2D Artist - Issue 070 - October 2011

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Concept Art, Digital & Matte Painting Magazine Issue 070 October 2011

Interview Jeremy Love

Articles Sketchbook of Joe Weatherly

The Gallery Sang Han, Ioan Dumitrescu and Andreas Rocha, plus more!

Jason Seiler paints a charming ‘down - and - out’ in our Character Portrayal tutorial showing how to make someone look obese. Tribal Warriors

In this months issue Ignacio Bazan Lazcano dishes up an amazing image and tutorial as he creates a Fantasy Tribal Warrior.

Creating New Worlds

David Smit and Nadia Karroue give us a masterclas in turning an idea into a concept in the latest chapter of this excellent series.

Matte Painting

Piotrek Swigut wraps up his Matte Painting series by showing us how to transform the time of day.

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