Newslink 77

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newslink I S S UE NUMBER 7 7


Inspiring professionalism in higher education


Featured in this issue F r o n t C o v e r P ic t u r e :


Chair’ s column


Enhancing your digital skills

Professional development series



A week in the life: Tessa Harrison

Annual Conference and Exhibition 2 013


Accreditation S cheme


Proj ect PEAS

2 0 AUA News


perspectives overview

2 1 S ponsored article: ARAMARK

Provided by Tempest Photography


P r o o fr e a d e r s : Martine S omerville MAUA Michele W heeler FAUA Laura Ashcroft – AUA National Office

10 Faculty Managers survey 11 Annual Conference and Exhibition 2 014 12


2 2

S tudent Experience

2 3

Annual Awards

2 4

AUA Events

2 6

Network News

Leadership Programmes with the Oxford Advantage From new leaders through to the most senior professionals, Oxford development programmes offer innovative ideas, a global context and a practical, individual focus. Challenge your assumptions and encounter new ideas to resume your role with increased strategic impact. Oxford High Performance Leadership Programme 12-17 May or 3-8 Nov 2013 Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme 19-24 May or 17-22 Nov 2013

transform your thinking

Oxford Management Acceleration Programme 3 modules, starting Sep 2013 or Mar 2014 To learn more about how to transform your thinking contact or on 0845 643 3715


C h a ir ’s C o lu m n

W hat is an administrator? Au t h o r : Matthew Andrews FAUA, Chair of AUA and Academic Registrar, Oxford Brookes University

Having explored the idea of an Association and the concept of a University my odyssey through the title of our organisation concludes with probably the most controversial word employed: administrator. W hat is an administrator? Are you one? And should you be proud of being one? An administrator is simply someone who administers something; aren’ t they? Perhaps the simple definition of the word means only that: someone who is charged with managing the operation of an organisation, region, business, process, and similar or, to bring us up to date, a chat room or I T system. There are notions behind the use of the term administrator which have less benign implications, though, and make the word something less inert than it might appear from a dictionary definition. First, administering a system is different from owning or caring for the system. There is the implication that the administrator has derived authority for their actions from someone else – someone more important, the person with the real authority which is only temporarily entrusted to the administrator. S uch is clearly the case in some of the legal contexts in which the term is used: an administrator might temporarily run the affairs of an insolvent company, or the estate of a deceased individual. I n that context the administrator is operating in situations which are very much more likely than not to be unwelcome! I n government the civil servants run the systems which are agreed by the ministers. The civil servant may advise the minister but it is the minister who is charged with the authority to decide. S o it can be seen that the administrator is the person who runs something simply because that is their role not because it is their organisation in the first place. S econd, because the administrator can be understood as being separate from

the system for which they are loaned the charge in some way, they can seem aloof, distant – at worse, cold, obj ective and unsympathetic. Their role is to administer the system efficiently and so the obj ective of their work becomes the efficiency of the administration as an end in itself, not the system for which they are meant to be caring. The organisation being administered will continue in the absence or departure of the administrator, and the person really in charge, the true owner, in such circumstances retains their status too. I n this trinity of the organisation, administrator, and true owner the administrator alone is transient as they are charged with duties that are portable in a way that does not apply to the other aspects of the trinity. Third, because the administrator only makes the organisation they are charged with administering operate they are of secondary importance to the organisation itself: take the organisation away and the administrator has no purpose. I t is the organisation which creates the need for the administrator and not vice versa. This is the root cause of the distress which can be caused where the balance of administrative staff, in relation to the size of the organisation they administer, tips too much in favour of the administrator. I n May 19 7 8 a

correspondent to the j ournal Nature, with tongue-in-check, commented that of course it followed that larger organisations should have proportionally more administrators than smaller ones, because each new administrator had more administrative colleagues to send minutes too and hence the growth would be exponential. One may think also of the new S aint Edward’ s hospital which featured in Y es Minister: staffed with 5 00 administrators and ancillary workers it was the very model of efficiency and hygiene, but ( or perhaps because) it employed no doctors or nurses and admitted no patients. These notions lurk in the background when the term ‘ administrator’ is used. W hich is maybe the reason why it seems to be used less and less in higher education institutions, with preference being given to more specific titles instead. I n some instances new or radically re-developed areas of work have become a staple of the higher education sector. Turning the clock back far enough the personnel department would have been staffed by generalist administrators, but in the contemporary setting these staff are now human resources professionals: business partners or HR Managers. The administrators in an HR department will tend to be those administering the

First, administering a system is different from owning or caring for the system. There is the implication that the administrator has derived authority for their actions from someone else – someone more important, the person with the real authority which is only temporarily entrusted to the administrator.


C h a ir ’s C o lu m n HR system as the HR professionals have become the ‘ true owners’ of their own process. More recently, examples of new areas developing within and outside higher education include roles in internal communications, marketing, proj ect management, and business planning. Job titles here, like in an HR department, will tend to avoid the term administrator preferring more specific titles that will more easily span different occupational groups, where higher education is j ust one of many potential areas someone might work. A more specific job title also conveys what it is that someone does, and implies that they have specific skills, knowledge, and/ or ualifications to undertake their role. The higher education sector has also grown to become more than a collection of institutions: statutory bodies have swollen in number in recent decades as have, naturally enough, the number of staff who are employed in these areas. From the HEFCE, HEFCW , and the S FC, through the OI A, UCAS , OFFA, the Q AA, and HES A, representative bodies like UUK and the Russell Group, to the growing list of related professional associations both large and small: AMOS S HE, ARC, AHUA, BUFDG, UHR, AUDE, CUC, etc, not forgetting, of course, the AUA and the staff of the National Office in anchester. Are all of these people university administrators? Many of them don’ t work in universities, for a start. Might ‘ higher education management’ become a new catch-all that can cover the numerous roles and different types of organisations? Possibly. Though the difficulty here is the myriad implications of the word ‘ manager’ that sit uncomfortably in the higher education sector, especially with non-administrative colleagues. For the implication of the term manager, unlike administrator, is that the manager controls and directs. A sports team might be made up of great players but it is the manager who controls them. W here this doesn’ t happen, such as when S ebastian Vettel decided in the alaysian heat in the final laps of the grand prix that he didn’ t like Christian Horner’ s instruction to keep his place behind his teammate Mark W ebber and muscled his way through to take

victory, the authority and purpose of the manager’ s role is naturally q uestioned. W ho was in charge that day? I t was meant to be the manager, but clearly it wasn’ t, and if a manager can’ t control, how can they manage? The higher education sector generally operates according to different principles than those commonly found in other sectors and the term manager does not sit comfortably. Does this mean the term ‘ university administrator’ , even ‘ administrator’ without the prefix, is doomed Will it become a title to be used only in the dwindling number of areas that specialisation has not yet reached or maybe j ust as an indicator of those staff working in support of something more specialised than their own role? Possibly. One of the issues holding back such a change, however, is that there is no agreement over what better alternative can be used. The issues caused by employing the term manager have already been discussed. Other new titles for the general area previously labelled as university administration have been fast developing, however, such as ‘ support services’ , ‘ professional services’ , simply ‘ services’ or the cornucopian ‘ professional administrative and support services’ . The trend for individual titles for ever more specific roles seems likely to continue. Though this is a development not without its own complications. All those newly created UKBA Compliance Officers are now seeking a new name as their role has outlived the organisation for which they are named, to take j ust one example of the perils caused by ever greater exactitude in j ob titles. The future is not clear. The time may have even passed where staff in higher education, other than academics, hold a common interest or bond in their

work. That would, I feel, be a matter of great regret. As I have commented before see Newslink massification in the sector has been the seed-bed of specialisation, and increasing regulation the super-strength fertiliser. That is why we have a ourishing environment for more, and more specialised, roles. That is where the silos we experience have come from. To be effective, however, req uires more than an indepth knowledge of one’ s current role. To work in the silo alone is to fail to be as effective as our organisations – and the sector – need us to be. That is why the AUA’ s role in bringing together staff from different areas is important but it is also why it so difficult because increasingly staff have more specialised, and more narrow, affiliations which make appreciating the complementary benefit of AUA membership more difficult to appreciate. Does our name help or hinder the AUA in its mission to advance and assist in the advancement of education? I know that I have spoken to any number of staff, those supporting international students for example, or staff working in public relations, who I ’ ve suggested j oin the AUA only to be met with a somewhat q uizzical look and the reply ‘ but I ’ m not a university administrator’ . From a certain point of view we are all university administrators now, while from another perspective none of us are. Given the turbulence in the terminology we use, however, is there a better alternative name for the AUA? Perhaps one way to avoid the issues associated with all the terms currently in use is to use something less specific, abstract even how about ‘ HE Progress’ ? Maybe we should fight to reclaim the term ‘ administrator’ and ensure that it feels welcoming and relevant to all staff? Answers on a postcard please.

W ill it become a title to be used only in the dwindling number of areas that specialisation has not yet reached or maybe j ust as an indicator of those staff working in support of something more specialised than their own role?


En h a n c i n g y o u r d i g i t a l s k i l l s

Developing a Professional Online Presence Au t h o r : S ue Beckingham FAUA, FS EDA, FHEA, Learning Teaching and Assessment Co-ordinator, heffield Hallam University

On a daily basis ( at least for many of us reading this article) we are interacting online through email. I ncreasingly we are reading the news and current affairs via online sites and contributing our personal views via comments and discussion forums. W e may also be shopping online and collecting loyalty points leaving a record of every purchase we make. Anything digitally represented on a file or on the web which may include profiles, contact lists, images, audio, video, favourites on websites, as well as communicating and sharing information through social media channels is creating a digital footprint. S ocial media is an umbrella term for web based and mobile technology that allows the user to produce and share information with others using text and media ( video, audio, images) , who in turn are then able to engage in a interactive dialogue about the content. All of these actions made more accessible through the mobile devices we now have in addition to desktop PCs and laptops are building a picture of our digital identity. For many the interactions within online social channels such as Facebook may be familiar, however the digital practices and skills req uired to make best use of these tools may vary and as such we need to consider how to develop these. Gammon and W hite ( 2 011: 3 4 3 ) argue that ‘ educators must challenge and push back on simplistic depictions, both by themselves and others, of students as uniformly savvy and astute users of media/technology’. E ually as educators and supporters of learning we need to be aware of our own levels of techno-social literacy ( JI S C 2 012 ) ; that is the practice of communication, collaboration and participation in online networks. W e have reached a point where it is now very important that the online presence we portray represents us in a professional manner. Numerous surveys indicate that oogle is being used to find out more about individuals not j ust information about things. However not everyone is aware of what information is seen when a search is carried out. I would highly recommend you oogle’ yourself to find

out what your immediate profile portrays. More often than you might expect, users of Facebook have not checked their security settings to ensure only friends or friends of friends can see their profile, updates and photos. W here this is the case, posts will be openly public and will appear in a Google search. Updates on other social sites such as Twitter will also rank highly in a search. I t is important to consider the lasting impact of any online communication, but very often people forget that informal social communication can be inappropriate and damaging if heard out of context or by people they did not intend or want to hear. The barriers between home and work, social and professional, that once were clearly separate are no longer so obviously defined. An always switched on culture where email and other forms of communication are accessible via mobile phones mean that we can simultaneously receive both personal and business information. This can blur the boundaries and the way we portray ourselves online. Being aware of this is the first step to ensuring you know how to share only what you want to. W hat we need to consider is not ‘ simply restricting the ow of information but ensuring it ows appropriately’ ( Nissenbaum 2 010) . Through these social channels however we now have the potential to build upon our professional networks. I t opens the potential to develop digital channels for communication, collaboration, cooperation and creativity. The boundaries of time and distance are no longer a constraining factor. I t has been said that it not what you know or simply who you know, but who knows you. Building a professional online presence can help others see what skills you have, create bridges to foster collaborations, and provide conduits to share information and resources. Online connectedness is





an invaluable way to build communities beyond your own institution or indeed team that you work within. There are a number of ways you can do this but as a starting point, I would recommend you explore LinkedI n. W ith now more than 2 2 5 million members in over 2 00 countries and territories sharing insights and knowledge in more than 2 .1 million LinkedI n Groups plus more than 2 .9 million companies who have a company pages, it is a good place to start. Su e B e c k i n M A, F AUA, heffield Ed u c a t i o n a Le c t u r e r

g h a m , F SED A, F H EA alla Uni ersity l D e v e l o p e r a n d As s o c i a t e


B e h in d t h e s c e n e s

A week in the life of a Registrar egistrar Na m e :

Tessa Harrison FAUA

P o s it io n :


In s t i t u t i o n :

University of S outhampton

I have been Registrar at the University of S outhampton since 1 August 2 011. My role encompasses responsibility for all student and externally facing services and for governance. The administration is divided between my role and a separate Chief Operating Officer who leads the infrastructure services. Like all of us no week is ever the same and is a constant j uggle of attending meetings, managing the in-box and reading/thinking/preparation. The reading/thinking/preparation time is even more important than it has ever been. I ’ ve learnt the hard way that turning up to meetings unprepared or without a clear and informed view is not a recipe for success. M o n d a y Following a tip off from Beth Gardham at the LfHE I read the book, Lean I n by S heryl S andberg ( CEO of Facebook) at the weekend which has reignited my concerns about the paucity of women in senior leadership positions in HE. I am currently the only female member of the Vice Chancellor’ s S enior Executive Team although S outhampton University has impressive women in the roles of Chancellor and Chair of Council and our Deanery is gender balanced. The LfHE has asked me to write an article for their magazine about my experience of being a senior woman in HE and today I started to draft that. I hate that staring at a blank piece of paper moment and remembered mind-mapping as a way of getting the creative juices owing once I got going I found it difficult to stop and now have the challenge of less is more!

T u e s d a y W ent to an extraordinary set of presentations about the University’ s multi-disciplinary research activities. S o often we have our heads down in the day to day detail of our j obs we can forget to focus on the core business of the University - today was a great reminder of what inspires me to work in

a university. Much of the rest of today

universities involved in process

was taken up with one to one meetings

re-engineering activities. W e all

with Directors of Professional S ervices

had a connection with the company

checking on progress with a variety

ProcessFix in common and heard from

of proj ects. By the time this article is

the inspirational Professor Z oe Radnor

published colleagues will be aware that I

about Lean as being concerned not

have been elected to the position of AUA

solely with process re-engineering

Vice-Chair - I am hugely excited about

but about bringing about a culture of

the opportunity to lead the organisation

service delivery. The day involved

that has made my career possible and

colleagues presenting to each other

to give something back. I spent some

their updates on current proj ects

time today getting to grips with social

and it was amazing to see how much

media and am making my first furtive

transformation is happening at all sorts

steps into tweeting and contributing to

of levels in a wide range of universities.

LinkedI n discussions.

This was a timely event as we have been working closely with ProcessFix

We d n e s d a y One of the interesting things about being a Registrar is that you often get asked to attend random events on behalf of the University. This morning’ s was the S outhampton City Council mayor-making event. A curious affair with lots of standing up and sitting down, a very shouty town crier and

for much of this academic session and are now ready to take the steps towards training our own facilitators and developing an institution wide student experience transformation programme - today will undoubtedly help shape our thinking.

T h u r s d a y

much pomp and ceremony in the

Lots of one to ones today with faculty

Guildhall as the outgoing mayor handed

operating officers. We are in the

over the reigns of office and a teddy

process of making adj ustements to

bear - honestly! ) to the incoming mayor.

the way their role is articulated and

My afternoon was spent at Goldsmiths

this is a great opportunity to spend

( two fantastically enthusiastic students

time with each individual to explore

guided me to campus from the tube

the opportunities opening up for them.

station) with colleagues from other

W e are currently in the middle of our


annual business planning round and

to be able to spend time with them

I met today with a faculty executive

hearing about their achievements.

team to discuss their plan. The

Caught a late train home and used my

professional services meeting is next

time to re ect on the week’s events,

week so lots to prepare to capture

progress outstanding actions and plan

what we’ ve heard from faculties and

ahead. The challenge is always to

translate that into a coherent plan

keep a close eye on the

for professional services. S pent some

day to day while not losing sight of

more time on the LfHE article and a

the longer term vision and priorities

few more LinkedI n activities.

and maintaining currency in my

F r id a y

policy developments. AUA has always

End of another week which has

challenge through e-news, personal

own by. I gave a speech opening

awareness of external context and provided the support for facing this contacts and practitioner communities

our S tudents’ Union’ s Exceptional

which reminds me - I must

Volunteering Awards event this

congratulate our local network for their

evening. I t’ s one of my favourite

outstanding work to substantially

things to do as our students really do

increase our membership numbers

do exceptional things and it’ s great

over the last few months.

Christopher Hallas FAUA One of our longest serving members of the Board of Trustees in recent times will be stepping down at the end of July. Christopher Hallas j oined the Board of Trustees, or the Executive Committee as it was then known, in 2 003 and during this time the Association has developed dramatically. Our CPD Framework was introduced to the higher education sector in 2 009 and as proj ect lead, Christopher was instrumental in bringing HEFCE funding for the implementation of our now widely used behavioural framework. As your Chair, Christopher oversaw the Golden Jubilee celebrations – a year of looking back, looking forward and looking beyond! Thanks to the huge success of the Fellowship awards, Christopher championed the development of this into the new Membership Accreditation S cheme. As an advocate of recognising and rewarding professional administration Christopher was in uential in developing the annual awards, new network structure and the new strategy. Christopher’ s passion and enthusiasm for the AUA has helped shaped the Association we know and are so proud of today. “ At the end of July 2 013 Christopher Hallas will end his year as Vice Chair. He has been a fantastic support to me as Chair and, I know, a support too to many other members of the Association. Christopher is leaving the Board after ten years of dedicated service; a voluntary commitment which gives great testimony to his belief in the value of the AUA A and the contribution A we all make as members of the AUA to the advancement of the higher education sector. Christopher’ s presence on the Board will be missed but his service to the AUA will, I have no doubt, continue unabated in other guises.” M a t t h e w An d r e w s F AUA AUA Chair

Election results W e recently conducted elections for two Trustees to serve on the Board of Trustees and the Vice-Chair ( Chair Elect) of the Association. W e had a very worthy pool of candidates for all posts and had a record turnout for voting. W e’ d like to thank everyone who stood for post, nominated and voted in these elections. W e’ re now delighted to announce the outcome of the election results: V i c e - C h a i r ( C h a i r El e c t ) Tessa Harrison FAUA, Registrar, University of S outhampton T r u s t e e s Nicola Owen FAUA, Chief Administrative Officer, Lancaster University K enton Lewis FAUA, Partnership Manager, Higher Education Academy Congratulations to our newly appointed Vice-Chair and Trustees. Tessa, Nicola and K enton will all take up their posts on 1 August 2 013 . W e’ d like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing ViceChair, Christopher Hallas FAUA and outgoing Trustee Christine Matthewson MAUA for their continued hard work, enthusiasm and dedication to the Association. “ I am very pleased to welcome Tessa Harrison as our new Vice-Chair ( and Chair elect) . Tessa has made a fantastic contribution to the AUA through not only her work as an existing member of the Board of Trustees but also an Assessor on the Postgraduate Certificate. I know she will make a fantastic Chair and I am looking forward to working with her in my second year as Chair and then in supporting her during her first year as Chair while I move to the Vice Chair position.” “ I am also pleased to welcome Nicola Owen and K enton Lewis as the last ever elected Trustees before we move to the newly approved nominations process. K enton and Nicola are both well-known within the AUA and will bring very valuable experiences of the sector to the Board.” M a t t h e w An d r e w s F AUA AUA Chair


P r o j e c t P EAS

Professional Endorsement and Accreditation S cheme ( PEAS ) Earlier in the year AUA successfully bid for funding from HEFCE to further develop and support work on the AUA CPD Framework. The ultimate aim of the proj ect is to ensure that there is a long-term, sustainable future for the operation of the Framework through the system of accredited membership. The proj ect intends to build on the successes of both the Framework and the accredited membership scheme by creating a model through which the Framework can become self-sustaining and ensuring it continues to be accessible, relevant and useful throughout the sector. Se c t o r c o n t e x t There were 8 8 ,2 15 managerial, professional and technical staff in the sector in / , and expenditure on administration and central services alone stood at ÂŁ 4 ,04 5 ,12 2 or 15 .4 % of total expenditure ( S ource: HES A) . S uch a substantial proportion of the higher education sector workforce necessitates and req uires a sustainable, national framework to drive efficiencies and effective working practices. The AUA CPD Framework, backed-up by the accredited membership model, offers the sector an opportunity to realise those benefits.

The sustainability agenda is of key strategic importance to the sector, and the heart of this proj ect is about making the sector as a whole more sustainable by developing and promoting the means of ensuring that key professional staff, of all different backgrounds, are themselves developed and empowered to take a lead in their own development. Greater uptake of the broader set of development schemes and events offered by the AUA will enable the AUA to ensure its financial sustainability and in turn ensure that the opportunities offered by the AUA are available to future cohorts of management and administrative staff. Ab o u t t h e C P D F r a m e w o r k a n d a c c r e d it e d m e m b e r s c h e m e The accredited membership scheme was launched in 2 012 and has close links to the CPD Framework. I ndividuals can apply to become an Accredited Member ( AAUA) or Fellow ( FAUA) of the

association by completing a number of CP hours, re ecting on the AUA values and behaviours ( a key feature of the Framework) and demonstrating their professional capabilities. Already a good number of members have successfully submitted applications and have found the experience of re ecting on their practice in the light of the professional behaviours to be extremely valuable. Further information on the scheme can be found at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / s t a t i c - 1 7- m e m b e r s h i p a c c r e d it a t io n .h t m l I n addition, the implementation of the CPD Framework has been highly successful, with strong support from early-adopters. The Framework has already been adopted by over 3 5 organisations in the sector through the funded proj ect alone. These institutions have used it in a variety of ways relevant to their own local practices creating a wealth of case-study material and other resources for use within the sector. Other professional organisations, such as ARMA and Vitae have voluntarily mapped their own professional frameworks against the AUA Framework, which demonstrates that it is already being seen as a sector benchmark. The CPD Framework web-site can be found at c p d fr a m e w o r k .a u a .a c .u k W e are keen to continue to support and advocate use of the Framework to meet the demonstrable and growing appetite in the sector which can be extended through both publicising the achievements so far, and building a long term model which enables access to the full range of AUA support for professional development. Ai m s o f t h e P EAS p r o j e c t The specific aim of this project is to create a self-sustaining framework after the cessation of HEFCE funding. This will be achieved through: 1. D e v e l o p m e n t o f a n In s t i t u t i o n a l En d o r s e m e n t Sc h e m e whereby AUA endorses the CPD activity


P e r s p e c t iv e s O v e r v ie w for Professional S ervices S taff of institutions or departments, aligned to the Framework. This will help to position the Framework as a benchmark and a universal standard of CPD for PS S staff. Further development work will also be conducted to enable individuals to plan and manage their own CPD activity against the Framework to help them work towards accredited membership of AUA – this provides a strong personal incentive.

perspectives Au t h o r : Professor David Law, Editor-in-Chief, perspectives

I ssue 17 .2 brings together papers from authors in the US A, S pain, and Australia as well as, of course, the UK. The AUA casts its net wide to find examples of good practice that will help its membership! TPSP










2 . D e v e lo p m e n t o f a c o n s u lt a n c y m o d e l linked to the Framework. To be able to support institutions as they adopt the Framework by providing a bank of fully trained consultants. The funding will be used to devise and develop a sustainable consultancy model which offers institutions value for money and as well as supporting the implementation of a exible, sector-wide framework for professional development ( the Professional Behaviours) and recognition of an individual’ s commitment to their own development ( the accredited member framework) . 3 . P r o d u c t io n o f r e s o u r c e m a t e r ia ls showcasing the accredited membership scheme, the implementation of the Framework so far, and practical advice and guidance on how individuals, teams and organisations can use the Framework. W e also intend to publish a series of articles in a variety of j ournals promoting the proj ect outcomes. This project will bring measurable benefits to the sector and to the AUA. The primary benefit to the sector is through the development of an efficient, effective, and well-trained body of professional administrative and management staff. Greater professionalization and effective engagement with the CPD Framework should result in increased j ob satisfaction and better career progression. Lower staff turn-over balanced with more effective succession planning will thus contribute positively to a dynamic, re exive and confident professional community. P r o j e c t St e e r i n g G r o u p C h a i r : Dr Andrew W est, Director of S tudent ervices, University of heffield P r o j e c t Le a d : Catherine Lillie, Executive Officer ( Professional Development) , AUA National Office

Colleagues from Troy University in Alabama write about the do’ s and don’ ts in the search for faculty talent and conclude: “ universities that develop an effective strategy for leveraging online social networking will enj oy a strategic advantage over those who do not” . From S panish researchers we have a piece that re ects debates on institutional autonomy, and the need for such autonomy if universities are to be competitive organisations that can fulfil the roles society is demanding from them” . And from Australia, Carroll Graham, the Executive Manager at the I nstitute of S ustainable Futures, University of Technology S ydney, writes about the contributions made by professional staff to learning and teaching. Our two authors who work in UK universities both contribute to our understanding of professional effectiveness. haun Curtis, the first Head of the I nternational Unit at UUK and now Director of I nternational Exeter, uses the University of Exeter’ s I nternational S trategy as a case study. Michelle Gander, the Head of University’s ecretary’s Office at the Open University, writes about her experience with a career mentoring scheme for female administrators. Both authors, illustrating how personal experience and research-informed enq uiry can connect effectively, provide models for the kind of work that perspectives promotes. I n ‘ I mplementing internationalisation’ , Curtis writes about the changing nature of internationalisation, the changing role of the International Office, and techni ues that can be used to implement strategic obj ectives. S haun begins by describing the kinds of challenges that arise when a university, like Exeter, decides to give ‘ internationalisation’ eq uivalence to research and teaching in its strategic plan.

17 Num

ber 1 201


Michelle Gander, perspec in perspectives t ives 14 .4 ( 2 010) , POLICY AND PR ACTICE wrote about IN HIGH ER EDUC ATION the “ dearth” of female senior administrators in the UK HE sector. Administrators who have grades at least eq uivalent to professors are mainly male ( 2 : 1) ; those at lower grades are mainly female ( again, 2 : 1) . Her previous article discussed the reasons for the discrepancies. Her new article suggests a very practical way of changing things: “ women should be mentored” . Volume




Editorial One, two, three – Third Spac jump! (. . . into e?) the David Law Commen tary Diversity of provision 1 The role of the priva in higher educ John Field ation te provider en Commen tary Can it real ly be as 4 The finan good as cial it seem s? David Palfr health of the UK HE sect eyman or Perspect ive Was devo lution the 9 of the UK beginnin higher education g of the end David Raff system? e Perspect ive Internatio nal stud 11 ent mob and US perspect ility Euro ives pean Hans de Wit, Irina Laura E. Ferencz and Rumbley Perspect ive Renewin g strategic 17 at a time planning of unce in universit rtainty Mahsood ies Shah Perspect ive Context, commun 24 ication Psycholo and com gical and miseratio change practical n man consider Hugh Clark agement ations in e Book revie w

17 Num

ber 1 201

perspec t ives 3

IN THIS ISSUE , Three - Jump! (... into third spa the ce?) of provisi on in high er education The fina ncial hea lth of the UK HE sector Was dev olution the beg end of the inning of UK high er educati the on system? Internat ional stud ent mobilit Renewi y ng strategi c planning universi in ties One, Two




ISSN: 1360


There is another way, besides illustrating good practitioner research, that the papers in this issue are linked. The contemporary university should surely be an inclusive organisation that recognises talent and removes barriers, “ rej ecting intolerance and always open to dialogue” as the Bologna declaration stated. Using the words of the Bologna statement, universities affirm the vital need for different cultures to know and in uence each other” . This can apply to the internal cultures of a supposedly united organisation and it can apply to cultures of a global nature. To conclude with my usual plea: don’ t hide your light under a bushel. Re ect on what you learn in the workplace and consider whether, with the necessary scholarship and research, you have ideas and conclusions that will stand the test of professional scrutiny. W rite for us! For more information please contact d a v id .la w @ e d g e h ill.a c .u k


F a c u l t y M a n a g e r s Su r v e y

Faculty Managers in the UK and Australia – a new research proj ect for 2 013 Au t h o r : Rachel Birds FAUA, AUA Trustee and Higher Education Consultant and Tony Heywood, Faculty Manager, University of Technology, S ydney

A research proj ect is underway which may be of interest to AUA members and the research team would like to bring it to your attention and ask for your help where applicable. The research is being undertaken with the support of the Association of University Administrators ( AUA) in the UK and the Association for Tertiary Education Management ( ATEM) in Australia. I t will be led by Dr Rachel Birds, a freelance HE Management Consultant, and Tony Heywood, Registrar and Deputy President ( Administration) , Campion College, New S outh W ales. The focus of the proj ect is to understand more fully the experiences of people employed in senior professional staff roles within significant academic units ( ‘ faculties’ ) at universities across the UK . For convenience, the term “ Faculty Manager” will be used as a generic title for those occupying this kind of position, although we appreciate there are many different j ob titles across the sector which might include College Registrar, Faculty Registrar, Head/ irector of Administration/Operations, Business Manager, etc. This management role certainly seems to be developing in interesting and diverse ways, if the plethora of titles is a reasonable indication. The changing nature of professional roles in the higher education sector and the growing number of colleagues employed in various types of management and administrative capacity has been critiq ued in the scholarly literature as well as the national press and other media. As a little light relief, some of Laurie Taylor’ s sketches in The Times Higher spring to mind ( Taylor, 2 004 ) , alongside important

national research proj ects like the report produced for the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education: Professional Managers in UK Higher Education: Preparing for Complex Futures ( W hitchurch, 2 008 ) . W hilst the increasing complexity of professional environments in the higher education sector has been noted to impact upon both academic and professional staff groups, there has been relatively little research into the specific contributions and experiences of Faculty Managers to date. One exception is Tony Heywood’ s ( unpublished) longitudinal study undertaken in Australia and New Z ealand between 2 004 and 2 011. An initial survey of Faculty Managers was carried out in 2 004 and then again in 2 011. The data were analysed using q uantitative methods to give an overall picture of the varying responsibilities of the role and differing levels of remuneration. I t also gave Tony the opportunity to explore the feelings of those managers towards the j ob, for example, did they feel empowered to take strategic decisions and to what extent were their contributions valued by academic colleagues? Dr Rachel Birds, whom you might recognise as one of your current Trustees, attended the ATEM Conference in Adelaide in S eptember 2 012 and that is where she met Tony Heywood for the first time. An interesting presentation caught her attention in which Tony outlined some of the main findings of his research. S haring their own anecdotal experiences in the discussion that followed, they q uickly realised there were potentially some interesting parallels and indeed contrasts between the Antipodes and the UK . As such, they were keen to extend the analysis to the UK and to conduct a similar research proj ect here. One of their key aims is to compare and contrast the situation between the UK and Australia/ New ealand but is also to build up a more detailed picture of the types of role emerging in the UK .

The first phase of the research in the UK will mirror the Australian work, so as to enable comparison between the two ( allowing for a few cultural translations and caveats! ) . I t will take the form of an on-line survey and the data gathered will be used to produce some descriptive statistics which can help us to understand better the position of Faculty Managers. The second phase will take the research into a new area and is designed to enrich the description of the UK context. I t involves interviews with some of the survey participants to explore in more depth their workplace experiences and feelings around their professional lives. I t is hoped that the findings of this study and others like it will help institutions and individuals to understand and plan for the development of different j ob roles and career paths in the future, when the pressures on universities to innovate and change are likely to increase significantly. Therefore, if you feel your j ob is the kind which this research seeks to explore, your contribution would be greatly appreciated, so please fill in the survey when it is circulated. The researchers look forward to sharing the outcomes at the AUA Annual Conference in and a published paper from the findings is also planned. R e fe r e n c e s Taylor, L ( 2 004 ) . Column. The Times Higher. ecember . Available from http // s toryCode= 19 3 14 2 & sectioncode= 2 6 . Accessed 2 1 January 2 013 . W hitchurch, C. ( 2 008 ) . Professional managers in UK higher education: Preparing for complex futures. Final report. London: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. http // publications/research.html/.


An n u a l C o n f e r e n c e 20 1 4

Call for Proposals A fixture of the higher education calendar for more than years, the AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition is the largest of its kind in the UK . Back in Manchester anchester for the second time, ‘ Revolution and Reinvention’ is the aptly named strap-line for 2 014 . Manchester is defined by its industrial past and has reinvented itself many times since to become the city it is today. Higher Education will be defined by how the sector reacts to the ongoing changes it faces – and these changes offer the opportunity for our own personal revolution and reinvention. The aim of the conference is to inspire excellence in higher education administration and management through personal and professional development. To achieve this, the programme draws together a wide range of sessions which enable participants to: enhance their knowledge and understanding of the sector explore new concepts and ideas in HE management and administration share good practice develop new skills T h e m e s For 2 014 , the Annual Conference and Exhibition xhibition will align to three professional behaviours from the AUA CPD Framework:

C a ll f o r s e s s io n p r o p o s a ls For 2 014 , we are now inviting papers for working sessions. Proposals should align to the overall conference title and the three professional behaviours from the AUA CPD Framework. hat are the enefits of su itting a p r o p o s a l? There are so many benefits to submitting a session proposal. I t is a fantastic development opportunity and personal challenge. Y ou will develop new and enhance existing skills and find the whole experience rewarding. And it makes you part of the largest HE conference in the UK , an unrivalled accolade for your CV! Developing a session takes time, careful thought, planning, knowledge and research. W orking on a session will help you develop these skills, and standing up in front of a group of colleagues will help build your confidence as well as increasing your experience of presenting. I f you have useful information, ideas, tools or experiences then sharing this with your colleagues will help you better understand your subj ect area, and it will enable your peers to learn from you and develop themselves. I t also gives you the opportunity to test ideas, get some useful feedback, and help others with their own roles or proj ects. As a speaker delegate you will receive a 15 % discount on your conference fee and you’ ll be able to attend other sessions, develop your skills and knowledge, learn from others and take advantage of all those networking opportunities on offer.

Further information on the AUA CPD Framework can be found at www.aua. with case studies and resources at w w w .c p d fr a m e w o r k .a u a .a c .u k .

Y ou can use all the hours you put into developing and delivering your session towards the AUA Accreditation S cheme to become either an Accredited Member ember or a Fellow – a great recognition of

your own development. Find out more at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / s t a t i c - 1 7m e m b e r s h ip - a c c r e d it a t io n .h t m l. Developing these skills and gaining this experience could help you personally, in your current role or to get that role you’ ve had your eye on. I t allows you to give back to your colleagues, and you can inform and in uence the way in which others and the sector works. H o w d o Is u b m it a p r o p o s a l? To submit a session proposal please visit our website w w w . a u a . a c . u k / e v e n t - 76 - An n u a l - C o n f e r e n c e - a n d Ex h i b i t i o n - 20 1 4 . h t m l . W e’ ve written some guidance to help you submit your proposal, which we recommend you read before submitting your proposal. W e’ ve also provide the q uestions which you will be asked so you don’ t need go through the online form before you submit a proposal. All of this information can be found on our website. S ession proposals must be received by 8 S eptember 2 013 . Wh a t h a p p e n s n e x t ? W ithin 10 working days of submitting your session proposal, you will receive an acknowledgement email. All sessions are moderated by a team appointed by the AUA Board of Trustees to ensure the development of a balanced programme of sessions. Factors which the team will consider include: demand; professional development needs; topicality; level of intellect and the diversity of AUA membership. After the moderation process, you’ ll be informed of the outcome by mid October 2 013 . Further information about the call, including guidance, q uestions and the application form can be found at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / e v e n t - 76 An n u a l - C o n f e r e n c e - a n d Ex h i b i t i o n - 20 1 4 . h t m l .


M e n t o r in g

Answering a call for Mentors: Partners in Academic Learning ( PAL) in Afghanistan Au t h o r : Dr Victoria Lindsay, Deputy Director, Open University Validation S ervices

I n 2 003 I visited Afghanistan for a holiday and ever since I have had a keen interest in the country, so in 2 010, when the British Council sent round a call for people interested in supporting the development of higher education there, I was keen to get involved. As a result of the war, there is a missing generation in Afghanistan. This means that many of the people in middle manager positions in their universities are young and inexperienced in leadership and are facing significant management challenges in a difficult environment. Earlier in the year the British Council had been approached by the Ministry of Higher Education in Afghanistan to help them to develop leadership capacity within the next generation of educational leaders. The British Council was keen to move away from their traditional approach to leadership development ( bringing people to the UK on study visits) , and instead designed an innovative response to the Ministry’ s req uest. This partnered UK and Afghan colleagues in a remote mentoring relationship: each UK mentor would be teamed with three Afghan counterparts and over the next 18 months they would work together on a proj ect selected by the Afghan partner as a priority for their I nstitution for the forthcoming year.

I applied to participate on the programme and was teamed with three Afghans, two from the Ministry of Higher Education and a Vice Chancellor ( eq uivalent of our PVC) from K andahar University. All of my participants wanted to focus on q uality assurance. The Ministry participants were involved in developing and implementing a university accreditation process and, on the other side of the fence, their colleague in K andahar University was writing a self-assessment document for submission to the Ministry as part of this process. This gave me a uniq ue perspective of both sides of the developing accreditation process. I n total there were eight UK participants working on different specialist areas, including curriculum development, implementing an I T system and developing research capacity. W e met for the first time in Leicester for a workshop with the UK Programme Manager, Hank W illiams, a leadership development consultant contracted by the British Council. Hank had recently returned from K abul where he had delivered the first part of the programme to the 2 3 Afghan participants. The Afghan workshop had focused on leadership and management, planning skills and the identification of the projects that would be moved forward with the UK mentor. I n contrast, the UK workshop concentrated on gaining a greater understanding of the challenges of working in Afghanistan and introduced us to different mentoring styles. Hank provided ongoing support to the UK mentors, ensuring that we were confident in our work and providing a reassuring sounding board when we were uncertain of the best way forward. He

also liaised with the British Council in Afghanistan to resolve communication issues. y first contact with my partners was by skype and immediately there were problems with the connectivity. I ’ d taken the time to don a headscarf, however we had difficulties establishing a voice connection let alone a picture! This difficulty was to become a regular refrain whenever the UK mentors met to compare experiences. Mentors and their Afghan counterparts became very creative in trying to resolve this, trying different locations in Afghanistan, times of day and night and rerouting connectivity via S ingapore where apparently the I T infrastructure was more robust. Eventually, however, most of us resorted to e-mail. Despite the connectivity issues, I worked with my three Aghan colleagues over several months. The focus on their proj ects fell by the wayside as my partners had specific re uests for


information and other topics that they wanted to focus on which fell outside the proj ect remit. For example, as well as supporting the Vice Chancellor from K andahar to interpret the Ministry criteria within the self-assessment stage of the accreditation exercise, I also commented on several versions of a strategic plan for the Engineering Department at the University.

I worked with the colleagues from the Ministry of Higher Education to increase their knowledge of q uality assurance, providing information on peer reviewing, the q uality assurance of distance learning provision and the mechanisms used in UK HE to benchmark the level of ualifications and credit frameworks. A second workshop for the Afghan participants was held in Dubai after 6 months of the programme. This focused on specific management skills and also on developing understanding of the req uirements of a mentoring relationship, which was a new concept for many of the Afghan participants. The workshop was co-delivered by Hank and one of the mentors, a S taff Development Manager from the University of Cumbria. The improved connectivity in Dubai meant that I could skype in to the workshop and therefore was able to deliver a master class on q uality assurance. This

covered the Q AA q uality infrastructure ( a specific re uest as the Afghans wanted to learn more about UK HE) but primarily focused on how colleagues could address specific uality issues in Afghanistan, creating a q uality culture to improve the student experience.

Getting involved with colleagues in Afghanistan provided me with a fascinating glimpse into another higher education system. For example, university administrators do not exist in Afghanistan and administrative work is undertaken by academics who also have a full teaching load or by support staff who have little knowledge or understanding of education; at this stage universities have little autonomy and staff within them even less and so it really is difficult to get anything done; resources, both physical and human, are scarce whereas the numbers of students enrolling in to higher education is increasing. W hile on occasion the challenges faced by our Afghan colleagues seemed overwhelming, progress towards a robust higher education system is being made. I t was clear from the Afghan and UK feedback that both groups benefited from the experience of working together. Although PAL1 came to an end in 2 012 , the British Council’ s work in Afghanistan

The Afghan workshop had focused on leadership and management, planning skills and the identification of the projects that would be moved forward with the UK mentor.

continues and so does my involvement. W e have recently launched PAL2 , which will focus on q uality assurance and will work closely with six universities and the Ministry of Higher Education. The first PAL workshop for the Afghan participants took place in Dubai in April. This programme concentrated on implementing systems, processes and procedures to support q uality assurance and introduced to Afghanistan the concept of centres of excellence in q uality assurance. Lessons learned from PAL1 have been incorporated into PAL2 . They have also underpinned the development of the programme so that it can be applied elsewhere. The British Council is offering what is now called the I nternational Leadership Development Programme ( I LDP) across its global network and is working in collaboration with governments and higher education sectors world-wide to seek to extend the portfolio of countries within the I LDP offer. Hank has led this development and is now Programme Manager for an I LDP in Bangladesh that focuses on leadership development. He is also the Programme Manager for PAL2 . He recently visited Egypt with a view to setting up a similar proj ect that will focus on employability and is working with British Council colleagues in Bangladesh to develop a second programme that will focus on Teaching & Learning. I f you would like more information about the I LDP or to register interest for future programmes please contact Anna O’ Flynn at An n a . O F l y n n @ b r i t i s h c o u n c i l . o r g .


P r o fe s s io n a l D e v e lo p m e n t

Professional Development S eries Au t h o r : Catherine Lillie, AUA Executive Officer Professional evelopment , AUA National Office

I n the last part of this series of articles on the three aspects of the AUA CPD Framework Catherine Lillie, AUA’s Executive Officer Professional evelopment , focuses on the third aspect of the AUA CPD Framework into which each behavioural group is split – organisation/sector. T h e th r e e a s p e c t s c a n b e s u m m a r is e d a s f o llo w s : Se l f Behaviours that may be observed whatever the working situation O t h e r s Behaviours that may be observed when interacting with and in uencing others, or when managing colleagues O r g a n is a t io n / s e c t o r Behaviours that may be observed when in uencing at organisational level or representing the organisation

Wh y i s t h e F r a m e w o r k s o i m p o r t a n t fo r t h e s e c t o r ? The CPD Framework represents a significant step forward in terms of promoting eq uality of opportunity in professional development. The Framework presents a generic group of professional behaviours which are relevant to, and can be worked with by, professional services staff at all levels and in all areas of HE. The development of the CPD Framework underpins schemes to develop leadership and management potential amongst

all grades of staff, from senior leaders to j unior and middle ( administrative) management staff. A sector which has been described as ‘ supercomplex’ ( Barnett, 2 000) demands the highest q uality of management and administrative staff, and the wide range of institutions already involved indicates a clear and demonstrable need for the CPD Framework. The CP Framework has for the first time created a common national framework for such development. I t can be used to support the articulation of clearer career pathways and structured development opportunities, which in turn supports the recruitment of high-q uality staff and their subseq uent retention and progression, an issue currently recognised as problematic in many areas of the sector. The Framework therefore builds on good practice at individual institutions by offering an holistic, long-term approach to CPD provision for administrative and management staff in the sector. S ome early adopters of the CPD Framework have reported in particular on the positive benefits of the adoption of a shared language and understanding of professional behaviours. This has produced immeasurable benefits for staff over the past two years which has proved not only sustainable but has grown over time. I t has, for example, helped teams to address the differences in approach and practice and the underpinning variations in understanding of professional development and professional expectations. AUA worked with key bodies and a range of institutions when designing the Framework prior to its launch in 2 009 and drew examples from existing practice both within and beyond HE to develop a robust, exible tool with a wide variety of potential applications. These applications have been put into practice by the 3 5 institutions who took part in the implementation proj ect between 2 010 and 2 013 .

The Framework has also been mapped to those provided by other sector bodies and associations, including competency, skills and professional standards frameworks. There is a body of resources and case studies demonstrating how the Framework has been used which can be found at c p d f r a m e w o r k . a u a . a c . u k and resources are continuously being added. The next proj ect, which AUA have j ust received funding from HEFCE to work on, is to disseminate the outcomes of the implementation proj ect more widely and to create a sustainable model for use of the Framework by the sector. n su ary, the enefits of the F r a m e w o r k t o t h e H Es e c t o r a r e : A shared understanding of CPD for professional services staff within the HE context A model for developing a consistent coherent approach to CPD Fostering consistency in the q uality of support of the student experience Enhanced recruitment and transferability within the sector through a common understanding of professional behaviours A means of demonstrating the professionalism that staff bring to the support of the student experience. H o w c a n o r g a n is a t io n s im p le m e n t t h e C P D F r a m e w o r k ? I nstitutions are able to develop the Framework for their own use at a local level, thereby tailoring the levels and re uirements to their own specific organisational structure, culture, environment and obj ectives. Ac o n s is t e n t a n d c le a r a p p r o a c h t o ay enefit indi idual s in the f o llo w in g w a y s : S ome of the ways in which the Framework can and has been used include: At o r g a n i s a t i o n a l l e v e l : use the Framework to identify what is already in place and what needs to be developed further


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map the model of professional behaviours against existing staff development provision to identify any gaps in provision develop future learning and development activities aligned to the model of professional behaviours map the Framework to organisational values/behaviours implement effective CPD systems provide guidance on the expected level of CPD activity provide clarity about organisational strategy and vision Su g g e s t e University a c .u k / r e s c a s e - s t u d

ls able to Professiona hanging c he t t ee m ts of the requiremen sector

d c a s e s t u d y : of Bath, c p d f r a m e w o r k . a u a . o u r c e s / u n iv e r s it y - b a t h y

At d e p a r t m e n t a l l e v e l : use the Framework to assess CPD needs at team level develop departmental learning and development plans ensure that individuals have j ob descriptions and clear obj ectives ensure that departmental plans fit with organisational strategic obj ectives provide team or departmental learning and development events Su g g e s t e d c a s e s t u d y : University of K ent, c p d f r a m e w o r k . a u a .a c .u k / p a r e n t - p r o je c t / a u a c p d - fr a m e w o r k T h r o u g h lin e m a n a g e r s : support individuals’ development through discussion of CPD needs provide learning and development opportunities to meet CPD needs provide ongoing discussion and review of CPD ensure that individuals are taking responsibility for their own development and have a Personal Development Plan ( PDP) in place

identifying and pursuing opportunities to work in partnership with external organisations to generate and develop ideas communicating upwards to in uence policy formation embracing new technologies, techniq ues and working methods developing cross-service collaboration and being willing to share resources ensuring plans are consistent with the obj ectives of the organisation

ctive More effe t of skills deploymen

the Maximising and strengths f potential o s individual

provide clarity about how individuals’ objectives fit with departmental and organisational obj ectives provide regular constructive feedback to individuals encourage individuals to use the behaviours to apply for AAUA and FAUA status Su g g e s t e d S t George’ s c p d fr a m e w s t - g e o r g e % lo n d o n - r e s

c a s e s t u d y : University of London, o r k .a u a .a c .u k / r e s o u r c e s / E2% 8 0 % 9 9 s - u n i v e r s i t y o u r c e s

As an AUA member you already have the opportunity to do many of these things – by reading AUA Update, newslink and perspectives, by contributing to Forum discussions, by attending events, contributing case studies and sessions to conference, and being an active part of the themed networks. Y ou can also use your experiences as part of your application to become an Accredited Member or Fellow of the Association. As professionals working in the sector and by using the behaviours effectively – developing how we do our j obs – we can all be part of representing our institutions positively, effecting change and in uencing others.

O t h e r u s e fu l r e s o u r c e s : Julie Clark and I an Darker gave a H o w c a n in d iv id u a ls e x h ib it t h e s e keynote presentation at the 2 013 Annual b e h a v io u r s ? Conference on how the Royal Veterinary I t would be easy to assume that only College have implemented the behaviours those working at a senior level or in framework. The presentation can be an external communications role are found at w w w . d r o p b o x . c o m / s h / involved in in uencing or representing the s s t e x 8 m 3 q z w g m r r/ P p x r 6 c _ C c w / organisation but one of the key features AUA1 3 % 20 s l i d e s / We d n e s d a y of the Framework is that it is transferable I nformation on how you can use the across all levels of the organisation. The CPD Framework in your application nine professional behaviour descriptors to become an Accredited Member or therefore identify a number of ways in Fellow of AUA can be found at w w w . which everyone can work in this area, for a u a . a c . u k / s t a t i c - 1 7- m e m b e r s h i p example: a c c r e d it a t io n .h t m l. taking an active interest in what is happening more widely in the organisation keeping up-to-date with what is happening in the wider HE environment JOB DESCR IPTION consistently giving CPD FRAM EWORK PERSON positive messages SPECIFICAT ION about the organisation being open to and The tasks t hat be done and need to How the job applying good practice ove needs to b done and t e purpose of rall Role-­‐specifi he behavio role and fresh ideas from c skills urs that under and knowle pin effecIve dge inside and outside the performan required to ce do the organisation job







2 013 AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition Edinburgh I nternational Conference Centre Opening plenary: Terry W aite CBE O n M o n d a y m o r n i n g T e r r y Wa i t e t o o k t h e s t a g e a n d g a v e the first plenary session to the AUA conference. Terry is an i posing figure, large in stature and he spoke with confidence and e otion to a packed audience. Terry took us through the history of his negotiations for the release of hostages from I ran and Libya. He explained the difference between political hostages in the 19 8 0s and those held in more recent times for ransom for criminal purposes. He met hadaffi and addam Hussein and later spent years himself as a hostage in Beirut. He made us think about the importance of trust, face-toface contact, body language, the difficulties in trying to get to speak to the right person, media coverage both good and bad, and intuition: a powerful but dangerous tool. He described his experiences of travelling to unstable countries, and his feelings of isolation, anger, fear and loneliness. His speech prompted me to re ect on how at the University we talk to each other and even negotiate within departments, with other sections within the University and indeed with our students. Over the years that I have worked here and through the varied situations I have encountered, I have learnt to do these things calmly and with as much diplomacy as possible, even if I don’ t necessarily agree with the latest procedural changes or a student’ s particular req uest. Terry concluded ‘ no matter where you are from and no matter what your background, we are one human race’ . D i l l y M e y e r M AUA University S kills Centre Manager

Terry W aite was instrumental in the release of Allen Russell who was a hostage in Libya in 19 8 4 . Allen was a University of Essex graduate. I knew Allen and his wife Carole who lived near Alton W ater. At that time I also met Terry W aite as he cycled round Cambridge, now nearly 3 0 years ago!


Petra W end: The Challenging Journey of Q ueen Margaret University Edinburgh T h e s u t o Su c w o u ld o f Sc o s m a lle

b t it le o f P c e s s ” a n d h a v e c o m t t i s h H E, a r s c a le in s

r o f s h e e t o n d t it u

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“ R e le d g f t h e

o u t e g a t e s is

W hat we were all treated to was a tour de force of enthusiasm and commitment, from a leader who knows how to walk the talk and who has led the transformation from a m deficit to a . m surplus in only years. Petra boarded a burning platform , reconstructed the senior team and led a consultative process which developed a new, collective vision, changed structures and content and has positioned Q MU as a successful, attractive institution, knowledgeable about, and confident in, what it does. Q MU was awarded the THE Outstanding Leadership and Management Award in 2 012 . Petra, however, is not about to rest on her laurels. S he summed up with the thought that there were plenty of challenges and opportunities left to tackle and that the j ourney would continue. I , in common with the rest of the audience, and in particular a very enthusiastic delegate on Twitter, am keenly looking forward to inviting her back to a future AUA conference to hear more! Ka t h y F o w l e r F AUA AUA Trustee

Petra W end: delegate to her after her excellent plenary at # aua13 : wow, that was the highlight of the conference for me! Nice one!


Postgraduate Certificate raduates T h e 20 1 3 AUA C o n f e r e n c e a n d Exx h i b graduates of the AUA ostgraduate P r a c t i c e ( H i g h e r Edd u c a t i o n Ad m i n i s t The g ert is a significant achie e a n d w e w e r e d e lig h t e d t o r e c o g n is e Congratulations to the latest graduates: Patrick James Brierley – University of Leeds Elizabeth Badrick – University of W ales Lisa Burton – University of W arwick K irstie Cassidy – Glasgow S chool of Art Jacq ueline Ellis – Canterbury Christ Church University Valerie Fry – University of Liverpool S arah James – University of Aberdeen Jennifer Hasenfuss – Newcastle University S hannon Hersage – University of Edinburgh Victoria Rosemary Lanigan – University of Bradford Mhairi Leask – University of Edinburgh Marilyn McAleer – University of Gloucestershire Annette Miller – University of Oxford Laura Parrett – University College London Caroline Pickering – University of Manchester Tessa Rundell – University of Edinburgh James W atts – Coventry University Jenna W illiams – University of W ales Robert W itts – K ing’ s College London Rachel W oodruff – University of Oxford

it io n c e le b r a t e d t h e la t e s t ertificate in rofessional r a t io n a n d M a n a g e m e n t) . ent for all who take part, t h e ir e f f o r t s .

( From left to right: Anne tte Miller, Li sa Burton, Laura Parret Brierley, S ha t, Tessa Ru nnon Hersag ndell, Mhairi e, Rachel W Leask, Patr oodruf f, S ar ick James ah James, Valerie Fr y, K irstie Cass idy)

S habana Mahmood, Closing Plenary It w a s g r e a t t o h a v e Sh a b a n a M a h m o o d a d d r e s s u s o n t h e large stage of our Annual onference, pro iding a fitting c lo s in g p le n a r y t o a g r e a t e v e n t . Labour’ s shadow universities and science minister gave an address titled “ W orking towards a One Nation Higher Education Policy” . The main focus was to establish a philosophical approach to the HE sector, setting out options for future development – these being, on one hand, a model of transaction and consumerism, and on the other hand a model of trust and partnership – each presenting different implications for students, the UK economy and the whole of British society and culture more broadly. I n particular, the two models presented different scenarios for the meaning and purpose of HE and for students’ access to, and j ourneys through, HE. I n more detail, S habana commented on general HE Policy issues, such as fees, and possible Labour plans to set rates of tax for graduates commensurate with levels of

income and a possible reduction of fees to £ 6 k. S he also commented on immigration policy, which drew much interest during q uestion time, observing that current Government policy was damaging for HE. Another, more detailed focus, was the need for a different form of action on widening participation and a move away from Government emphasis on Russell group HEI s Leaving the Conference S habana posted a Twitter message expressing her own thoughts about the closing plenary: “ Had a great time speaking to # AUA13 . Good q uestioning at the end, could have gone on much longer! ” [ @ S habanaMahmood 2 7 March 2 013 ] . I hope S habana will j oin us again at future AUA events. C h r i s t o p h e r H a l l a s F AUA AUA Vice-Chair


Ac c r e d i t a t i o n s c h e m e

Becoming an Accredited Member Au t h o r : Gillian Hargreaves AAUA, Academic R Registrar, Oriel College, University of Oxford

Gillian Hargreaves AAUA is one of our latest members to take part in the Accredited Membership scheme. Here she tells us about her experience of becoming an Accredited Member.

Wh y d i d y o u d e c i d e t o a p p l y f o r Ac c r e d i t e d M e m b e r s h i p ? I was applying for a new j ob ( within my institution) and one of the selection criteria was: “ An interest in the current trends and changes in Higher Education in a wider context” . I knew that I could use my membership of the AUA to demonstrate this but in order to give my application an edge over the others I decided to apply for accredited status. I t seemed to me that having my commitment to professional university administration certified by my own professional body would be a powerful sign. Also I wanted to get more involved in the AUA and this seemed a step in the right direction. Wh a t d i d y o u d o t o p r e p a r e f o r t h e a p p lic a t io n ? I started out by discussing it with colleagues at my institution who are also in the AUA and they were very encouraging. I planned it out carefully ( I do love a good list! ) and worked on it in small chunks over a period of weeks. I started by counting up my hours of CPD and deciding which training courses, etc. were the most relevant. I researched the professional behaviours and chose four that best fitted my CPD of the last two years. I then categorised the CPD into those behaviours and constructed a narrative around them, which became my Professional Re ection S tatement. as it a difficult process No, but I wanted to do a good j ob, so I took some time over it. I had some difficulty persuading my line manager of the value of accredited membership but I got there in the end. I even managed to get my institution to cover the cost.

Wh a t w a s t h e m o s t u s e f u l p a r t o f g o in g t h r o u g h t h e p r o c e s s ? Well first of all I didn’t realise that a lot of what I was doing was CPD! I t was pleasing to have my additional reading ( books and articles) recognised as development and also the mentoring that I do. I t was very interesting to see patterns and areas of focus in my CPD that I hadn’ t spotted before until I looked at the last two years holistically. The opportunity for professional re ection was very helpful in that it made me consider the professional behaviours carefully and I noted where I wasn’ t meeting them as well as where I was doing. S ometimes appraisals can be too obj ectivefocussed, so considering my behaviour in a broader context was useful. Thinking about the steps to becoming FAUA was also a salutary experience – there’ s a lot more that I could be doing! H o w d o y o u t h in k h a v in g t h e le t t e r s AAUA a f t e r y o u r n a m e w i l l h e l p y o u i n y o u r c u r r e n t r o le a n d fu t u r e c a r e e r ? I got the new j ob I applied for, so I am very pleased that I went through the accreditation process! My new role is very much about providing both academic and administrative leadership, and being an accredited member of the AUA shows my commitment to professional behaviour and high standards. My new detailed knowledge of the professional behaviours will help me

Lo o a n d t h a Ac c

k o a c t t h r e d

u t f o r Ac c t iv it ie s . T e a c t iv it y i t a t i o n Sc

r e d it e h e s e w c a n b h e m e


to continue re ecting on my own behaviour and will provide a useful framework for managing my teams. W hen planning my CPD for next year I will now take a more structured approach using the professional behaviours as a reference-point. Wh a t t i p s o r a d v i c e w o u l d y o u g i v e t o s o m e o n e t h in k in g o f w o r k in g t o w a r d s t h e ir a c c r e d it e d m e m b e r s t a t u s ? Pick your referee carefully! Give them your Professional Re ection tatement and explain why you want to have your membership accredited. Also, if you don’ t record your CPD in a structured way, then start using the ePD. AUA? F in a lly , w ill y o u b e a p p ly in g f o r F A UA? efinitely! I hope to be in a position to do so next year-ish. I ’ ve already written a list… Y ou too can take part in our Accredited Membership scheme to become an Accredited Member or Fellow of the AUA. You can find out more on our website w w w . a u a . a c . u k / s t a t i c - 1 7m e m b e r s h ip - a c c r e d it a t io n .h t m l. Or why not come along to one of our information sessions? W e’ ll be holding the next one at the Y orkshire and North East Conference in Y ork in November. Find out more at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / e v e n t - 74 Y o r k s h i r e - a n d - No r t h - Ea s t - C o n f e r e n c e . h t m l.

d C P D lo g o o n o u r e v e n t s ill h e lp t o r e m in d y o u e u s e d t o w a r d s o u r


AUA Ne w s

My year at AUA

Emily Harris Name: Position: Events Assistant


Sign up for the PgCert Ha r r i


most 13 months has been amazing and W orking for the AUA over the last ral gene from ed so much experience definitely challenging! I have gain t even day the on to ion and coordination office admin, conference preparat h. finis to start from ce a conferen delivery. I have learnt how to run bility and accepted as part of the From day one I was given responsi National Office has taught me how National Office team. Working in the ronment, how to work within a envi ing to behave in a professional work to much more! I have also learnt how team, finance, customer service and a re ensu to staff e venu to work with coordinate an event on the day, how e, and that being prepared to deal rienc expe ker spea and gate positive dele with the unexpected is essential! esting conferences, the Annual The AUA hold many diverse and inter in the office was involved in the yone Ever Conference being the biggest. t, which takes up a large part of the planning and organisation of the even s made off in the faces of happy delegate year. Watching our hard work pay s drive h whic back feed astic fant e som it all worthwhile and we received better. everyone to make next year even Particular highlights include talking I have met some amazing people. ing how being a part of the AUA has to International delegates and hear so many miles away; and hearing become such a big part of their lives who figure heads such as Terry Waite the life experiences of well known opened Conference this year. do re of so many university staff who Before my placement I was not awa for ect resp I have now gained so much important jobs behind the scenes. have to do. the amount of work HE professionals why throughout my placement which is I have learnt an incredible amount onal Nati AUA the at and my colleagues I would like to thank the Trustees the to progress and develop; Laura me ed help each Office, who have - the ard Rich e, ledg know all of ce sour glue that holds us all together and of e sens ever met, with the best most organised and tidy person I’ve nician, who hates being called an tech IT onal pers humour , Phil - our own hip and exhibition genius, Brenda IT technician, Noreen - our sponsors h, laug us e mak to fails r neve who lass our very own Canadian/Yorkshire is always there with open arms, and Catherine - my line manager who as; I have learnt the most from, such finally Kathy – the one person I feel re aspi I also but , load work my to manage how I can develop skills and how my e mad all have You y. Kath as ited to be as level headed, yet free-spir to such a pleasure to get the chance placement the best experience and s and now friends. work with such fantastic colleague

Out and about

The ostgraduate ertificate rofessional ractice in igher ducation is a specialised progra e designed for the needs of the sector ai ed spe cifically at professional anagers and ad inistrators in UK higher education. t has a strong reputation for its inno ati e app roach to learning, which ena les part icipants to tailor the progra e to their own personal de elop ent needs. Designed as a self-managed, work -based learning programme, it provides the opportunity to enhance skills as a re ective prac titioner and develop knowledge and understan ding of the higher education sector. urther details can e found at www.aua. ohort , ondon S tudy day 1: 16 October 2 013 S tudy day 2 : 12 March 2 014 S tudy day 3 : 15 October 2 014 ohort S tudy day 1: 3 0 April 2 014 S tudy day 2 : 9 October 2 014 S tudy day 3 : 2 3 April 2 015 nterested in eco ing a ento r for the P g C e r t ? Mentors support PgCert participants in planning and executing professional developm ent activities as they complete the prog ramme. entors derive real benefits from the programme by playing an active role in a colleague’ s professional developm ent, and at the same time giving something back to the higher education sector. The ne t entor training date 15 October 2 013 , London To apply to eco e a entor and attend the ne t training date, please see details at

AUA, representing ther the work of the fur to e nu nti co rs ce stees and National offi ationally. Once again your Tru n the UK and intern thi wi n tio cia so As the d an sts ted at ere int ur yo AUA Vice Chair, presen ristopher Hallas FAUA, Ch April, ting 10 por on sup nt n eve t-Conference A, AUA Chair, has bee the Anglia-London pos Matthew Andrews FAU opher rist of n Ch M. atio AG cre the the lene Augar in A developments and AU g erin cov Elizabeth Turner and He y. Ma a in held UHR Conference ford City. Matthew also represented AUA at the o als an AUA Network for Ox of ive cut Pegg, the new Chief Exe meeting with Dr Mark O AUA and l be attending the CAUB laboration between the col Melissa Bradley FAUA wil the LFHE, to discuss A. AU the of alf beh on in June Conference in Canada the LFHE.


Sp o n s o r e d a r t i c l e

Feeding the S tudent Experience Au t h o r : Fiona Martin, Client Relationship Director, ARAMARK

Universities can boost their reputation and applications by taking a fresh look at their food, says ARAMARK ’ s Fiona Martin. As universities battle to boost student numbers, those that really know their students are deploying some new weapons – food and drink. All universities want to significantly enhance the student experience on campus, and boost perceptions of their institution among potential applicants and their parents. I ncreasingly, many are doing so by focusing on what food they serve, and where and how. That’ s because a well-managed catering service has a role far beyond keeping staff and students fed, healthy and motivated. Delivered thoughtfully, with inspiration, it can prove crucial in attracting students. I t has the power to create a superb student experience and also to reassure parents that their offspring will attend a respected, forward-looking and modern university. This ‘ double whammy’ gives institutions an advantage as they market themselves to prospective students, shaping perceptions of a university, its reputation and, ultimately, student numbers. I t’ s about seeing things differently. Look it up in a dictionary and ‘ cater’ is literally defined as to provide food service’. However, it has a broader meaning: ‘ to attend to the wants and needs of’ . By looking at your catering in this way, you can transform services and maximise the student experience. There’ s a four-point plan to delivering a food and facilities management service which really makes a difference to perceptions of a university, gives it a competitive edge, attracts students to an establishment and keeps them there. ARAMARK is a service partner to

universities around the world and focuses on these points as, from experience, we know that they are important both to students and that vital in uencing group, their parents. Let’ s take them in turn. Point one is design and layout. A university restaurant, café or bar should look and feel welcoming, bright and friendly. I t’ s a place not j ust to eat, but to hang out too – a space designed to use throughout the day, not j ust at traditional mealtimes. And, in a restaurant design, it’ s not j ust look but logistics which are important. Nobody wants to q ueue for their food and then eat it in cramped conditions. S o, it’ s important to make sure eating areas are designed with circulation and people- ow in mind and with wellmanaged payment areas. Then, once you’ ve bought your food, you want comfortable seating and decent table space, remembering that for students this is not j ust a place to eat, but social space where they can relax, catch up with friends or study in an informal environment. W ith more students living at home, that alternative space on site becomes all the more important. The second point is familiarity. People like the reassurance and comfort that familiar high-street brands bring, whether a big-name retail chain or a more boutiq ue coffee offer, and that’ s why you increasingly see them in the university sector. Prospective students are more likely to opt for a university with familiar facilities which re ect their lifestyles. And let’ s not forget that, unlike many university services, they can try out the

A well-managed catering service can prove crucial in attracting students

restaurant or café when they visit – so a great experience can help to in uence their decision on where to study. Point three is innovation. K eep it fresh! Y es, this is about introducing new avours, keeping up with trends such as ‘ street food’ and the S outh American cocina, as well as constant variety to keep the taste buds tingling. I t’ s about the latest technology too. W edded to their smartphones, many students want apps or Facebook sites which explain what’ s going on at their restaurant and the latest offers. I t gives them a sense of ownership and involvement. S o we’ re introducing these in a growing number of our university sites. Fourth, and final, is having the right team in place to oversee catering services. The supplier relationship should not j ust be with the estates or facilities manager but, where possible, with the student experience team too. This will help to ensure that both sides look at food and drink through the students’ , parents’ and staff’ s eyes throughout the life of the contract, and get the most out of it. S o there’ s an easy win out there for universities looking for some differentiation and a competitive edge. Don’ t think of food service as literally j ust serving food, but as a wider offer which can significantly enhance your appeal and feed the student experience. A fresh approach could work wonders. Fiona Martin is Client Relationship Director – Education at ARAMARK , a global food and facilities services provider operating at universities across the UK . artin fiona ara Tel 012 5 2 5 2 9 000 w w w .a r a m a r k .c o .u k


St u d e n t Ex p e r i e n c e

The S tudent Experience Practitioner Model Au t h o r : Michelle Morgan FAUA, S tudent Experience Manager, K ingston University

Michelle Morgan looks at effectively improving the student experience across all levels of study using the S tudent Experience Practitioner Model. W hen I did my degree at a polytechnic as a mature, first in the family first generation , working-class student in the late 19 8 0s, the academic and non-academic support provided was minimal in comparison to today and the notion that you should design and deliver support for a diverse student body was not a consideration with the one size fits all’ approach being adopted. W hen I started my career in higher education my aim was to improve the experience of the students but I soon realised that there was a range of issues to address if I was to achieve this. Firstly, the one size fits all’ approach of support across academic and non-academic areas could not work because of the complexity of the student body. S tudents possess not one but multiple identities but often we label them with one which then tends to drive the support they receive. For example, a student may be viewed as a mature student but they could also have caring responsibilities, be a commuter student or have a disability. The added demands associated with these identities can impact on the level of engagement a student has with their institution and in their studies. Therefore it is essential to offer a range of practical opportunities that enable them to engage as much as possible. S econdly, most of the advice and support available to improve the student experience revolved around the first year experience’ but I was seeing students at all levels req uiring a wide range of support across the academic and non-academic spheres. Thirdly, I realised that as an operational administrator in higher education I also had a role in improving the experience of my colleagues by providing a high q uality administrative service that responded to their support req uirements as well as those of the students and that did not obstruct our core business, which was to educate students to a high standard. The ‘ computer says no’ syndrome had to be abandoned and if a system or process was not fit for purpose it needed to be adapted or changed. Over the years, I have worked as an administrator, proj ect manager, researcher and academic. I am a hybrid or what Celia

F IG UR E 1 The S tudent Experience Practitioner Model

W hitchurch calls ‘ a Third S pace Professional’ . The sector is slowly starting to recognise that this type of professional is going to play an important role in the sustainability and future of HE. This breadth of my experience led me to developing the framework I call the S tudent Experience Practitioner Model, which I have honed over a number of years. I t is designed to improve all aspects of the student experience across academic and non-academic spheres and over a number of critical transition-points in the undergraduate and postgraduate student lifecycle. I t takes into account student diversity and the complex interactions that students can have with higher education ( e.g. part-time study, intermission, and gap years) . I t is applicable across most, if not all, higher education structures and it allows many existing theoretical frameworks to work within the model ( e.g. Race’ s ‘ Ripples on a Pond Learning Model’ or Tinto’ s ‘ S tudent I ntegration Model Revisited’ ) .

The Model is constructed around four guiding principles. The first principle is that every student, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, has to be supported in, through and out of every stage of their academic and personal j ourney at university, from first contact until they become alumni. Each of the six stages in the lifecycle must be seamlessly interlinked see figure . The lifecycle needs to be mapped to the length of the course, whether it is 1 or 4 years. By doing this, no student should be left behind or overlooked ( e.g. direct entry and intermission students) . The First Contact/Admissions and Pre-arrival stages are critical in managing student expectations before they start their studies. Arrival and Orientation refers to settling into university in the first few weeks. Just as staff in HE need to go through a full academic cycle to understand the operational process so too do students in learning how to study. I ntroduction ( to study) can take between 1 semester and an


academic year depending on the structure of a course. A returning student does not automatically know what to expect in their new level of study so Re-orientation is designed to help them settle in. Re-induction is a shorter activity than I nduction for new students but it is a time for them to re ect on their previous level of study and learn how to study in their new level.

The second guiding principle is that academic and non-academic services, advice, guidance and support at the university level and at study home unit level ( where their subj ect is based, such as school, department or faculty) must not operate in isolation or in one direction. Colleagues across the spectrum need to work together to develop initiatives.

And finally, just as we induct a student into study, so we should prepare them for leaving via the Outduction stage.

Thirdly, j ust as at university students tend to see their home unit as the centre of their studies, so invariably is it the first port of call for the provision of academic and nonacademic support. I t should therefore be the conduit through which all information and support is initially channelled. This approach also enables subj ect characteristics to be considered and included in the development and implementation of any initiative. Lastly, a range of activities should be devised, implemented and undertaken by institutions to facilitate the active engagement of

S ource: developed from the HEFCE S tudent Lifecycle to demonstrate the Practitioner Model. Morgan, M. ( 2 008 ) The importance of ‘ OUTduction’ in the student lifecycle, paper presented at The Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Association of University Administrators, 3 1 March– 2 April 2 008 , University of Y ork.

staff in improving the student experience. These include developing academic student support, whether student- or staff-led; providing professional staff development to help colleagues engage effectively; supporting the learning and teaching process and understanding and engaging in student evaluation and feedback processes. I f you want to know more about the S tudent Experience Practitioner Model a session is being offered at the AUA Midlands Conference on 2 7 June at the University of Birmingham. Y ou can register by going to w w w .a u a .a c .u k / e v e n t - 6 9 - M id la n d s C o n f e r e n c e .h t m l. For more information on the different stages and themes in the S tudent Experience Practitioner Model, go to w w w . im p r o v in g t h e s t u d e n t e x p e r ie n c e .c o m / s t u d e n t - p r a c t it io n e r - m o d e l/ .

Annual Awards 2 013 Do you know an AUA member who’ s delivered exceptional service to their department or institution? A colleague who’ s really helped you develop your career? Or maybe someone who’ s been a fantastic ambassador for the AUA? Then you should nominate them for an AUA Annual Award. W ith an even greater line up of seven categories this year, the AUA Annual Awards are the perfect way for the hard work, dedication and enthusiasm of one of your peers to be recognised. Nominate your colleague for an Annual Award and let them know j ust how much they are appreciated. AUA Am b a s s a d o r This award aims to recognise an outstanding contribution to the development, growth or raising the profile of our Association. Nominations for the award should be based on a member’ s activities which have: raised awareness of the AUA and our mission to non-members promoted specific AUA activities to members and/or non-members reinforced the advantages of AUA membership to current members furthered the aims of AUA in inspiring a professional higher education sector AUA Ne w c o m e r This award aims to celebrate the exceptional initiative shown by a new member in getting involved in the AUA. AUA members who j oined on or after 1 August 2 012 only

are eligible for this award. As with the Ambassador award, the Newcomer award is based on recognising an outstanding contribution to the development, growth or raising the profile of our Association. Ad m i n i s t r a t o r Aw a r d As well as recognising the commitment to our Association, we want to recognise the wider overall improvement of higher education administration. The award is designed to acknowledge the sustained or exceptional service of an AUA member to the administration or management of their institution, over and above what is normally expected within their role. C o n t r ib u t io n t o C a r e e r D e v e lo p m e n t This award aims to recognise an AUA member who has either: ade a sustained contribution to the development of others, or Used the AUA’s activities, services, tools and resources to enhance their own career. Nominations for the award should be based on activities which have: Furthered the career of their colleagues hown how the AUA can provide career development In n o v a t i v e In v o l v e m e n t Time to get creative! W e love new ideas here at the AUA and this award aims to reward the person or team who can show the most

innovative or creative way in which they have been involved with or raised the profile of our Association. AUA F u n d r a i s e r Brand new for 2 013 , this award celebrates the charitable side of our Association. This award is designed to recognise the achievement of a person or team who has successfully fundraised for the AUA, either through innovative methods or by increasing charitable giving. Ne t w o r k G o o d P r a c t i c e For the first time, we’ve expanded our long-standing Branch Awards to include all our Networks. W hether you’ re part of a network at one institution, spread across your whole city, as part of your overall geographical network or as part of one of the national themed networks, if you think your network deserves to be recognised for your achievements then this award is for you. Our only non-competitive award, the Network Good Practice Award rewards the contribution made by your network to our Association. Our 2 013 Annual Awards Ceremony will be held at Annual Lecture, to be held in October in Birmingham. More information on all of the awards, as well as the online application, can be found on the website at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / n e w s - 6 0 - An n u a l - Aw a r d s - 20 1 3 . h t m l . Don’ t miss out - get your application in!



AUA e v e n t s

M a n a g in g C h a n g e in H ig h e r Ed u c a t i o n O p e n F o r u m

Malcolm Gillies, VC and Chief Executive

D a t e :

5 J u l y 20 1 3

provide his thoughts on the onset of

An i n t e r v i e w w it h t h e n e w P r e s id e n t

V e n u e :

Lo n d o n M e t r o p o l i t a n

student consumerism, and how he plans to lead and manage change to address

D a t e :

26 Se p t e m b e r 20 1 3

V e n u e :

Wo b u r n H o u s e

Un i v e r s i t y Lo c a t i o n : Lo n d o n Are you leading on or involved in a change proj ect? Could your change management colleagues provide a fresh perspective on the challenge ahead? The focus of the fourth Managing Change in HE Open Forum is how to support colleagues charged with leading and implementing change

of London Metropolitan University will

emerging student needs. I n addition a senior member of Professor Gillies’ s trategic Programme Office will share their thoughts on the practicalities of translating this plan into proj ects to deliver real change. Book your place or find out more at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / e v e n t - 70 M a n a g in g - C h a n g e - in - H ig h e r Ed u c a t i o n - O p e n - F o r u m . h t m l

proj ects. Colleagues will consider proj ect opportunities and threats and be encouraged to generate ideas for live challenges faced by delegates. The interactive format will be facilitated to maximise participant learning and

I found it a really useful, thoughtprovoking day with good practical tips

understanding of professional practice.

Did you know the AUA offers tailored consultancy? The AUA’s diverse network of consultants and experts enables it to respond to a wide range of commissions including implementing and supporting the CPD Framework, curriculum design, team development initiatives, mentor training and coaching.

For more information please visit our website


Lo c a t i o n : Lo n d o n Join members of AHUA, ARC, AUA and UUK to meet the new Universities UK President, Professor S ir Christopher S nowden, Vice-Chancellor of the University of S urrey. Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive of Universities UK , will interview Professor S nowden with q uestions based around themes supplied by those booking on to the event. Professor S nowden will succeed the current President, Professor Eric Thomas, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol, on 1 August 2 013 and will hold the post for two years until July 2 015 .


AUA e v e n t s

Professor S ir Christopher S nowden said: “ This is a very challenging period for UK higher education and I look forward to representing the sector and promoting it, both nationally and internationally ... This is a time to ensure that the UK higher education sector continues to be seen as world class and a great national asset.” Book your w w w .a u a in t e r v ie w p r e s id e n t

place or find out more at . a c . u k / e v e n t - 75 - An - w i t h - t h e - n e w - UUK.h t m l

This event is supported by:

The programme includes popular sessions and speakers from our 2 013 Annual Conference and new workshops across a wide variety of topics. Ac h o ic e o f s e s s io n s w ill b e deli ered y key figures in the s e c t o r, c o v e r in g t h r e e k e y t h e m e s : Understanding HE – sessions from key sector bodies including ARMA, NUS and HEFCE will give an overview of everything you need to know about working in HE Professional practice – a look at how you approach your work, what it means to be professional and how to improve your professional practice kills development – a focus on improving specific skills including a managers first days and becoming a confident presenter W e will also be launching a new Good Practice Guide on how individuals, team and institutions can use the AUA CPD Framework. Find out more at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / e v e n t - 72- D e v e l o p m e n t - a n d - Sk i l l s C o n fe r e n c e - .h t m l

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to move outside of my comfort zone and widening my knowledge of HE.

Excellent Conference – very thoughtful sessions which helped me to re ect. An n u a l Le c t u r e a n d Aw a r d s C e r e m o n y D a t e :

23 O c t o b e r 20 1 3

D e v e lo p m e n t a n d Sk i l l s C o n f e r e n c e

V e n u e :

T h is t le B ir m in g h a m C it y C e n t r e

D a t e :

23 O c t o b e r 20 1 3

Lo c a t i o n : B i r m i n g h a m

V e n u e :

T h is t le B ir m in g h a m C it y C e n t r e

Following the Development and S kills Conference, the Annual Lecture will take place in Birmingham for the second year. The AUA Annual Lectures have a reputation for delivering thoughtprovoking, insightful and inspirational addresses from some of the sectors most in uential figures. In past years the Annual Lecture has been delivered by Liam Burns, S imon Fanshawe and Professor Lord Robert W inston.

Lo c a t i o n : B i r m i n g h a m Following a successful launch in 2 012 the AUA Development and S kills Conference returns offering an accessible programme of workshops.

The Awards Ceremony for the Annual Awards and Fellowships will take place during the evening, giving you the opportunity to see the most inspiring AUA members. The Annual Lecture and Awards Ceremony is free of charge to AUA members but non-members must j oin the Association in order to attend. More information will be available on the website very soon.

Y o r k s h ir e a n d No r t h Ea s t C o n f e r e n c e D a t e :

1 5 No v e m b e r 20 1 3

V e n u e :

Un i v e r s i t y o f Y o r k

Lo c a t i o n : Y o r k W ith a focus on personal development and networking, this year’ s Y orkshire and North East Conference will be all about you. Give yourself one day to develop yourself, your skills, and yourown personal network. The W elcome Plenary will be delivered by Dr David Duncan, Registrar, University of Y ork, on ‘ Valuing S taff in HE Professional, Managerial and Administrative roles’ . W orking sessions will include: Bridge-Building Leadership istance administration Organisational development Breaking down barriers – developing staff across organisation boundaries ocial networking Tried and tested tools for university administrators AUA Accreditation cheme Delegates will be offered the opportunity to q uestion a panel about their views on the value of administrative staff and personal and career development. Book your place and find out more at w w w . a u a . a c . u k / e v e n t - 74 - Y o r k s h i r e a n d - No r t h - Ea s t - C o n f e r e n c e . h t m l .

This event was useful as I have been unable to attend the Annual Conference.


Ne t w o r k Ne w s

Birmingham University Awards for Tremendous Achievement The Birmingham University Awards for Tremendous Achievement ( BUAFTAs) celebrate the exceptional work of administrative, technical and support staff across the University of Birmingham. Launched in 2 008 and held annually, the BUAFTAs were created by professional services staff, for professional services staff, and enable colleagues to nominate individuals or teams who deliver an outstanding performance in their day-to-day roles. All students and staff, including academic staff, are eligible to nominate individuals or teams for an award, and they welcome the opportunity to recognise the contribution of their administrative, technical and support staff colleagues. Each year, the Awards are organised by a committee comprising volunteers from a wide range of professional services staff across the University who secure sponsorship, manage the nomination process, arrange the awards ceremony and sell raf e tickets.

There are ten categories in which to nominate. This year they were: team player of the year; team of the year; best customer service; best newcomer; role model of the year; student experience award; best support for research; best support for our working environment; idea of the year; and Vice-Chancellor’ s award. The j udging panel includes a senior member of the University’ s management team, a student, an alumnus and a previous BUAFTA winner and every year they have the unenviable task of deciding j ust ten winners from hundreds of nominations. This year’ s awards were presented at a glittering gala dinner in February 2 013 held in the University’ s Great Hall and attended by those shortlisted in each category and their guests. The ceremony was hosted by the BBC’ s Arti Halai ( pictured) and sponsored by a range of partners, suppliers and other University supporters.

Each year all proceeds from the BUAFTA raf e are donated to charity. This year’s chosen charity was the Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies. Amongst the excellent prizes on offer was a cash prize donated on behalf of the Association of University Administrators by one of the University of Birmingham’ s AUA members. This was a great way to raise the profile of the Association and one lucky winner was £ 100 richer by the end of the evening as a result! Marcella K eher MAUA University of Birmingham


Ne t w o r k Ne w s

Basic Networking S kills As part of the Midlands S eminar S eries, three universities within the midlands group recently ran a simultaneous development event ‘ Basic Networking S kills’ on 17 January 2 013 . Despite the snow, 2 8 delegates attended this innovative event which was held both at Cranfield University, University of Nottingham and University of W olverhampton. Each institution connected with each other at the start and end of the event via web based technology to share insights and discoveries. Each identical workshop was facilitated by branch Advocates and covered how to prepare yourself for networking as well as how to start a conversation with a stranger. As the events were attended from AUA members from across the region it also provided some excellent real-life practice of newly found networking skills! Feedback from the event included: “ Participation was encouraged in the right way and the group really engaged. I t was interesting linking with other branches across the midlands to hear the direction of their discussions”

“ I found this a really interesting and confidence boosting session. It gave me loads of ideas which I will take away with me and try out when I find myself in those sweaty palm moments before going into a room full of strangers! ”

“ There were various value aspects of this event but having the opportunity to practise our new skills by being given the time to meet new colleagues was a useful opportunity to test them out.”

I t is hoped that similar events of this kind will be run throughout the Midlands Network in the future.

University of Buckingham re-launch W e began the University of Buckingham’ s AUA network in S eptember 2 012 , and thanks to the membership being funded by the university, membership applications came ooding in. A launch event was held in January, to introduce new members to the organisation, and to encourage non-members to consider j oining. The Chair of the AUA, Matthew Andrews came to give a talk, and staff also had the opportunity to think about the AUA professional behaviours by completing

a worksheet about their abilities. S taff members were able to network with their colleagues, after being assigned to different groups. Feedback showed it was a success – over half of people said that the best part of the event was meeting new people. As a result of the launch event, we gained eight new members, taking our membership total up to 3 3 . At the end of the event, we used the University’ s student feedback software to survey staff about their professional development needs, and how they

would like the Buckingham network to develop in the future. W e now have data about areas of the University that staff would like to learn more about, so that our future sessions can be tailored to their development needs. Future sessions are likely to focus around staff members to present about their own areas of work in the future which gives staff a chance to practice their presenting skills, but also gives us the opportunity to learn more about each other’ s work.

AUA Members are individually and collectively committed to: • the continuous development of their own and others’ professional knowledge, skills and practices; • actively championing equality of educational and professional opportunity; • the advancement of higher education through the robust application of professional knowledge, skills and practices; • the highest standards of fair, ethical and transparent professional behaviour.

We want you! The AUA are looking for people to contribute to the next issue of newslink. If you would like to submit an article please get in touch with us via

Comments The AUA welcomes your comments and feedback on all aspects of our work which will help us provide a better service to you. If you have any queries or comments relating to the Newslink publication, please contact:

AUA National Office The University of Manchester, Sackville Street Building, Sackville Street, Manchester M60 1QD Tel: +44(0)161 275 2063 Fax: +44(0)161 275 2036 Email:

AUA National Office taff La u r a As h c r o f t Project Officer embership and Networks R ic h a r d C a r r Administrator: Communications and Events B r e n d a D a k e r s Project Officer Professional evelopment Em i l y H a r r i s Events Assistant C a t h e r i n e Li l l i e Executive Officer Professional evelopment Ka t h y M u r r a y Executive Officer Communications No r e e n M u z a f f a r External Relations Officer P h i l i p Wo l s t e n h o l m e Project Officer Web evelopment & e-S ervices


Design: Shanleys

The AUA exists to advance and promote the professional recognition and development of all who work in professional services roles in higher education, and to be an authoritative advocate and champion for the sector.

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