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Catholic Press', Has Record Circulation Of 28 u867,774


An Anchor of the Soul, SurD and "i1'1n-ST. PAUL

Fall River"Mass., Thull'sday,AUl~lllIsi' 10, 1961 I' ' '

Vol. 5, No. 33 ©

PRICE IOc $4.00 pe'r Year Socond Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River. Mass.


1961 The Anchor

Sodalists to Represent Diocese at 'Fordham "

Fr. Je P. Lyons Served Over Hc;fCentury

. The Most Reverend Bishop celebrated a Pontifical ReDelegates from Catholic higl1 schools in the Fall River quiem Mass,yesterday mornDiocese will be among thousands of youngsters attending ing a't St. Joseph's Church, th:eannual Summer School for Catholic Action at Fordham Fall 'River, for Rev: Joseph ·P. Lyons, ,for 34 years pastor of the University, New York City, Monday, Aug. 14 through Fall River' Parish' Saturday, Aug. ;1.9. The wonderful, unforgettable days., Father Lyons ,died Sunday schOOl is sponsored by the : The student receives courses of J afternoon in a Brockton hospital na~tional office of the Soinstruction to increase his' faith, at the age of 85 after' an ,illness dality of Our Lady.... "M.ore to insp.ire 'and motivate, him to of,several months He had been' illoday than' ever before," say the fuller Catholic; and apostoli,c . active until he was stricken at planning of-ficials of the school, . life so badly needed in the world ,that time. A native of North Easton and "tbere is pressing need for a today. militant, Catholic laity" a laity , "Coupled with this there are, son of Daniel and Ma'ry Murphy willi-ng to stand up fora prin- wholesome periods ,of recreation, Lions, Father 'Lyons attended ciple and one which is trained parties and dances, talent shows, . Bryant '& Stratton Business and other forms of evening enSchool, Boston College, and St. I8n~ capable .of leading others. tertainment skillfully conducted 'Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, '.~The Summer School of Catho1i,c Action is designed to provide and supervised by members of New York. He was ordained to the priesthood in St. Mary's just this tt·aining. Its origin dates ,the SSCA fa<:ulty." All school sessions will be held ,Cathedral,Fall River, on June back to 1931 when the late Father Daniel Lord, impressed at Fordham. Dances, talent 22, .1906, by the late Most Rev.-with'this need for' training lay shows and sightseeing excursions. ' William Stang, F!rst Bishop of are' included on the en,tertain-' Turn to Pag( Twelve ie~ders, launched' a' leadership : ment schedule. _ tra,ining school. ' "Since that time the SSCA has Courses will cover subjects fP'Own to wha,t we know it as such as convert making, the so-' , ' today. 'rhe SSCA . combines the da!ity way of life,vocations, the. ~ 0 QI elements of an education, a re- Mass, race relations, m a r r i a g e . , treat, and a vacation into six' and mental prayer. : '

NEW YORK (NC) ..:.- Circulation, of Catholic newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Canada during 1960 rose to a record total of 28,867,774, the Catholic Press Association has disclosed. The 1961-62 Catholic Press Directory,published by the hope American Catholics will association, shows that for continue this wonderful support the second year in succession' of their improving Catholic the total circulation of Cath- press." The new directory shows a olic publications increased by more than a million and a half total of 546 newspapers and magover the previous year. Circula- azines in North America as of tion last year rose, by i,677,143 Jan. 1, 1961. Of these, 506 are from th~ 1959 level of 27,190,631. U.S. publications. In the' U.S'., the directory lists Father Albert J. Nevins, M.M., 130 Catholic newspapers, 122 CPA president, said in releasing the statistics: "This continued magazines which accept advertising, and·254 magazines not acdramatic increase in circulation cepting advertis,ing. of our Catholic publications U.S. Catholic magazine circuclearly illustrates the great growth and increased ac~eptance lation increased by 1,215,007 in 1960, the figures show. For the of the American Catholic press. "Obviously, this new circulation 376 U.S. magazines listed, this record shows that Catholic pub- was an average per publication lications are, gaining subscribers , increase of '3,231. U.S. Catholic 'and readers steadily - lind this newspapers-130 publications, is a direct reflection of the sus- gained a total of 413,313 in cirtained efforts by our, Catholic cu\ation, or an average gain of publishers to make their publi- 3,120 per publication. cations rhore useful, more meanIn addition to circulation figingful and more attractive in to- ureS j the directory contains the name; address and personnel of day's America. "We expect these circulation publications listed, plus adverincreases to continue and we, tising rates and mechanical data. '

....g~ ' e Convert Worker Full.T.e m m \ '

Formar'lll...~eM8.spap~rmft" ~O~ 1<9




Y r:lla


FRESNO (NC) - George Randol, former copy editor for a San Francisco newspaper and now full-time inquiry . class director in two parishes, sees in his role as a priests' helper the opportunity of a lifetime. Randol is one of six .. piQ'neeI', g'raduates of the Unienough invite others ,to inquire ' versity of'San Francisco In- about the Church. "One of the biggest elements ,stitl).te of'Lay Theology. He in the future success of the }»"o,w~s one of' a group selected as the, first laymen' to work gram will be the enthusiasm of ' full-time 'in the convert aposto- our .first groups of converts," the late. At the institute; the group priests' helper declared. "Our , goal is complete participation by -,0" fo~ F~thers,- ' , 'Vas exposed to "16 years' Jesuit , 1 Thed ,L~Salette . .' , seminary' ,work condensed into. all parishioners in the life of the Church which is'the completion ocate -Ill the Diocese at East 'on~," he says. of the Mystical Body of Christ." W' , • Br.ewster and Attleboro, '''When we. :started the course, He obserV~ that the response 'ha,ve' announced that they' we ,were' well~informed CatM- of the parishioners had indicated .,' . . :' " . -, " . ", .' .' have acqu,ired a hOme in South- 'lics," Rand'olsaid. "But 'we reaNEW ORLEANS' (NC-) ,..... The future of .the world wIll· . bridge, Mass., and will transfer lized:' that w~ needed something they desire to. participate in the . apostolate. He does not expect a Fe8t -with Latin Amerka fOr 'the next decade,.- Father. 'W. " : the Provincialliea'dquarters frOlll more to make our lives consist- great harvest of souls immediatPatrick Donnelly, S.J., presideht of Lqyola Uljiversity' of E~st I;irewster to thIS new p~op- ent. This; job is an opportunity ely. The first step is to stir up , " S' "d h F ,th D' 11 d th' t el ty, as a more centrallocatJon. not every. 'Catholic gets." the' enthus'iasm of good Cathothe ol~th, sal 'ere. ~,er, onne y ma . e e commen Very Rev. 'Philip LeBlanc, " His current position in Our lics., M .S ,,' ProvinCIal, has also an· as h e repor t e d on a 15-nat I on L'atl'n Amerl'cans d,I'ff-I'n thel'r Randol conducts one inquiry = h Lady of Victory 'and St. Therh Latin Anlerican tour whic' attitudes toward' the U.S., he nounced that t e Mission Bureau ese's parishes, he noted;, is 'the class each week in each parish. he made, to set up a new staled, but "the vast. majority . will be transfer.red' from Attle- practical realization thil.t to be a He, also spends time visiting and bol'O SouthbrIdge. teach er exc h ange program have a fine regard and a close Theto new home an 18-room Ca th 0 I"IC,IS to b e an, apos tl e. Til 'e writing to prospective converts · association and feeling of familof th e, C01' d eII H u II Fo un d at Ion modern' bllilding ' with garages program I'S ' b'ased , ' . on the I'dea and organizing,his campaign. Future plans include estabscholarship committee. iarity with the United' Sta,tes." : Turn to Page Eighteen that Catholics do not often But, he a,ddect, "some feel dislishment of a convert guild in "'The cold war has shifted from which new Catholics will conEUl'ope and Asia to Latin Am- appointed thiItthe United States tinue their training fQr at least erica, because Latin Amerioa has helped countries' in other a year after Baptism. offers tremendous potential for parts of the world and not iii . "The, greatest weapon in our leadership and economic dev~l- Latin America." arsenal is the personal call on opment," he said. The La,tin Americans are not prospects, both by members of Noting that Latin America's looking for handouts, but, for TuI'D to Page Eighteen lfuture development depends on know-how, technical assistance ,the universities, Father Donnelly and loans - programs that will Said he was encouraged by the help them 'help thems'elves, he growth of private universities in said. An unjust social 'structure , Latin America. He' said their is "dry wood for Communism," he warned. ' ' .' influence would help counter ~a that of some established schools Father Donnelly said Cuban where communists and leftists· Premier Fidel 'Castro has a large DAVENPORT (NC) - In ~o~d key posts. '. Turn to' Page 'Eighteen an attempt to find out what hopes the laity have for the coming Vatican Council, the CathQIic Messenger, newspaper of the Davenport Diocese, opened its.letters-to-the-editor colWASHINGTON (NC) - An international meeting of 'umns to comment on the council. family life specialists, both Catholic and non-Catholic, The response has touched on a agreed that mothers who work outside the home are "paying wide variety of Church affairs, heavily" for what they get from-it. This was r~port'ed the 'editors report. One letter urged "a rethinking of the whole here by Msgr. Irving A. DeThe MO~SignOr said del~gates system of Catholic education." lUane, direc~or of the Family agreed that the working mother Another asked for the inclusion Li~e Bureau, National Cathsituation' leads to' such disadof laymen 011 diocesan councils olic Welfare Conference, who vantages as a "notable imbalance and a simplification of breviary ettended the recent congress of in the child's' emotional life"; and missal. the Intemational Union of Fam- misunderstanding between hus. However, the most common :Uy Organizations in Madrid. band and wife and between topics are the role of the laity Msgr. DeBlanc, who was re- mother and children; increased ANNUAL REUNION: The four children of Mrs. Clara and lay participation in the liteJected to the executive board household e~penses; physical Oliveira who are in religious life hold their annual reunion Urgy. of the IUFO during the meeting wear and tear on the' mother; "Much has been said In recent last month, said delegates to the birth control; and an unhealthily with their mother at the Convent of the Franciscan Mission- years about the role the layman ~ngress from some 40 nations extreme spirit of independence aries of Mary on Second Street, Fall River. Left to right, is to play in the work of the Hi-Universally agree" that. women among women. Rev. Edward Oliveira, Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Taunton; erarchy and in Catholic Action," with pre-school children should In view of these circumstances, Mrs. Oliveira; Sister Maria Anjo; F.M.-M.; Sister Claire wrote Stanley Grabowski of Dot work outside the home "ex- Msgr. DeBlanc said, the IUFQ Cliffside Park, N.J. Francis, S.U.S.C.; Sister Claire Edward, S.U.S.C. There are ~pt. in exremely dire circumdelegates felt .that "for the few "Maybe the f:ouncil could spell nine children in the family ~ltogether. ~lU'D to 'Page Eighteen iotu~." . Turn to Pare Eighteen

LaSalettes Move P:r vi ,n .c·i a I t e , From S'rewster'

'-,', rldi.,s Fu,t,u'r'e' r De:c'ade:, W . " A'merica,' " I·' '" ' " · 'a t .,n R·es· t s, , .'t h''L


M,id-West Paper Asks Comments On ity Role

Fa'mily Life Specialists 'Believe Working Mothers Pay Heav,ily too


:AS~::iHigh Priority:·

THE ANCHOR':""Oiocese of Fall River-:-Thurs., Aug. 10,.1961.


CardinClliCanaliTpp Church

" ,)Y:ASijI~.GTON·

Admi'nistrator for 58 Years'.


(NC) . Al~t~e&t~rd two Gath 9liC l~; . leaders' have sent telegramt.-;. .; t41Pr~~i'dfmt Kennedy l!rgi~ :

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Requie~ cMass has :be.en,~·: . . ... . '. '. . celebrated in. St. Peter's' basilica for NicolaCa~4inalCa~~l.i~· . who labored here at the Vatican. for'· 58 years as a .toP.· Church administrator. Cardinal Can~'i. aied at the ag~ ~ of'" 87 after a career which ex- '~;d~a~~~;in.1900 he studied for tended through the reigns of the'· dipiomatle service of" the five popes. On hearing of the Holy'. See . under . Archbishop , Cardinal's death' Pope' John Merry -deI V,a.I Wh en A rchb'Ish .. op

that high priority be given •. of migra,tory' lalb4iir" legislation.! . ,\ ". The. telegrams were sent 1JJ'. ~ Msgr. ,~rge G. Higgins, direetor of, the Social Action Depan. ment, National Catholic Welfare Conference; Martin H. Work. ex~uti:ve .. director, National' . Council of Catholic Men; and Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf, preside~ of tbe National Ccuncil of Catboolic Women. Msgr. .Higgins, author of Q weekly' column in The Anchotl>· said in his telegram that he is''' . "greatly encouraged" that tOO Senate. Labor Committee recently..voted, favorably on severed" bills·in the migr,a,tory labor field." 'fllhe: sad plight of migratorY' workers 'is a na,tional disgrace,." .. Msgr.Higgins stated, and "enac"" : ment of pehding bills would be' . an. important step in the rig,})t

the "passage

• • '. '1 Merry del Val was made a' cardwent ImmedIately to hiS chape inal and secretary of state in to pray..Pope John h.ad come k! 1903, he took young Father Canthe. VatIcan from hIS Summer ali with him to the state. seerereSIdence at Castelgandolfo for t r' t the f~n.eral ofpomenico Cardinal a ';:s' rise was rapid. He became Tardlm, VatIcan Secretary of Secretary of ~ate when the fuState who. died July 30. The Pope ture Pope Benedict XV left that offered hIS Mass o~ Aug. 4 f~r. post to become Archbishop of the repose of Cardmal Canah s Bologna. At the election of BeneSOlil: dict XV he' was made Secretary Among the dign~taries of of the Sacred Congregation of Church and state present at the Ceremonial. At this time he lived funeral Mass for Cardinal CanaU with Cardinal 'Merry. del Val. was Francis Cardinal Spellman, He was created a cardinal Archbishop of' New York, who deacon in.December of' 1935 by postponed his return to the U.S. Pope P i u s . X I . · FRANClSCAN CEREMONY:. Lloyd J. WaJ,da, left" after attending Cardinal TarIn his last' will and testament, • and Stanley P!)pielarz, eenter, nowkno.wn. as Friar.' Arthur, dini's funeral. - Cardinal. CanaU, asked "pardon, R E'l T k 82 in Sacred College suffrage and prayers of all." and Friar Wilfred respedively, talk with ev. ml 0 arz, direction,~' Cardinal Canali, -the senior The document begins by say- ;. O.F.M.Conv. at St. Hedwig's Church, New Bedford; follow-.·, High on Agenda Cardinal Deacon, had been ing: "Humbly prostrate before ing ceremony in which- they were clothed in the f:rancisc~ , seriously ailing since early June. the Most Blessed Trinity and habit. They now take year of novitiate. Work said:. "I know that t'be Late j,n July an attack of bron- recognizing my many faults and . . administration considers these· ~ chial pneumol'lia, aggravated by shortcomings of every, ~ind, I' . :.!" bills tq\'.be.,of great importanee ,. circuliMrytroubles, 'struck him imp}(»;e the,. forgivenes~. and . , ress~s and,' therefOre, would encouragfic while he was undergoing a two mercy of God, trusting In the you.!to. place them high"on ·W··:· ~o~th's; siege of pl~urisy. infinite'~edts' 'Qf Otir .Lord, ,1,9.." gragamend.,~. ,·.of"your legislative pao:.' : As President of the Pontifical Jesus Christ; that He may Ju~ge. . RIO 'DE JANEIRO '(NO) "That of a student ,to ,receive Commission for Vatican City me under the worthy protection The right of . parents" to gtive' full education accord~ng to hi$ Mri:' Zepf expressed the 'hoPI' ~ State, Cardinal Canali was in of the Blessed Lady of Sorrows, their children a religious educaaptitudes:and legitiiriafe'cultural,. of'the·.NCCW that the "adminifloo charge of. aU ma'tters relating to' my most:tender Mother, and of tion, and, of children to· receive philosophic and re~i~ious pref:-.'· ,tration'will-actively support pa8.' , the government of the small termy holy" patrons. so that my religious 'training was stressed ereoce;' '. " sage'of-these m~es." " .... ritory. As' Grand Penitentiary of soul may have et~rnal ~alvation." .. he're by" the' sixth congress of "That of p~ren~s' ~~. '~hoo~ 1 :. '!'he',· le~islation approved the Church he presided over the Then the Cardmal dIsposed of the International Union for lheefreely 'for theIr mInor, chlld~e~". the" 'se~ate Labor Committee , Sacred' A~ostolic Penitentiary, his posses~ions.The most.prized, domof'Educatiori; " the"sch~ol or type .of, ed~~atIo~. co~s~~ts.':?f~.~ive biHs.They i~'::, high Church. court that deals -his pectoral cross and rmg, an . The ·congress 'also denounced b~st SUited to their, ,~e,~ltIma~~ . clude prOVIsion of up 'to $2.5 mil>-. ,. with the gt:anting of absolutions ivory, crucifix, several ~ine .paintthe' regim'e of Cuban Premier Wishes and preferences, an,d In. lim{"'a" year in Federa1 aid to . and "dispensations and decides ings ·and" a, mahog~ny bookcase. Fjdel',C3's~rO for denying these harino?y with the~r .ciIltural p~i" \ states. for' the educiation and cases of conscience and martters and desk which had belonged to rights. . losophlc and rehgtIous, COnVIC,. training of migrant farm faffl4pert~ining tp indulgences. .Cardinal M.e~;y del Val-he Ieofft. Delegates from the ,Americas, tions.. . ' ·.lies.' 9ne'.bill also provides lor He was also Grand Master for t? .the Pope: as a hum!Jle act . F.urope, Asia and Africa atte'nded Appomt Own Teachers . , . creation :··of· a IS-member nalifeof the Knightly Order of the flhal:, affectI~p.,.of fa~thfuln.ess the congress, whose. opening "That of individuaLS"and prj':' ,.. iioiial' advisory council on miffHoly Sepulcher . and 'figured a?d of deep gratitude, l~plorIng ceremony was preside'd over by . vate organizations to 'o,pen an~ ratory 'Ia'bor to be appOinted bF prominently in the drafting of ~IS pater~al.suffrage, h~s. bless- Jaime Cardinal de Barros Cadirect educational centers of any the ·President. its new constitution. . mg and hiS g~~erouSfOrg.lvene~s ,mara, Archbishop of Rio dl~ Jatype; t:bat'of being able to teach and figured prominently in the for all t~e falhng~ commltte~ m. neiro.·Theme of thec6ngress, with plans, programs;' methods . LegOO.ri1 'of' Decency drafting of its new co.nstitution. the se~vlc~, of the. Holy See. held at the Catholic Universi,ty and texts of their own whi<;'1i . . . . o .' H d R 'd 'R Vanous other Items of value here' was "Investments in Edu- honor the minimu'm'" eulturid The .followmg fIlmS are to . . ,,. .' ~ '/~~~"" l,~ . . . . were assigned. to the Vatican" datidn . Factors' of'Econornic levels demanded in' ~overnment .: added, ,to the lists in their l'&" <I' NIcola ~a~8'h. wa.s~ ~.orn on Library C~pranica" C.ollege in, D I' : 'f'" ~ .: institutions; that of \'tlppointing '\ spective .'Classifications: ,-:1 June 6, 18,74 at Rieti,.It.aly, of ~ Rorne;'the Englisr. and the Beda eveopmen .... : " , ' ; their'own teachers' aM th~t of' Un'Objectionable for ·genem:l';:. family ' He studIed at Todl . . . .. ,.'h F" S·', Set Forth Froodoms . .. ' . . '. '". ,. ," '., , .. I • noble " . . 'Colleges and t e ranCISC?~. I S , , : , ' , ,.. , ,. , .' .... " " grantlhg promotIon ~md. deg).'ee~ patronage: Thief !?f Bagd.ad.. " I and:,art Ro~e; whe~e at. attep.ded ters of the Atonement. . . . ' Co~~ess. delegates res<)lv~d.. '.. or 'titiefr 'necessary to, 'th~. exer;:': Un'obj/!c'tionable for adu!te, . the ,GregorIan Umverslty. u'pon ,tha.*reg~rQless of.:the e,coIl"lomic " cis'" of""h'e ,profes'si.o"':s', .w'·,itno.,u·~.',.. " 1'" . " " .,. "'" ~ ..II d f try th I " 'conditions " ,. ',a.d. 0, ,e,.sc,.ents: Week.end :wiih, .. :,J . . .,' "WIl«ll$S~r(yjo':."' ·n~e,s'9-.acoun ,.and '.Hep.an-,., legal other"than th'6Se an~.· 1 $o~emml FRIDAY~Massot XI Sunday 'mng which the state maybeheve compatible with fre'edom O,'f edu,- Lu 1;1,. ... " " . ' . .'. ,'. " .' .". in part for ~ ~ 9'l'" ~" after, ,Pentecost.. · IV, Class. nece,.ssary;.for the.developme.mt of cafl'on''''':'' M Ob.·]"ectionable L ' IrOIf' ~ @M[J'il{[@tfD U"'l:,jQIl~ Green. Mass Proper-, No Glo- the.nation's ~onomy, the,fo.L~ow- , ... ; . . ...\ .. '..... .t." armes ~t s Go; Mary Had Q . ing: freedoms .and .b8&iC rights The congress dello,unced the Little (suggestive situations and Ri: Rev. M~gr. James J. Dolan, ria; .Secf'nd Coilect SS. Tib- . must ~e:'respected:' " pro-Red, government of, Cuba for', dialog). c, . " pastor" 9£ St. Mary's Church, urtius ,·and . Susanna, .Virgin, .. '.,' .. j "the ,unjustifiable at~ac}{s against I~!'~' . \ . • ~.~ Taunton,: celebrated. a Solemn Martyrs; no Creed; Common IPrr<e~«lJfr~$[P>rr@\fodl~J~~icdl free<;lo.ril of ed.ucatfon~,~here by ,.' High Mass of Requiem 'ill" the Preface. . ' ...ll means of confIscatIon and sUb',D ~ church this morning for Rev. SATURDAY-St. Clare; Virgin. 1l"@Ir@ll'eogll'il 5)li'M\YI~lJ'ilft$ jugaticlri, by imposing opinion~ '.' ~R iu R "\\oR A. ~D Sister Archange Joseph, S:U.S.C., III Class. White Mass Proper; ANTIGONISH (NC - Cath- upon all teaching institutions by ~\,\,/Ilb.lb,U V ~U"'l who died at the convent Mon,. Gloria; no Creed; Common olic bishops in Germany and persecution or dep,ortation of fFfJ4l1aefJ"croa l1J1 (f)1I1Jn<a day. , Preface. Canada have gral1ted a total of t~achers and p,rofessors, and by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, SUNDAY-XII Sunday' After $80,000 in scholar!;'hipsto Coady repression of protests caused by ': - ,550 !Locust St.. D.D., BIshop of· the Diocese, Pentecost. II Class. Green. . International Institute at. St. such attacks." . , !Fall River. Mass. presided arid gave final absolu. Mass Proper; ,Gloria; Creed; Francis Xavier University here .OS 2·2391 tion. . Preface of Trinity. in Nova Sp.otia. ' .' '. 'Rose E. Sullivan Born in Caestre, Nord, Frahce, MONDA Y~Vigil of the AssumpThe German grant, $~!),OOO, . ,... Jeffrey E. Sullivan [fn Sister entered the: order in' 18'94.. tion . of the Blessed Virgin 'was made through' Misereor, -a ,:" I'-.~'ili\";c='- -""""""....""""' B!) ~.. I :;;. She·:'.. taught~ s&ool in, Eu'rope Mary. II Class. Violet·; 'Mass 'fund eitablished'by ·the',Gerinan ' ',,·fF©i{f[}u®[f~ .". until' 19i2' when ,She. carne' to St, Prope,r; No Gloria;. Second Bishops i.ll·gratitude for' German '; I ..' . : ; ; ' : , '.;':. Mary;so' ." " Collect St. :E~sebius" qonfes- 'reco-very ~~ter thi!w'al';::Sh:-,Af- \ " ~".".' •... ;_. . .'., .... BOYS WANTED'~f-or 'the"" . ,. "'''. '. " sor; No Creed;. Common ~re- ,'ricans.have already"'completed", Interment 'was'in 'St. <Francis face. ,.' " .the coutse 'itt.':sociaL.leadershil);·: Priesthood and :Bt-dfheHl·oo~. ". llM!1i®~@I· \; ., TUESDAY-Assumption' ot: the\> ' ,at the in:stit\ftE!;di.nd~-;;tne·~r;;i,:", Lack, '.cWJund,s N~",!TlP~Qi-.' Cemete,C:y, 'F~untop..: Blessed Virgin, Mary;' I· Class. man funck":' '.:'.~.', ... ,:. .I ...' ....,y.. \: ;" .. ,<:: ~rllE)rJ Ay~~_rti.ne B~aUlSh ..~:: m'e.~,t.:: '. '.,. . " ".: ' ; ;. " White... M~ss.:Prope~; Gloriaf .: :-;-:.'{·i.;",,·;:.",.,;. " " ,.f- Owner. and' IDil'ecu,i· .~. I ~".o.i ~. ~ , ! .' " . Write to:' .,," Creed;" Preface of 'Blessed ,@ii :1RI1r\\~Hhfl\~a rJ ~r=::IaJ' $p~ci@u§. ~eJU'~ihg' ,Are~ IrORTV G-llOIUJ~S , . ,:.,... . Virgin. Holy 'Day of ObligaL!dI~U"lU"\J(f,lb:,lb[ 1 : ' P. O. Box 5742 C tion.· , ' , .. , ' . WV 2·2 J57 - , D[EVOnON Baltimore 8, i Md.; WEDNESDAY ~ St. Joachim, ~J?'.A·O~IrO 129 ~~l~.~ St. :" "N~w-l5edforcll: .. ~ .... " .. '"1 . Aug. 13-St. Theresa, New Father of the Blessed Virgin CC'fef(3)\\Uni'Fl reo.· Bedford. Mary, Confessor. II Class. ~lbl:l%. Vi1 tJ~l.!; White. Mass Proper; Gloria; . Our Lad)'. of Victory, No Creed; Common Preface. Co~merci~1 0 hidustric::ll Centerville. . . '. . , ..... .... THURSDAY-St, Hyacinth, ConInstitutional . St. Joseph, ;Woods Hole. ~6JJNlmA:lL.IHI(Q)MIE, ~N¢;:." , Aug. 2o-0ur Lady of Lourdes fessor. III Class White.. Mass Pointing and Decorating FUNERAL HOME" a. Ma;:~"lftoy -<¢.~Lorralne:ROu .. ' .' Proper; Gloria: ~o Creed; Wellfleet , ., .. ' . 986 Plymouth Avenue ,., ...'~ -.:' . ROH~:r "L~Fmnee ' .... ~.'. C;:Olpmon Ureface. Our Lady of Grace, No. ',.-:, .~. ~ ..'. ., . ' . :,. .~... "~ " 135 Franklin Sfreet" Fall ,River; Me.S5.'::' Westport. ".Fall '~iver' . 'OSbo~~'~'2~ 1911 ' .. __ Jel. OS·3..227k ....... :·::~.~~~A~·, 1O,'R.~9~~~$,.;../,} . Sacred Hel:lrt, New Bed;Cl>lS·'\.Jil,VllNOTQl¥'\ ct", ": ..... ',,,/ :,~<e.<err@n@@y . ,,\u: lc=lll.. . DANIRl-:.'HARRINGTON , ford. i Y"';~:";~ ..i;W,,;~:"~78'3d,:'~<:;< J~ ,>{: 'FEE -ANCJIllOR lists the death , Ucense.. Funeral Director Aug. 27-tis.R. An.thony of the anniv·er~Y·:·d3.tes"of priests l~OO;.J;'t.?i\~~~'::[~\ .' . arid Re9'ilte~ed 'Em~i~t; ,,.,!.. ,~,~~~, ..;.~IE,D.,~QR~,~: ,._ '1' ..:' : ; , Desert,. ~Fan.'River. who serveil:'t'he ''._IF'all River ~~jJgg:g;~~~:...... ' '''.' ,':,., IF:"- .'1 .<, St. John the'" Baptist, Diocese since 'itS~fohJiatioD in . ' ; : IN 'N~:BEDFOitb', ,'~!., ., i"':it' \.-, .• ' Central Village. 1904 with the intl!'ntiOD that .,: , ftlROUR"E Sept. 3-St. Louis of France, a • •·'·III...DIAl . i.:, h ,. ',I ,'. Swansea Our Lady of Mt. Cat:mel, A~tust 14 '/.''".. 571 Seccmd St. Seekonk. Rev. Raphael Marciniak, O.F. Fall Riv~, Mass. M.;· Conv., '1947, Pastor, Holy THE ANCHOR . Cross, Fall River. , '.' OS.9~,6072 ." ...... Second Class Posta~~;P~i~ at FaD R'iver. ". ~'. A~~t '15 . IN' fAlB. RIVER MICHAEl J. McMAHON Mass. Published evel7 Thursday at 410 R ev. Ch arIes W ' Cu IIen, 1926, DIAl 2-1322 or 5-76~!O Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass.. by . licensed Funeral Director the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Founder;, Holy ;Family, E. Taun• Reg·ls. ter~ Embedrri.,: Fall River. Subseripiton price bv...,.D ton. ." .

In.te,"c;I ,;..' ;" t·"lona· . "'I: C . St ,. ongress R· ht 't R ,.. .' E d · 9 .elgmous uco·tlon







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'1:r;e;~j 'H':~e

Speclll~tion ~Grows

Over Naming- New Cardinals

. THE ANCHORThurs" Aug. 10, 1961



Clergy'and Laity Endorse Foreagn' Aid Proposa I

VATICAN' CITY (NC) - The recent death of three 'oordinals has led to speculatioR here that His Holiness .Po~el John XXIII may n~me new members of the Sacred College or reveal the n1unes of the three cardinals he has ereated "in petto." With the cardinals and 29 Italians. ~eatll Qf DomeniGo C~rdin~i Twenty-nine cardimils are rardini on July' 30 ·and of attached to the Roman curia, the Nicola Cardinal Canali four central administrative staff· of

· WASHINGTON (NC) Sixty-five Catholic clergy'. and. laymen have signed a, stat'ement supporting Presi-

dent Kennedy's foreign aid proposals, The statement, together days later, and Joseph Cardinal the Church, while the remaining 52 govern dioceses throughwith separate statements by Van Roey there are now 81 carout the world as archbishops or Protestant and Jewish religious dinals. . and lay leaders, wa§> released by The Pontiff elevated 11 of bishops. Nationalities within the Sacred Warren Lee Pierson, chairman of them in the past 17 months at the Citizens' Committee for Intwo consistories: March 28, 1960, College are the following: 29 ternational Development. snd January 16, 1961, when he Italians, 8 French. 6 Americans, The name of Archbishop Karl ttalsed membership in the Col- 5 Spaniards, 3 Brazilians, 3 GerJ. Alter of Cincinnati. chairman lege of Cardinals to lts. all-time mans, 2 Argentinians, 2 Canaof the Administrative Board, Nahigh of 85. Since t.he latter con": dians and 1 each for Ecuador, tional Catholic Welfare ConfersistOl:y, Marcello Cardinal· Miin- Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Lebanon, Armenia, Australia, ,Madaence, heads the list of signatures mi has also died. gascar, Cuba, Hungary, China, on the statement by Catholics. In Petto India, Mexico Uruguay, England, The full statement says: At the March 28, 1960 consis-. Austria, Scotland. Japan, The 'Grave Need' tory the Pope announced that in Netherlands, the Philippines, addition to the seven new car- Tanganyika, Venezuela and "Even the most superficial undinals he was naming publicly, Colombia. derstanding and appreciation of be has also elevated three others the present world situation must· Geographically the college has -tn petto" (in the breast). That 55 Europeans, 11 Latin jAmel'iconvince anyone, beyond doubt, ~eant he had raised/three clerics cans, 8 North Americans, 4 .of the grave_need to endorse the illo the rank of cardina~ but was Asians, 2 Africans, 2 from the administration's fGreign aid prolleserving publication of their Middle East and 1 from Aus-. posals. Dames for a later date. He has tralia~Oceania. . "In this crucial hour, we _t yet revealed' their ·names. urged all citizens of this great Of the living cardinals, 9 wim! . Although there has been no" created by Pope Pius XI, 33· by nation to unite in echoing ·the FATHER GREETS JUBILARIAN: 'Joseph S. Trudeau United States' traditional Com'~cial annouricemEHit from the J>ope Pius XII and' 39 by Pope of Holyoke chat~ with his son,' Rev. Alfred"H, Trudeau, mitment to freedom, peace, prog-. Vstican, Rome's newspapers lire' John XXIII. SPeCulating that the Pope will,· . S.S.S. of Albu'querque; New Mexico, following Solemn High', ress and dignity for lill men, by .. llieveal the names of these three: Mass at St. Anthony's Church,' New Bedford,' celebrated expressing wholehearted support for this vital contributioA . • rdinals before he issues his:. Sunday by Father Trudeau to observe the 25th. anniversary . t-o world peace." decree cOlivoking the· SeCond of his ordination. The House Foreign Affairs "tican Ecumenical Council., TRONDHEIM(NC)-A group . Committee recently approved the Until .the name of a clerie . administration's program of D8med a cardinal "in petto" is of Norwegian Catholics, led by long-range foreign aid. The comannounced publicly, he' acquires the first bishop to be consecrated in Trondheim in modern times, mittee voted in favor of a five~ne of the rights of a cardinal. year, $8.8 billion program of If Pope John wel'e to die before has gone on pilgrimage to the WASHINGTON (NCr-A fac-, for many becomes public wel- economic development loans, publicly proclaiming his choices, spot where Norway's', patroll ulty member, of the Seton Hall fare." · The Protestant statement su'pDone of them would become saint and king died in battle. . The pilgrimage to Stiklestad, University College of Medicine However, he asserted in asking' porting foreign aid was. signed anembers of the Sr.cred College. 62 miles north of here, marked by'162 persons, and the Jewi&ll . testified here in favor of pro- passage of the . administration If the Pope does reveal the fttree:names, they will take their' . the .930th anniversary of the viding medical care for the aged bill, "patients' on publicwelfate ,. statement' by 30 persons. · 'J1he list of persons signing the . generally re'ceive a cut-rate' seniority in the College of Car- death of St. Olaf, King and Mar- through the Social Secui:-ity procharity' form of medidll "care' Catholic statement includes Rev~ dinals as of the March; 1960, date tyt'. A modest chapel, built 32 gram. Dr. Benedict Duffy;. head eM: which is medicine at' its most Francis A. McCarthy,' pastor of and will have precedence over . years ago by Norwegian CathoSt. Joseph's Church, Nor t II the department of preventive mediocre." . : erdinals created after. that date. Ii.cs, st,an~s near the battlefield. . The delay of more ·than a year Stiklestad was once a, center· of medicine at Seton Hall,testified . . Earlier in the h'ear.i~gs t'icono': Dighton, and Diocesan director' of the annual Bishops' Thankotbefore .the House Ways and ilIt publicly' p'roclaiming . the· pilgrimage :for.the whole of mists from two Cathoiic schools Means Committee on H;R. 4222, . testifIed in' opposjtjon. :00 the bil~.. @iving Clothing J?rive. QQme of cardinals "in petto" is northern Europe aishop Johannes Ruth,SS.C<;:" : the ad!llinistration's health .care They were F'ather' Stanley J. not unusual. For instance' Pope lINus XI chose Frederico Cardinal Vll,:at' .Apostolic of Central Nor- bill. Dr. Duffy appeared on his ~arry, C,S,C., of Notre Dame .deschini as a cardinal "in pet- W;;ly, who led this year's pilgrim'7 OW" initiat,ive and not as' a rep- : University and Austin S. Mul'-' to.. in Mareh, 1933, but did not age, was' consecr;lted in' the resentative of Seton Hall.' phy, 'dean of the'busi~essadmin­ He told the committee that "tt Deveal his name publicly until Churcl:t of St. Olaf within the II\V BEAUTY SECRET istration schoc)l at Canisius Colshadow of Trondheim cathedral. has been amply demonstrated December, 1935. lege, Buffaio, N. Y. IS NO SECRET AT ALL. His, See covers an area with a that there is a widening gap beThe present 81. 'cardinals inI SIMPLY BUV ALL tween the financial resources of dlude 6 cardinaJ bishops, 65 population of half a million, MV C.OSMETICS AT For .your Building Materials whom only 400 are Catholics. the aged and the present cost of oardinal priests and 10!4:ardinal 'Perpetual King' medical care." Needs. and Choice Building • cieaoons. There are 52 non-Italian st, Olaf is still regarded ill His own experience, he said, Lots in the Greater Taunton Protestant Norway as the na- indicates that it is not true that Area Scout Picnic tional hero and "perpetual king the aged do not have financial 'Boy and Cub Scouts of st. of Norway." His battle-axe problems in getting hospital Michael's parish, Fall River, will forms' part of the national arms. care. INCORPORATED Ihold a picnic beginning at 10 Only Solution King Olaf was first buried Sunday morning, Aug. 13 at where he fell in battle. A spring "Many of. our older patients," «amp Noquochoke. The event which was acclaimed as miracDc. Duffy s!'lid, "have hospital V'A 4-7847' ~ VA 2-4051 will feature a cookout for par- Ulous gushed out of the ground bills far beyond their possibility ents. at that spot. The body was later . of settlement or their family's e~shrined in' the Cathedral of payment a9d the only solution R. A. WILCOX Nidaros (the ancient name for Trondheim) but location beOfFICE FURNITURlE came a mystery when the cathela Stoek' for Immediate Deli"'l7 dt'alfell into ruins. Thecathedrai • DESKS" . - • 'CHAIRS iluls'since been restored. .

Make Pilgrimage

To K.ing/s Shrine·

. Catholic Medical Educato'r Backs Federal H.ealth Care for Aged




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N~me Provincia4

MIDDLETOWN (NC)'~ fil. Aloysius' Nag~e~ 0.Carm.:, a flat~ of the Bronx, New York wQs" elected fifth Provincia,1 of the .C<irmel!ite Fathers' Province ' of .St. 'Elias ata chapter of the IK'Ovin<!,i he're i~ New y~rk.


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CARDINAL: Joseph-Ernest Cardinal' .VaftRoey., AreAlJi8hop of Malines and .Pr~~ ... of Belgium,' died-11ft~tedty at his J.le8.ideooo Sunday at tIM age of $1. The Princ~ of tM Churcib. tlo 'die in the last two weeks. h"1I!J death reduces the nu.mbel' of the Sacred Oallege a;f (p"-~,<pdinals t:QJ 8<:L ~re Ph~

.w \





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oCountry Pastor Becomes Bishop.. On Fea~t pay

THE ANCHOR-Diocese.of Fall River-Thurs .• Aug. 10, 1961

Tells ,Wife 'Str~~sSpouse's'·· Primtnltry ~~spoU'U~a~B~~tv

ST. LOUIS - A "coun~ pastor" became a bishop heoo Tuesday on the feast day Oif another country pastor, St:-

By Father John L.' Thomas, S.J.

Ass't Sociology i'rof.-St. Louis University


"What about the wealthy widowed mother,who expetts her married son to care for all of her personal and business. problems, even when it. means neglecting his own home, ':wife, and children, while her tw·o unmarried sons, living with her, do nothing for her. to· free hi~self suffkiently from 'Mom' expects my husband the control of his family to get to do everything from fixing married, leaky faucets' and hanging Your letter doesn't. state. ho~

pictures to buying and selling this ha~pened. bu~ one p~mt IS t' building things and clear; his mother has no mtenPhrol· p~r les, . t h ' tion of allowing him to escape epmg WI , legal matters. that easil~. . She mamtams her control by W h ere d oes . . d makmg constant deman s upon d Ut d d .. h Y en an , him and the othe!: children back '.. e apr 0 n , "th b the un strings of 'momher u.p, el er ec~use . y , "b . ? It' conscIOusly envy hiS freedom or Ism'f egm. d s feel that he has been disloyal we to them by attempting to bring da~m glour . ,cferemk~nYg an "outsider" into their closed d rea, orsa m '. . all others .. , . little family circle, except Maina!'" Simple Method The solution Furthermore, his mother is of your problem bound to resent you and your involves more than a definition attempt to .take her son from of duty or filial loyalty, Ethel., her. She .has no iritention of alAccording to your letter, you lowing you to' get away with it have been putting up with this and consequently loses no op-. nonsense for almost nine years, portunity to let you and her so I presume that you have son know who's still in charge: protested against it many times Her . method is simple--she TRADITIONAL' ULESSING: Father Sigmund Hafein the past. Yet your husband just takes your husband's submann, O.F.M.: Cap., blesses pet cat of Blanca Mendez as persists in neglecting' his ..own servience for granted, using an hundreds of youngsters from the midtown New York City affairs and running to assist ~is appeal to duty, or a little flatmother every time she beckons, tery about his' superior. ability area gather at St. John's Church for the traditional prayers. while the other members of the to do' things, whenever he starts Father Sigrhund blessed pets ranging from horned toads family strongly insist that it is to balk. . to Shetland ponies. 'Ne Photo. his duty to do so, How can you deal with this Major Agent situation? You're starting a little It looks like somebody is late, Ethel, but if your husband eaught in a rather deep rut, and isn't too, weak, .thE' pr~blem c~n I suspect that the pattern is. not. be ~andled .satlsfactonly. . accidental. Let's look at the sHFirst, he has .to. see what hIS CLEVELAND (NC) _ A visit pl'aised the Russian nursery-anduation a little more closely. mother and family are trying to of two Communist party memkindergarten schools, where .40 There are other children in the' do to him and hi; marriage. As bers from Moscow at St. John per cent of Russian 1-to-7-yearfamily . all unmarried though a matter of fact, they have re- College here led to an eX4~hange . oJds are kept all day. She said past the normal age for marfused to recogni~e. ~i,s m~rriage of views between them and 17 .the system must be expand¢d riage. Evidently this family is and ~he .responSlbllities It necnuns, graduate students from. "because so many mothel'll DOt enhtusiastic about marriage. essanly mvolves. several parts of the U.S. wQ[k." If it follows the usual form Once he is clear about his The visitors were ZoYll M'81-. ' Fantalov was cu·rious obout the iR such cases further analysis primary obligations, and he must kova of the Moscow Academy of vow of poverty of Catholic rewill show th;t the mother has be thoroughly convinced on this EduCBltional Sciences an~l Yuri ligious groups. He was struck by been the major agent in dis- point, he ~ill be prepared. to F1antalov, editor of USSR UltHl- the 'use of a common fund and suading her children from mar- tak~ a .ratiOnal stand agamst tra-ted, a monthly published £-rom a-bout each member working to . rying. She would indignantly theIr unJust demands. Moscow. the best of his ability withou1l a deny this, of course, but one disSecond, y~u and. he must ex. After an awk~rd but polite higher reward than .the others. £overs few exceptions when the p~ct a conSiderable a~0';lnt. of . discussion on education, one nun After the tour he compared ~tal cycle of such famiHes is unp"ea~antness, at least m t~e asked about the Soviet suppres- .. religious community life to, a ll'tudied in detail. begmnmg. Your .husband wI~.l... sion of the late Boris Past{~rnak's miniature of the ideal society. the 'Hold Control simply have ~o ~efuse all th.ese nOv~l; "Doctor Zhivago". :Fanta_ communists are seeking for the thO requests on hiS tIme and .e!1ergy•. 'lov replied that the nov4~1 was whole world. But communism, Why shoul~ moth~rs take,. I~ and his refusal is pound ~·create. not published in Russia because he adied, will do it without God. approach With theIr. families. resentment, since· they· har'_:' it :was illferior work. Well, Ethel, to put It bluntly, hitherto taken him for granted. . . they 'figure they have g~ne You, of course. will be blamed,'. Ideal WlthOU~ God . through. ~he tro.uble of bearmg for his changed attitude, and .Paster?Sk, a. native .Russ18n, and ralSlng .chlldren ,and feel you can expect to be accused '.of rever~ ~n RUSSia for hiS poetry they have ~ nght .to enJoy them. selfishly depriving him of his and flcbon, ~ awar;i(!d.the . In pracHce, thiS means that loving family.. 1958 Nobel Pnze ~r lIt{~rature they never f~llY. release. cont.rol. Finally, try to avoid' all harsh' for this n~vel, which hals been They start bmdmg ~helr chlld- words or bitter thoughts, no translated ~?to 15 languag{~. Un..en to them even while they are matter what may happen. Con- dec Kremlin pressure, he reQuite young. . vince your husband that he lias fused the .a.~ard. T-he DOvel 8"1When the children b~come old to face up to his primary re- legedly cntl~lzes somt;oaspects 01. , ~35 Winter $to .Sp. 5·0079 enough to. start datmg, they. sponsibilities, and then stand the ~olshevlk revolubo? . ~ave many s~btle wa!s of headby patiently. He'll. need courage, • MI6S Malkova enthusI~lIllCal1ly mg 0f!.a .serlous aff;11r, by care- but weaning is often a painful :luI cntlcism of the other. party, process for all parties involved. by sowing doubt concermng the suitability of the match, by suggesting that someone better can St4~re be found, by encouraging delay, CO. and so on.. ,'. . . LONDON (NC)~The Bishops JOSEPH M. F. DONAGiHY Meanwhile, . they keep Insistof. England and Wales have set ownor/mgr. ing that they only 'have their up "their own committee to sec142 Campbell St. children's best interests at heart. ond the efforts of the Holy See's New Bedfor.d,Mas-s.. They want them to marry-but Secretariat for Promoting· Chriso • • • ! . tian Unity. ..' WY,man 9·679:Z ~365' NORTH FRONT· STREn Wife 'Outsider' Archbishop John C. Heenan of '. HEADQUARTERS F<liR ~ NEW BEDFORD . What has all this to do with ILiverpool, chairman of the new COLONIAL AND WYman 2-5534 your problem? Well, for one committee, said the committee TRADITIONAL FURNITURE thing, your husband did manage ·will give guidance to priests and laymen from its headquarters in Liverpool. He 'asked both. clergy , "Mac'~ saysand laity to write for help 01' guidance in particular problems.. Be Thrifty - Be Wise COVINGTON (NC) - Bishop He called on -aU to share in Ask your Meatman for a hhn J. Wright of. Pittsburg~ this apostolate of unity, so close . DAVIDSON'S will conduct a retreat f.or Prot- 'to the heart of Pope Johll. (MacGregor Brand} estant clergymen Sept. 12 to 14 ; " at the Marydale Retreat House here in Kentucky. Bake in the Bag-No Basting, Father Thomas F. Middenaorf, . ~ Scotch Ham Flavor'" executive secretary of Uie Na"WINNING FAVOR tional Catholic ·Retreat. Confer. WITH ITS FlAVOR" ence said the retreat was plan~ed because of interest ex;.' .. pressed by several Protestant clergymen in the Catholie Pe_ treat movement. ~vaI ,,,..,, Siler. . Bishop Richard H. AckermaB, Mac Gregor' WADDELL & REED, INC. e.s.sp., of Covington has authorBIU'IND ',;nc;DO' UMerw;if'rt ized the use of diocesan retreat ANTONE. G. QUINT AJL C' JUST , at AU Leading facilities for the special retreat. 91 Marylou St.. New &edfood ASK FOR Food Stores Bishop Wright is episcopal adWYma.. 5-2938 viser of the retreat Jl1Qvement ia IfospKtv6 _ ReqwtI .SWEETNICS in Massachusetts ~he U. S. ' ~t·_".~"."~

Red Visitors to Catholic College Discuss 'EduccJtion With Nuns

.Real Estate

John Vianney, patron of parish priests. .. The new member of the hiepo;. archy is Bishop George Joseph Gottwald, 47, who was choser! in June by Pope John to be Titolar Bishop of ·St. Louis. , Thirty-four bishops and throo abbots were present for the cot>.orful ceremony in St. Louis c~ thedral, along with more th~ ?,OOO priests, Sisters, and laym~ Bishop Gottwald, until last ye~ pastor of a small rural parish i!:! the east-central Missouri toWll of Desloge and now administra>:! tor of the St.. Louis cathedra~ expressed his gratitude that ~ could be consecrated on the. feastday of the patron saint c« parish priests. Sees Careers' Parallel Bishop Charles H. Helmsing df Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo.; who gave the sermon, based hlB remarks on the career of st.: John, the Cure of Ars. Bishop Helmsing said the newBishop's career had in some respects paralleled that of St. John: Vianney. ", "Our new Bishop, in his 21" fruitful years as a priest, hal been engaged in the very taskIJ to which love (of Christ) setlt St. John Vianney. This morniniJ we have witnessed a new and greater love sending him, for the' mandate has come from the slSoo. pl-eme authority of the Church, our· Holy Father, Pope JohB: XXIII, the Vicar of Christ Himself," he said. Bishop Helmsing said that 10_ and selfless labors had characterized both the careers of the Cure of ArS and the former pas-. tor of Desloge, Bishop Gottwal& "The love of the Sacred Head' has just given Bishop Gottwaia the fullness of ministry, the fun.. ness of the priesthood," he sai&"·



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· niclQn,


~Write---lI"iving your age--to .Vocation Director, 767-3oth Snoot, Roell: Wand, Illinois, for fartlM!!' ~il8 of .thil} happy life.)



Urges. Parochial Schools Improve U.S. Education 'CLEVELAND (NC) , Parochial schools were urged to take the lead in improving · American education by a pro· Ilessor who studied both Soviet , and U,S, schools and found ours wanting, ' He,.is Dr. Arther S. Trace, as'. !lociate professor of English at lobn Carroll University and "author of a book "What Ivan R;nows that Johnny Doesn·t...· to · be published in November by · Random House. ~he book is a comparative · study of Soviet and American : educational systems. And in the 'study. America comes out a poor second. 'But Trace added that' the '1M u d y doesn't mean Soviet · schools are superior to all thoSe ,in the free West. He said that if U.S. schools were compared with ifJhose of western Europe instead of Russia. America would come out even worse. Improve Textbooks Trace said that parochial schools can improve their textbooks more quickly because they ,are not subject to the same pressures from Parent - Teacher groups, school boards and politicians. He added: . "Besides, there is no reason why we should continue imieating the public schools. Let the public schools imitate us iw a ·ehange. If we take the lead in .lImproving • textbooks, public achools wiH ,have to follow." He said the main reason So-' vtet schools are far superior to Olose in the U.S. is because in America the "un-Iell1ll1ed are in' :tbal'ge of learning." Lack Basic Training ""It is possible for a person to !Jet a degree in educ!ltion without l\ thorough training in the basic subjects such as history ,.d literature," he said. . "Those persons then are put ' . charge of the school curricu.klm, but they don't know 1lhe basic subjects themselves." Trace said it is evident from '. eomparison of U.S. and Soviet CIe~tbooks that greater demands made upon the RU9Sian child Chan his American counterpart of , the same age. o


North 'Attleboro' Mother Will Visit Missio~a,ry ,. Son in Philippi,ne Islands Next January


Thurs., Aug. 10, 1961


Prelate to Dedicate' Minor Seminary

By Patricia McGowan ROCKVILLE CI::NTRE (NC)There's an excited mother' in North Attleboro these days. She's Mrs. Albert A. Francis Cardinal Spellman will Gaboury of High Street, a member of St. Mary's parish, and she's planning a trip to the bless and dedicate the St. Pius X Philippines n~xt January in order to visit her missionary son, Rev. Victor Gaboury, S.S.C. Preparatory Seminary of the Centre diocese on He has been m the Islands for two .and a half years on his first foreign assignment since Rockville Sunday, Sept. 3. his ordinati~n in 1957. With chial ~chool in North Aitleboro out of seven at home, doing proThis was announced by Bishop one other prIest he cares for and entered the Columban Sem- motional work~for the commun- Walter P. Kellenberg of Rocka . parish in Tanay, Rizal inary as a freshman in high ity and getting in a lot of time ville Centre whc will offer II Province. which has 40 "bar-· sc~ool., with their families, said Mrs. ,solemn Pontifical Ma'ss on the rios" or mission stations. The missionaries try to visit each on at least a monthly basis, but ·t . tt d'ff' It k ' ~h 18 Phred YI 1 'thlcUb' d eePldn g UPd egscd.e u e Wl ' b a 'Toa sd an lo nF thIS t anees G bo to ..e covere t l.' a er a ury IS grea y mterested in youth work, according to his mother, He teaches religion in the parish high school and spends much additional time with youngsters on hikes, picnics and athletic activities. He attended St. Ma'ry's paro-


. H;e knew he wa~te~ to bea mISSIonary. b~t dId? ~ know wh~ co~mumty to" Jom." e.x.plamed hiS mother, So he V!Sited the pastor of St. Mary's. who suggested the Columbans, he wasaccep ted there, and there he is " . 0 The missionary is expected home in about three and a half years. Columbans spend one year


~here are three brothers and

a sister in ~e family in addition to Father Victor They'are among relatives looking forward to the return of the missionary . get a In the meantime they'll d ' .'.' ~o~. pIcture of hiS hfe and actlvitIes from Mrs. GabOl~ry after that, eagerly anticipa1:ed January trip.

dedication day. The seminary has been functioning for the past three years in temporary headquarters in Hempstead and Umondale. It will open this Fall in a new building at Uniondale. offering four years of high school. By the Fall of 1963. it will be in complete operation with an ad.ditional two years of training.

"Bread With Holes

Is For The Birds" \


Cancer Research NEW ORLEANS (NC) - TWo Oatholic institutions are among f.ive universities in Louisiana which will share in research grants totaling $120,000 from the Greater New Orleans Cancer As90CLa tion..'11he Catholic schools are Loyola University of the ·South. $20.000. and Xavier University, $10,000. Both are in New Orleans.

:Franciscans Finish First Catholic Translation of Bible Into Chinese

" BONG KONG (NC)-F~ancis- considered inadequate, largely ean scholars have completed because it was translated from the first Catholic translation Gf 'the English. &he entire Bible into Chinese. Before sickness sent him back T-he work took 16 years. Ten to Europe in 1939. Father Allegra fl'lests worked from the original had undertaken an. intensive ·...nguages of the Bible to render study of Chinese, collected books ' . in the words of an official that would help him in trans- , ~anciscan pUblication, "in the latin~, and begun the actual eommon Chinese tongue. with translation. While convalescing 'simplicity and elegance." The in Europe he devoted himself te tTanslating team was led by a Scripture studies, and in 1941 Sicilian and,included a German .received a degree in Holy as well as several Chinese. Scripture. The Old Testament was pubHe returned to China vis LisIlshed in eight volumes. the last bon, New York and San Fran,;, .,L which appeared in 1954. The cisco, but could get no closer last of three volumes comprising than Peking to his precious the New Testament has just library and manuscripts in Hengeome off the press. yang. His library in Peking at Tribute to Priests that til1).e consisted of a Hebrew Father Gabriel M. Allegra, Bible and a dictionary. O.F.M., who has supervised the Books for Fuel . team of translators since 1945, The Japapese broke into the paid special tribute to the Hengyang Seminary and burned Chinese priests. most of the library books for "They have brought an origin- fuel. But nuns who had remained dtity of thought ,integrated with were able to save Father 4 l1e g'close study and adherence to ra's manuscript translations of 'the spfrit of the original text. to the Scriptures. 'bring out the fullest meaning of Losing libraries had become a habit with Fathel;' Allegra. Many · ~e Scriptures,"he said. The complete edition will be valuable books which he ac-evailable to overseas Chinese . quired on his return to China throughout the world, It include/! had. been stolen. But he built detailed commentaries and his, . again. this time in the· Francis<;torical notes. . can, House of Stuq.ies at Pe.king, · "The translators now 'wilt· de:" ' and, he there aCcumulated t,pe , vote their energies to producing ,~ibrary now stacked: ',on' the · a one-volume edition of the shelves of the, F~anCis<;an Stu, Bible. dium Biblicum in Hong Kong. Father Allegra , While working in Peking The idea of translating t~ Father Allegra decided t~t an · Bible into Chinese came to acceptable version of the Scrip:" 8icilial~-born Father Allegra tures could hardly be the work when he was rector of the mis- of one man, a non-Chinese at · mon seminary at Hengyang, in ,that. So he proposed to his supethe province of Huan, a quarter- riors the foundation of a Biblical c2ntury ago. He saw that the school in 'which Chinese priests ~k of 0 Chinese Bible was 11 could' study the languages 'of uil"eat gap m Chinese Catholie Holy Scripture and the methoda f.U'c. A Protestai'K version. wasOif modern criticism.

Why settle for ordinary bread when you can enjoy the perfect text~re and perfect flavor of Gotd~Medal Perfect Whipped Bread. Made in small batches - Gold Medal Bread is iO evenly textured there's not a hole in CI carload. For extra freshness' extra flavOf' try Gold Medal Perfect Whipped Bread, - Perfect Beyond Compare I






ANCHO::-D.i~~ .~~,e

of Fall

Riv_er-Thur~,::,Aug. 1.0; 196.1

~,. Service~Not: .Explolt~tion":'

. ,0.'

~, ... ~

A White House· Commission studying' the problem <':Of ;: the aging, almost wistfuPy declared that America seemed· :\, -; to be land of the idolization,qf ~he young. ',', .... .' 'f: '. . ',.;: The clothes market is :bendin'gover tQ exploit youth.ful, .. ': ; tastes or to capture .the 'a:ttention, of, the young.' ' . . :. A singer - fo use the .terin 'loosely' - ,has on ly. to '" assume the sulkiness of. an Qutraged adolescent ·and. smg .. sobbingly through· his adenoids about what "they"ar.e ' : doing' to the young, to assure 'hims,elf, fa~e. ~ fleeting but , profitable - and hysterics' at the box-offic.e, ..' For it is it fact that catering to the so-called teen-age .' market is a big, profitable business. . The nation's ·9,750,000 girls between the ages of 13 ~ and 15 have an annual!ncome,earned or: provide~ ·.parents, of four and one-half ~iIlion·dollar~.Ofthisamount, · over three billion dollars' goes for apparel: T h ese. y:oung : adults represent :about ten per 'cent of the,nation's :f~male . population and spend twe~ty per cent 'of ·the ~pendmg for . . . these items, That is a sizable portion of the market to play, to: The record :industry keeps up a steady pressure for fan clubs, record clubs, and. the like,· to push' the sale .of .its products .and keep its cash registers singing a profitable


~ SANTIAGO ('NC) ...:... • gr.oup·Of priests' from ~M'ltllI :. areas in Chile have sent • '. joint. letter to Jorge AI. "s~ndri Rodriguez .asking' . . '. "eariy andpasic' improvemedl in the condition' 'of the 'Chileall farm.workers." , : . The priests. emphasized . _ rapid and alarming' advance '" communism among the. fal'l8 . ",:o;~:;~'said they 'sPoke' as ~ ·dividuals.who are well acquaini. ed with the present mood of.~ 'farm workers and warned thld : tent the' workers' justifiable' has reached a point disco9wh&le .revolution seems possible. ' Red Demands . . The priests said the causes cd .this dissatisfaction are laCK Gil 'understanding by the govep~ ment ~iJthe. fa~l1) la1?or~rs' s~ fering .and misery' and. rec~ comm'unist deinandidor,landre. f9rm which would give pr~ to.each,worker, . . .:' J The priests asked the gove..... , :mentto,head ·off. the commun~ ";" .plans'Oy'just distribution of fane ',' lands which' .would .Permit·· u. ;" .,> .•wo.rkers:tO'oec6nie 'independen. . ""farmers, .. cultivating their' oviit ground. .




Ct-t'i'lea,n priests 'Urg~ Reform ,;1~ On- .La·nd ... 'r .



t u n e . ' , Even the breakfast food people·know what an ally they have in Junior as they pay a .handso~e s~lat;y ,~o ~ sinooth~tuned announcer who.cajoles the chJld WIth a Ten . h t t' . your mommy ·to buy ......"ex or ~ I~n;,. . ' .. ,.<~,. . .'. All this is big busmess, . ~nd It ~s to be hoped that .. , . parents realize it. They would do well to teach their .children L . the' value of money and the right way. to use It. They n-L " th.' n H I n H~t' • n1l:0u.a £ nu.n.c ," lI" would do well to let youngsters grad ua11 y assume m O l ·' e . . . , . . f. 'w££ft 'Wl . " II 1/1/ 'i'esponsibilityjnma~agingIJlO~e~ as the.y .ge~ older. :rhey By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic Universit,Y::'! '·~priest~·p·rodu·cer.·:~ should, above all, gIve theIr chlJdren the· rlg~t a t t I t u d e . . ,.,1 ..' .,: . . ',.. toward money....:.... it is a means to an end but never ,an end . " , .... DETROIT ,(NC)-:-The foun~ ··in itself nor the most important means in life.· . TODAY....:.St. LawrenCe, Mar'- is not some' kind' of divor.ce!'~~ .:~~~~~;~~c:~t~~~~1:; ~;~~i~:~ . And parents would' do well .to keep an eye, on tho.se tyro It is a matter of proper tween letter and spirit. Both are 'te~e"i.sio~.p~ograni,washonor~ h th order, of procedure, one' might necessary. How does spirit. ex- : ·here. by the:'Franciscan Instit~ who' service the youthful market, to make sure t#t .elrs say. The mlln who begins with . press itself.without letters?' Tche of 'Radio and Television. .', :" is a service and not an exploitation. .' reliance on his own works and point· is' to keep the· letter i ae ", Father )lugh Noonan, O.F:\-" 'Virtues is' not a' Christian. But servant rather than master. ,received: a . special St. CIa.. S, the Christian who, conscious of MONDAY-Vigil 01 the A.8.,. Award from the institute fOr The President of City Coll~ge in New York .p,ut a his sinfulness, accepts the sav- sumption:, We prepare "'fOr . ~ , .apostolic . 'radio' and' teievisioa , j. n g of,Jesus arid .,that 'ofa Mag ·pa,rtI'cular]y sharp pin in, a sensitiv,~, sp,ot 0 f "h'omo . work l'f G d .h' h' d ap- feast w.·hich .expr..esses '. ,,"',b.et,t.e'.r ~ork at'the conclusion . ..... prova 0 0 w IC IS In epen- th'anany words can, do 'the fun':"· .offered by Father' Roman. Americanus" when he said,. "I ,am told that the' modern,/' dent· of ' our merits, will damental ha'rmony 0'f b"od"y 'and" D' .' 5 A ' 'd t f . . . t e d . wh en h'e m.eet s f'I'nd freedom and w1;11 love and spirit.. And, since words aie, a' :l'nUstnl.ntu'te , pres1 en o. American is considered to be well adJus a particular definition: his daiiy intake of pep pills excee~8 follow, Him, as a .consequence kind of "flesh, a ~a:lhrig viSible The award was presented . . . . ht. a.moun.t .' (Gospel).' hI'S dal'ly I'ntake of tranquilizers, b.Y J'us,t th .e. t.lg . l' htThe .' consequence . t' b 't is it of the idea, the harmo'ny 'of let- .Auxiliary'· Bishop Joh,n A. Do""; no s Ig lmpor u .ter and 'spirit 'as weil: The: lit:- 'ovan of Detroit, . consequence HI'" ance, free savI'ng' .episc'opal . ,ffi6 to ' enable h'I'm to rna'ke hI'S ,weekly' VI'SI't to the psychiatris.t." of lS ' .' ~ ;,u1.'gYAoes.llot·~isl?e<;tm~Q.,.eit~r""eratorof .the ,Catholic BroadPerhaps this does smack of the smart-alecky, .'but grace. is P~im~r~, w~tii a.ll ~f.jri. the ,way .it.speak·s of"him :0Il', . .casters Association. St. Clare ... Dr. Gallagher simply meant to point up th.e great depend.e~ce the lIb~ra.tlOn a.nd ~oP!~ .. ~hlB ,in the way it celehrates his woi''';' . ·patroness of television, . of Americans upOn things. Their.' cult of .activitY,. th~ir means to sm-pron~ "!'all::' :0 .. " ,:ship. of : the Father.. It regaids .. :The· Mass and .a~ard ceremoiw TOMORROW Mass. of'llth .him as' a 'unity, nor'as: so~m~,k-ind··:markect the f:!nd" .0£ a' two-w~ grl'm pursuI·t. of s'uc'cess,' thel'r' ·race on t.he ·ev.er-spira.l..in,g. 's .dAft ;- te St Ch' 't ·of hybrid body-soul: cQmbi~': .' television ';worltshop sponso~ staircase of material advantages - all' these are ,being d~edn a y er;en cto.. ,·. r1·s ation. . '~;".' .,:; ':by, the Franc.iscan Insti.tute_ f h th 'ac h" Ievea d t' the '. ' f mm "d an d soul .' . . '''" .. '.., . ·t" 'th th,e U· ~ expense 0 f peace'o G'I .'. 1or h';our 'h'Psms-. 1 ." ISk"18 th e . . TUESDAY " AsS''.. p·t'·· eel coopera Ion WI. DIVer.,,...., Indeed, the very attempt to acquire that pear] of great Epo~~~e.wA~~·toa;~:~~t:a~~.t~ OurLady".S~:tlie lit:riy ~:~,"hG ?fT·Dh,et~oi:t·ks·"h' 'ff 'ed,t i'~ ". .b . . ., . " . ,. " , e wor og 0 er ra .. price - interior' peace '-:- has bee~ mad~ a, .~s~ne.ss ~ffica~y of'His' death Je~u~ difficulty !>~,lieviI'kW~!t;}o~.~..~, :in TV techni ues' for meml? ·'objective, And tpel'e' are men and' w'9men ..spendlng much . ~rou~ht th~' cure 'of th,~ SIC~ how .th~ ...~dy, , sha~es ~ ~~.: .~,h,..~ of. Franciscanqcomniunities t'I'm''e and wear.ing' themselves to' a frazzle'in the mad rus.h J!lan m' the (}ospel., ~am the ~~ern~1~~pp1.ne.~s,w~~c,~:h~,~,~J,l New York' Penns Ivania. 6~'. message of the Mass 1S.4)ne CYl ·promisedus, tha~ th~ ~IS!()!1.. ~ 'ill' ·'·W" '. YM'h" , . ;to put into print, before' rival" books and articles .giving con~idence a~d ~ope, ~f j?~ift.· God isf~r' huma.n·. '¥iiW,s~:' ~Ot.,. \v~~~:~ to~sc~:sbn, IC. Iga.n, .; 'the easy steps to that plateau_ of sefe'nity,., .... " ; a victory WhICh I'll uncondltIon- merely. for a kind' of Dody- ,'. g,. . .


· , ell Pep PI



h' t'h 'C


.t.-tute . Honors, s




pethnatal.;;:a~~s ~ii::~r~:;~~:.;~.':~.·~.·t~.'~,~ ... ~i'Thisisone

'of the reasons fo; liturgical .revival; .for the .itself the seeds to weaken th~ person, upset th~ perso~~lity~ , work being 'done to proJriote the' add undue stress to the system. . . ' active partiCipation of all Cath'. No· one would advocate" thl-owing out the' central 'olics in the public wo'rship of heating system,' sabot.aging th~ aut(~matic w~shing~achi~e,·: the Church; so that· the"e es. . . . sentials of the Gospel wiil again g'rOuping aro~nd .the kerosene lamp, ·But the. fro~tier spirIt Hve in Catholic hear:ts"and lives. m·eo·,p·IAe,IIEtv,heiSryiSt.h·tl·hneg' P


:~~s:ce~~7hi~c~~:~~~~~~~~~'~~~ll:',Missiona' ~y :'$i~ten '~'. '::.

.glorificatiori take; . i)idcfj·.' ,is.'" a Form ~U~ S. Provinc:e" .. -real and· seribus quest16h-::""'BlIt" . ·FRANKI:.IN· (NC)-=--The .. :Mi8io ,theb~~icrel'l.~ity,of wtiith"bilr' , :'sionary siSters of Our' Lady .:.it oLady.'s Ail'sumptioil- iltail1dS" ~"Africa kit<i~~as t.he white'~ ,sign and hope under' Jhe' R~,~- .. ters, ha~eformedan Americala urrection of' the I,;~~~,.' i~ ';'~')~'province "~nd.· named . Moth4iir .be dispu,ted. > .::, (,':-': i: .,~. :ElizaQeth A.,nne. as the firSt Pi..

-..:. spiJ.:it integrity and ~tidinentalhealth~ .SATURDA'y-S·',• '. Clare," .v· i'r":' . ,'T'oW .' 'aEY'~"s~~'~gPe'n4eYal'0'.g·~i·c·a<slJ~,'i;.;.u'J.o·os.~p·.~e·~l.·~.·iB.:_. . . . , ,".in·., Cian},a': t·I:.v··e· "o'f' "H";a:ffi'':b'ur:g",.. ·N·~:."~::~ .·~. this-the .must ·beofrecaptured. '.Anao~lance : it is a' thing of the' spirit,. A d ·achieved through self-discipline; control,sacr,{fice; all those ' gin, .~'For'he is not approved . -only an.otheraffirmatiou· t'hlit'the ,Mother Elizabeth 'Anne joined ... ·t.he modern ,sophistica.teh· " wno . commends he ~Wo·rd became" flesh', .born ·I..n·... :tbe sisterh09d in :19..49,~. She 8811I.' · homely old-fashI'oned vI'rtu'es that thO L himself; d' . butd"" " w om e or commen s, 'truly human' 'family; CHr'istiariS' ser,:,ed in. Algiers and {,Tganda •. finds emba.rrassing. ' . '. . . . ,... . . .,.' . ' (Epistle); Who is sav.ed. A litur:" ,come by their· sacramentalism ·.AfrJca. 'Smce 1957. she has beetl And" incidentally, how .sadJt, is_. that~~e prrase '~qld,~ gical formation' (that Is;· the .honestly. And by sacramen talisrii..,sup,erior. of' ~he, White,' Si~ fashioned" always seems t()precedethe word ·"virtues.,!', 'as .naturalti'airiing of the CSltholic "1 mean tt!eir insIstence: oit::'i~ ..,' pOlitu)at~. here..' .,' , . , .:' . . qualities are to bfdound .only ·in t-he ·past.. who 'participat'es ·if those desirable " '.. . f fully Ch'" t'in' the" . . 'r,elationshlp .between:.,th·e :v"I's','b'le' '.' '. ~other", Elizabe,th A-rtn,e. said" . cOJ:nmon prayer 0 . rJS S mys.and. the, invisible ...between ,..the' "ill. pl·annipg. to establish .the p,.arid have.no place on the contemporay:·sc~Jie.·· . tical Body with mirid arid heart ,bo<iyand -the soui."be'tween,tbe ..:Vi_ncial~~adqi.Jarters.·nWashi~ So meanwhile, modern man, .u·ritil he reCapt~res that~~swell'asphysica(presence)'is letter a'nd the 'spirit. 'rhis.iswhy ( l~~n, D.·C., next Summer. ~ ~old-fashioned" way of living, that frontier spirit, must r~ly the cure for most devotional .inChristi;m,.worship allofth~.'· .sisterhoo4 h~s.a house of stud"" . .siCknesses,,,:,,:,"espeCial'lY for' t~ ~x.ternai . things.:-:wor,ds'gestures.'" in Washing.ton. It also hashouaee on his pep: pills and tranquilizers and psychiatrist. . ' s.ickness of .t.h.inking' tha.t· ~)r,.aye.·r,'· ,. ! . , ' '" E t St L" III '.-... . . II k • vesture".,art"":"are to t>e'takeri·.$O ",m . a.s . J',OUIS, ., a._ And the "smart-alecky" statement about pep pi inta e i6a kind. of "tra,'d!.ng" with·God.; . l' nd" sed' '.' .,. Metuchen'N serIOUS y, .. a ..·,.u '·wIth.. such' ;,., ,... .; and tranquilizer dose and visit to thephycnjatristcome& lZtb SUNDAY AFTER"PEN- .rever~n,c.e,and love: because' theY:- ': The. Whi~' . Sisters, ·who. near the truth to be dismissed with a smile. Rather; it . , ' ... , " .. ' "t . , ,'. " .. ·boU~,.express· and stimulate"the (mQtherhouse IS 10 Rome, are ~ . . TECOST. No,,,,!,~ere ..!s. 1 more .. spirit... ,,'. . .' ".'.., , - ~voted exclusivf:!ly to mission_ gives reason· to contemplate, the reality that, it .contains. true. tha~ th~ ~etter kI!I~. an~ t~e ... ",~ : ..." .. ,.. ..', [ . work in Africa. It has six othelr ~pir.lt ~Ives l~ (EpIstle) tha~ . Accept ,Diocesan M'en :provinc~s toea·ted in Fra'n~, G~ m the ~lturgr, o~the .ClJ.u~ch .. ~~,:; A.... ... ,.',. ,...'.: .: .. ,' many, Belgium, Holland, ~. Catholics have been ~ralOed .11'1.. •• ,,,.5 Francl~cans ,:' ". "ada and England. . "~; scrupulous confo~m1ty .to.th~. ~.T,!"o yo..u!1g:men·ot t~eDioee~. :. ." .' extern.al.features of, ~u~ rItu~1 . have t>een,received':i1's iIo'vj~es' Hi; : '" Arrest Dealer : :worshIp.. But our ..traInInI~ has t:he _Qrde~ o~. Frillf!l ~ill,orj:,a~" .' :N·EW.A:RK ('NC) ~ A. ~~ .~o fre~u~ntly st~pped sh~r~:.Had ~ording .. to. .anl).9l\n,~emenr1Ua<le: .·.sale record dealer was'. arr~ ~t. gon~ b~yond.the rUbr,Ic., (th~. ' by Fathe~. 'Salyator ,J; Phillips; net:e'in a crackdown ori the _ OFFICIAl. NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER d.uectIons for, p~r.formIn!~ t~ O:F, .~.; St. .;Ra'phaeps ,Fria~ .. 01' allegedly obScene rerordiftdft, rites prope~ly), It, ~.uld hav~ Lafayette, N. J. . . . . . The dealer, Joseph Marli!l'l. .. Published weekly by The Catholic Press 'of the DioceSe:of Fall River broug.ht us to the. spmt and ~he . They. ,are. Fr a·t er .'Lanee ,Plainfield, N.J., was cha-rged ..410 Highland Avenue meanmg of the rItes.. The POInt . (Joseph) Martin of St.' Joseph1s ,~ counts of vioJoat!-ng ~ Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Parish, Fairh.aven, and Brother . laws against obscenity. He WIll Honor' Archbish,op ,Pacificus PUBLISHER (Robert), ~anuel'.of ,arraigned before Mun~ M~st Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0" PhD. NEW ORLEANS (NC)~.Arch­ ... Notre 'Dame' parish, Fall River.. ";Judge Nicholas eastellano, ~ bishop John Kodwo Amis~:ah of They were receiv:ed into tDe ordered the case remanded • ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER Cape Coast, Ghana, will be order by Very Rev. Celsus :Ii; '. ~e grand jury :fOl' determm.. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll awarded an honorary doctorate Wheeler, O.F,M., Minister .P.r~, . tion whether the 1'eCOrds ~ MANAGING· EDITOR 4)f laws by Xavier University vincial of Most Holy Name .' obscene by' community s~ Hugh J. Golden here on Sept. HI. Province. . .ards. a"





@rhe ANCHOR'



Suggests 'C~rI.ge St. R(j(;k's :r-.iJri:sh:,··'Ji'~lRiver, Has'''TraJ4ion

" Course in E.thi~s .',\\. For ,Ex, ecutive,:,5.':', :. J.

·_Q.:f,'_,~\Cf!mm.,·u.~~,~Y',,:~$erv.ice ~ Area ResidentS ~ .




THE ANCHORThurs" Aug, 10, 1961


Supreme Pontiff Appoints Korea's First Monsignor

{.' ',. :. ' Jb: Manon Unsworth . :\ .. "~~~ y ELAND ,(~PL,,-In'l~iO:'Mayor C~ughlin of FaJi Ri,ver said' in one·of his speeches that "Father G~hfuere I 'l'eachlOg future busmess exand. the:'BlessedSaerament"p-ave dontnno~ for the. area tHan 50 pOlicem,en could have KW ANGJU (NC)-Korea's r::, ,-khtives ethics. in',~R~1~'ge done." "This"was the 'public estimate,' of:the influence'(>f St. Roch's parish 'whic~ w~ at "; '~uld,be a major, steR,,~~r- thattime"only 11 year$ ()1d.·Established.by' Bishop :H~tkins of Providence on May 2, 1899, first domestic prelate has ':." 'ward iI\ elimination o~ lm.. ~;; . . . . ' " " ; , " ' , .. , " .' .'. been named by Pope John. " 'proper business practices." a the, parish was situated' in Father Paul Kim Changhyull ': priest-psychologist said h~~, a poorsectio.n of the c,'ity. It of the' Apostolic Vicariate of . Father Theodore V.. P.\P'cell, Kwangju, who received the title . (: S ..J., associate professor of 'indus- was named by iu, .first'pas~ of Right Reverend Monsignor. ,,' trial relations and psYcho~,'?fQr~ at tor, Rev.' Theodule Guigttere" Msgr. Kim rece.ived this honor Loyola University, Chicago, ..c;le- inhon.or, ~t the parishi~ 'which at the request of his ordinary, dared that recent disclosures of he had been born; St; R09h's in Bishop Harold W. Henry, S.S.C.. ,.~ price-fixing and other uii~thf~al Quebec, Canada. Apostolic Vicar of Kwangju. It , practices have shoCked people Father Gpiguere celebrated the was in recognition of his work " into wondering how co~uRrthe first Mass in the parish on May with the Columban Fathers in , once respected busine~, 'V?r1d 8 of the, same year in a temi>9Kwangju vicariate for the last " may be. . : . , .' rary chapel at the corner of Oak 25 years and' for his outstanding The J ~suit priest told the ,G~e- and . BEldford - Streets, and '. ~~ work for the Church there. veland First Friday Club" that about .immediately acqui~irig ,. b~cause of the competitiye, na- land for buildings, . , . Jailed for Faith •. tur:e of modern business. u~~~He purctiased property on Pine Msgr. Kim was twice jailed for .. 'Icaf practices often J;leces- Stre.ef between Orange and Tre,., .. his Faith. The Japanese jailed " ",f,iry for' its operation. ; '" ~::,:: mont Streets' for $181°00, which him during World War II. Again ,~'" . ',They Need Help',; .. "" included ,seyeral, Granite. Mill during the first Summer of the "::, He poipted out that .li-·.m~pt houses.. The middle"of: tQe land. Korean war the North Korean ..~ ~,~ey of 1,700 Harvard ,,:J3,w;i- was em.p.t)( and ,'by, . O«tober.<~.· communists jailed him because , ness Review readers - most pf temporary' church was ready: for he was a Catholic priest. He was them top management e~ec~tives parish use.'.. . ," . r," ." released by mistake. . ~isclosed that the majority ·c' r1ed H ' He went into hiding for 25 ;. kn.ew about such unethical,' ':'ra,'',c._ ~ .onve, : ~~~' ~ .",.: K The houses' remained, one ·to days and during that time his " tices in their plants ali t~~, UJle be used' foi;'il rectory; 'and"later brother was killed by the com. of gifts,. bribes, call gil'ls apd another for a convent: munists. While in hiding· his sis" price fixing. But feY; of the e~Included in the church buildter told him that 17 catechumens I; ecutives knew what to ~p,:~1?,Q~t ing were a hall and school. At were anxious to be baptized. He such things, he added. : first lily.. t~iichers taught in the'. left his hiding place, went to "Many executives ",quId .~ke eight'g~ad'e . elementarY school, the,home of one of his Catholics to· do the right thing," :Father . and baptized them. Puree.11 stat.ed, but often the.y.do . but. il\ )~~t lfat,her. G~lgu~re 1 , 'made a' 'trIp to Europe and While there, the communist "not know what the right thing . brought back the Sisters of St. soldiers raided the house but the ,,-..meally is: They need help~'~' .l Joseph dUo 'PUY,' who made ihe future monsignor escaped their · . And one method of helping, he first United:'States foundation of search by hiding behind some 'i.said; is 'for colleges. to·treat .:the order:at,St. Roch's.' sacks of rice. i.ethics on a par with other courses " ,Father . Guiguere also ' was --I Msgr.· Kim: was born in .July ",taught candidates for a .business ,'noted throughout, the city "for ,: 'of 1902 and ordained on May 25, · administration degree.· " '. ,his' famous I bands. Many music 1929 at ·St. Justin's Major Sem,... Smattering Knowledge' teachers. now giving instructions inary in Taegu, which has since '. !'Business ethics should ·take jn F!!V ~iv~r. learned their art been closed. Since 1954 he has "'Its place' alongside histotw;· eco- 'from hini... One of his frequent been in his present parish of I' nomics, accounting and otMr visitors' ..va·s Cardinal Beti'in' of Naju, where Bishop 'Henry was " business administration subjects" .' Canada who pontificated lit St. ,once pastor. he continued, "Now, ·students Roch's once' a year and gave ;: ... . ' leave college with only a 'smat- some precious relics to the p~_ 'Chinese IPriest Dies tering knowledge about theeth- ish: Cardinal Begin also officially FALL ,- Ical 'conduct which will be ex- blessed the' church bell. .. In Communist Jail. pected of them when ,they enter ' .', . . , constructlQn . on the convent is 'isticLeague, c.Y.a., Study ROME (NC)-A Chinese priest " the business world." Se.cond Pastor·. Clubs and Altar 'Boys' Society. has died in a communist prison, . now being undertaken•.. ,.He stressed, however, that ·"it In 1917 ·Rev. Damase' Robert .There are children's and adults' 'it was reported here by a mis'Active Parish· " Is ,very important'! that· present .. ·{later Monsignor) became the choirs, .and almost two years besion news agency. .. In spite of' depopulation due , and future business executives second, pastor' of the parish, a fore the' :decree of Pius 'XII; the Arrested, in 1958, Father to familieli moving to the;sul5·,~now what we mean by ethics." ·post· which;' he held for nine .parish had' the dial6gUe' 'Mass. Chow Kuo-Piao was sentenced urbs .and marriage into. qtJter ,~'~ey, must understand.... , he ,,years. Deciding that ·thetenipo". Fath~ rlaigie a~d F~therBlIA'­ by the communisl$'to 15 years ia •_ted, ·"tha~ it is more than gOOd rary buildings should be 'made ''Parishes, the parish is an activ~ 'rette, also 'is Secretary of prison but was released because "manners,. :more thanB,code·,-or pennanent, he stuccoed all,'the one; and'h'as·'a. Women'ii.'GW1C:i, 'Men's GUild, SO<l.alityot'St. Ann, the Diocesan Matrimonial' Tri- of continued illness. He was "agreement." " '","," buildings which were being. ;Used, ,later rearrested for refusing to Confratem'lty '~f Chri~ian' DOC- .QunaI, !l,are,"~,r sC)~ .1400 souls Science of Right, WronA' :" ' redecorated them, iUlCl' destroyed SodJility'of Mary, EuC'~- !l.t St: ~,och'~: . collaborate with the Red regime. ",~,t'~Ethics,!.' he explained, ','is the "the' re~a:illihg bUidings, keeping .'kine; : . .' . ' .. \':; . •. ,: \ . .. .,. ." "science'o1i.rightand Wrong,foun- th:e chur'~. :tecto~y 'IUld'conXent. /' ded on.such philosophical facts ,'.... Wtien 'F~tlier J:'{obert left t~e ., J,as, the. existence of God, the ex- 'French :P.~fi'sh.'·in', 1926;:.~". , .istence of-:the soul and .the ex- "Charles E."Clerk was appoi.nted istence of free will. The: ultimate .''third '. , ~ast~r;' and .'.i'll~re.d:: ,too 'meaning of ethics is that you maintain tli,e~pari~h' p'rope~ti~ cannbt talk long about right :and 'until his death. in 1933, .wh~n wrong without talking about 'Rev. PhiHa's' .Jalberl.' took over God and the meaning of 1,ife;" 'his duties'for about-'nlrlemonths. : '''The' alternative;" Fath~r' P';IrThe next' pastor was afam'iliar 1. cell concluded, "is to identify 'figure' in the' p'arish, for Rev. . "Adrian Gauthier 'had served as a .,: . 'right with the will' of the niajorcurate at'SCRoch's from 1913 ity, thus tight equal' to triigh.t. ''to 1918. Nainecf"tohis duties 'in / .. .. That we are not willing ~o do;" . ,the black of the depreSsion, ,. R~ds F'orce 'Prie~t ~ .Father Gauthier was faced 'with -/'1' ','.'~,.,.0 Le"ave Mis,S.ion.. ;'" .:a parish debt..of$54,OOO. By 1952 .•" Ithat debt ,was 'paid. COOllNG~H£AnNG.;.A/R:.cOND/nONINi; . LEOPOLDVILLE ,(~C)---,The To assist conditions in the' area, ",C~tholic, JUJ,ssion ,at Basoko.,. a which had :been very badly hit, fo.rmer sl~ving post in Oriental .he organized one·' of' the' first ,. Province' about, 130 miles.north- units oLthe.St. Vincent de Paul ~est of 'Si~nleyvi1le, has be~n ,Society, ': :.. " ". ' I' ~tlandoJ;led. As soon as the parish debt-was , I ,"he fQ,l.;lr, 'p'riests of the, Sacred :,erased;.FatherGauthier;'·a.n"ae:. . ,lle\lrt wllP ,l~a.d J;emained, there ·"tive and ,well knoWn priest in ,since t1w. ,~ur.der of the~ su- 'the area; and Rev. Reginald M. p~rior in :February were, finally "Barrette, who came to St. Roch's Yes, you'll .sleep in (:omfort n'ight after night driven \lway by threatll; t)J.e~ts, in 1950 as·a curate, began along ,the year iround when you heat and cool the ~'~~quisi'tions" and even bl~ws ..range, 10 ,to 15 year plan of com.;. Modern Way-with G~S. A' gas flame both hea~ from the soldiery. ,Plete renovation of the parish . and cools, your honie..:.. silently ~ economically , The garrison lit.Basoko is gov- properlY"the ,hall,schoolyard, '. --unfailingly: And the gas air conditioner uses • '-e'rned bY, th~,leftist, regiwe"at ·scbool,church ,and recflory~ At the time-proven absorption system, the first and .' Sta~ley:vil~e, like Basoko a ,Con- this time the interior of the , go River port. Its sold~ers. were church has been completed, the most dependable ever developed - with fewer • recruited ·mainly from unem- outside stucco ,replaced ,by: clapmoving parts to wear out or cause trouble. , ployed ia,bo~ers W:ith little ~~nse ~ boards and a complete new front '.' of discipline or. ~~~~t f~, ~h~i.r waIl inst8i1~ . officers. "Father Dalgie': .. I' .. hthet Gauthier died Nov. 29, , . . "C!ru . 1959, 'before'his plans"were fin" :!shed, but his' .sUccessor" R~v, '4',' ",College' Pr~sident . fOR'LESS WITH GAS George 5; Daigle, formerly pas." SAN "FRANCISCO (NC) "'!'eru'shighe5t' decOratiOn: fur ·'tor of Holy' 'Rosary' Church 'in New Bedford, was 'appOinted to (, , ~ . foreigners, the' Onler of Merit 'in the Grand Cross, was' presented :St. Roch's'in February Of' 1960 , to Father John F. X. COnnolly, •and has cOntinued. the proposed , S.J., president of San Fl"anciSco program.· Some .of the rectory · interior has 'been'renovated a!1d University. Peruvian Ambasador Fem-anNew President,' , do Berckemeyer made the presTelephone OSborne 5-7811 155 North Mala St. SPOKANE (NC) ~ FafJ:ler ~fttation. 'I1he decoration was .John P.:Leary, S.J., has been also presented to Chm-Ies Kend= , t-ick, chairman' of the universi- appointed president of Gonzaga University her~. . , ty's board of regents.






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THE At-!Ct.iOR+-DicXe$~,~ff;C!"Jtj~!r~TIt~~:I!~ug.~ lO,1~6;1 ,; .•

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I' 'Director!

·To Meet Tuesday

Utiti ty·.:· Ro~m··· As.sl.~tS·. <: 'S:rt1ooth :~: : Sailing in Home .Routines.·.

Mrs: CarolYft B. Manning, New Bedford,· past .national .regent of the Daughters of Isabella, will be among delegates to a meeting of the' Nationai . Board of Direction of, the organ. ization'sNational .Circle, to be held next Tuesday through Friday, Aug. 15 to 18, at MiaDd Beach. Among topics for discussiC?n.at the meeting will be growth oi the Daughters .of Isabella, sponsorship. of Papal Volunteers, progr'ess of Home Study Courses in Religion offered by the organization, establishment of a per. manent J:iurse for the training of nuns to teach the handicapped, and launching. of a new magazine, "The Isabellan." Miss Julia F. Maguire, national regent, will also report on at... tendance at meetings in Rome and the Philippines.

By Alice BOugh (:~hill , The builders ,of yesterday. ~l·ways. ·pl~nned . ag'9()d. basement and attic. The basement had a furnace arid wash tubs, perhaps, and the attic "accumulated 'everythi~g that had no place of its own. Now builders 'offera substitute fo'r a basement called the . less' 'tbari. the. convenience "utl'lity room." I'n some .l'n·_ much it gives... stances one's heating maTo return to the utility room, chinery is in this room, but wh~n clothes are brought in off

even with a cellar for this the line,they can be.folded here. equipment, you'll still apprecia,te This utilHyroom is also the spot : a workable utifor your freezer. lity room. . Most any mother would like It can well a "muCi or drip" closet. In it become one of . children can hang wet coats and the .most implace muddy boots and thus help portant in the keep floors clean; Now I know ,house, if it's you are ready to raise an ob· all _ inclusive. jection to hang.ing wet clothes in · . Perhaps Its best a closet - bwt with an air vent , . location is near in its ceiling, 'clothes will dry . Narhe Sister Mary 'Emil 'the kitchen and quickly and won't get musty, As for we!; and muddy boO'ts, Marygrove SchQol' ~ead with access to 'make your floor a metal tray · the garage.; .. , DETROIT (NC) - Sister Mary · Think of all with a water .drain piped to the.' 1 MISSIONERS IN' TRAINING:' Now in .session at the' .EmH, first executive secretali'y ~e things you can incorporate plumbing. You might think of Catholic University· of Puerto· Rico is the fifth annual of the Sister Formation Confer· into suoh a room'- a laundry, this closet as usable only in inh' fl' clement weaibher, but you can Summer Institute to prepare priests,' nuns, Brothers and . ance, has been named president a place for obbles, a ower- also use it fOl' 'ddp-dry garmlaity. for work among Puerto Ricans in the Un.ited States. of She Marygrove here.HoD. · arranging area,'a closet for work ents. succeedsCollege Sister Mary · clothes and youngsters' tog,s, and Space for Ironing . Part of the campus is shown above with. Caribbean Sea in ora, whQ has served 24 years ~ · . even ·surplus . storage~ Lots can Of course you'll provide spal;'e background. In lower photo students are placed in drill president of the liberal arts col· be accomplished in this versatJile for ironing. in this room, with groqps under a native instructor. NC·Ph.oto. '. " .., . l,ege . operated by the Sisters, room. . . , wall cabinets to hold supplies. If . Servants of ·the Immaculate Close toa door that opens into you haven't a fold-against-theHeart of Mary, The 950. students .the yard, I'd'reserve a wall a'rea wall ironing board, you can hang . . ' are predominantly women~ ..,; , '" for the washer-dryer. A small a board on a closet door. . ,. Sister Honora' will' . become . .' water fountain or sink near· the Reg~.J .;:.~ .ptesident emerItus and will ,ail" . This room is a good place to · washer-dryer has manY' USe6. put· children when they dream WASHINGTON (NC) ..,...- The ligious life, to assist clol'8tel'ecl' ~um'e" resporisil;>il~ty f()r ::the 'The' youngsters can help them- up some of the messier projects, ;Holy ..See's recent ~nstrUction' n u n s . " . ' . college's $3 million. expan~ selves to water. from a fountain, like papier - mache, making, 'spelling out regulations for ex- . '. . .' .. , . . : ' " ., program whiCh it! . now . up~ ·iutting down 'glass washing and painting, clay modeling,etc, Be Some of these women, he way . ..,. ' eonstant tracking througih the . 'sure to surface a counter to take' t~rn Sisters supplements a simi- added, wished to: share more lar decree of 1931. dire ..cUy in' the' commun'ity'ste-' .Ea·5'th'am GU'··II.d· '; house' for a drink. . a rough workout.Thi,g will take · , . You'll fhida little sink 'will '.' mess out of your' Hvingquarters. This· was reported by Father ligioul! life and so the' Holy See .'.' N' ff" f th G 'ld of . .. '. FrancisJ. Connell, c.S.S:n.,dean establ.ished·rul.es"bv,which"the~,.·' e~? l~ers. or e ,~I. ,... 'have m·artY· uses.~ a waslf-up If you thave. wall spa.ce.in this . for religious communillie!1 at ' the . can,"earn the .status"of , 'Sisteril.. . "' .:.the V,lSI tat1 on, Easth a m. j 1. nclude .. 'place' for the children, hand- utility room' for Closets, you ., M J h C I' d ~ '1931 'd ", . ·f· 'th' ~ i-L:: '. 1'8: . ~.~ anno s, preSl en , :laundering for daintfes;spot' re:' might aSSl'gn each child a' clos'et' •. Catholic University of America: here, who was asked" for comn ,a ecree 0 ~ ~-' Mrs. Helen Carron, vice .presimoving, soaking, flower-arrang- '(even puttmg his name on' his ment on the .new ipstruction. . redCongtegation 'of. ·Religiou.s . dent; Mrs. Robert DeschaJAP;s,. ing; ~ven sharpp!>OJ,rigthe. cll.i1- very own space). These closet~· ' '~clared. that these Sisters 'llie . secretary. Mrs.' Janet Collins has dren's haIr. . ' can take care of the misplaced :An extern-Sister;' he explained, . members of' the community . been re-elected secretary, ,Auitems that refuse to stay put, and' serves a: community of· cloistered which:they serve·and· sharers' of . gust plans include a Communion Wheeled Hamper breakfast next Tuesday; a social , With a laundry near the kit- 'become ·havens for those prized nuns. '!Since cloistered nuns are the sam~ spiritual b.enefilis' as allowed to go out into who the 'the world, they requirepe.rsons . nuns . H owever, it .was 1.~1'd at 8 'next Wednesday night att h e .ehen, Mother can pop in a load 'Possessions of each member of not' down as a gen~ral rule that they home of Mrs. James Bresnahan, any tim~: A g,reat .washing help the family termed ."junk" by will transact their business ~for "should.not live .within ~he, cldiilShips Lantern Village Nornil is also a cart-like clothes ham- 'everyone else. In the~' can repose, in blis~ful them outside the monastE~ry. . .: tel'," he said. ~ "Eastham; a food sale 'Sunday., 'per" that can be 'wheeled out of . Status of Sisters . F'ather Connell said the. Holy Aug. 20; and a regular business · hiding ,tight into .the utility disorder,' fishirfg tackle, fbot"Henee . there have always. ,.See's pronounc~ment is an "exmeeting' at 8 Monday night,.Aug. , room: Institutions make use of ·balls - even cans for worms! , .this tyPe of hamper and i{ 'you Now everyone is responsible for been women, generally living .~ellent source of informationHjon' ·.··2S'at'the·home of Mrs. 'Fred Lahave one' you could house it in his own possessions, and k:ii6ws outside' the cloister and not. extern Sisters, a group. not well ·Prana, Jr. The annual dinner' is ,. set·for Wednesday; Aug."30;",j;, a deep storage wall near the· where to. look' for them without .' ..bound by· the strict rules of re- known in the United States.: .bedrooms. disturbing Mother. This will eliminate the need . In short, .a utility room may of carrying clothes all through : make the difference, between working chaos and smooth sail.; · the house. I'm sure yoq'll f-ind " . ';:l ·the expense of such a hamper. ing in y,our"home. '


. .'


ew Decree of Moly. See Exp1a.tt;1s. ati'ons' 1for Extern Sisters'





:Voung WOmen Medical Volunteers. Nearing Post at Ghano Hospital WASHINGTON (NC) - Four will share four. rooms· in a house young women who left Washwhich has' tlie latest .comforts-ington in June are on the last for that part of Ghana - of a lap of their journey to &t.' John kerosene refrigerator and cookof God Hospital, D u a yaw, ing stove. .., . N~wanta, Ghana; where theY: :' '. The.'area in' which they ·;WIll serve for the next three live experiences extreme fiuc~ years.. '., .. ~ . .t~ations, in temperature, . whioh .Tramed ~y~re ~omen yoli\1n- /' varies from .120 deg,r~ at nQon" teers, ASSOC,ll!~lOna':1d sup~orte!i to ab()uqlo at nightF , . . , by the Washmgton arehdlOces.e, . .', . . ,.. i·'.f.· . . ' .:.' . they areCohnie Kem;l.Ely~~f;.,¥jl:' .. ' Tr~i~.i.~.;W~~in«toE :'i;,,' . , waukee,,~n·~~eSY~~·t(~.t; Ro~ek~' ' .. ·~f<iu'~ YO~rig:~Oin~n'~P~J Gra.ham of 'Cmc1~~~~I; ~ reg,~-." . :nine 'mimllhs it!.·Washiii~on/m.. tered. nur~e; ~nd ..~~l~al'.~eep~,:, tra~nihg for· their· assignmertt"ii: nolog}sts, 'J ame L~~l~'()f ,La,". ' ~hilEt ~(fr~ing.' ~ r~gul;ar jo~ Grange, Ind., ~and·J~~ett~~. diiringthe day,;1!ley studi~ Va. n of Red Wmg, Mmn.... ";:' . languages, trQpicmedicine, Afri~ ,. The. four. 'y~lu.n~rswl'!l aSB.~'. ~ll' .culture.. and. other subjects · an America:n ..husband apd w.lfe with the Women Vollinteers Aeteam-Drs:. Leon ,a~~ Ma.~ehn~ 'sOciatiOn: at night. .. Adcock - m' conductmg the hos- ",. .', '" ~ ' . . ' . pit~l, 206· mi1Eisinla;nd from .P)le. ". :11'he: ~VA'l\ecru1ts, trams ~nd coast, which is sPQnsored. b¥' P aces young. women m~l~a.l Bishop Andrew Van '~n ·Bronk". Y'0lunteers ..for. ov~rseas ·se~v.1ce of Kum'asi, Ghana. . :;. In . Cathohc : ho~p1tals, c! m1fS' Plan Laboratory~oo1s. and me?lf:jal lab~rator'les. The hOspital serves some 200 In AfrIca, Latm. ,AmerIca and outpatients a day, as well' as 80 othel' areas. · bed patients. One of the first ' projects for the volunteers wiil Farewen Partybe setting up a laboratory for Mrs. Clarence ·Fisher and.Mrs. use when electricity' is available 'Roland Letourneau. Sacred Heart -ordinarily from 6 to 10·p,rn.parish, North Attleboro, are in daily. charge of a farewell party' for They will a'lso work at a ma- Sister Beatiice Therese S.U.S.C: ternity ~ing now being built at ":0£ the parochial school,' who wili . u ~ hOSPItal. . .leave next month for a mission The volunteers wi~. rec'ei~e .assignment ,in Africa...The party $50 a month for neceSSItIes. They will be held at noon Monday, . ,Aug. 14 in the convent yard, 40 Turkey Supper .·Church Street, and will. include St. John Baptist Ladies" Guml, ", a ·co.Pkout. Reservations may be Central Village, will hold a tur- 'made with the chairmen and 'key supper this Saturday night .. special invitations have been in the parish hall on Main Road." 'Issued to last year's 'seventh and Servings will be from 5:30 'to 'l. eighth graders and their parents.





. .' ..



..SH.E·R·BEl . A' breeze~filled combination of banana, stniwberry and or~nge



sherbet. Spoon it in fiuit cups: serve it plain by t.he dishful,' float it in y.our favorite fruit drinks/You won't ·find:a cooler, more summery 'flavor than Hood Bananza Sherbet. Bring home a quint today - you'll be back for, ~~re -. tomorrow!




.. ' :.'



~ \ ShorJpei'$}''''~C~n

Tell Senat9r 'About f'raudu!ent ,Packa.ges

ANCFfOR~' Thurs., Aug. 10, .1961



Sister Discovers Gold in Coupons

By'·Mary Tinley Daly You and I of the pushcart parade are becoming pretty JERSEY CITY (NC) _ A nun important people. Matter of fact, the problems about whjch who after the turn of the century ~ have complained to one another have come to the served in the gold mining fields attention of no less a body 'than the U.S. Senate. "I thought of British Columbia literally has only my husband would Iisopened a gold mine for the Sisproved" even though we have ters of St. Joseph of Newark. ten to such a tale/' a young used the same products as our Sister Joseph Marie, 84, of St. housewife with a basketful mothers did before us. Joseph's Home for the Blind, of .pabies and groceries said IB it new or improved? And, some years ago set up a system IleCently. "Now I read that Sen. more to the point, are we paying for coli e c tin g merchandise Hart (Sen. Philip A.' Hart of more for a smaller box of the stamps and premium coupons for Michigan) is old standbys because of this the Sisters of St. Joseph. going to do label? 'Dhe plan has resulted in an lorn e t'h I n g Also, all too omen we fall for average income of $2,000 anabout all this the "Jumbo full pound" or the Dually for the last four years. ~ckaging and "Giant half-quart." Instead ~f In 10 years, the community's labeling busi., turning the package over, trying coffers have been enriched by DellS. D'a n ny, vainly to read the small print, $10,000. at 0 pea tin g we just pitch things into our bas. Besides the actual cash, prem~ose cookies." ket, taking on face value the iums have provided the table We h 0 use possibility that a "jumbo" pound servi~e for the community's nowives have, acor a "giant" half-quart must be vitiate at Englewood and several tually, been unlike a baker's dozen in. the old other institutions, and the organ der scrutiny for days-an extra doughnut tossed in the Sisters' chapel at St. Q long time, unin for good measure. Joseph's Village, Rockleigh. beknownst to ourselves. "MotiBut, isn't a "full pound" or a $250 First Year wtional researchers'" have "half-quart" still 16 ounces,. goSister Joseph Marie beg~ colwatched us pick 'one brand out ing on the old theory that "a lecting the coupons when she of a choice of llive or more and pint's a pound, the world HEADS NEW ·LAW SCHOOL: Father Martin McManus, was the general treasurer of the lbave advised their clients why around"? new d(lan of the School of Law at the University of San community in the 1930s. S~ rewe select Brand A rather than . We find alluring l~bels: "7. Diego, chats with Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. called: "'Dhe first year we raised Brand 'B, C, D or E. .~ ff" "10 ts """ Of $250. Now look _.. us." cen~ 0', . cen· 0&:... . f Supreme Court in the nation's capitol. NC ~hoto. ,n '!'bey and their :fellow practi- what? The appeal is carried on &ners, skilled in the art of ex- : through St. Joseph's Messenger, tracting a maximum of $$ from MGDt' Deceptions . I published quarterly by St. Josh grocery money, ha~ lulled We note regular siz~ packeph's Home here. For each issue 8le pushcart parade into Somno-. ages, only partially :filled; :false . 0 i Sister Joseph Marie writes a lesCe'nccwithbackgrouitd music,' bottoms on carto'nsleading us to NC) F . t column and lists the coupons that .•. __ .conditioning, proVision for NEW YORK ( - r o m years ago, was not requITed. o. are of value. Although the mag. Delaxationand vilSiting,' "Kiddies' believe we are getting ~re than the doorstep of Japan, a Catholic study Japanese, but she consld. h l' ·ted· 1 t' we are; jars of baby food with .. nun has traveled .. nearly. 8,000 ers it time'she did. She alreadY' . azme as Iml clr~u a lon, re", Itorners" W1here little. d~rling8 .' e>rie.;.q\.iader ounce thim pre-' . miles to Colurri.bia University's has a speak.ing knowledge of .the ospov~osrtehSehcoavuen..c:'ym.e In from all reM 'comics, play with toys, violl-sly, but priced the '.. slllne',' S'ummer 'sessl"on _...... study lied _.. h k ~ .... '. ' -en 'n'ago mam'a ·to· ."Let me tab . . , .... , "anguageplc { up co. er. wor Whe th . 1lh "I ',.; '~hand packedwice 'cream; with ,;r~pane~e., :.. '" ' . , '. in her mission's clinic on Old~ 'so nted ecou:o:s a~l~~ t .:," this home!" M a price. :, . every Spoonflil '90' skillfully" . Sister Carmel, s~ati~ nawa; where ..she ha'S been sta- 'wed ~ S,P:c e an h : rI.~ey have stud~~ ~! all r.igbt,tucked in that it' encompasses a on Okinawa, hail probably jour-: tioned since 1953. y IS er J osep arIe, oal .f, ~der ~he p!sychol0lf1: .~10l'0-,. flood bit of air. . ,. ··ii.eye~'father than any other stuShe said ~ can live without who also writes a personal letter ~. , . ..,. ' We . are lUJ:'ied byllbe' term': dent this Summer to take a: knowing the' language,as do of thanks to the donors. Meanwhile, pac~ng and "cOmp;uable witte," not aSking course at Columbia. She studies most of the 60,000 other Ameri. Reassign. Exiled Nuns labeling have <1iaken a tu!'n, quite "Comparable to what?" We see japanese 18 classroom hours a cans on the island. Okinawa has NEWTON. (NC)-More thOR • turn. " "You pa,y only," with the "YOU" week in 'a concentrated 12-week been an' America.n protectorate 70 of the 103 Sale!lian nuns who practically· jumping out. We a.nd program whiCh normally 'would since the end of World War II. no else? extend a full academic year. But a knowledge o( the Jap- came here to New Jersey in an • is this tum, about lrigh A native of New Brunswick, anese written characters, she ex- exodus that began' at the end all sides we are assailed by C da,S '18ter M ary C armel'IS plairied,' would be handy when of May have been reassigned. , prices and misleading paclrag.l.ng, theOn "New Miracle" this-and-1lhat. ana that has incensed not oniy.house- If the Catholie' Churdl . an- . with the Daughters of Mary, children confidently ask her' to Thirty of the nuns, attending . wives but their husbands 'Into nounced. as many "miracles" as Health of the Sick, an American read to them in both Japanese classes in English ~here, will be _... and English. ,,~. communl , furn;shing ammunition for Sen. do the manufactl.1t'er.s, we'd 'have .' ty . wI'''h'headq'~r''''-• ..... """... .... ..··""'1 can't under- sent to Saiesian houses in South N .Y. stand how the angel of marcy and Central America. Those who Hari lU1d IUs IlOboon\mitteeio- a new saint f ! N - secOnd Tuee- Cragsm n~ ~, _. OT Has Speaking Koowle4lge CllA talk to them in their own have been reassigned are serv.. wstigetion. ing in Ecuador, Venezuela,. the Sister Mary Carmel, whose fIongue but at the same time not According ~ Sen. Maureen M .. day. Because of some of these 8nd last formal schooling was a under.stand t'he writing," she Dominican Republic, Haiti, Chili, !reuberger of Oregon, whe W\'lS , other practices and the comnurse's training 0!Mll'Se, lJOIIle 20 said. Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. • witness at a hearing before plaints they cause, Sen. Han has the SUbcommittee, t1he American decided to investigate further, public spent more t9lan $53 bllprobably in late August 01' early, IioR last YeM" in supermarket. September. For serious buyers,. -.td grocery stores. . advice is to send documented 'When you consider what YOlI evidence of fraudulent packagspent, multiply it by the number ing, labeling and adverf7ising to Sen. Philip' A. Hart, Senate Ofof other families, it is easy to fice Bunding, Washington. 25, 8ee that dishonest packaging can D.C. &lOb you of a cent on this item, • half-cent on that, and add up to a terrific waste for American California Strengthens families. and a huge profit for Anti-Obscenity laws processors. SACRAMENTO (NC) - Gov.. Let's take some of the ordin-' -V phenomenon: 'New' and 'Im- Edmund G. Brown has signed. a measure whicb strengthens proved' flash up at us as we Il8aCh for common brands. The the state pimal code on traffic in psyc,hologists who have studied pornographic liter&ture in Calif- . .... .. arid noted Oue' reactionll, tell ". or-Ria.' ". ).~: : The bin' increases" 'penalties the .pite\cllg·ers ;tbat.",we·.~~ti!R~:­ .. ..: Wely take: the "new lift4._kn- .<paiticullirly .. Wi 'they: !.~l~~"~. 'large pu6lishers and: distribiltors . Mission Nuns Fin:aUse of por~Qgrap~y.. 'It, makes it a~ . ,. ' < . . "offense. ··to possess· obscene mat~., for Gift Ri~kshaw· ;-- . ,~' ... :. ~.~ with' intent to::give it awa,~ WEST PATTERSQN:{N.~~i\·' and ;br~nds\'~tie'7'in":sales~.' .. el.ckshaw may no(:be- the· most criminlill. Grea~ji" ~penalti~s are' . practical piece of..equipmentto imposed if min'ors are involved." have around a holise,. but th~ A clauSe reclairlng 'proof that. Missionary Sisters ott~ .Immac- dealers "knowbigly" handle o.b:- . alate Con'ception have' found.a scene matter 'prote.cts. in(iocent' lise for theirs. '. ,. retailers who unwittingly' stoc~ The nuns, who have ··their pornography. American headquarters 'here, re-. : ... ". ceived the rickshaw as a gift Outdoor Card Party' from' friends on Formosa. St. Anne's Sodality of St. HyaNow it is being preslled. in~ cinth Church, New Bedford, will service in the first. annual Sum-· hold an open air card party in: mer festival being staged. by the. the chtirch yard on ~ive.t Street Sisters. For 50 cents local young- at 2 Wednesday afternoon, Aug. sters get a rickshaw ride from 16. In cas.e of rain t?e event will boys wearing . coolie h~ts, after,· i be. h.eld..H~ ~~e pansh ~al1: T\1e . which they are photographed in . pubhc IS mVlt.ed. there wIll bt; the rickshaw against il Chinese .. I,Uany door pnzes, and' refresh.. background. ',.,'" .. ments will be free, according to , " , '. ~he arrangements committee.

Travels 8 000 Miles From Ok i nowa T Stu d.yapanese J Language


" oan





Retreat Films Rev. William J. McMahon, director of Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House, East Freetown, will show films on retreat activities at tonight's meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. John the Baptist Church, Central Village. The meeting is o{)ea to the pUblic.


• •


Fashion Show Officers of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society, New Bedford, are planning a fashion show from 3 to 5 Sunday afternoon, Oct. 22 at Pulaski Hall. Regular meetings of the unit will resume at 6:30 Sunday evening, Sept. 24 iD the church hall.

Refreshingly cool combination of pU're raspberry sauce swirled through luscious Hood Vanilla Ice Cream. Buy two pints - save 1O¢ today! FAMILY TV FUNI

"THE .... IM, ~A~~US, $HO~" SoVEfi'V -r:H-\;IR,SqAY 7-7:30 PM


THE ANCHOR-:-,. Thurs., . Auq. 10.

Statist:ics Show :Catholic Growth .~ On Formosa


Liverpool Pr~lat~

Stresse~ V Qlhile . ' Of lFa~ily ~ife '...

HWALIEN (NC) ........ The number of Catholics in this .Formosa See has increase4 . more than 37 times in· the past nine years an9, ill now; over 10

LONDON (NC)~atholics. in their spiritual activities inn6cently do a great dea:I to destroy famiiy life, Arch:'

per: .cent. of the total populatioR. . Growth statistics were released by Bishop Andrew' Verineu~ M.E.P., of Yingkow, who was ousted from his mainland China diocese by the communists and now heads the HVialien apostolie prefecture. During the past year there were 2,870 adult and 1,740 infa~ baptisms, bringing the 'number: of baptized' Catholics to 37,559.There are. also '20,342 persons' taking instructions for baptism' in the prefecture, which has a' total population of 360,000, in~' eluding 100,000' aborigines oi Malayan stock. When the See was set up in August, 1952, there were fewer than ~;OOO Catholics.;


bishop John Heenan of Liver-' pool told a London conference on the Catholic family. He also criticized the "destructive rna"; terialism" of some laity and cer"; tain parochial ways of raising money. . The Archbishop said: "We do a great deal innocently to dest,roy family life, Even in our spiritual life in the Ohurch we 'do a great deal to harm family relations. We have men's Communion Sun- .. day, and women's Communion Sunday. We have children's Masses. . 'Your Great Day' "I. am thinking of Sunday, .. when childrtm are s~panited from their mothers and fathers. First Communion is a .great opportUhity for building family

Missioners 'Overwhelmed' . til, Following the rapId grow the prefecture's priests-21 ChiHfe. H is very wrong to have a nese and 48 missioners - must First Communion Day on any care for .540 Catholics each. As other day than a Sunday. a result, the rate ()f conversions' "Corpus Christi is not the day . . . . j has slowed down. fOf: this. Parents ought to be GRADUATES FIJlST ENGINEERS, DOCTORS: One of two men in the first'cla~s of, . "Our missiorier.·s"ar.e literally there. the As aCommunion parish priest I aboI- CIVI "1 ~ngl~e~~s.to .... . . dua t e f r~m th e LOuVanlUm. . U' .'11.e, Th.e ..Congo, Mr. overWhelmed," . .Bishop Verineux. ished breakfast gra mverSI'ty, L eopoId VI and;. wrote to .. parents saying::'; M. Katabarwa . re¢eives congr~tulations, fro m Archbi~hop GastoiIe. Mojaisky P~rrelli,· said. "The extraordinary.number .. . . of ci:ihv'ersfons" "could .bt; coped ,.. 'This~syour greatday;~ake th~ ,·Apostolic Delegate to the Congo and .RuaiIda-Urundi. The university,' a 'Catholic institu;' with: oilly'by speedily preparing chilc;lren. home .",ithyou,::".. ' . tionand the onl~ uhiv~rsity now operating in the Congo ·also· graduated {irst numerous 2atechlst'S:" , The ArchbIshop . ·sa'ld . th e . . . ' . . . . ' , ' .; . - . _. ;. ": .. -. . ., . . . . . .' . . ".; ,', Chur,ch regarqsthe family 38,-,. natIv.e doctpr~ ..N<:L,J:>hoto. . .... . . . The priests,. of Hwalien, ·who· "th t ' t t . t -have, toc~'re for,·354.mission sta-: ., tions scattered. throughout· the' subordinate. In. every Ohristian' . . mou!,lt.ains,hil ve . 215 .hiy cate-~ civilization there·Js this recogni.:.·· ~ ,WASHINGTON.. (NC-) . The: of· achieving this in ·"peaceful Some observers feel Khru-' chists, men' and.women, assisting tion of the pl'imacyof the fam-' .. ~oIumin.o~sthirdSoviet program: coexistence;" it is made dear' shchev will not want. to' risk the! them: Two:catechist·schQols train: ily." . , . . ' J,' recently made public,in Moscow that the future of the free 'world good -things he ·has promis~d the., . recru·its. . .' . :'Materialisriiof Poor ,..will requiie. conti~uing.. stuc;ly .Will not be allowed to be peaceRus9ian people .by provoking: r Priests .of Hwalien must speak "'f~ have heard," he con tin- .·and· analysis. ,Reg~rdea as a 'sort: ~ul. .The draft described "peace- an lill-out war oyer Berlin. . not only Mandarir. 'Chinese and· ued, "much about the material- of "Mein ·Kampf," ·it will· be re-. . fuI- coexistence" as being aspe:' . Others say he has ·rio chancei . Taiwanese, but' fQuraboriginal ism of the rich. What is more ferred to by experts every time' cific form of "class· struggle" of making good on his promises, dialects. destructive is the materialism 'of they deteCt a new communi91;· 'between communism and "eap,.· to the Russian people, and may. the P()Or. More often than not maneuver in the making. italism." . have gone too far in his trucu- ,' Establis~es Co~gregation the father of the family is' so ma. Meanwhile, it has produced a The' glittering' good things lence over Berlin. To' show any; To intensify the religious life ,terialistic that he .will prefer to wealth of opinions, most of which proni~sed the Russian people in .softne!?s, they add, might under- of the aborigines and· obtain dedwork on Sunday than on Monday . could be 'subdivided many times. 20 years are seen as a sop' to mine confidence 'in his 20-year ~ated helpers, Bishop Verineull' because he will get time and a Some of·the v,iews are the:fol;. take their minds off their pres- .. plan. '. , last· year established a diocesall . half or double'paY.lowing: . ' ent dreary lives. . Tension 'Reinai~s cOl1gregati~m with simple vows· .••.• The. C.ommunist . party's: WaDCo Whole World The document clearly uses for aboriginal girls. ·C·atechetics . :"Thefact ~hat..this is the d~ .~ay! the famIly IS together. does, new :dr~ft .program. is intended. . . .,. . " " . . ' .., words" like '~democracy'" 'arid and domestic skills form an in-: ~otp,cc.urto him. H~ ~orks.0.ye:r.- (a) 'as a:.war,iling,. and.~haps' " 'I'h~:d~a!t makes .r~~erel}<;E's,to. :~pea<;e," in the ·special.. sense: the; ."tegral.part ~Ph~ U:ai~ing:.s? ~hat· " l tJm~ b7c~u~,0~ bhe·extra',M'Q;ne.y; intimidation,' to the .'free world: ' ··~~erIahsm,· to '~ecaym~ coLon"- '. Russian :cornmunistswanL thein.· . ,the Sisters of thIS fIrst'aborIgmal ,,' OI.~en It IS Just foe. the money. a~d(bY allll'paUiative:to,the lab~ietc.;,yettli~RusSlanIleds' 'to"Ii.~\re.i:t· speak.;' 6f $pre~.diiig~, 'con.grega~ion. can. ,late~., assist: .; . . . ' 1 I::t r ge pr0o-P?~~9fi'o£lll?thers Russian. ,?~ple'i'.~;' ;-:."';:'.".':" .. :·.. 40mJllat.~ I.ap ;ernplre. larger·.and: . '''fi-l'iternal' frIeridship,'>:"'oi'it .'calls , • thelr,.. ",trJ~eswomenlsPIr1tuallJ'. ." ~9ut to work even when there : . . . Khrushdhev IIS.ex·hlbltmg more ensI~ved th~n anY,...£z51,fS ';:fOr' !!militaht:s6lidarlty.'~~.a.m()(}:gh;:~d -materIally. 16 ~ nee~ an~even when they . some czaristic. traits calculated ru.led.. They. proclal.m the deter- international "working .class'" :An'~iridu'striaJ: school' 'for boys'" .have.young chddren; If she g~es' to appeal to ~n old and deep-. mm~tlOn to ~ake It the largest organizations to fight "the im- has been started; where abori-: ,. ~~t to ",ork regul,arly the ~~moJ1y . ileated. )tussiarr 'fee!ing ·for. i·m:..~ ;emplre.I~sslbie -:- tM . fl:l~e per.~ali9t w~r pOlieY,'.'.Which cali. ginalboys'besides regular 'studies; '\\7IIL:not be a.famlly',,~t:ll}l: . :<', ..: perj8Jism,: ... ' ., ~'-' ..' ,' . ',. world. . " '. . only melm the West.. . learn technical skills of value 'R".', '1,'1"';(:1';,',' '·d··;~~:v.: .. ;:··The'prOgra~s::'p'rQ.b~?ly .. : . T~e~ocu~e'!-t spea~s of '·'.so""" ; Meahwlifle;'" officilil . ;citci~s: in their home villages. · <. began.to ..takefurm.... before.~JM:. ~Iahsm .bUlldmg thlsemplre'ohere's'ay'Khrushchev'has'done" I· ci" 't 20-:" C Th '· latest' deepening of the .Ber(irt·, but "socialism" is dmade to mean .pr~t a.el~an urde10311de~~,,es.a , . I . " nothihg' to ease the' fen'Sl'o'ii oV'e'r'" bed heOSPI IspensarIes. I ~.n crlSls,_a~d It .IS n~t clear~heth~r , '; commumsm,,· an commum~m, B~rlih:I~wasthougb:t that LONDON (NC)":':'J h Th· ..· '. that subsequent 'worsemng .v.ras .. rs made. to. mean.the CommunIst . thmg Ilught have come "out'()f 1 Ji;;j;;;.;;p:;;;p;;;;r,.::;;;;;;::;;;;;;;::;;p:;;;;:;::.;;ui' Byrne made' s~~ili'f: a<.'nl p·oIf:k:i- '. accidental ()1" -intentiopal. :.' . Party: SovIet Union. (CPSU). '. his talks with U. 'S: represen~,:,' . NEW ENGLAND history here byupsettihg' com':.. .: ... The dra~ ad~s to ~e tive John J. 'McCloy, but apPM;;', . A' . M' niunlst control of a:iiiajor BritiSh .se.nse..offrustratlon Ill. deahng Diocese to Observe! ently this is not 'the case. '. • . trade union. ' " . wIth. men who recklessly use It is still th<lUght by sollie t h a t . B;·A E '. He won a costly 33-day High his~ory',facts and language for .UC arlstlC. .ay. KhrushcheV-would lilie to'receive: . Court action in which he proved ~elr own ends. . SACRAMENT0 (NC)-BIs?OP . Ii counter offer to his .avowal t~~ ·EveiySu~d.ay- $2.95 · that. the .powerful ElectrIca.l 'Peaceful.CoexisteBee,; '- JmOsePh '1". McG~cken of Sal.ra-. ~ign.a~ep~ra.-te.peac~.treaty.wit~:, .including,.,-.A live Lobster '1' d U' e.::- h 240000.' entohas deSIgnated Sunday; East Germany. They: contend that . . . ra : . ~u~n k Wo ~seth" h-' :M:ost--0bservers ~ the ne~, Sept. 3 as Diocesan Eucharistic time is'aiiimportaiiteleHientin . . ' '.' THE . rso eY.,.Jo s. rpug g'" . tao ""'g'" . arn':' Day ",,' '., . " . . . . . . . . . . '. . ··:~ .. ,~,"'_·"S","'.: '..·.. ·8,.'..... ,1l.c•. C'~. ", · out mem::pritiShindustry...::i\\"~s'inal{.;.: .~ro ra,m ,:as~~n ,Inlld~" Th~'w '. ~!; '. The····~bserva ··e· . ill be } Id" "hi~ , sitliation, and :thlit .neither "1' ~':' It'.... IJlU~ d' d' 't . If«(·:h '.. 11 . b":!'" mg to the J;. .ee.~wor. ey ~Y'--'" ". nC w ..' ,Ie ': •. "side'wants"'ro make' its "move.J'·" C IB · ~ge .an ,?~m ro. .e....t". ~~a, r-,.' r. 'Moscow' is ·stating·that. commt....... ·: ~n conjunction" with the .amiual ""';':00' "'o"ff"ers' .... ;"'t'oo'"'' ....... i ' .'1" r.· ',' i ''-''. . oggsh.~1 , ridge,. Fairhaven a ti'bycommumst :'chque 'f« ." ' ... : . ' , . " .J.;-'-' .: ' . ' t' f' the It l' C' t h ' " . " . soon. .'. '" . . . . . : . . . ' ... ·''':'''':~·.~·.<1'Ji.srri·.·w~l1 seek,;by·i,ev~ry..means~', ~onvenlOn:o". ,alan'. a _, .. !, .::-.":,,.-.,".... ,~.,.,,~ . ~:., ...."." ..,'." '\;.'." ... ,. •. ... ,.I·.Ii .~~~~:,ls~iotkirPt~~~li~:~~{f~::i:;:jt~ft~.~.~5>tnmah~:.:'to,:~i;lng about \. ~\iCto:e~er~:ion{~~c: Iis~x-:,. tfIt'o~.. _~.""~~""WI....~WI~ WWl....~WI~~WlWI...........WI~,"~"~ ,," Glasgow, brought the .-:~'ctlC>Ii·;':,theAlrt~I'.l~ the' Wes ._ 1:,ec e ;: h,a: ..rat·~ "n' '.' e ~g~I..es;:.',. .;,;, " ' ! m , . ' . '. ·'·""1 · fi-" t· ," ' . ",' ., , "t'h' , "1'1 . .'. -h' ... ' .;. . ""'''. '.. . JJ~u&".·the doCumelK ,gpea.... ,;r..h e E uc arIS Ie',,· ay. IS -'In· re- -t. ,., •••.• ,•• '_' _ :",' ~. ' .....,,'. "" '. '. J" .'" ~:a··:'· WI.; a co e8;gue. ~.ey c~al'g~,.: .;.' .;:t. ....'. ~\,' .~p0I?-.s~. to Pope.,John's.. reql.1est ~hat co~mumst offICIals .fra~~u.,:" ' .. 5' .. B' . .... . U... ,;. for public prayers 'f9r the sue... , . Iently. ··' .. ·;:" :"""1";'" ""1' ;·.,t.,.,:~.> ,. e':.,.:;". ..".;. •. . · ,'. ,' , ..•: . ' : . , '.' . ' . '. rIgged the last : . . electIOn . .;.. .~ ' t•..;onaventure ' . " .•;';)'.' . ,,-"'.c'ess' of th··e, ..ecumenlca ·co un c I . . . . . . ,.:. ·,'. forthe~ostofgeneralsecr<:tary, Has New· President . " ; : . ' . : . : ? ' t I I~.'."'~ e ' .•.. 'U/tt.:·.:t,'; . '~ ...~""' ..•. for whIch he was a candlda.te! ·sT. BONAVENTURE (NC).....,. . ." . . '. ". .




See' Soy'iet ·Third p.rog' ram asSCJlp to. Russian 'Pe~p'Ie;

es:es" . d"__ .'E'1'.'""-;' •;ourtu . .t •. :'. ., '. .,.. . . '-" ' R g ge. .::. ..ec,...




:.. . .. - '.

. .


.C.. ·t·.

E h' ..' D






so that Fran~ Haxell, semor·.. .... . '. . , . .. . '. member of the British Commim"" Fat~erFrancls}VllhalIl ~~~rn~y:,> ':'.. .. ' . ' '. . • . . '''t' t · · · · · 'lted .' hO>' -9.F,M".~n~tlve of ~toneboro, . . ~s 'par y'. was e ec m· IS .Pa:: ·has. been....named. president. PlaT,che. Lo' d' . H"; h"; C' ~ led'" of Boiiav~nt~te:U~iv~er~ft~. Plumbing-.Hea.tins( . . .e.. n em ,Ig OUn ru ".... . . . . .. . .. ',,, . . .' _ . ...' . ·:·Over. 35 Y~ars, '.: ':'; t.hal Haxell;illid four othercom~. : .~~·suf::ce..~s ,;F;~~9e.J;,J[J~111~·. i';:"': munist.; members of. the union' ~ ~b:o~~.....9·J!:·~,,·:.pr.~slde~ ..t .:~JJ.lc.e . , . '., .. ~' SatisfiedSe"'vi~. wereg",Uty pfconspiracy, that " ~955, v-: h !> .':v.Jl~ be~Qm~, ..~!efe.c~ . Byrne was :in fact elected in of stu.dles I,n N~w YO!I5" 0(' ~. "806' NO. MAtN STJlE~ 'December, 1959;' and that. heFran~~scaQs ..HolYNa~~., ·pr~~.. . Fall. River OS 5,;7~~~! . 1 sllouldimmediately.take . over ince.. . ...;. - .. office from the deposed Haxell; ." .


pr~:~ ji:a1e H~~Ue~~ a~d ~~~~~.



the i'nembers of. the union and tha,f·.lies were told and' a "wicked·" frau(;l" practiced. i '

.Oppose Recognition' WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has approved a resolution opposiQg diplomatic r.ecognition or United Natiom membership for Red China.


8~YO:UR: BANK'" ,,, '.'.

·SLADE'S .~.


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- - ------------

Red Data Shows Youth of Pola nd Still Catholic

THe ANCHORThurs., Aug. 10, 1961


Diocese ~evises Lay Pa~fi'Dco~atcon In DevctQ@rJ1S

, BERLIN (NC) - Surveys 'published by Polish COmmu..;, :, nists themselves indicate' that "scientific atheism" is""

MARQUETTE (NC)-The ,laity will recite in English five impOrtant, liturgical prayers at Low Mass, accord-

feebly taught in the schools of Poland 'and has made hardly' a dent on the minds of youth. Most high school students sti'll attend church and only a hand,ful call themselves unbelievers. Teachers complain their lessons in "secular morality" have difficulty competing with the combined influence of Churoh and family. These trends were brought to light in the communist weekly Zycie Literackie (Literary Life) and the atheist weekly Argu-, menty (Arguments). Zyc,ie Literackie gave some results of sociological surveys of high school youth in Cracow, a city of almost half a million.

Ing to new instructions issued

in the Marquette diocese on lay participation in the Mass. The d1irectives,' in a booklet distributed to the cler.E!y, call for for En~lish hymns at Low Mass, with th~ Gloria, Creed, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, and Domine non sum dignus recited in F.n<tJish and the Pater Noster and short responses in Latin. Bishop Thomas L. Noa of Marquette. who authorized the direc_ tives. has also revised the ceremonial structure of the Forty Hours' Devotion. The opening ceremonies after one of the Sunday Masses have been reduced to one hymn and the litany of the Saints in English, The closing ceremonies on the third day will begin with evening Mass, followed by procession of the Blessed Sacrament with a hymn and the litany in EngHsh.

Attend Church The polls showed that SO per' cent .of the boys and'S9 per cent ' of the girls attend church. Fifiy- ' six per cent of the boys and 61 per celllt of the girls go every Sunday and holy day, without fail. ' The survey also showed that S3 per cent of the boys ,ajl,d , ' girls 'consider themselves be-, lievers'. This indicates that ~~ ,': of who attend church', ' , from'time to time are not s~g ~' . , in their faith.' " " , ,\ I, OrilY:,'3.S' perc~t·of the boi,s" and' 5.5 per cent of the gi'fls" called' themselves' unbelievers;" And Only .S per cent of the boys ' and ,5 per cent of the girls de:..' ' clared'themselves against reli":, ' " gion. Six per celllt of the boys' and :, girls said, religion does not' in':' ' " terest them, and the same per-" centage said they are interested in religion but have no definite opinion on religious matters.

Cards for Faithful The revisions were prepared by the Diocesan Liturgical Com-' mission after several months of study of the new regulations is'sued: ,last year by 1lhe Sacred Congregation of Rites in Rome.' Msgr. Francis M: Scheringer, ' pastor of St. Francis de Sales church, Manistique, heads the commission. In addition to the booklet for the clergy, the commission has prepared a card for the use of the faithful.



No Influence The Cracow survey showed that SO per cent of the teachers "have no educational influence," the communist publication said. It,commented: ".ThisOf' that





DISPLAYING THE FAITH I:ft\l FLOWE RS: A y~ungan critic in Genzano' Italy looks' %O~~=~~~o~~h~~h~her~l~~" ~n ~s a: team of artists, ~?t Jirijshi~g ·Wu.¢h.~~"to:;.,thi~"~Mad,o,nna::Wttll.Cili!d;';in tlo~er language 01", mathematics. '. •," , pet~l~. ,E~ch,)rElar tile,: cI~lzens ,of Genzano ,c~)Ver theIr quarler-mde-long;.. malllstreet. WIth , but poorly 'esteemed,tlS' a'human:;, ,& f~9ral carpet.'rhe' ~liIl).ax,of -the festival 'is 'a religious ·procession that moves along the' being." ' " ,'. , ""flower,:carpet ,1;() the.. church; NC Photo." ,,::.:; ,.' " : " , ! , . , , .;." ,', ... ", "



WY 2.;6216" ~'.'"

C' .. '

A . . s~ey oonduqted la$t ~yea~ /'. .," .' . . 4:'". " by tl\e ,Warsa~ Center,:f.9r :p,oU- ',' ," ','" ,~" ' ' ,', '" ' '" "' " .. .. ing Pl,lblic Op~nion ipdicated,that almO.ll~ four~fl1)tbs of the young " " ,' '" , ' ' people in Red-domiQate4 Pola.nd " Bll.KAVU (NC)---:The Bish~ps: treatment of holy objects carry' consider themselves CatholiC'$. of K'ivu9rovince have issued a the penalty of excommunication. Early'",this year the atheist for,t;'.-" pastor~llett~r decrying the rule , "Dear ChI'istians," the Bishops nightiy Facty i MysH (Facts an'd Of lieS,~nd violence in Ki~ and said,' "we remind y{)U that the' Myths) said more 1lhan three- 'espec\ally in the southern region; disciples of Christ love peace,' quai'ters of Poles in Poland are known the Mal1l~ma. ' , truth and'justice. They love all ' practicing Catholics. The pastoral declared ,that men without distinction of race, , Bishop Rich~rd Cleire, W.F" of, for all are children of God." Kascongo, capital of the ManThe Bishops warned against iema,' would risk imprison'ment the traffic in hemp, a common and mistreatment if he returned narcotic.' ,to his See. ' ' , "To, smoke hemp is '8 very NEW YORK (NC)'-The Post' ,It pointed out that violence grave sin against the fifth com..;,' , Office Department and Congress against priests or Religious car-, ma'ndment of God, By this poison wer~ congratulated by th~CaUh,r~es .t/le penalty of:excomin'uni-. you shorten your,life and that of ' ,olici[Pre,ss 7A~iati0tl,> :~~r ,tn~ ,~~tio,~; ,i1~d .l~a~: excoiji~~I;ica-y~>ur:,children~"'Hem,? does ,n~t' 1 decision to exempt religious,', tron mcurred 'through, VIOlence give courage;, but dnves,a, man' non:':profit 'groups frorll'thepro-' 'to a bishop can be abse>lved'(mly 'mad' .and , then'·be·commitsthe" po~:' increases '.in· postal 'rates; ", ,by ,'the Popehimse1f;,'·'·',' '" ... ·,"'greatest crimes;' '~or ,that' reason" ! F~h~r Albert J, Nevins, M:M;, ' ~e pastoral al!JO pointed out it is:8 'mortal ilin to plallt,'seUV ',' president of the e.:p,A.,. sent a' tIl,at :sa,crilegious ,th~fts or mis-, buy ot' smoke 'hemp)"g" ," ,'; .''', telegram to Postmaster ,General ' , ,, ,"" "! ,J. E,dward Day an<l J;tep. Tom, DAUGHTERS O~. .,.", .'SiPAui' .. Murray of Tennessee, commend, hlvi.. 'oung, ..... (14-211) to label .. ing their "re~ognition of theiin-' " Chri't', va,t vin.yard as an A,..... . . til. portance of the religious'press Editions: Pr.... Radio, Movies and f ... to the moral welfare of the mion.' With th~.. IIlod.rn moan,.. til... nation." Murray is chairman of Mi..iona.y 5i,t.n bring Chriat', Doctrine the Post OffIce and Civil Service to all. ;.gardlen of race, c4i1or III -..t. Committee. " FOr information ,'wrl.. , to.


",Denounce 'Congo Violen'ce, ties



·t I Approve Posa

Ra t es' Measure' ,'


Comprom1se DiU Father Nevins,' Dr., Daniel A. Poling, editor' of the C:::hristian Herald, Edward E, Grusd, editor of tpe National Jewi"h,'Monithly and! other religious spokesmEm had' protested l.>efore-' the House conimittee againstraisirig pOstal rates for religious mailings. , On the heels of these 'protests, : the !bill was killed in committee '~ by n vote of 10 to, 9. A, compr~, ': mise bill (H.R. 7929), introduced" by Rep. David'N. HenderSon of' North Carolina, exempted religious and non-profit groups from an increase in rates. The previous across-the-board boost in mailing rates would have raised $741 million for the Post Office. The, compromise biU seeks $51)l!. million.


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'~'BriU~lg@nce of God's ligh!" 8 Flood~ Life s Pathways '




By Most. Rev. Fulton J. Sheen. D.D. . A farmer who has only a few acres of 'land on whidh to live and, at the same time, is' anxious to remember God's poor is often' in .doubt as to wha,t to do. How can he possibly combine his present needs with the needless future which death brings? How can he have the reqUired security of daily' bread and still give what he has to the furtherance of lihe Kingdom of God? The answer is obvious: Allow him to use his land while he lives, gaining merit at· death bypassing it on to flhoS:e who have not, in order that they may glorify God.

By' 'Most Rev; Robert J. Dwy~r"J);D. Bishop of ·Reno,


,',', 'StewCi~df 'N~t 'O~~e~s 'God Love You .

'.'.' '

The late,' Maurice -Ba~i~i, whose':recoi:b1ition'as one of the real masters o{the:'English essay has been too long withheld; w:a0\3 fond. of a' little vignette which he used over and over again, apparently with bland indifference to the obvi<)us .fact' that he was re- the eye undimmed by too much peating himself. And, after straining over the small print at all, if a thing. is. good, be it th~ bottom of the page, when we a table, wine or a story, why . have neglected to read the ap-

Such an opportuD.ity is offered to the falthfu. In the form of annuities by The Society for thePropagaUon of the Faith. Yo. give us your stocks, bonds, land or money. At death, when you no longer need earthly security, your capital passes to the HoI,. Father, who knows the needs of the world. better than any individual. In tbis way you will be arranging for a living in ·this life. and eternal life in the next;

Should it not bear repetition? "I remember once during Holy Week at Moo":"

parent text. That is why it is typical of the convert that he exclaims over every new revelation of the wonder and mystery eo w , w hen of the Faith, while we take on a there was a f a i r p a t r o n i z i n g - - a i r , as though to say, going on at the "Yes, interestin'g; isn't it?" Kremlin, seeIng a little old man '. 'None,'Is So Blind' We ask you to treat your possessions as hawking about . Chesterton's little parable of would a steward, not an owner. You live as some goldfish the man settiJ:tg out· to explore, In a very small all the riches of the world, only ENTERS RELIGION: Bro- a steward when you realize that God is the bottle, He kept to find that his road leads ther Robert Louis DiManno, owner of the ship and you are merely· the captain . . . that you are traveling through piping out in a straight back to his own small 'SS.CC., son of Mr. and Mrs. life laden with a rich cargo that is to be hi g h falsetto, house, is marvelously a,pt, except Charles DiManno, 410 :F'ourth deli:vered to many people and to many places, <Fish, fish, fish, that our house is Our Heavenly , . Street, Fall River, ha::l pro- For the faithful steward is happiest when, ll'ttle goldfl'sh, Father's, as WIde as th ,e world ' who will buy?' " 'Who will buy?' itself and filled with treasures nounced temporary vows as to change the figure, he invites to his banquet "the pool',. the lie piped as he walked up and from every country and every a member of the Cong'rega- maimed, the lame and the blind." down 'between'the bookstalls and' clime. tion of the Sacred Hea,rts of the booths. But the people None is so blind as he who will Send your request for oar detailed pamithl1lt 4i:.n. annuUies, bought toys and, sugarplums,. not see:We go through life comJesus and Mary., He is a including the date of your birth, to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, bOots and odd volumes of Punch . plaining of the darkness. wtIile., graduate of St. Mary's paroThe Society for the Propagation of the' Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue. and John Stuart Mill and Mrs. all the time our path is flooded. 'chial school and:Dune(! ~igh. New York I, New: York. '''And thou shaK be I'eeOIIlpensed M the H~mphreYWard "-:- but rio gold-" with the brilliance of God's School, and is the first man r(!surr~ction of. the just.". fiSh" . , light. This, aiter all, is 'no more' f F 11 R' . ,!'No one would buy the litUe than a gloss of tnat'Ihassive I»,ro.. " rom a . lver to join :the ..~ .GoD LOVE YOU Mrs. H.M:C. fo~ $25 "T~ ~ used toward lfOldfish; for men, do nen recog- logue of, St. John's Gospel: '. Br<>thernooo"'of'the congre- a mission 'chapel in honor of 'The' Sacred' Heart of Jesus,wherever ni'ie the gifts of' hea'l~, tbe 'There is one thatenli~tens gation. ,. ,.i ,the HolyF-atIier designateS. May' othe~ ..PeOPle be "enCouraged to m~gical g~" wtIen t~y see 'every soul born into the world; 'do likewise." . . . to M.M. for $30 "I was able to save the above amount in a recent :business :transadion; May ·it now .help save. a , to Beaut,· " 9OUl." .' •• to M,J.D, for $100 "The enclosed· check is this year's .Personally,. ~" hav~ i nevet' 'made, was in the world, and ,tlui Fall River, F;atherLyons wall' the .vacation pay. l have decided to stay home this year 90 please use _red much' for' goldfish '01' con- world did not recognize 'Him. la~t surviving' priest ordained by mY' offering to send a missionarY where he will do theinost gOOd." sidered them seriously in the He came to whast was His own, the first Bishop of Fall FtivEir. • .. ~'D..J.,. an~tK.J"for' ,,~,40 "We' havedWoovered that a glass light of one of 'beaven's choicer and ti\ey,wno wer,e His ow:n ,gaye\, , "Father Lyons served as assist-' Of ice water tastes jU$t, as goOd as a poPsiCle, especially when 'you gifts, though we may be wrong. Him no welcome. But' aU those . ant at St. o!oseph's Church, Taunknow you're "elping so~eOne -else.. PleaSe use OUl' MCrifiees to sOme peopledelii,ht in them and who did welcome Him He em- ton, St, John's Church, Attleboro, aid God's Poor children:" , make pets ()f thein, wastIng their powered to· become the children and' St, Lawrence Church, New affection for ~ dubious r~1V'ard . of~, aU ·tposewho, bel~~ve 1ft. ' .:eedf<?rd., He. b~came pastor of Raise your TV ratin,. b,. placing OUU:LADY 011' TELEVISION' . Gf.' a fishy stare. '. , His name. , ,. 'Corpus Christi Church, Sandatop y~oio sei. This ll-i;nch 'figure of Madonna 'and Child, made - There is nothing quite so Uft- . Koeep Eyes Open wich in 1914, arid after a pastor- ... of unbreakable' white plastic .with . gold-colored cross and halos. nerving as the insouciant glance ',Heaven, thoolo'gically, ~ de- ate tl1ere of four years went to Js highlight of the S~er viewlJi&' sea8oa~ Send aa 'oIferJu&01 $I wiihyour '...eq.... ..' .' Gf a fish. But Baring's allegory scribed as the Blessed Vision.of· St.. Patrick's Church, Wa,reham, transcends his subject. Substitute God. Ma.y it not be t!lat in tlM! in 1918 where lie remairied until , Alencon lace or Venetian bind' 1927. On January ,29, li)27,he Cut out this column, pin YOUl' sacrifice to It and maD ,it to the ing's if your tastes happen'tO "Nit ref!eded !ight of that yision, vre assumed the' pastorate of St. lthall see all things wilth a clarMost Rev, ,Fulton J. Sheen" National Director Githe Societ7 fOl' ai<mg these lines.. iii' and comprehension. whiCh Joseph's Church in Fall River. the Propagation of the Faith,,366Fiftb AVeDue,:,New YOrk 1, N. Y.. The tragedy Of most Catbo~, . The eulogy 'at F'ather Lyons' , or your Diocell8ll Director, RT. REV, RAYMOND T. CONSIDINB, elude us now? Then, perhaps, we eertainly, is that we fail to rec- shall flock to buy tM goldfish 'Mass was preached bl' .Rev. H8 North Main Street, Fa~l 'Ri-ver, Mass: egnize the prodigal beauty tmlt from the little old man. l?aniel F. 5ha1100, administratol' lite Church unfolds before us, of St. Louis Church, Fall River The richness of her 'dogma is " But in the meanwhile, here 0lIl. ,who served ,as assistant to Fathe; earth, it might help it' we w6l:e AS IN ANYTHING' ELSE.I THERE'S for the majority a closed and to tl'y to keep our eyes open. Lyons ilt St., 'Joseph's for 19 sealed book. The unending faayears. Work Involved .• (lut it -is a Pleasant, interesting K.ind of cination of her liturgy, like a Davenport Has Tw,0 F,ather Shalloo .paralieled tbe Work that' Fits in. Easily With Homemaking Demands, A landscape forever changing and priestly life of Father LyOllls Kind of Work for which You are Especially Suited. Let us alwayS revealing fresh delights, Mission Volunteers . ,with the various hours of tile teU you how AVON hasshowA Thousands of Women the is ~ll too often clouded over for DAVENPORT (NC) _ Two Divine Offic~, the praye,rs said Way to Security. _:by the mists of fu.mili~Tity. young women have ' volunteered' every day by ail priests for the FAll RIVER AREA NEW BEDFOtlD ADA Bride of Christ as lay missionaries, one to serve entire. Church. As the various OS 8-5265 WY 7-7089 The superlative poetry of the in Lafayette, La:, and the other parts of the Office, said at difAnLEBORO AREA' CAPE COD ARfiA Mass falls like dull prose upon in Peru, the Office of ~he Lay ferent times of the daY,encom, SP 5-9306 CA 2-3651 Oltr unreceptive"ears. The church, Apostolate of the Davenport dio- pass the'life lind work of Jesus 1lI0CI(fON~STOUGHTON AltEA TAUNTOh ..AREA in. our diminished prospective, is cese has announced. Christ, 'so' Father Lyons' life, VA 2-04fn JU 3-3434. only an institution, shabby some• Martha' Tobash, a native of from the day on which he was '0 times and down at heel, vulgar Schuylkill Haven, Pa., and a ordained by "the first Bi:;hop of and garish and worn flat by 1961 graduate of Marycrest Col- the Diocese until his death, remillions of' gnarled hands and lege here, will 'serve as an Ex- flected'the "sacrament of duty" ~d feet; whereas she is in ta'uilh tension Volunteer with the Cath-· for which he wail ~t apart. . the Brtde of Christ, glo.rious and o~ic Charities of the Lafayette, Father Lyons' priesthood Was .be;.utiful beyond co1ppar~.. " .. ' "diocese. She will· work among cl).aracteriied by his concern: for "God, somehow, is like the little . underprivileged Negroes 'in the' his People, by his sermoll.ls, l),rief .": CI~se~. '~II.DC;I,Y" aussian peddlar of that far away .., ~rea. . .... ." ",;. . . ' but meaningful and eloquent in :~ ""::~.~,";~' long':ago dayin>M6SCowiHe ""Mary .Carruther!':.i){ Qttum\<i'il,'; :their :expresition. For' y~~rs:: he'. ... '. ,.' , . oflfers us .gold ,and,.. w.e pr,ef~. Iowa, will serve as a :r~p~l Vol-,. had iii,., the vestibule. of ;:8t. ,'. ck'6ss, . .", ..•.•. :._ '.':.,'" ..~ntee~. {or 'Latin America: .She" ,'JoseplI"S' Church the'rEllllinaer' Wha t we need iathe fresta 6J'., will co~plete her nursing train:" 'tha,t the pulpit· was reserved, fOl" .\ '" ~. ~~~ ::1 ,.': ,'\ .'... . ',:, ' D'. i;'\)" '·."iilg at :St. 'Joseph',S<S~hool" 'Of: ,the .Word ~of·Go(f."imd not 'fur .Sponsors Chnst~CI,".· llfursing in Ottumwa,.I~wal:;an~ .talkingab6ut'inoli~y.· t·t t' after' four months' missionary "Assistant Priest_to'the BIShop umanlsm· ,ns I U, e training in Mexico will be asin yesterday's Pontifical Mass :ASHEVILLE (N~),~- ~IS~~P : .. signed to a nursing P9st in Aban'- was Rt. J;tev. Humberto S,Me-, Vmcent. S. Waters. of:Ralel~h .~s cay, Apurimac, Pe.t:U. 'deiros lind' 'Deacons of Honor sponsormg' a' three-week' work, ' . . " .. ' were RL~;v Alfred J .. Bonneau shop here on "Christian Human- Czechoslovak Re'ds . and Rt. Rev James J. Dolan. ~ ism," It will end Saturday,~ . . 'J ' .1 .F'.··· p.';" Deacon was Rev George E. SulSix scholars, inchiciing Bi~hop'" OliVe rtests· '.',. livan and'Subdeacon, Rev, David John '.J:. 'Wright of Pittsburgh, ,.. VIENNA '(NC)-;-A communist A. O'Brien, Acolytes WE~re ·Rev.' are appearing during the sem-" court in Tabor, Czechoslovakia;" Edward' C. Duffy and lilev, AIiriar attended by about ~O col- has sentenced Father 'Frantisek bert F. Shovelton. Other officers lege instructors, 20Sist'ers"'imd .' 'Rahiska to four yea-rs, in' jail,' ac_.: o(the Mass were Rev. Henry T. Buy~' We S~p'"I., se.:veral laymen..Bispop: vv.r\ght", .:!=ording, to reports reacping,here.. ; JyI~nroe, Rev Thomas il!:. ).W:orwi:ll lecture on: "The American The Prague newspaper,' Svob.:.··, rissey,' Rev. Gilbert J. Simoes, , COMPLETE Catholic Intellectual .:versus the odne Slovo, said the pr:iest was Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira and Rev... ' RENTAl'WORK UNIFORMS American Intellectua.l' Cathol~c.". convicted of "illeg'al: machin- . Maurice R.'Jeffrey... ,Others appearing are: Msgr. . ation's" for collecting money for Masters of. Ceremoni~~s were" SHOP, TOWELS Pliul H, Furfey, head', sociology "the 'Church, Such collections are ,Rev. John, H Hackett 'and Rev. AJso Reclaim Industrial ~lov... department, 'the Catho~ic Univer- subject to strict limitations and James W. Clark. aity of America; Father Ambrose taxes in commJ.lnist:-rul~dCzech.:Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, I.' McNicholl, O.P;, department oslovakla·. '..... D,D:; V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of of philosophy; Angelicum Uni;Fat~r, Rabiska is ,the. fifth the Di<?cese, preSIded ov:er tbe versity, Rome; Barry Ulanov, priest reported to have been imchanting of the Office of the English department, Barnard prisoned in Czechoslovakia this Dead Tuesday afternoon after College, Columbia University; year, Earlier four Augustinian' the transfer of the body :from tbe Sv«.... to hancis J, O'Malley, English de- priests were jailed for' "anti- Rectory to the Church. Lessons New England OveraH & Supply Co. partment, Notre Dame Univer- government activities," for holdwere sung by Rev. ,lohn E. 30 Boward Ave., New Bedford atty, and Willis D. Nutting, a180 ing "seem meetings" iA viola- Boyd, Rev. Edward L. O'Brien Phone WV 7-0187 or WY 7-0788 at Notre Dame. tion of a 1950 law. and by Bishop Gellrard.




Cht;~~l R~ognille



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ST. PAUL WALKED HERE: The roadbed of the ancient Appian Way, and the gate in the south wall of the City of Rome; used by St. Paul 1900 years ago, have been' a)tered slightly since the first meeting of the Apostle of the Gentiles and the people of Rome. NC Photo.

Single Milestone Marks Historic -Meeting of St. Pa~I'With Romans , ROM.!!: (NC) - A single mile: stone is all that is left to record The waH, and the gate have , the' first meeting between St. changed little - since St. 'Paul Paul, and the people of Rome 19 ,passed through them.. '1'he place of the Three Tav-centm"ies ago. : The stone i6 'a ~Uc: of the erns no longer exiSts: it is be· Roman Empire' still standing lieved' that it ,stoOd where the beside the Appian Way. It is all present village of Cisterna rises. that is left to :mark the sppt This wO!Jld' have been a normal" where once stood the Market of day's journey, if one traveled Appius, the place of that historic the 30 miles distance on foot. encounter between St. Paul and After leaving Cisterna; the · the first Ohristians of Rome. Roman Christians Would have St. Luke', who accompanied St.' had another dozen miles' to go Paul on his first voyage to Rome, before they met St. Paul. The' · tells the story in the 28th cliapjourney from Cisterna. would tel' of the Acts of the APosties. " have taken them down into'the He tells how the ship in which Pontine plain, which in that day they were traveling was dashed was marshy and malaria into pieces on the rocky shores of fested. The Market of Appius ' Malta during a storm and how, was a posting station in the midafter a few months, they set sail ,.' dIe of the plain where the '.' in another ship. He continues:' mal'shland had been drained. 'Paul Gave Thanks' "We put in at Syracuse (Sicily), and stayed there three days. 'DIlen, following the coast, we reached Rhegium (today Reggio Calabri'a, Italy); and one day later a south wind sprang up, and on the second day we arrived art Puteoli (today Pozz~oli, Italy), where we found brethren and were entreated to stay with them seven days; and , so we came to Rome. ' "And the brethren there, havIng had news of us, came as far , as the Market of Appius and the I Three Taverns; and when Paul ~. saw them, he'gave thanks to God , and took colirage. On oui- arrival', _at' Rome, Paul was' givoo per"; , m~ssion to live by himself: with , a soldier to guard him:" , It is relatively easy 'to follow , tbe route taken by St. Paul as 'he , approached Rome, for the roadbed of ,the 'ancient Appian Way has been altered only slightly. For a great' part the WGY oile Can even see the original pavement of stone blocks over which the Apostle of the Gentiles certainly passed. ' Little Change To leave the city as the rim Roman Christians did on their way to meet St. Paul one"passed through the Porta San Sebastiana in the south wall of the city. The Porta San Sebastiana was then called the Porta Appia:

Today there is no trace of the Market of Appius. There remains only the 43-mile marker placed there by the Roman road builders. The road is lined wirth umbrella pines and fields covel: the place of the village where St. Paul and the Romans met. In downtown Rome tradition sayS that the church of St. Mary in Via Lata on the' Corso, Rome's main street marks the spot where' St. Paul lived tinder house M'reSt. '1'he. Mameriine Prison whei-e , st. Paul was finally put \n : chains may still be," v,isited on the edge of the' Roman Forum:;' A TrappISt mOnaSter-yO now stands in the eucalyptus grove outside: the, city wallwheFe lie was be- . hea<Ied',and great bashiCari~s " above the place where he wall ' buri~ oil the:Ostian ·Wa,y. '


'No Room A.t Inn' Is Reality for 'Prelates' ST. LOUIS (NC)2..-."No room at the inn" became a reality for 37 prelates here for the consecration of Bishop George J. Gottwald. ' The date of the consecration, Tuesday, Aug. 8, coincided with the opening of the week-long convention of the American Bar Association. And this city's 15,000 hotel rooms wert- all reserved for lawyers months before Pope John named Bishop Gottwald Titular Bishop of Cedamusa and Auxiliary of St. Louis in late June. Thirteen of the bishops stayed at the Regina CIeri, a new home for retired priests Others stayed in various parishes of the arch~

Salesian Provincial


•• '."


. . . . .-

Ideal Summer Meat Treat

Choice, Tender


tU{}"cesa' •• , , , ,

: :" .


Oven Read, 8 to' 14 LB Average


Delidous Hot or Cold

Corned Beel

NEPCO Deli. St,l.








~ Ground Several Times Daily

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. Tend'erRived Steak

SlIme Low' Solf·SWYice Prices iii All Stores in This Vicinity:" ' (Wo' ROS«YCllhe Righ9 to Limit Quenfi"o.)

-----',1-Auii 1J1Uei,a,U-----

•CANTALOUPES c Famous, Coit Brand-

Elttralarge Size - Vine.Rip~n~d'~, Spoonfuls of Pink Lusciousness, Sweet as Honey

G R A'P 15 2 tss49c

lLlned With Pines


TAMPA (NS) - Father August Bosio, S,D.B., for the past five years director of Mary Help of Christians School here, has been appointed provindal of Salesian Fathers in the community's eastern province of the U.S. , 'ClllG €anada;' '. .


SEEDLESS - Luscious Bunches



of Juicy Flavor


. ',BUY'ALL, YOU WANT , EXJRA'J~ STAMPS, 8'~~El~. ' '2,~5',


, ~.It ......ie, 8~: ,:'

'50, 25 2'5----------"-25---------'---..,..------,.---.:.....,...-----....--




EXTRA J.4Jl. STAMPS, LB 2'oz ~KG VAlU·PAK ' l i ' l l _ Beef Steaks 'Frozoo 11'" ......_.


'lllIA' A4j(STAMPS1~:i~E~L~. ,tOIonw Slndwicll PM '

STAMpS " ~~,~~~ '"S'". ;. ExTRA:J.4)(· ,Fhiut Whih' 2 ';":"'.,...-'~~..-----,,--~---~-


T~ ~, 'In Oil,




'. ::;::14 .:''.

Lauds ·.Proposal To Crack Down On' Radio, TV'


~r·i.ania's Pictorial Biograp,hy ;,~·'.Of Hemingway 'Adequate#;'


. 'A' propOsal,'praised"l)y' a


By· Rt. Rev. Msgr. J~hn ·S. KennedY:~.::,. The death of Ern~:;t.. iIemin~ay Co~~~~2:e~front:. H\page space all over. ··.t~e,W:orl~~-I~.:American papers t.he-:e n~;were follow"up stories day after day. These were thm m, U:'supstance, and peculjar~ymaud~inintone. But the,it numb~r'

. Catholic' youtH 'leader," to , crack· down on' arid "vio:. ienee on' radio and .TV has WOIl new 'backing in CongreSs.' . Rep. Carroll D. Kearns 'of Pennsylvania introduced .a bill (H. R. 8435) to extend to ra~io and TV programs exploiting sex, crime, horror or violence the present penalti~s for use of obscene or profane language. Penalties for violations would range up to fines of .$10,000, or imprisonment for two years or both. Another bill for the same · purpose was introduced earlier in the House by Rep. Harris B. McDowell, Jr., of Delaware•. Factor in Delinquency . The ·McD.owell proposal was · described its a "step' in the 'right direction" by Msgr. Joseph' E. Schieder, director 'of the Youth .Department, National' 'Catholic Welfare Conference, in testimony before the subcommittee' on juvenile delinquency of the Senate ,Judiciary Committee.. ' . Msgr. Schiederat that time · blamed tlie portrayal 'of crime 'and violence on radio and tele· vision as a !'major factor" in ·the · rise of juveniledellhquency, . Msgr. . Schiedel"'s 'testimony was'placed' in·the Congressional .·.Record by' Kearns;' .' . "'.



!; ~nd

length te~tif.i~d t~. ~he . was to remam in Europe fQr the ;·;.fact that H:emmgwaY,was of . next several years. covering im.,. !:' interest to people generallr-~ ,portant.eventsin various couni"Tens of thousands.wh6'read trie~.,.,~ d . I" A' 'F rew'e'n" I'., . 'dl h d d"a" HIS secon nove, a i 'them' aVl y, a never rea .' A . bI' h d in 1929 won I 1"me. he had written. Part of' the . to rms, pu .15 ~., " ," i·.·. . . ;,:' him fame WhICh was to endu.re, f;. ~ntere~ d w: s ' as well'as .the fin'imcial rewards I prom? e y which' go with popular acceptI:' ,the clrcumstan. It old. in . huge quanties !'. ces' of his death. .. ance.\. . s . ." . ' i ,+ ' . ·.was dramahzed and filmed. '. ' ~lS d:ath oc: . Whether he e,:er again :wr~te ifc~SlOn!l ~ ~e at his best is a matter of dlS- . ute>. Some of .the subsequent __ ; \_Y-lew o~ hIS life · and hls work p -' -,.. I.h.. .hand t 0 as-'. short 'stories certainly were 1"W:""~0Ji' "''''At IV.L: ' - ~ •~~ - ,- - !'~'''st' . h the, ,first order. But t h e .n~ve s. .• ""'11*",,, ,~. . 111 ,.$!JC "a' showed' decline from the stan-. " lS f r~%e,:" 1 b . a dard fot'long fiction which .he;, , . ,PlC ,~la lOgrahad set. ~ bY phy. H .Leo At the time of its appearance, '. ; Lama: eI~l1:1g~. For 'Whom The Bell Tolls was ; way (StudlO-Vlkmg Press. $5.95) t b but this .' Born' in Oak Park, Illinois,' in ,rated, grea y some, it took ','1899 Hemingwaywas"of '.:a- -10- " was pr.obably ,because.. . r:;"'''caU; prominent fam.i1y.><His fa- .. sides .. in a hotl>: con~r?ver1ed ,,'ther was a successful' doCtor 'and ,m~tter•.:the Spamsh CIvIL ,War. and enthusiast for fishing 'and .' :?lSPl!.sslOnately evaluat~d. today. 11 t· g H' mother with a more It strikes ~ne as essenhally hol.' r~f~n~nd . so~al background, had. low.' 'O'ld M ,- ~ Sea' , · intense religious and cultural th 1Il~ ~n. Acr()ss the interests. , She. wanted' .her,,,,son,, - ,..f>.PO'.·.. ,:~~ •.n.~, T'..··· ..,..,·, ,.. ' : .e iIle··:·s'econd·.·olcfest. ;6t>)j~l' ~i;(-;::}5iye.(~IJ:d~~nt~.~,~.-:}:;,~s,'~as J Ciiildien;'to l:ie'iul at'co'ri1plislied"~'" June and, read' almost hke;as~lffuuMcian, Her father, on the parody: Here the comql?Jl;hon Plan.,ing Biography. --lh';"; h' d ncourag'e''d"H""'-': in l :..,o£.;.the,brutal and the sentl,me ntal . Of' Ch . . ' B - .. : ~~o~iin:~cii:ities At the :~ o~" ~as . apparent .in its 'lrtJ;:iPS~C ,.' ,ampnon oxer·. t~:lr Ernest owned his fitst :gun. " callow.ness, as w.as_H~m~p~~.a~ s LON-DON (NC)'-Mr: and Mis. · ··:r.·Alr'theO.a.kPark.highsch.o~.l s~r~ss."on, sexand.m . ,.}sP~+,.sl.?~,.'oI 'J""U"'" ',')L MAN R"I'V"'E"'R'; N ",'.' f thD'ArcyNiland,'A:ustralianwrit. 1ove. ,....... .n. " . : OV1ces·o" e 'ers,are convmce ' ·"d th' a t Lesl'Ie hls"writing' in ·thE".·sch601,·.mag:.'·· ., ": ::.- 5" ~ R.NEY .UP c, a~it\e drew sorrie a(tEmti6.i'\·,.· ' It,·w. as .Wlth 'The:'Old lVJ~a~.,an~ Sisters;, of..,Charity· of, the' Blessed' Virgin Mary from·Mt. Darcy, an Irish-Australian who Two' of his teachers re'cc;>'gni~~d'. 1th~.S~a .t~atJI~Ipmg~ar;;~t~uc '-Carmel 00nvent in 'Dubuque; Iowa, ',board the M~ssissip'pi died at; the age of. 21;in 1917 that· he had' literary gifts and a' note which stI;~ed In so~.t~e : "sterilwhe'eler JulieN::" :Dtibuque, fora lour-hour'.. e~cursion shortly after win,ning the world g e~c;buraged their development. hope tha!, surpnsl.ngly, h~ :lJ,u t u·P.'.t,.h.'.e:.,.. j{; s·.t,o.ric riv,er,".sp·onsored by' the .father of one of. the middle' .. weight title,· may one '., . . . '. be entermg a maJor ph~s~. Su~ day be canonized. , 1Ruthless Edltll~g ' . . erbly; done, with. an economy novices. Two· Sisters stand by as the, novices board the Nyland. on the staff of the ,:::lJ~s high school day~ iwere ~f .means from whicb '''he; had b t NC Ph t . Sydney Morning: Herald, intends ~?,~mg. to a close when, In 1917, diSappointly receded,' ;·,it·; afoa.. 0 o. .to make his life more widely


"""" "



~~~u!~.te~eSt:r~~.et~er~~l~~;;~ ;~r:eer~e~~~Vid illusion S'.:~~irect_ Hist.ory, ProfE~,ssor.· Has·. New J.ob - ~:~;~~~~0~1~ ~~:~f~t~yq~~~~ ents But most striking Were~ the FI "k" d' C t T t H' Ireland and. in, the. .United ,. philosoph~cal overtones, JI,\~::uni- " .un .e '. as ,ro.. roopsa ava na inStates is to trace· the priest who

.~ormlhtar~ service. J!is . ,pa.r O~H{)Osed f thl~ to' .g: .- to ":c~ll~'g'e,

e rsal implications. the:"sugges:f .e re use ,0. . ..... . ST;'LO.UIS (NC) '::"":'..i\'Catlhoan~' through a family connectIon, a . ' ;-:·'s1' re,. ,. t ," b..··' '. te'''' ·the·,,~hon,·tha~ tra.. edy'"Pfe~.!~)\,lY lic history" professOi" fIo'oaf:'the ~!>,:" ;a::'J~,.'')a.~,.:a::re~()r , r:~~11 <\.:-,.t~"~:·~ai=dEi(f"aa:·)nevitabi'e·'~.~~}.mean- UniversltY'''''of' ,.'Havana w h G . ~~Jl~~~IP.lty,;.: Starr!:'~:a.C!:~ ept,..,.1 ;''"''-lrigl~~s:::;Vi~s'tliii:iltg>ijn''''meaning ','-f.lunked' ; 017,. "Castro .militiamen ,~:r\?nlY. sdevhendmtohnthbeS' b:~ .1~ for hi~. . ' . "'d~z .,has ~rrilled "here .after.. fleeing tn, .• ,a.J"peno. '.. a.. Obje'.. . dIV.'·~·:.··,~·,~. ·<.·.· 'thl d 1. b . eh ..• ,.I)-.,~. 10.. di , " '.....",' ·,._.F:aJse. . ,.. Cuba. ,:, .', ,,,., .... ( '.-:' ,.'.,.... ~':l, ,ess !i,l utg Y' .. 1.-8: ,uome , :-:0'.:.. ::1\1;: :tM"'rate!-foI the~:~~t 20 ,An,t~nio --I\IYarez.,.P.ed.ro~iO,.pro~~.;:, superior,' who, ··inslsted on.. · ' , . 'f '.' hi 1: life' Hem.iftg'~ay A . h' t 8~E~,' senten.ce.s. ar.~ cut out all yweaasrsmoore oSf a charac•.·".¥::.·l.:i,n. a fessor of Latin merlcan, IS DrY f. dJ tlVes In, l;I,~v. an,a.:i ~jg~ 19~2,."f;l~d; h.. is \ln~:e;cessary . 6rks h I d tb ks ,,~.11:.0,..Wl·th ·····it· "g' ~if'c'ec t , that neWs ·~·t· sory,."tU''-·'''.lt' ..au he p roducer .Of::w. :t,·. ·'.,c...?rnl;?p"..vre~e,w.~ J:-~.-' IS hi. ~ hall," te f tlie,·-ofad.. He.pursued the s(r..e-t'iUous hiS wlfe".,g.I;~c;H~l!1, allg·t!;l,elf."t6,.' arIes w ,lC . e. ~o "or . ·'·life~ the g~y life: "His safij.rl#.);and year-old daughter. . .. '. ~y. p.ro~lded subJects fo~ hlSfollowin of the bull fight;cir- .• "Army otfiCilils 'liad"'defiian~d


- aca,de~. ic in'tegr~ty waS th.e.fin.'~al 'J> i .gave the champion .the last sa.- Ind~gnitr:,. The dB,Y. ~xter.,., h.B :cramEmts. ., ,~l~~~t·,~ ," the' :u.S~,~e}~e$'o,Darcy:· was, the son of.an .Irlsh~ .armr;,co¥i,~ted ~is ~~~,a~d ma~ .Who :emigrated to, ,Austral.i~tary .~f." 4;000 . v~l~~~ ,~~d lia and spent all his money Oil 1 d h.lB, serve.... n""" for ,~.~ """""...;- ..drink, .leaving.'.".'Leslie .6_,. ,Ja\e. ... look :. '~O'~x:~.~: ':'~',.,." 'af~r bis' 12 younger brothers -- . ' . . in te..... d" te T Ii k "Aly'~r~~,P,e<iroso,W ' :. .~~u ·an.. SIS . rs.. ~es e too up .pro.~a..t,.ip.... :A,ijlerican,. )l:is*9rt".a~, . l[)t. .-"fessionl;llboxing and ,though,' a '. l;1' 't this F II tl nd ki dl . h "'__ ..L' ,,,..?,i,ll,~.,:lpy~rsl.-Y.,: .. ,. •~".~.,a .g~n .e,·a . . n y man e ...... ~,p'}lrti~!t>a~~ lIl.tpe.sc~1'"V1~t- ,came a C;hampion fighter.:" .. Ing Cuban SCholar program: He .i,:' .. " , : , . " . .• ... - also"h6pes: 'to w:rit~"a 'stlidy,' of ,...........:-.......----:-... .~.-...e..r

:.,; " ::'.' .,'. ...

~i;~f~~t:~;;i~~;;eti~~!,ng:~~;:,~u~~~st;:~f.'~~~~~tr~~ten- .·t~t:~e:r~~~~~~::~;~~~j~~am~ :~~9,1i,'.~iperi!)ah .history"'~~lle

in' :ia~~i;g:they"~:dssfaileJ~)~~tr:; "',, ~r~,~ ".,<: ';' .. ' , . . ,. , ; ;:;;I!i' 1918. he joined the field and' he was thick.,waistetC:·and '''they' :had::fought' du:iiiif( .·the tl.~buI~nce s~rvice, of the. R~dadorneq;~i~b a white ~~~~. A ; Cast'ro'rebellion and "bled 'for ,I ~r~shselnp.latavelYfaronn4twHase arssell1·gsnheedd· p"retehs<~f' youth seem~'ldi~to bde theirJcountry... ··Th~ sOld~~rli'''~u'. ·,5:n.· 1 --~, ~., " ., his' ·objective;.ltwas f~,,~ an dents ''Were away on'Dil.i 'tary ,~:~e close co~tact ,With ~attle and_sadly inSUfficient. if':.. :!~:~. maneuvers during half the, cbufse " " ... '" . , .,. !Q~c;>rmed hiS frl~nds" at home His father had committ'e~: SUl- ..and;'wore" firearms '..when' they .', l~. ~.~ he was'havillg a· woii'd~.rfui cide in thE' 1920's. and Mf.::t.ania ~ did.attend classes:'.",'" tiM;E;;.;::J.'J.eXe w3#!'anothe]': .~~t.m. 8J':·':latt\I',:·~nL.a~mirtg~ay,.ft1ie' gun .The professor ,said that he had ,,, .,.. .'j" , . . '. comb<\t.'that woul~ enth~aU·.~,m.-·.:' .. --·~.tii ,·t.·· ..~h· .. ·,~ ··m·othiH,.~~.later .r been repeatedly' threatenM' dur.,.". ',NEW·'BEDFORD' as'~ldng;,~s ~he.liv~&,:·. '~';,)~~':~~'~',<':~f" ·:H~~fh'gd~§'··th~·"g~t?\Vith ing hisolast twoyears·in' C.u-ba, . Stillt;~~t~18, he;··~a~!!~y~\r~\~·. which the c.I.~~~., . w as don.e. but that this latest attack: on his' i"'" • wound~4..:.by a grepsde, l;In:a~:,,; '. Self-destructi6n'ig';.,;'a"theme I n '..•. INDUSTRIAL 'SILs·, . went ·l'2ippera!tons.!tad' a tl\'f~~f: his fiction \!,lmd§-'V\~g;;"if~it were ---............~-_..._ ...- . . i, .. "." ,,' months'·:~on·y'alescerice~:DiSch~~~..· for hiin 'an>:6bselstdit·;,'ahd. a .DON.:.A.,'.T. B01S\{jERT .HEATING· OILS" ged . fro~r~~~.· ~?s~i~~~; ~e(Jr/~ temptation.•',{: /~.''':;J...' . ' .... ' medlateIY"~91~~di~h:~:It~11~VPUl- ..... Mr.Lanili.~S!.'Do:Ok.' ..'A'~: some . : INSURANCE AGENCY·" ·'k·"TIMKEN ,., .. '.: fantry and·:.f!>~g!Jfl~:~~~::fjeld. excellen~ P:~9tQ~:rliphs;tJrtany of " ! 'AJllCi~ds'Of insurance~'" .t·, He returned~'.:.~h. o. me,- ~. ·stayed which·;·Z:~te'··.-rr~Ievant):'~The bio.' ..; ",~ .."(. " - . . ""-', ':' :!:, ":\ OIL ~,BURNERS,,·; :,: briefly wi!h his. faii1ily, Y.'rote grapli{¢al~~~ccoiint is: adequate,·9&"·WII;LIAM STREET . :' ' - ' . . .- ",',>' •. ' ';OJ, short stones~ reJected:~l;ly the nO'ml)re~'_ThecliteraryjudgmentB BEDFORD. MAss. , $ervice NEW magazines to which he submit- are'iniorigirl:al and uneven. The . '·'.'DI,!\.,L·WY; 8-5153: . ted themi then becaJPe il..f~a.ture voium~ ;serves chiefly as a sumwriter for the', Toronto ,"Star mary"'1rom which the ·.know-,·Persona', Service: 'SOl COUNTY' ST.' Weekly, which role gave him ledgeable reader can take off on · mor: lati~~de. thl!.1l ...$tr.aig~t., re.:-. . bis: ·owii: jU-d1Pneht 'on Hemingportmg. ~e.moved on to.q~lc.agp, . way.::: To . Hemingway's brief WY '3·1751 took up,~crlffie report~g, JOl~~:-' ;·mefJ;ioer$ip··:·dn cthe Catholic . . ,." ~ the staff'of a montbly·magazme.·,·· Chti.h:h, cloaked 'in mystery, ,. . ,First Marriage .... there .is n-o all,lJsion. , At this time he fell . underth~.': . , .. ;: .• ,. :•. ' "... ~. ' . influence .' of Sp.~oo~· ~der- PeCl~e,. ga.ni~ation

'.".: .

J1iB J 'Good Tiine~.~(n·' \Vii, . :.~~ :::: t~i'-e·.A;:~lth~Ugh.;.a'ge hacf;J:~f




-' . .



,':. '.:.,';



·Kf.E·NAN:' &'CLAREY, Inc.•. t


.;. .-






Fa;y~'ntForei'9'n~ Aid


"'. " ( '

Then, t60; he married·.:thedi~~:,·,. .-;.:YVA:S:§:IN.q'rQN~::t{NC) - A ... · ' .WIves; '. . ' of his f our she .was H a d - ,staterp.ent by the Catholic Asso-' '0<':.

le~h~ic~a~:l~n';'ent~;tb~o'~~;'~' ::~~~~;;i~~;~~~~ii~:S ~a~~: .'.. .

where H~mingwaypers~~,d~4 the "~9 . .:tpe:;'att~n~ioi1 :;of. the Senate editor of the Star to take 'nlm of! as it prepared to debate the as a European correspondent. ';He'" -foreign aid···hill. i .," The"statement was placed in JeSMBli' IPll'ov.DncDClIB ·the CongrEl,ssjonal ,Record by MILWAUKEE,.(NC)·-lfather.' :S~ri':;:Huberf}Itiwphrey6.£ MinnJohn:J,F:oley,S.J:, preshleJ;1tof '--"esota,"! whopr~ised; it·,~ "exCreightoll Preparatory School, selleiit.~'.·.. '. : Omaha, Neb., has ~eenappoi~lted;. . 'I:he. QAIP statement,called for provincial of the Jesuit 'Fathers' "prompt passage" of the pending .. Wisconsin provInce. foreign aid legislation. . . . . . . .• ._-'-- _.• . •.•








.. -


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Thomas F. Monaghcln .Dr: : Treasurer'~

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and ·.Servic~,~

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OSborll1e ~-7856>



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Says Legislation To Assist Needy 'Common S~nse'




. , ,HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River,,:Thurs.; Aug. 10, 1961


GALVESTON (NC) . Archbishop Robert E. Lucey . of San Antonio said here that · opposition to public. welfare

legislation on' the grounds that it is "socialism" is a "shopworn" argument. "I find .nQ cause in' logic or in history for giving socialists all thto credit for construotlve legislation in the field of human welfare," he told the stlJ.te AFLCIO convention. "Civil government should seek · the common good, and' if it has police power to defend the rights of the strong, iii; also_ has a duty · to assist the weak and ·the needy. This is not socialism. It is love ·of neighbor. It is patriotism and good common sense," the Archbishop added. . . : Right to Organize Archbishop Lucey made his , .1 coplments in a hard-hitting NEW ST. GEORGE PAROCHfAL SCHO~I.., WESTPORT~ NEARS COMPLETION speech in which he charged that "selfish interests" are blocking .adequate· public· assistance pro':' grams i·ft Texas; defended the VATICAN CITY (NC) - '1: cording his wIshes Indicated he : Apart' fro~ a number of Nazareth, a Rome orphanage fUr · right of workers to org,anize; and was born poor and' I have nevet" had ·left a purse esbablishing' a: 'pends which he left· fur Masses . boys. which h~ .founded in 19441 protested ex'plonation of migrant wished to become rich." .perpetual schola~shipfot stu- 'to be said for the repOse of his 'and to which he ·dedicated hi.,.. "farm workers.' . . ,. With those simple words Dom- dents for the .priestlhood., . 'SOUl; the Cardinal left the re- :self for the last 15' y~ars of' bikJ He said there are "powerful life. in, conne<!tionwith 4ih~ scllol- m-ainder of his estate to the Villa lobbies" which "prevent suffl- ,enico Cardinal. Tardini, Vatican · cient funds from being appro'- Secr:etary. of State, closed the arship he asked .that· "whoever notes ion which he gave orders benef1its by it remember my soUl priated by the' legislature' fo«' . . . ·even a minimum of decent care for the disposition of his posses- to the. LOrd." . for those who .·need it wor$t." ,siQns. , Orphanag~ ,Beneficiary' .The Cardinal, who died here' · Among'those gro~ps for whom 'July 30 at'the age of 73, summed' eardinal Tardini- i~ft, to· ~ he said there is 'inadequate pub·lic assistance in Texas the Arch-' up, his attitude in another note: Pope all the insignias of· Ibis rank' . SUPER-RI<tH'T QUALITY 'bishop 'listed inmates of prisons,' "That which I re~eived from as .cardinal, including. his peethe Ohurch must return to the t0l'81 crosses, rinm;' .and vest;delinquent children in state in. BROAD-BREASTI3D, U.S. GOV'T. INSP. ments. The furni~Mngs of. hiB stitutions, the . mentally iII, Church." . Establishes Scholarships apartment were left· to the Holy workers injured in industrial ac. According to a Vatican Radio See, "exeepl for a: few fami'ly cidents, the blind, the aged,' and newscast, no spiritual testament,.. items: the little Crucifix' on my ·dependent children. as is traditional wIth Italian pre.:. altar, the. little alta.r itself, the Deplores Opposition lates, was found among the Card- old clock in the dinirig room, He said a "philosophy of opPo- 'irial's papers, and it is believed reddish table in the bedroom, . . sition" to welfare services is -that none will be found. \ which, if ~y. brother' wishes, he ,. "neither intelligent 'nor honor- , The' few sheets of paper recan have them back," able." As for the asgument that use .of tax money for welfare serJ .vices. is "socialism/' .he. com8 TO · mented: '''It is' passing strange \ ,. that all the decent and humane ... FRlBOURG. (NC) .-'- .An ,As;. 'ofthe world tosh'oo seobadaniSm 14 ·citizens 'in ~ur Society are so- .sociation of: Friends of 'Pax apd become "men of conversa~ialists because theY.,believe that ·Romana ·has.been founded ·at th~ iion a·nd Cooperatio~.", , .the. stro,ng should take care Of .40th anniversarY. oonvention'of. : .~' . Not AloOf '; the weak even with Pliblkfund6, ,'Pax Rom a n a,. international , To~ inanifes~ .~id· Ohl'istia8S if private charity cannot· do'bIle .movement of Cabholic studentfl must notsfla.nd aloof in. a' worid' job." .and 'profeSlSional peOple. . . "Surely some' of us have '. The ne~: branch wJll include ·which is '~discoverjng its ·incal,:" culable·· capabilities in. . a. veri:' learned to love our· neighbor former .active memobersof 'both .table' delirium." ", .. , , wit!'1out becoming subversive," "the"student bra~oh .and the pro':' ~ ,AbOut "stu4~~ts' and: P.l'0:·he continued.· "We· can believe fessional branch of Pax Romana. SUP.ER·RIGHlT, . in the .sublime dignity an'd sur- 'Its purpose is to. niaJiltain .clOse fessionals ft'o'm 40 countries toOk SHAHK,oi~ . passing . destiny of our fellow ties between Pax Roman's arid paM in tbeoonveritioo. men without. giving allegiance to m'embers ·no longer able to en. Vit~or.ino .. V~~otiese,' Di'l'ector 'a socialistic state." , . , gage actively in. the movement. General of the United, Nations Archbishop Lucey aloo Nt-, . Applications' for membership EdUeationai,' sCientific' and Cul~ ferred ~o the '.'generallY 'unfaV:- in the new 11ssOcia'tion have come .tUml - Organ,lzation;,. was' 'una·ble 'orable, Someiimes . violently Iin- from more than 30 count·ries. .to ~}iveriiisscliectuled' 'addreSs favorable" attitude of "power- . . A ·former president of 'Pax ~person. 'r.h~ ·i!Peecti,.oo. the .SUPER~RtGHT , fui' individuals and corporatioll6 Romana was el~ted, president . responsibility of Ohr.isti:ans in inteniationai life,' .Wa6 read ':fici. SHANK ,'ORTIOM . in Texas" toward.iabor unions. of . ·the new asSociation at' the ,- : ~ .. ,. 'Phony Argument' . meeting which fuunded it. He' is )ii~. ", Conceding that. there: hav~. Roger ,Millot, ail: engineer fro~ . Next yeac's oongresS wit! be been "instances .of abu'se of. Paris. L. 'Schauss, ·Luxemburg's ,held 'at Monte.video; Urliguay,'oR power by a feyv.. labor lelC\ders," rep'resentative'to the European. ,Mie· .subject. '~'i1he:SOei8J: Responhe nevertheleSs· insisted that this. €ommon ·Mar}(et,. was' elected ·si·bilitY of the' :UQivel'siiiand 01. vice-president. .. is not an adequate reason for ·the Catholic Intellectual," .. opposing uniorts. . Convention ~!This 0PP9Sition. to \lniOll6 The eight":day conventionre'Heads:Semii"~ry based on the' conduct of 80- elected Professor '~am:on Sugra'nNIAGARA: FALLS, (NC )-F~. called racketeers and hOQdlums yes de' Franch 'of Spain, a proWilliam J.' Go'rmley, C.M.; .haS does not .deceive any .of us,'.' he fessor at University' of Fri":' eta,ted. . bourg, to" a" term of three' yea·N; 'been appointed 'superior" arid rector of, the new OUf Lady 01. "It is a phony argument-. It 'as . president of Pax. Romana. . avoids the real issue, which is It also, adopted a inanifes~ .~Angels Seminary: at Bethlehem, the right of working people to eaHi!lg' OftCatnolic .intellectuals N. Y. which will replace the former Our Lady' of Ahgels organize, the necessity of organiSeminary at Niagara University zatiOll and its value," he said. . . ' ., forced· to close by, the construction of the Robed Moses ·Power .YORK '(NC)-TheBenedic- 'Plant ne~r the cen'turY-Old-striJc'iri"Record~ . JANE PARKER PLAtN'oa"PQPPYSEEDSAVE 7e· tine AbJ:>ey Church of. Ample:o ··;ture. '. ' WASHINGTON (NC)-Sen. forth which was ·beglinshortly Hubert Humphrey of' Minne- after World War I ·will be con,:" sota praised:! the social encycli:- secra·ted .in Septembec:, it· is ane&l of Pope John bef()l'e the nounced. C \J.S. Senate~nd placed it in the Completion and opening of·the Congressional Record. . church' for the great abbey and Ire 6lf20Z Sen~ Hump.hrey told the Senschool in Yorkshire will be '·8 UiiG· idS LIGHT CHUNKS . CANS .e CONSTRUCTIQN ate that study 'at encyclicQl national event for English Cathc 4~~~Z "Mater et Magistra" was partI- olics. The ceremony will be' atwlarly' timely. as the 'Senate tended by members of the hierSuper~Right ~~~z c prepared to eonsid« the foreip archy, leaders of the religious aid b i n . ' '.' . . AND orders,' and thousands of clergy, . He saki the encycUcaJ, "eIIl-. religious and lay people. . STYLE @c ESTIMATES ON presses in clear and eloquent Archbishop John Heenan of. Prices shown In this '"' gttalantfttl through Sat., August 12, language the Catholic Church'a Liverpool will earry out the & effective at All A&P S~r McIrheU hl thi!! communltJ & vicini" • DRIVEWAYS YARDS eonceR with the Pl'obIems mllll consecration ceremony in the • SIDEW~LKS kes ill. ~ mid-20th centul'Y presence of Archbishop Gerald • PARKING AREAS Gmd the need :ror reconstruction P. O'Hara, the Apostolic DeleIQf social relationshipS in tl'uth, gate. Two days later William • GAS STATlIONS )ustice and love." He lauded the Cardinal Godfrey. ATchbishop ROlllt~ 130 Sandwich :Pope's stress on the duty ~ of Westminster, will offer the lJ'lI'0speroUfl naU9A6 to.aid tbe le.se first Solemn High Mass at t~ Tel. GArden 8-2433 Qfiicia! a,pening. . ~~ F

'Born Poor, ·Never Wished Riches'·Cardinal.TardiniDs lLast Testament·' 5ti-




'Catholic . Intellectuals Mu'st' Be ·Men of Conversat'ion' in,,·World.




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Text of Encyclicol Placed .

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THE ANG ~O:-:.,-Diocese¢Fall River-Thurs., AUg. 10, 196'1

'. Praises Display· Of Brotherhood. In Controversy

Encyclical is Step Fo~ard In Catholi~ Social Teaching

. OGDENSBURG (NC) A bishop here praised Protestants and Jews who support Federal aid for private

'By' Msgr. George G. Higgins

DIrector, NCWC Sooial Action Department

I had the good fortune to be at the Vatican Pr.ess Office fa Vatican City on July 14 when Pope John XXIII's new social encyclical, Mater et Magistra, was released. to the press. I went there in the company of,an old friend, Father Francis. Murphy, an Ameri- times, I realize tha~ Mr. Manzini gan Redemptorist who wrote knew what he was talking about. one of the first biographi,es The encyclkal, as many com«)f Pope John and is currently mentators have pointed out, is teaching in Rome. The longawaited encyclical was scheduled t.o be released at tw.elve noon, but copies were u. n e x p e C'tedly made' Q v a i I a b I e at 11 :45, and

more pastoral in tone than previous social encyclicals. At the same time, however, it comes to grips with .and resolv,es a number of substantive problems-some of them very controversial-in the realm of socia'"

theory, - Specializatior. Problem Of the many examplestbat literally within might be cited in this connection, £l matter of seconds the assemperhaps the most important· is the problem of "socialization," bled reporters, The encyclical definitely bre'aks lJOme 25 or 30 in new grol.lnd in discussing this number, . were rushing back to very complicated problem. ·their respective offices in the On all of these issues and on .eenter of Rome 'to start transmany others besides the encyclic?. 'mitting the text by telephone cal takes what 'most Americans :and cable to all parts of the' would probably regard' as liberal line. . world, Received Enthusiastically Incidentally, our own very 'oompetent NCWC Rome corresThese and other matters d~ cussed in the encyclical be pondents, Monsignor Jam e s Tucek and Mr, James O'Neill, commented on in greater detail were off and runnirig ahead of in this column in the future. the crowd. Leaving their car at Meanwhile, it is gratifying to the Vatican.. they returned to note that the encyclical is being their office by taxi. By the time received very enthusiastically in d non-Catholic as well as Catholic they arrived they had pencille . circles in the. United States~ the hightlights of the encyclical and were ready to get down to .Apparently it took a few of work immediately. otir more conservative newspapers and magazines by surPerceptive Sommar" prise, but, with few exceptions, Monsignor Tucek went at once they are struggling manfully to to the cable office to start regain ·their composure. vansmitting the complete text Snide Comment of the encyclical, and Mr. O'Neill The only really nasty comwent to the NCWC office to ment I have seer. appeared in start writing his story for the The National Review. In a su.CWC News Service. . ' percilious and wiseacre' sort 01. Monsignor Tucek and Mr. editorial, The National ReviewO'Neill are to be congratulated which, incidentally, is edited by very sincerely on their· complete a Catholic layman-refers to the llIld expeditious coverage of enc'yclical as a "large sprawling this important document. doc'ument" which "may become , By 11:50 the press room at the the source of embarrasSed exVatican was practically deserted planations" in the years to come except for the editor of L'Osand "must strike many as a servatore Romano, Raimondo venture in triviality ..." Manzini; who was gracious This snide comment· on the enough to invite Father Murphy encyclical is a rather disgraceful and myself to his office for an performance, but it will not have I informal conversation about the been written in vain if it serves new encyclical. to open the eyes of those· Cath: Mr. Ma'nzini hailed the encyolics who have hitherto looked 'elical as a truly important step to The Nationa: Review for forward in the development of guidance in the field of social' Catholic Social teaching, singling ethics. . 'out, as he went along, those' passages which he thought to be ·most significant. I wish I had taken detailed notes of his sumLONDON (NC)-Many Engmary of the text of the encyclilish seminary students are spendcal, for it was mo~t perceptive; ing this year's Summer vacation Pastoral Tone '~', building homes in West. GerI am frank to say that when I read the text of the encyclical many for refugees from commua few hours after it was releaSed, nism. Bishop John ,A. Murphy 01. I had the-feeling that Mr. ManlEini might have been exagger- Shrewsbury has sent a letter to ating in describing it as an im- seminaries asking students to. portant step·forwar.d in ~e ·de- give up part of their vacation :velopment of Catholic' social voluntarily for this purpose, A first party. of eight from his own teaching. My first reaction. was that diocese volunteered to work as while the new encyclical was laboreres on the camp site at Boppard, eight miles' lWuth of obviously very important fro,m the pastoral point of view, it Coblena.. didn't really break much new ·ground in the realm of social & theory. But now that I' have had time· ONE STOP :60 reread the encyclical several.



Seminarians Build Hom," for Refugees




Mame Guild OHicers In Fall River Parish

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New .officers for St. Joseph's iM Allen Si., New' Bedford Women's' Guild,. Fall River, in'WYman '7 -9354 . 'elude Mrs.' Henry Bernardo, ,president; Mrs. Franklin. Fair,;. i~l.Urst, vi~e'·pt:~ident;·Mrs. ltay-.'· ~"",• • • • • " • • • •' ,mond HeywQrth;,tr:~asurer;Mrs.. A FAMILY TREAT = ,Alban Vezina" corresponding .• BA" R.·B-Q CHICKENS !secretary; and Mrs~ Edwin Roisario, recording secretary.' Rev.: . .William J. ShoveIton is moderator. All corilIn~ttee heads have. FARMS also been appomted. • The parish Men's Club will .• 145 Washington St., Fairhaven J..... sponsor a clamboil Saturday. Just oH Route 6 .evening, Aug. 26 at St. Vincent. WY 79336' ,de Paul Camp. Chowder and • fritters will be served at 6 a n d . Watch for Signs 1lhe clamboil at 7. Entertainment • While out for '3 DriVe ,end dan~i~g will follo:,v. Francis • Stop ~l this Delightful Spot , Montle 1$ general chal>·ma-. ••.••••••••••••,



'··iN~·.,' " """: " ·f.,,)"-

..",.. :,·., .: b. DEATH CAMP MEMORIAL: A solemn procession moves from the modern Todesangst-Christi (Death Agony :of' Christ) .chapel on the grounds of the former Dachau ·concentration camp in West Germany, following the dedication of a bell donated by former Austrian inmates of the infamous Nazi death camp. After the ceremony, the pro. cession moved to the wartime crematorium for a memorial sel;vice. NC Photo.

'Jesuit $ees I J~ater et Magistral Blueprirnt for' Liberal Society Pope John's new social ency- . beyond study and generalism ~ clical has, been described as a . specific action," he said. "blueprint" fo; a society which" .Sees Coincid~nce is "liberal in the .tlinest sense of Father Howes noted that by . that teI1m." coincidence Soviet Premier NiThe comment on the enc)rclical k-ita Khrushchev issued bis long. "Mater et Magistra" was made term program for Soviet society by Father L.· J. Twomey, S.J.. 900D after the encyclical was d,irector of the Institute of In- made public. . dustrial Relations at Loyola UniHe said it i6 certain that comversity, New Orleans. . 'munists everywhere will study . Noting that the encyclical con-and act· upon the Khrushchev :tains only one mention of com- .document; and added' that it munism ~ such,' "and this in would be a "tragedy" if Cathopassing," Father Twomey said: lies failed to do the same with "h.is a5 though (Pope John) the encyclical.. would have us quit the. line of "Reds in many natiOns will . 'panic' ov:ercommunism and get rally to the total of the on with the· urgent business of ~shchev statement," he add'removing the causes which give ed. "What a .tragedy it would be communism deceptive plausibil- ·if Catholics p'ieked from "Mother ity, especially in the eyes of the' and Teacher' only what pleased spiritually aoo materially under-them and ignored the rest." .privileged." . Tradition 01 Coneenl Father Laurence J. McGijnley, ·S.J.,· president of Fordham University, New· York, .said the encyclical is "a landmark iin the . long' stream of tmdition ,Df the ROUTE 6, HunLESON AVE. 'Church's' concern for the total NeOf' Fairhaven Drive-In 'human person, bringing up to Italian .Dinners Our Specialty date' and apply,ing to OUI~ ·OW'llo 8ervIee Oa Patio tiine the wise guidance (If Leo XIII and Pius XI and XII.." . Father Ro~ G. Howes, dir-' ector of the Department of Community, Relations of the W'orceeNO JOB TOO BIG . ter, Mass., diocese, said "all available media" must b4!' used 'NONE TOO SMAlt to spread the encyclical's: mes'sage;

.education for "a display of brotherhood which we will not forget." . Bishop James J. Navagh of Ogdensburg made the comment in a signed statement entitled "A Look at the Record on Aid to Education" which appeared in the North Country Catholic, newspaper of the diocese. "The great American tradition of justice and fair play was very much in evidence during these · months," said the' Bishop in his review of the Federai aid to schools controversy; "A majority of the children' attending p r i vat e grammar schools are Catholics, but their defenders were by' no means all · Catholics. 'Admirable Section' "In spite of the pettiness in some quarters, an admirable section of our fellow citizens of the Protestant and Jewish faith&clergymen, attorneys, educators, senators and congressmen. newspaper and magazine editors, columnists-spoke out fearlessly for justice and the American tradi· tion. It was a display of brother';' hood which we will not forget...· The Bishop charged that opponents of U,S. aid to parochial and other private schools "closed their eyes to justice, to reason, to the plain evidence of what the Constitution of the United States means." Fault 01 Opponents If there is no Federal aid to education this session of Co'n-' gress, he said, the fault is that of opponents of aid to private' schools. "The fault," he said, "is to be laid squarely on the doorstep of . that group who for many months , have been telling us of the des- ' .perate need of Fedral aid to improve American education, but who. are willing to let the whole .matter go down ~e drain, rather than extend it to all American children, including those Who at~ .tend private schools." .




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Priest Tells Attorneys Law Needs Moral Reference

THE ANCHORThurs., Aug. 10, 1961

Bishops Approve Afll"!C«2!U1 ~ffofTts 'For Fr(f)~@om

ST. LOUIS (NC) - A university president told mem~ bers of the American Bar Association attending their annual convention here that it -is "naive" to think laws will work without reference to moral values. Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., president of St. Louis even a religiously' pluralistic University, told 3,000 law- society can find a common rule yers at a "Red Mass" in St. of law which will be observed Louis cathedral: "We cannot by men of varying moral codes. divorce the law from its moral foundations. While it is true that the law does not prohibit sin as sin, the law is concerned with the common good. And the common good itself is a moral concept." Eichmann Defense Father .Reinert cited the defense used by former nazi ·official Adolf Eichmann at his current trial in Israel as an example of what .happens when law is divorced :£rom morality. He said Eichmann and other nazis have tried to justify atrocities on the grounds that they. were carried out in accordan<:e witit eX'isting laws.. "These events should remind us that law is far more than obedience to commands," he said. Common Rule "When law is reduced to nothing but the observance of the command of the law-maker, it loses all warrant except the brute power of enforcement." Father Reinert argued fhai

"Since men have a common nature and that common nature makes the same moral demands on all men, there should be large areas open to common agreement," he said. He added that "the implications of human nature - of human inclinations and aspirations - make possible a human community in which decisions in practical areas can be achieved despite a plurality of basic commitments. Rights and Duties "It is toward a widening of this area of practical recognition of the rights and duties of men that those who hope to achieve the rule of law must direct their efforts," he said. &me 15,000 lawyers are attending the ABA convention here. The Red .Mass wa·s offered by a canon lawyer, Msgr. Bernard C. Stolte, promoters of justice for the St. Louis Archdiocesan Tribuna1. Joseph Cardinal Ritter, Archbisho;> of St. Louis, ,presided.

Cuban Refugees Grateful for Aid; Fea r ReprisG Is Aga inst Relatives NEW ORLEANS (NC) - If you live in Cuba and you talk too much or even see too much, you may not live to regret it. This was th e impression gleaned from a typical group of Cuban refugees here. They are friendly; they' are grateful for sanctuary in the U.S.; but they have am air of ,cautious' alertness about them, for tlhey fear reprisals against themselves or against relatives still in Cuba. That is why they do not wish their true names to be used in recounting what they have suf-·fered in Cuba. But they are not afraid to tell their sI;oI'·ies, and the under-lying theme is this: Communism is a hangman's noose strangling the life out of freedom-loving CUbaR6. Some of the incidents told by the refugees follow. • A student who belonged ~ t!te Christian Democratic movement in Cuba 9tarted '8 "soap box" talk' on religion at the campus of the university be was attending. He wes attacked by a gang that included militiamen and communist students. When they lef.t, he was found with a Stake driven through his forehead.. "Mr·s. Cortez" fled to the U.s. with her three young sons because they saw something ia Cuba they were not supposed to see. In llhe residential area where they lived, they observed what appeared to be a typical family moving into a l'arge home. Crates were taken liMo the home kom what ,seemed to hea furnitu!'e van. The Col'tezes learned that the crates contamed guns and am:" munition~d that ~ members of the new family were actually militia who were converting the house into a' maH fol'tress.

The President Cites Need Of Informed Public

WASHINGTON (NC) - The need for public understanding of our problems abroad will continue, President Kennedy has told the presidents of the National Councils of Catholie Women and Men. The President made the statement in 11 letter to Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf and William F. Johnston, ,heads of the two national couneils, in reply to· the ,councils' pledge of support following his message to the nation on the Berlin crisis. The ,President also said that "our neoo ~ increasing vigor as a society here at home" will eontinue. "I know I can count on your support and that of the National Council'! of Catholic Men and of Catholic Women OIl behalf of those objectives."

Cortezes, fearing retaliation by spies and informers for the Oastroregime, decided to leave. Loses Husband, Two Sons Mrs. Cortez, whose husband is with the guerrillas in the Escambr>sy mountains, brought aJong her mother "Mrs. Lopez." Mr. Lopez died mysteriously in Cu ba when Fidel Castrq came to power. One son, who stayed in Cuba to be a guerrilla fighter agarinst Castro, was killed. The other, a businessman, . came to the U.S. but returned. to Cuba in the April 17 invasi{)n. It was learned that he is now dead, probably. executed. . Another refugee, "Mrs. Valdez," had a daughter, 13, who was forced into the militia - a thing which all Cuban parents fear. The parents were informed that the daughte!' had' died' of appendicitis. But they knew this was a lie, because the daughter's appendix had been removed only a few weekS before" she was taken to tile militia camp. When het' father went 'to the camp to protest, he was shot. One male refugee showed a letter he had received 'from the Castro government, giving him three dayS to return to Cuba.: The letter stated !hat if he did not do so, his home would be confiscated and his wife and children impressed into service iln the sugar fields of Oriente provinee.


DAR ES SALAAM (NC) - Bishops from five east and central African territories approved aspirations for independence in these areas but warned their peoples against interna.!. dissensions and the inc filtration of false foreign ideologies. The Bishops of ~en~a, Uganda, Tanganyika, Rhodesia and Nyasaland spoke in a joint statement issued at the end of the first Inter:territorial Episcopal Conference here. The Bishops pledged continuation of the Church's stru~f{le in ·their Sees against ignorance, di&ease and poverty.

HAPPY VACATION: Three Benedictine monks spend vacation time by rolling and brushing paint on walls as they redecorate the chapel imd recreation rooms of St. Andrew Abbey in Cleveland. When not painting, the monks man the classrooms at the 1,OOO-student Benedictine High School for boys. From top to bottom are Fathers Lawrence Sevcik, Jerome Koval, prior, and Damien Baloga. NC Photo.

5.0,000 Make Stations of Cross For, I\ed-Persecuted Church . MONTEVIDEO (NC) - More than 50,000 Catholics braved bitter cold to take part in a Way of the Cross up Montevideo's main thoroughfare for the persecuted Church. The throng stood silent at eadh station while a pr-iest linked Christ's last journey to the sufferings of Christians in communistcountries and in Cuba. "Lord' have mercy O'n: Cuba

Hospital Building ELIZABETH (NC) - Ground was :broken here fo'r a new eight-story main building for St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Construction will cost $5 million. and is expected to be' completed b,-' 1962.

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Ki 8-1918

and give it liberty," went up from the crowd at the end of each station. Every participant reeeived a pamphlet on Cuba's campaign against religion. The Archbishop of Montevideo, Antonio Oardinal Barbieri O.F.M. Cap:, addressed the Cl'owd and gave benediction.

Warn of Dangers T;}u~ Bishops said they 8f'f) aware of '''the legitimate aspira-. bons of our people for the advancement of their countries kl the full maturity of nationhood"" and praised those who "by theiJr initiative, industry and publio service have brought them to 1i their present stage of develupment." But tlhey warned that "in ilio anxieties 'of these changina times" the people must be em guard' "against the dangers tb~t stem from dissensions at home and the insidious infiltration af false ideologies f.rom abroad." The Bishops pointed out t1la1 t1heir meeting had been focused on the Church.'s contributions iJl the educational, medical and sO:.. cial fields. They noted that Church. "has ceaselessly wageci war on ignorance, disease a-nG poverty" and added a pledge of "continued effort in 1lbat strU@>o gJe."




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6 ,'000, in ,.'Maine.' ' Ask Referen'dum Ono'Bus Law

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• • •. - < 1 0 . . . . . .

:Pope fE~'e1phasize$ R.®~igious Training, Qf. 'Se'~i·~~ri,ans "


, 'AUGUSTA (NC).~OpPo­ '. 'nents of Mahie's "rtew' school . . . ,bus law have gathered abou,t '~;OOO of,' the 42,OOOsi'gna-


John hasco)Jllseled' seminary rectol's to train seminarians to a life of simplicity and moderation. Emphasizing the importance of intellectual honesty and respect for tradition, he warned that knowledge unanchored in philosophy . , , comfortable bed of daily routine ean drift' ipto' a dii;lintegrat- devoid of joy and of enthusiasm, ing spirit ot 'independence; nor to the worldly spii'i:t of the rope John. was addressing hour Which passes and confuses."


' , .


, tures they need to force a 'state l"eferendum' on the ',law which' ~oes into effect on Sept: 16. : This was r.eported by State ,Rep. .Ernest D. ,Smith, a Nazarene minister f.rom ~trong; Me. He spoke at meeting held to &'ectors 'of Italian seminaries who " Two Aspects rally support for the referendum bad been attending a refresher Pope John told the rectors that cause. pourse in pedagogy at Rocca di their task of forming seminar,. , Smith cautioned ibis audience Papa, near his Summer residence ians has two aspects: intellectual "not to give up now" and expreshere. The ,rectors were led by and religious. He said the first sed confidence enough signatures ~iuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo, Premust not hinder or harm the would be gathered. :f,ect of the Sacred Congregation second, and that the second must PLAN CLOSER SICHOOL TIES: Discussing plans for . '-Maine's law authorizes taxof Seminaries and Universities. permeate and balance the first. a Latin American Secretariat for Academic Services to be paid school bus rides for all elHonesty of Mind He said training in holiness established in Washington in October are Father John J. igible school childre,n, regard, Pope John observed that the must be accomplished without l~ss of the school they attend. deposit of faith is unbreakable., weakness or compromise. He said Considine;MJ.v.I., left, director of the Latin American Bureau', Rides will be given in each town But he warned:, "It could happen this training strikes at the root NCWC, and'Msgr. Julian Mendoza Guerrero, general secre-' a£ter, approval' by voters.' that it is not transmitted with of a spirit of independence, inPOAU Official Speaks absolute' firmness and con'fi- tolerance and criticism which tary of the Latin American Bishops~ Council (CELAM) in Bogota, Colombia. NC Photo. Principal speaker at the meet-· dence, should there weaken emphasizes rights but not duties. ing was Herbert Southgate of among the clergy that loyalty to "These 'are serious dangers tradition,' that watchful sense of which can suffocate the energies' Arlington, Va., director of churcll Y ·relations for a militantly antimodera,tion and respect and that ,of a young mind and impair the . Continued from Page One unified a'nd brought up to, date," Catholic group known as Proteshonesty of mind which are the supernatural efficacy of his futeKpression' of integrity and ~re apostolate," His Holiness de- It out for everyone' concerned: said Frances Sullivan' of Oak tants and Other·: Americans: " for laymen so that they ,may Park,' Ill., "that the word iiturgy' UriHed for Separation of Church eourage., cIared. 'ii' . "One caiulot face the disinte. "From the eadydays of the know where they stand; for pas- wouldn't be just a word but an' and State.' . ,The. meeting itself was ilponlP'ating arid ,independent spirit seminary the candidate for the , tors so they will' understand the a~tuality, so that my fa~ily' and. sored' by the "Maine ,Citizens for~ which superfichd, learning, de-, pries~hood is sO,ineone sacred, rights of laymen in the lay ap- I could actively participate in " Publ:ic . Schools.:~ "'; V'Oid of philosophical' basis, 'un- distinct and apart. His exterior, ostolate; and for, the bishops so the' fulh~st... that they might use the laymen .. " r ; ~rtunatelyspre~ds 'with ir.re-' behavior itself, even in the JOYil Sl>9nsibility and obstin'acY', 'ifthe, , of. recreation, must have nothing Lakota, 'olergy's vigilance, a'gai-riSt the', . re~mbling dissipation and still mania of certai.n distractions a,rid' less anything cO,arse and worldly, Iowa, said he thought the role, M'AYBE NOT, RIGHT NOW. IHH tllere was a time , , , Beof the laity coultl not be, clarioori-essentfal 'curiosities were'tQ but must denote someone who is member! ••• Even though it's IHlI'haps too lIMe for you to think" weaken." . 'preparing to dedicate himself to fied 'until "the theology of the . S t 'fh of, going to the seminary, you oan ~ , 'touching on the' temptations God, without, affectation, w.ibh- 'parish" is more widely under-,' . ~'b"~!,J,. ' the. I.lext best thing. You, can help toand distractions of ,the priest in out pose, but like a habi't which stood. "Secondly," he went on,' .c.. ' ,d'd" wards the priesthood a seminarian modern life, th~ Pope said: "Let e~presses the interior harmQny ,~'the role, of the, laity a~most fb'.1 ~. , who needs', your ,help. He h~s a necessarilywilI be defin,~d in Us 'not adapt ourselves to the of the soul." QI •0 strange-sounding name, you don't contrast ,to, if not in opposition ~ speak his language • . • but, afier all. ~~a(:'al1t gs~ to, the role of the priest. what difference does tba& make? Here Ask !Lay Participatiolll + t are four students at ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SEMINARY In BEIRUT. "Are we laymen' sharers in the • 4 LEBANON. who need help in order - 'DAYTON (NC) - Radio Vati- : 'lion" with' the people of Lithu- Priesthood of Christ?" asked anto b~ or,dained: JOSEPH' SALAME. eaR is virtually the only line' of' ania.. other correspondent. '~Ifthe anThi Ho/yFaIhri Mission Ait/ . NABIL SAYYAH, GEORGES HAGE. '. 1" 'eommunication between the free: Persecuted by the communists swer is yes, ,then I would think . p',htOrimialChflrrlJ and ,PIERRE KHALIFE•. They are world arid Lithuania, .a BaJtic and, from 1941 to 1944, by the dioceses should be encoural:ed to , ,'.. earnest .:Foung men who 'someday. " ,', , ... outpost where ,the Churoh has nazis,' Lithuania's people ,1JisteI;l make greater use of laytalEmt by, ple~~ God,· will stand M ,the aUM' ancI cbange bread' and wine . been 'savagely oppressed " for 'to the broadcasts despite efforbs: having, lay, architects, plallmers" ~to the Body and .Blood 'of Christ. They will fergive SiM, in-' more than 20 yeal's., of. the Reds to "jain" the air- engineers, d6ctors,editorf; and .stru,et ,converts. pr~b the Word. :You can help make this' p08. '. This was· emphasi'~~d.in an in-" waves, Fattier Kaziunas,s~id.", . educators serve on diocesan ad"ib~ ~y sendi,ng, us ,!baiever you ~n spare. To educate a PrieM . , iei-view here'byF!lther Vy;tilUta-s . ,:R~fugees who' ~ave f1~ the." visory groups," . ia a ,countrY Iik,e. LE.BANON doesn't. eost as'much as it does'ia Kazitinas', exiied' priest of that' Ba.lhc countl,y'te~tlfy,tQ thiS, he, . Letters ,OIl. lay particil)ation the, U~ited ~tates, We ,ask yoU to ~p 'by contributing $100 a oountry who'di'rects Radio Vati-. pomt~d ?ut.; All oth~r means of stl'essedthat,the layman is often, year, or, $600 for the e~tire six-year eourse. You may Oan's Li,thuanlan broadcasts. commumcah~m; parhc~larly letno more .than an observ:er' at, ~our paY,ments ,to. ,y~urself ($2' a, week, $8.50· per month, V. ·t: ii"i: C· .h ter,s, are subJect to strIct censor..., Mass, .the editor said. Often this , ,Me.). ,We~ send :rou .~e I.lame, of,the seminarian you ~·ackpt... 1~1 1. nfg~L· .ot"hY ' :oss pa~IS ~R ship by communist officials, he comment would be followed with , Y_.~ay write,to,him, and, ~~, will write to you."We'" ask'Yotl ill tour. .0. I . uaman cen .ers In said. ' a plea for more liberaltlse of to pray, f~r him. You wi~l.help him beeome what years ago YCMI ~e p.S..to g,ather materla:l tor, The Fai,th remains strong the vernacular in 'the Mass. wan.te~ to be-a Priest. , '. " Ius bro.adcast~, Father ~az1Un~s., among the more than two million "I'd like to. see the ChUl'ch S(t ~aid that I?rograms,of Cathohc Lithuanian Catholics the priest and secular news prepared by , d h' t ff ' f th . st went on. But the greatest danger ' " h 1m ,~n IS sa. 0 ree pn~ s, tQ the Church in the n3ltion , ,Continued from Page (]Ine care the only d1fect commUIllCQ- which is almost 85 per cent economic, social and psychologiCatholic is the' possible loss of cal benefits they receive, mothers, future genel'ations of young peowho work outside the home are HUMAN. AGONY ple. Continued from Page One paying too heavily." IS THERE SUFFERING IN THE WORLD! Yes, we've seen tbe parish and myself," he emConcentrate on Youth Lucien Guibourge,a Catholic It, for ourselves in SYRIA,LEBANON and GAZA-seen it in phasized. '!We want to talk to "11he communists have concen- and president 'of the National th~ ~yes of the PALESTINE REFUGEES. The REFUGEES (1non-Catholics and' fallen away trated on the youth," said F'sther Union of :F'amilY· AssociBltions, million of 'them all together) are the innocent victims of the €atholics. We, want to e~plain Kaziunas, "with the result thlllt Paris, was elected president of A~ab-Israeli War of 1948-men, women and children. who Were the IUFO. The' next meeting was to these people just how aUrac:" the Catholic' young people candriven off their farms, out of their 'homes and homeland beeause set for July, 1963, in Brazi.l.. tive the Church really is." not publicly profess thei'r reliof war. For 13 years we have helped to feed house clothe edur... ': He pointed out· that argument gion. Religious .instruction,aJI.Concern for Problem cate, ,and provide the' sacraments for them":'-beca.:se 'the; oalllResolutions adopted by the 14oot help themselves. They still need our' helP-SOmething .to III not a technique ·to be used in ,t~l'\dance at Mass, and receptioR eat, clothes to wear, a place to sleep. For $10 we can FEED 'A' " <the program: He believesiJt is of the sacraments - all must be year-old IUFO reflect the concern of theorgariization of pUb~ FAMILY FOR A'MONTH. If you can help.as doi~ndUs' silly to try to ,browbeat some:" done secretly for fear of re'10 - we'll s-,ow our ,thanks' by sending you· all Olive Wood one' into' becoming a Gatholic" IJT i sa1s in thei,r standing in the lie ,and private family ag,~ncies ~osary from the Hol:r Land. Whatever you send, send" it iD the with the problem of the working' because only' God g,ives the' gift ~ed yQuth prog,ram." ~~m~ of Christ.who was HimSelf a,: pol_tical refugee• $f Faith. "-, .' , Only those in"gOOd standing mother: Among the recommen" Attractiveness . <;an attend school and rea,p other dations were these: That the father's' salal'y be, '. Randol himself joined the, n.ecessafY. penefitsfora Hveli,. Dear. Monsignor:' adequate ,to, su-pport his family ,ehurch ten "years 'ago throligh! ~~, the priest said. Public of. . I want to do my share. in reasonable comfort; . the aoUraction'. of "good peOple :n~!als M1d teachers also mu9t' • Please enroll 0 me 0 my family in' your' mission' AssOOia'Uoa. . 11hat there J;)e general recogwho were 'Catliolics."Now,' he· practice their religion secretly ; . ' nition'.of tlie need ~or iamilY hopes to iihow inany'~others the" to retain their jobs. ' NAME allowances by Which large fam~ attractiveness of the Church: Bishop Petras Ma'ze~is, AposHies would receive proportionHis wif~' Judith' and his three t~lic Administrator of Telsiai, is . ately, more assistance from the ADDRESS," ' , " . Sons ·rece~tly'. jo'ined 'i:lim. in ~Ithuania's. only ~ree bishop, Sta,te. Fr,esno. Father KazlUnas sa,ld. 11he other That, in cases where ",;omea ,. , ·t'· fo tit three bishops remaining in the STATE . CITY .••.••.•,••••••••••••.•.. ZONE Of f u t ure prospec s r e . tr·' d ', must work out of necessity, they Annual Membersb.lp 0 Individual ($ 1+ 0 Family ($ lit ""'11 t' I " tl' l.a R coun yare un er house arrest. .should receive as' ml.!ch money ..u - Ime ay apos e p n, anPro t the' "st' tak Perpetual" 0 Inaiyidual ($20) 0 " ($1~' ' dol' noted that: "There is a flood . lor 0 communI , eover, as a man doing the Same work. 3f . applicants, fur. the '.Institute. ~er~ wer~, .16 members of the That there be experiments in ENROLL ME' C1 SEND ME INFORMATION ABOUIJ.' 'I'D . . ," hIerarchY which indicates a large ,groupo€:·" ... , arranging ,part-time emplo,yment . FOLLOWING MISSION CLUB(S) " :, for mothers who mUst work out~ DAMIEN LEPER CLUB , .• : ..... ; .. : .. NI'eS fer Iepeats €atholic laymen are wiliing:tO make afiriancial sacrifice to' find ORPHAN'S BREAD ~.~ •• .. . . . . .. feeds o..pbana side the home at hours when PALACE Of!' GOLD provicles for'the a«eel career' which' would be totally' Gontinued . fr~m Page One their children are in ~L. I • , THE BASILIANS ". '; , ••• ; ••... '.. supports CatboHe IMlboolS oonsistent w~h their· reLigion."" ...roliowing· in' 'Latin America, THE MONICA GUD..D •• ;. (ohellees, altars. etc. for 'charches , , • where .many 'underprivileged 9HRY~OSTQ.MS ... • . ,..... ~ . . .. educates nMive Pries.. BATON ROUGE (NC)-]~ather people consider him "the little MARY'~ BANK. ,...... ..:,: ..... trains lIatwe SIsteR . David talking tough to' Goliath." C:::. J.Springer, C.SS.R., a direcContinued from Page 011I8 . Duet! are mOD"', .' Pl'a.,. a cleF. ' :FIowever, he said, Castro lost tor of the New Orleans arch'It,,:,) August 11, 1961. ',' IMtd 0utlyi~g buildings, will aisG' some prestige by proposing his diocesan Deaf-Mute Apostolate,' ller.ve as, the· residence fur fur- ':tI1aclOl'S-for-prisoners exchange. is author of the ,newly published . eig.n missionaries on leave fcom book "Talking with the :Deaf." 'i'be curl'ent intel'-Amecicaa 'lihe LilSalette Mi,ssions in. the ~(mom'ic conference at Punta The book includes more thaR p< "Philippines; 1,000 photographs, some 3,500 del Este, Uruguay, is particu, MANCil CAIOINM "''''MAN. ,,",d._ ' '1'he Colleg.e Department of larly important, because many wor-ds of sign language and the , T• .;.. ....., Secly iIlhe. LaSalette Seminar.y will stilt. , .L.a1Jiil Americans will look to its , complete ,alphabet of the deaf. SeatI Me remain in East Brewster, ana outeome to. see if it really intends Father Springer is as:;istant CATttOl'lCi MIA. IASr WIIJIARE ASSOCIATION pastor at St. Gel'ar-d Majelle , Attleboro wi:~ stilt be1he' M'lljoc tQ give them -practical assistance., 4S© R.ell(~ Atm.. at ~ St.. New Yorte 1,7,'''. Y.' Seminar~ ooul'<lh he1'e. ~~MI:. DOOneIaY" said. .


Stresse.s LO\lrrgerls Role in Chur,ch



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Suburban League Playoffs Scheduled to Start Sunday

THE ANCHORThurs., .Aug.' 10; 1961


, , By J~ck Kineavy •. eyO Suburb~n League concluded regular season play thIS, week ~d the ~tage is now set for the top four teams to" playoff. for the league diadem. The semifinals and the el:t~mpio:oshipcompetitionwill consist of the best of a three game series.. ' League offi. . I h t S d A ' has ~t hands and lightning CIa save se un a1.,. ug. fast reactions which make him 13, as the date for the open- invaluable on pass defense. It ing of the playoffs which are was in this area that the pros schedule to be complete4 on or before the Labor Day weekend. At this writing the final standing of the teams had not been d e t e r m _ ined. Therefore, the first round pairings are not a v ail a b 1 e. It seems fairly certain, how _ ever, that .defending champion New Bedfor4 will retain first place. Holy Rosary of Fall River is the only club with a mathematical shot at the top rung and then only in the event of a New Bedford defeat. St. Mary, 10-10 on the season, aPPeaN to have clinical third, leaving Somerset and tIbe All.:.Stars ·to· battle it Out fO'r the last playoff spot. In the· annu81 CYO Diocesan Golf Toumamept, played at the Segregansett Country Club, Fan River's George Pacheco, winner in the Intermediate Div,ioionwith a 76, was awarded the coveted Marty Hiigins Trophy. Lowest score of the day was turned in by Dick O'Connor of Fall River: who carded a 75 to lead the way in Senior competition. Junior leader. was Jack· Ellis, also of Fall River, who came in with a 78.' . . InterJ:upting the domInance of the F·all River linksmen were Paul Bass of New Bedford whose 82 took honors in the 16-17 age group and Bobby Pacheco of Otis Air Force Base, Falmouth, who edged Ray Spirlet of' New Bedford in the 12-13 age 'bracketo The winners and runnersup qualified to represent the Diocese of Fall 'River in the New England'champiorlship CYO Golf Toum!lment in Hartford; Conn., Aug. 2 8 . ' ,No C~)Dtest . : , . Weli, the first football telecast of the 1961 season turned out to be pretty much of a bust. Evidently the pros were just a bit nettled by the pre-game buildup given the collegians and they went out to prove there was more than a slight difference between the best in the N.F.L. and an aggregation' of highlytouted college players. Most disappointing, to this observer, at least, was the inability of Joe Bellino to play. His absence no doubt hurt the Stars' cause perhaps more defensively than on offense. Joe


.M.e·"'bers Make '30~'Day Retreat

. POMFRET CENTER (NC)' -- .Ten ·priests from 10 dio-" eeses"took part here in what· is .believed to be the first 01"g~n,iz~




dioc~an priests 1ft the United

showed marked superiority. Both states. clubs had such big, mobile lines '1'he retreat, designed specifithat running plays were used cally for' secular priests in paronly as a change of pace. ish: work, was conducted in' St. Professional football gets u~Robert's Hall, a Jesuit house derway locally tonight when tile here hi Connecticut, under direvamped Boston Patriots play rectio'n of Father John R. Post, host to the New York Titans in S.J., rector. an eX'hibition game at Boston Priests making the retreat University Field. The Pats played were members of a secular inan intra-squad game at LawsUt~tef~r diocesan clergy, the rence last Sunday. A red hot SoCIety o~· the Heart of Jesus. battle shapes up for the starting The 'soCiety is comparatively new' in ':th'e United States. Its quarterback job with veterans Babe Parilli and Ed Songin in ~irst· American members joined ~n' 1957. Historically, however, the fore. It dates' from the 18th century' 'lIhe big news in major league when it· originated in France~ baseball this week could be T~ere' 'ate approximately 1,900' Warren Spahn's 300th pitching prIest members in the world victory. The veteran lefthander today. is scheduled to start against the Father Yves M. Guenver, Put-' Cubs tomorrow night in Milnam, Conn., heads the United waukee. Spahn is held in high esteem' by all connectEid with .' ,,'F~R FAITJ;lFULSERVICE:Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, .' States~ province of the society. baseball' and his tremendous"reDIocesan CYO DIrector, presents gift to.Bob Reed Fall River He saId membership is a cross' ception at Fenway Park at the CYO, lumpite-in-chief;iIi·recognitjo.n of ~o years' serVice to . ~:c:: ~j~~OC;=t~~lerical ]~'" recent All-Star game rates with ." . . , ',., . . . , '; '.' the' one qn~egivenJoe DiMag- . C-YO baseball. '. '. " .: " . ' . , t. " .. .' '.. ,. " . , . . . . . , !Aidll'.· in Spiritual Ltte .:, gio. . '. ,. There,)~ ~astors .and assist~,", The way in which" the Van. kee's John' Blanchard cOl1tinlies 'to· come up with the game tying ROME' '(NC) 'ft '.. . '" '.' '. parlshes, prIest speclahsts ill or winning homerun is reminis... ' . -FI eenItahan ~ut. a.bove all, according to cha'rities ~nd other work sem-' cent ~f Dutch the Clutch Voll- youngsters aged 15 and ,~6, have McAloon, t~e youngster, must in~ty' professors teache;s and'L mer :who toiled for the Red Sox; len ~?me.for a year-long.~dve~- !tave th~ deSIre to see how Am~!- .' canon lawyers. ' back .in the bal~yon days. when ture . 10' hving and. learmng 10 Icans hve. 0 f . " '.' . ne ?-.' the. reqUIrements of, penna,nt fever ran high. about the U. S. . Through the combined assistLook for Leadem full membershIp is a 30-day rethis. tjme o~ ,·year. The Ya·nks '·Weget· about 100 applicants ~reat. T~e. Society of the Heart continue to 'win the clc)se ones ancel . of the U.S. State Departand little by little daylight be- ment .at:ld the Youth Department a 'year," he said. "Of these pnly ~~esus e;clsts, :said Father G~en­ gins to show between them and of the N.ational Catholic Welfare '. about 50 follow through after esa.' ~ aId PrI~S~S of t~e d'1OCConf,erence, about 100 Italian the for~s are sent to them. The I : ~ft~~ I~ hvmg an mtenseDetroit. teen-l\gers have shared. in this. board members al\d I whittle y p a· e. 'lIhe great consolation for the . :'We have a daily rule of life," rest of the league arid' the Tigers, project of fri~ndship and' knowl- . these' .down to 20. "It's a tough job but we are . saId. Father Guen~er, "which in particular, remains the inept edge oyer .the past de<;<lde. In charge of the N.C.W.C. In- .look!ng for potential leaders. We cons~sts 'of meditatIon, prayer, Yankee pitching staff which has been unable' to achieve any de- ternational High School Student take into qonsideration' . what . re~~mg, study,. an~ other brief '" Program in Rome is Vincent G. their, pastor and their teachers SplrltuaI.. exerCIses. A member gr~.of effectiveness. With pitching such an important aspect of . McAlocm, director of ,pl,lblic .re- h~ve to say about them. Tb.en we .. c~ecks.hl~self dail~ on his fWlations. of. the Notre Dame In- . tal~. to .el;\ch of the canl;1id<ltes. flllm,ent of the r~quI.rements a~ the 'game,' the weak N.Y: staff ternatiQnal School ofcRomeand ,indiYidu~UY."· . . . . .' at intervals, malls In reports. JDay ··Pr,Ov~'..too' g;reat. a '.bur:den M~4.loon:said th", program.aims ' ,even.. for the' sp.lendid .'array.. of secretary of the Rome.cpapter of hitters tpat ~anager Ralph, Hquk the. Uni.versity of Noble ,Dame at !ltr~ngthening the links, be- ... ":'A,!:' 'Delicious a1umni:. association ' I ' ,. \,: . tween the U. S. and 'Italy and at..: ~n call up~>n. " " C~ec!I Applicatioils'" .. , insp~1;!rw Italian youth with the Treat ,' The ~fine caUbre of softball McAloon' whO has been work- pril)<;ip,ll;!s .of living demo.cracy... played in this area was eviing with t~en-agers for years, is . ".Manr of the ~ids come pack denced last weekend in LUdlow, assisted in c,lwos i ng young Ital- fl~ed ~fth ~nthuslasm.:' McAloon. Mass. where an all Fall River ian e~c?ang~ student~ .py. five said., :You d be su~prIsed.at the final was staged in the finals of AmeriCan and Italian consultants tremendous affectIon they feel the State ciass B championship. who go over' each applicant care- for, their host. families in the Victorious behind the three hit fully. ,,' '. U. ~." pitching of Ed U~ban were the' What is offered to the exchange iF"""'"""""'.......... _--===~""'" Crowleyi; who. thus annexed their second .straight crown. student is a full year'sres'fdence Denny Medeiros' fourth inning in the U.S., living with a' Cathoround tripper was the only run lic family and attending the last the Portuguese Americans could year' of a Catholic high school. Whans asked of the exchange muster in the 6-1 contest. Crowleys ~re now eligible to compete student is a firm enough grasp . COMPANY in the A Tourney to be held in of English so that he can follow . in class and unde'cstartd English Worcester. " textbooks. In m 0 s t, cases , ~omp~eie lLoll1le, parellts are asked to P1,ltJ1P '$350 !1~ifldDng Mafr~Ii'D~~S . CG~~@~.O«: ~t?~[j'@ O'U~ U'@ [HOD'tl(OW, . for r9uncitrip transportation, plus another $50 fOr health' hisurance. ® $IPRING ST., FA~~~AVI::N But' funds exist .to help: tiiose M@'«I)e . C~OPIL . WYman 3·2611 ATLANTIC CIty' (Nt:) -:- .. ,the orga'~ization;s "Hono~' ~t yourigs'ters who canhot afford Ask foli' 'li'hem 'ii'odav thell~ ~,x;penses.. ···'·' ,,\.', Archbishop Edward F. Hoban,. Veritas Award." Bishop of Cleveland, and Gen. The "Outstanding .Ca,tholie Douglas MacAr·thur will be Woman. Qf,', the Year Award," :. present~4., ,tp.~... C!lt!Io~c ·War .. giyen,.,bythe:CWV's national Veterans' ,highest awar~s here ladies auxiliary, will be preSaturdaY, Aug. 19, durmg the sented to Mrs. Mary Cassidy Vaorganization's 26th national con- rick of Jersey City, N.J. ' ventlon, according to an anMrs. Varick is a victim of nouncement by James W. Fay" polio who recovered from' cannational c:ommander. cer of the spine at the Shrine of Archbishop Hoban will be pre- Ste. Anne de Beaupre in Canllented the "Celtic Cross' Cita- ada in 1951.' . tion Award,"present~~annually Since that time, and de~pite to a p~rson who h~s done .m.ost partial blindness, she has· orto promote zeal and devotIon ganized .. pilgrimages for the to G0el'" country al}d. home." . handicapped and the ill to· the . Gen:,JYI~~,Arth)l:r will recelVO ,Canadian shrine." ,," ~ RO'" ,,' ~rcj(• .to!. A' f8l Sue. also .~stablished: 's'.,First ~t(rjU~~1l11~.l[,1f:g~U@U$:-ir.[j'@}? Saturq,ay Club ih NewarlhvI10se 1!'h~",KE.YlTQM./E, hi MOS'<:i@w;'Chu'rt'ln ," ,·members pick1up b.f!Il~·.a.I,1tl,CripI' . . ." t" W<l:lB'.eh@use Salesroom· ~ BERLIN' '(NC)":":'-iiliAari 'Pre- pled each first Siitl,lraa¥ :of· the i Amf"fo "'F . '" .... . month and take them! to church ,'·,,'New and: Used,,·:-,)··· m er n re anfani and FOI:i,,,, fOF,'·Mass' and 'Holy Commlinion ,I. 'OFFICE· EQUIPMEN" ' eign Secretary Antoni? SegnI The CWV said ·that speaker~ •.L. We 'l!how' a· large'8ssOrtnieM l of 'used ' dropped into Moscow s only at the convention banquet will and.; new... desks', ' chairs,: ,'filing "cab- . Catholic church for a prayer be- be Auxiliary Bisho' . James J • '.' .,. , . . . " . ..• . • • ~ tLl!. :. :. .\: ,', inetll, tables, .etc.,Iio· WOOd,~.'8teeL fore conUnuin~ their tour of the Hogan 'of 'Trenton an~ .Getl.Wil~ Also. !,!leta! slo rage cabinets,,.,safes, Soviet. Union, 11; was repoNed liston' B.' Palmer, direCtor of shelving lockers, etc. .' .. ' . here. overseas military assistance for The Italian statesmen had ·the Department of Defense. " . hoped to attend First Friday '!be 'convention Mass will be .Ne"if8edfOlt' MaSI but their tight schedule otiered 1ft· Convention Hall by 4-5058', . WY8·~ allowed them only a visit to the· Alrcbbl9hop Thomas A. Boland . ebur-eb. st. Louis oi France .c Newark. He oU:o will Pl1'~

15.,.·ltahan .Youngsters,' Leave Rome' '. .For ',Year's Study in 'United States' ',. ~:~;~~~g :;~S?~:1~~:~i=;~""



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