the carillon
the staff
editor-in-chief michael chmielewski
The University of Regina Students’ Newspaper Since 1962 March 20 - 26, 2014|Volume 56, Issue 23|
business manager shaadie musleh production manager kyle leitch
copy editor michelle jones news editor
alec salloum
TV-yellow Telecasters on our cover can only mean that someone went to a concert!
a&c editor robyn tocker sports editor autumn mcdowell
As a matter of fact, a couple of someones went to a concert this week: our own Robyn Tocker and Emily Wright were at a show in Saskatoon this past week. Read the review on page 8, and check out the graphic spread on pages 22-23.
op-ed editor farron ager visual editor emily wright advertising manager neil adams technical editor arthur ward distro manager staff writer news writer a&c writer sports writer photographers
taylor sockett paige kreutzwieser eman bare destiny kaus brady lang julia dima haley klassen apolline lucyk spencer reid
Feature news. page 11 & 12 One in four. That’s how many women will be sexually abused in Canada. Of those, less than 10 per cent will seek police help. Robyn Tocker explores the correlation between sensationalist journalism and sexual assault cases in Canada.
contributors this week dana morenstein, christell simeon, lauren neumann, kaitlynn nordal, laura billett, sonia stanger, tanner aulie, audrey claude
additional material by: the staff
the paper
Die, die, die my darling. page 10 Dark Souls II came out recently, causing instances of rage quitting and damaged controllers to spike to astronomical levels. Unfortunately, Farron Ager is just another statistic.
Michael Chmielewski, Shaadie Musleh, Autumn McDowell, vacant, vacant, vacant, vacant
227 Riddell Center University of Regina - 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina, SK, Canada S4S 0A2 Ph: (306) 586 8867 Printed by Transcontinental Publishing Inc, Saskatoon, SK The Carillon welcomes contributions.
Correspondence can be mailed, emailed, or dropped off in person. Please include your name, address, and telephone number on all letters to the editor. Only the author’s name, title/position (if applicable) and city will be published. Names may be withheld upon request at the discretion of the Carillon.
Be of good cheer. page 15 In completely unrelated news to the inappropriate picture posted by the cheerleading squad, we have this other cheerleading story. We will have more on the picture story next week, for now, this.
Letters should be no more than 350 words, and may be edited for space, clarity, accuracy, and vulgarity. The Carillon is a wholly autonomous organization with no afilliation with the University of Regina Students’ Union. Opinions expressed in the pages of the Carillon are expressly those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing in the Carillon are those of the advertisers, and not necessarily of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. or its staff. The Carillon is published no less than 11 times each semester during the fall and winter semesters and periodically throughout the summer. The Carillon is published by The Carillon Newspaper Inc, a non-profit organization.
Dear Saskatchewan. page 18 It’s no secret that we put up with some goofy weather patterns here. Well, the weather has tired of our bitching, apparently. Read the weather’s long-overdue explanation for this drunken chicanery.
the manifesto
In keeping with our reckless, devil-may-care image, our office has absolutely no concrete information on the Carillon’s formative years readily available. What follows is the story that’s been passed down from editor to editor for over forty years. In the late 1950s, the University of Regina planned the construction of several new buildings on the campus grounds. One of these proposed buildings was a belltower on the academic green. If you look out on the academic green today, the first thing you’ll notice is that it has absolutely nothing resembling a belltower. The University never got a belltower, but what it did get was the Carillon, a newspaper that serves as a symbolic bell tower on campus, a loud and clear voice belonging to each and every student.
illegitimi non carborundum.
In other news: A recent MIT study suggested that former musician Avril Lavigne is the most famous Canadian.
news a&c sports op-ed cover
Alan Stamm Farron Ager Sarasov Emily Wright
This news sparked the mass exodus of hundreds of legitmately famous Canadians over Niagra Falls. More as it becomes available.
Editor: Alec Salloum the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Emily Wright Congrats to our 5 students!
5 days for the homeless 5 students, 5 days, and $25,000 raised paige kreutzwieser staff writer Five days of a Saskatchewan winter can be miserable, but having to live and sleep outside for those entire five days while still attending class is a different story. That is what five students from the University of Regina have done. For its fifth year, the U of R’s Paul J. Hill School of Business, along with 26 other business faculties around Canada, were involved in the 5 Days for the Homeless campaign. Their mission is “to raise enough awareness to impact people to want to do more,” explained Cole Skrudland, fourth year business student and Participant Manager on the U of R 5 Days organizing committee. “33,000 Canadians sleep on the streets at night and, on average, one third of those are youth.” Raising awareness, especially to the youth of our city, is what Skrudland sees as imperative. “[It’s important] to help the city they live in and the people within those cities to make sure everybody is safe, has a meal to eat, and the basic things that every human needs.” That is why the organizing committee for the Hill School chose outside the doors leading into the Riddell building to camp their five volunteering students. Lynn Barber, Greg Duck, Liam McKinnon, Christina Miles and Brooke Paterson remained outside for the five days. They
spent their time approaching students and foot traffic to bring the issue of homelessness to light – and maybe a bite to eat as well. “They cannot spend any of their own money and anything they eat has to be donated to them,” explained Skrudland. “If it’s not a perishable good, then we donate that to Carmichael Outreach.” Carmichael Outreach is a Regina-based organization that provides a range of programming, including preventative measures and harm reduction to those in need within the city. They are an open door society and offer a litany of programs for the marginalized people of the city. “I think people are in the mind frame that the homeless put themselves there, but what people need to know is it is a cycle and it takes people like Carmichael to help those people get out of the cycle,” said third year business student Lynn Barber, who was one of the five volunteers living outside. Two days into her experience, Barber noticed a couple obstacles.
“Although it’s nice out everyday, it’s humid. So our stuff gets a little bit damp and freezes at night.” She also didn’t expect the experience to be as draining as it was. But her biggest surprise, in her words, “is the positive feedback we have been getting.” “It’s crazy how much it lifts your spirits when people give you positive comments and you can talk to them about Carmichael and tell them something that they didn’t know before and open up their eyes. I don’t know if I thought I would be as affected by that as I am and it’s great.” However, it’s not always positive feedback they are receiving. Raising the issue of homelessness, as Barber pointed out, can bring along with it adverse feelings. “‘Business students are pretending to be homeless’ is a big thing on social media,” said Skrudland. “A part of what they are doing is so people realize that people do sleep on the streets. It’s spreading an amazing amount of awareness to a ton of people.
And we’re not pretending to be homeless; we are doing our best to raise as much awareness to people.” The orange clothing worn by the members is intended to draw the eyes of passerby’s and visibly highlight their efforts. Awareness is key to the 5 Days Campaign. Speaking on Friday at the ending event for the fundraiser, Dean Gaudes addressed this point of contention: “We’re doing this for others, but one day, we might be doing this for ourselves,” emphasizes how little it takes to end up homeless, it “doesn’t take too many hiccups to end up there.” At the event, a few interesting stats were discussed. For example, how in one day alone over $1800 was raised in change, or how there were over 100 volunteers helping the participants out. Along with raising awareness, the students had a goal of raising $25,000 for Carmichael Outreach. This year they were able to exceed that goal through a week of events held at The Owl. Nathan Sgrazzutti, U of R Students’ Union Presi-
We’re doing this for others but one day we might be doing this for ourselves.
Dean Andrew Gaudes
dent, said that events at The Owl are known for bringing in a lot of revenue, “but the business students are, well, business students.” Sgrazzutti is proud of the student body. “It’s amazing to see the business students getting out there and putting their well earned skill from the university classes [to use], especially for a charity like the 5 Days [campaign].” On day two, Barber laughed and said it’s been interesting sharing the experience with the four other students. “When you are all experiencing it at the same time…you have to get to know each other pretty quick when you are sleeping right next to each other and have to huddle up to keep warm.” For the females, Barber explained, “our hair is getting a little matted. Our finger combing really isn’t working anymore.” The “no showering” rule also left Barber in an awkward place. “Cole gave me new socks [on day four] and he let me wear his slippers to class because I had a three hour night class and my feet are so gross they’ll kick me out of the class.” The 5 Days Campaign across Canada has been a major source of funds for institutions like Carmichael Outreach and others that seek to aide the homeless. Over the campaign’s entire history, over one million dollars has been raised. $25,000 was raised this year; let’s see if it can be beat next year.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Time for change!
Bylaws prohibiting exotic dancing require reconsideration dana morenstein contributor
“It’s the Madonna-whore dichotomy,” says erotic performer Cherry Poppins. Poppins began her career as a burlesque dancer in Regina before venturing westward where the cash was flowing. Some might say good riddance, but many who enjoy the art of erotic performance would argue that Regina has fallen behind the times. Like many women who choose to dance and perform in what has been deemed the “erotic entertainment” industry, Poppins says she enjoys her job as an exotic dancer. She thinks that better legislation in Saskatchewan is necessary in order to make this type of work safe for those who choose to do it and that it’s a personal choice a woman should be free to make for herself. Recently, Regina city council passed a bylaw that will effectively banish all stripping establishments to the industrial
Arthur Ward Killer heels are not a crime!
area. Women can strip but no full frontal is allowed. Prior to that, it was illegal for any sort of stripping in venues that served alcohol. The industrial area, rife with production plants and pollution from the refinery, is poorly lit and scarcely populated at
night due to lack of residential homes nearby. Understandably, some dancers are leery about the idea of working there. “Slut shaming” is a phrase that has been catching fire in the media for the past few years. Although technically an age-
old practice, the term recently made the jump from grass roots movement to mainstream recognition. It’s what feminists have been saying for decades, though; a woman should exercise power and control over her own body and not be made to feel ashamed. There are many aspects to exotic dancing that takes patience, dedication, and hard work. Just YouTube it if you’re curious. Pole dancing studios have opened up to offer workouts for women who are interested in the art. Back home in Regina, women are performing regardless of the bylaws. Secret Entertainment, a new company offering exotic dancers, sends performers to private parties and functions. They’ve also secured a contract with a hotel in Codette where they have been performing strip shows since the beginning of the year. Secret Entertainment’s owner, Secret, says that all her dancers are friends and want to be doing their job.
She laughs at the notion that they feel pressured into the industry and says prospective talent frequently contacts her looking for work. However, she’s well aware of the negative perception many have of strippers. Even “tame” performers are feeling the effects of the city’s wrath. Anna Scott, part owner of Regina’s Bottoms up Burlesque Club, agrees that the recent bylaw is a way to shame dancers to the fringes of society. She’s disappointed and thinks it’s a result of ignorance concerning the burlesque style of dance. Burlesque is a style of dance that at its core has deep cultural roots, empowerment, and celebration of all body shapes. Dancers are not typically paid to perform nor do they get naked. Essentially, it’s a group of friends who enjoy dancing and just want to make their shows enjoyable for more people. If that means being able to have a couple drinks and unwind after a long week, Scott feels the audience should be allowed.
The summer job season is here again! But have no fear, we have some tips to help land your desired position christell simeon contributor
seminar held on March 3, 2014 by the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.
terviewee did, and never on the actions of other persons in the workplace or group
even if the actual job may not require it. Remember, first impressions are lasting.
It’s almost that time of year – summer job season. Have you applied for summer jobs? Applying is the easiest part of the season. The most difficult part is yet to come, and will ultimately decide how well the summer job season will be – the dreaded job interview! The Canadian job interview structure favours behavior-based interviews in which questions are asked to predict how interviewees will behave in particular situations within the workplace based on their past experiences. These experiences can be job related for those who have previous work experience, or academic related for those first time job applicants. Much needed tips on the art of interviewing was the focus of a
Tip #1 – Preparation is key. The first step to scoring high on the interview is to ensure that the interviewee is well prepared. Typically, the employer provides a list of sample questions that may be asked in the interview. If not, sample questions can always be obtained on the Internet. These questions tend to focus on core behaviours such as: handling difficult relationships, managing stress, negotiating with other people, taking initiative, working under pressure and prioritizing multiple tasks. Use the best examples from your work experience or school life to properly describe the situation. Concentration should be on the activities that the in-
Tip #2 – Practice, Practice and more Practice. The interviewee should ensure that there is sufficient time, after preparation of the answers, to practice before the actual interview. Practice can be done alone or with friends or family members. Since, a large percentage of interviews are done by a panel, practicing in front of a group of people may be more beneficial.
Tip #4 – Bring notes. Although it is frowned upon for interviewees to be reading their answers as questions are asked, interviewees can have a notepad with brief notes, that they can consult throughout the interview. These notes are points that the interviewee may forget, but want to emphasize.
Tip #3 – Arrive on time and dress professionally. It is important that interviewees arrive early to the interview as it leaves a good impression on the employer. Additionally, interviews are formal events so interviewees should dress professionally
Kyle Leitch Speaking of which, the Carillon is still an awesome place to work. Check out the hiring ad on page 20 for more info!
Tip #5 – Sell yourself. The interview is the perfect opportunity to be an awesome salesperson. Interviewees must sell themselves to potential employers. Employers need to know that the interviewee is the right fit for their organization so the interviewee needs to convince them.
Tip #6 – Engage with the interviewers. At the point when the interviewers ask if there are any questions from the interviewee, it is beneficial to inquire more about the organization. Use the opportunity to ask about career advancement, and training for employees, future plans and goals for the organization or simply a description of the typical workday. Avoid asking about compensation, days off and vacation time. This is the time for interviewees to show they are genuinely interested in the job and the organization. There should be no fear in approaching interviews. Prepare well, practice, be on time and dress professionally, sell your strengths using short notes while engaging with interviewers and definitely this summer will one of happy employment!
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Looking elsewhere
Vianne Timmons may be leaving the U of R eman bare news writer
St. Francis Xavier University is looking for its 18th president to replace Sean Riley as president of the university, and according to All Nova Scotia, Vianne Timmons is one of the three candidates that have been short-listed. “You may not be aware that presidential searches for universities are normally confidential. Thank you for your inquiry,” replied Timmons to email inquiries by All Nova Scotia. The decision as to who will become the 18th president of St. FX will be made public on March 21, 2014. Dr. Timmons has been President of the University of Regina since 2008 and is the first woman to hold that position. If she becomes the president of St. FX, she would become the first woman president there as well. Earlier this past academic year, Timmons escaped a non-confidence vote by council members. She narrowly passed the vote, scrapping by with 135 votes against the non-confidence motion and 134 for it. This year the university has also been dealing with a series of
Arthur Ward Our president may be “leaving” for the second time this year.
controversies, including the university paying $380,000 in fallacious overtime fees to at least two employees. In addition, the university has also made substantial budget cuts. This includes ending the arts and culture program and investing in a nearly million dollar sign, amidst budget cuts and overspending.
“The President has made a commitment to a second term at the University of Regina and her intent is to fulfill that commitment,” said Erin Limacher, the manager of strategic communications at the University of Regina, in an email exchange with the Carillon. Timmons began her second term as President of the Univer-
sity of Regina in 2012, when her contract was extended an additional five years. Her contract is set to end on June 30, 2017. Currently, the President’s office “has no further comment on this,” this being whether or not Dr. Timmons did apply for the position at St. FX. “I can tell you that the President does not comment
on other universities’ presidential searches as their processes are confidential,” said Limacher. “When opportunities arise across the country, it is common practice for search firms to contact sitting presidents both to gauge interest and to seek advice on potential candidates.” The question remains, why is Vianne Timmons being shortlisted for the presidential seat of St. FX, according to All Nova Scotia, when her contract at the University of Regina does not end until June 2017. For her second term at the University of Regina, Timmons says that her focus will be on student engagement and success, sustainability, promoting teaching and research, community outreach, fostering international relationships, and improving Aboriginal post-secondary education. Although the President’s office will not comment on whether or not Vianne Timmons is searching for a new position at St. FX or elsewhere, what is known is that as of March 21, 2014 St. FX will have a new president, and it may or may not be Vianne Timmons.
A million dollar sign In a time of austerity, why buy a new sign? eman bare news writer
In a time of budget cuts, tightening faculty numbers and program cuts, the University of Regina appears to be pinching pennies and bracing for tougher times. Unless you’re a sign. In Oct. of 2013 the University began building a million dollar sign that was faced with serious questions from staff and students alike. Why would a million dollar sign be built during a time when so many programs are facing so many cuts? Although hiring more professors and offering more university classes at a post-secondary institution would be the most logical financial spending, the University of Regina instead decided to invest in a million dollar sign. Dave Button said, in an interview with Global News, that the six-foot-tall, stainless steel sign would be “a bit of a monument,” noting the project includes upgrading to the surrounding sidewalks and landscaping. “It looks good and it improves the aesthetic of campus,” said Button. “That has a functional element of building reputation, helping with recruitment and retention.” But with a university that has recently cut
funding to programs like the arts, would a sign really raise enrollment numbers? “We know that not everybody will agree … but we view that it’s an appropriate decision to ensure the safety of our campus community,” said Thomas Chase, U of R’s provost and vice-president academic, in an interview with Metro. The announcement of the controversial million dollar sign came amidst claims of overtime misspending at the University of Regina. According to CBC, it was uncovered that the university had spent nearly $380,000 in unearned overtime payment to staff members. In addition, the university is also currently building a new residence that is already $9 million over budget. The university says that the sign and area renewal is important for the safety of the students. Approximately 5,000 people pass by the area that the university is renewing, and have deemed it as being “unsafe and very poorly lt.” “They have an obligation to provide signage and lighting if it’s in respect to safety issues, but this seems like a special expenditure,” Bettyan Cox, University of Regina Faculty Association executive director said to Metro.
Emily Wright What the hell was wrong with the old one? Who wants this?!
Although no one can argue against the importance of keeping university students and faculty members safe, according to the Operations Forecast for 2014-2015, there are approximately 60 leaky roofs on campus. “Planning for building rehabilitation and renovation has become a near impossible task as sustaining capital funding has dropped to levels where only
emergency repairs are possible. Projects that were planned are then deferred until they reach the top of the list due to some catastrophic failure. This was demonstrated in College West, the Lab Building, and now with the inventory of roofs that are literally at the breaking point,” reads the Operations Forecast. If safety were the main concern surrounding the sign and the external renovations of the
campus it could be assumed that internal renovation needs, such as leaky roofs, would be a main concern as well. With the sign still not completed, it seems that there ar eore important priorities to spend money on.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Reforming the Senate: mission impossible? Dr. Gordon Barnhart examines reform christell simeon contributor
After the 2013 scandal involving three conservative Senators that rocked Canada’s political landscape, there have been heated debates on Senate reform. However, there is still no consensus on how the Senate should be reformed, abolished, or left as it is. This makes it difficult to see any real changes to the Senate structure for those still aggrieved by last year’s infamous Senate scandal. But is Senate reform a new issue in Canada? Certainly not. Insight into the history of the Senate and Senate reform in Canada was at the center of the Stapleton Lecture held Thursday March 13, 2014 addressed by Dr. Gordon Barnhart, former Clerk of the Canadian Senate and Saskatchewan Legislature, as well as former Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan. Upon Confederation, Canada examined the Senate structure of both the United States and United Kingdom in determining how their Senate should be structured. At the time, both the United States and United Kingdom had a Senate of nominated persons. Likewise, Canada decided to follow and structured their Senate with persons who would be nominated to sit
in this upper chamber by the Prime Minister under the Constitution Act of 1867. The Senate was given the same powers as the House of Commons, except that they could not decide on money bills. There were restrictions regarding who could be a senator that have since remained today. The only exception is that early Senators had to be landowners of property worth $4,000, which unfortunately meant that women, who did not possess property rights under the law, were denied the opportunity to be Senators. Although the property clause has remained, women can now be Senators. According to Dr. Barnhart, the Senate became the foundation for ensuring linguistic diversity in Canada. This is because, although Ontario had the largest population, Quebec was very important to Canada’s new independent economy, so both Ontario and Quebec were each given 24 seats in the Senate. It was not long after the establishment of the Senate in 1867 that David Mills made the first appeal for Senate reform in April 1874. He proposed that the provinces should select their own Senators. According to Dr. Barnhart, in the first 95 years, there were only five attempts at Senate reform, while in the last
Saffron Blaze The Senators hard at work.
50 years, there have been 17 attempts at Senate reform. U n fortunately so far, the only real changes that have been made to the Senate were done by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in which term limits were applied to the length of service of Senators, and most recently by liberal leader, Justin Trudeau to remove Liberal Senators from party caucus. The main issue with Senate reform is that there is no consensus on how the Senate should
be reformed by those advocating for this change. Abolition is a popular solution put forward by the opposition party, NDP, and supported by Saskatchewan’s Premier, Brad Wall. There was the “Triple E” proposal in which each province would get equal representation of six Senators largely rejected by Ontario and Quebec who would lose their dominance in the Senate. The well known Charlottetown and Meech Lake accords were
failed attempts of reform in Canada. Lastly, there is the 7/50 suggestion where there would be an elected Senate consisting of seven provinces representing 50 per cent of the population. With the future being unclear concerning Senate reform, especially with most of the proposed reforms involving constitutional change, Dr. Barnhart concludes that Senate reform would simply remain just a talking point in Canada.
The annual Minifie Lecture
CBC journalist Nahlah Ayed spoke on recent work in Crimea eman bare news writer
On March 12, the University of Regina School of Journalism hosted its 34th annual Minifie lecture. This year, the featured speaker was Nahlah Ayed, a foreign correspondent for the CBC who is currently based in London. Her lecture was titled, “A beginning, a middle and an end: Canadian foreign reportage examined.” The talk captivated an audience in an overflowing auditorium. Ms. Ayed is best known for her work in the Middle East, where she covered the Iraq war from its very beginning. She has spent approximately ten years living in the Middle East as a journalist and has covered stories in print, radio and television for the CBC. Her experience as a foreign correspondent includes her interviewing many key leaders in the Middle East, and reporting on the many conflicts and issues within the region. She was also one of the journalists that covered the Arab Spring from the very its genesis. During the question and answer portion of the lecture, Ayed was asked how she, as a woman of Palestinian descent,
Michael Chmielewski Nahlah Ayed packed the house at the U of R.
was able to prevent her biases on the region from influencing her stories and how she told them. Her response was both empowering and inspiring. She said that she chose journalism as a profession to tell the story of others, and not to tell her own. Indeed, her work speaks
for itself. Her coverage on stories has been both fair and balanced. She stated that as a journalist, she makes sure to not report on information that she does not know to be the absolute truth. Ayed is also the author of A Thousand Farewells: A Reporter’s Journey from Refugee Camp to the Arab Spring. Her
book tells her story as a reporter, and begins with her family’s journey from her hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba to a refugee camp in Jordan where her parents moved her and her siblings to be closer to their extended family. Her journey as a journalist began not in an arts program like most journalists, but in a lab; Ayed completed an undergraduate degree in genetics at the University of Manitoba. She got her start as a journalist at the campus paper at the University of Manitoba, the Manitoban. She eventually went on to complete a Masters of Journalism from Carleton University as well as a Masters of Interdisciplinary studies from the University of Manitoba. After completing a Masters in Journalism, Ayed went on to work for the Canadian Press. Her journey as a foreign correspondent began with the Iraq war, where she travelled alone as a freelancer for the CBC. In fact, as she gave her lecture, she should have been in Crimea covering the protests. But instead, she was in Regina giving a lecture to a group of individuals who were left amazed an inspired by her courage, integrity and experiences as a journalist.
the carillon: fair and balanced journalism
s i n c e 1962.
Editor: Robyn Tocker the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Emily Wright Who wants to work for the CSIS? Anyone? Anyone?
Ling and lang Or something like that destiny kaus a&c writer
Linguistics. Sorry, what? Not going to lie, before writing this article, I had no idea what Linguistics was and no clue what you could do with a Linguistics degree. Upon delving into the lives and experiences of various Linguistics students and one Linguistics professor, I have concluded that Linguistics is pretty cool, and there are tons of stuff you can do with a Linguistics degree besides work for the CIA or CSIS (which would, in my opinion, be the coolest job ever). Who would’ve thought? Anyway, before I continue with my babbling, let me deal with this question: what the heck is Linguistics? In his article, Dr. Jan van Eijk, a Linguistics professor at Regina’s First Nations University (FNUniv), says, “Linguistics is the study of human language in all its aspects.” Cool. Now that I know Linguistics deals with human language and not animal language I’m golden. But, I still have no idea what “all its aspects” includes. This is why people who are smarter than I am exist on this earth. According to Dr. van Eijk, Linguistics consists of phonetics and phonology (the production, perception, and transmission of human speech sounds), morphology (the structure of words), syntax (how words are ordered in a sentence), semantics (the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences), and pragmatics (how language is used in conversation). Please excuse me while I take a huge breath after that extensive phrase. “We also study how languages change over time, how children or adults learn a first or second language, where lan-
guage is located in the brain, and how strokes and other forms of trauma can affect speech,” Dr. van Eijk says. Interesting. Thus, Linguistics degrees can lead to a variety of job opportunities. Huzzah! Dr. van Eijk says, “With a BA in Linguistics, the most popular choice is speech pathology and audiology.” Dang, too bad Saskatchewan doesn’t offer speech pathology anywhere. If good ol’ Sask did, maybe it wouldn’t lose students to schools like the University of Alberta, Minot, or the University of B.C. where speech pathology programs are offered. Nevertheless, with a speech pathology degree, you’re pretty much set after graduation. “When you come out of that, you basically have a job guaranteed for life,” says Dr. van Eijk. How cool would that be to have a guaranteed job after graduation? I wouldn’t know ‘cause I’m in English and Education. Interestingly enough, though, some Linguistics take a much different “career path” than speech pathology or audiology. Dr. van Eijk says, “most of our students actually are female, so they got married and then settled down, had kids, [and] followed a different career path.” Such champs. Whatever makes you happy I guess. Ultimately, in conjunction with the University of Regina, FNUniv offers an Honours Program, a Major, a Minor, and an individual MA Program in Linguistics. Goodness gracious, the opportunities are endless. However, this individual MA Program is only offered if the Linguistics professors have the expertise to help students in whatever area of Linguistics
they want to master in. “So, if you come to us and say, ‘Well, I’m interested in 18th century Japanese phonology,’” says Dr. van Eijk. “No, we can’t do that. But, ‘I’m interested in this particular verbal paradigm in Cree.’ Yes, we can do that.” Ah snap. My dreams of getting an MA in 18th century Japanese phonology just got crushed. But, in all seriousness, this individual MA Program does make sense. I mean, if you don’t have the expertise, what’s wrong with pointing students in the right direction so they can accomplish their dreams? Nothing! In fact, to my surprise, the Linguistics program here is pretty dang popular. “It’s usually quite popular,” Dr. van Eijk says. “A few people were let go in 2010 because of financial crisis, so then we took a hit in our students.” I’m sure other programs took a hit as well. And heck, that was 2010 (AKA: the past). Dr. Van Eijk says, “The enrollment is coming back again.” Huzzah! Yay for comebacks! *applauds with glee* I mean, how can you stay away from a subject that’s so ridiculously captivating? “It’s a fascinating field of the study of human behaviour,” says Dr. van Eijk. “You learn so much about how people think through their language, how they look at reality, [and] how they look at the world through the lenses of their language.” That was a beautiful statement, simply because it brings into perspective how different languages can give you insight into different cultures. Now it’s time for a little student perspective. Out of the five Linguistics students I talked to, all five of them said that when they told people they were in Linguistics, they got asked
a question along the lines of “how many languages do you speak?” In response to this misguided assumption, Benjamin Woolhead, a Linguistics and English major at the University of Regina, says, “The common misconception is that I am studying ‘languages’ as in learning them. What Linguistics really is, is how languages work below the surface.” Boom. Hopefully now people will stop automatically assuming that the entire point of Linguists is to learn as many languages as you can. As for Woolhead, once he came to the U of R, he got hooked on Linguistics. Imagine that. “I never really knew about Linguistics as a field until I decided to come to the U of R,” says Woolhead. “I was looking for something that would interest me, and I honestly think I just stumbled upon it.” Who knew such a stumble could lead to such a sick interest and passion. Maybe if I took a Linguistics class, I’d get so hooked I’d leave my current faculty and work for the CIA or CSIS. Hmmm… Evidently, when I asked these five Linguistics students if you could actually work for the CIA (in Canada’s case CSIS) with a Linguistics degree, one did not answer (I wonder why…), one straight up said yes, and three said statements similar to “I could tell you…but then I’d have to…well you know…” One of these students, Christina Mickleborough, an MA student getting a degree in Applied Linguistics, says, “Yes, a graduate from the program a few years ago became a spy.” Oh. My. Gosh. This is so unbelievably cool I cannot even handle it. So, besides working for the CIA or CSIS, what other cool stuff can you do with a Linguis-
tics degree? Falene Karey-McKenna, a fourth year BA Honours Linguistics student at the University of Regina, says, “some of the jobs that are available for linguists include dialect trainer for T.V. or film, editor, researcher, EFL [English as a Foreign Language] teacher, professor, speech language pathology, translating, transcription work, cryptographer, job with NASA analysing Alien Language (like Uhura from Star Trek), etc.” I honestly cannot tell whether or not Karey-McKenna is joking when she mentions analysing an Alien Language… perhaps if I was into Linguistics I’d be able to analyze her language and figure it out. In addition to these job ops, the University of Toronto: Missasauga lists other Linguistics careers including translator, professor, and lexicographer (a dictionary writer). Honestly, considering my love for dictionaries, becoming a lexicographer actually slightly appeals to me. I know. I’m odd. Ultimately, though, getting a job in Linguistics takes more than a solid degree. Karey-McKenna says, “hard work and true dedication can get you anything...except winning the lottery...but I am sure that you could win at one point if you bought +100 tickets a day.” I concur. No matter what the subject, if you don’t actually work your butt off to get your dream job, you’re practically screwed. Finally, I will close with Linguist Noam Chomsky’s words: “Human language appears to be a unique phenomenon, without significant analogue in the animal world.” Thus, language sets humans apart from animals, and Linguistics allows humans to set themselves apart from other humans. Chew on that.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Trenching it up
Matt Webb tugs Regina’s heart strings robyn tocker a&c editor
If you’ve never heard of the Canadian band, Marianas Trench, you are missing out on some great music. The band as a whole is stellar; and separate, the members keep pumping out the tunes. Matt Webb, the guitarist for Trench, does his own thing on the side when the band isn’t busy in the studio or on tour. I got the chance to talk with him about his career in music and even sat in on his concert at The Exchange on March 16. Every musician starts somewhere, so what did Webb begin his musical love affair with? The piano, or course. “I was forced at gun point by my parents to take piano,” Webb jokes. His knack for piano led him to pick up the guitar. He says the piano is a great base for any musician. “If you can play piano and learn the technique behind it, you can virtually pick up any instrument after that.” By surrounding himself with
music, Webb met the vocalist of Marianas Trench, Josh Ramsay, in high school. Both having such an obvious “music bug,” the boys decided to create the band. He refers to Trench as a “tight knit family.” “It’s awesome. I don’t know how else to put it,” says Webb. Comparing Webb’s solo work to what Trench does, the two are polar opposites. Webb says his solo album is really stripped down, more of an organic sounding record based around the guitar. It’s another creative element Webb just loves doing. His new album Right Direction is based on his experiences in the last couple of years. There’s a running theme of being away from home and longing for family and friends, says Webb. But that’s just how he interprets his music. “The nice thing about music is it doesn’t have to mean the same thing to people who are listening to it as it means to me.” The concert itself was a blast. Jessica Lee was the first act to hit the stage with some
stellar pop tunes. She got the crowded room off on the right foot. She was up on stage dancing and really playing it up with her fellow bandmates. Fake Shark – Real Zombie followed. Suffice to say, they were an…interesting group. While I couldn’t hear much over the screaming 14 year olds, what I did hear made me wish Webb would get on stage faster. Finally, the man of the hour made his grand appearance. His sound was different than the others. While it was still energetic and got the crowd going, I got the feeling this was more alternative than the others, which suits me just fine. Along with playing great songs from his new album, Webb had an “air piano duel” take place on stage. The lead singer of Fake Shark also made a guest appearance with the band. Overall, it was a great night. I got a CD signed by Jessica Lee, saw our resident graphics editor go on a selfie rampage, and bantered with a bartender. You can’t get much better than that.
Emily Wright Look at his cute face. Ain’t he sweet?
Canadiana, eh? What it means to be Canadian lauren neumann contributor
“I am Canadian.” It’s a phrase that is very present in our lives. It’s that beer slogan. It’s your immediate response when you’re asked where you’re from when you’re in the U.S. (there’s no use specifying which province). Canadian. But what does this word really mean? What does this Canadian identity look like after you take some time to really unravel it? Canadiana, the new exhibit at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, questions just that. These series of works takes a look at what defines us as Canadians and how we create our own narratives in relation to our vast land of Canada. This exhibit was inspired by Winnipeg-based artist Diana Thornycroft’s series of photographs The Group of Seven Awkward Moments, which are carefully placed alongside a collection of landscape pieces that were pulled from the MAG’s permanent collection. Thornycroft’s series of chronograph prints are highly dramatized photos of different narratives within recreations of different Canadian landscapes that were used in paintings by the renowned Group of Seven. She creates these stories by arranging displays of figurines playing out moments in Canadian life. These events range from the whimsical, first snowfall (two men sitting outside drinking
Diana Thornycroft Cold winters and disasters? Sounds like Canada to me!
beer) to a darling scene of children playing in the woods (with a child bleeding out of his face from his tongue being ripped off a-la-metal pole). She uses this dark humour
to show the contrasts between the storybook True North with the everyday, uncomfortable events that take place and truly define us as Canadians. “It is through the use of
the collective’s iconic northern landscapes, which have come to symbolize Canada as a nation, combined with scenes of accidents, disasters, and bad weather that give the work its
It is through the use of the collective’s iconic northern landscapes...combined with scenes of accidents, disasters, and bad weather that give the work its edge.
Diana Thornycroft
edge,” says Thornycroft, on her website. The contrasts in The Group of Seven Awkward Moments within the paintings as a comment on the idea of the Canadian identity are also evident in the collective’s relationship to their surrounding paintings. The collective of photos are displayed with classic paintings of landscape by Canadian artists, including Roland Gissing and Ruth Pawson. The clever placement of crude scenes among variations of aesthetically beautiful fields makes the viewer take their own relationship of being a Canadian further into account. What is it that defines this identity? After being a part of all of the different narratives that these artists have crafted, the viewer is able to create their own Thornycroftist scene with an interactive area in the Canadiana exhibit. There is a trunk filled with figurines that the artist herself has selected and the viewer is able to place them and photograph them however they desire on a classic Canadian landscape as a response to The Group of Seven Awkward Moments. The interactive opportunity in Canadiana ties the entire idea of the exhibit together. It gives the viewer the agency to tell their own narratives of how they identify as Canadian, after the collective asks them to reflect on it. Canadiana runs at the MAG from Jan. 25 to June 14.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Zombies are real Wait…what? destiny kaus a&c writer
The members of Kill Matilda, a Vancouver-based punk rock band, not only play some sick tunes, but they also fight against the zombie epidemic on the side. Fronted by female vocalist Dusty Exner, Kill Matilda toured in 2011 with their album I Want Revenge. Unfortunately, shortly after this tour, Michael Exner, the bass player and Dusty’s husband, became extremely ill. *cue horrified, suspense-filled gasp* Dusty Exner says, “He was diagnosed with quite a rare condition. He had a large tumour growing around his carotid artery.” Oh my goodness gracious. You can’t get much scarier than that. At that time, obviously, Kill Matilda’s music career came to a halt. Though they had written three songs in 2012 and three more songs in 2013, they could not spend their time and energy producing a killer new album due to Michael’s health. Instead, they waited until the spring of 2013, after Michael had his successful surgery, to get back at ‘er with their music. Thus, Kill Matilda’s new album #punk#zombie#rocknroll enters the music scene in 2014. Hashtags and all, this album includes a graphic novel music video and the six songs written in the years 2012 and 2013 that never got recognition during
Michael’s battle with his health. Sweet right? Better yet, Kill Matilda is currently on tour and will play in Regina on March 26 at the Exchange to promote #punk#zombie#rocknroll. So, get your hashtags ready Regina, and prepare yourselves to punk out to some hard-core rock and roll. But, Kill Matilda’s story goes much deeper than just their history in the music industry. In their spare time, Kill Matilda combats the highly contagious zombie epidemic. I’m not joking. “We make a little money on the side by really quietly managing the zombie threats from town to town,” says Dusty. Evidently, Dusty and her husband, Michael, are obsessed with zombies and the fact that zombies often appear in society due to an engineered virus by the military. Dusty says, “so here in Canada, the Canadian military actually has a code name for this virus: Matilda.” Boom. Hello band name. But, wait. Does the Canadian military actually have a code name for a zombie virus? Despite my Google searches, I couldn’t find any information on this Matilda code. Therefore, either this code exists and its information is just not open to the public, or this code doesn’t exist at all. Interestingly enough though, according to Canada’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the coming Zombie Apocalypse is a valid
Terryis Grane “Hail to the king, baby.” - Bruce Campbell
concern. In fact, according to their website, CDC has created a graphic novel as well as an informational document stating what to do when zombies threaten society. OH MY GOSH THE ZOMBIES ARE ACTUALLY COMING! Additionally, Dusty says,
“Michael actually was previously employed by CSIS (Canadian Secret Intelligent Services). He was working as an agent for them.” Thus, Michael got all the inside scoops about zombie threats, but ended up leaving CSIS in order to publically warn society about the coming zom-
bies. Dusty says, “He just had to go public with that shit.” Oh sweet mercy. Now that I’m ridiculously creeped out, I’m going to go hide underneath my blankets and hope I don’t get infected by the zombie epidemic.
first ever Saskatchewan Fashion Week in 2012, I couldn’t wait to apply. Plus, I love the runway; the energy that you get from a show is amazing.
the music starts and you take a step into the spotlight, all the nerves disappear. It’s very fast paced and exiting, I love everything about it.
What is one of your favorite outfits you have worn for Saskatchewan Fashion Week?
Who is someone you haven’t gotten to work with yet and would like to?
CS: I have had the privilege to wear so many beautiful and unique outfits, that I really cannot pick just one. Some of my favorite outfits and accessories have come from Natali Kulichenko, Nadia Williamson, and Hillberg & Berk.
CS: Laurie Brown is a fabulous designer originally from Flin Flon, Manitoba, who currently resides in Saskatoon. She is known for her creative and unique designs. One of my favorite collections is her Black and Gold Collection.
What is the most exciting part about being involved in something like this?
The hand-picked Saskatchewan designers will be showing their original, all new, fall and winter 2014 collections at Saskatchewan Fashion Week from May 8-10. This year’s lineup features designers such as Stella & Sway, War Paint by Stevie Crowne, Studio Fashion House, and Laurie Brown. Anyone from the audience will be able to purchase or order any of the garments seen in the Trunk Show right after all of the runway show ends.
Prepping for Fashion Week One model’s dream come true kaitlynn nordal contributor
Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour once said, “You either know fashion, or you don’t.” Wintour means that a person is born with an eye for fashion. A sense of style cannot be taught. For 22 local designers, their knack for knowing fashion is about to pay off. Some are getting ready for their second year Fashion: this is it.
showing at Saskatchewan Fashion Week while others are preparing for their big debut. Saskatchewan Fashion Week model Crystal Springinatic is definitely one of the people who are born with the “it” factor. The Carillon had a chance to sit down with her and talk about her experiences with Saskatchewan Fashion Week. What made you decide to sign
up as a model for this event in the past? Crystal Springinatic: I always use to watch Jeanne Beker on Fashion TV cover Fashion Weeks from all over the world. I loved seeing the unique and creative designs make their way down the runway and hoped that one day I would be able to be a part of something so amazing. So when I found out that Regina was going to host the
CS: The whole experience is so much fun. You start the day with hair and make-up, working with some of the best stylists and make-up artists in Saskatchewan. Once backstage, you get a chance to meet with other models before you change into your first look and go through hair and make-up touch-ups. As you line up to hit the runway, the nerves start to set in, but once
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Don’t worry, you’ll die
But you should still play Dark Souls II farron ager op-ed editor
Taking the most harrowing aspects from spiritual predecessor Demon’s Souls and its certain predecessor Dark Souls, Dark Souls II has really set a new bar for players to overcome. And yet, in the swearing and physical abuse of controllers comes one of the most rewarding experiences in a video game and you’ll end up coming back for more. Living up to its reputation, Dark Souls II carries with itself a streak of sadism that seeks to quash bad habits such as running headlong down untraversed corridors or taking on multiple enemies at once. More often than not, this is done by killing you over and over again, punishing you a little more each time through an incremental health cap. Not only that, in true Souls tradition, your deaths may mean the loss of souls, the game’s currency and means in which players level up. If you’re not careful enough, dying can mean the permanent loss of your accumulated souls and you’ll have to start from zero again. On top of this, while online, there is a chance that your game will be invaded by
another player, whose sole intention is to murder your face and take your souls. Why? Because the world of Drangleic is a terrible place and sometimes you need to be reminded of this with a bit of force. Of course, you don’t have to go through these trials alone. While the game lacks local multiplayer, ways the online community work together include leaving in-game messages that warn about traps, summoning other players to help fight a boss, or even blood splatters which show you how other players have died, usually hilariously. Even for myself, who is no stranger to both previous games, my first (and, rather embarrassing) death involved my character who, amazed at the environment, ended up in some tall grass and ran blindly off a ledge into a bottomless pit in the tutorial zone. Shortly after, a happy little ding goes off, signaling I became the proud recipient of the game’s first trophy, “This is Dark Souls.” Other notable deaths include my character’s head bitten off by some giant cyclopeanhippo-ogre-oh-god-what-thehell-is-that-thing, savagely head-butted to death by what I’m fairly certain are Satanic pigs, and also getting impaled
Farron Ager FUCK!
by a ballista bolt operated by someone helping me fight a boss just as the boss was dying. And yet, while these deaths are frustrating, I couldn’t believe the blast I was having. Working with other players in jolly cooperation was nothing short of exciting. Learning the bosses’ attack sets while at the same
time ensuring you’re not skewered or crushed provides for some nerve-wracking moments. Reading those shiny golden letters of “Victory Achieved” after you’ve killed a boss becomes the most rewarding experience, especially after continuously meeting the foul red letters of
“You Died.” While there is no doubt that the game is indeed punishing, oftentimes you find that even death has it upside in that you have nothing else to lose. And when you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. This is Dark Souls II.
one and everyone. Though held regularly in the Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre, the market is experimenting with different locations. Cachene says they hope it will increase the market’s popularity as well as draw out different audiences from around the city. “That’s one place that the board would like to go, just to be able to move the market out of the Cathedral area and into
other spaces.” This summer, they are hoping to move downtown and run during the day to attract more artists and audiences. There is so much room for the Sunday Art Market to grow and develop, and Cachene and Hernani are not afraid to experiment to discover what works best. Though young, the market is growing quickly and creatively. They do not restrict their activities to the bi-weekly gatherings, but rather participate in the community as much as possible. This past summer, the market’s family of artists collectively created a mural on Broad Street. This year, they are hoping to participate in Art in Bloom at the MacKenzie Art Gallery. The Sunday Art Market is a welcoming and lively community that is making the right kind of effort to foster local art development and growth in Regina. “We want to help artists get their names out there, maybe make some money, and just do a lot of creating and collaborating,” says Cachene. The Sunday Art Market is having a fundraiser Friday, March 21. Held in the Cathedral Community Centre, there will be music, live painting, drinks, and of course, art for sale. Tickets are $10 in advance, or $15 at the door.
Fine day, Sunday Sunday Art Market comes around laura billett contributor
The Sunday Art Market is a bi-weekly market held to provide a space for emerging and established artists to promote their work, meet other artists, and hopefully make a bit of money. It is held in the Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre, every second Sunday from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m, the next market being March 23. The Sunday Art Market began last June by Roberto Lopez Lopez and Bruno Hernani. When Lopez Lopez left to focus on his own artistic endeavours, Juri Cachene took over as coordinator. Cachene and Hernani registered the market as a Non-Profit organization in December 2013, and since then, they have been working tirelessly, along with the small board of four members and a handful of volunteers to coordinate artists, tables, and performances. At first, the market was small, participating artists being people the coordinators already knew. As word spreads, however, and the market grows in popularity, more and more local artists have been participating. Cachene says that some artists are involved every market, but there are always new faces, so no week is ever the same. Any artist can be involved.
Gerald Saul Cool art, bro. Show it again.
The market welcomes visual artists, crafters, singers, dancers, musicians, and the like. Tables are inexpensive, only $15 or $10 with a membership. There is no lengthy and paper-laden application process; artists need only email sundayartmarket@ to confirm their attendance. If you are an artist of any sort, the Sunday Art Market is an inexpensive and easy way to get involved in the Regina
arts scene. If you aren’t an artist, but love music, dance, and beautiful works of art, the Sunday Art Market is the ideal way to spend a leisurely Sunday afternoon. The DJ duo, 2 beats & a Hat, always play during the market, so you can expect great music, great art, and if you’re lucky some great live performances. Admission is free, or by donation, so it is accessible to any-
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
A one in four chance
How reporters and sexual assault cases mix A sign posted from last year’s “Surviving in Numbers” movement at Mount Holyoke in South Hadley, Mass.
robyn tocker a&c editor One in four women in Canada will be assaulted in their lifetime. Less than 10 per cent will file a report. Journalists have the ability to change how this underreported crime is told and how the victims are treated. This is not to say every reporter who covers these cases does a poor job. There are reporters who respect the victim and who treat them with compassion. Barb Pacholik, who has reported for the Leader-Post for 25 years, is one of them. “I can’t think of a case specifically that I’ve covered that I torqued or reported in a far more sensationalized way,” said Pacholik. She has spent most of her career covering court cases, including sexual assault cases. “Whenever there’s a criticism of the media I’m reluctant to link all of us together,” she said. But there are areas of improvement that need addressing. “Shifting the Blame,” an article written by Laura Flanders on the website FAIR, documents how “the press is hearing the complaints of apologists; instead of condemning cruelty, the press promotes excuses.” This applies to the Rehtaeh Parsons case. Through various media coverage, Parsons’ story focused on her suicide, not the sexual assault she endured at that hands of four male assailants.
Most reporters critiqued the police for their failings of her case, sensationalized certain parts of the story, and turned Parsons into another statistic in the long list of sexual assault cases in Canada. There were articles that retained her humanity, but those were few and far between. One of her rapists apologized to her mother over Facebook after Rehtaeh died. In that apology he claimed he did not rape her and that she consented to the acts they committed against her body. Glen Canning, who published the full account of his daughter’s rape and suicide on August 9, 2013, was disgusted. “I don’t understand how anyone can read that account and think this was consensual sex,” he said. Promoting excuses isn’t the only area journalists have troubles with. After speaking to multiple sources in the Regina community, many agree misrepresenting the victim is a big issue the media must deal with. Jill Arnott, the executive director of the University of Regina’s Women’s Center, said this is particularly troublesome to Aboriginal women and marginalized women. If they live in a low-income area or live a high-risk lifestyle, such as prostitution, it complicates how the story is reported. “The implication is that they were somehow complicit in what happened to them,” Ar-
nott said. Dianna Graves works as the executive director of the Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan. She agreed with Arnott, but also brought up how the emphasis of these stories is on the act of rape, not the people. The assault is generalized. She called it “mechanical.” Graves told the story of an immigrant victim who was sexually assaulted by a male taxi driver. She was domestically abused and had befriended the driver after fleeing with her five children. In most reporters, this information would not be included. “There’s not that background, not the heart part of the story,” said Graves. Linking sexual assault cases to the larger issue of gender violence is another failing the media has yet to fix. Karen Wood used to work at the healing center Tamera’s House before it was closed. She said her dream would be for a broader picture of violence towards women in general to make it into the media. “Every time someone brings up the issue of sexual violence or partner violence, there are some broad statistics that could be said so we know it happens every day in our homes and communities,” she said. The language used to describe these cases is important. Arnott said that it is typical to see the byline of “woman gets raped” not “man commits sex-
ual assault” in the newspapers. This type of language places the blame on the women, even if it is done subconsciously. “A perpetrator was busy violating someone’s human rights. That is the story. [Language] helps to refocus our scope on where it needs to be focused,” Arnott said. Carla Beck, the assistant executive director of the Regina Transition House, said that historically journalists may have come a long way, but she sees glaring issues in how journalists report. “Describing the use of alcohol prior to an assault, prior sexual behaviour, involved in prostitution, and [the] relationship [they] may or may not have had prior to the rape. All of those factors are failings of reporting,” she said. Journalists may have a bad rap when it comes to reporting assault cases, but there is hope. Holly MacKenzie did a casestudy on how missing and murdered Aboriginal women were reported in the media. Her research connects to the discussion of sexual assault reporting. One piece of advice she offers reporters is to be self-reflective. “Everyone is under timelines but [we have] to be self-reflective about what we’re doing, the assumptions we’re making, and the word choices we’re making,” MacKenzie said. Linking back to how journalists use their words, Karen Wood mentioned journalists
should be wary using words like “life-long harm.” “It should be conveyed there are serious impacts from sexual assault, but it doesn’t mean a person can’t live a life of wellness and have a quality of life,” she said. “Check your biases,” said Dianna Graves. “Truly understand your personal thoughts on sexual assault and what it means and understand the law.” Graves also said journalists should focus on the definition of consent, respect, and for people to speak up when they see someone harassing someone. This includes when it is a male assaulting another male. When thinking of assault, society sees the victim as female and the perpetrator as male, but 12 per cent of sexual assault victims are males in Canada. These cases are even more underreported. Graves said men need different care than women after they have been assaulted. Having been assaulted doesn’t mean they will become perpetrators, but their whole sense of self and the way they raise their sons can affect the future. Jill Arnott said another way reporters can tell better stories of sexual assault cases is focusing on making sure the victim retains their humanity. “The first thing is to ensure that the survivor retains their dignity and identity as a human being,” she said.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Alan Stamm At least our newsrooms look a little more diverse than they did in the early 1900s.
“Reporters can’t be objective,” said Darlene Juschka, a Women’s and Gender Studies professor at the U of R. “Know where you stand, then you make apparent where you stand and now you talk about how you think about this situation.” Juschka added how journalists can make a difference in reporting by the amount of research they do on a subject. They need to dig deep, she said, and by showing the complexity of an issue it will make readers think harder on the subject. “Journalists are good writers. Use the skill. Get there and get it fast but don’t lose complexity,” said Juschka. Would having more females in the news room help? Juschka said some of the issues may be resolved with having more women involved, but they would have to be thinking about women. Being a feminist wouldn’t hurt either. “A feminist in so far as I would have my gender lens on. I would ask what happens with men, what happens with women, what about transgender, bisexual, where are the sexualities? What’s going on?” she said. Holly MacKenzie agrees feminism has a role to play in how sexual assault cases are told. “[Feminism is] important because it offers the opportunity to think through these things
and to question assumptions and stereotypes and how racism, capitalism, and colonialism have made certain women vulnerable. [Feminism] offers a way to think through how we can tell the stories better,” she said. Carla Beck makes the point that unless you have representation in the media, the full story isn’t being told. This applies to women or people in poverty who lack access to whose voice is represented. “If people lack access to power and resources, their voice is missing or underrepresented and that stands to further disadvantage them,” she said. Jill Arnott said she isn’t really concerned if it’s a woman telling the story. She said she doesn’t know if it’s so much about numbers or the social perspective and norms around sexuality. “Does it matter who is telling the story, outside of the fact it’s never the victim telling the story?”
One thing to take away from all this information is that, at the end of the day, no matter how a journalist tells their story, there is going to be a survivor out there who has to live with what happened to them. They must find a way to cope with the assault and that process cannot be rushed or determined by anyone but themselves. Natalie Hemingway, a counselor at the U of R, said she has counselled both men and women who have experienced this type of trauma and she is mindful to not reopen that wound. “Often, a person who has been assaulted really needs the sense that they are driving the bus on where they go from there,” she said. “I don’t know that we’re able to ever restore a person to who they would have been before that trauma, but the goal of course is to turn the volume down on that event and regain their own lives and get onto the path that they had chosen and
intended,” Hemingway said. The U of R Counselling Services is not the only place to receive help after being assaulted. The Regina Transition House offers supportive counselling and an escape for women leaving abusive situations. The Women’s Center on campus provides crisis counselling and referrals to appropriate community resources. “Being in an environment where they are assured that they are free to speak and safe to speak is really important,” said Arnott. Tamera’s House, before it was shut down, offered a different kind of healing than both the Transition House and the Women’s Center. All women were in charge of their own healing. They set goals that were unique to them and would help them heal from the trauma. “It was a space where individuals were part of a community and were no longer seen as a hurt person,” said Karen Wood.
Does it matter who is telling the story, outside of the fact it’s never the victim telling the story?
Jill Arnott
Because it’s no longer there, “there’s no space that reminds the general public that sexual assault happens to children and women every day. It’s hidden again but the problem has yet to go away,” she said. Wood does not know why it was closed, but she believes there will be another house like it one day for those who need healing from many kinds of trauma. It can be challenging for a journalist to cover sexual assault cases. But Barb Pacholik maintains that the justice system is a public place and “justice has to be seen to be done. It’s why we sit there in court room.” She said the courts have come a long way in making the victim feel comfortable in the courtroom. Reporters, Pacholik said, have to respect the wishes of the victim, especially in sexual assault cases. She has seen cases where publication bans (a victim’s name cannot be published) have been lifted. “They wanted people to realize there is indeed a person behind those initials,” she said. For the future to see a real change in journalism and sexual assault cases, our language needs to change, there needs to be less sensationalism, more research, and reporters need to remember there are people behind those statistics. Everyone has the right to retain their dignity in the eyes of the media.
Editor: Autumn McDowell the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014 In honour of St. Patrick’s day. This.
taylor sockett, kyle leitch, brady lang, autumn mcdowell Don Cherry’s tailors 1. U of R sports are officially over for another year, which coach do you think most deserves the “Coach of the Year” award this year? Sockett: Todd Johnstone… said no one ever. I don’t know, Bruce McCannel I guess. The track team had a phenomenal finish to the season and some of their success has to be attributed to great coaching. Leitch: Sarah Hodges of women’s hockey. Although they didn’t win, the women’s hockey team put on an absolute clinic with their incredible quadruple-overtime game. That’s got to count for something. Lang: Women’s basketball’s Dave Taylor deserves this award due to the fact he kept the ladies searching for that common goal even after all of the adversity they faced. They may have not gotten the results but they have nothing to hang their heads about. McDowell: I think I’ll go with the track and field coach, Bruce McCannel. I chose him, not only because his team brought home a Canada West banner for us to display in the hallway to prove our awesomeness, but
also he is probably one of the best coaches to interview and is always nice, which is much appreciated. 2. University of Regina Rams players Landon Buch, Micheal Dadzie, Jared Janotta, Kyle Paterson, Cayman Shutter and Kolten Solomon will be among 37 participants at the Edmonton Regional CFL Combine next Monday. Which of these Rams do you think has the best shot at playing in the CFL one day? Sockett: Jared Janotta might have a shot. He’s got good hands, he’s got the size and he’s got the athleticism. However, only time will tell if he is good enough to compete at the next level. Leitch: Kyle Paterson. We Kyle’s have to stick together. Lang: Kolten Soloman in my opinion will get a fair shot I believe. I just hope the Riders pick them all so the team isn’t snake bitten again (see, Brett Jones). McDowell: I would still like to see Kolten Solomon make it to professional football. He has had a couple of chances to crack the Riders roster, but his size has held him back. If it was based on pure athleticism, Solomon would be a shoe in. Buch, Dadzie, and Paterson are all eligible for the CFL Draft this year and will have all the scouts eyes
on them, so pressure’s on boys. 3. March Madness is officially underway. Will you be following along with any of the NCAA basketball action? Sockett: I’ll follow it ever so slightly; honestly, I’m not much of a basketball fan at all. However, I have always found the intensity of March Madness very exciting – much better than the NBA. I’ll watch some games if I have time in between studying and writing. Leitch: I’m going to be following only marginally, only to see if anybody collects on Warren Buffet’s challenge: $1 billion to anyone who can accurately predict the outcome of every March Madness game, including the finals. That’d be some shit. Lang: Maybe here and there, we have hockey still, which is about to heat up to a whole new level as the playoff push is on and the MLB is back soon! McDowell: Not really to be honest. Once I found out that you were only eligible for Warren Buffet’s one billion dollar prize if you were over 21 and an American, I decided not to watch in protest. I wonder if there will be another horrifying vomit-inducing injury this year. 4.Which NHL team do you least want to win the Stanley Cup
this year? Sockett: The Penguins. I’m so sick of hearing sports editor McDeezy gloat about how good the Penguins are every year that it has actually changed my answer to this question, which was formerly the Leafs. I’m with Burke, “They Won The Fucking Lottery”, and I’m sick of hearing about it. Lets hope they get swept once again. Leitch: Perennially, the Montreal Canadians. Maybe Anaheim, because they stopped calling themselves the “Mighty Ducks.” Lang: My prediction will stand up from the beginning of the season. St. Louis will knock off Boston for the Cup in 2014. Editor’s note: This has nothing to do with the question A.M. McDowell: I could take a stab at Mr. Sockett and say the Winnipeg Jets, but then I remembered that that is in no danger of happening and would be a wasted answer. With that, I will have to go with the St. Louis, one because they actually have a chance, and two, because I have never liked St. Louis and have never truly forgiven Alex Pietrangelo for jumping into the rush in the 2010 World Juniors and losing us our first gold medal in six years. People don’t forget. 5. What do you think of George
“Strombo” Stroumboulopoulos being named as a host for Hockey Night in Canada? Sockett: I don’t like it, I like George Stroumbo-however you spell the rest of his outlandishly long last name. But I don’t know how it will affect the dynamic of the program. What exactly is his job since the majority of the show is Ron MacLean tossing up a comment and then Don Cherry spilling out hilariously inappropriate responses. I wouldn’t have it any other way “Kids keep your stick on the ice”. Leitch: I don’t think he’s anywhere near as likable, charming, loud, or fashionable as Don Cherry. Then again, he’s also less likely to say something stupid, chauvinistic, or borderline racist on national TV. So I see where Rogers thinks replacing Don is a good idea, I guess. Lang: It makes sense and I believe Strombo will do fine. Hey guys, at least it’s not Pierre McGuire. McDowell: I always liked Stombo, even from his MuchMusic days when he forgot the name of the lead singer of Nickelback and it was terrible awkward to watch – wait, am I making that up? I don’t like that Ron MacLean’s role is being reduced, but I think Strombo will be a nice addition to Don Cherry.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Making a name for himself
Rookie Lubiak shows everyone how it’s done brady lang sports writer
Isaac Lubiak has had quite the start to his CIS career. Lubiak, a rookie on the University of Regina’s men’s wresting squad, took home the bronze medal at Nationals after capturing silver in the Canada West Championships just two weeks prior. Lubiak believes that using his underdog status in the competition really propelled him to what he needed to do in order to come in third at Nationals. “It was a good experience; no one really knew me or what I was about so having that underdog feel was really nice,” said Lubiak, who competes in the 120-kilogram division. “I just wanted to go in there and wrestle like I usually do. I know that I’m good, but this proved to me how much I can push myself.” While some rookies become quite nervous when competing on such a large stage, Lubiak took the opportunity to impress in stride. “The whole season I just wanted to do well,” he said. “I wanted to push through into the playoffs and getting second is a really big deal. Going into Nationals I just wanted to do the same thing [that I’ve been doing this year].” Lubiak took home the bronze in the 120 kg weight category after only losing once in the CIS Nationals – to eventual gold medal winner Jeremy Latour of Guelph. Lubiak believes if he could do it again, some tactics may have changed. “If I could have done a little bit more of offensive wrestling rather than the defensive wrestling I’m used to doing,” said the Regina product. “Usually, I wait for them to do something wrong and then I will try to capi-
Cougars weekend highlights:
Arthur Ward This isn’t actually Lubiak. Rookies don’t get pictures.
talize on that.” After wrestling for 13 years around Regina, and competing as a Balfour Redman in high school, Lubiak has always believed that competing at the CIS level was obtainable; especially going through the club program they have here at the University. “When I started, it was elementary school and our principal was hosting it,” said Lubiak. “My parents basically let me do whatever I wanted, so I went out, but after he left, we didn’t have a program at our school. I decided to go into club wrestling [through middle school], until high school. Doing club practices at the University, it’s always felt like the coaches have liked me and I’ve felt comfortable here. I felt like I’ve always
had a chance here at the University.” This is just the start to Lubiak’s five years here in the wrestling program and it seems as if he’s in good contention to get back to this point, or better, in the following years. If Lubiak can continue to do what he does best, the Regina product will have many medals in the Canada West and CIS levels. Lubiak wasn’t the only one to have success at the CIS championships this year. The men’s wrestling team ended up eighth in the standings when it was all said and done at Nationals with 21 points. The Cougars had six men competing while four women were at the CIS Championships. Those four women were able to
finish in a three-way tie for sixth in overall standings. The men’s Cougars had fifth-place finishes were from rookies Reza Mosallat- in the 61 kg and Lucas Hoffert- in the 68 kg-, while Matt Fedler-in the 72 kg- placed sixth, Rylan Petterson- in the 82 kg was seventh, and Conner McLachlan – in the 54 kg –and Sean Belisle – in the 90 kg – both were eighth. In the ladies division, three of the four ladies competing were able to make it to the bronze medal game, yet weren’t able to defeat their opponents and all finished in fourth place. Danielle Anderson (59 kg), Kristine Longeau (72 kg), and rookie Emily Foerster (82 kg) all finished in fourth while Kayla Brodner (67 kg) finished in fifth.
While the teams have put away their running shoes, short-shorts and water bottles for another year, a few members of the Cougars athletics community are still receiving awards. Fifth-year women’s basketball star Nicole Clarke was named first-team All-Canadian last week. Clarke earned the honour after her impressive lone season with the Cougars during which she boasted the highest scoring average for a Cougar in a single season. She also led the team in assists (69), despite missing the last part of the season with a foot injury. Six Regina Rams will have the chance to prove themselves as they attend the Edmonton regional CFL combine this weekend. Players Landon Buch, Micheal Dadzie, Jared Janotta, Kyle Paterson Cayman Shutter, and Kolten Solomon will be among 37 football players at the camp, hoping to earn an invite to the main combine in Toronto, and to attract some CFL attention. For fifth-year Solomon, this could be his last shot at the CFL, as he has used up all his CIS eligibility. Meanwhile Buch, Dadzie, and Paterson are all eligible for the 2014 CFL Draft and are looking to impress. The U of R cheer team came under fire this weekend after a picture surfaced of team members dressed up in culturally inappropriate costumes. The cheerleading head coach Thomas Rath, Dean of Kinesiology Harold Reimer and University President Vianne Timmons all released public apologies for the team’s actions, who were shown dressed up as cowboys and Indians for a theme party. The incident happened while the U of R squad was playing host to the URCC tournament, when they should have be acting as role models to the high-schoolers competing at the event.
Arthur Ward Leo McGee, seen here cheering his butt off.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Will males ever be equal to females in cheerleading? Head coach Thomas Rath does not seek equality in the sport autumn mcdowell sports editor
When most people think of cheerleading, what comes to mind is small girls being thrown up into the air at the sidelines of a football game. But, what most people don’t consider are the people that have to catch them. On the multi-national winning cheer team at the U of R, there are currently just two males out of nearly 30 members that make up this championship squad. However, while he may not be performing stunts in competition anymore, Thomas Rath, head coach of the cheer squad since 2009, knows all too well the stereotypes and stigma that comes along with being a male member of this female-dominated sport. “With everything, there is a stereotype,” Rath said. “It depends on how you react as to how long that stereotype lasts...I think there is a low participation [of male cheerleaders] in Saskatchewan – it’s low to an extent. It’s definitely a smaller percentage because it has stigma to it as just being a female sport.” Although Rath has had a
lot of success as both an athlete and a coach in cheerleading, including being a member of the 620 CKRM Saskatchewan Roughriders cheerleaders in 2007 and 2009, he chose to stick with the sport, something that many males do not do because of the harsh criticism that they can encounter. “The teasing is one thing. You are teased because you are doing something that is viewed predominantly female,” said Rath, whose squad earned their fourth national championship this year. “Skirting around one of the main stereotypes that a lot of people think happens is your sexuality. I was never really questioned. I mean, they used it as a teasing term, but it was more of a tease than a true conviction that they actually believe, but because you do this you’re a homosexual. To me, that never was the case; they just tease you with that.” However, while the numbers of male cheerleaders seems to be increasing in the Canada West, with schools such as the University of Manitoba boasting 10 males out of 22 members on their roster, Rath is skeptical that the future of this female dominated sport will ever change. It’s like where’s Waldo, but where’s the men.
“I think it will always be female dominated, just by the physics of it, you need small people, and those are usually women but men will always have a spot in the sport because we always need strength lifting it,” he said. “I’d love to see more men here in Saskatchewan, be-
cause you could see more men bases and harder skills. But I think it’s going to be dominated by women, and I’m okay with that, because I need them.” While many individuals strive for complete equality in all areas of sport, surprisingly, Rath sees the future of cheerleading
a little bit differently than one might expect. “I would to see a lot more guys being exposed to it,” he said. “However, I don’t think I have the desire to make it an equal 50/50 sport. I like the way the sport is now, I don’t think I need to see equality.”
CIS curling championships
Stacked university rinks make their way to Regina paige kreutzwieser staff writer
For the first time, the CIS men’s and women’s national curling finals will be held in the Queen City. The University of Regina and the Callie Curling Club will play host to 16 university teams competing for the 2014 CIS national titles. Reigning Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) champions University of Manitoba Bisons (women) and University of Waterloo Warriors (men) will
not be competing in this year’s championship, but silver medalists Kelsey Rocque (women) and Brendan Bottcher (men) – both of the University of Alberta Golden Bears – will be bringing their foursomes back to the ice for another chance at going for the gold. Rocque has an impressive resume coming into the championships claiming a 7-6 victory over British Columbia’s Kalia Van Osch’s rink for the 2014 Junior Women’s title, as well as claiming gold with a 6-4 win
over South Korea in the 2014 Junior Women’s World Championships. Bottcher will be looking to snatch his 2012 CIS title back with his squad, which includes three 2012 Canadian and World Junior Champions – Bottcher, third Evan Asmussen, and lead Landon Bucholz. On the women’s side, Wilfred Laurier has boasted four out of the past six CIS championship titles, and the 201314 OUA finalists Carly Howard (skip), Kerilynn Mathers (third), Evangeline Fortier (second), Cheryl Kreviazuk (lead), and Chealsea Branwood (alternate) look to take the title back home to Ontario. Howard is the youngest daughter of curling legend Glenn Howard, and Kreviazuk was part of the 201011 CIS championship team. This year’s women’s teams also includes the University of New Brunswick 2014 CIS Atlantic champions skipped by Jennifer Armstrong who, alongside second Shelby Wilson, holds the 2012 CIS national championship title. Veronica Smith’s 2014 AUS championship rink from Univer-
sity of PEI, 2013 Canadian Junior Women’s champion Corryn Brown and her teammates from Thompson River University will also be joining. Not to mention 2014 OUA Bronze medalists from Toronto University under Danielle Bourque’s direction, and Jamie Sinclair along with her Carleton University squad will all be on the ice as well. On the men’s side, 2014 OUA champions from University of Toronto will be on the ice under the direction of 2014 OUA All-Star Evan Lilly. Runners up in the 2014 OUA finals, Aaron Squires and his team from Wilfrid Laurier University will be present to battle the Lilly rink again. The 2011 CIS national champions from Memorial University will be competing as well with Colin Thomas calling the shots. Saint Mary’s University represented by Scott Babin and his rink, 2013 Canadian Junior champions and World bronze medalists Matt Dunstone (skip) and Dan Grant (second) will be representing University of Manitoba, and Scotts Brandon’s team from Brock University will
also be in the ice. University of Regina will be sending brother and sister duet Catlin and Lorainne Schneider to be calling the shots for the men’s and women’s Cougars team respectively. Catlin boasts a spot in the 2013-14 Saskatchewan Men’s Provincial finals, and has Brian McCusker (coach) and Rory McCusker (second), father and son duo and well-respected members of the Saskatchewan community backing him up. The McCusker men are husband and son to Joan McCusker, second of the 1998 Winter Olympic gold medalist team under leadership of the renowned and beloved Sandra Schmirler. U of R’s last CIS victories belong to Brent Rogers and his 2008-09 rink and Brooklyn Lemon with her 2009-10 squad, something that this here’s squad hopes to improve on. The 2014 CIS championship teams hit the ice yesterday at 2:00 pm. Games continue throughout the week with the women’s final being held Sunday, Mar. 23 at 1:30 pm and the men’s at 5:00 pm.
U of R’s last CIS victories belong to Brent Rogers and his Those pants.
2008-09 rink and Brooklyn Lemon with her 2009-10 squad, something that this here’s squad hopes to improve on.
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Year in review
Time out! Let’s talk about how great we are brady lang sports writer
It’s been a busy year for us here in the sports world in Regina. Once you sit back to think about it, Regina’s sports have had quite the year. The Saskatchewan Roughriders and the 101st Grey Cup was obviously the marquee event that made this year amazing. To add to that, former Regina Rams punter Jon Ryan and his Seattle Seahawks were able to win the Super Bowl over Peyton Manning’s Denver Broncos in a decisive fashion as well. Along with the great weeklong celebration that ended up becoming a winter that was a little warmer for all Rider fans – University of Regina athletics also had a stellar year. The women’s hockey team came within a goal of a Canada West Championship, losing in the second overtime in game three against the Saskatchewan Huskies. The men’s hockey team, unfortunately, didn’t make it to the postseason, finishing 2013-14 with a record of 11-15-2 and in seventh place – just one
point away from the playoffs. The men’s track team was able to bring home a Canada West Championship banner this season, yet their Nationals team experience wasn’t as successful, finishing in 16th place at the end of the weekend. Individually, five medals were brought home by the track team as Jeremy Eckert won gold in high jump, Connor MacDonald brought home silver and bronze in long jump and high jump respectively, Chris Pickering was awarded silver in shot put, while Joy Becker collected a silver medal in long jump on the women’s side. The wrestling team was able to pick up one medal at Nationals with rookie Isaac Lubiak being the sole recipient after coming in third in the 120 kg division. The wrestling team had ten athletes competing and finished eighth in men’s team standings while finishing in fourth in women’s team standings. The Rams football team had a year of rebuilding to do and was only able to pick up two wins on the season. The young football squad will take this year
Arthur Ward UBC needed to call a time out, obviously Rams were crushing.
as tough experience and use it on down the road. The men’s and women’s volleyball teams both struggled at times during the season yet the women’s team was able to
finish in sixth at Nationals. The Nationals were hosted by the University of Regina and even though the team was eliminated in playoffs, they were given a bye as the host team. The men’s
team struggled throughout the year, finishing 4-18 and tied for last in Canada West standings. The women’s basketball team was unable to reach the championship for just the second time since 2008, losing to Alberta in the Canada West Final Four. The team was faced with a lot of adversity throughout the season dealing with injuries and a coach that was quarantined due to the measles virus, while the men’s basketball team were only able to pick up five wins on the season and missed the playoffs. The women’s soccer team lost in the Canada West quarter finals to Victoria after a 5-5-2 season. After it’s all said and done, us Regina folks have a lot to grin about this season. Even the Regina Pats are doing great for the first time since Minnesota Wild goalie Josh Harding was between the pipes. We have been spoiled and definitely there is no one complaining. Let’s just hope that next year this city can regain what we started this upcoming year. Repeat anyone?
On the right track Fans rally around promising Pats squad what the puck? autumn mcdowell sports editor
The hometown Regina Pats are back in the driver’s seat of the East division, somewhere that they haven’t been since the 2007-08 season. Ironically, the division crown was not handed out on a winning night, in fact, the Pats actually lost last Saturday night in overtime 4-3 to the Brandon Wheat Kings, but the single point was all that they would need to clinch the title, and no Pats fans were complaining. For the past four out of five years, hockey fans in Regina have been drooling at the prospect of playoff hockey in the Brandt Centre, only to be shot down in the bitter end. But, this year, we are in the power position, and if there was ever a time to rub it in everyone’s face for sticking with this team, the time is now. I hate to bring this up, but the last time that the Pats were in this position, they went on to lose to the seventh-place Swift Current Broncos in the first round of the playoffs. But, this year’s squad plans to do everything they can to revenge their recent loss to Brandon, and their performance six years ago. A lot has changed since those days, both on and off the ice. Back in 2007, the Pats roster
was bolstered with future stars such as Jordan Eberle, Logan Pyatt and Colten Teubert. Fans would rally behind a single player, but selling out the barn was unheard of and rallying behind the entire team as opposed to one individual just didn’t happen. People came to the rink night after night to watch these players at reasonable prices, before they had to pay an arm and a leg to watch them in the big show, they didn’t care if the team won or lost, they just wanted to watch talented hockey players. But, this year, it’s different. This year, attendance at the rink has been hovering right around 4,000 fans at every game and 5,652 fans watched the boys get their banner last weekend. A few years ago, that isn’t how things were. Members of the team used to take to the media and talk bad on the fans, making fun of “the fat guy eating popcorn” which caused nearly all people in the rink to feel personally attacked. This year, something different is happening, and people should take note. Sure, this year’s squad also has future stars and there are still plenty of boxes of popcorn being eaten, I am not going to try and argue that isn’t happening. Guys such as Chandler Stephenson, Morgan Klimchuk, and Boston Liere will surely Regina Pats, East Division Champs. Has a nice ring to it.
be in the show one day if their productivity continues to rise, but fans have bought into the entire team, from the first line centreman to the fourth line grinder. Everyone is doing their part, and it’s working.
They say the Memorial Cup is one of the hardest trophies to win in all of sports, and to have a legitimate chance at holding something that we haven’t touched since 1973-74 is truly special. So, get behind this team
while you can; their road to the championship begins this Saturday night at the Brandt Centre against the Brandon Wheat Kings. Commence celebratory drinking.
Editor: Farron Ager the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
3 things that happened at the U of R this week
Facebook Confusing cultural celebrations with appropriation since 1962. - PM
Political, cultural, social, and economic insensitivity is not a new phenomenon. It is certainly not limited to the U of R. However, as an institution of higher learning, it is disconcerting that
we live in a micro-bubble to the larger world around us. Three examples of our collective disconnection became noteworthy this week, namely, the 5 days for the Homeless Campaign,
Nahlah Ayed’s lecture, and the U of R cheerleading team. It was a great pleasure to listen to CBC foreign correspondent Nahlah Ayed’s lecture this past week. Her talk regarding the challenges faced by foreign correspondents to access information and work with limited resources, while adhering to the professional standards of the industry was enlightening and fascinating. How she framed this issue around her latest experience in Russia and Ukraine really pulled her talk into perspective. Unfortunately, the questions from the audience portion of the lecture began. Normally, this is a straightforward exercise until one questioner from the audience asked “How was she able to be objective in her reporting in the Middle East because of her ethnic background of being born a Palestinian?” Wow! She answered the question with dignity and grace. She informed the audience that this is a question that she gets a lot. However, this is a question that is asked specifically due to her ethnicity rather than journalistic integrity, so it’s not ok. Further, she was born in Winnipeg and no one asked if that affected her ability to report on the regional issues of the other provinces
such as Quebec. Why, because it is stupid, just like making her ethnicity an issue of journalistic integrity. The 5 Days for the Homeless Campaign does raise much needed money for the Carmichael Outreach. However, it is not above criticism: such as glorifying homelessness, dismissing the issues that actually cause homelessness, and not really providing any solutions to homelessness. These are not new criticisms. What is bothersome is the willful ignorance of our elected student officials. Their accretion (no names need to be mentioned. This is not a shaming exercise.) is that if they do not hear an argument against, then it must not exist! Furthermore, it was insinuated that to be asked such a question by an inferior Carillon writer somehow insulted their sensibilities. Makes me wonder what else our representatives are not discussing. The U of R cheerleaders do not need me to keep piling on them. They will face enough deserved criticism for their pictures. What bothers me is the university’s response to this as ‘Culturally Inappropriate.’ This white-washes the seriousness of these actions and ignores the
clear linkage between colonization, poverty, and stereotypes. This is the frame of reference we are taught to believe as youngsters and still remains unchallenged at our university. To say that I am embarrassed is an understatement. I am not surprised, however. What these three instances have in common is that it seems they are not maliciously intended to be hurtful. However, this does not absolve them of responsibility. Our culture and imperialistic roots are intertwined as it frames the narrative to make these actions of willful ignorance, racism, and marginalization normal. It is this challenge of normalization that should be the cornerstone of our education, rather than having these behaviours being the basis of our ignorance.
shaadie musleh business manager
Ridiculousness to the max As of March 31, 2010, the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) says there are over 582 missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls in Canada. Sixty-seven per cent are murder cases (death as the result of homicide or negligence). Twenty per cent are cases of missing women or girls. Four per cent are cases of suspicious death — deaths regarded as natural or accidental by police, but considered suspicious by family or community members, and nine per cent are cases where the nature of the case is unknown — it is unclear whether the woman was murdered, is missing or died in suspicious circumstances. Just let these numbers sink in for a minute. This gets my blood boiling. We’re a first-world country with enough common sense to know something is wrong with this situation, yet it keeps happening. The number of missing and murdered women hasn’t decreased over the years. With Aboriginal women making up three per cent of Canada’s female population yet adding up to 10 per cent of female homicides, something is seriously wrong with how these cases are being handled.
Rebecca J. Moat
You would think the federal government would be all over a chance to solve such a huge problem. On March 7, “a long-awaited report from MPs on the Special Committee on Violence Against Indigenous Women tabled [March 7] makes 16 recommendations, but does not call on the federal government to launch a public inquiry,” says a CBC report by Susana Mas. Now why, I ask, on God’s
green earth, would the report not call on the federal government to launch an inquiry that could save women’s lives across Canada? Perhaps they don’t think the problem is serious enough. Read the first paragraph again. Do you think it’s serious? The CBC article discussed a few of the 16 recommendations made in the report. One is “the creation of a public awareness and prevention campaign creat-
ed by the federal government in conjunction with the provinces, territories and municipalities” and “the implementation of a national DNA-based missing person’s index” along with “the possibility of collecting police data on violence against aboriginal women and girls that includes an ethnicity variable.” It isn’t that these aren’t good ideas, but they have already been done before, or tried to be done. They, along
with the status quo, simply aren’t working, says Jean Crowder the aboriginal affairs critic for the NDP and vice-chair of the special committee whom the CBC spoke to. “What we saw today in the House of Commons was a report tabled by the Conservatives that basically said the status quo is OK,” says Crowder. In my opinion, the government is incredibly naïve. What do they think will happen if we just keep shoving this subject under the rug? That the magic problem-solving fairy will just swoop down and save our Aboriginal women from this horrendous crime? If only. A national inquiry needs to be done and it needs to be done now. Missing and murdered Aboriginal women need to be taken seriously. As a thirdwave feminist, I can’t think of something that fits better into our structure than this.
robyn tocker a&c editor
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Gym bullies Over the past month or so, I have noticed a meme going around on Facebook that states, “Why would you make fun of a fat person at the gym when you have visible evidence that they are actively trying to fix the problem?” With this comes a link to an article written by a man who watched a woman trying to take photos of a larger woman on a piece of exercise equipment, likely to post on Facebook and make fun of her with all of her gym-going friends. Sadly, this is all too common. These same people are also talking about how something needs to be done about the obesity problem. A slight paradox, don’t you think? I mean, if you are overweight and don’t go to the gym, you are seen as “fat and lazy.” If you are overweight and you go to the gym to do something about it, those same people don’t feel you deserve to be there, and will make sure you feel uncomfortable until your shame finally gets the best of you and you
United States Marine Corps.
stop going. But, why is it that the person who is actively trying to become healthier has to be the one who feels the shame while these “gym bullies” are the ones making people feel so terrible about themselves? Where is the supportive environment that so many of these gyms promise?
Someone I know, who is doing her best to maintain a healthier lifestyle, was approached by a person at her gym who said, “You know, if you ate less and exercised more, you would lose weight a lot quicker.” Are they serious? Do these people really feel entitled to walk up to random strangers who they believe
The stigma behind mental health
Salt Lake Community College
When I started treatment for depression and anxiety last month, I was scared. I was scared that people, when I told them, would think I was crazy. I’d seen the way friends who live with mental illness have felt stigmatized and disenfranchised. It has always made me angry. The stigma around mental health, around talking about it, persists in our society. This is reflected in the lack of a social safety net for people who do live with mental illness, who are some of the most vulnerable, and are often forced to the margins. But this is not to say that mental health is not an “average” problem. What I’ve found, to my surprise, since opening up, are stories. When I share with people what I’ve been going through, more often than not, they share something in kind. Whether it’s their own story or that of a friend or relative, nearly everyone I talk to about my experience with depression has something to relate. In university, where stress runs so high and the future often feels so uncertain, it’s really no wonder that so many are anxious and depressed. And that these are such common experiences makes me wonder why we’ve all been made inclined to be ashamed
about them. When I told my mum that I was embarrassed about beginning medication, she asked whether I would be embarrassed if I was diabetic and needed insulin. It was an analogy that I’d heard before, but I let it really sink in for the first time, and I think it is an important notion to consider. I am not saying that openness, honesty, and dialogue will change the game entirely in the realm of mental health. More needs to be done on the public level to provide support. But, perhaps, if people can be made to feel like mental illness is not something to be hidden, to be quiet about, to be ashamed of, living with it would be easier. An open dialogue means being able to ask for help when we need it, to ask for a break when we need it, to ask for understanding, when we need it, none of which is a cause for shame. I have felt so lucky to find that my friends, my family, my professors, and my peers make it easy to be open; that I haven’t been made to feel ashamed. Being able to talk openly about the process of treatment has been a huge relief. That relief and support and love are things that everyone deserves to feel. Removing the stigma around mental illness starts with conversation and openness. If you are dealing with an issue of mental health, please don’t hesitate to reach out. These things can have a way of making us feel more alone than we truly are. There is no shame in asking for help when we need it. You may even find that you are stronger, tougher, and braver in doing so.
sonia stanger contributor
to be too fat and give them their very unwanted advice? Is this supposed to make a person feel better about themselves? This isn’t encouragement; it’s bullying. I was appalled when I found out this happened to her. As someone who used to go to the gym on a very regular basis, I loved seeing all shapes
and sizes of women at the gym (I went to a women’s only gym). What I loved even more was seeing their progress over time. There is nothing better than seeing a person’s confidence go up as they get closer to reaching their goal. Isn’t that what going to the gym is all about? We shouldn’t have to worry about photos of ourselves working out ending up on Facebook so that others can laugh at us; we have enough to worry about with trying to reach what, for a lot of people, seems like a nearly impossible fitness goal. I plan to go back after this semester is done, and I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit nervous about it now, because I certainly don’t have a perfect body. Before we can fix the obesity problem, we need to fix the bullying problem at the gyms.
michelle jones copy editor
Introduction to spring Dearest Saskatchewan Residents, Hello humans. My name is Saskatchewan Weather, but you can just call me Heather for short. You may know me from such places as you’re environment. I’m writing to you now in order to clear up a couple of misconceptions you people seem to have about me. And I’m using a university newspaper because J.C. Garden won’t return my calls. We used to be so close, but lately we just haven’t been understanding each other. Anyway, several of you seem to be having some problems with me lately and quite frankly I’m tired of it. If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of a creature of habit and I tend to do more or less the same thing every year. So how is it that you people are still surprised by the changing seasons? What do you want me to do, insert a whole new month for the dum-dums who are a little slow on the pick up? Also to those people who have no time for spring and just want summer to happen right now, 1) good job getting into university, and 2) get over yourselves, you live in Saskatchewan. My transition from winter and spring is a delicate process. If things start happening too fast, disasters can happen. Remember last year when I tried to speed things up? There was millions of dollars worth of flooding across three different provinces. I’m going to try to avoid that this year. To put it into terms you Saskatchewan derps can understand, you know when you take off a bunnyhug and you have a shirt on underneath? It’s complicated right? It has to happen in steps or else someone is going to get wet... that metaphor got away from me but you understand the point. These steps, unfortunately, are going to include some freezing and unfreezing of roads. If it makes you feel better, you can think of the frozen roads
as an homage to your hockey fetish you all seem to have. My advice to you while driving in these conditions is the same piece of advice I gave J.C. about our love life: slow down and pay attention, because things are about to get slippery. Ew. I’ll try to throw in some more nice days, but I can’t really promise anything. I’m not sure if you know this, but Saskatchewan is kind of like Spring Break for weather patterns, because it’s where we all go crazy and do things we regret. I hope this was informative for you. And, if it wasn’t, this is the place and the weather that is available to you at this point. You can love it or hate it, but you really can only live with it. Love, Saskatchewan Weather XOXO
tanner aulie contributor
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Survival of the fittest, indeed Survival of the fittest, indeed. I appreciated the article recently published in the Carillon entitled “Social change and theory”. It is about time we have the epiphany that we are all interdependent. We could create a positive academic community where we can depend on one another. However, on an economical level, our systems are built with hierarchy in mind. The most important question seems to be “how do I win?” The “I am an island” idea comes from influences all around us and it literally depresses us. As human beings we are happy and motivated in a community that values and validates us. What do you think of the encouragement of competition between students by universities? I don’t believe competition is a bad thing; it can push us to find our limits and to know ourselves and others better. Competition can be positive if it is in the spirit of play because in playing, we learn… but it should be excluded from marks because competition is comparative, diagnostic and about being better than whoever else showed up. There is no value in applying it the way it has been in higher learning environments. This kind of competition is, in part, due to a continual comparison between universities. Just as we are individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses, so are the communities in universities “individual” with vary-
ing strengths and weaknesses. Is it possible to teach or learn well enough to consistently outperform the “acceptable range of averages?” It has happened, and will continue to happen, as generations improve their understanding of how school works. However, university marks won’t ever reflect this improvement. Why? When university students perform better, the professor or the university is criticized. So, competency is questioned when marks don’t fall within a certain range on a bell curve. I want to place blame on universities, but we are all to blame because just as univer-
sities have graded us, we have graded them. Nevertheless, some students worry that if they share their notes with someone that missed class, that person may get a better grade based on the requirement of an average around 67%. So, even after studying hard, helping a fellow student could cost a pass or a scholarship. This situation needs to be stopped and the opposite, collaboration, encouraged in policy and practice. I love the idea that because our country doesn’t pay for our higher education that some noble souls are willing to fund students. This shows our extended
community values education and improving itself. Still, I wonder about the qualifications for scholarships, not unlike the view in the article “Merit? What merit?” I believe the scholarships are given to those that demonstrate “personal integrity and character, breadth in academic and extra-curricular interests, and outstanding overall potential leadership.” The judgments are authentic to the list of qualities. Unfortunately, those that really need the scholarships won’t have developed those kinds of refined academic qualities because their life consists of university, job(s), homework,
and possibly children. Their job, not their parents, is what pays for their living arrangements and school. The homework is enough to keep them busy because they don’t have the level of vocabulary or reading skills needed. They don’t know “how to do school”. The ones that get the scholarships don’t have these problems. Truthfully, scholarships help, but mostly help people that have had supports and might still get a higher education if they didn’t exist. To put this in context, think of the show Shameless. Finally, I do look more to our university leaders, because it is their responsibility to help change this hierarchy ideal. It will take more than just courage to say to hell with “upholding the reputation” and do what’s in the interest of learning. So, all I can say is for those of you that understand this inequality, keep pushing for change within this system. As a student, the best things I learnt in the last year are that you should collaborate when you’d rather hide. Group work will help you be more efficient with your time if you divide the work. Look at the comments, ask for more information, and change your work the next time.
audrey claude contributor
The cheating disorder es were reported and became another statistic for the CBC to pull, other ones were only told to rewrite it again or received a zero for the assignment. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, these cases are often the most insidious and almost completely uncounted within these hallowed halls. As incredibly pessimistic as this sounds, cheating on campuses is not something that will be curbed in its entirety. When there is a way, there is a will and vice-versa. There’s no magic program that’s going to catch every plagiarist and cheating is something that is always going to pervade the university.
Michael Chmielewski
Three weeks ago, the CBC did an expose on student cheating in Saskatchewan universities. The report mentions that in the 2011-2012 year, 74 students at our beloved institution were brought before official panels to face cases of academic deceit. Now, this may seem like a rather large number for a small-tomedium-sized institution, and it really is. In an ideal situation, that number would be zero. But the problem isn’t just with that number alone. This number
only denotes actual formal cases brought forward to higher authorities than the professor. It does not take into account the various instances where academic dishonesty was either swept under the rug and the student given a slap on the wrists and/or sternly worded advice. The other problem I have with CBC tackling this issue is that, watching the news as it broke on television, I felt they made it their prerogative to
present this piece as something of a sudden epidemic as if to say shadowy figures mysteriously and hastily congealed from the dark corners of the university. Hell, they even showed one of them in their television special. While I agree with the CBC that it is something worth reporting, but it’s not necessarily breaking news. While this might sound obvious to most people in the academy, I feel it needs to be iterated that cheating in ac-
ademic institutions has been around since the creation of universities. And it’s not something that’s going away anytime soon. As both a teaching assistant with the English Department and a tutor with the Student Success Centre, I can safely say I’ve caught cheaters in both jobs, from one-off midnight specials stolen off the web to the insidious cheating ring amongst EAL students photographing questions during an examination. While the most severe cas-
farron ager op-ed editor
the funny section
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
Shit the Carillon Says
“Even I can’t believe some of this shit.” - Jesse “The Body” Ventura the staff, for better or for worse
Like Mogwai, the same basic rules apply to Carillon staff. Keep them away from bright light so they don’t die. Keep them away from water so they don’t multiply. And, most importantly, don’t feed them after midnight, lest you have a nightmare on your hands. While some of us don’t quite turn into gremlins physically, our attitudes sure do. Thank our lucky stars our Op-Ed Editor is own Billy Peltzer to record the tragic and oftentimes life-threatening events that occur in the office on production night. Also, a lot of swearing goes on during the witching hour. We hope you enjoy another edition of Shit the Carillon Says and, remember, don’t ever go into antique shops owned by elderly Chinese men! That’s how we found our Production Manager! Staff Member #1: Do these light the fuck up? Staff Member #2: Yeah, but not the fuck today. Every Monday night, I take a shit while reading the Verb She misses you, almost as more
as I miss you! Did I ever show you guys that photo of me in drag? I like when a staff member emails me something called “Dick pics.” He’s not one of us photo-jocks. Really, I’m not drunk, I just can’t math. He’s not sketchy…[pause]…He’s a bit sketchy, you’re right. I’ll take your Reese’s. Staff Member #1: Behave yourself, there’s womenfolk present Staff Member #2: It’s only a staff member. You people are taking years off my life with each passing day.
dvortygirl It’s like playing Russian Roulette with your pancreas.
It’s 3:00 AM, we’re still working on the paper, and we’re stone cold sober. Best St. Patrick’s Day ever! I can’t be expected to sit in this goddamn office every waking moment following all you fuckers with a pen to record your shite witticisms for this piece! Staff Member #1: Sometimes
you just need to manufacture content. Staff Member #2: Don’t you mean, “consent?” Staff Member #1: That, too. Been writing shit since nineteen sixty shit! Some maple-syrup infused fucking English muffin is the shit! A cup of maple syrup? You’re
Ode to the Arts Student
Sung to the tune of “Idiot,” by Stan Rogers An excerpt from Drinking Songs of the Academy I often take these night shift walks when the security’s not ‘round. I turn my back from the paper stacks and make for open ground. Far out beyond the campus walls where the Timmons makes no sound, I forget the ink and I always think back to that rural town. I remember back four years ago, this Arts-based life I chose. And every day, my folks would say my degree’s going to the crows. Well, I could have failed and switched majors, but I’m not one of those. I try to think free, and that makes me an idiot, I suppose. So I bid farewell to the rural town I never more will see. But write I must so I place my trust at university. Oh I miss my teens and my childhood dreams and I don’t like reading prose, But I like thinkin’ free and that makes me an idiot I suppose.
So come all you fine young students who’ve been beaten to the ground. This Arts-based life’s no paradise, but it’s better than lying down. Oh, the dean seems mean, and you can’t daydream, and the halls are dirty brown, But that small town hole will rot your soul and leave a lasting frown. So bid farewell to the rural town you never more will see. There’s self-respect and not bein’ a wreck after university. You will miss your teens and your childhood dreams and when your tuition froze. But you’ll think free, and just like me, an idiot, I suppose.
farron ager of the academy
For Lack of A Better Comic Truth.
gonna get diabetes or jaundice or some shit! Staff Member #1: Did you know the word ‘limey’ comes from the British sucking on limes when they crossed the Atlantic? It was to avoid getting scurvy. Staff Member #2: Too bad we only have lemons here. Staff Member #1: My entire
name is only four fucking letters long. Staff Member #2: So is mine! High five! It’s 3:10 AM, can we get weird with our music now? I want to play some Mongolian throat singing! Two drinks, and whoopsie-daisie!
oh, the concerts you can see
in SSK
Editor: Emily Wright the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
the carillon | March 20 - 26, 2014
production manager, tuesday, 11:58 AM. 27 hours awake and counting.
the carillon is hiring! see the hiring ad on page 20 for more info!
for farron, with mutual respect