 1956, making them vulnerable to earthquakes. Renovations to the most vulnerable structures on campus, such as the Physical Science Building and the Football Press Box, have been scheduled, but not for at least another year. The college’s seismic retrofit project is designed to bring it in line with standards set by the Alquist-Priolo Act and will affect 13 buildings on campus at an estimated cost of $6.5 million. The cost seems paltry in comparison to the $60 million Campus Center project that began last month. Granted, as part of the Campus Center project the Humanities and Student Activities buildings, both structures desperately in need of retrofits, are getting torn down and will be replaced by new buildings that meet modern earthquake standards. But what about the other buildings on campus that could topple in the wake of an earthquake? The district Governing Board should have allocated funds to complete the retrofits of those structures before they ever broke ground on the hefty Campus Center project. Student safety should be the top priority. Despite the Alquist-Priolo Act being in effect for more than 40 years, only within the last seven years have many school buildings in California been renovated for earthquake safety. Realizing that major earthquakes are a rarity, we can see why many colleges in California have put retrofit projects off for more superficial ventures. But the call to action shouldn’t come after disaster strikes, especially when students’ lives are at stake. The Hayward Fault has not seen a major earthquake since 1886 and it is considered by many geologists to be “way overdue for a major earthquake.” Allowing students to attend classes while buildings are in need of renovation is one thing. But placing the priority of a such a retrofitting project behind the construction of new structures is another.
N Lifestyle
Netflix addiction provides fulfillment
ust one more,” you whisper to no one in particular as Netflix automatically cycles to the next episode of a series. This may be the third or fourth consecutive episode you have consumed that night and you cannot manage to cut yourself off. You have stayed up well past your self-appointed bedtime (I mean, you do have an 8 a.m. class the next day), but you are just too involved in this show to stop yourself. You have now fallen through the rabbit-hole of binge watching. Was your mother right when she said, “Too much TV is bad for you?” There is a “Portlandia” skit that is right on point depicting the phenomenon of binge watching. Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen play a couple preparing to go out for the evening to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Armisen’s character, Doug, convinces his girlfriend Claire (played by the incredibly talented Brownstein) to “just watch one episode” of the “Battlestar Galactica” series box set he just got. Claire agrees as long as they make it out in time for birthday dessert. After the first episode, they decide it is so good they have to watch the next. Claire settles on a “Happy Birthday” text to her friend and the couple spends the next 12 hours blazing through season one. Can it be that binge watching has replaced social-
lution, the couple goes into a panic; not much different than a meth head trying to get his next fix. Are there addictive qualities involved with binge watching television? There seems to be a certain comfort given by the knowledge that ization? It is even easier to watch entire television series finding out what happens next is readily available. through online streaming Whether or not binge companies like Hulu and watching is inherently Netflix than Doug’s old unhealthy for the millions school box set. Friday night of people participating, the outings are now being spent trend does not seem to be calculating how many epigoing anywhere. sodes of a particular series Netflix now caters to one can get through. the new style of television Even browsing through watching by producing its Hulu and Netflix is time own line-up of impressive consuming. Virtually any show is available from “The original series like “House Wonder Years” to “Breaking of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black.” Rather than Bad” and “Mad Men.” episode-by-episode, like The next few days for Claire and Doug are a mess. prime-time networks, Netflix premiered its new shows Claire misses work, consethrough an entire season. quently getting fired. Take There is definitely an out containers pile around added level of convenience them. Doug comments that his legs are going numb and too. People are busier than ever juggling family, work Claire thinks she has a UTI. Binge watching may result and education. People want the freedom to view their in poorer health. Watchers beloved shows when they may get less sleep as too feel like it. They want to be much screen time has been in control. proven to cause restless So if you want to spend nights. Weekends and free the weekend holed up watchtime are spent on the couch leaving less and less time for ing “Ugly Betty,” “Arrested Development,” or “Freaks exercise and fitness. and Geeks” (all currently Also you may be less streaming on Netflix) while compelled to cook dinner your friends are out doing opting to order out instead. shots of tequila and eating Experts agree that home from a taco truck, that’s your cooked meals are generally healthier than the alternative, prerogative. not to mention more cost Heather Wallin is a staff effective. writer for The Advocate. When they reach the last episode to find that the series Contact her at was canceled with no reso-
If there was an earthquake would you feel safe on campus?
“No, because we’re right on top of the Hayward Fault. It (an earthquake) would be devastating.”
“Yes, I know how to contact Police Services for help if there was an earthquake.”
“Yes and no. If I were outside then, yes. But if I were in a classroom then I wouldn’t feel safe at all.”
Neomi Wesly Beverly Mann sociology
“I remember the Loma Prieta earthquake and that was terrible, so if there was another one it would be bad news for the college.”
Robert Balga culinary arts
Joseph Robertson culinary arts
“Yes, there are plenty of places on campus that I feel are structurally safe.”
“Not at all. If there was an earthquake I would try my best to get off campus.”
Arlen Downing
Ricardo Rizo
liberal arts
CAMPUS BEAT Follow The Advocate
Representatives offer advice Representatives from universities will be offering appointments with students to go over their educational plans and help students with their transferring needs in the Counseling Office. A Mills College’s representative will be available on Thursday from 9:40 a.m. to 2 p.m. UC Berkeley’s representative will be available on Oct. 15 from 9:40 a.m. to 3 p.m. Samuel Merritt University’s representative will be availabe on Oct. 21 from 9:40 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, contact the Counseling Office front desk at 510-235-7800, ext. 4255.
STARS Police Services works with students Q FROM: Page 1
Receive breaking news and sports updates by following The Advocate on Twitter and Facebook.
letic clubs on campus. “I felt a great need due to the high crime percentage with student-athletes,” Thomas said. A former college athlete himself, Thomas said it helped him really connect with athletes on Contra Costa College’s campus. According to Thomas, the program was a success with athletes and allowed Police Services to communicate safety tips to athletes on how to avoid being victims of crime. “I wanted to focus on the people who were on campus the most, which were student-athletes,” Thomas said. “Awareness was broken. Students were doing things like leaving valuables in their cars.” The STARS program is full of tips like this to help students avoid being victimized. The program also helps inform students of services that Police Services offers that they may not be aware of. “A lot of students don’t know that, for example, if you have a valid parking permit and lock your keys in your car, Police Services will unlock your car. If you leave your headlights on, Police Services will jump your car,” Lt. Oliveira said. Thomas said, “Late at night if you’re feeling unsafe and have to walk to your car, you can call Police Services for an escort.” Even though it began with student-athletes, STARS now focuses on connecting with the rest of the clubs on campus. The program consists of a 30- to 60-minute presentation, Thomas said, where students are educated on what to do in case of an emergency on campus and how to avoid being the victims of a crime. “A lot of people don’t know what to do
if there’s, say, an active shooter on campus,” Thomas said. “It also has a video that shows police around the district smiling and laughing. It shows students that we’re people too, even though sometimes we have to put on our mean faces.” Oliveira said, “They (STARS presenters) just met with the Associated Students Union.” Surveys of students who have seen the STARS presentation have been overwhelmingly positive. The results from the Survey Monkey poll rank the presentation by Officer Thomas and Corporal Charles Hankins as “extremely good.” These presentations are a step in improving the way students feel on campus. “(CCC) is a very safe campus,” Oliveira said, as he compared the crime-rate here at CCC to the crime-rate at Diablo Valley College. “Our crime rate is actually lower,” Oliveira said. Despite what Oliveira said, some students still feel uneasy on campus. When talking about why STARS was started, Thomas said, “Students here feel unsafe.” Political science major Kirsten Kwon agrees with Oliveira, but has some advice for campus police: “I would say that our campus is pretty safe — although I think it can be better. I have night classes; I wish there was more security at night.” “Although the escorting system is present, there are many female students who still walk to their cars and, if there were more security guards, it would make our campus safer,” Kwon said. Business major Raquel Oré said, “At night it’s pretty scary. There needs to be more and
“I would say that our campus is pretty safe — although I think it can be better. I have night classes. I wish there was more security at night. Although the escorting system is present, there are many female students who still walk to their cars and if there were more security guards, it would make our campus safer.” Kirsten Kwon,
political science major
brighter lights so people can see. “Because it’s so dark, there are literally weirdoes hanging around trying to bother people. Sometimes homeless people hang around at night,” Oré said. Police Services intends to remove this feeling students have that they are unsafe. The idea of STARS is to not only make campus police seem more accessible and to make students safer by teaching them how to not be a victim, but also foster a sense of community on campus. The idea is to make students want to make their college campus safer. The end game, Thomas said, is to “create a college community in San Pablo by connecting people to places.”
Students explore college options
Phones System updated Puente Club
Contra Costa College’s Annual Transfer Day will be held on Tuesday in the Student Services Plaza and is set to begin at 10 a.m. University representatives from the Bay Area and beyond will man tables, hand out transfer information and advice to interested students. All students are invited to engage in this display of collegiate opportunity and information sharing. Students can find out firsthand what they need to transfer to the school of their choice. For more information, contact the ASU at 510-235-7800, ext. 4237.
Q FROM: Page 1
Golfing toward scholarships The 14th Annual Swinging for Scholarships Golf Tournament will be held at the Mira Vista Golf Country Club in El Cerrito on Monday. College officials and local business people will golf to fundraise for scholarships for CCC students. If you are interested in participating in the golf tournament and want more information, contact the Scholarship Program Coordinator Jennifer Dyment at
Student union to hold meeting
Q FROM: Page 1
line in order to get service. This connection is open to interference, which can make phone call quality less clear and take longer to actually deliver, if said interference does not disrupt the call all together. VOIP phone systems offer not only faster, more reliable connections, they also offer higher sound quality. This should make phone calls easier to hear and understand for everyone in the district. “There’s going to be all sorts of new features,” Eyestone said. “Everyone is going to receive better phones, and each phone will have a speakerphone option. Also, the conference rooms are going to get special phones with more speakers, so it will be easier to understand what’s being said in conference calls.” Eyestone also described how the new phones would benefit students and faculty alike with enhanced 911 capacities. “The new phones will know where you’re calling from and transmit the location of the phone directly to emergency responders. First responders will know where the emergency is,” Eyestone said. According to Eyestone, the new phones will also allow campus and district administrators to broadcast campus- or district-wide announcements directly through the phones. This will mean anyone nearby will be able to be alerted to the announcement. This new feature in particular should help college officials disseminate emergency information more effectively. Eyestone said that there might be a few service outages, but that any outage was highly unlikely. Lt. Jose Oliveira, however, said that the district phone system switch was responsible for the Police Services Confidential Hotline to be temporarily out of service. District Director of Communications and Community Relations Tim Leong said, “This is the first I’m hearing about it (the Confidential Hotline) being out.” When Leong checked, he noticed that the hotline was not, in fact, out of service, but that the number was not 1999, as Lt. Oliveira believed it was, but 9-911. The switch to the new, digital service is expected to be a seamless transition. The new system is being set up parallel to the
The Associated Students Union’s weekly meeting is today from 2 to 4 p.m. in AA-143 or AA-145 depending on availability of the rooms. The ASU will discuss topics such as how the student activity fee funds will be spent on campus clubs and campus events. Students are welcome to attend the meetings and voice their opinions. Q FROM: Page 1 For more information, contact According to floor plans prothe ASU at 510-235-7800, ext. vided by Buildings and Grounds 4243. Manager Bruce King, the sales floor of the current Bookstore has an area of roughly 2,560 feet, which is 25 percent larger than the entire area of the modular portables at roughly 1,920 square feet. Only Tuesday, Sept. 24: half of the area of the portables An officer conducted a traffic will be used as a sales floor, the stop and the passenger was found resulting difference between sales to have a warrant out of Marin areas being 63 percent – a massive County. The passenger was arrest- disparity. Crear expects the new location ed and transported to the Marin Detention Facility. and size difference to slow business and foot traffic, because not as A vehicle was reported stolen many people can be in the store at a from Campus Drive. time and it may no longer carry the items some students want. A suspect was arrested for drivAside from scaling down, the ing a stolen vehicle in Lot 10. process has gone by smoothly, Crear said. A student let an unknown sus“So far (the transition) has been pect borrow his cell phone and the seamless. The new area looks nice suspect took off running with his and we’re just working to shut phone. down the old operation,” he said. Although the new Bookstore — George Morin will have the same hours of opera-
“There’s going to be all sorts of new features. Everyone is going to receive better phones, and each phone will have a speaker-phone option. Also, the conference rooms are going to get special phones with more speakers, so it will be easier to understand what’s being said in conference calls.” James Eyestone,
technology systems manager
current system, Eyestone said, and other than possibly having two phones on their desks for a while, no one should see much of a difference. “I haven’t been affected at all. No one has told me they’ve been affected either,” district Governing Board trustee John Marquez said. Like the upgrade to the InSite Portal email service, the new phone system is simply meant to modernize the campus and improve communications and efficiency. Using a VOIP program for the phone systems also opens up a new world of possibilities for district and campus administrators. Being Internet based, VOIP programs allow for more advanced conference calls, which can be accomplished right there at peoples’ desks from their computers. Proponents of VOIP programs point out that enhanced phone options, such as clear, high-speed video conference calls, can remove the need to travel for meetings, which can decrease travel costs immensely. Making an international call over a VOIP program is also considerably cheaper. Calls over the Internet do not incur the same taxes that international calls over traditional landlines incur. Eyestone said that faculty using the school’s calendar program can have the new phones alert callers when they are in a meeting.
together for two semesters before transferring.” To be eligible to enroll in the Puente Program, students must enroll into English 142B and be willing to commit to the program’s curriculum, she said. “It is really easy (to sign up). Just do it in a timely manner because we do operate on a first come-first served basis,” she said. Brothers Luis and Edgar Vega are key examples of the Puente process and the success it can bring. “The program means so much to me. It was one of the best things I could have done,” CCC alumnus and current UC Santa Barbara film student Edgar Vega said. “It opened my eyes. I’d probably still be going to CCC if I never became involved with Puente.” Puente taught Edgar Vega the importance of becoming involved with the community and his culture. When he was eventually partnered with a mentor, he found himself being mentored by Rep. George Miller. “Puente is one of the most successful programs for transferring students to a four-year university,” Vega said. Edgar’s brother, Luis Vega, is the current Puente Club president. “I went in not knowing what it was about really, but Puente really helped me out,” Luis Vega said. “Puente means bridge in Spanish — it’s the key to success.” As the president of the Puente Club on campus, Luis Vega looks to develop a keen sense of leadership among the student body. “I like that the students can be the teachers to the rest of the student body,” Luis Vega said. “The best point of Puente is to make leaders out of the community.” The brothers were invited to a two-week seminar at UC Riverside to further their mentoring skills. “I’m going to volunteer and that produces results,” Edgar Vega said, describing the seminar and the key focus it brought up — leadership. Students begin their journey with Puente by enrolling into English 142B and regularly meeting with a Puente counselor throughout the semester. With a focus on transferring, Puente students often continue on to four-year universities. Anthropology major at UC Santa Barbara John Moreno, a former CCC student, is a fellow puentista and attributes his academic success to Puente. “I am here because of Puente,” Moreno said. “It is probably the best thing at Contra Costa right now because it is getting under-represented students out and into four-year colleges.” A statewide program, the Puente Project has been adopted by more than 60 colleges throughout the state.
Moving Facilities Master Plan to continue
tion, it will be closed on Friday ger be open to students; students through Monday while the transi- will now come into the Bookstore, tion is completed. request the book or books needed During this time, students can and an employee will get the texts purchase testing supplies from the from the back, he said. Library, Crear said. Crear encourages students to buy S e n i o r textbooks on L i b r a r y the Bookstore’s A s s i s t a n t “We have to eliminate website, www. Tadeletch contracostaa lot of our variety. Yoseph said that, and (The new store) is pens, pencils, to do so early, blue books and as texts will be much smaller than scantrons are made available now available our current operation. a week before for purchase in begin. There will be cutbacks classes the Library at Purchasing any time during of general supplies and texts online the Library’s rather than infood.” hours of operastore would tion, instead of help keep the Darris Crear, only after the downsized store college Bookstore lead Bookstore closfrom becoming es, as it used to congested, he be. said. Students will also face a new Student Joanne Ho said she plans system for buying books, Crear on shopping at the new Bookstore said. just as much as she shops at the The textbook area will no lon- current store — infrequently and
usually just for drinks and snacks — but will shop less if the foods or beverages she’s looking for are unavailable. She said she purchases her textbooks online so the new system will not affect her. To compensate for diminished storage area, the college is looking into getting a storage container to stay next to the temporary Bookstore, King said. Despite downsizing, no permanent employees are being cut, but student worker hours will see reductions, Crear said. “We try to give the students as many hours as possible,” he said. Although the interests of student workers are kept in mind, hours are assigned based on the needs of the business and, if business is slowed down, hours will be cut accordingly, he said. Cameras and other security equipment at the current store will also be moved to the portables. Any theft situation has been planned for, Crear said.
l WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 2007
Employees work on and off field Hale, Kersten bring talents onto campus By Jeff Baker STAFF WRITER
Contra Costa College has two new locker room attendants — Anthony Hale in the men’s and Vanessa Kersten in the women’s. Hale comes from a construction and landscaping background. Previous to coming to CCC, he had his own construction company
and has been locker room attendant since July of this year. He can be found during normal working hours (9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) in the Men’s Locker Room. “We’re responsible for lining and maintaining the sports fields, keeping the locker room in order, scoreboards, lockers, and all the equipment including uniforms, bats and balls,” Hale said. Hale is in charge of all that and more. He also manages the lost and found in the physical education area. If people have a problem in the Men’s Locker Room, he said they can come to him for help. Kersten can be found in the Women’s Locker Room for assistance. She is a former
CCC softball player (2009-11) and performs the same duties as Hale, but in the Women’s Locker Room. Kersten is also temporarily helping in Athletic Director John Wade’s office. She performs administrative duties including keeping athletic team rosters and schedules up-to-date. “I’m splitting time between the locker room and up here in Gym Annex Building in Mr. Wade’s office. Secretary (Freddie) Sharpe is on leave,” Kersten said. While not currently affiliated with any of the CCC sports teams, Kersten still supports the football, volleyball and the men’s and women’s soccer teams.
Wade said that the position requires a jack-of-all trades mentality. “We used to call the job ‘equipment manager’ because they do more than just tend to the locker rooms,” he said. “It’s a great thing. The position has been around for decades and it’s something not all colleges can boast of.” Wade also said the locker room attendants are available to help students and if they are not immediately available, they are never very far away. He said the attendants work with the community, faculty and student-athletes. The attendants are an asset to CCC and are at the service of students, he said.
Speedy chess players wanted By Ryan Margason STAFF WRITER
If chess is your game and quick is your tempo, then you should look into Richmond’s National Chess Day Speed Chess Tournament. The event will be held at the Hilltop Mall on Oct. 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be at the Macy’s Court in the mall to celebrate National Chess Day. The city of Richmond and the Hilltop Mall will help put on the event. There is a $10 entry fee and all ages are welcome. A chess set will be provided but not a clock to time moves. There will be five rounds in the tournament. Prizes for the tournament will include a first place prize of $200, a second place prize of $120, and third place in the tournament will receive $80. “The tournament is being held to promote chess in the city of Richmond,” said TC Ball, founder and community outreach coordinator of the West Coast Chess Alliance. Ball said that registration for the event would be capped at 40 people, so space is limited. The event will be held to raise money for the Chess in Richmond’s Schools Program. Ball started the fundraiser in 2009 to help promote chess in Richmond schools and in Contra Costa County. Ball also started a chess program at Contra Costa College with former College President McKinley Williams. Ball’s campus chess program hosted four chess tournaments in the Fireside Room on campus in 2009 and 2010. Former United States President Gerald Ford established National Chess Day in 1976. The purpose of National Chess Day is to promote the game of chess and to encourage both children and adults to play the mentally stimulating game.
Helpful hand — Humanities professor David Houston is one of the many professors who help students in the newly added program The Hub in PS-107.
Hub offers students advice By Janae Harris and Marci Suela STAFF WRITERS
Students in need of extra help can now meet with a counselor or professor in a central location known as The Hub in PS-107. The Hub places counselors and faculty in a comfortable environment, allowing students to feel less intimidated while having their needs met. Students can visit The Hub on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Tuesdays from noon to 3 p.m. Biological sciences professor Katherine Krolikowski said that by placing counselors and faculty in a more relaxed area as opposed to a faculty office, students can have more intimate conversations with their counselors and professors. She said students should feel more comfortable discussing their reasons for being in college, goals and troubles with classwork. “By having long conversations with (a professor or counselor), students can figure out what they don’t know,” Krolikowski said.
“Through The Hub, students can hopefully feel more in control of their education.” Each professor and counselor has a set schedule when students can walk in and see him or her. Mathematics professor Terrill Mead comes to The Hub during his office hours on Mondays, from noon to 1 p.m. “I like how I’m able to interact with my students outside of my class in this fun environment. It gets me out of my office,” Mead said. “The more people who come, the better (The Hub) will be.” Humanities professor David Houston said that being in PS-107 enables professors to talk to multiple students at once without the limitations of a small and cramped office. By having a group of students, it builds more progress as opposed to working with one student, Houston said. The Hub is not limited to students wishing to learn more. By having a counselor in the same room, professors can also build their knowledge of the transferring process.
“I just recently learned about obtaining an associate degree. If a student took a class at Diablo Valley College, you would think that transferring credit would be easy,” Krolikowski said. “You actually have to go through a process at Admissions and Records to get it done. I never knew that at first, but now I can help a little better in the future.” Despite its availability, most students are still unaware of The Hub’s existence. Chemistry student Angelica Camacho was studying in the same room, unaware The Hub was in session. “I saw the poster, but I had no idea it was in here,” she said. Krolikowski, who spearheaded the project, said announcements about The Hub were subtle since its launch on Sept. 21. The counselors and faculty wanted to see how large the turnout would be. “It was a soft-launch – we put it out quietly because we didn’t feel comfortable and didn’t know what to expect,” she said. “We just put fliers around, but we plan on doing an email blast.”
Annual event to serve a variety of flavors Culinary department offers treats, drinks By Jesse Armenta STAFF WRITER
Enjoy a night of treats both savory and sweet while sipping and sampling a variety of flavors at the Contra Costa College culinary department’s third annual Chocolate, Cheese and Champagne event on Oct 19.
The event will take place in the Three Seasons Restaurant and will include the opportunity to meet the student chefs. A guided tour of the department’s facilities, live music, chocolate sculptures, as well as a variety of dishes and champagnes for attendees to sample will be provided. “We would like to show them the back of the house and showcase the students more than anything else,” Nader Sharkes, the culinary arts department chairperson said. Attendees will be offered such chocolate treats as truffles, cookies and cakes. The chocolate art and sculptures are also
edible. Students in the baking and pastry program will prepare all the food and treats at the event. The students of the advanced culinary class will produce dishes such as chocolate dipped bacon, fondue and fresh molé. Tickets for the event will be $30 at the door, but if one orders tickets in advance, they will cost $25 each. “For the last six years, food and wine events (have allowed us) to take students abroad. In previous years students have had the opportunity to travel to Spain and meet
people like Martin Yan (“Yan Can Cook”),” Library, Applied Health, Vocational Education and Athletics Division Dean Susan Lee said. “It’s a great program that’s just bursting at the seams.” All proceeds will benefit the department’s scholarship fund which also helps culinary arts students to take a trip over the summer to Italy to get experience and insight into the culinary world, Sharkes said. For more information about the event call the culinary arts department at 510-2357800, ext. 4408.
Music, dance fill Point Richmond bands also bring a fan base, which gives more exposure to PRM. It’s a win-win situation. The money PRM has already pays for everything, such as advertising and equipment. DeWitt has been volunteering for 12 years and was appointed chairperson in By Heather Wallin 2012. She was chosen as the most qualiSTAFF WRITER fied representative because she is the face of the community, according to other PRM POINT RICHMOND — Residents of volunteers. First-time volunteer Linda Hudock said Point Richmond gathered to say farewell to summer with one last summer concert she has been coming to the event every second Friday of the month for five years. This Friday evening. Point Richmond Music hosted an event was her first year as a volunteer and she was every second Friday of the month, June found smiling and playfully conversing with through September, at the corner of Park concert-goers at the alcohol tent. “It’s all been good fun. I love seeing the Place and Washington Avenue here. The Point Richmond Music Committee is new people — some people didn’t even strictly volunteer-based and serves the com- know we were out here,� Hudock said. munity with free musical entertainment. The concerts hosted by PRM have seen a steady number of conThe nonprofit group attendees, accordlooks to local businesses “It’s all been good fun. cert ing to deWitt. She said in order to fund its events. Among the businesses that I love seeing the new this year they really prohelped support the 2013 moted the events through season were Chevron, people — some people social media platforms California Delicious, didn’t even know we like Facebook. While people lined Nutiva, Atchinson Village were out here.� Credit Union, Sims Metal up to fill up their red Management and the solo cups with margaritas Linda Hudock, or local wine and beer, Richmond Convention volunteer other people danced and and Visitors Bureau. clapped along to the Second-year Chairperson Pamela deWitt said this is the sounds of Nicolas Bearde, backed up by a first year PRM had its own alcohol booth. full band. Bearde’s jazz vocals uplifted the crowd Instead of paying a private distributor, like PRM has in the past, the money earned from beyond their already high spirits to a level the booth went directly to the PRM account of euphoria. As soon as the sound waves to be re-invested in their future events. from his voice permeated from the speakers, “We’ll now have more money for bands,� the crowd began moving in circles — shaking their hips and clapping their hands in deWitt said. PRM supports the local music scene by the air. Bearde performed songs from his latest booking local artists and bands for their events. According to deWitt, it gives musi- record, “Visions,� and also a few Lou Rawls cians an opportunity for exposure and the throwbacks that seemed to have reignited a
A tender moment — Point Richmond residents Jon Mayer (left) and Corinne Mayer share a kiss while dancing during the Point Richmond Music event held in Point Richmond on Friday.
Bands, beverages entertain residents through the evening
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lot of passion in older couples that were seen pulling each other closer. “With the audience up and moving like that, it’s great (to be a performer here),� Bearde said. Children danced freely. They were seen chasing one another in games of tag throughout the dancing adults. Two small girls had their faces painted and were sweetly asking around for $1 donations to support the local neighborhood watch. There was a real sense of community as shrieks were heard and hugs were given ADVERTISEMENT
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Singing in the dark — Singer Nicolas Bearde sings to the crowd during the Point Richmond Music event held in Point Richmond on Friday.
when new and old friends approached. Most businesses that were located around where the festival took place had open doors welcoming people to shop around. Although Friday marked the end of the 2013 summer concert season, PRM sponsors the Point Richmond Acoustic series and the Point Richmond Jazz series which run from October through May. Past line-up schedules and more information can be found at
l WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 2013
DEXTER MAKES HIS FINAL CUT have certainly received a cult following and maintained its full integrity as a PHOTO EDITOR story whose main character simply not live without murdering people. But, it did not end after the first seaIn the immortal words of serial killer son. Season two follows, showing how Dexter Morgan, “Tonight’s the night. Dexter covers his tracks after the police And it’s going to happen, again and discover his bodies and how Dexter ultiagain.” Those who saw the Sept. 22 “Dexter” mately frames Sgt. James Doakes as the Bay Harbor Butcher. finale are thankful, despite the main Season two also introduces Lila West, character’s warning, that it will not, in a fiery love interest of Dexter’s, who fact, happen again and again. also happens to be a murderer, and an Hated by fans and critics alike, the arsonist to boot. “Dexter” series finale has been called Season three fares better in terms of one of the lamest endings to a TV show plot by exploring if Dexter could ever in recent memory. establish a true friendship. Dexter also But that should not come as a surtries his hand at teaching as he mentors prise, considering how the storyline of a man dealing with his own “dark pasthe show progressed over the last few senger.” Season three also forces Dexter seasons. to wonder if he could ever be a husband, In a vain attempt to keep the show or a father. interesting, series creators added plot Also during season three, audiences elements such as introducing the doctor who helps Dexter’s father craft the serial see Harry Morgan appear as a shadowy killer’s code, which Dexter Morgan lives specter in Dexter’s mind, goading him to cover his tracks and to continue his by. killing spree. The show’s writers choose The show’s writers also continue to continue this throughout the rest of Dexter’s relationship with Hannah the series, and by season eight, the plot McKay, who was introduced in season device feels heavy handed and preachy. seven. Arguably the last good season is The writers, however, fail to provide season four, which features the Trinity closure on subplots including Detective Joey Quinn’s potential promotion to ser- Killer, a serial killer with a family who geant. The show also allows the reuniting has evaded capture for decades. The Trinity Killer causes FBI Special Agent of forensics analyst Vince Masuka with Frank Lundy from his long-lost daughtvreview season two to return ter to fall by the to Miami. wayside, providing “Dexter” Season five little to no closure +++++ proves to be where Nonetheless, it is Starring: Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, Desmond Harrington Dexter took a turn sad to see a show, Network: Showtime for the worse. whose greatness at Genre: Drama Season five its outset was eviintroduces Lumen dent by such high who serves as viewer ratings, fail another love interat its conclusion. est of Dexter’s, and helps him work out The choice to present audiences with the fascinating concept of a killer with a his grief after the brutal murder of his conscience gripped the nation’s attention wife Rita. Like all his other love interests, however, by the end of the season, when “Dexter” first premiered in 2006. Lumen is out of Dexter’s life. The premise of the source material is In season six Dexter explores reliauthor Jeff Lindsey’s “Darkly Dreaming gion and the moral consequences of Dexter,” a book about a forensic blood his actions. Dexter’s religious exploraspatter analyst living in Miami who tion feels like a waste of time to watch. moonlights as a serial killer and follows Season six also reveals that Debra, his a strict murdering code imposed by his adoptive sister, is in love with him until police detective father. she discovers his secret in the season Later on, it is revealed that Dexter finale. witnessed his mother’s death at the age The final season seems promising of 3, which made him the monster he with the introduction of Dr. Evelyn grew up to be. Vogel, a mother-like figure and neuro“Harry’s Code,” is what Dexter calls psychiatrist who helps Harry create the the code that enables him to live normally in society while still managing his code that turns Dexter into the near-perfect psychopath that he is. desire to kill. Dexter refers to his evil The season lazily touches on a few desire as his “dark passenger.” almost interesting subplots such as “Dexter’s” fall from grace isn’t that Dexter taking on another student and its storyline differed from the book, but instead that it lacked the imagination the Hannah’s return. The finale, unfortunately, does a sloppy job of tying things up writers developed midway through the and leaves Hannah and Harrison making series. an escape to Argentina where she and Season one begins on such a high Dexter talk about starting a new life. note, introducing Dexter’s sister Debra Dexter takes it upon himself to kill and his colleagues at Miami Metro and Deb after she suffers a stroke from a foreshadowing his future marriage to gunshot wound and then fakes his own his girlfriend Rita. Dexter’s modus operandi (M.O.) is that he collects a sample death. The last moments showcase Dexter in his new life, as an Alaskan of blood from each of his victims after lumberjack. stabbing them in the heart. Season one His exile leaves viewers, unlike his also introduces Dexter’s brother, a fellow serial killer known as the “Ice Truck victims, with what they did not deserve, an ambiguous ending for TV’s favorite Killer.” If the series had ended there, it would serial killer. By Christian Urrutia
Brian Moser
Introduced as prosthetics Rudy Cooper, Dexter’s brother is revealed to be the Ice Truck Killer in the first season finale and tries to convince Dexter to join him and leave normal life behind after almost killing Dexter’s sister, Debra Morgan.
Lila West
Lila West becomes Dexter’s Narcotics Anonymous sponsor and later a temporary love interest and is responsible for the death of Sgt. James Doakes.
Miguel Prado
Miami’s Assistant District Attorney Miguel Prado becomes infatuated with Dexter after discovering one of his murders and serves as a apprentice up until Dexter sees him as a threat to innocent people.
Arthur Mitchell
Disguised as church-going family man Arthur Mitchell, the Trinity Killer is the most prolific killer Dexter meets during the series and changes Dexter’s family life forever.
Jordan Chase
Jordan Chase is the leader of a five-man organization called The Group which kidnaps. rapes and kills women, one of whom Dexter saves and enlists to track down and murder each member of the group throughout season five.
Travis Marshall
The Doomsday killer at first is thought to be Travis Marshall’s professor, but Marshall is the one who seeks to bring about the apocalypse in season six.
Isaak Sirko
After Dexter kills an acquaintance of Isaak Sirko, Sirko does his best throughout season seven to kill him, only to receive Dexter’s help toward the end of the show and grants Dexter a pardon.
Oliver Saxon
Dr. Evelyn Vogel’s son, whose real name is Daniel, is introduced midway through the final season, but is known as the brain surgeon until Dexter discovers who he really is.
Comets stopped by Storm
Contra Costa College’s men’s soccer team (4-4-0) ceded a late goal in its first Bay Valley Conference game resulting in a 1-0 road loss to conference rival Napa Valley College (3-3-1) Friday. “I tried to get up on my feet for his second shot but was only able to get my fingertips on it — he powered it in,” Comet keeper Gustavo Rojas said post-game. NVC took control of the midfield by moving up the pitch into Comet territory, applying pressure and creating turnovers just outside the Comets’ box. The Storm was able to keep the Comets on the defensive all game. Without a strong midfield presence, CCC had to keep most of its players behind the ball to close space. The tempo remained constant during the first half. Short tight passes on the ground by the Storm midfield ScoreBoard created time for the Storm players to move up the field Storm 1 into open space, though they Comets 0 were unable to get past the Comet defense. Next game: “One defensive mistake Friday at and we pay,” assistant soccer College of coach Andres Orejuela said. Marin, 4 p.m. “In games like this it’s important that we score.” The offense was dependent on turnovers created by the Comets defense, but the Comets were unable to score on any of these opportunities. “We defended well but our attackers couldn’t hold onto the ball. We need to practice creating and finishing,” Orejuela said. NVC led CCC in shots on goal 3-1 at halftime. The second half opened with a more intense pace of play. Tension between teams only picked up when referee Colin Thomas stopped playing the advantage rule. Every foul caused the game to come to a halt, greatly impacting the Comets breakaway style of play. “At one point, the referee told us to shut up or else he was going to start tossing yellow cards around,” Rojas said. After the game Zeller told the players that they should not preoccupy themselves with the refereeing on the pitch. “Just play soccer,” Zeller said to his team. “Let the referee give me the yellow card if it comes to it.” The Storm kept possession and created plays from midfield, eventually showing results. NVC striker Moises Arroyo received the ball in the Comet box, from a filtered ground pass. Under pressure, Arroyo made a hasty attempt at goal. “I was able to save the first shot with my body,” Rojas said. Unable to keep a hold onto the ball Arroyo had been given a chance at redemption, rifling it into goal.
Batting for the ball — Comet forward Marisol Mora battles for the ball against Eagle midfielder Sarah Vasquez during the Contra Costa College-Mendocino College game on the Soccer Field Thursday.
Offense falls flat in defeat Ferguson was hoping the Comets would play hard and fast. There was plenty of fast, but no hard. The Eagles came out and dominated from the very first minute to the last second crushing the Comets, 4-0, setting the tone for what would be a long, dry afternoon. By Jose Jimenez “It’s frustrating. The quality of our STAFF WRITER passing needs work and I definitely think we can do more conditioning,” said goalLosing games can be frustrating for keeper Jasmine Escobar. “I don’t want any team, but losing an athlete to injury to sound negative at all but it seemed like they (the Eagles) is a whole different wanted it more.” category. “(We had) just way too Contra Costa The Comets only College women’s soc- many turnovers today.” attempted one shot on cer team (2-5 overall, goal in the first half Nikki Ferguson, and gave up back-to0-2 in the Bay Valley women’s soccer coach back goals to Eagle Conference) freshman forward Ashley Foster sophomore forward left Friday afternoon’s game against Anna Waldman. Mendocino (7-0-1 overall, 2-0 in the The second of those goals came from BVC) after a collision in the second half an assist from midfielder Ronnie Ricter, and a solid header from Waldman. of a blowout game. “She has a sprained knee,” womCCC managed to get two shot attempts en’s soccer coach Nikki Ferguson said. in the second half but one of those came “She’ll be all right.” at the expense of Foster’s ankle.
Foster leaves game, sprains knee after late-game collision
Mendocino came out to be ScoreBoard the more physi- Eagles 4 cal team and it Comets 0 showed. “It was easy Next game: for them (the Friday vs. Eagles) to go up Los Medanos the middle and College, 3:30 they were getting p.m. through there a lot,” said Comet freshman defender Gibsy Vilchis, who was substituted for Foster following the injury. “You could see it and I felt it right from the start that they (the Eagles) were more aggressive,” Vilchis said. The Comets have been a resilient team since day one and will work to improve on maintaining possession and not constantly turning the ball over, Ferguson said. “(We had) just way too many turnovers today,” Ferguson said. The Comets next game will be at 3:30 p.m. Friday at home against Los Medanos College.
Squad loses game during final moments By Mike Thomas SPORTS EDITOR
Giving up 381 yards on the ground helped hand the football team a 37-34 loss at Hartnell College on Saturday. The Comets could not stop the Panthers rushing attack, which was led by Hartnell running back De’Andre Mann. Mann leads the state in rushing yards with 659, including the 341 yards and three touchdowns he ran for against the Comets. CCC takes pride on the defensive side of the
ball — CCC ranked second in the state last year in fewest defensive yards allowed. “They rushed for more than 300 yards on us and that is something that we are not used to,” football coach Alonzo Carter said about his defense. “We pride on ourselves on stopping the run.” CCC’s next game is at Sacramento City College (1-3) Saturday at 6 p.m. CCC was down 16-7 after the first half, but Comet quarterback Malik Watson led a Comet comeback attempt with his 279 yards passing and four touchdowns for the game. The football team was down throughout
the second half until the offense brought the team to within three points at 37-34 with 48 seconds left in the game. The Comets attempted an on-side kick, but it was recovered by the Panthers who then ran out the clock. Comet running back Davonte SappLynch said in football all aspects of the team have to play well to win a game. He said that having to depend on recovering an onside kick at the end of a game is hard. Hartnell also beat CCC last year, 29-21, at Comet Stadium. “It hurts losing to the same team (again),”
Sapp-Lynch said. ScoreBoard “When we came and scored (in the Panthers 37 last minute of the Comets 34 game) it was all in the hands of special Next game: teams.” Saturday at Contra Costa Sacramento College (2-2) was City College, 6 ranked 12th in p.m. Northern California coming into the game and the Panthers (3-1) were ranked 19th.
Napa wins three straight sets, demolishes morale ball way up high only for outside hitter Ella Guana, and middle STAFF WRITER blocker Valeria Avila, to stare at each other, without communicatThe volleyball team lost to ing, and watch the ball hit the Napa Valley College (2-7 overall, ground. 2-1 in the Bay Valley Conference) The Comets scored more than in three straight sets 25-21, 25-13, 20 points in the first set against 25-11 in the Gymnasium Friday. the Storm. Neville set the tone Contra Costa College (1-5 over- again at the start of the second set all, 1-2 BVC) with a kill for has never beatthe first point. “Our (volleyball en the Storm Bad serves in volleyball program) has never killed momenin the school’s and down beaten Napa Valley, tum history. 14-7 in the O u t s i d e so beating (the Storm) second set the hitter Jessica Comets ralhere tonight would Neville made lied to get it her presence have been a moral vic- to 14-11, only felt early in the to keep hoisttory.” game with a kill ing up bad shot to begin serves to fall Zachary Shrieve, the game, but behind 22-12. volleyball coach the team never They eventulooked in sync. ally lost that In the first set the Comets came critical set. back to tie the Storm 12-12 after “We had too many errors in trailing 12-6. the second set,” coach Zachary Still down 16-14 in the first Shrieve said. “Our (volleyball set, the Comets looked dazed and program) has never beaten Napa confused after Neville passed the Valley, so beating (the Storm) By Jose Jimenez
Leap of faith — Comet outside hitter Ella Gauna leaps for the ball during the Comet game against Napa Valley College in the Gymnasium on Friday. QING HUANG / THE ADVOCATE
here tonight would have been a moral victory.” Overall in the final set, the Comets were just tired and could not establish rhythm the entire night. T h e ScoreBoard Storm just had Storm def. m o r e Comets fight in 21-25, 13t h e m 25, 11-25 with outside hit- Next game: ter Stacie Today vs. Gatison, Yuba College, a fresh- 6 p.m. m a n , scoring on four straight kills taking a commanding 22-9 lead and winning the final set 25-11. “I don’t know about CCC,” said Gatison after the game, “but at Napa Valley we have a great coach and a great coaching system that’s helped me learn and touch up my skills.” The volleyball team’s next game is at home today against Yuba.
l WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 2013
Self-portrait — Martinez resident Royce Southerland (left) and Australia native the 10th Annual Italian Street Painting Festival in Martinez on Saturday. People Jeff Cruz paint Mario and Luigi from the video game Super Mario Bros. during had a chance to artistically express themselves by using chalk on the streets.
PAINTING the streets of
Martinez Photos by Qing Huang
Attention to detail — Australia native Jeff Cruz cleans up a line in his art during Getting down and dirty — Alhambra High School student Matt LaFleur draws the 10th Annual Italian Street Painting Festival in Martinez on Saturday. a character during the 10th Annual Italian Street Painting Festival in Martinez on Saturday.
Hands on approach — Rohnert Park resident Christine Pasadis draws a Northern Pygmy-Owl on the street during the 10th Annual Italian Street Painting Festival in Martinez on Saturday.