the carillon The University of Regina Students’ Newspaper since 1962
June 7 - July 25, 2012 | Volume 55, Issue 1 |
cover summer is upon us, and here at the carillon, we are planting the tomato seeds of progress. Or something like that. It’s a new volume, and some growth analogy seemed necessary. At any rate, continue lazying about your summer in your garden or on your couch or whatever with a summer issue of the carillon!
the staff editor-in-chief
dietrich neu business manager shaadie musleh production manager julia dima copy editor vacant news editor vacant a&c editor paul bogdan sports editor vacant op-ed editor edward dodd features editor vacant visual editor vacant ad manager neil adams technical coordinator jon hamelin news writer a&c writer
vacant vacant vacant
sports writer
photographers vacant vacant vacant
vacant vacacnt vacant
contributors this week kyle leitch, ed kapp, jared kozey, emily demyen, taouba khelifa, jamie mason
arts & culture
green patch
queer cinema
the paper
John Cameron, Anna Dipple, Kristy Fyfe, Jenna Kampman, Mason Pitzel, Dan Shier, Rhiannon Ward, Anna Weber
227 Riddell Centre University of Regina - 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 0A2 Ph: (306) 586-8867 Fax: (306) 586-7422 Printed by Transcontinental Publishing Inc., Saskatoon
The Carillon welcomes contributions to its pages. Correspondence can be mailed, e-mailed, or dropped off in person. Please include your name, address and telephone number on all letters to the editor. Only the author’s name, title/position (if applicable) and city will be published. Names may be withheld upon request at the discretion of the Carillon. Letters should be no more then 350 words and may be edited for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. The Carillon is a wholly autonomous organization with no affiliation with the University of Regina Students’ Union. Opinions expressed in the pages of the Carillon are expressly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing in the Carillon are those of the advertisers and not necessarily of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. or its staff. The Carillon is published no less than 11 times each semester during the fall and winter semesters and periodically throughout the summer. The Carillon is published by The Carillon Newspaper Inc., a non–profit corporation.
the manifesto
In keeping with our reckless, devil-may-care image, our office has absolutely no concrete information on the Carillon’s formative years readily available. What follows is the story that’s been passed down from editor to editor for over forty years.
In the late 1950s, the University of Regina planned the construction of several new buildings on the campus grounds. One of these proposed buildings was a bell tower on the academic green. If you look out on the academic green today, the first thing you’ll notice is that it has absolutely nothing resembling a bell tower. The University never got a bell tower, but what it did get was the Carillon, a newspaper that serves as a symbolic bell tower on campus, a loud and clear voice belonging to each and every student. Illegitimi non carborundum.
jessica winter
come to the dark side
Welcome to the first summer carillon. It’s like welcoming you into our home, but it’s ten minutes to deadline, I am only alive because of coffee, and I’ve never really been a great host. So there. Come in, help yourself, I’m going to sleep. –Love, new production manager photos news taouba khelifa a&c queer city cinema sports marc messet
op-ed julia dima cover taouba khelifa
News Editor (Acting): Hafsa Hassan the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
A coalescence of opportunities The RPRIG Green Patch provides a wealth of educational opportunities
Taouba Khelifa
RPIRG volunteers began gardening on June 4th
dietrich neu editor-in-chief The Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG) has announced they have begun work on the third on-campus community garden at the University of Regina. The new project will be called the RPIRG Green Patch, and with the help of volunteers and student RPIRG employees, the project has already begun planting in a massive area located in the university green. Along with gardens on both the FNUniv campus, and the Institut français, the three community gardens are part of an umbrella project titled Regina Edible Campus, which aims to provide education about food sustainability and engage students and volunteers in community projects. Jenn Bergen, executive director of RPIRG, has worked on the RPRIG Green Patch since the idea first started flying around last year. Brgen was approached by Frédéric Dupré, who started the garden at Institut français called La Portager, about the possibility of starting a third community garden on campus. “He said that the first year of La Portager went well,” Brgen said. “And Frédéric told me that Facilities Management said that they could free up more land if there was a desire on campus for more urban gardening. He wanted to know if RPRIG would be able to do that, and we said yes.” By January, RPRIG was ready to approach the President’s Advisory Committee for Sustainability with a proposal for the Green Patch. The committee approved the proposal, and from there the project never looked back.
The Green Patch currently occupies 5,500 square ft. of space just south of the Archer library. While some crops are already in the ground, the majority of the space is still being tilled in preparation for planting. Although, to some, the idea of a community garden can sound like an oversized edition of their mother’s backyard, the goals and purposes of the Green Patch cover a wide range of educational uses. In addition, people who volunteer for the project will have the opportunity to take home a third of the food they work with on site, while the majority of it is contributed to the Carmichael Outreach Centre. “There is broader educational
“It is a physical manifestation of the beliefs that we stand for as an organization, both environmentally and socially.” Jenn Bergen
mandate to this as well,” Said Naomi Beingessner, a master’s student in justice studies who is responsible for coordinating several aspects of the project. Beingessner has begun work with
professors in both biology and engineering to create opportunities for U of R students to incorporate work in the Green Patch into their classroom studies. “There are two [engineering] students who are doing a project on sustainable irrigation,” Beingessner said. “They are looking at the feasibility of using Wascana marsh to irrigate the garden, among other places.” By allowing classes to take advantage of the massive garden for educational purposes, both Beingessner and Brgen hope that students and faculty members at the U of R will begin to see the project as an educational resource that can provide opportunities for learning. Furthermore, with growing interest from students and an ever-increasing potential for education, the Green Patch has the opportunity to receive increased funding, which the two members of RPRIG agreed would allow them to “give back.” RPRIG’s educational mandate doesn’t simply end at the university level. They are planning to work with several youth environmental groups from around the city at a high school level as well. “We want to provide a lauch pad for educational programming,” Brgen added. While the RPRIG says it is open for a variety of educational uses for the garden, they also have another, more focused educational goal. “I guess one of the second goals is to connect people to process of growing their own food,” said Brgen. “We want to show them what that means, for individuals, for communities, like the U of R, and for Regina society on a larger scale. “ Volunteers at the site “earn” one third of the food that they grow; the other third is donated to
the Carmichael Outreach Centre, who take it in mass quantities and turn it into meals that are used to feed families who are struggling to come up with food of their own. “Unfortunately, [Carmichael Outreach] usually doesn’t get fresh fruits and vegetables,” Brgen noted. “So we trying to make that connection and fill that need. We as a city have to power to grow and feed populations that don’t have the facilities to do that.” “I think it is going to be pretty impressive too,” Beingessner added. “Frédéric [Dupré] was saying that he was hauling something like a couple hundred pounds of potatoes out of it. Ours is going to be twenty times that, minimum. It’s just a huge space.” The project clearly has upside. The potential for both food production and educational benefits has sparked belief in the project from outside sources. Both the University of Regina and Wascana Center Authority have both pitched in a considerable funds to the project; providing funds for tools, seedlings, hiring labourers to till the land, and altering the universities underground irrigation system to accommodate the garden. The RPIRG Green Patch is in its “pilot year,” meaning that the success of this season will impact the potential for future years of funding. However, both Brgen and Beingessner are optimistic that the project will not only be a success, but could grow into something much larger. “I think that the idea of this is something that people have been waiting a long time,” Brgen said. “We have received so much interest about that space on this campus, and in the future I would like to see that grow; to have classes that do programming year-over-
year and get education value from it. We are a bit worried because we only having funding for this year and we are not sure where funding is going to come from next year, but I’m confident that the garden will continue to exist because there is so much outward demand for it.” “It is an interesting question to figure out what niche we are going to fit it,” Beingessner added. “I think the focus has to be on education. It will be exciting to see how far this thing can go.” The Green Patch is an amalgamation of several causes wrapped up under the same banner. RPIRG and the other members of the Regina Edible Campus are providing education about sustainable food practices, opportunities for university and high school students to utilize the garden for classroom work, and providing food for the less fortunate members of the Regina community. It is a source of pride for the members of RPIRG. “It is a physical manifestation of the beliefs that we stand for as an organization,” Brgen said. “That is why I was personally excited to do it. It is a display of what our organization stands for, both environmentally and socially.” “I think that this can be a nice little step towards getting people to think about the food system,” Beingessner added. “Get them in with something tasty, and see where the conversation goes from there.”
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
Bringing education closer to home U of R works with SIAST to bring classes to Moose Jaw dietrich neu editor-in-chief University education is a little closer to home for Moose Jaw residents. The U of R has recently announced its plans to offer face-to-face introductory classes at the SIAST Palliser campus. It is the second attempt the U of R has made to bring classes to the region, in what is part of a larger, decade long, movement by the university to expand its reach and bring post-secondary education to areas of Saskatchewan that did not have the opportunity before. Due to increased demand for such programs, the U of R will be offering three courses in both the fall and winter semesters. According to university administration, the increased demand could be the result of low residency availability on campus and lower vacancy rates around the city. “[Before], over the years we had classes in Moose Jaw,” said U of R Vice President of External Relations, Barb Pollock, “and as we built more residence space, we had more people coming in and staying here and taking classes. As that move happened, the interest in face-to-face classroom work in Moose Jaw went down.” “I’m not sure if now it is a matter of less residence spaces, we
taouba khelifa
SIAST and U of R join to make education more accessible to Moose Jaw students currently have a waiting list for such spaces, or if it is simply a new generation that wants something closer to home. However, the need and opportunity is there, and when we became aware of that we said ‘well, let’s go back.’” Pollack stated that the U of R has probably been working on the details of the agreement with SIAST for over a year, but as she points out, the program is still in the beginning stages. The university is planning to use this year as a test phase to discover whether or not the demand for such programs is strong enough to con-
tinue providing classes, or perhaps expanding the partnership in the future. However, in terms of a province wide presence, the move to Moose Jaw is only a small part of a larger effort to bring post-secondary education to areas all over Saskatchewan, and provide the opportunity for students to take classes without having to travel and leave their homes. “The Moose Jaw experience has to play out a little bit and see how it goes,” Pollock said. “We are already in face-to-face classes in other parts of the province, and
we are planning for more. So yes we are already working towards expanding our reach.” Most recently, the U of R has signed an agreement with the Cypress Health region, and another regional college in Swift Current to explore the possibility of bringing nursing programs to those locations. “We are always looking at opportunities,” Pollock said. “Whether it is with distance education, or face-to-face classes, to look for needs in the community that we can accommodate.” Although the agreement with SIAST in Moose Jaw is the most recent move to bring post-secondary education to regions outside
of Regina, Pollock estimates that similar initiatives have been ongoing for the past decade in regions all over the province. As Pollock points out, making post-secondary education a province wide opportunity is not simply about filling a demand, it also has the opportunity to take the potential burden off the shoulders of long-distance students who, in the past, would be facing the reality of moving away from their lives, jobs, and families to persue an education. “If there is a community in Saskatchewan, like Moose Jaw, that would like to see the University of Regina in its own back yard, and we can do it, I think that serves a need,” Pollock said. “At the same time, we would like to be a cooperative community member, we consider all areas of the province as areas that this university should be in. “I would guess, although it is speculation on my part, that if this would allow some people to have a bit more time at home, rather than commuting, or indeed, coming here for a full year away from their home, work, and family. I would presume that this is a large reason why the demand for programs like this is in place.”
U of R receives 2.8 million in funding for research The Federal Government seems to believe in the U of R’s research portfolio dietrich neu editor-in-chief 18 University of Regina researchers were no doubt ecstatic last week when the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), announced that the U of R would receive 2.8 million dollars in research grants from the Federal Government. The grants, which make up approximately 10 per cent of the university’s yearly research budget, allocates funds to projects in biochemistry, engineering, physics, computer science, among other fields. “This is a very significant boost,” said University of Regina president, Vianne Timmons. “It is very hard to do research in the natural sciences without funding, because researchers need equipment, grad students to pay, and materials to purchase. So this is a very significant accomplishment and very important for their academic careers.” The majority of the 2.8 million comes in the form NSERC’s Discovery Grants Program, which is designed to provide stable funding for some of Canada’s most promising lines of research. In order to become approved for funding, researchers from around
taouba khelifa
the country create applications that are submitted to NSERC for approval. According to Timmons, a little over five per cent of them are approved. “It is extremely competitive,” Timmons said. “Out of 2100 applications, only 125 were approved. We are very pleased that the University of Regina was able to receive 2.8 million.” Among some of the noteworthy research ventures on campus is the U of R’s contributions to the GlueX Project, an endeavor that seeks to discover what holds matter together. The research team at
the University of Regina, led by physics professors George Lolos and Zisis Papandreou, have been the driving force in creating photo-sensors, which are used to detect particles fired out of an accelerator at high velocity. Their work has not gone unnoticed by the Federal Government, who handed them 437,000 dollars to continue operations over the next two years. One of the other eye catching projects is computer science professor Daryl Hepting’s look into how people recognize faces in the context of eyewitness identifica-
tion used by the legal system. “Eye witness Identification is often highly regarded by the legal system,” he wrote. “Yet it is not always accurate. Identification may be compromised if the words used to describe the target face impair the witness’ memory of that face or if the witness sees so many photos that he or she may identify a photo as the target face when it is actually similar to one of the early photos viewed.” Hepting is aiming to develop a more accurate system of identifying faces, for the purposes of eyewitness testimonies in the legal system. Hepting hopes that through his research he will be able to develop a computer interface that allows for an eyewitness to accurately identify a suspect, while at the same time eliminating the potential mistakes that could be made during the process. The other 16 NSERC funded projects cover the entire spectrum of the natural sciences, and the 2.8 million dollars in research money will add a 10 per cent boost to the U of R’s yearly research budget of 23 million. For Timmons, the funding is not only a welcome financial boost, but also a moment of pride. “I know we have very successful researchers at the university,” she said. “Every year our research
program gets more and more solid, and so I felt validated also. I’m really excited for my faculty members because these grants honour their hard work and their dedication to research. It is really important that we see the research portfolio of the University of Regina continue to flourish and grow.” “Getting these 2.8 million dollars into researchers’ hands will help us to ensure that happens.”
“I know we have very successful researchers at the university, and so I felt validated also.” Vianne Timmons
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
Long overdue 70 years later, interned Japanese-Canadian students get honorary degrees from UBC Laura Rodgers The Ubyssey (University of British Columbia) VANCOUVER (CUP) – After an injustice that occurred 70 years ago, the Japanese-Canadian UBC students of 1942 finally received their honorary degrees in a ceremony on Wednesday. Of the 76 who were honoured, only 22 were still alive and only 10 were able to attend the ceremony. Many of the degrees were accepted by children or grandchildren. The room erupted into thunderous applause and cheers each time one of the bright gold-andscarlet sashes was draped across one of the 10 who were present to receive the degree. The honourees, all of whom were in their 80s or 90s, grinned broadly as they were each recognized. “When I go to get my degree, I think I’m going to go berserk,” reflected honorary degree recipient Roy Oshiro on the morning of the ceremony. “I don’t think I’ll be able to contain myself.” But Oshiro was calmly joyful as he crossed the stage, raising his hands in acknowledgment and warmly smiling to all in attendance. Oshiro, who went on to become a missionary after he was
“ For UBC to say, here’s the rightful degree you should’ve had … come and get your degree,’ what greater thing is there? ” Roy Oshiro interned, was moved by UBC’s long-overdue gesture. “For UBC to say, ‘here’s the rightful degree you should’ve had … We kicked you out, I’m sorry, come and get
your degree,’ what greater thing is there? I can’t think of one,” said Oshiro. Honorary degree recipient Geri Shiozaki initially wasn’t sure
how to feel when she first heard that she would finally be receiving a UBC degree. “It’s a mixture of excitement and nostalgia, I suppose,” said Shiozaki. “It’s a little overwhelming.” Shiozaki recalled the astonishment she felt when she was forced to leave UBC in 1942. “Those days were so full of uncertainty and rumours. We never expected what did happen,” she said. “I was devastated. I didn’t think my country, which is a democracy, could do this to me and others. It was very unsettling.”
UBC president Stephen Toope wasn’t shy in acknowledging that UBC should have done more to protest the forcible removal of its Japanese-Canadian students. “They were really committed students who were working very hard and had done nothing to justify this action,” said Toope in a video produced to introduce the ceremony. “The sad thing for this university is that no one stood up in their defence.” Toope acknowledged the work of Mary Kitagawa of the Greater Vancouver JapaneseCanadian Citizens’ Association, who initially began the push for the degrees in 2008 and was rebuffed until last November. As UBC chancellor Sarah Morgan-Silvester made her final speech after conferring the degrees, her voice wavered with emotion. “It has been my great pleasure, privilege, and honour to meet and congratulate each member of today’s graduating class,” said Silvester. “Above all, please know that UBC is, and will forever be, your university. “Welcome home.”
When in doubt, Morgan Freeman SFU students look to create film narrated by Morgan Freeman about journey to convince him to narrate film dessa bayrock The Cascade (University of the Fraser Valley)
ABOTTSFORD (CUP) – Imagine the scene: it’s a week before your final project is due, and your hard drive crashes for the third time. You have lost 60 hours of edited footage, and there is no way to put the film together again in time for the deadline. This is what SFU student Ian MacDougall was faced with at the end of last semester, and it’s a scene from every student’s worst nightmare. Where other students would break down or give up, MacDougall set out in an entirely new direction. With the project irretrievable, and faced with not enough time to cut it together again, his solution was to start a new film entirely, and enlist the help of Morgan Freeman. The idea was one that came up in a screenwriting class a year earlier, pitched by his friend Mack Warner. The concept was simple: make a documentary narrated by Morgan Freeman, about the journey to convince Morgan Freeman to narrate the film. MacDougall and Warner decided that the best course of action was to track down Freeman in person, in Mississippi. They managed to speak with Freeman, but only “for about two minutes, and
You know you’ve wished Morgan Freeman narrated your life didn’t have time to actually pitch their idea to him,” said Sean Hougan, publicist and events coordinator for the team. However, “a few days later, they met with [Freeman’s] business partner, Bill Luckett,” Hougan continued. “They con-
vinced him to call Morgan Freeman to tell him about the project, which he did, but Morgan said it would have to go through his agent.” Undeterred, the team returned to Canada with enough footage and enough time to edit it into a
short film for SFU’s grad screening. “They put together a 15minute short documentary, and literally edited it less than 13 hours before it was due,” Hougan explained. “The teacher came up to [MacDougall] afterwards, congratulated him, and said he was really impressed.” But the project had evolved by that point, and adding more people to their team, MacDougall and Warner set out on another trip, this time to Los Angeles to meet with Freeman’s agent. The agent, however, called the team in the middle of the trip “and basically said that Morgan Freeman was not interested,” said Hougan. Undaunted, the team continued to negotiate until the agent relented. “After [MacDougall] explained the philanthropic goals of the film and that all the profits would go towards a scholarship that Morgan Freeman had set up, the agent seemed a lot more interested and agreed to view the film that we put together,” said
Hougan. A potential deal with Freeman is still in the planning stages, but the team already has a backup plan in place. Taking into account the sheer amount of footage they have, Hougan speculates that they could easily turn the documentary into a series of online “webisodes.” “We’ve met a lot of people along the way, and we’ve done a bunch of TV interviews,” Hougan said. “If we went with the webisodes, having each webisode narrated by someone else, whether that be a celebrity or a Canadian figure, might be a cool way to get other people involved in the project.” Their first choice? “We would love Seth Rogan to do the film,” Hougan said with a laugh. “Since he’s a Vancouverite ... we think that would be very cool.”
“ Where other students would break down or give up, MacDougall set out in an entirely new direction.” Dessa Bayrock
A&C Editor: Paul Bogdan the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
‘About us and for our community’ Queer City Cinema kicks off the 9th Biennial Queer Film and Video Festival at The Neutral Ground paul bogdan arts editor Notwithstanding the fact that the 9th Biennial International Queer Film and Video Festival hadn’t even started when the Carillon could begin our interview with Queer City Cinema’s artistic director, Gary Varro, he said he’s excited that “it’s going to be over in a week”. He’s kidding of course. Still, you can imagine the amount of work that goes into a film festival where over fifty films are being shown during eight screenings between June 7 and 9. The festival includes both short and featurelength films, and two free screenings on Saturday, June 9. Varro noted the variety in the content of the films being shown which “tends not to be identifiably queer, but happens to be made by someone who’s LGBTQ”. “The subject matter isn’t necessarily or straightforwardly LGBTQ; it has a sensibility that’s distinct, but it isn’t always about coming out stories and straightforward things that people might expect a lesbian and gay film festival to be about,” said Varro. “There’s always an attempt to balance things out in terms not
Queer City Cinema
only of gender,” he continued. “But humour, social issues, things that are experimental, things that are artful, and things that are thoughtful ? trying to make it appealing to all sorts of tastes, but also a big focus is ensuring that there’s artistic integrity,” Recalling the disposal of the old Saskatchewan Film Employment Tax Credit and its subsequent replacement program in recent months, Varro said it “hasn’t affected the festival.” The director said while Queer City’s Cinema’s funding is distinct from that, the situation may affect the festival in a more “fundamental, psychological, or even communal way.” “We’ll continue on as a festival as long as we have funding, as
long as people are making films and videos. It should survive,” said Varro. This year’s festival features work from two local filmmakers, Being Two Spirited by Candy Fox and Coming Out: My Year Time Limit by Noelle Duddridge, showing on June 7 and 9 respectively. Nonetheless, the local content shown at the festival could be affected in the future as the number of filmmakers in this province may be affected. “With the two [local] filmmakers showing in the festival this year, that work might not get produced locally,” Varro said. “If more people move away, there’s a smaller population to be represented in the festival perhaps. It just makes Regina small again,
and Saskatchewan small again. It seemed at the point where we were making some strides in terms of culture and being represented on the Canadian movie and television scene. Being stripped of that is embarrassing. It’s regressive and damaging.” Varro said the festival affects not only the queer community. Rather, the artistic director said it has a “multi-level impact” affecting various communities, social groups, and even the city as a whole. “What it does is add some texture to the city, regardless of whether it’s in the queer community, the film community, the visual arts community, or the performance community,” Varro said. “I think it serves to expand ideas around identity, sexuality, art, experimentation, and exploration in art. I hope it expands all those things for people to rethink all those ideas and issues, and perhaps it will lead people to either want to make films and videos themselves, or embrace an idea or identity they hadn’t considered before.” The festival has been around for sixteen years, and was started as a result of a growing number of LGBTQ film festivals which led to more filmmakers being able to show their work.
“I saw this happening, and thought Regina was a place that doesn’t really have a lot of amenities or cultural offerings for the queer community. It was a way to add some texture to Regina as a place that’s fairly conservative in general terms. I thought it might be a good idea to introduce some viewpoints in art that people hadn’t considered before or hadn’t seen. It was never meant to be a festival that was Gay 101 ... [or] a presentation of films and videos that were meant to explain who we were to the so-called street world,” said Varro. The festival isn’t meant to be enjoyed by only those identifying as LGBTQ, but rather anyone who enjoys a night out at the movies. “It’s made for all sorts of people,” Varro said. “Whether you’re an artist, LGBTQ, curious, unsure, coming out, people way beyond that, activists, socially conscious people, and people who just want to support the arts.” The festival begins June 7 at 7:00 PM at the Neutral Ground Gallery. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $6 per screening, $10 for a double screening, and $20 for a festival pass. Full program details can be found at
Buddy is more concert than theatre Poor performances hurt the most anticipated production of the year Kyle Leitch contributor Without question, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story has been the most anticipated main-stage production of the Globe Theatre’s current season and has been hailed as the spiritual predecessor to the wildly successful A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline from last season. Instead of the dulcet twang of slide guitar, the Globe Theatre would be filled with the swinging sound of fifties rock ‘n’ roll. Since I possess what can only be summarized as a healthy hatred for country music, I thought I would enjoy Buddy infinitely more; however, I’m apparently far too jaded and cynical even for that. Buddy tells the regrettably short story of famed rock ‘n’ roll musician Buddy Holly. Although his success lasted only eighteen months before his death in a plane crash (spoiler alert), critic Bruce Eder has called Buddy Holly the single most influential creative force in early rock ‘n’ roll. Sadly, the Globe production does little
Kiriako Iatridis
to explore this notion. Instead, they shove the actors forcefully in our faces and shout, “Look at how good our cover artists are!” Sadly, the actors seemed like they were delivering their lines simply to rush from song to song, and some of the musical performances left something to be desired. Our story begins in Lubbock, Texas where a young Buddy
Holly, played by Sef Wood, is kicked off of a ConservativeChristian radio station for playing “the devil’s music.” After a fall out with an executive from Decca Records, Buddy Holly and the newly dubbed Crickets begin recording their brand of music in New Mexico, which, of course, takes off like a rocket and propels Buddy Holly and the Crickets to
national stardom. After the obligatory band falling-out, Buddy Holly continues life as a solo artist until The Day the Music Died in 1959. The play is certainly not without its charming moments. There are moments of genuine humour—particularly the revelation that Buddy Holly and the Crickets are an all-white band the moment before they are to step on stage at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem. The majority of the musicians performing in Buddy are well-polished veterans who sound tight as hell together. Most of the problems I have with the show come from the portrayal of Buddy himself. There is no doubt that Sef Wood is a talented guitar player; however, that was the extent of my admiration for his performance. Wood’s attempts to capture Buddy Holly’s nervous impishness came off as insurmountable smarminess that gave Buddy Holly a “rock star” attitude that he never had. My other problems came from Wood’s vocal performance. Again, the attempt to capture Holly verbatim worked
against him; Wood’s whiny vocals seemed out of place in most of the songs. What Wood sounded like hardly mattered though, as his vocals were often lost in the mix during the band’s instrumentally busier songs. However bad I found Buddy to be, the play was saved in part by the supporting cast. The deadon impressions of The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens will always have a special place in my shrivelled reviewer’s heart. Indeed, the best crowd reaction of the night came from what amounted to the whole cast performing a great rendition of Valens’ hit song, “La Bamba”. Ultimately, Buddy underwhelms, especially considering how well Patsy Cline was performed last year. Perhaps the evening is more magical if you grew up with the music of Buddy Holly, instead of just admiring it later on. Or, perhaps the Globe should just give the dead musician thing a rest, especially if they’re going to stop trying after just two years.
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
A summer festival guide: do’s and dont’s Save yourself from next morning embarrassment sunny thorne Ubyssey (University of British Columbia) From Coachella to Electric Daisy Carnival to Sasquatch and more, outdoor music festivals are one of the best parts of summer. With non-stop music, parties, camping and drinking (and other, less legal forms of escapism), there is really no better place to see the most fabulous and questionable expressions of personal style. In anticipation of a festival-filled summer with great music and hopefully better fashion, here is a brief list of festival fashion do’s and don’ts.
DO connect with your vintage roots. Music festivals evoke an old-school feeling that can be expressed through a variety of great style choices. Here is an opportunity to wear that awesome retro band shirt you found at an overpriced vintage store or that hippie fringe vest you stole from your mom’s closet.
There is probably no better occasion to let your hair down and express your inner flower child or rock and roll god/goddess. After all, when else will you have the excuse to sport hippie head bands, flower crowns and fannypacks all at the same time?
DON’T advertise your love of acid trips through your choice of chapeau. For the love of all things aesthetically pleasing, can we please address the SpiritHood?! These handmade, faux-fur hat/scarf combos (available in wild roadkill varieties such as hawk, leopard, wolf, and yes, panda bear) are a fashion choice that cause even the most style-blind individuals to stare in confusion. If the ridiculousness of a stuffed animal resting on your head doesn’t deter you, perhaps the problematic marketing of the “Navajo spirit” should raise some alarms. Not only are these hats offensive to the eyes, they are actually offensive to the cultures they claim to ex-
press. You will not embody the spirit of the owl. You are not a wolf. You are just a fool who shelled out 150 dollars to look like a hybrid teddy bear.
DO try something funky in denim. Music festivals are a perfectly appropriate environment to shed your everyday jeans and don a pair of cutoff shorts instead. Denim allows you to express your inner wild child, so channel some Nirvana or Courtney Love. Whether you shred them, embroider them or stud them, you can’t go wrong; 90s grunge, in the form of oversized denim jackets and acid washed jeans, is definitely coming back in style. Paired with flip-flops for the California surfer look, or with combat boots for a more punk-rock twist, denim is a versatile and incredibly comfortable style choice for those long, hazy festival days. DON’T dress like a glowstick. Avoid the highlighter tees and the sunglasses at night. This is not
Damon Albarn Dr. Dee EMI/Parlophone
Five beers perfect for those days where you’re sweating by 9:30 a.m.
take that off. You’re an idiot, not a wolf. A Night at the Roxbury and you are not fooling anyone. While those who enjoy their hallucinogens might express their inner National Geographic, festival “bros” seeking heavy basslines and techno anthems stick out like a sore thumb. And ladies, never ever get caught in a photo with a pacifier. The 90s are over, and so is your infancy. Let the raves rest in peace. DON’T get a Skrillex haircut. This “techno-mullet” is not only passé, but
The Lonesome Weekends Songs from a Barstool 13th Ave Records Coming only seven months after The Lonesome Weekends’ first release is their follow-up, Songs from a Barstool. Even if you dislike, detest, or absolutely deplore country music (like me), chances are you’ll still enjoy Songs from a Barstool. The album is filled with The Lonesome Weekends’ signature altcountry tunes about drinking and
with the light orchestration and classical guitar provided by former Blur and The Verve guitarist Simon Tong. Period-specific instruments, such as shawm or crumhorn, and light orchestrations set Dr. Dee apart from traditional Italian opera; Damon Albarn has made something original , and distinctly English here. the boisterous and over the top Italian style operatic singing is replaced with Alburn's thin, distinct voice and all heavy lifting is done by a chorus. The actual operatic singers in Dr. Dee weren't my taste, but there was something very British about them that I en-
heartache which can only be described as quintessentially Saskatchewanian. Most songs do not venture much further than the three-minute mark, with the exception of “Elisha”, which may be one of the bands most interesting songs with its improvised jam showcasing the individual talents as well as the musicianship between the members. It also has less of a country-rock feel and is much more Old West. Think Clint Eastwood, outlaws, rattlesnakes, unbearable heat, and tumbleweeds. A disappointing song doesn’t exist on Songs from a Barstool. Start to finish the album is thoroughly enjoyable, although one issue with this album exists; do not listen to it in your car. You will likely find people laughing at your embarrassingly loud (and slightly off-key) singing as you drive around with the windows down on a hot day.
summer beers
really quite hideous. The fact that you like the sound of robots copulating with the occasional T. Rex shriek followed by a “siiiick bass drop” does not need to be advertised on your head. In fact, all that your patchy scalp brings to mind is the hair-clipper prank in Jackass. Don’t cut it off, just cut it out. Armed with these fashion guidelines, you can now go dance your heart out in the sunshine, confident that you look as great as you feel. Let the festival fun begin!
music reviews Originally intended to be about superheroes, Dr. Dee is an opera about 16th century alchemist, mystic, advisor, and physician of Queen Elizabeth I. Dr. Dee is an actual opera, not a rock-opera. Listening to an opera playing, quite loudly, through a computer and actually seeing an opera performed live are completely different things. For example, "Preparation" is little more than a frenetic and swelling drum beat that goes on for three minutes, but it would've been nice to witness what was actually happening. Albarn's Harmonium can be heard throughout, and blends
joyed. Albarn has always been a versatile songwriter. From the greasy disco-pop of 1993's "Girls and Boys", to the heavy and incredibly catchy "Song 2", to one of the strangest collaborations of our era in “The Gorillaz,” Albarn has been able to find success across multiple genres. Dr. Dee is pretty good, and something I would absolutely go and see live.
neil adams ad manager
Rolling Rock
Old Speckled Hen
Affligem Blond
Rolling Rock is the quintessential summer beer; light, refreshing, and “extra pale” as the can suggests. It’s best on a scorching day in the sun, or a long day at work. It’s pretty light (to the dismay of some), but that only means it’s easier to pound/shotgun. Best for: hot days, beer darts, drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking.
Contrary to Rolling Rock is Estrella, which has a nice body and full flavour without being overly heavy. A solid fail-safe for any summer situation that would likely appeal to anyone joining you in your summer beer drinking. Best for: a summer barbeque featuring burgers, hot dogs, etc.
Fans of Guiness and Kilkenny will enjoy Old Speckled Hen. It’s similar to the two, but without the creaminess of Kilkenny and the distinct, stouty roastedness of Guiness; smooth, malty, and delicious. Best for: dinner time with a steak
This beer was far too interesting not to mention. The best way to describe the taste is an amalgamation between pot and spearmint gum, but somehow it tastes intriguingly tasty and flavourful. My bottle also wouldn’t stop foaming since the time I opened it (it wasn’t shaken up), which was annoying but comical. Best for: potheads, pulling pranks on your friends with nonstop foaming beer
Fresh, lighter, and it was the cheapest tall boy in the store; thirst-quenching, tastes decent, and cheap. What more do you want from a summer beer? Best for: being a broke-ass university student who didn’t get a well-paying summer job
“ Pull quote.”
paul bogdan
paul bogdan arts editor
arts editor
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
Five mosaic highlights
Controversial art creates cultural conversation
Student’s painting removed by disgruntled TRU employee Taylor Rocca Omega (Thompson Rivers University)
Regina Multicultural Council
Every Mosaic pavilion has something special to offer. Here’s some of the highlights.
Best pickle: Poltava Ukrainian
Best show: Scottish
More important than the drinks and the dances are the pickles. I’ve tried all of the Mosaic pickles because pickles are a delicious. The sliced pickles at the Poltava Ukrainian pavilion win with their tangy dill flavour and cool accompaniment to hot perogies and sweet borsch.
Usually, I’d give this to the Caribbean pavilion, but I spent an entire two hours watching the mind-blowing Scottish show. The dancing was powerful and the bagpipe players were spectacular.
Best pavilion to overeat: Indian
If you’re like me, you go to Mosaic to stuff your face with delicious things. This year, the best place to eat until you felt like you were going to explode was the India pavilion. You would receive a heaping plate of all your favourite things: aloo mutter, butter chicken, naan bread, papadums, and some delicious dessert that is basically dough smothered in honey.
Most kitchy souvenir: Scottish
Sweatiest: Greek
Mosaic is intended to be about getting to know the different cultures that make up Regina’s communities. Sometimes, it ends up being about what stupid souvenirs you get drunk enough to buy. The worst is the little plaid hats with fake orange hair at the Scottish pavilion. Note: This hat doesn’t make you look Scottish. It makes you look like a lame version of Nardwuar
The combination of June mugginess, huge crowds of people, and hot food guarantees that you regret wearing jeans and a white shirt. Maybe it’s the combination of intense dancing and souvlaki, or maybe it’s just that it was my last stop, but I was literally stuck in my clothes in the Greek pavilion.
julia dima production manager
KAMLOOPS (CUP) — Sooraya Graham is a normal student just like anyone else at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). She goes to class and does her assignments, just like any other student. She never realized that with her most recent assignment she would start such a controversial cultural discussion that ultimately saw her art being damaged and improperly removed from a class display. Coming from Northern B.C., Graham is a Canadian Muslim and a fourth-year fine arts student. Like many other artists, all she wanted to do was foster discussion using her artwork. With the events that have transpired since she first displayed her work, Graham has people talking not only at TRU, but throughout also Kamloops. “People think I am so foreign, so different, and they can’t relate to me somehow,” Graham said. “But at the same time, I’m just like an every-otherday Canadian girl. I do the same things, I wear the same things just underneath [the veil].” Graham’s art depicts a Muslim woman holding a bra. The woman in the piece is wearing a niqab, the traditional veil or cloth that many Muslim women adorn to cover their face. “With my artwork, I was trying to create a discussion point for Muslim women, for veiled women and to kind of show light of how we are just normal women," Graham said. “I wanted to have an image that displayed something that every woman could relate to.” Graham completed the class assignment and with the help of professor Ernie Kroeger. Shortly after the work was put on display, it came to Graham’s attention that the piece had been removed from the wall upon which it was hung. “We’re always told that our voice is important and that we can say something with our art,” Graham said. “It is shocking when someone tries to silence that.” After contacting the chair of the fine arts department, Lloyd Bennett, Graham was informed
that a business card had been left behind in place of the art. The card belonged to a staff member at TRU World, and she was shocked at that revelation. “I did not expect to hear that,” Graham said. “I thought maybe [it was] someone who would not understand [the artwork] versus someone who is expected to show a different type of behaviour.” According to TRU administration, the artwork was not taken down in an official capacity. “There was an individual that was offended and she took the artwork down,” said Christopher Seguin, vice-president of advancement for TRU. “That TRU World staff member was acting on an individual basis.” The artwork was eventually returned to Graham, though not unconditionally. “The person [who removed the art] had gotten in contact with Lloyd and they had my image,” Graham said. “They weren’t willing to give it to me if I was going to put it back on the wall. They were holding it hostage, I guess you could say.” In an ironic twist, this development was right in line with the motivation that Graham had when she was initially inspired to create the piece. “With art, there is always going to be a little controversy,” Graham said. “You can dislike it, you can argue about it, but to physically get in contact with an art piece and rip it down and destroy it, that is such an invasion of my personal space as an artist — to have someone censor what I can do.” According to Seguin, it was more miscommunication than censorship that resulted in Graham’s work being removed from the wall. “In no way did TRU at any point want to censor an artistic piece of work,” Seguin said. “We honestly thought it was a poster being tagged up on a board that we had to investigate.” The only question involved with that assertion is that Graham’s artwork is much larger than the size of a standard U.S. letter-sized poster and was hung as a part of a class display of visual arts assignments.
Sooraya Graham
“We’re always told that our voice is important and that we can say something with our art. It is shocking when someone tries to silence that.” Sooraya Graham The question remains as to how it could be mistaken for a poster to begin with. The TRU World staff member responsible for removing the artwork was unavailable for comment. Graham wears the niqab as a personal choice. She believes that some people in Canada have the misconception that women who wear the niqab are somehow oppressed or forced into doing so. That is a part of what motivates her art. “In a lot of Western media, you often see the veiled woman as oppressed, or as a fundamentalist, or this pacifistic woman,” Graham said. “And that’s not the case. I think it’s something that needs to be broken as a stereotype.” The wearing of the niqab started as a Bedouin tradition, originally being more of an upper-class, Middle Eastern tradition as opposed to just an Islamic tradition. In general, the niqab is
not enforced — it is merely a choice, part of what Graham wanted to shed light on. “I am a huge activist for naqabi rights ... I think it should be a choice for any individual,” Graham said. “I don’t think women should be forced to wear the veil, but I don’t think women should be forced not to wear the veil either. “I’m just saddened that individuals decided that they did not like this discussion and that they did not want to participate in this discussion,” she said. “They wanted to take it right off the table, or the wall.” Graham explained she uses her art to try to give a voice to the Muslim woman. “That’s part of being Canadian; it’s to create a discussion point. If we stopped talking about things just because we don’t like it or it makes us feel uncomfortable, we would get nowhere," she said. “This is such a multi-
cultural country and I had pride seeing that veiled woman up on the wall because it did create discussion in my classes, and I was able to explain more about the veil and the history of the veil.” As of April 2, Graham’s artwork had been returned to the display in the TRU Art Gallery.
Sports Editor: Vacant the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
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autumn mcdowell, jon hamelin, ed kapp, dietrich neu this week’s roundtable
Which University of Regina team or athlete are you most looking forward to seeing back at it in 2012? Hamelin: As surprising as it may sound, the men's volleyball team, who set a record for wins last season with four -- I know, hold the applause. The team has -- no offence -- been bad for so long and everyone is just waiting for the year when they put it all together. Hopefully they'll build off a fourwin campaign. McDowell: I’m pretty pumped Marc Mueller will be back at quarterback this season. Not to say that our second, third and even converted fourth string quarterbacks didn’t do a good job, but they’re no Mueller. Do us all a favor Marc, and please God never attempt to run the ball ever again.
Kapp: That would have to be Rams signal caller Marc Mueller. Mueller sat out nearly all of the past season, so it will be interesting to see how he bounces back in his final campaign with the club. He’s healthy and has a lot of weapons, so it should be a good year for him. Neu: I’m excited to see Jessica Winter return. She was voted MVP of the Cougars swimming team in both of her first two seasons, and is returning from the Olympic trials last March; I would like to see if she will maintain that
“The Rams will win the Vanier Cup. With Marc Mueller returning, it gives the Rams the extra push they need.” Jon Hamelin momentum. Which fifth-year student athlete will have the best season at the University of Regina this year?
Hamelin: Connor Malloy of the men's wrestling team. Coming off a CIS gold medal this year, adding to his CIS silver and bronze medals the two years previous, it's exciting to think what Malloy can possibly do for an encore. McDowell: Might as well stick with the Rams theme and chose Jamir Walker. Walker has been a standout and interception specialist during his first four years in the program and this year is sure to be no different. Expect Walker to step it up even more and to break his own previous records in order to catch the eye of CFL scouts this season. Make one bold prediction for the 2012-13 CIS season. Hamelin: The Rams will win the Vanier Cup. With Marc Mueller
returning, it gives the Rams the extra push they need.
McDowell: One bold prediction eh? Well, might as well go outlandish and make a few more enemies. My bold prediction is that the women’s hockey team will actually make the playoffs this season. In my book, “bold” means that it has no chance of happening – ever. Kapp: The Rams will go undefeated en route to claiming a national championship. Neu: The U of R fencing team will make their long-awaited return to action after almost sixty years away from competition. I’ve seen some philosophy profs that I bet would do some serious damage in a fencing contest.
Hey, U of R students! Want to stay up-todate on campus news and events? Follow @the_carillon for all of your campus-related information needs.
X:XX PM Month Day from print media
the_carillon The Carillon
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
10 sports
Winter competes in Canada’s Olympic swimming trials U of R MVP swimmer reflects on her time in Montreal dietrich neu editor-in-chief University of Regina standout swimmer Jessica Winter took a visit to the 2012 Canadian Olympic Swimming Trials last march; it was a goal of hers for a long time. Winter has been honing her swimming skills since the fourth grade, and it has shown early in her career with the U of R Cougars swimming team. After only two seasons with the Cougars, Winter has already picked up two team MVP awards, and last March was the only member of the university squad to qualify for the Olympic trials in Montreal. “It is something I have had my eye on since the last Olympic trials.” She said. “I didn’t qualify for the Beijing trials, but I remember my friends going and thinking ‘I defiantly have to make it next time around.’ So it was nice to finally attain that goal and attend the meet.” Before swimmers can qualify for the Olympic trials, Swimming Canada creates a standardized time that swimmers must beat in order to qualify for the trials. If you don’t make the time, you
don’t go. While competing at nationals a year earlier, Winter cleared the time by a fraction of a hair, literally. “I went under the time by half a second,” She laughed. “And It was in an 800 metre race, which takes about nine minutes.” Regardless, It was a relieving moment for Winter, who then did not have to worry about attempting to qualify again later in the year. She may have only made it under the qualifying time by half a second, but that is all she needed to get the invite, and the opportunity to have one of the most memorable moments of her young sporting career. The big stage of an Olympic trial would be enough to turn the stomach of even the most seasoned veteran. However, Winter said that she felt more excitement than anything else. “Like I said, I qualified by half a second,” she noted. “So I wasn’t really a contender for Team Canada, and that took a lot of the pressure off. I wasn’t quite at the level of the top competition yet. “But just to be there and see some of the things that I saw, and to be a part of it, was amazing. My focus going into the meet was to just use as much of that energy
as possible to have some fun doing what I love to do.” While taking the whole experience in, Winter viewed her visit to the Olympic trials as an opportunity to witness some of the best swimmers in the world compete at one of the most important meets of their lives. For her, it was a learning experience, and something that she can look back on for inspiration while her own career moves forward. Although the young swimmer did admit that her visit to Montreal was one of the most memorable experiences of her entire life, she said that the making the Olympics in the future isn’t really on her mind. She prefers to take her career, and her life, one step at a time. “Right now I’m focusing on school and swimming,” she said. “It is a balance of both. Making a run at the Olympic team is a big commitment. I think that right now, for myself, I’m just taking it one step at a time. Maybe we will look at next year, and winning some divisional titles or medaling at some other competitions. “Making the Olympics is a four year process, so we will see where it goes.”
Marc Messet
“ To be there and see some of the things that I saw, and to be a part of it, was amazing. My focus going into the meet was to just use as much of that energy as possible.” ” Jessica Winter
Better luck next year I’m cheering for the Devils and I don’t even like them for the Devils during this time of the year really makes me sick inside. If New Jersey somehow ended up winning I wouldn’t even be happy, I wouldn’t revel in my success of finally winning a bet, I would be disgusted at the fact that the words “Stanley Cup champions” and “New Jersey Devils” would be used in the same sentence for one entire, hellish year. Thankfully, the Devils currently trail in the final series and look to be on their way to losing the cup, in fact I think I just heard someone yell, “start the bus.” This is one bet I will be happy to lose.
what the puck? autumn mcdowell contributor If someone had told me three months ago that the Los Angeles Kings and New Jersey Devils would be facing off in the Stanley Cup final I would have punched them in the face and told them that they know absolutely nothing about hockey. Fast forward three months, and that disgusting matchup between two sub-par teams is actually happening. To make matters worse, as a result of this highly unlikely final, I have also lost four straight bets and am on my way to losing a fifth. This may be obvious by looking at my current betting record, but the playoffs went absolutely nothing like I had planned. My beloved Pittsburgh Penguins lost out in the first round to the Philadelphia Flyers in a series that could only be described as incredible – minus the ending. With my number one squad left in the dust I still had a few solid teams to fall back on. However, LA was nowhere near the final slot in my playoff bracket. I mean, who could have predicted that LA would go 16-2 in their first 18 playoff games and would knock off the top two teams with ease? I sure as hell did-
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It doesn’t matter to me so much that LA is in the final, or that I lost numerous bets and now subsequently owe several people various things from money to performing embarrassing acts - that stuff I can deal with. What I cannot, and refuse to, deal with is the uncanny amount of individuals who have jumped on the LA bandwagon and now claim that they have been hardcore fans for years. That’s just a lie. These are the same people
who still have the tags hanging off of their newly purchased Jonathan Quick jerseys and still think that Ryan Smyth is their captain. With all of the commotion surrounding the LA momentum swing, it’s almost as if people have already handed them Lord Stanley and have completely discounted their opponents, the New Jersey Devils. This may be because many people have been blinded by the excitement of LA’s underdog
story; however, the most likely reason of all is that, plain and simple, no one likes the Devils. People may be partial to Zach Parise or Ilya Kovalchuk or even Martin Brodeur –though personally I can’t stand him – but very rarely do you hear someone say that they love the Devils. My most recent bet has forced me to cheer for and indeed love the Devils purely because my counterpart called dibs on LA before I could. The fact that I have to cheer
“ I can’t deal with is the uncanny amount of individuals who have jumped on the LA bandwagon.” Autumn McDowell
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
sports 11
U of S basketball player to try out for national women’s football team cole guenter The Sheaf (University Saskatchewan)
SASKATOON (CUP) Katie Miyazaki is trading in her basketball jersey for a set of shoulder pads and a football. The Saskatchewan Huskies’ basketball MVP and reigning Canada West defensive player of the year completed her fifth and final season of Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) eligibility on March 19 but is not letting that stop her from fulfilling her love of sport. Miyazaki has decided to try out for Canada’s national women’s tackle football team, which will compete at the 2013 world championship Aug. 2 to 10, in St. John’s, N.B. “Football is a sport that anyone of any size can play,” said Miyazaki. “And it is a nice transition out of basketball. This is a special opportunity because I never thought I would be trying out for Team Canada for football. That was never in my mind, but it is cool to see the sport grow and gain interest.” Miyazaki is anything but new to the sport; she first started playing in high school at Hugh Boyd
Katie Miyazaki (left) could probably kick your ass
Secondary School in Richmond, B.C. In 2011, during Miyazaki’s first season on the Huskies basketball team, she was introduced to the Saskatoon Valkyries, the city’s first women’s tackle football team. It was the team’s inaugural season in the Western Women’s Canadian Football League. Miyazaki helped lead the Valkyries to the league championship and was a vital part in the squad’s undefeated regular season and undefeated playoffs. Fast-forward a year, and Miyazaki
is getting excited for another season of football and for a chance to represent Canada on the international stage. The tryout process is a long one that starts on April 29 when Miyazaki, along with several of her Saskatoon teammates, will try out for Team Saskatchewan. That provincial team will then travel to Montreal in August where individual players will compete for a spot on the national team. 2013 will mark the second Women’s World Football Championship. The first was in
Stockholm, Sweden in 2010, where Canada finished second behind the U.S.A. Miyazaki doesn’t think she will ever train for football as hard as she did for basketball, but says she enjoys the strategy of the gridiron sport. “I think football is a more coached sport, and it’s very technical. Small mistakes in football have a bigger impact because the play lasts only six or seven seconds and you have to be sharp for each play,” she said. “In football, you have a job and you have to do it. Football is really cool in that way because every point is a team point.” Football has also provided Miyazaki with the opportunity to coach elementary students about the fundamentals of the sport. She volunteers at the Saskatoon SportsFest, an event that takes place at various times throughout the year and educates youth on a number of sports. “I love sports. They are a big part of my life. If I could end up coaching a sport, it would be a sweet deal for me,” said the 23-year-old Miyazaki, who has one year remaining in a master's of public health. “I have fun with the kids
and enjoy introducing to them to the games that are out there and available for them to play.”
“This is a special opportunity because I never thought I would be trying out for Team Canada for football … but it is cool to see the sport grow and gain interest.” Katie Miyazaki
Building a community through basketball Former Cougar basketball player gives back to under privileged youth jared kozey contributor Adam Huffman has always been a team player. During his time as a forward for the University of Regina Cougars Basketball team he wasn’t known for shooting three pointers, or gravity defying dunks, it was his ability to make the right play. Whether it came from interior passing, opportunistic scoring, or laying his body on the line to draw a charging call, it seems that Huffman was always willing to do what he needed to bring a team together as a collective unit. After his graduation, Huffman focused his unrelenting team mentality into a career. Huffman is the founder of Doggpound Basketball Academy; an organization that provides opportunities for elementary and high school students to play basketball. Although he has done a remarkable job to give children from around the city a safe and fun environment to sharpen their skills, it is Huffman’s work behind the scene that is truly impressive. Prior to creating DBA; Huffman worked for the inner city youth program Sports Venture. During his time at Sports Venture, Huffman was a huge fac-
tor in developing the Ehrlo basketball league, which provides a positive environment for less fortunate children to learn basketball. Although he has since left Sports Venture, Huffman still spends countless hours working with the Ehrlo Basketball league, despite working at Scott Collegiate, and Glen Carren Community Centre at the same time. “When I quit at Sports Venture I realized that no one could maintain the level I had brought the program to, so I had to stay on.” Amazingly enough,
Huffman`s commitment to youth basketball extends even further. Doggpound Basketball Academy continues to bring the under privileged youth a better basketball experience by allowing them to participate, for free. Huffman opens his doors and regularly waives his fees in order to allow children to take part. “These kids that don’t come from money and aren’t put into basketball at a young age, they grow up and the only reason they are playing is for the love of the game. We need to bring that attitude to those of opportunity because that love is important. They
are being combined at Doggpound, and I’m watching people from all walks of life in this city that would never otherwise meet each other on the same basketball court. This is what I love the most about my job, watching this brand or company, whatever you want to call, it becoming a family.” Instead of charging the families money for his time, Huffman`s has a mentorship program in place so that the players who are benefiting from his generosity are giving it right back to the community. “The mentorship program
provides those that can’t afford the services I am providing a chance to give directly back to what they have received. This not only benefits the little children being taught by the older kids but also the older ones; opening their eyes through mentoring.” If all of this wasn’t enough, Huffman also transports the many of the children to and from his basketball camps, again, free of charge. At the moment, Huffman is trying to offer summer tournament opportunities for the kids that would allow them to continue playing basketball. “BSI had an under-seventeen basketball tournament; out of the six teams in the men’s division four were from Doggpound." For Huffman, it’s all about breaking down barriers and levelling the playing field. “As our province grows and continues to diversify, I would like to see basketball be one of the corner stones that keeps us together, and grows along with it.”
Features Editor: Vacant the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
Don’t waste your summer Budget-friendly activities to enjoy summer
taouba khelife
Wascana Lake offers many great summertime activitiess
emily demyen contributor From September to May, students, us included, constantly complain about how busy they are. They long the days of sunshine and upbeat music. Finally, after eight months of caffeine shakes and hair loss, summer arrives. It’s wonderful – you sleep in until whenever you want, play video games, stalk Facebook and endlessly scroll Tumblr. It’s all gravy early on. But then, two weeks into May, everyone seems bored and miserable. So we at the Carillon have compiled a list of fun, frugal, and inventive activities. Think you are too cool for crafts? You’re not. Have fun. It’s summer. Regina Globe Theatre
Check out “Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story” from May 23 to July 8. The cheapest tickets are $57 and The offer premium seating. Regina Globe Theatre is a not-forprofit organization. There are two stages, one of which produces the Schumiatcher Sandbox Series. The stage, a 100-seat black box space, showcases emerging artists, and experimental theatre. Help a struggling artist and go see their stuff after your payday. Brewsters
If you like beer, Brewsters is the place to be on a Monday night. They have three locations in Regina; Victoria Avenue, South Albert Street, and McCarthy Boulevard. You can enjoy the sun on the patio with a couple of frosty beers. You can choose from one of their 16 tasty handcrafted ales and lagers, and check out
what they have to offer on their website. If you’re hungry after two-handing that huge drink, grab some wings. If beer isn’t your thing, they have other great drink specials throughout the week; Billinis anyone? Wascana Canoe Kayak Rentals
For the outdoorsy type, head to Wascana Park. Naturally, there are a ton of different things to do in a park. Check out the canoe and kayak rentals when you feel like breaking a sweat. All equipment provided. Each rental includes boat, paddles, life jackets, and a safety kit. The centre is open seven days a week. Last call to grab your boat is at 7pm, weather permitting. If you’re feeling especially charming, you can enjoy a picnic style meal with your date as you canoe into the sunset. Wascana Park
Wascana Park offers countless hours of enjoyment and it’s FREE. It’s the best place in the summer to throw a ball around, pass a Frisbee, or simply stroll around. Bring a loaf of bread and you can feed the geese; or run from them. Teppanyaki Japanese House or Sake
Foodies and those students with jobs who have some extra cash to spend, this restaurant is perfect for you. This Japanese cuisine uses an iron griddle, and the chefs at Teppanyaki cook the food right in front of you. It’s certainly puts a new spin on the “dinner and a show” date. For this fine dining experience, a reservation is rec-
ommended. Looking for a cheaper alternative to delicious Japanese food? Check out Sake Japanese and Korean cuisine on Albert for the all-you-caneat buffet. You choose from a wide and delicious variety of sushi
rolls, tempura, tofu dishes and fish to suit all sorts of dietary wants, and authentic dishes like BBQ eel and fried squid give you a chance to try something new and interesting.
BAZAART is Saskatchewan's largest outdoor Arts and Crafts Show & Sale. Attracting almost six thousand people a year, it is an ultra-popular summer event in
“Go stargazing. Whether you’re gazing up at the Milky Way in a park or in the bed of a truck, take it all in. You’ve been practicing staring into space for the last eight months, now you can actually look at something.” Emily Demyen
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
Regina. Stop by and check out the handmade creations by Canadian artists. BAZAART is organized by the MacKenzie Art Gallery as an annual fundraiser and supports the exhibitions and programs of the MacKenzie Art Gallery. Every year there is delicious food and nice company. As well, you won’t want to miss the free tours of summer exhibitions. Consider yourself busy on June 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Regina Farmer’s Market
The farmer’s market is located in the City Square Plaza. The vendors “locally make, bake or grow their products, serving a unique selection of organic and ethnic foods, beautiful flowers and plants, tempting sweets, unique arts and crafts, and much, much more.” The Farmer’s Market is a chance to ask about your food, help the environment, and socialize. Who doesn’t love that? Summer hours are 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays. It’s an affordable thing to do whether you buy something or not! 2012 Peony Show
Tired of the cement view from your sauna-like apartment? Check out some lovely greenery at the 2012 Peony Show. The show is hosted by the Canadian Peony Society and will take place June 29 and 30. Did I mention the event is free! The public can swing by and view the flowers from 1:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday. Busy Friday? Stop by from 10 am to 4 p.m. Saturday to get a glimpse of the flowers, arrangements and photography. Bed and Breakfast
If Wanderlust is the only lust in your life, book a night at a bed and breakfast. Much cheaper than a hotel, it’s a great way to check out a different city. This could be as budget-friendly or extravagant as you make it. Regina Beach/Blue Bird Café & Butler’s Fish and Chips
Pack a picnic and head to the beach. This is one of the easiest and most enjoyable summer activities I can think of. Bring some books, a Frisbee, whatever. You
features 13
can turn any boring day into a good day by heading out to the beach. To top it off Regina Beach has some of the best fish and chips you will ever have. Blue Bird Café & Butler’s Fish and Chips should be an absolute must for anyone’s summer to-do list.
Ice Cream at the Milky Way
Not feeling the beach? Enjoy a cold treat from the Milky Way. In fact, add having ice cream for supper to your summer bucket list. A Regina landmark, they have a huge variety of ice cream to pick from; soft ice cream, hard ice cream, floats, hotdogs, and milkshakes. If you have not stopped by Milky Way at least once in your life, you are missing out. Bushwakkers Night Folk
Bushwakkers offers folk music shows every Wednesday. Enjoy local and touring solo artists, duos and bands playing a variety of musical genres from roots, blues, alt-country to Celtic. Relive those summer camp evenings and enjoy the show from 9 to 11 p.m. Golfing or Driving Range
If you have a polo shirt and some khaki shorts, don them for a round of golf. Even if you are terrible, it’s usually a good time. Regina has several courses to pick from. If you’re the adventuring type, expand your horizons and head down a highway to an exotic Saskatchewan course. Who knows, you may be the next Tiger Woods. Probably not, but you could sharpen your skills at the driving range if you are in the mood to hit things.
Camping in the Backyard
Firewood, a tent, lawn chairs, and your imagination. These are a few key ingredients for the perfect backyard campout. Put on your best Jamie Oliver impression and cook up some banana boats. Slice a banana in half without cutting through the bottom, fill it with marshmallows and chocolate, wrap it in tinfoil and voila! A few minutes on the fire and your taste buds will be in heaven. If you’re tied down with a job, it’s the best compromise for a camping trip. Plus, you can always go back inside before the sunlight at 6 a.m. roasts your tent. Star Gazing
Saskatchewan is known for its big empty fields. Take advantage of the emptiness and go stargazing. Whether you’re gazing up at the Milky Way in a park or in the bed of a truck, take it all in. You’ve been practicing staring into space for the last eight months, now you can actually look at something. Relax, and enjoy the rare opportunity to see the stars without the fog of light pollution and the noise of the city. Beer Bros. Bakery & Cuisine
Forget wine, have a beer. This restaurant uses the great flavour characteristics of a variety of beers to create a not-so-ordinary dining experience. Students who love beer will surely enjoy any meal here as they are focused on beer cuisine.
David’s Tea
David’s Tea has an absolutely massive tea selection and great vibes. Make it a summer goal to sample some amazing teas. The staff knows so much about tea it’s ridiculous. Tea has a wide range of diverse benefits to offer depending on the blend. Let the employees at David’s tea educate you a bit. You might even become a tea addict.
“Beer cuisine stems from the idea that beer is the new wine. Different beers have unique tastes and characteristics and all menu choices have some type of beer used as an ingredient,” said Beer Bros chef, Malcolm Craig. Chomp on the Brewsketta, made with Beer blushed Roma tomato, basil and garlic topped with house-made guacamole, Parmesan sprinkles & garlicky beer bread toasties for only $12. Moose Jaw – Deja Vu Cafe, Temple Gardens Mineral Spa, Main Street
If you don’t mind driving a bit, you can score a great meal in Moose Jaw. Deja Vu has over 60 flavours of chicken. This is a must visit restaurant for anyone who is looking for something different. Chicken wings, chicken fingers, and home-style milkshakes make this restaurant unique. Located in downtown Moose Jaw, you can incorporate it into your next short getaway trip. Next, stop by the Temple Gardens Mineral Spa for a dip. The Mineral Water Pool is naturally warm, and is said to have many health-boosting benefits. For your achy muscles and joints, this is an inexpensive activity to add to your Moose Jaw trip. Finally, walk down Main Street and check out some of their interesting shops. Symphony Under the Sky
The Regina Symphony Orchestra will be holding its annual festi-
val in Wascana Park on August 19. Starting at 11 a.m. and ending at 7 p.m., “the concert will feature a mix of many musical styles - from pop music to classical hits and beyond.” There is great food, entertainment, and a finale performance by the RSO. Nothing gets better than a cool performance in the park.
Regina Science Center and IMAX
For students who just love learning new things, this one is for you. The Science Center is a hands-on way to learn. You will learn something new, guaranteed. Some of the exhibits include Space Stadium Canada, Nexen Science of Hockey, and WILD! Saskatchewan. Over 150 educational exhibits, games and activities will entertain almost everyone. The IMAX theatre offers different films. Check out the website for show times. Picnic and a Bicycle Ride
Load up your backpack with something other than textbooks and half-filled notebooks. Select some of your favourite foods (if you like to cook), or grab some baking and quick meals from your favourite store. Once you’re all packed up, hop on a bicycle and peddle to a quiet spot. You can map out a route or just coast along until you’re ready to stop. Warning: don’t eat too much because you do have to bike back.
Op-Ed Editor: Edward Dodd the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
“The dark side of excellence” Have you ever heard of “the dark side of excellence”? Twenty-four years ago, Pierre Trudeau warned that for too long, Canada had “experimented with the dark side of excellence.” Rather than building the “just society” Trudeau dreamed of, in which the government ensured that every Canadian was treated fairly, Canada was beginning to put the idea of economic competitiveness on the world stage ahead of the basic needs of its own people. Liberal senator Jack Austin characterized this dark side as “the loss of tolerance, the absence of compassion and the downgrading of fairness.” To Austin, there was a “hard edge” in the Conservatives pursuit of economic competitiveness, a hard edge that meant the one thing that mattered was staying competitive, no matter the cost in comforts that Canadians enjoyed. Twenty-four years later, the words of these former political heavyweights ring more true than ever. One has only to look at the headlines to see the hard edge of Conservative politics at play in everything from Old-Age Security to Employment Insurance to collective bargaining rights of workers. The social safety net, an idea once sacred to many Canadians, is slowing being snipped away by the scissors of the efficiency squad. The government justifies these changes as absolutely necessary for the future of Canada, saying that if we do not act now, our country won’t be competitive where it matters – economically. People need to work longer because to stop working is to start taking handouts we don’t want to find a way to pay for. Anyone who holds out for a job they are trained for and uses their Employment Insurance is lazy and needs to take any job that comes their way, be it McDonald’s chef, hockey
referee, or tar sands worker. And if you can’t find a job where you are living, you should get up and move. In many cases, this means “get up and move to Alberta”. This “dark side of excellence” is even more obvious in the Conservative government’s treatment of workers who look to engage in collective bargaining. Workers cannot strike because striking slows the economy down and hurts immediate growth. When Canada Post locked out its workers last summer for taking limited collective action, the government wasted little time passing a law that put postal employees back to work. When Air Canada employees threatened to strike, Lisa Raitt imposed another legal settlement to quell the conflict. CP Rail employees barely had time to step onto the picket lines before they were legislated back to work. Ignore the fact that these settlements are temporary solutions for serious grievances. Efficiency must be defended at any social cost. This is the downgrading of fairness. This is the loss of tolerance. The Conservative changes to Canada speak to a drive to make more money regardless of the cost to average Canadians. If “economic excellence” means giving short term economic gain to companies that frankly don’t care about us rather than investing in education, or social programs, or higher wages for average people, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate what our definition of excellence is. Because that definition is a very dark one.
jjulia dima
edward dodd op-ed editor
Count your blessings It really is true that the best things in life are free. As children, we were often told to count our blessings and be grateful for what we had. John may have more toys and Susie a nicer bicycle, but we had other things we should be grateful for. Oddly, this important childhood lesson we’ve been taught time and time again seems to escape us as we developed into adulthood. Not only have we forgotten how to be grateful, but even worse, we’ve turned into greedy green-eyed consumers, devouring everything in our paths. As adults, we’ve become accustomed to a new mantra: buy, buy, buy, mine, mine, mine. Gone are the years of “sharing is caring”. No longer are we content with the things we have – we need the newest gadgets and brand-name items. If our friends or neighbours or classmates have it, we need it too. Consumerism has become a cult of collectors spending hundreds of dollars every month collecting items they believe will complete their life or make them happy. But, through this entire jumbled
“must-have” craze, we have for gotten an important and essential aspect of life: simplicity is a value that must be treasured. In our world, however, simplicity seems to be outdated and overrated. Who wants a simple life when there is money to spend, things to buy, products to own?
simple paintings are often the most beautiful
We don’t see simplicity as a treas ure, it is a burden. Simplicity has been vandalized, turned into a shameful word where living simple is equivalent to being cheap. Yet, it is exactly this disconnect from simplicity that has turned our lives into such a disfigured mess. Not only have we bought into the
craze of filling our lives with things we definitely do not need, but even more heartbreaking, we have surrendered to marketing in such a way that now we must shop for our emotions and feelings as well. Happiness, comfort, health, and love are now on sale at Wal-Mart – each aisle targeting a specific emotional need, turn-
ing feelings into commodities that can be bought and sold. For just $19.99, you too can buy your dose of good fortune. But, what we must remember is that true blessings do not come in expensively wrapped boxes. On the contrary, simplicity brings with it priceless blessings that are more valuable than the world’s wealth. So, a word to those who are wise: chill out and just enjoy life for once. Forget buying and owning and wanting and needing. Just breathe and reflect on all that you already have – from the things that you own, to the people in your life, to the moments you’ve had the opportunity and privilege of witnessing. Because truly, it is in those moments of reflection where we can see just how easy it is to live simply, and perhaps gain a little humbleness while we are at it.
taouba khelifa contributor
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
op-ed 15
Making the grade
I call bullshit. Kids are never that eager to answer the question. As the no-zero policy gains popularity, zero is becoming the most difficult grade for students to attain. For anyone unclear of the concept, the no-zero policy is a recent trend in schools that attempts to hold students accountable for their work and set the real criteria for grading. What this has brought to light is the problem with the education system’s double standards for grading criteria. Some teachers have raised complaints about the no-zero policy even for late work, but what does the zero represent, really?
Students are being penalized on their behaviour instead of ability. Students don’t receive higher marks for handing in their assignment earlier, so why should they lose marks for handing it in late? Also, what are those numbers supposed to represent? According to the policy, Students who refuse to either do the work or hand in enough to be evaluated will be marked as “unable to evaluate.” This sets the real criteria for students’ assignments as what they have written, rather than when they handed it in.
Lynden Dorval, an Edmonton high school teacher, was recently ‘suspended in definitely’ for giving out zeroes after the policy was adopted. “To me, this is just not working,” Dorval said in an interview with post media, “it’s a way of pushing kids through and making the stats look good, but at what cost?” Dorval apparently neglected to read the schools’ Assessment, Grading, and Reporting Practice. Students with incomplete or missing assignments are still held accountable. However, the method of eval-
uation has changed. The no-zero policy is commonly accompanied by another policy allowing students to hand in work long after it is due with no penalties on their grade. Instituted, instead, is a dual grading system. Students will be graded on the content of their assignment, as well as their behaviour. According to the Ross Sheppard School Assessment, Grading, and Reporting Practice, “[if] an assignment [is] not completed on time, or an exam missed due to illness, the teacher will arrange an alternate time when the student can complete the assignment. A behaviour code will be entered in the mark book until the assignment is completed.” These behavioural codes range from ‘not handed-in’ (NHI) to ‘chose not to attempt’ (CNA) or even skip. This method is far more practical for a variety of reasons, one of which being that employers want to know how well a student can work and meet deadlines, not necessarily how well they can write an essay. If students were graded using two report cards, one for behaviour and one for academic achievement, they would be held accountable for their behaviour without penalizing their ability. The behavioural report card would allow employers an actual understanding of the potential employee’s work ethics and conduct. Many of the people who argue against the policy argue that it’s not setting them up for the real world or holding them accountable, but these policies are attempting to do something much more than that; fix a broken system.
jamie mason contributor
Think of the children NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (CUP) – Everyone knows that kids are a bunch of impressionable sacks of flesh. They’re so eager to absorb new information that a lesson’s content is often unquestioned. While in the midst of a recent board game session with my little brother, I began to realize just how many alarming lessons can lie within a game’s instructions. The most obvious example of this is in The Game of Life (made by Hasbro), which is specifically designed to walk you through the successes and failures one can expect over their lifetime. Nowhere else are society’s basic norms laid out so blatantly for you. STOP! Get married. STOP! Buy yourself some real estate. Both are unavoidable in The Game of Life, even though real life quickly teaches us that not everyone has a ring and a mortgage to their name. The game enforces a traditional lifestyle, without much room for individuality. At the game’s end, it doesn’t matter how many kids you had, that you won the Nobel Peace Prize, or that you enjoyed everything along the way; the winner is whoever has accumulated the most wealth — because everyone knows that money is the most important thing in life. The same can be said about Monopoly (Parker Brothers), everyone’s favourite form of capitalism in a box. Your goal is to buy up as much real estate as possible, build up an empire on your monopoly of properties and force your competition into declaring bankruptcy. Sounds a bit like the Vancouver or Toronto scenes, doesn’t it? While we’re on the topic of games that take an eternity to play, Risk, the game of strategic conquest (also made by Parker Brothers), revolves around players’ abilities to dominate their opponents and wipe out armies until they’ve successfully conquered the entire world. I’m not a fan of
war glorification and war in general, so that might explain why half of the times that I’ve played Risk have ended in myself and another player simply declaring world peace. Either that or the game takes an unbearably long time to finish. My favourite board game of all time is 1313 Dead End Drive, a lesser-known game by – you guessed it – Parker Brothers. Rich Aunt Agatha has recently passed away, and your goal is to murder everyone else and escape with the most money. While everyone starts with $1 million, that’s not consid-
ered a sufficient sum to be a winner. Greed is incredibly prominent in the game, while homicide is strongly encouraged. There are a few games that actually endorse healthy habits and reward ethical qualities. Scrabble encourages proper spelling and rewards people with extensive lexicons, while Scattergories forces players to think creatively. Even Sorry found a way to incorporate proper manners instead of just having players massacre each other until there’s only one person left.
People may argue that these are all just games and shouldn’t be considered influential, but if violence and mature subject matters in other media are considered dangerously suggestive, then aren’t board games also agents of influence?
jacey gibb douglas college
the carillon | June 7 - July 25, 2012
16 the back page
lol @ Rob Norris for responding 2 months late to the BDS motion. Good thing he isn’t minister of advanced education anymore!
I understand the floors need to be steamed, but at 5:30 when people are studying? Not right now, please!
student no.
email address message
Man it’s hot out. Milk was a bad choice. WHY ARE YOU EVEN CAMPUS RIGHT NOW?
Top facebook status posts on my wall this week: “does anyone know how to fix a broken iphone screen?” WTF are you doing to your iphones people, they aren’t that easy to break.
declass is dead all the time. Carillon should get rid of it for good significant drop in the number of girls on campus in the spring semester. does this bother anyone else severely? SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS
Yesterday I used carillon newspapers to start a fire in my fire pit. thank you carillon newspaper! OWL! BE OPEN MORE
FUN FACT: mcdonalds meat includes a preservaitive that happens to have a side effect of alleviating nausea. I guess it’s true that mcdonalds makes great hangover food. #stopusinghashtagsforpostsinforu m s l i k e t h e d e c a l s s t h a t c a n tevenusethem #please #screwthisguy
the university in the summer makes me sing system of a down’s “lonely day” in my head
Nothing says summertime like sweat stains on the bus seats
twitter: @the_carillon #declass facebook: carillon newspaper real life: rc 227 (above the owl)
look how empty the declass is. Doesn’t that make you sad? Admit it, you only picked up this paper to read the declass. And now you’re disappointed by how bleak it is. So, get your shit together and write us some declasses. Or I’m going to start putting pictures of dogs in halloween costumes here.