Caledonia Times
March, 2017 Volume 49, Issue 3 A Diocesan Section of the Anglican Journal
Archbishop meets with Executive Committee
To prepare for the Spring election of the 10th Bishop of Caledonia
n Friday, January 13th 2017, Archbishop John Privett met with the Diocesan Executive Committee concerning the election of a new Bishop for the Diocese and all of the details surrounding the Electoral Synod and the consecration and installation of a new Bishop who will become our 10th Bishop of Caledonia. The meeting began with Morning Prayer, remembering Hilary of Portieres. Introductions came next as there were a couple of folks who did not know everyone else at the table. So the members of Executive introduced themselves to the new members and each member sharing a hope or a concern that each has for the next six months. Many spoke of a desire for a new bishop who is faithful and good. Others spoke of a desire and a hope to have a Bishop who teaches the Faith and knows the passion of Christ. Other members expressed a desire for a smooth, successful Synod and unity for the Diocese after the Synod. The deliberations over the path to electing a new bishop started with the Archbishop reflecting on the “Gift of Transition”. Archbishop Privett pointed out those gathered, that we are called to respond to God’s will through listening and responding to God while working to be faithful to God in community. Archbishop John also noted that he thought it might be odd to have him in the lead instead of Bishop Bill after such a length of time. He paid tribute to Bishop Bill and his ministry in the wider Church as someone who represented both him and us well and was committed to the life and community of the Church. Archbishop John told Executive that he had recently seen Bishop Bill and that both he and Margaret looked fantastic. It was evident that there had been a removal of a great back pack, a great weight. The Metropolitan gave thanks to God for Bishop Anderson and his ministry. Gift of Transition In speaking to the task that is ahead for Caledonia and the Electoral Synod, the Archbishop noted that every time the Parish has a change in clergy, there is an opportunity for renewal and for changes in ministry. This is also true of the Diocese when looking to elect a new Bishop. We as a diocese have an opportunity to consider the future and to ponder the way forward together. He spoke of the Exodus and all that the People of Israel faced in making transition. They faced leaving Egypt: they experienced the excitement and the fear of the new and the unknown. They faced the beginnings and endings of their community while wandering in the Desert. This was a time of preparation for the people and of the leadership. The Israelites had to stop being in Egypt and being slaves and become different. They had to become the people that God was creating them to be. They were going through the process, as author William
Bridges pointed out, of endings, the neutral zone and beginnings. We as a diocese, are in that moment of the neutral zone as we await the election and consecration of a new Bishop. Archbishop Archbishop John Privett Privett noted that he will have by the end of this process, installed all of the sitting bishops of the province over the past 10 years. Reading and covering the Canons Discussion and work then turned to deciding the path to take in electing the next Bishop. Archbishop Privett and the Executive Committee worked through the Canons of the Diocese to determine what needed to be done and when. It was decided that the Call to Synod would go out from the Rev. Gwen Andrews, the Diocesan Administrator on January 20th 2017. According to the Canons, the Synod needs to be held within 90 days. Therefore the Electoral Synod will be held at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Prince Rupert April 21st to 23rd 2017. The Eucharist will be celebrated @ 7pm on April 21st and the actual election will take place on April 22nd. Everyone is welcome at the Opening Eucharist and to the Sunday Service at the Cathedral. However, according to the Canons, there will be no observers permitted to the election. The Canons of the Diocese require that the process be in camera. This means that only the licensed clergy and the elected lay delegates are allowed on the floor of the Electoral Synod. The Administrator has appointed the Search Committee of three clergy and three laity to assist in the work of getting ready for the Synod. The Profile and much of the work around the information needed to send to candidates has been done. The nomination process needed to start fresh and is currently on going. Any Anglican, in a Parish in this Diocese can nominate a priest or Bishop in good standing and who is eligible according to Canon I. Parishes are reminded that they need to have the certificate for the Synod delegates into Audrey Wagner, Registrar, by Friday March 31st. If there is no certificate, the delegates may not be seated at the Synod. If the congregation/parish has not had its annual meeting, the delegates from last year are still eligible to come, but again there must be a certificate for the Registrar. Parishes are able to send one delegate for every fifty eligible voters at a Annual Meeting. Parishes and congregations who have less than ten voters can join together to elect one person to represent both.
It was pointed out that the Bishop elect will need 2/3rds majority of each house, clergy and laity. The Synod can vote up to 20 ballots and then, if there is no election, choose to adjourn. When there has been an election, Archbishop John will call the other Bishops of BC-Yukon to gain their concurrence of the election. Canon IV of the Province of BC-Yukon covers the consecration and installation of the new Bishop of Caledonia. Related Matters Archbishop asked the Executive Committee to consider pastoral care of the Candidates during the election by asking the question: “How do we support people through a stressful time? In what fashion?” The Administrator and those who are helping to plan the Synod, will take this into consideration. There was a good discussion about providing for Episcopal vestments – every Anglican bishop needs for the Bishop be properly attired. The Province has set aside $1,000 to help in this regard and the Executive Committee made a motion to set aside $3,000. Parishes invited to give to the Bishop’s Vestment Fund. There is already an episcopal ring and the Cathedral has a crosier which is there for the Bishop to use when at the Cathedral. The Archbishop and the Executive Committee talked about and chose a tentative date for the Consecration and Installation. When the Bishop Elect is known, there will need to be a consultation amongst the House and with the Bishop elect as to what date it will actually happen and should be announced in good time for people far and wide to come and participate. The Archbishop reminded the Executive Committee to call everyone to the necessity for prayer and vigilance over the next weeks and months. The Executive is planning to have a prayer team the day of to pray through the Cathedral and to pray for the Synod during the election. Other Business The Executive Committee revisited the issue of Canon #1A for the Election of a Co Adjuator Bishop, as it was left hanging when the election was cancelled last September. After some debate on procedures, it was decided to send the Canon to the next regular session of Diocesan Synod. It was also decided, that in the absence of a diocesan bishop that the Dean would attend the Council of the North meetings on behalf of the Diocese. March 13th to 16th in Toronto. There were a smattering of property issues that finished out the day, including the celebrating of the rezoning of land in Fort St. John to allow for the new Church building to be built. This was a major hurdle to clear so that the new Church building could be built.
The Caledonia Times: Informating and Inspiring Anglicans in Northern BC since 1905
The Archbishop writes... brightness of the Resurrection. We are called to renew our trust in the presence of God. We are called to look to Christ in our own lives and to look for Christ in the lives of others.
Dear Friends in Christ, The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday which falls on March 1 this year. The word ‘Lent” come from an old English word “lencten” which refers to the lengthening of days. I know that the season of lent is meant to be time of solemn prayer and reflection as we journey toward Good Friday and Easter. Nevertheless, I rejoice at the lengthening of days, the ever earlier dawn, and emerging signs of the return of spring. As the days get longer and the days brighter there is often a sense of expectation in our lives and a renewal of our energies as well. The relationship between the physical world and our spiritual lives is an important one. At services on Ash Wednesday we are called to remember our humanity and the fragility of our human lives, and in repentance turn again to Christ as our Lord and the Saviour who is the Light of the World. I am deeply aware that there is so much baggage attached to the language of repentance we can often miss its importance. Most of us hear the word “repentance” and think of giving up some bad activity, or for some people its about giving up some really enjoyable activity! We have weighed down the word “repentance” with a heavy load of moral interpretations. But before it is about morality, it is about seeing. In the New Testament, the word for repentance is metanoia, which means a change of heart or a turning in a new direction. It implies that one has arrived a different view of something. And, of course, that will involve doing things differently. But before it is about doing, it is about seeing. When we turn in a different direction what we notice first is that we see things differently. We have a whole new perspective. When Jesus calls us to repentance in the gospels, he calls us to change our perspective and to see the world with new eyes. Rather than seeing a kingdom of kings or perhaps presidents and prime minsters, we are to see the kingdom where God is present. Rather than seeing a world where human beings are in charge we are to see a world in which God reigns, a world in which God is active in human lives, a world where God’s will is prayed for and embraced. And so at the beginning of his ministry Jesus says to the people of his day, and to all who through the pages of the gospel hear his voice, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” That is, I believe, where the Christian spiritual life begins. The light of Christ dawns upon us and we discover a world where God is present and the Holy Spirit is active. And so in Lent we are called again to turn our eyes toward the dawning light which will find its fullness in the
We live in a time when our world is fragmenting. News stories speak of a world in which nations are retreating into themselves. We join Facebook pages of like minded people, we join groups where we share similar interests, values or commitments. People seem more fearful and more quick to judge others. There are fewer occasion where we actually engage with people who think differently from ourselves. But the church is not meant to be like that – as we draw near to the light of Christ, as we begin to see the world as God’s world we discover that there are many others who are also drawn to Christ, other disciples who may have a different perspective or a different view of things. That can lead to conflict and defensiveness. That, however, is not new. In 1 Corinthians St. Paul challenges the disunity of the Christians there. “Is Christ divided?” he asks, and he points us to the deeper mystery of the church which finds its life in life of Christ himself. In Romans Paul writes: “so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” We will soon gather for an electoral Synod on April 21 and 22. We will gather as many different people, with many different gifts, and many different dreams for the future of the Diocese. During this season of Lent may we continue to pray for the whole Church, for those who see as we do and those who see differently. And let us pray for a spirit of repentance in our own lives and in the life of our Church. Let us pray for a spirit in which we will all be given new eyes to see more fully what God is doing in our midst and where God is calling us to in the future. And with renewed sight let us pray that God will turn our seeing into doing.
Praying for Caledonia #10 Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd of the Sheep who laid down his life for his flock: we pray for discernment for our Electoral Synod who will choose a new chief shepherd for your flock in Caledonia. Send down upon them the grace needed to fulfill your charge; pour into their hearts a true love of you and your people and so guide and govern them by your Holy Spirit that your flock may receive a shepherd after your own heart for the sake and extension of your kingdom and to the praise and glory of your wonderful name. Amen. Almighty Father, fill your chosen servant with the grace and power which you gave to your apostles, that he/she may lead those committed to his/her charge in proclaiming the gospel of salvation. Through him/her increase your Church, renew its ministry, and unite its members in a holy fellowship of truth and love. Enable him/ her as a true shepherd to feed and govern your flock; make him/her wise as a teacher, and steadfast as a guardian of its faith and sacraments. Guide and direct him/her in presiding at the worship of your people. Give him/her humility, that he/she may use his/her authority to heal, not to hurt; to build up, not to destroy. Defend him/ her from all evil, that, as a ruler over your household and an ambassador for Christ, he/she may stand before you blameless, and finally, with all your servants, enter your eternal joy through Jesus Christ our Lord and Bishop of our souls. Amen.
+John Archbishop John
The Caledonia Times Publication of the Diocese of Caledonia
Editor: The Very Rev. Jason Haggsttom Associate Editor: Audrey Wagner Published monthly, except July and August by: Diocese of Caledonia, 200 – 4th Avenue West Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1P3 (250) 627-1143 or (250) 600-7143 Address correspondence and copy to the address above, or to Submissions must be received by the first day of the month for the following month’s issue. Send subscription orders, address changes Diocese of Caledonia c/o Anglican Journal 80 Hayden St. Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2 Printed and mailed by: Webnews Inc.,North York Ontario
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Caledonia Times — March 2017
Skypilot Moments Drawing God’s Kingdom into the world Are you aware that there are many in the Church, who don’t know what it is that Jesus preached in his earthly ministry? I often come across people who put words in Jesus mouth that Jesus didn’t preach. An example? “God helps those who help themselves” or “The love of money is the root of evil” or “Love everybody”. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking but I want you to stop and think about this last one. Jesus did command his Church the night he was betrayed and given over to suffering and death to “love one another as I have loved you” but it is not what he preached. To the masses, he called them to repentance and to be aware that the kingdom of heaven was coming to them. Jesus took up John’s message. Jesus healed the sick and drove out demons. He called people to see what will be the reality of heaven and earth when they come together. And why not! It was a divine message and it was working because the people were responding to it in droves. People were coming to John and responding to him by repenting of their pasts and being baptised as a sign of the changes in their lives. And not just change – transformation! And remember something important: God is more interested in the brilliance of your repentance than the darkness of your sin. In other words, it not about how bad you have been, but about how transformed you are by the Spirit. People are often surprised and even befuddled when I tell them that Jesus’ main message was one of repentance and awareness of God and the heavenly kingdom. People in this day and age are more worried about getting through the day intact and have no real awareness of the spiritual reali-
ties around them. Most are not paying attention to the spiritual parts of life for a variety of reasons. It would take some time for me to delineate them but I won’t take that time now. Suffice as to say, we live in a distracted culture. Lent is a time when we can refocus ourselves on God and on what God wants of us. That is the purpose of us focusing on things such as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as we get ready to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus and celebrate is resurrection. As a Church, what is God wanting of us? God wants us to recognize why Jesus came. Why did Jesus come? It was not to make us nice. It was not to help us to be tolerant. He came that we would be delivered from sin and death. It is a fate that all who are away from God are suffering. People suffer from the consequences of their sins. Sin has separated and moved them away from God. Life without God ends in death. After all this is why Jesus said to people, “The thief comes for nothing but to kill to steal and to destroy. I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10.10 ESV) I think there is something that God wants of us but we will find it counterintuitive. The Church spends an awful lot of time distressing over numbers and what we don’t have and might not have in the future. We need to stop worrying some much about who is and is not in Church. Instead we need, to start concerning ourselves with how many people we impact on and day by day basis with our life outside of our regular worship. How often do people see us as being happy people? How
books on the way by Ruby McBeth
and honour killings.
Last Christmas my granddaughter Freyja asked to sponsor a girl from overseas instead of getting a big Christmas gift. She chose a girl from Ethiopia an Orthodox Christian. I thought that this was nice that Freyja was growing up and thinking of others, but I had no idea how important it could be. Now that I have read the book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide I realize that our small contribution could be critical to the child’s future.
The authors begin their book with the story of a girl who is sold into sexual slavery in Thailand. This is actually a story that ends happily. The girl finally returns to her home and starts a business with outside help.
Half the Sky is written by a husband and wife team Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn who won a Pulitzer prize for journalism for their writing about China. The authors say that abuse of women and girls can be compared to the slave trade in the 19th century. People turn a blind eye and say there is no solution. Kristof and WuDunn would beg to differ saying that half the energy of the planet is being wasted when women are not allowed to contribute to their full potential. They give us individual stories which are very difficult to forget and then show us how this problem can be solved. And what are the abuses which women face in countries with widespread poverty? We are told about forced prostitution, female genital mutilation, rape, underage marriage, female infanticide, Caledonia Times — March 2017
many people know that our belonging to a Christian community actually makes a positive difference to our everyday lives? How many people have you personally connected with in the past week in a positive way for the kingdom? How many people have you made aware of the kingdom of God and that the kingdom is coming near to them? One last thought. There are many people in the Church these days who think they are fine, that they are okay and even one or two who believe themselves to be, in a word, perfect. And yet these same people live lives of quiet desperation. Jesus, in facing his own temptations, refused to treat people cheaply. He chose not to impress them with what he could do. He chose not to dominate them with power he rightfully held nor did he choose to take away their will and their choices so that they could only obey. Instead Jesus chose to seek, to see and to serve God through the Spirit as the Servant of God. Because of this, the Father made his Son known to those who would put their faith in him and enable the Church to do incredible things through Christ. As famed missionary E. Hudson Taylor once said, “God’s work, done God’s way, will not lack God’s supply.” It is time for us to seek, to see and to serve God in Christ through the Holy Spirit. It is time for us to stop living as if we are God’s frozen chosen for it is not we who live but Christ in us. Happy Lent!
Jason+ with specific examples of people whose lives were changed by outside help. Recommended generally for adults. Kristof, Nicholas D. and Sheryl WuDunn. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.
Several stories come out of Africa and tell of problems caused by lack of proper medical care. Graphic stories are told of women with fistulas breaks in their lower intestine which allow feces to leak out. These women are put at the edge of the village to be killed by the wild animals. There are doctors now who open hospitals specifically to help women with this problem and give them a new life. In a chapter called “Is Islam Misogynistic?” The authors explain that initially Islam was better for women. However, because the faith does not allow for any changes to the Koran the religion is stuck in a culture of the 8th century A.D. Despite the horrible pictures which the authors give of abuses to women, the book does have a positive message: “Women aren’t the problem but the solution. The plight of girls is no more a tragedy than an opportunity.” The opportunity to help lies in education, microloans, and medical help. Each of these areas is shown by the authors Page 3
Canada in Brief by Andre Forget, Jounal Staff Bowling for a library The parishioners at All Saints Church in Marysville, N.B., have come up with an innovative way to help support Bishop McAllister College, in Kyogyera, Uganda: a charity bowling event. All Saints rector the Rev. Kevin McAllister said the parish wants to support the college for a number of reasons. Not only is it run by a New Brunswicker, Canon Paul Jeffries, the college recently received an influx of 200 children, bringing its student population to around 900, and needs to find ways to support these new students. The school also recently suffered a violent attack, in which three staff members were killed. “We often take our right to education for granted, while people in other countries take enormous risk to try and change their path in life,” McAllister said. To the people of All Saints, bowling seemed like something that might draw a crowd. “We wanted to host an event that could potentially involve the greatest amount of people, that would be possible for [everyone from] children to seniors to fully participate in,” McAllister said. The event will be held on Saturday, March 25 in Fredericton, and McAllister said the parish hopes to raise $5,000. He has also challenged five other parishes and the diocesan synod office to participate. “If all the parishes that we challenged participate, I think $5,000 is a reasonable goal,” he said. Jeffries said the news of a fundraiser “couldn’t have come at a better time,” as the college hopes to build a library in the coming year. “News of the fundraiser has greatly encouraged us as we look to take up this new challenge.” —The New Brunswick Anglican St. Patrick’s reaches out to senior newcomers St. Patrick’s Anglican Church in Edmonton recently welcomed newcomer seniors to Canada by helping them overcome social isolation. From July to October 2016, a program saw the parish partner Welcome Centre for Immigrants (WCI) and Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN) offer free English language and computer classes to newcomer seniors. More than 40 people from India and several African nations participated in the morning classes offered three times a week. Having identified language development and cultural awareness as key
learning priorities, the seniors were given an opportunity to realize their goals through presentations and field trips organized by Julie McArthur, an EMCN instructor, and Chand Gul, a WCI community connector and volunteer from St. Patrick’s. Participants learned about Canadian geography, culture and history, with an emphasis on Indigenous history. Other topics included civic services, recycling and waste management, and preparing for a visit to the doctor. They also attended classes meant to improve computer literacy. Overall responses indicate the participants were less fearful and more confident about going out into their community having attended the classes. St. Patrick’s said it would also use surplus funds from a $15,000 Anglican Foundation of Canada grant and parish proceeds from contributions to the diocese of Edmonton’s REACH fundraising campaign to continue hosting job fairs in co-operation with WCI and EMCN. In January, the parish began a partnership with the Pan-Edmonton Group Addressing Social Isolation of Seniors to offer another instalment of English literacy classes, helping connect senior newcomers to resources— and one another. “It is a great joy to see our prayers for the unemployed and newcomers to Canada being put into action,” says the Rev. Kevin Kraglund, St. Patrick’s rector. —The Messenger Talk focuses on role of faith groups in ending homelessness. Sue Garvey, executive director of Cornerstone Housing for Women, a project of the diocese of
Ottawa, gave a talk at a November national conference on how faith communities can be mobilized to create affordable housing and end homelessness. At the fourth national conference of the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness held in London, Ont., Garvey was joined by the Rev. Linda Kauffmann, an Episcopal priest from Washington, D.C., in speaking about the traditional role faith communities have played in serving the poor. Garvey posed the question of how churches can move from one-off efforts at poverty relief, such as opening their buildings for use as emergency shelters, to more long-term “movement” with the capacity to “do more, faster, better, and bring with it all the values and quality of life commitments” faith communities can offer. Garvey used her experience working in the diocese of Ottawa as an example. In 2015, the diocese created the homelessness and affordable housing working group, which adopted a mandate to have every parish engaged in creating affordable housing units. When Garvey told the gathering (which included nearly 1,000 policy makers, frontline workers, funders, community leaders and researchers) that the diocese had a goal of creating 125 units of affordable housing by 2021, there was an audible reaction. People seemed both shocked and excited. Garvey noted that while the landscape of the church in Canada is changing, churches have assets, properties and congregations that are seeking to help those beyond their doors. —CrossTalk
Comic Life
NEW THIS YEAR! Receive PWRDF’s Lent Resource as a daily email! Sign up at and each day you’ll get an email that includes a reading, prayer or meditation specially chosen by the Reverend Susan Spicer. Dig deeper into the issues of food security and food sovereignty and read more on-the-ground stories from PWRDF. The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund the
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Caledonia Times — March 2017