Annual March for Life will be virtual event January 29 Diocesan Pro-Life events also slated
Diocese of Fall River, Mass. † Friday, January 22, 2021
EAST TAUNTON — For the last 47 years, the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. has been the meeting site for thousands of Pro-Life girls, boys, women and men from across the country. But, like so many other routine events that have been altered, this year’s march, scheduled for January 29, is going virtual. The event organizers made the decision based on the COVID-19 virus and the civil unrest that is taking place in our nation. The March for Life statement appears on page two. Those who wish to participate in the March for Life virtually, can RSVP to the March for Life directly at: By
signing up with that link, you will receive access to the livestream information sent directly to your inbox so that you can watch from the safety of your home. Meanwhile, local Pro-Life events, public and private, are taking place, to make up for the usual pilgrimage down Route 95 to the nation’s capital. On January 29 there is a private Mass, because of COVID restrictions, for pilgrims who have previously traveled with the Holy Family Pro-Life group in East Taunton. The Mass will be at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Seekonk. Immediately following the Mass, there will be a Holy Hour for Life with a brief reflec8 Turn to page two
Our Lady of Lourdes School student Reagan Lawrence, first grade, and fellow students, helped promote a recent fundraiser, selling OLOL calendars to benefit the Taunton school. OLOL School, founded in 1963, is the only Catholic school in the city of Taunton. It has been able to survive through the generous contributions of families, alumni, and members of the community for the last 57 years. To purchase a calendar contact Sister Margretta Sol at the OLOL convent at 508-822-0357. Celebrate Catholic Schools Week, a national celebration of parochial schools, runs this year from January 31 to February 6. A diocesan schedule is on page 12.
Diocese’s Catholic Schools Office announces director of newly-created Catholic Mission and Identity FALL RIVER — Starting this month, Marian Desrosiers will begin in the newly-created part-time position of Director of Catholic Mission and Identity. Desrosiers joins in the work of the Catholic Schools Office as she brings a great deal of experience from her work at the diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate and at Bishop Connolly High
School in Fall River. The role of the Director of Catholic Mission and Identity will provide guidance and support to the Church’s teaching mission in the 20 Diocese of Fall River Catholic schools while coordinating programs with various diocesan ministries and apostolates. Des8 Turn to page 12
A magnificent eight-foot bronze statue of Venerable Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., was erected at the Father Peyton Center in Easton on January 9. The center is located on the grounds of the headquarters of Holy Cross Family Ministries. Story page January 22,on 2021 † two. 1