the carillon The University of Regina Students’ Newspaper since 1962
October 3 - 16, 2013 | Volume 56, Issue 07 |
the staff editor-in-chief
michael chmielewski business manager shaadie musleh production manager kyle leitch copy editor michelle jones news editor rikkeal bohmann a&c editor robyn tocker sports editor autumn mcdowell op-ed editor farron ager visual editor emily wright ad manager neil adams technical coordinator arthur ward distribution manager allan hall staff writer
paige kreutzwieser
news writer a&c writer sports writer
cover So, wow. Wasn’t that council meeting some shit? After two counts, the vote of non-confidence was defeated by one vote. Dr. Vianne Timmons now finds herself leading a fractured establishment. Read our analyses of the events on page 3.
arts & culture
Expanding and expanding. 6 Like a gelatinous blob, Regina is spreading its fat ass in every direction, annexing land as far as the eye can see. Read about the implications of this on page 6.
Culturiffic! 9 Regina’s Culture Days makes sure that the Queen City’s residents are never bored for too long. catch up with the festivities on page 9.
Real-life Harry Potter. 16 The University of Regina just got a lot less cool. Universities in Toronto are competing in the Triwizard Tournament, with challenges similar to those in the movie. I can only hope one day the goblet of fire spits out my name.
Waxing intellectual. 19 We couldn’t decide on a debate, but we still found time to have a lively discussion (over brew) about film adaptation. Enlighenment is on page 19.
vacant destiny kaus brady lang
foreign correspondent
dietrich neu
photographers apolline lucyk haley klassen
spencer reid
contributors this week taylor rattray, zach almond, aidan macnab, ethan stein, tatenda chikukwa, ravinesh sakaran, lauren neumann, liam fitz-gerald, dana morenstein, laura billett, matt wincherauk, taylor sockett, kris klein, charlie macdonald, richard jensen, taouba khelifa, dylan criddle, john murney, drew wass
the paper
Michael Chmielewski, Shaadie Musleh, Autumn McDowell, vacant, vacant, vacant, vacant 227 Riddell Centre University of Regina - 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 0A2 Ph: (306) 586-8867 Fax: (306) 586-7422 Printed by Transcontinental Publishing Inc., Saskatoon
The Carillon welcomes contributions to its pages. Correspondence can be mailed, e-mailed, or dropped off in person. Please include your name, address and telephone number on all letters to the editor. Only the author’s name, title/position (if applicable) and city will be published. Names may be withheld upon request at the discretion of the Carillon. Letters should be no more then 350 words and may be edited for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. The Carillon is a wholly autonomous organization with no affiliation with the University of Regina Students’ Union. Opinions expressed in the pages of the Carillon are expressly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing in the Carillon are those of the advertisers and not necessarily of The Carillon Newspaper Inc. or its staff. The Carillon is published no less than 11 times each semester during the fall and winter semesters and periodically throughout the summer. The Carillon is published by The Carillon Newspaper Inc., a non–profit corporation.
the manifesto
In keeping with our reckless, devil-may-care image, our office has absolutely no concrete information on the Carillon’s formative years readily available. What follows is the story that’s been passed down from editor to editor for over forty years.
In the late 1950s, the University of Regina planned the construction of several new buildings on the campus grounds. One of these proposed buildings was a bell tower on the academic green. If you look out on the academic green today, the first thing you’ll notice is that it has absolutely nothing resembling a bell tower. The University never got a bell tower, but what it did get was the Carillon, a newspaper that serves as a symbolic bell tower on campus, a loud and clear voice belonging to each and every student. Illegitimi non carborundum.
In other news: In response to the Conservative government’s plan to introduce a $1.3 billion medical marijuana free market, sales of Phish records and market shares in Frito-Lay (PEP) went through the roof. When asked if these phenomenae were related, Phish frontman Trey Ansatsio had this to say: “Do you guys have any Doritos?”
photos news Zach Almond a&c Spencer Reid sports Natalia Balcerzak
op-ed cover Arthur Ward
From the desk of the production manager
You may notice that this issue is running a little bit longer than usual.We’re taking a break next week, which means that you’ll have to read this issue slower than usual. If we manage to wake up from the food comas we’ll inevitably suffer over Thanksgiving, we’ll be back with a new issue on October 17th. Sincerely, the Carillon staff.
News Editor: Rikkeal Bohmann the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
It was a tense university council meeting There will not be a vote of non-confidence in the administration
Arthur Ward
Timmons watches intently as the votes are counted they want to see, and I want to istration.” Furthermore, “by refus- Sgrazzutti expressed the unions’ michael chmielewski get a clear idea exactly what ing to produce a complete budget, stance on the issue. editor-in-chief they’re looking for. If they want the President and Vice-President “The University of Regina line for line budgets, we’ll pro- (Academic) have obstructed Students’ Union has been really University Council’s efforts to adamant in the fact that we beOn Sep. 27, the University of duce them, we’ll do that.” Prime mover of the petition safeguard the academic mission, lieve that this decision to have this Regina’s Education Auditorium was the scene of a tense show- Susan Johnston presented the mo- and because, by presiding over whole Faculty civil war, it’s a tion at the special meeting of the mismanagement of public and detriment to the overall univerdown. The University of Regina Council. She also spoke to jour- private donors’ funds, they have sity ideal of education and reCouncil held a special meeting to nalists, where she discussed her done grave harm to the search.” debate and vote on whether or not take on the vote, “I agree with the University’s reputation.” He continued, explaining that They can add another contro- URSU felt the U of R is experiencCouncil should have a non-confi- President, it is a sad day.” “I’m hearing that we were versy to that list, when it recently ing “a culture of anger, distrust, dence vote in President Vianne Timmons, and the Vice-President heard, I’m hearing there’ll be a came to light that two University and outright argument,” while town hall, I’m not hearing that employees collected massive students are largely left out. (Academic), Tom Chase. The motion failed by one vote, there will be a release of the oper- amounts of overtime that wasn’t Students, said Sgrazzutti, are goso there will not be a non-confi- ating fund with its line by line earned. According to a CBC arti- ing to be “the future researchers, dence vote in the administration. budget that is reviewed every cle, the university administration future educators, [and] people The vote was conducted through summer. I’m not hearing that had known about the ordeal since who are interested in gaining the transparency will increase, right? last year, but it came to light the knowledge these people have, secret ballot. 135 Council members were I’m hearing ‘thank you for the di- week of the vote. and right now what we’re seeing Nevertheless, Council’s vote is a whole bunch of people we against the motion, 134 voted for alogue.’” Johnston also said she was reaffirmed confidence in the ad- thought would be mature, adult, it, three abstained, and one ballot was spoiled. There are 600 mem- surprised how close the result ministration. Still, some are educated people who are going to bers of the U of R Council, accord- was, saying the matter feels “un- doubtful on the state of the cam- teach us about how we’re going to pus, including the President her- live our lives, arguing, bickering ing to the University’s website. As resolved.” “A university is supposed to self. the numbers above indicated, amongst each other.” Neil Middlemiss is a only 273 showed up to the vote. be a city on a hill, and if the light “It’s to the detriment of the President Timmons chaired shines out, then the light also has Philosophy and Classics, and University that we’re having these International Languages student arguments in such a public and the meeting that lasted an hour to shine in.” Timmons emphasized uniting who represented the Faculty of combative way.” and a half, which consisted of dethe campus, saying that it’ll be Arts as a student on Council. He bate and the vote at the end. On the Students Against After Timmons announced the hard, due to the fiscal challenges told the Carillon that he believes Austerity Facebook page, one stuthe administration is more fo- dent posted publicly, “Barton close results, she said it was a sad the university is facing. The Council meeting was cused on numbers than education. Soroka, you never got back to me day for the U of R. Timmons took the initiative in spurred on by a growing number “As a student in particular, what as CRO as to whether I’m still on calling this meeting, saying in an of controversies at the university. I’ll want to talk about today is university council or not.” email to Council members that The call for this meeting started in how the administration, most of When Soroka replied that the “While the University Secretary August when a group of con- their decisions are justified in student in question indeed wasn’t has not yet formally received the cerned faculty signed a petition. terms of essentially administra- on the list, the student responded petition, I believe it is important to They needed 50 signatures to se- tive and economic reasons, and by saying “A little late Soroka. address the issues raised within cure the meeting, which they got. not very much in terms of educa- That information would have The petition’s rationale states tion or the academic mission.” it. For this reason, I am calling a been handy during the nominathat University Council has lost Middlemiss raised the same tion period, when I emailed you, meeting of Council.” The next meeting of Council confidence in Timmons and Chase point while speaking in favour of so I could have done what I because they have “harmed the the motion. Majority of the speak- needed to still be on council. And will be on Oct. 29. Speaking to journalists after university’s academic mission, ers spoke in favour of the motion, could have voted in today's meetthe meeting, Timmons called the and pursued instead its diminish- but some spoke against it. ing, which would have changed ment relative to university adminnumbers “concerning.” URSU President Nathan the outcome. So thanks for shit“What’s even as concerning is that we had less than half of Council show, so I’ve got some I committed to have an open forum within a month, and I’ve got a list of work to do at the University to bring the campus together.” all the concerns they’ve raised, in particular around transparency and what When asked how she’ll pull they want to see, and I want to get a clear idea exactly what they’re lookthe campus together, Timmons said “I committed to have an open ing for. If they want line for line budgets, we’ll produce them, we’ll do forum within a month, and I’ve that.” got a list of all the concerns they’ve raised, in particular Vianne Timmons around transparency and what
ting the bed on that one. I'll be writing a formal complaint.” Soroka responded seriously by saying “I'd appreciate it if you did. I didn't have access to the CRO email until after nominations were closed, and I am including that in my 'things to be changed' report next week. A formal complaint will make it much more likely to be taken seriously.” The Carillon tried to contact the student who didn’t end up on Council. The student did not email back the Carillon before we went to press. On the other hand, Soroka did. He said that there were troubles with the Chief Returning Officer’s email, and that they didn’t resolve the issue until after the nomination period for students on Council ended. He emphasized that there were other ways for the student to check if they were on Council: “there’s the official university council lists on their website at all times... especially since it was such a close time between when [the student] emailed us and when the nominations were due, it would have been much better if [the student] had a chance to check the council list, and it’s very unfortunate but it was a pure logistics issue. Nobody had access to the CRO email at that point.” There are 27 student representatives on the most recent Council list, out of a possible 56. The University of Regina Act establishes the University Council: “Council consists of the University’s president, vice-presidents, university secretary, registrar, librarian, assistant librarians, and the deans, directors, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, full-time lecturers, special-lecturers and instructors employed by the University or its federated colleges, and a number of students.”
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
U of R overtime pay scandal Two non-academic employees paid nearly $380,00 for unearned time rikkeal bohmann news editor It was uncovered by the CBC iTeam Investigation that two nonacademic University of Regina employees from the Faculty of Education were receiving unearned overtime totaling over $100,000. It has since came out recently, though, that the total comes to nearly $380,000. The employees, two IT staff members, were receiving the overtime payments for over 11 years. One staff member received $186,745.30 and the other received $191,067.33. The extra time at work was never put in, though. James McNinch, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, in an interview with the CBC, said these payments were “standard practice” at the U of R. In the same interview, McNinch had said he knew and approved of the payments. The overtime was only initially approved for one year. The President’s Office of the U of R had issued a statement on the matter, released Sep. 17. It states that the President’s Office became aware of the unearned payments about a year ago in September of 2012. They noted that the payments dated back to 2001 and explained, “when the situation in the Faculty was reported to the President's Office, the overtime payments
Arthur Ward
The university has been plagued with scandals this year
were immediately stopped. At the same time, deans, associate vicepresidents, and directors across the University were instructed to review all overtime records and claims in their Faculties and administrative units, and to report any problems or anomalies to their vice-president. The following month, in October 2012, a review was undertaken of all overtime paid out over the previous 5 years. No further anomalies came to light.” The statement made a note to
say that administrators in each faculty are responsible for making sure that overtime claims are reviewed before processing. Since the statement has been released, the university has said that the original payments were authorized by the then-Dean of Education, whose term was done in 2006. Advanced Education Minister Rob Norris expressed his appreciation for action to have been taken, but brings up the issue of accountability due to nothing be-
ing detected for so long. The university administration, even though knowing of the scandal for a year, did not tell the Saskatchewan Government or the Provincial Auditor until the news broke into the media. The government has since released a letter dated Sep. 17 that was sent to the U of R Board of Governors’ Chair, Lee Elliot. The letter asks for 11 questions to be answered in 10 days. Questions include, “has the money been recovered, or are there any plans for
the recovery of these funds?” and “on what authority was the original agreement extended an additional decade?” Education students are disappointed at the negative news surrounding their Faculty. “I find it preposterous that our tuition money continues to get embezzled by the very staff we trust to provide us with a functioning educational institution. We want more students to attend the U of R, but who would want to with a reputation like this? We have a great school, yet we are getting a bad name because certain people think they can get away with things like this,” says Bryan Wilson, a third year education student. McNinch’s extension contract has been denied now and the university will be looking for a new Dean of Education. He had not returned the Carillon’s request for a comment before publication. It has also been revealed by the university that the overtime payments began as a way to keep the IT staff members at the university by the then-dean. As well that the university will not be getting the payments back. “The legal advice we received held that the prospect of successful recovery of these funds was remote as it had been authorized in writing by the then-dean of education,” Vianne Timmons had said.
The second highest tuition in country Are government scholarships to blame forSaskatchewan’s high costs? paige kreutzwieser staff writer High prices for post-secondary students in Saskatchewan may come at its own cost - scholarships opportunities. to Statistics According Canada's release earlier in the month, Saskatchewan undergraduate students are paying the second-highest tuition fees in the country, behind Ontario. Brian Christie, the University of Regina's Associate Vice President, Resource Planning, attributes government scholarship programs, as a reason tuition fees are so high for Saskatchewan students. "The Government of Saskatchewan at the moment is really reducing the amount of funding increases they are giving [the U of R] each year, and they are putting more money directly into the hands of the students." The Government Retention Program, which offers Saskatchewan post-secondary students $20,000 over eight years of living in the province after they have graduated, and the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship, implemented in 2012, which provides Saskatchewan high school graduates who continue their education in the province $500 off their tuition fee
Spencer Reid
Help! I’ve fallen (into debt), and I can’t get up!
for up to four years, are two programs where Christie says the government is focusing their money. "We increased tuition fees by 4.4 per cent, true. But you take into account all the new scholarship money and so on, it's not that large an increase. They'd rather put the money directly in the student's hands than give it to the institution and let us hold down tuition fees." Christie is disturbed by the re-
sults in the Statistics Canada report stating that when the numbers are calculated, the definition of undergraduate students "aren't really true undergraduate programs." "When they calculate the average fee for each province, they simply take the average fee paid by all the students," adding that medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine second-degree professional programs—who pay substantially higher program
costs—are the result of Saskatchewan's high average. Mike Sweeny, a sixth year film production major, says he is glad that the government is rewarding those who continue to build the province, but has his doubts. "We are the future of the province that is rapidly building, but the problem is it cuts so many out of getting to that point by not being able to afford to finish their degree." Sweeny acknowledges his for-
tune of having a college fund started for him as a child but states it's still not enough. "Scholarships are there, but not everyone is in the one per cent that receive those." Christie says the effect of financial cuts from the government scholarship programs make it difficult for the university. "We've looked very carefully at where we can make cuts and where we need to increase spending. If the government is not giving us that funding [they use to], we don't use student's fees for [upkeep of university buildings], but it does have an impact on us." Despite the high tuition fees, Christie states that the U of R has the fourth lowest additional fees (e.g. building fees and IT fees) for students. "We have deliberately kept those extra fees that students have to pay to the university low. We don't want to fool you with the sticker price." So, for those who finish their degree in the province will find an incentive to stay, whether the cost of getting there is secondhighest in the country or not.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
Bullying on school buses Bullying poses challenges for bus drivers taylor rattray contributor In the last few months, questions have been raised regarding a fiveyear-old Saskatchewan boy, Ryan Coomber, and his daily commute to school. His father, Robert Coomber, claims some students who ride the same school bus as Ryan have been bullying him, and that this may be because Ryan has a prosthetic leg. Ryan lost his leg in a lawnmower accident in 2008, which shattered his pelvis and required his left leg to be amputated. In the most recent incident, Robert says another student on the bus gave his son a black eye. Robert approached the school division, but was told instead that his son and daughter would need to be driven to school to avoid the bullying on the bus. There has been an anti-bullying strategy in Saskatchewan for several years, and student safety in the school environment is the most important goal. According to Jean Reder, who has been driving school bus since 1987 with the Southeast Cornerstone School Division and the Prairie Valley School Division, driving buses is harder than it ever used to be. She says, “as bus drivers, our job is to get the kids to school safely. Our eyes are supposed to be in front of
Emily Wright
Bullying doesn’t just happen on the playground the bus instead of behind, but dealing with bullying, you gotta keep in contact with the parents, and you gotta keep in contact
with the principal and you try to work together to get it under control. It’s really difficult for bus drivers.”
Whether or not these procedures were followed is unsure, but students who ride this same school bus have also spoken up.
“ Our job is to get the kids to school safely. Our eyes are supposed to be in front of the bus instead of behind, but dealing with bullying you gotta keep in contact with the parents, and you gotta keep in contact with the principle and you try to work together to get it under control.” Jean Reder
Many say the incident has been blown out of proportion and even continue to say that Ryan is disruptive on the bus. They claim the incident in which Ryan was given a black eye was a misinterpretation of a student accidentally elbowing Ryan in the face. Yet, Coomber stands by his former allegations. When asked if bullying has changed since she began driving school buses, Reder replied, “It has changed a lot. When I first started, bullying wasn’t the same [as] it is now. Now everything seems to be classified as bullying. It affects the whole bus. Before, when I first started driving, if you had problems, you went to the parents and the next day everything was fine. Nowadays, the parents are all working and…they just figure their own child is right. So to me, there is more one-sidedness.” The school division includes a process parents are encouraged to follow when they have concerns regarding bullying. With respect to bullying on the bus, the Prairie South School Division website states, “The division strives to provide safe, efficient and on-time transportation for students in both the rural and urban areas.” This case, with regard to Saskatchewan Government AntiBullying policies, is being investigated further.
Jeffrey Simpson visits U of R Globe and Mail columnist talked about fate of universities and newspapers aidan macnab contributor Last Wednesday, Jeffrey Simpson, the National Affairs Columnist for the Globe and Mail, gave a talk here at the U of R. He spoke about some of the challenges facing Canada currently and in the future, and provided his thoughts on what we all should consider in order to meet these challenges head on. In Simpson’s opinion, higher education and journalism in Canada are changing rapidly, and schools and newspapers need to adapt if they’re going to survive. Simpson has won the Governor-General’s Award for non-fiction writing, the National Magazine Award for political writing, the National Newspaper Award for column writing (twice), as well as the Hyman Solomon Award for Excellence in Public Policy Journalism. More than that, he has received honorary doctorates from the Universities of British Columbia, Western Ontario, Manitoba, L’Universitie de Moncton, and Queens. So when it comes to what newspapers and universities should do, he may know what he’s talking about. During his talk, Simpson spoke of his concern for the “undergrad experience.” Teachers are
Who is this hot shot?
apparently spending less time teaching, and more time researching, something that is incentivized within the universities. “Research has driven promotion and tenure of professors,” he said. Also a concern is the increasing class sizes. Simpson said he’s “tired of universities cramming four and five hundred students in a classroom.” He feels that these trends aren’t allowing for enough inter-
action between undergrads and their professors. However, Simpson believes there are ways of dealing with these challenges. As for students, he thinks that the government should impose “funding incentives” for smaller class sizes, similar to the funding incentives seen south of the border that pertain to academic achievement. While visiting Regina, Simpson also visited a 400-level Political Science class. While he
was there, he conducted a poll regarding how many students got their news from a newspaper and how many got their news online. The result, not surprisingly, demonstrated the dramatic shift away from print media. Simpson thinks that newspapers need to adapt or they’re toast. Times have changed from when Simpson got his start in journalism. Although he admits he doesn’t know that much about social media, he did have some-
thing to say about the effects of it. “You can sound wise much more easily than you could 40 years ago.” The Carillon asked the established journalist if he had any advice for young people looking to follow in his footsteps. “I happen to think it’s better, if you’re going to be a journalist, to do a foundation degree in some discipline--could be science, it could be history, it could be whatever. Get a grounding in that stuff, then top it up with a journalism degree.” And once you’ve graduated, “My advice in trying to get a job is to... write, write and write again... try to get a summer internship or a summer program somewhere, work for a small paper or something to get your foot in the door.” Simpson is optimistic, despite the changing landscape in the journalism profession. “There are now lots of new opportunities that didn’t exist when I was there it’s true that the mainline media is shrinking. It’s also true that there’s lots of stuff going on online now that didn’t exist before and some of its quite interesting.”
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
The expansion of Regina Is Regina going to take over small town Saskatchewan?
Zach Almond
More developments keep popping up
ethan stein contributor The City of Regina is leaving behind a legacy that may live on in ways that can skew for better or worse. On Jun. 11, Mayor Michael Fougere announced that Regina would extend its boundaries to annex land that originally belonged to the RM of Sherwood. Additionally, city council has set its sights on further expansion in the future. This expansion could mean the annexation of small towns and villages into Regina. Would citizens in these areas welcome Regina’s expansion and influence, though? What are the lasting effects of our city on the province’s characteristic small towns and villages? As Regina reaps economic gains and continues its geographic crawl across the province, some greet Regina’s approaching boundaries with skepticism and uncertainty. One such concerned citizen is Gord Butler, who owns a farm in Saskatchewan as well as residence in White City. When asked about Regina possibly annexing Pilot Butte, Butler wryly remarked, “I’d just move.” “I don’t want to be part of [Regina] but they’ve come a long way.” Butler has witnessed Pilot Butte’s expansion first hand, noting the industrial buildings being built “right across highway from town” on unoccupied farm fields. As expected, expansion has come at a price. Butler says, “We’re much, much more congested now. They’re just building more and more stuff out here, and we’re just getting more and more people.” Transportation has become far more difficult, with traffic line-ups
reaching “a quarter to half mile long to get on to the highway.” While Butler is happy with the area he lives in, he says “the new part is basically an extension of [Regina], the lots are smaller and the people are closer, you’re right in your neighbor’s face. The old part you got larger lots and things like that.” In Butler’s eyes, the traffic is also beginning to resemble a big city. He says White City’s Number One highway “is getting more and more congested.” Tamara Devers expresses similar concerns about the small town atmosphere that may be in jeopardy. Devers’ husband lived in Pilot Butte with his parents who also moved to the town from Regina. Devers notes that Pilot Butte and Regina “are so close now, Pilot Butte has already put on three big new subdivisions that they’re building now. I think that our small town is changing because of our close proximity to Regina; it’s already changing dramatically. I think that we’ll lose some of that really good smalltown feel that it has right now.” Devers finds the small town atmosphere incredibly appealing as “you get a real sense of community, you get to know people when you’re walking down the street.” She greatly wants the small town atmosphere preserved, as the smaller community allows for greater familiarity with the residents and greater security, which Devers especially values for her three children. “You just feel like it’s a big family, rather than Regina where it’s just a free for all.” Likewise, Clare Banks of Pilot Butte notes, “We’ve had four or five deaths at the corner of our access road to Pilot Butte.”
Although Regina’s expansion comes with baggage such as transportation and safety issues, Banks is welcoming of the benefits provided by Regina’s close proximity. She notes that “we don’t have our own amenities,” such as businesses and hospitals which are easily accessible with a trip to Regina. Although the town’s economy only offers a few local run businesses, it does enjoy lower taxes and “a few [Regina] businesses are coming this way” in the form of a strip mall. Furthermore, the small town is enjoying growth from “six new developments going inside town and just outside of our town.” Pilot Butte’s increasing strength has manifested in “close to 70 or 80 houses built” in the last year by different private companies as well as independent contractors. “Most of the moving in is people staying or people here downsizing houses or upsizing into the new areas within Pilot Butte. One couple moved out to a subdivision because they want a bigger lot, and the other people, the same. They’re moving out to a farm within the Pilot Butte area” while their children can still attend school in the town. “People are coming to Pilot Butte from Regina while the town’s young adults are staying in Pilot Butte and getting jobs in Emerald Park and Regina,” Banks says. Further, she notes that certain small town luxuries haven’t disappeared. She says, “You’re able to walk on the streets if you want to walk across. Our traffic rush is the parents coming to pick up kids from school.” Amy Moroz is also not as worried about Regina expanding into
and annexing Grand Coulee. “I think it’s fairly unrealistic, to be honest. This far west, I don’t forsee that happening anytime in the near future, perhaps probably in my lifetime.” While the town relies on Regina for most amenities, Moroz gives praise to the town’s school, which draws strength from the teachers who have lived in the community and educated generations of students. Furthermore, Moroz questions how much influence Regina ultimately has over Grand Coulee’s growth. “Our town has definitely grown in the last 10-15 years, but I’m not sure if it’s had anything to do with the expansion of Regina.” Although citizens are moving out of Grand Coulee, the town enjoys traffic from people seeking small town centers and families moving back to Grand Coulee from Regina. Moroz also notes it’ is “less than 15 minutes to anywhere in the city.” In Moroz’s experience, Grand Coulee is a town that enjoys the essentials provided by its neighbour Regina, while still holding firm to the small town atmosphere that provides community peace and solidarity. U of R alumnus Graeme Zirk lived in Grand Coulee and Regina during his high school years and occasionally visits his family in the town. Zirk does not dread Regina’s theoretical expansion into Grand Coulee; he posits that people would only become concerned about Regina annexing Grand Coulee if it resulted in higher utility bills and property taxes. Zirk suggests that the line between small town and major city is becoming blurred for Grand Coulee, however. “If you’re living out there, you’re in the city. You just come there because it’s quiet.”
Zirk says the town’s identity is changing as “there’s more people coming in because there’s a ton of new developments. People are building new houses out there. It’s turning into a more desirable place for young families.” Moreover, people working at Grand Coulee’s Global Transportation Hub may want to find homes to get closer to the area. As people come to Grand Coulee, Zirk says the town’s changes are turning it into “White City without any services.” On the topic of Regina, Zirk says it is less efficient in its construction and infrastructure compared to Saskatoon which tends to re-purpose old buildings, as opposed to Regina’s tendency to tear down old structures and spend money on new ones. Zirk describes Regina’s expansion and economic behavior as “public money acting like private money.”
cd ae nrfi athe d a ith na fCarillon etsd e re acto ihn o f s t u d e n t s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s c o a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y t o n u n r e p e s t e p h e n h a r p e r c a n a d a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a l d y g a g a t p a n i a u t o would like to take this opportunity to thank its army of contribttg u n e r e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k r u p t c y s w e a t e v r e s h t p i s t e d r o u c h e b a g s ha oysm eascsa hn oa e ld sw h o g v iraeto y o utfscitk ed tse w h esn y o u p a rkn iatn hse w ro n g p a ltilo ce o nca m p u ssa tlh n im gsco av p tia asy ilta i n f e d e i n o u n t s a k a t c h e w t u d e n t s c o a n m c i h a e a j l c k o n e i l ta o n u n d e r fi r e t h a t s p e e c h s t e p h e n h a r p e r c a n a d a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a l d y g a g a t p a n i utors. we’ve had an amazing crew this year, and we hope you enjoy writing u t o t u n e r e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k r u p t c y s w e a t e r v e s t h p i s t e r d o u c h e b a g s t h o s e a s s h o e l s w h o g v i e y o u t c i k e t s w h e n y o u p a r k n i t h e w r o n g p a l c e o n c a m p u s a lh n i g s c a p t i a s i l t g a y m a r a i g e a n d a f a h 1 n 1 m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y t o n u n d e r fi r e t h a t s p e e c h for us as much as we like publishing your work. Thanks to you since 1962. sta tte p h e n h a r p e c r a n a d a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e t i r u n e s k a n y e w e s a l t d y g a g a t p a n i a u t o t u n e r e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k r u p t c y s w e a t e r v e s t h p i s t e r d o u c h e b a g s t h o s e a s s h o e l s w h gv ieyoutciketswhenyouparkn ithewrongpa lceoncampusatlhn igscaptiasiltgaymara igeando a
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
Is it the end for BlackBerry? BlackBerry cut 4,500 jobs last week tatenda chikukwa contributor BlackBerry’s report of a $965 million loss in its second quarter revenue sales was the coup de grâce to a dismal week for the cellphone company. The Canadian-based company has slashed its workforce by 40 per cent (4,500 jobs) and is negotiating a $4.7 billion deal with insurance and reinsurance firm Fairfax Ltd. in order to mitigate losses as it strives to refocus the company. BlackBerry’s disastrous financial standing was brought to light by the highly anticipated release of the new iPhones. The iPhone 5S and 5C confirmed two things: one, Apple is still a highly creative and marketable company without the late, great Steve Jobs, and two, other cellphone companies, particularly BlackBerry, are still firmly behind the public popular vote in comparison to iPhone. It is reported that Apple sold nine million units in just three days, giving it an estimated $5 billion in revenue. The sale of 3.7 million BlackBerry smartphones does not even compare. Its latest releases, the Z10 and Q10 have not attracted consumer attention. The overwhelmingly bad reports of BlackBerry have only confirmed some people’s opinion of
Emily Wright
The death of mediocrity. the cellphone giant. Community building initiative leader, Marika Yeo is glad to have an iPhone after her experience with the BlackBerry Curve, “It kept shutting off, it had so many technical difficulties and my friends also had BlackBerries with some problems and eventually it just died”.
Marika only got the phone because it was zero dollars, but Kaitlyn Van De Woestyne, a journalism student, got the phone because it was popular in high school. Past experiences with technical difficulties and bad customer service have made her reluctant to invest in another
BlackBerry phone and the oversaturation of Apple products has left her and others loyal to the company. “You have all Apple products so you just continue buying them.” Apple’s has done wonders in marketing itself and it does not
just sell cellular phones now, but it sells status symbols. BlackBerry has always taken pride in selling its products to business professionals, but that market may not be enough to save the company. Some business professionals will remain loyal but the various applications on different smartphones are more applicable to their individual needs. Cellphone sales associates remain optimist and see that there is still a niche market for BlackBerry. “People who love Blackberry are sticking with Blackberry,” said one sales associate at TELUS and another sales associate at SaskTel said, “we wouldn’t have a display if they weren’t selling.” From all we have learned this week, those displays very well may be the only place for BlackBerry phones. The bad news does nothing to help promote the up-coming release of their latest touch screen phone, the Z30. In the end, BlackBerry will have to drastically make over its marketing strategy and phone technology to stay in the ever-changing cellphone game.
Nairobi mall massacre Over 68 killed from attack, death toll expected to rise ravinesh sakaran contributor Sep. 21, 2013 will go down as one of the darkest days in modern Kenyan history as it witnessed a terrorist attack in the nation’s capital, Nairobi. According to CNN, a group of gunmen from the Somalian Islamic extremist group, alShabab stormed the Westgate Mall at lunchtime, armed with heavy artillery and explosives. The al-Qaeda militant group besieged the mall for four days prompting a bloody battle with the Kenyan Security Forces. The Kenyan Security Forces emerged victorious, but with a cost: at least 61 civilians dead, six dead security officers and some 175 injuries. 62 people remain hospitalized. The National Post confirms that at least 18 foreigners were killed, including citizens from Britain, France, Canada, Trinidad, the Netherlands, Australia, Peru, India, Ghana, South Africa and China. CTV reports that one of the two Canadians who was killed in the attack was 29-year-old Annemarie Desloges, a Canadian diplomat. Desloges was working as a liaison officer with the Canadian Border Services Agency in Kenya. Desloges came to Kenya
Jonathon Kalanzap
People who had been hiding fleeing the mall
two years ago and has worked for the Canadian government since 2008. She is survived by her husband Robert Munk, who was injured in the attack. Al-Shabab, who claimed responsibility for the siege, said that the attack was retribution for Kenyan forces’ 2011 push into Somalia. Al-Shabab also confirmed to the Associated Press that they targeted non-Muslim foreigners. In an email exchange with the Associated Press, al-
Shabab said “the Mujahideen carried out a meticulous vetting process at the mall and have taken every possible precaution to separate the Muslims from the Kuffar (disbelievers) before carrying out their attack.” Joshua Hakim, a clerk, was on his way to buy some Heineken at the Westgate Mall when around 10-15 Islamist militants stormed the mall and started shooting men, women and children. “I heard them yell out, ‘Muslims, get
out of here!’’’ as Hakim recounted his ordeal to the New York Times. “I got the courage to stand up and pull out my voting card, and I held it in such a way only Hakim showed.” Hakim is not Muslim. He is a born-again Christian, he said, but his last name saved his life. When the militants armed with “big guns, huge guns, I don’t know what kind of guns those were,” saw his last name, which is often an Arabic name, they grunted and
let him pass. Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed told PBS NewsHour that two or three Americans and one British woman were involved in the attack. "The Americans, from the information we have, are young men, about between maybe 18 and 19." They are of Somali origin, but lived in Minnesota or other parts of the United States, she said, adding that underlines "the global nature of this war that we're fighting." The British woman is rumored to be Samantha Lewthwaite who is also known as the “white widow”. Lewthwaite, 29, is the widow of the London 7/7 bomber, Germaine Lindsay. She has been on the run in east Africa for two years after allegedly plotting to attack western targets in Kenya. Interpol has since issued an international arrest warrant for her.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
Corruption in Thailand Experts believe Thailand’s corruption problem is reaching a critical level dietrich neu foreign correspondent A Thai-based anti-corruption group is warning that corruption in all levels of the country’s political system is reaching an all-time high. The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT) Chairman, Pramon Sutivong, believes that the problem is at a near-critical level, and said it has steadily rose over the past three years. Corruption in politics is a phenomenon in common Thailand, and has been for several decades. Over that time numerous groups have emerged to help raise awareness about the issue, but have done little to slow the surge of alleged political rentseeking, position-buying, police bribery and rigged elections. The most recent incident occurred Monday, Sep. 30, when 10 Bangkok police officers were each handed decade-long prison sentences after authorities learned that they had captured four members of the Thailand Narcotics Suppression Bureau and extorted the men into giving false confessions to drug crimes. The 10 officers also demanded a ransom of nearly $70,000 from the victims’ families for their safe return. Mr. Sutivong of the ACT has blasted Thailand’s parliament for
10 Bangkok officers had been arrested
not taking the issue seriously enough. Although Thailand’s Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, has vowed to crack down on the problem, her government has produced few results and continues to be at the centre of major controversies such as the rice-pledging scheme that knocked the country off its seat as the world’s number-one rice exporter. Last year, Thailand’s rice exports took a major blow after the government attempted to manip-
ulate the world market demand for rice by banning all exports in an attempt to choke the world’s rice supply and drive up prices. The scheme was a massive failure as other countries like India and Vietnam picked up the slack. The Thais were left watching their expensive rice fall through their fingers as world prices dropped and buyers went elsewhere. Supa Piyajitti, Thailand’s deputy finance permanent secretary, criticized the project further, telling state media that the scheme
was rife with corruption, and susceptible to it at every level. Piyajitti cited an inflated number of registered farmers, incorrectly reported rice stocks, and over $7 billion in losses as evidence that the project’s corruption was widespread. It is a problem that appears to be getting under the people’s skin. Earlier this month, thousands of Thais lined the streets all over the country to protest what they believe is an endemic problem at the foundation of the country’s polit-
ical system. Mr. Sutivong said the media are to blame as well, but noted that a chilling effect has swept the industry after several journalists have been hit with libel lawsuits for attempting to bring awareness to the issue. Some of Thailand’s major corporations are almost trigger-happy when it comes to making defamation claims. Last week, Telecom’s Thailand division hit a popular TV anchor, Nattha Komolvadhin, with a massive libel suit for simply being in the same room as an academic, Duenden Nikomborirak, during a discussion about the national implications of one of the company’s business deals. Komolvadhin asked Nikomborirak about the deal, Nikomborirak criticized it: they both got sued. The culture does appear to be changing. Several large corporations have made public commitments towards honest business practices, and the government has teamed up with the ACT to develop strategies to combat corruption. However, the processes are only in the early stages and it is unclear how much time, or how much effort, will be required to stop a corruption problem that appears to be getting out of hand.
Megapixels: how much do you need? You've got all those megapixels but still disappointed by the image quality? arthur ward technical editor Earlier this year, Nokia unveiled their Lumia 1020 smartphone with a whopping 41 megapixels, a figure that completely dwarfs the more popular iPhone 5 with 8 megapixels. For years, consumers always believed that bigger is better, but with recent improvements in technology most now know that this isn't the case. If you are interested in getting a new phone and the camera is a key selling point for you, you may want to consider a few things. More megapixels can lead to more noise in your photos. Noise is visual distortion, which can make an image look grainy or appear as speckles of discolouration in really bad cases. Camera sensors generally don't increase in size when a newer model is released, however, modern technology allows for the pixels to be made smaller, therefore, cramming more into the same physical space. There have been a few issues with this. Firstly, the actual size of each pixel is drastically smaller, therefore absorbing less light, which is no surprise as to why some higher megapixel cameras perform poorly in low-light conditions. Secondly, the actual area that absorbs light on a pixel,
Arthur Ward
There are 8 million pixels in this little guy known as a photosite, is actually much smaller than the size of the pixel itself. This is because at the corner of each pixel there are a group of tiny transistors that convert the light information from the photosite into digital information that can be processed by the phone's CPU. As these transistors do their work, they create heat. Some of which is then re-absorbed
by the photosite, thus creating false readings that result in noise. The advantage of having more megapixels is realized when you decide to crop and zoom in on a photo. Cropping a photo is essentially discarding pixels; therefore, photos that are taken with higher pixels usually look better after a crop and zoom, as there are enough remaining pixels to show
the finer details. If for some reason you are interested in printing the photos you take with your phone then the megapixel count of its camera is important. “The higher the megapixel count the more resolution the digital camera has. This means you can make bigger enlargements. As a rule of thumb, a 6-megapixel camera is sufficient up to
ccso a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o f s t u d e n t s s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s might be like the Carillon on facebook! there a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y t o n u n d e fi r r e t h a s t p e e c h td ep haeg na h aa rsome p eu rca ntcool ad a iern e e l c t o i n t w t i e t r i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a lb y g t p n i a t o u n e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e stuff its fore liuu tseh tlh arse pinth cyo w a etrcik ve etssw thp ihsete da oo ch be aa g sthco eab ssa hn oke lru sw g v ieyyou. otu nr
8x10[prints], an 8-megapixel camera is sufficient up to 16x20[prints],” according to National Geographic staff photographer, Mark Theissen. If you haven't noticed, this means that your iPhone 5 is capable taking photos that can be enlarged and hung on your living room wall! More megapixels, however, raise another issue. As cameras take physically larger photos, each image file contains more data, which has to be processed and stored. Nokia's 41-megapixel behemoth captures great photos, but takes a great deal of time between shots to process them. This means you could potentially miss those awesome candids while you wait for your camera to get ready for the next shot. Also, if you intend on going for more megapixels, be sure to get enough storage space as the larger the image the more data it has to store. Today, it is cheaper to pack more megapixels into a camera, but its more costly to have an image processor to filter out all that unwanted noise. Megapixels by themselves are not a good measure of a camera's overall quality and other factors should be taken into consideration before you make that purchase.
A&C Editor: Robyn Tocker the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
The arts are alive and well Regina celebrates Culture Days
Spencer Reid
Three days of art, music, and community is just what Regina needed
lauren neumann contributor Anyone who complains that Regina is boring probably a) has never ventured beyond the Dewdney bar strip or b) has spent too many hours playing the new Grand Theft Auto. Or, they probably didn’t check out the many events that have been going on all around the city this weekend. Regina Culture Days fired up on Sep. 27 and provided the city with enriching, entertaining events that didn’t let up throughout the weekend. From buskers to poetry slams and wine tastings, Regina served a cultural platter filled with an array of different tastes. The concept of Culture Days is an annual cross-Canada collective of citywide festivals that were founded back in 2009. The nonprofit organization encourages people to participate, explore and appreciate the culture and talents that their city has to offer. Through this event, local talents are able to come out and engage with other members of the community and have the opportunity to share their talents. The organization believes that “as a leading national voice for the active and engaged cultural life of all Canadians, Culture Days provides support, tools and resources to a wide variety of artists and cultural organizations to help them unite the country through engagement in culture.” The Regina Culture days kicked off Friday afternoon at the Victoria Square plaza. Everywhere you turned, there
was something to see, from buskers dancing with hula hoops to barbershop quartets. Local artists lined Scarth St. and displayed live painting as well as a skillfully done real life enactment of a famous painting by Frida Kahlo. With a beginning to the weekend already so active and lively, it was certain that the rest the weekend had to offer would be something special. Spoken word activities took the front seat on Friday night. The Creative City Centre collaboration brought performance artist and poet, C. R. Avery, to lead a writing and performance workshop at the Centre. After the workshop, everyone headed down to the Mercury, who was hosting a poetry-slam for those who were brave enough to perform a piece. And if you wanted a drink, the place to go was the Harvest Wine Festival organized by the Volkslieder Harmonie Choir at the German Club. The festival offered many different German wines to taste and also continued with Friday’s spoken word theme by MCoS’ coming in and interviewing fest-goers about stories of integration and the contributions that the multicultural community has brought to Saskatchewan culture. Continuing into Saturday, the events around town did not let
up. The Globe Theatre opened their doors with a free performance of Shangri-La and an open house. Neutral Ground with New Dance Horizons performed their second of two performances of Les Fermières Obsédées at "House of Dance" and Victoria Park was lit up again for a downtown dance party that got everyone to get down under the stars. The Sunday collective of activities featured an open house at the Mackenzie Art Gallery, where anyone who came down could see what goes on behind the scenes and opening the doors to the Vault which contains 4500 pieces from their permanent collection. To add to that, the gallery also celebrated their new exhibition “Drawing Our Communities Together,” which fit very nicely with the Culture Days concept. The exhibition is part of a “community bridging project” which celebrates students from different backgrounds who united in the name of art to create a body of work. Participants of the Urban Outreach Program were big players in the creation of the exhibit, stressing the idea of breaking down social walls and uniting. Straying away from downtown, there was a new edition to the lineup of activities this year with the North Central
Community Association organizing a street-festival. Michael Parker, the Special Projects Coordinator at the NCCA, was a key player to getting this festival in the neighborhood. The unity and engagement that Culture Days has demonstrated over the years in Regina was a perfect idea to collaborate with to start a festival. “We need an annual event to draw the community together,” says Parker. Inspired by the Fall Fest community event that used to run annually in the neighborhood, Parker pitched the idea of a festival to the board of all North Central residents, to bring an afternoon of entertainment to the area and the idea was very welcomed. Everyone has their views and opinions on the North Central community, but not everyone has necessarily seen what it truly has to offer firsthand. The theme of “Perspectives” was one that Parker felt was very strong for the North Central event. “There are lots of perspectives about arts and culture in the city,” said Parker, whose goal of the event was to “create a positive gathering point, a family friendly time and build community pride. Help challenge people’s perspec-
“ We need an annual event to draw the community together.” Michael Parker
tives of North Central.” The festival was able to provide an opportunity for people to unite within the community and interact with one another, as well as those who don’t live in the neighborhood to be able to experience their community life. It brought creativity through arts, music, workshops, performance and more. The festival was filled with booths and vendors selling anything from hot dogs and bannock burgers to crafts. The Albert Library organized a literacy corner while the Sunday Art Market set up their works and supplies for anyone that wanted to get creative. Students from Scott Collegiate also brought some of their artworks down to show. On the music front, North Central was the place to be if you wanted a show. Regina’s own music dynamos, Rubiks Music, Pimpton, and Indigo Joseph all took the stage on Saturday amidst the festival and were extremely well-received by the audience and community. They performed at the event and helped promote the festival while raising awareness. Music, as it seems to always do, created a positive atmosphere and a uniting point for the community at the festival. The overall theme of these Culture Days seemed to be “unite”. Everywhere around the city, people were able to connect with others in their neighborhood with talents to share and gain perspective of the endless creative possibilities in their backyard.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
10 a&c
A “pretty awesome year” Musician Mo Kenny has a lot to be thankful for liam fitz-gerald contributor Morgan "Mo" Kenney is definitely a young artist that folk and indie music fans should keep an eye on. At 23, the Nova Scotia musician has recorded an album and toured with several acts including Canadian music icons Ron Sexsmith and Joel Plaskett. The latter has been especially important to Kenney as he helped her launch her career. It was 2007 and Kenney was recording at a Halifax school. Plaskett was in the school, liked Kenney's sound and decided to take her under his wing. Three years later, Kenney received a call from Plaskett's manager, and was invited to a sound camp. "She called me on my twentieth birthday ... I heard the message and I couldn't believe it," Kenney said. When she asked Plaskett's manager how she heard of her, Kenney was told Plaskett had recommended her. In 2011, both musicians collaborated and produced Kenney's self-titled album. Since then, Kenney has won the 2013 SOCAN Song-writing Prize Award as well as the Ottawa Galaxy Supernova Award. She has also been nominated for prestigious awards like the East Coast's Music Award's Rising Star Recording of the Year. Last Tuesday, Kenney played at the Artful Dodger in Regina. After Andy Schauf's opening set, Kenney walked on stage with her
Kenny’s success is inspiring and we can only hope she comes back soon! band mates. She opened with her finger picking-good tune “The Great Escape.” When the drums kicked in, and Kenney's soloing started, it was clear that the audience was in for a good show. Kenney played her more known songs “Déjà vu”, “Sucker”, and “The Happy Song” but also showed off some new material and played some cover songs, paying tribute not just to Joel Plaskett but David Bowie. On stage, Kenney interacts with her audience very well. Not only does she entertain them with music, but humour. At one point, she introduced a song she hadn't quite thought of a title for, but invited suggestions from the audience proposing if they had "any sug-
gestions, [they could] write it on a $20 bill." After the concert, Kenney sat down for a longer chat. Kenney remarked that she was very pleased with how her cross-country tour was going and how pleased she was to be on the road with her band mates. She heaped enormous praise on them for their talents and mentioned how grateful she was to have them with her. When asked about some of her inspirations for her music, Kenney mentioned she had many. "It's a combination of not any one thing really. I don't know where it comes from," she said. However, musically she discussed artists who left a mark on her.
Elliott Smith was a huge influence on her, and it was his music that led her to try finger picking. Film soundtracks have influenced her, especially those of Wes Anderson. Kenney's stage presence wouldn't have suggested that she once suffered from stage fright. "It's something that everyone freaks out about, standing in front of a group of people and having to talk and sing in front of them. Not a lot of people can do that without getting nervous. I didn't like being the centre of attention at first. I got over that pretty quickly because I love being on stage. I played guitar in front of people, but singing was different. Now I love it, performing and singing music."
Kenney says that overcoming stage fright is something anyone can do. Like everything else, it just takes practice. Kenney is grateful for the support of friends and family back home. Her friends have been thrilled over her success, as well as her family. Kenney says her mother wishes she would be home more, but is very proud of her daughter for her success. On winning the SOCAN and Galaxy Awards, Kenney says, "this year has been pretty awesome. I'm so lucky, all these things that keep happening to me make me feel like I'm on the right track." Kenney is heading back to the studio in November to record new material. Plaskett has a new studio and Kenney is thrilled to work with him again. "I love working with [Plaskett]. I've been a fan of his since I've been a teenager. To work with him was incredible, especially on my very first album. It was my very first real studio experience. He is so talented as a musician, [and] as a producer. It is really inspiring working with him." If everything works out, Kenney will release another record in 2013. Kenney hopes to play at the University of Regina at some point. If she ever has an opportunity to do so, she will. If she does, she'll find a warm and hospitable audience.
How much is too much? Students talk about food addiction destiny kaus a&c writer A number of students at the University of Regina responded to the question “Do you have a food addiction?” Some individuals answered with a resounding “Yes!” “Ice cream!” “Oranges. I love mandarin oranges because they’re really sour. I’d be depressed if I didn’t have oranges.” “I don’t have a specific food I’m addicted to. I love all food. It’s definitely a problem. I often find myself eating because I’m bored not because I’m hungry … I am lucky enough to keep the weight off. But a lot of people don’t have an active enough lifestyle to combat it, which can lead to obesity.” Other students answered “no.” “There’s food that I really like but it’s not going to kill me if I don’t eat it. I love peanut butter but I don’t have to eat peanut butter.” “I do not have a food addiction but someone close to me has an eating disorder. I know firsthand that food addictions can be a serious health problem.” These students all believe that food addiction is a growing issue in today’s society and can lead to
Zach Almond
If only food didn’t have to taste so good. obesity. The Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University recently released their findings about this issue in an article entitled “Food Addiction: Its Prevalence and Significant Association with Obesity in the General Population.” Dr. Guang Sun and his laboratory team assessed 652 adults from Newfoundland and Labrador—415 women and 237 men—to try and discover a connection between food addiction and obesity. The study concludes that “the prevalence of ‘food addiction’ was 5.4% (6.7% in females
and 3.0% in males) and increased with obesity status.” The study goes on to explain further results. “Our results demonstrated that ‘food addiction’ contributes to severity of obesity and body composition measurements from normal weight to obese individuals in the general population with a higher rate in women as compared to men.” These results beg the question: “Why is food addiction and obesity such an issue in today’s culture?” Neil Child, a psychology pro-
fessor at the University of Regina, believes that self-image plays a huge role in food addiction and obesity. “Individually, I’ve counseled clients who say they’re fat, and have as their issue, a disproportionate urge to eat fat foods. Not so strangely, this self-described issue is that of self- image, being obese and decidedly, from the client view, unattractive.” Derek Haberstock, a third year Kinesiology student, also touches on this issue of self-image. “Too much or not enough nutrients is terrible for our bodies …
we try to develop an ideal body composition. Unfortunately, our self-image is compared to the media’s views on how we look. These views are most likely unattainable.” Not only does this issue of food addiction and obesity stem from self-image, but it also comes from various environmental pressures. The Coordinator of Recreation Services, John Papandreos, explains how students face a lot of stress, such as financial instability, personal/social relationships, work, school, and body image. “Students, as a means to overcome these life challenges, often resort to potentially life altering measures i.e. substance abuse, eating disorders, food addictions, and even suicide,” Papandreos says. To help those struggling with issues related to food addiction, the University of Regina offers a whole host of services such as resources for study skills to decrease stress, professional psychologists, clinical counsellors, as well as personal, group, and emergency counselling. Services like these can help combat the growing problem of obesity.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
a&c 11
Spoken word raises its voice Slam Poet Patrick de Belen talks words destiny kaus a&c writer
On Sep. 27, poetry slam artists from across the country hit the stage during Regina’s Culture Days to take part in the Poetry Slam event. But, what is Poetry Slam? Patrick de Belen, a slam artist from Toronto, Ontario, explains. “Well, slam poetry is spoken word poetry written and performed in a poetry slam competition. Spoken Word is pretty much an over encompassing term for any art form that involves you speaking.” Marc Smith invented Poetry Slam in Chicago back in 1986. Though Patrick de Belen did not encounter much slam poetry during the years he was growing up, he became attracted to the art form through his peers. “I grew up around a lot of Hip Hop kids…so, I guess that’s where my love for spoken word came from.” De Belen began pursuing his Slam Poetry talent in his last year of high school and used this lyrical art to make his voice heard. “[Slam Poetry] was interesting to me because it adhered to
KPush Studios
He’s not quite Bieber but he certainly has the artist’s moves! both my teen-angsty-wannaberevolutionary character and my dreams of being a famous rapper. Really it was the idea of saying things, and people actually listening to these things.” Artists such as Dwayne Morgan, Mos Def, Jack Johnson, and Brand New inspire De Belen to pursue his craft. He also draws inspiration from his parents, brother, and “lady friend.” “I’m not quite the Justin Bieber of Spoken Word just yet, but I do have some people who believe in my success. Usually in my case, family, friends and fans are all the same thing.”
In 2012, Patrick de Belen attended the Canadian Spoken Word Festival (CFSW) in Saskatoon. In between his countrywide Poetry Slam competitions, De Belen finds time to promote Poetry Slam in his hometown. “I host both the youth poetry slam in Toronto (BAM! Youth Slam) and the longest running adult slam in Toronto (The Roots Lounge).” De Belen believes that people are attracted to slam poetry because of its storytelling aspect; it tells stories through a rhythmic, modern, oral delivery.
“It’s this spiritual, reciprocal, high-energy exchange with both the audience and the poet. Storytelling has always been a way to pass on history in a more interesting way than what’s in our high school textbooks. I think slam poetry is the contemporary form of that gathering.” As for the future of slam poetry, Patrick de Belen has faith that it will continue to grow, especially in school culture. “The future looks very bright. It has been one of my jobs to bring Spoken Word into schools and start some Spoken Word based extra-curricular groups, whether it is
creative writing or poetry slam clubs. Educators are starting to catch on to the power this art form has, and more people are starting to use it as a form of artistic advocacy. In a time when people are so used to this 140-character, overwhelming avalanche of both useful and useless information, it’s good to know that people are still looking for creative ways to deliver and receive that information.” De Belen, proud of how far he has come in the Poetry Slam world, discloses that he has “very big dreams” for his future in slam poetry. He wishes to take “baby steps” to get himself where he wants to go. “I think if 18-year-old Patrick got to meet 21-year-old Patrick today, he’d be pretty damn impressed. Let’s just hope I can say the same thing about 25 year old Patrick one day.” The Poetry Slam movement continues to grow across Canada, gaining popularity and attracting performers from all over the country. From the mountains to the prairies, Slam Poetry makes its mark on Canada’s lyrical art map.
Country at its finest The Sumner Brothers are keepin’ it real
dana morenstein contributor
The Sumner Brothers couldn’t give two shits if they ever sell out an arena. It’s not that they aren’t good musicians. Their music, which they classify as “alternative country folk rock,” is as smooth and vulnerable as a singer-songwriter open mic night and as gritty as a Waylon Jennings record with a fifth of Crown. They’re not what you’d classify as typical country music fans. When asked if they know who the country music singer Jason Aldean is, both of the Sumner brothers quickly reply in unison, “Who?” Joseph Lubinsky Mast, who is the band’s bass player, is the voice of reason. “He’s one of those new fellahs.” Neither Bob Sumner nor his brother, Brian, listens to mainstream country music radio. When challenged that perhaps the mark of an excellent songwriter is one who can pen a catchy chorus, Bob responds in dead pan, “We haven’t written our ‘Call Me Maybe’ yet.” However, their song-writing prowess hasn’t gone unnoticed. Recently, Bob Sumner was nominated for a Western Canadian Music Award in the category of Songwriter of the Year. All of the Sumner Brothers’ songs are raw, their lyrics open books, casting glimpses on to their private lives and lost loves, like in “Colorado Girl”, to an eerily raw reflection on death in “The Lord is my Protector”. “Going out West” is a slow drawl of a gem that sounds like it should be played in a southwestern biker bar filled with ciga-
rette smoke and dusty old bar stools. “Success, on a whole, would just be to make a living. That’s the most important thing. Raise a family and all that,” Brian Sumner says, when asked what he considers the epitome of success in the music business. “Success,” adds Bob Sumner, “is just to be able to not come home at the end of a hard work day and fall asleep on the couch with no energy to do our music.” Wouldn’t it be nice though, to be played on mainstream radio? “For me, it’s not one of my goals at all,” says Bob. “Unless that’s what had to happen to meet our other goal, which is to make a living. I always think of one of my musical heroes, Tom Waits, who isn’t played on popular radio, but he’ll sell out a soft seat theatre two or three nights in a row in every city for $80 a ticket.” You can’t fault these guys’ desire to remain authentic and true to their roots. Many artists would sell out faster than you could say Milli Vanilli. The Sumner Brothers seem genuinely focused on writing music, performing, and meeting new friends along the way. “College radio is pretty supportive. If you’re charting regularly in Canada or the States, you’re probably in a pretty good spot,” says Brian. “There’s some big public radio stations like KEXP, who we did a session for in Seattle, and CBC. If you can get played on the two of them, you can make a little money touring and selling records. You don’t need the Top 40.” When asked if they would argue that Top 40 radio isn’t the definition of musical success, the boys backtrack a bit and admit
that deep down, they’d love to be playing alongside country music superstars like Kenny Chesney or Tim McGraw. “If it came about with no compromise,” says Mast, “I think the
general feeling, amongst us and amongst most of our peers, is that success in the Top 40 market comes with great compromise.” This makes a person think about all of the empty country
music songs out there, charting right now on popular radio. And when compared to the soulful, genuine feel of The Sumner Brothers’ songs, it’s easy to agree.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
12 a&c
Shangri-La keeps it real Let’s talk teen pregnancy laura billett contributor Shangri-La, a one-woman play both written and performed by Judy Wensel, is set in 1963 in the town of Mildred, small Saskatchewan. The stage is set in teenaged Jeanne McCate's room in the 1960s, complete with a record player, Bobby Darin records, and a craftily hidden stock of Calgary beer. It is an intimate set, making you feel as though you are a fly on the wall listening in on the life of Jeanne. “The story of the show is loosely based on my mom and her teenaged experience,” says Wensel, “I take much, much liberty with it.” Wensel explains that her mother grew up as the sister of a teen mom who decided to keep her child in a time when teenagers were sent to birth houses to complete their pregnancies, give the child up for adoption, and never speak of it again. In Shangri-La, Jeanne's sister becomes pregnant on her sixteenth birthday and scandalously keeps the child. Jeanne is left to deal with the shock of her sister's decision and the stress it puts on her reputation. With a hearty dose of ranting, reminiscing and dancing, Jeanne gains the strength to deal with it all.
Jared Carlson
Judy Wensel [above] creates a sobering and hilarious work of art At times hilarious and at others sobering, Wensel has created a play that is authentic in its straight-up approach. Wensel wasn't trying to create a complicated script; what you see is what
you get. However, what you do see isn't just another teenage pregnancy. Shangri-La is about the complications of family relationships, learning to deal with the opinions of those around us, and
the struggle to do what is right when it is the hardest thing to do. “Everyone has their baggage,” says Wensel, and this play is a testament to that. Wensel is a seasoned actor, im-
“ I've never done it completely solo though, it has always been in a collaborative form, so it is new that way.” Judy Wensel
proviser, and director. She is active in the theatre community across the country and at the Globe Theatre in Regina. ShangriLa is a new experience for her. “...New work and new play development has always been a real interest of mine. I've never done it completely solo though; it has always been in a collaborative form, so it is new that way. Often the way that I develop work when I'm in collaborate setting is on your feet in the studio. I did some of that, but [for] a lot of it, I was at a computer, writing, which was a different method of creation for me.” As different and new this method of play-writing and performing may have been for her, to the audience, she was in her element. Judy was charming and authentic, portraying teenage angst and adult issues to be relatable and entertaining. Shangri-La finishes its run as a part of the Schumiatcher Sandbox Series Oct. 5, but Wensel is hoping to tour the show and further develop the script. The Sandbox Series isn't over either, and is something worth checking out. Lipstick Smears and Mermaid Tears: Memoirs of a Sinking Soul by Tamara Unroe is next in the series, running from Oct. 24 until Nov. 2
Kickin’ it old school Two bands think Rock and Roll needs a revival robyn tocker a&c editor The world of rock and roll has changed considerably over the years. No longer are gigantic stadiums sold out thanks to rock group. The world of “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” is behind us, according to lead singer of Escape The Fate, Craig Mabbitt. Yet the young man, whose career in music started after his time in the penitentiary, has hope for the future. “If I could do it all over again, I would. Seventeen-year-old me didn't think I would be here today.” Lead singer from the band Persist, K.C. Lee, has seen many things change during his time in the music industry. Having been raised by a JUNO-winning jazz singer for a father and a country music star mother, Lee has watched the music world grow, but also shrink. “The music scene in Ontario is deteriorating. Not as many people are going to live shows. If everyone went to one show a year it would put a big ripple through industry.” Lee also has hopes for the future of music, mainly to do with musicians getting paid for their music instead of all the free downloads that are happening right now. He also said how no matter what, the music industry will
David Jackson
I didn’t know short-haired Herman Li, Fallout Boy, and Slash joined a band together!
keep going strong. Popular bands will keep gaining fans and, eventually, after putting in enough hard work and time into music, it will be your turn for the spotlight. Mabbitt’s past was shaped by a strained relationship with his father who was a police officer, but music was something that kept a light in the dark times. “Everything is better with music. You can't watch a movie without a soundtrack. Everyone puts on music when getting ready for their day.” Mabbitt rejoices over the fact that he gets to experience the joy
he sees on the fans’ faces every day when performing or practicing. Lee also said music is his passion. "It might be a pain in the butt for some people, but for me it's how I like to spend my time.” When offering advice, both agreed practice separates the boys from the men in the music industry. Lee described how after a couple of years when nothing is happening, a band will just break up. To Lee, there is no such thing as an overnight success. “We’ve been slugging it out for a long time and working on
stuff to make it. You have to keep going.” Together, the group has practiced twice a week for five years in addition to their shows. “Every time we play, the songs get better. Now that we're in the studio, some of the songs are getting rewritten and we’re learning them over again.” Mabbitt added how you have to be fully committed to the music. “Try to make sure it's definitely something you want to do. Music takes up your entire life. It’s hard to keep serious relation-
ships when you're out on the road almost 365 days a year.” Picking the right band members to go on this journey with is also key. Mabbitt has been with Escape since 2008. Before that, he worked with a band from Phoenix that, unfortunately, deteriorated. Since he’s been with Escape, Mabbitt has had many memorable moments in his music career. One in particular was a show the group did in Amsterdam as the headline. “The crowd was deafening with their cheers. It was a good feeling. Almost every person was singing along in the crowd.” Lee found Persist by, surprisingly, posting a Kijiji add that said “singer looking for a band.” He describes it as a real success story. The band has been together for seven years in total with Lee joining five years ago. Persist consists of drummer Guitar Frank Jerry Stro, Deranged, Christian on lead guitar, and KJ on bass. Their new CD You Don't Shine is in the works and hopes to be put out in either November or December. Escape The Fate hosts TJ Bell as guitar, Max Green as bass, drummer Robert Ortiez, and lead guitar Thrasher. Their fourth CD, Ungrateful, is still available for purchase.
Sports Editor: Autumn McDowell the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
ROUNDTABLE brady lang, matt wincherauk, taylor sockett, kris klein, paige kreutzwieser this week’s roundtable
Which former Rams or Cougars athlete would you like to know what happened to since they graduated?
Lang: I think that former Rams QB Teale Orban would definitely be one to check up on. After a stellar career he fell off the map after being a sixth round draft pick by the Riders in the 2008 CFL Draft. Where could he be? Wincherauk: Personally, I would love to know what’s going on with former Cougars basketball star, Jamal Williams. Williams was a coach of mine numerous times, and is a great person.
Sockett: Rams ex-pivot Teale Orban. Whatever happened to that guy? With a name that pretty, you’d think he’d end up somewhere. Klein: What ever happened to that great, great player whose name escapes me? Man was he great. Or better yet what ever happened to former Cougars hockey player Lee Schaefer? Congrats on the new baby boy and future hockey star by the way Schaefs.
Kreutzwieser: Cody Johnstone. Sup? Going to start growing the beard again? It’s getting close to November. Toronto Maple Leafs forward, Phil Kessel, was recently suspended for the remainder of the pre-season after repeatedly slashing and spearing Buffalo Sabers tough guy, John Scott. What do you think of this suspension?
Lang: Well it was really nice of Sherriff Shanny to give Kessel a nice break before the season. It’s the pre-season, no one cares about the pre-season unless you’re trying to make the team, Kessel is probably sitting at home smiling because he doesn’t have to deal with guys like Scott coming after him in games that mean less than Scott’s career goal total: 1.
Wincherauk: I’m all right with the suspension, but I don’t blame Kessel for swinging like a madman. John Scott has a good eight inches and 70 pounds on Kessel, and probably would have killed him had he gotten a hand on him.
Sockett: As if Leafs fans didn’t have enough reasons to hang their heads about, now they have the biggest pansy in the history of the game on their team. As for the suspension, it was a joke. Maybe the U of R should hire Shanahan to replace Vianne. I’m sure they’re the same level of overpaid in their respected fields. Klein: I think that all rainforests remaining in the world should watch out for the lumberjack known as Phil Kessel. I think he
would make a better career out of being a lumberjack instead of an NHL hockey player. That way he doesn’t have to be picked on by big, bad John Scott. Can your lip hang any further Phil?
Kreutzwieser: I died laughing when I saw a comparison of Kessel to George Michael Bluth’s recreation of Star Wars. But I will take this opportunity to test my “Sports Editor Theory” by saying Kessel didn’t deserve any penalties. I’m sure Autumn will agree with me that it was all in self-defense, right Toronto? The Saskatchewan Roughriders are currently riding a four-game losing streak. What needs to happen to turn this team around?
Lang: I think that they should just start Tino Sunseri and trade the core of the team. Seems like that’s what every other fickle Rider fan wants nowadays. Wincherauk: I think a more bal-
anced attack is necessary. Sheets didn’t play, but Durant throwing 52 passes is just way too many. Running by committee for now, and relieve Durant at least a little bit.
Sockett: First of all, cut the pathetic running back, Garrett. That guy’s best chance of making a block is falling down and hoping opposing defences trip over him. The next thing everyone in Rider nation needs to do is calm down and shut up. The team is struggling right now; we have several key parts of the team missing. When they’re back, we will be fine. After all, the team only needs one more win to clinch a playoff spot. Klein: Hell yeah, I think they can. All teams go through a funk during the season and it is the championship teams that break out of them. The same thing happened to them in 2007 and look what happened. You just have to believe in green.
Kreutzwieser: Not Montreal. Oh wait.
The MLB post-season is just around the corner. Who is your pick to win it all?
Lang: I would be downright insane not to pick my Red Sox. After an incredible turnaround almost everyone in New England has forgotten about Bobby V. and last season’s bizarre collapse. Under the direction of John Farrell, the BoSox will win it all! Wincherauk: I am a diehard Red Sox fan, and with the way this magical season has been going, I can’t go with anyone else. I believe in the beard, do you?
Sockett: The Boston Red Sox, is what I’d be saying if I was a complete sellout. However, yours truly has not yet been approached with the opportunity to be a sellout. So I’ll go with the Oakland A’s, after all, how could you lose
with Brad Pitt as your general manager?
Klein: Well, since the Blow Jays won’t be in it after much hype in the off-season – big surprise there – I have to pick the underdog Pittsburg Pirates. The only reason I am rooting for them is because they probably won’t stand much of a chance and they haven’t been to the playoffs since 1992. Back then, Barry Bonds looked like a normal human being. Kreutzwieser: It’s got to be the Dodgers. Puig, Kershaw, and pool jumping obviously wins. But an A’s vs. Rangers World Series – pending Monday’s results – would be amazingly decent. An Oakland win against anybody would be legendary, even it is meant beating Brian Wilson’s beard.
According to a video game simulation of the 2013-14 NHL campaign, the St. Louis Blues will be the Stanley Cup champions this year. Do you think this simulation will prove to be accurate? Lang: See last week’s roundtable. Who was my dark horse to win the Cup? Hitch’s St. Louis Blues of course.
Wincherauk: Absolutely not, I don’t trust any ridiculous simulations in any sport. The Blues are a very good team, but I think the Penguins will take home the cup this year. Sockett: Lookout Bob Mackenzie, NHL 14 is going to put your fat ass out of a job. But really no, is that a real question? They don’t have a hope in hell.
Klein: St. Louis? Really? I have to go with the Jarome Iginla lead Boston Bruins winning the cup because it is his time to win. He has become the new Marian Hossa of the NHL with not winning the cup. The other thing I hope for is for the Flames to actually win more than 20 games this season. Oh, and for all the Canucks fans saying Calgary is going to have a tough time draining out the Saddledome with only one cup, I got a question for you. Where are your cups? Where are they?
Kreutzwieser: The amount of time I wasted looking things up because of this question has given me no knowledge whatsoever to this year’s predictions, aside from the Blues being the last to jump on the Stanley train from the 67 expansion, which I also wasted time on. Thank you, internet.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
14 sports
Sister sister Kacey and Jayde McFee make a name for themselves paige kreutzwieser staff writer Tennis has the Williams sisters. Baseball had the Alomar, and more currently, the Upton brothers. Everyone knows the Manning’s in football. Basketball had the Miller brother-sister duo, and hockey has a whole bunch that I don’t really care about. Yes, the notorious sport siblings. Athletes that grew up together, trained together, and likely at one time or another, played together or against each other. It brings drama of rivalry chatter to the playing field – we all remember the lead up to the Harbaugh Bowl, more commonly known as Superbowl XLVII when opposing coaches John and Jim Harbaugh went head to head. Well, the University of Regina can boast our own Manning counterparts, except this is a different kind of football. Jayde, fourth-year education student, and Kacey, second-year engineering student, are the McFee sisters; two girls from Prince Albert who are proving their worth on the soccer pitch. For head coach Bob Maltman it’s almost like a déjà-vu experience. “[I] have the unique situation such as with Kacey and Jayde, just to see the progression they’ve made as younger players,” said
Jarrett Crowe
Unfortunately, only Jayde made the picture, sorry Kacey. Maltman, who coached each girl prior to their arrival on the university team. “Just to see their maturity in being able to take more constructive feedback more positively.” Jayde remembered her time with Maltman when she was roughly 15 years old. “I enjoyed Bob when I was young. He was a good coach, and has a great vision for the program now,” she said. “Both have been a good experience, when I was young and now.” The McFee sisters, like most athletic siblings, had grown up playing most of their life together.
Both knew they wanted to eventually play at the higher level they are at now, but just being on the same university team is good enough. “We’ve grown up together playing soccer, so it wasn’t anything new. It was nice,” said Jayde when asked about having her sister join the Cougars squad last year. “I know last year it was especially nice,” admitted younger sister Kacey. “Because you have that someone who can introduce you to everyone. It just makes you feel a lot more comfortable coming in [as a rookie].”
Kacey may be able to play the big sister role for the third McFee sister, Meghan, who currently is in grade ten in their hometown and may decide to continue in her older sisters’ athletic footsteps. Maltman has recognized the ability that all three McFee sisters possess, stating that the youngest is “certainly on our radar.” He also recognizes and respects the off-field attitudes of his current McFee athletes. “They’re both great student athletes,” he said. “They’re very proud of the team. They are great ambassadors for their community of Prince Albert. Anytime we can
get young women with that good quality characteristics, as a coach, that’s all you can really ask for.” And like any constructive coach, he is also asking for wins, which is what he got in the Cougars game against Lethbridge last weekend. With home-field advantage, the Cougars earned a 2-1 win and broke their streak of three scoreless games. Coming into the games against Calgary and Lethbridge, the girls had lost three of their previous four, but that’s not to say the team is struggling. “It’s the first time in the team’s history we’ve been able to take a point off Trinity Western,” said Maltman, adding that his team also proved their mental maturity in their game against B.C. “We did have a few chances and maybe we were a little bit guilty of wasting those chances, but I was pleased with the fight back.” Even though the McFee sisters expected the weekend to be tough matches, they were excited to just be on the pitch. And the excitement will likely stay all the way through next season, when Jayde will be completing her fifth-year as a Cougar, leaving Kacey in sole possession of the McFee name.
Setting new goals A look at this year’s volleyball squad brady lang sports writer Great news, U of R students. The women’s volleyball team doesn’t look half bad this year. Coming off three seasons with a winning percentage under .350, the team is coming off a fourthplace finish in their U of R Invitational tournament a couple weeks ago to kick off the 2013-14 season. The team thinks that because of their hard work and good coaching that they could do great things in the 2013 season. If their showing at the U of R Invitational is any indication, they may do just that. The team finished in fourth, losing the bronze medal game to Alberta in four sets. The Cougars went 3-2 in the round robin, beating Thompson Rivers, Calgary and Winnipeg, while their losses came at the hands of Manitoba and, of course, Alberta, in the bronze medal game. After last year, it’s crazy to think that the team would have been one win away from being in the finals at a tournament. The team had a rough go last season, finishing with a 5-17 record while ranking third-last in the Canada West division. 4th-year Cougars veteran Michelle Sweeting has high hopes
Arthur Ward
Get out of the way!
for this year’s squad. “Expect a hard working team. We’ll go through our ups and downs, but expect a team that will never give up,” she said. Sweeting has seen everything in her career with the Cougars. The Maryfield, Saskatchewan product also thinks that her team’s success has a lot to do with coaching this season, and their ability to listen and work together as a team. Sweeting, along with the
team’s other veterans, which include two fifth-years and three fourth-years will have to carry a lot of the workload in 2013. The Cougars rookies will have to be leaned on as well. First-year setter Leah Shevkenek believes her team could do big things this year. “Were looking very good, very strong,” says the Calgary native. “I’m loving it, I’m having a lot of fun so far.” Shevkenek is one of four rook-
ies on the squad in 2014 and will be a great addition to the roster this upcoming year. In the past few years it’s seemed that the volleyball team was always missing that one piece that makes a team a top contender. The team would be close during numerous games, only to eventually drop the final set by a small margin. If this team can pull it together, they have a shot at doing something truly special. Cougars head coach Melanie
Sanford is heading into her 12th season with the club. The team is in good hands as Sanford holds University of Regina records for most conference and playoff wins by a women’s volleyball head coach, something that she hopes to add to this year. The Cougars have two preseason tournaments coming up in Vancouver and Montreal in upcoming weeks. Their CIS season does not start until late October when they go on a road trip to Brandon and Winnipeg. The Cougars first home games will be on Nov. 8-9 against Calgary, a team they defeated in the U of R Invitational, and will also be hosting this year’s CIS Championships from Feb. 28 March 2, 2014. Let’s hope the team can keep up the good work and have a successful season. The women’s volleyball team is definitely due for a good year. Time will tell if Sanford’s club will actually break out of the basement and compete for a spot in the playoffs in 2014.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
sports 15
Hanging up the lingerie Canadian LFL season gets postponed until 2014 brady lang sports writer Who doesn’t like drinking a cold stadium beer and watching goodlooking grown women go to war on the gridiron? [Brady Lang is not old enough to drink beer. EIC.] Well, this season you won’t be able to enjoy that feeling unless you end up at a roller derby. The Lingerie Football League, newly rebranded as the Legend’s Football League – yes, you read that right – will not be showing up at any stadiums in Canada for the 2013-14 season. The league recently announced that because of a “lack of readiness around the league,” they have postponed the season until 2014-15. After a year of great, entertaining football, the Regina Rage will not occupy the Brandt Centre, much to the disappointment of football fans all around the Regina area. The team was coming into 2013-14 season with a lot of excitement and tons of potential after a season that ended with a loss to the Saskatoon Sirens, the eventual league finalists. In the off-season, the team hired former Saskatchewan Roughriders defensive end Brent Hawkins as their new head coach. The former Rider and Jacksonville Jaguar retired from the CFL after
Pictured: still a thing.
an injury-plagued career, but because of a solid connection, started his career behind the bench. Hawkins’ wife, Andrea Cecchini, is also a defensive end and fullback for the squad. Rage Head Coach Brent Hawkins and player Andrea Cecchini declined an interview with the Carillon. Now, one has to ask oneself, is this going to be the end of LFL Canada all together? The Saskatoon Sirens’ announced that
they released head coach Chris Lambiris and the rest of his staff after they began organizing people to boycott the condensed 2013 season because the group “did not want to put a product on the field that was less than LFL caliber football.” Mitchell S. Mortaza, the chairman of LFL Global released this statement following the outright release of the Saskatoon coaching staff: “This is certainly disappoint-
ing as we had high expectations for Chris and his staff. However, we as an organization will never be dictated to or have ultimatums placed upon us. We wish Chris and his staff all the best and look forward to a successful return to Saskatoon in 2014.” The whole situation with the league this season is completely bizarre. After years of the league saying that they are “the fastest growing sport in the nation,” it seems odd how the league could
be postponed due to a lack of readiness. You don’t see other leagues not being ready to start their seasons, so why the LFL? Maybe because the LFL hasn’t exactly became a mainstay in the Canadian sports culture quite yet. The league contains four teams from three provinces. The B.C. Angels play out of Abbotsford, B.C. while the Saskatoon Sirens and the Regina Rage play out of their respective cities. The Toronto Triumph, who started in the LFL’s original U.S. league in 2011, carried over to LFL Canada and are housed in the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. Last year’s LFL Canada schedule featured a regular season in which the Regina Rage ended up 2-2 and third in the league. The team was destined for big things in 2014, but we will never know how this year’s Rage would have panned out. We football junkies will have to settle for drinking beer on the couch watching the NFL season or paying for overpriced Pilsner at the, for lack of a better word, streaky Riders at games in Mosaic Stadium. I think I speak for everyone in saying the 2014 LFL Canada season will hopefully be one worth waiting for.
People don’t forget A look back at last year’s hockey temper tantrum what the puck? autumn mcdowell sports editor It’s the most wonderful time of the year—hockey season. With the first puck having officially been dropped two days ago, even though the first portion of the season essentially means nothing, many fans—and all true Canadians—are acting like children anxiously waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney, in preparation for the real action. But as the first whistle blew, fans were reminded of how the Grinch stole hockey season last year. Merely one year ago, hockey fans were irate as they watched the temper tantrum take place between two groups of greedy pigs. While the fans suffered without being able to hear the buzzer sound, or catch a whiff of the notorious stench of hockey gear, millionaires vs. billionaires took center stage. While ultimately a 48-game season was resurrected from the wreckage of this playground scrap, the third lockout in 18 years—all, which took place under the scum between my toes, Gary Bettman—left fans with a sour taste in their mouths, and this time it wasn’t from those delicious rink hotdogs. If last season taught fans anything, it is that we are merely
ponzies in a giant scheme. Even though we are an integral part to having a successful league, no one cares about our thoughts, much less our feelings. These primadonnas at the top could care less about the ever-increasing ticket prices, much less That ass.
the sky rocketing cost of alcohol at every game. Instead of getting to go to a game as a child, giddy with excitement to see your hero play live, fans have to wait until they are middle-aged to be able to afford one standalone ticket – though still exciting, it just isn’t
the same, and everyone knows it’s the little kids that get rewarded with game-worn gloves and sticks, not the 40-year-olds. But, none of this matters; all that matters is that the rich get richer. Besides the obvious cash grab
“ Focus on a time where slashing your opponent like a little girl hurling her princess wand at her older brother to escape a fight is only worth a preseason suspension.”
that was glorified during the lockout, time away from hockey also taught us that a 48-game season is much more exciting that the typical 82-game season as every match up actually means something. But, with a new season looming, fans are expected to forget about the past and concentrate on the future. Focus on a time where slashing your opponent like a little girl, hurling her princess wand at her older brother to escape a fight, is only worth a pre-season suspension. Focus on a time where players make the news for owing six hundred and twenty five dollars in overdue parking tickets, despite the fact that they will make fourteen million dollars this season. A time where the city of champions is always in last place and where the Maple Leafs earn more wins than nearly half the league. Hockey season is still one of my favourite times of the year, but last year was definitely hard on our relationship. I’ll get over it, but it will take some major ass kissing.
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
16 sports
I believe I can fly Why can’t we have a quidditch team? daniel morand the Eyeopener TORONTO (CUP) — Sheel Radia has been a Harry Potter fan since he was eight years old. So, when the Triwizard Tournament was announced earlier this month, signing up for it was an obvious choice for the second-year civil engineering student and co-captain of the Ryerson University quidditch team. “Seeing that part of the book come to life would be awesome and I’d love to represent Ryerson and compete against other schools,” said Radia. The Triwizard Tournament is a fictional sporting event from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series brought to life by students at York University’s Harry Potter club, aptly named the Ministry of Magic. “[The challenges] will be physical in a sense and mental like puzzle solving,” said Alessandra Di Simone, president of the Ministry of Magic. One representative from each of the three Toronto universities, Ryerson, York and the University of Toronto, will be chosen by York’s Harry Potter club on Oct. 4 during the club’s opening feast. The first task, which will happen on the evening of Oct. 18, will also be revealed on Oct. 4. The following two tasks will take place in February and March of next year.
Natalia Balcerzak/The Eyeopener
I played quidditch once, it was terrifying.
“If competitors reach a [task] that they find incredibly hard, it’s easy to just give up,” said Di Simone. “But we want to see who is able to push themselves and see what they can accomplish.” In Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, the fourth book of the series, a chosen representative from three wizarding schools compete in various tasks that test their physical, mental and magical strength. In the book, the first task forces wizards to steal an egg from a firebreathing dragon, the second task has them saving loved ones from a haunted lake and the third requires them to
navigate their way through a giant maze full of mythical creatures. Prizes are still being determined, but a trophy is guaranteed. “It’s going to be similar to the book’s tasks. We’ve tailored them to make it so that it’s still enjoyable but doable and realistic,” said Adam Palmer, head of the ministry’s games and sports. Radia has been going to the gym to keep in shape for quidditch season, and says that if he gets chosen to represent Ryerson, he’ll increase his regimen. He’s read all seven Harry
Potter books four times. However, playing on the quidditch team is not mandatory to apply, as anyone can fill out the online application, Harry Potter buff or not. The application has three parts to it – the first asks for your personal information, the second part asks you to rate you physical abilities, such as speed and flying skills, and the third part tests your Harry Potter knowledge. However, Palmer won’t give away the way they choose each school’s representative. “There’s a method to the way we choose the representative.
There’s a way that we do it that will make it fair for everyone but it’s also a bit random,” said Palmer. To date, 17 students have applied from the three Toronto universities. The phenomenon gained popularity in 2011, first by the University of Western Sydney and has since been done by Indiana University, Penn State and York University earlier this year. This is the first time the three Toronto universities will collaborate in a Triwizard Tournament, but Palmer says its creation was only natural given the success of quidditch. “If they could do it with something as unrealistic as quidditch, which is flying around on brooms and making it doable, why can’t we do that with the Triwizard Tournament?” Palmer said. Di Simone sees the event as a chance to bring Toronto universities together. “I think a big element of our Triwizard Tournament is to bring the different schools together in a common task,” she said. The tasks may be veiled in secrecy, but Radia is a seasoned quidditch player who understands the qualities needed to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. “You’ll need the same things as in the books: intelligence, courage and determination,” said Radia.
Top five NBA dunks Because simply shooting the ball just isn’t good enough This particular dunk was during a playoff game in 1992. Kemp’s Seattle SuperSonics teammate Ricky Pierce dribbles into the corner and is trapped by two Warriors. Pierce passes out of the trap to Kemp at the three-point line past the elbow. Kemp, from the three-point line, takes one dribble, two steps, jumps, slows down time, and dunks the ball. On the footage, in real time, it honestly slows down, I swear. Check this one out.
charlie macdonald contributor 5. Dominique Wilkins against the Boston Celtics frontcourt Former Atlanta Hawks forward Dominique Wilkins is what Michael Jordan would have been, had Scottie Pippen not have turned out to be great. Athleticism, dunks, scoring, and little else. But my God, could ‘Nique dunk the basketball. This is just one example of his freakish ability to change a game in three seconds. The play breaks down like this: ‘Nique misses a 17-footer at the top of the key. The ball hits the back of the rim and goes airborne. Three Celtics turn and look at the ball without boxing out–fundamentals are important, children. The Celtics all jump in unison towards the ball. Out of the sea of white Celtics home jerseys comes an outstretched arm that is 18 inches higher than all other players could dream of going. He then promptly slams the ball down and runs back to not play defence. God bless Dominique “The Human Highlight Film” Wilkins. 4. Tom Chambers defies logic Time to incorporate some Philosophy 150 into this list. One of the key examples of a standard argument is as follows: all men are mortal. Socrates is a
Arthur Ward
Dunks are the only good parts of basketball.
man, therefore Socrates is mortal. I am going to adjust this for relevance to the topic of dunking. White men can’t jump, Tom Chambers–who is pale in complexion–once got his entire head and neck over the rim during an NBA game; therefore, Tom Chambers is either not white or not a man.
3. Dr. J in the 1977 Finals Julius Erving–more commonly known as Dr. J–is one of the ten most important athletes in NBA history, considering his impact on how the public viewed basketball. He kept the NBA
above water through the cocainefueled late seventies. Then, along with basketball legends Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, carried it to mainstream success in the 1980s. Whenever you hear about Dr. J, you hear about a fantastic play that is impossible to see because those in television didn’t tape basketball games. Why would they when millions of people were already watching The Swiss Family Robinson? There is some Dr. J footage on YouTube, however. I have chosen his dunk in the 1977 finals on Portland Trail Blazers star, Bill Walton. The camera angle is per-
fect as you can see Erving’s hand carry the ball six inches above the square on the backboard. Remember, this was in 1977. I’m fairly certain Air Jordan’s weren’t popular yet. Erving got the ball almost two feet above the rim using shoes that wouldn’t be fit for power walking today.
2.Shawn Kemp dunks on Alton Lister Six-time NBA all-star Shawn Kemp has a litter of children. You would too, however, if you could dunk like he did back in the early nineties. Kemp was so cool, he was unironically nicknamed “Reign Man”.
1. Scottie Pippen ruins Patrick Ewing There are two things wrong with someone who says that former Chicago Bulls member Scottie Pippen was a product of Michael Jordan. First of all, they are wrong. Second of all, refer to the first reason. This is another dunk that appears to slow down time. What occurs here is simple; Pippen gets the ball on the wing going full speed. New York Knicks player Patrick Ewing, thinking that he has healthy knees, jumps to try and block and/or foul Pippen. Pippen dunks violently on the poor Ewing who falls back and gets a view under the shorts of the best all-around basketball player of the nineties. After that season, Ewing was never the same. Proving once and for all that a dunk can change someone’s life.
Op-Ed Editor: Farron Ager the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
FNUV: thank you
Emily Wright
My two favorite places in Regina are Leibel Field, where the Regina Minor Football League plays their games, I coach for a bantam level team, and the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv). In a symmetry I find beautiful I am able to see each place from the other. And as football was life changing for me as a teen, the FNUniv has changed my life as an adult. For ten years, First Nations University has brought
culture and academia together in one of Regina’s, if not the country’s, most beautiful buildings and created a community that is both unique and supportive. Few places could encompass the work that FNUniv does every day and it is evident in the people who work there. People who come to a special place and do incredible work changing lives and altering the world we live in.
To paraphrase Dr. Blair Stonechild, FNUniv’s longest serving faculty member and head of the building committee that planned and raised the funds for the Regina Campus, if you have an organization with a unique vision, then it deserves to be housed in a unique building. FNUniv’s mission is to bring post-secondary education to the public in a manner that reflects the cultural teachings of Aboriginal people of Canada. The university does this in a building that is reflective of that mission. I honestly cannot talk about one without the other being a part of the explanation. The entire set up of the building, the high open spaces, the curving walls, the ceremonial tipi, the art, and the people all add up in layers that speak of one overriding theme: community. It is the community that makes FNUniv such a special place. Every day I walk into our Regina Campus, I am greeted with students, faculty, and staff who are all dedicated to doing everything they can to fulfill the mission of the university in their own way. Students learning the traditions of various Aboriginal people alongside the academic pursuits of any other university, staff working to provide support and resources for those students and faculty, facilitating the everyday workings of a post-secondary institution. Faculty teaching their students at every opportunity, speaking with them outside of class to answer any questions and provide every resource possible, Elders happy to sit with students to discuss their problems and provide stories and wisdom with the offering of tobacco. Having
walked all of these paths, I feel blessed by Creation to learn and work among these very dedicated people. And it all adds up to a community that is a vibrant, living thing unto itself that brings everyone together to create a sense of home and support that grows and nurtures all who are a part of it. Feel free to consider this a long way of saying thank you. Thank you to an institution that has not only allowed me to pursue a path of knowledge and knowing that is not possible anywhere else but has also encouraged and rewarded me for finding and walking my path. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who have made FNUniv possible. And thank you to Creation for providing such an incredible place that continues to grow and enrich the world around it.
richard jensen contributor
Creating a layer of outcasts Exactly what values are being represented in Quebec’s proposed Charter of Values? If values are those rights and priorities that we hold dear, things that we believe should be protected and held to high standards, then the Party Québécois’ (PQ) charter is nothing more than an attempt to rid Quebec of any aspects of diversity and multiculturalism, all under the guise of protecting a sacred “value system.” PQ, give me a break. Your constant ventures of creating a so-called Francophone province by eliminating anyone and anything which does not fit into your ideal image of a French Canadian is ridiculous. And, in your feeble attempts to push these changes, you only end up planting seeds of hate and ignorance in society. Enough. If the PQ had it their way, individuals would be forced through a machine that would strip them of their identities, unique qualities, and clothing choices, and spit them out as character-less robotic beings that submit to the willpower of the PQ. What the PQ seems to forget is that values are deeply ingrained in us—be they from religious teachings, cultural backgrounds, or family upbringings. So while the proposed charter aims at clearing public institutions of religious symbols, and as a result creating a secular space free of religious decision-making, there is one thing that’s been neglected. Does the PQ really think that forbidding people from wearing religious symbols will somehow magically make them think differently, or hold different view-
Arthur Ward
points and ideologies? There is no on and off button for people’s belief systems. We live our lives based on how we understand and perceive the world around us. And these perceptions are taught to us through various platforms, religion being one of them. Force me to take off my hijab, and I will still have the same ideas, morals, and viewpoints. The only difference is, you will have broken me. And that’s what the proposed Charter has done. It has broken people; made them feel unsafe, deeply hurt, and wounded a large section of the population who see their religions as part of who they are. And, by proposing that they no longer can display their symbols of faith, the PQ has validated the ideas of ignorant and judgmental people and provided them a
reason to act upon their aggression. Since the Charter’s proposal, there have been countless reports of men and women being harassed in the streets of Quebec for wearing their faith on their sleeves— Muslims, Sikhs and Jews being harassed on buses, malls, and sidewalks. The Charter’s effects don’t stop here. While the Charter only proposes a ban on religious clothing, its ramifications are much deeper. In his opinion piece for the Huffington Post titled “The ‘Values Charter’ is Misguided,” Omar Alghabra talks about how, upon coming to Canada, he wanted to assimilate into Canadian culture by trying to shed his label as a foreigner. He says, “I wanted to remove any visible or invisible signs of being a foreigner so I can belong. I wished I didn’t have an ac-
cent. I intended to assimilate. I rejected the hyphenated ‘Canadian label’ it made me feel less of a Canadian. I wanted to be like everyone else and be treated like everyone else.” What kind of pressure are Canadians living in Quebec under now, with this proposed Charter? Are many of them feeling the same selfconsciousness and marginalization that Alghabra speaks of, wishing that their skin was just a little lighter, their accent just a little less thicker, or their name just a little less foreign? Perhaps the question for the PQ is: what threats do such symbols represent to you? Or, are you simply afraid that your idea of the “perfect” Quebec and the “ideal” Quebecer may be impeached by a province with a changing and thriving demographic? And behind all this talk of a “values charter,” whose values are you really considering? If we are going to talk about values, let’s talk about values that actually matter. Values that build communities and societies, not divide them. Values that bring people together, despite their differences and beliefs, so that they may learn and befriend one another. Values that are inclusive, not marginalizing. Values that allow citizens to express themselves without fear, persecution, or loss of employment. After all, are these not the values that make or break a province?
taouba khelifa contributor
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
18 op-ed
I’m just being Canadian Let me start off by saying that I’m not Canadian. I’m an Anguillian - therefore technically I’m British. I’ve been living in Canada for the past two years and I have grown to love Canadians for the pride they have in their country. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the world thinks they live in igloos or their French isn’t France-certified, Canadians value their heritage more than anyone else I know. It’s for this reason why I’m baffled by the response I get from people when they see the phone that I own and use every day. Snarky comments like “that piece of trash,” “worthless shit” and the even more embarrassing rolling of the eyes and turning away are all problems that this phone has brought me ever since I’ve been in Canada. I feel like I’ve been discriminated against because of my phone and it’s so bad it apparently took a toll out of my selfesteem. Why do you think I haven’t mentioned the type of phone I own as yet? I own a Blackberry and, if you haven’t realized, Blackberry is a Canadian company based out of Waterloo, Ontario. I know the company hasn’t been too healthy lately and is currently on its last legs, but if you put all that aside, the company is still Canadian. The first thing that moved me when I came to Canada is that in terms of brands, Canadians support their own, no matter how much it sucks. The Maple Leafs, Rays, Raptors never have a problem with selling tickets and fan merchandise. Even the Saskatchewan Roughriders saw a 4% increase in their gross revenue for their 2011-2012 season, despite having a despica-
tract with my mobile service provider, I constantly restrain myself from literally throwing my Blackberry under the bus at the bus stop. It was Canadians that first inspired me to hold such pride in home grown brands, now they are the same people that are ridiculing me for upholding that virtue. If there’s one thing I have learned is that history will inevitably repeat itself. Have you forgotten Apple’s story? The company basically booted Steve Jobs in the ‘90s, suffered a financial crisis, then pulled him back on board to establish themselves as a superpower in the smartphone industry. Mike Lazarids, former CEO and cofounder of Blackberry, and I haven’t forgotten this. Rumour has it that he is positioning himself to buy back the company that was once his. So, go ahead. Laugh at me all you want, but for all I know, you’re laughing at yourselves because I’m just being Canadian. By the looks of things, I just might have the last laugh.
Arthur Ward
ble 5 – 13 record. According to the Roughriders annual report for that season, gate and concession sales were the main factor that contributed to the increase. Technically, they got more support when their backs were against the wall. Why doesn’t Blackberry get the same kind of love? Could the hatred be due to the fact that Blackberry just slashed 40% of
their work force, or that they were always late to the market in the race with the other big names such as Apple and Samsung? In fact, for a country that always had a rivalry with its southern neighbours, the USA, I find it somewhat hypocritical that most Canadians now worship the apple instead of the berry. Now, midway through a 3-year con-
arthur ward technical editor
Let us be heard! Peek-a-boo V.2 Federally employed scientists recently began protesting the federal government to raise awareness to the recent muzzling of scientific discussion. In recent years, many publically funded scientists have been prevented from sharing their findings with the scientific community and the media. Government representatives have often been present at press conferences and interviews to prevent scientists from sharing information that would put a negative spotlight on federal policy. The widely accepted theory is that this has been done to prevent scientific findings, putting a negative light on government policies concerning the environment and industry. If the federal government is worried about scientific findings raising questions on their environmental policy, they should recognize it as a wasted effort. The public doesn’t need ground-breaking studies to understand that environmental protection hasn’t been properly implemented. They already know that reducing protection of freshwater bodies for mining and refining purposes has detrimental effects. They already know that increased dependence on fossil fuels is detrimental to our pathetic attempt to decrease carbon emissions. Sheltering the public from scientific knowledge only asserts that their environmental policy is formed by politics, not evidence. Muzzling researchers isn’t the only way the government is combatting the spread of scientific knowledge. Federally-funded research programs have seen significant cuts over the last several years. When I worked for the SPARC research center in Swift Current a year ago, they had just seen several researcher positions get slashed due to funding cuts. The Department of Fisheries and Ocean’s habitat management program has been essentially eliminated, and with it, an effective research squad on harmful anthropogenic effects on fish habitat. With funding cuts combined with findings shielded with the public, the Conservative government has sent a clear message. Public perception is more important than intelligent policy.
Letting political opinion and popularity come before come before scientists’ findings shows just how much the federal government values ignorance. The scientific method is an exemplary example of evidence-based decision-making. Studies not only need to produce conclusions, but also need to have sound methods so that other professionals can replicate them. The amount of record keeping that scientists have to conduct to support their findings is enough to make a librarian go insane. What’s left after this tedious process are findings supported by a strong, collection of evidence. Whereas political opinion can always be criticized and questioned, soundly performed studies tend to leave little room for skepticism. Public funding is one of the most important sources of income for scientists in Canada. If scientists are unable to exchange ideas with the public and their peers, most of this money goes to waste. The purpose of their research is to further improve our understanding of the world around us, and should not be compromised for the sake of a popularity contest. If the Conservatives don’t have the appreciation for science to at least properly fund their programs, they should at least have enough respect for them to allow them to share their findings with the community.
dylan criddle contributor
If you are concerned about the eternal existence of your uploaded all-inclusive (i.e. drunk) vacation photos, or those “Throwback Thursdays” lingering around the interweb for your future children to find, fear no more. One of the world’s cutest ghosts is here to help you display your pictures without too much threat of permanent history. Snapchat, a smartphone app created by Stanford University students, dawns the adorable mascot and since its inception in 2011, Ghostface Chillah has become a recognizable icon for many smartphone users. This is because Snapchat is dedicated to ephemeral photo sharing between users and in a technologically advanced world. This was revolutionary. Permanent Facebook edited photos had met their match; transitory ugly selfies weighed in, and they looked to be tough competitors. With 350 million photos being shared daily, Snapchat’s network activity has easily surpassed the beloved app of narcissists around the world, Instagram. With the initial mainstream understanding that Snapchat was for teenage boys hoping for ten seconds of pure pubescent bliss with their teenybopper female counterparts, it is hard to think 350 million pictures are being delivered just for this reason. But the winds changed. Now triple-chinned-duck-lipped-selfies (that tend to resemble a person in immense constipation) have become the trend. Add in amateur Van Goghs and Picassos, superhero enthusiasts, and revealing defecating images – yes you read that right -- and you have this strange, yet perfect, combination for a multi-million dollar valued company. For an app that launched less than a year ago on the Android operating system, its rapid popularity is astonishing. Its fame could be drawn from the impatient attitude of our Western society, along with the conventional demand for authenticity, and how Snapchat serves this through its “au natural” low quality photos being short-lived for the viewer before it is
has completely vanished into some sort of abyss, never again to be reviewed. Or it could just be because everyone has it, so everyone wants it. Its prevalence in the global app community could be exposing something about the way our communication needs are changing. Instant messaging is a thing of the past; instant snaps get more of the ‘picture’ across in less or no words at all. This demand for up-to-the-minute responses with a limited character cap transcends through the Twitterverse as well. Whether it is a good or bad thing for how human interaction occurs in the 21st century, I don’t know. All I know is we have come to the point in life where every hall I walk down, every store I’m shopping in, and every public bathroom I enter I will be vulnerable to witnessing selfies in action. This, to me, is distressing. I do, however, want to live in a world where Saturday morning hangovers are captured, where colourfully drawn Santas, Minions, Borats, and Ronald McDonalds can be found anywhere, and where unknowing victims have giant neon green penises sketched into their hands. I hope the future of Snapchat continues on with this artistic outbreak it is having, because the only thing worse than realizing your naked snap went to your entire contact list is finding out someone took a screenshot of it. And no one needs that.
paige kreutzwieser staff writer
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
19 op-ed
Waxing Intellectual Socratic discussion about something decidedly not philosophical.
Nothing says “intellectual” like broken Nicholas Cage pot.
Should books ever be adapted for film? Farron Ager (Op-Ed Editor):
Maybe I’m going to sound incredibly brazen here, but I’ll go out on a limb here and suggest that adaptation process is akin to a Darwinian process, as you’ve got the source text – the novel, the graphic novel, the short story, and then you have the adaptation, which is invariably based off the those works. From there, each adaptation will diverge insignificantly or significantly from the source text, evolving from the source text. Kyle Leitch Manager):
I would disagree because I don’t think that film adaptation leads to the evolution of source text, rather, it leads to the de-evolution of the source text. Take for example H.G. Wells’ the War of the Worlds, which was written in 1898 and since then it hasn’t been done the justice I think it that the book had, except maybe the Orson Welles’ 1938 radio adaptation, but I would consider that more of an entity unto itself that being an adaptation.
Farron: But that’s also what I mean by the adaptations can be seen as Darwinian. Orson Welles’ takes the novel and creates something new with it. It’s an evolution of the species and perpetuates the species and breathes new life into the source text.
Kyle: However, more often than not, adaptation falls short of the mark, especially if you have a well-established text to begin. It does not live up to its expectation. For example, the film Watchmen (2009) was considered unfilmable and it wasn’t done its proper justice that so many fans of the series wanted.
Farron: That’s a fair claim. Not every adaptation does justice to the source text. Looking at another adaptation of Wells, Byron Haskin’s the War of the Worlds (1953), you’ve got, essentially, godless communists invading America and it ends basically saying divine providence keeps America safe. I wonder, though, if an adaptation falls short because people, i.e. the movie-going masses, tend to judge films on how faithful they are to work the directors are adapting. Kyle: Keep in mind though that there’s almost no way to play devil’s advocate when you bring fidelity criticism into it because it’s going to be one of two things: you’re going to have an audience who says unanimously the work was too faithful and they wish something had changed or the work wasn’t faithful at all and why change what you had good in the source material.
Farron: That’s reasonable. I would by no means suggest that fidelity criticism be the sole means in which to judge a film, but it is usually the easiest way to
judge a film so a lot of people use it. In looking at adaptations, the one thing I really want to stress is that fidelity criticism is a stepping stone to examining other issues that lurk in the process of adapting. For example, one of the most interesting things I find in studying adaptation is examining the context that surrounds the film. Namely, the audience and what they bring with them to the theatre. I would argue that a mindful director would not neglect the frame of mind of his/her audience and would therefore adapt for them.
Kyle: Conversely, there’s nothing wrong with adapting a film more to the audience that was present when the source text came out and marketing to the audience of the source text. I mean, you look at the ending of the Watchmen and the green technology ending, with the car being plugged in, was a total cop-out to try and collect the concerns of the day and did so poorly. And that’s another thing with the adaptation, it tried to go in its own direction and I think that defeated quite a bit of the point that source text tried to make.
Farron: That is certainly a danger with adaptation. But at the same time, there are plenty of terrible adaptations that came out, missed the mark due to one reason or another, and then were subsequently forgotten. But I don’t think I can fault directors for trying use an existing novel and re-
mediate it for a new audience and put a new spin on it.
Kyle: True, but just because you can adapt something doesn’t mean you should. I think what we’re experiencing now is a situation in Hollywood that is very similar to the introduction of the Hays Code in the 1930s, where a minister was the chief censor for Hollywood films, controlling the moral content and when people broke out of the Hays Code, you get this 60s American counterculture experience. I think we’ll be seeing this again soon, as you’re going to see an audience who wants to return to a more expressive form of filmmaking and I think that’s where you’re going to see the death of adaptation, in the flourishing of new ideas that are going to be expressed by people that are currently a little bit afraid of offending someone’s sensibilities. Farron: That’s quite poignant. Yet, I think you see some of that now in at least some adaptations, though, but it’s not as explicit. All I can think of for an example is the movie The Mist (2007), a film that which, for the most part, is fairly faithful to the novella that Stephen King wrote in the 80s, except for the ending, which is pretty damn bleak compared to the source text. After it comes out, you actually get King saying he wished he came up with that ending and praises the film because of it. The ending radically alters the point of the film, making it
significantly bleaker and, in addition, successfully exploring these new ideas you talk about.
Kyle: The way I see it, if you’re going to make an adaptation, and going to make a proper one, the source text shouldn’t be the vehicle as to get people into the theatre, but more so the means by which the filmmaker can ply their trade. Without the source text, there would be no film. Yet, without a source text, filmmakers can spin a film that seems, and in many ways is, like a new idea. Farron: Well, it appears we’re actually over our word count as it stands. Is there something we can agree on?
Kyle: Well, we both seem to agree on the fact that if you don’t like the film, you shouldn’t have to watch it. Other than that, erm, I don’t know. Farron: I’ll drink to that!
cd a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o f s t u d e n t s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s c o a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y t o n u n did anyone win the pseudo-debate? are you more enlightened? can both e r fi r e t h a t s p e e c h s t e p h e n h a r p e r c a n a d a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a l d y g a g a t p a n i a u t o ttu n e r e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k r u p t c y s w e a t e v r e s h t p i s t e d r o u c h e b a g s h o s e a s s h o e l s w h o g v i e y o u t c i k e t s w h e n y o u p a r k n i t h e w r o n g p a l c e o n c a m p u s a t l h n i g s c a p t i a s i l t these clowns go to hell? let your voice be heard @ g a y m c a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o f s t u d e n t s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s c o a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y tonunderfirethatspeechstephenharpercanada inee lcto intwtietriuneskanyewesa tldygagatp -an i-
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
20 op-ed
All hail the Queen
Kyle Leitch
All hail the Queen. That most noble regal crown which we, in Canada, hail. Although worshipped religiously here, as royal visits show, in other parts of the world, the British Crown summons a history of exploitation, violence, cultural assimilation, slavery and colonialism. The sun never sets on the British Empire, and I guess for good reason—because without it, the situation would be unbearably dark. Better that evil be in the light for all to see. Many former colonies today are still suffering due to former British rule, but don’t get me wrong, many other European powers did the exact same thing. It’s the British Crown I criticize here, though, because they are the ones that Canada, still to this day, strangely feels a connection to. It’s a wonder the Red Ensign isn’t our flag: the Union Jack is probably found in more corners of this country than the maple leaf. Canada has a strange longing to be British. It seems to be some sort of inferiority complex, indeed what’s called a “cultural cringe,” or a colonial inferiority
complex. This longing is manifested in many ways. From the portrait of the Queen that I saw everyday in school from kindergarten to Grade 12 (and always wondered why it was there) to the citizenship oath hopeful Canadians must swear before actually becoming a Canadian citizen. In case you didn’t know, this is the oath: “I swear (or affirm)?- That I will be faithful?- And bear true allegiance?-To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second?Queen of Canada?- Her Heirs and Successors?- And that I will faithfully observe?- The laws of Canada?- And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.” So the Queen comes first, and then Canada and democratic principles. This is as backwards as the divine right of kings. Most realize that these are just words, and don’t protest because they take the Queen and the Monarchy for what they are: a tired, frivolous, useless, derangedthat-it-even-exists-celebrity anachronism. Yet, there are a few who do protest, and they made the news a couple weeks back
Name the dead A couple weeks ago, the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) launched a project that aims to record the names and numbers of people who were killed by US drone strikes in Pakistan. The project labeled ‘Name The Dead,’ also aims to put names to the numbers while giving importance to biographical details of those who have deceased so that the public and the politicians can better explain the intricacies of what is happening on the ground in Pakistan. Furthermore, the Obama administration has claimed that the drones are an extremely precise weapon that has only targeted al-Qaeda and its affiliated groups, while causing almost no civilian harm. However, the Obama administration has not published its own account of who it believes has been killed. According to the BIJ, there have been 2500 casualties resulting from drone strikes and approximately 1/5 of the dead are civilians. Thus, this only leads me to believe that the Obama administration is only spouting a load of horseshit. I have been a long-time opponent of this kind of warfare, not only that drones separate the human aspect of warfare, and morphing it into a video game like scenario by dropping bombs from a control tower, thousands of miles away from the “warzone,” it also succumbs the US military to sink as low as the Islamic terrorists that they despise. It wasn’t too long after 9/11 when the Americans bashed the terrorists of acting cowardly by hurting innocent victims; now it seems that the Americans are behaving cowardly by making it rain bombs in heavy civilian populated areas. The BIJ preliminary findings suggest that 95 civilian children have perished resulting from this senseless drone attacks. This report is devastating to say the least,
however many would argue that it is a necessary evil to eradicate terrorism. I totally disagree with that notion: if there is a need for an assassination then surgical strikes that involve boots on the ground should be the way to go, no matter how high the risk is, this is the cost of war on terror and to keep innocent civilians out of harms way. Do not get me wrong—I despise the terrorists as much as the next guy, but after committing mass murder through the drone program and having the audacity to lie to the public that it doesn't harm civilians is absolutely appalling. I believe that these drone attacks will only contribute to a vicious cycle as more and more innocent victim are killed, the higher the likelihood the survivors of these attacks will be swayed to the rhetoric of Islamic fundamentalists that will in turn produce more terrorists. Lastly, kudos to the BIJ for forming this project to shed some light on the aftermath of these drone strikes, as I hope this will encourage the American taxpayers to confront their representatives on using their money to fund killings abroad.
ravinesh sakaran contributor
when the Ontario Superior Court Justice Edward Morgan dismissed their claim that the oath was “discriminatory and unjust.” One claimant is Michael McAteer, who moved to Canada over 50 years ago. McAteer told the Canadian Press that the oath would “violate his conscience and betray his republican heritage” because his father was persecuted for supporting Irish Independence. Who is Canada to make new citizens swear an oath to Monarchical rather than Republican principles? Especially those heirs of brave heroes that fought against regal rule? Monarchy being one of the most savage forms of government humankind has been subjected to. Yet, the Canadian courts decided that making would-be Canadians take the oath is constitutional, while they also ruled that it does violate Canada’s free-speech rights. According to the same Canadian Press article, the oath does not violate equality rights. I don’t know about you, but swearing an Oath to someone like the Queen seems to mean you are her subject, which
implies a hierarchy, which consequently means inequality. On the Canadian Government’s website, there is an “Understanding the Oath” section: “we profess our loyalty to a person who represents all Canadians and not to a document such as a constitution, a banner such as a flag, or a geopolitical entity such as a country. In our constitutional monarchy, these elements are encompassed by the Sovereign…It is a remarkably simple yet powerful principle: Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada.” Canadian ought not to be personified by a Sovereign with a history of violence and a sweet tooth for exploitation. Rather, let our future fellow Canadians swear an oath to our unique constitution, the true personification of this land.
michael chmielewski editor-in-chief
You’re right, right? What does the outcome of the Sep. 25 sewage water referendum in our city really mean for us politically? I’m a political pundit who likes picking up and following political trends. The results of this referendum send a very clear message right across the province. The decisive victory for the No side is just the latest proof that our province, including Regina, is in the midst of a transformative conservative revolution. Conservative-leaning politicians now dominate every level of politics in our province – federally, provincially, and municipally. This is not a coincidence. Starting in the mid-to-late 1990s, a seismic shift has been transforming our political landscape. There are reasons why this is happening: 1. The disappearance of the family farm as an institution in Saskatchewan. Just like across the Great Plains states to the south of us, when the family farms disappeared, the left-wing political options went by the wayside and produced very Republican states. You only have to study the political history of states like North Dakota and Nebraska to get a solid understanding of this situation. 2. Disappearance of the NDP from rural and suburban Saskatchewan. Twenty years ago, the Saskatchewan NDP held most of the provincial seats in rural Saskatchewan and all of them in the suburbs of Regina and Saskatoon. Today the party is completely shut out of the rural areas and has only a toehold in the suburbs. What changed in that time? Decisions made by the Romanow Government – the cancelling of the GRIP program, the closure of 52 rural hospitals, reverting many highways back to gravel, and attempted forced amalgamation of municipalities - fuelled the collapse of the NDP in rural areas. The end of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool is also part of this trend.
3. Disappearance of the Saskatchewan Liberal Party. As long as the Saskatchewan Liberals were competing with conservatives for political support, the Saskatchewan NDP and their farm teams at the municipal level could always count of walking up the middle and win. But the disappearance of the Liberals as a political force in provincial politics has resulted in the Liberal vote going to its next-best home in the Saskatchewan Party. Given the fact that the federal Liberals are reviled in the prairie provinces and that the provincial Liberals are making no attempt to distance themselves from their federal cousins, it seems that Liberals will continue to stick with the Saskatchewan Party indefinitely. There are other reasons for this political revolution, including a shift in North America toward conservative parties since the 1980s. And it appears that the ‘government town’ known as Regina is not isolated from this trend. At one time, it would have been considered unthinkable for the political right to score a win like they did in Regina with the referendum vote. But win they did, and convincingly. The ball is now back in the court of the political left in Regina. Leftists here and across the province are now challenged to renew their political fortunes, or continue their decline toward oblivion. Anybody who argues that Saskatchewan’s political left is not in crisis after pondering the Regina referendum results is whistling past the graveyard. The trend in Saskatchewan politics has become overwhelmingly clear.
john murney contributor
the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
U R Guarantee Sung to the tune of Barrett’s Privateers
csto a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o s f t u d e n t s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s c o a --il itso n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y n u n d e r fi r e t h a t s p e e c h t e p h e n h a r p e c r a n a d a i n e e l ctta ilce o n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s d y g a g a t p a n i a u t o t u n e r e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k the Carillon: parody rd u p t c y s w e a t e r v e s t h p i s t e r osong uo ch e b a g s t h o s e a s s h o e l s w h g v i e y o u t c i k e t s w h e n geniuses since y o u p a r k n i t h e w r o n g p a l c e o n c a m p u s a t h l n i g s c a p t i a s i l g t a ym c a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o f s t u d e n t s s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u 1962. d e n t s c o a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y t o n u n d e r fi r e t h a t sd p e e c h s t e p h e n h a r p e r c a n a a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a l d y g a g a t p a n i a u t o t u n e r e c e s s i o n afghansitantasersdome
Farron Ager and Kyle Leitch
An excerpt from Drinking Songs of the Academy Oh, the year of our Lord it was twenty-aught-nine How I wish I was in SIAST now! A letter of marque came from the dean, To the scummiest service I'd ever seen,
CHORUS: God damn them all! I was told I'd get a job or tuition for free We'd roll in wealth - drink chablis But I'm a broken man with a useless degree The first of U R Guarantee.
Drew Wass
Oh, Vianne Timmons cried the town, How I wish I was in SIAST now! For 'hundred brave kids on scholarships who would make for her the Guarantee's crew
In the Fall's first day we were put to work, How I wish I was in SIAST now! And even though they were to our detriment They made us write damn testaments
Six month’s passed since graduation How I wish I was in SIAST now! One student came back without job to plea But was turned away due to technicality
The Guarantee promised success for all, How I wish I was in SIAST now! Eighty students left to be adults Yet I carried on with this desperate cult
The Guarantee's plan was a sickening sight, How I wish I was in SIAST now! We would meet an advisor regularly Partake in activities t’were done mandator’ly
Oh, U R Going Places, Guaranteed, How I wish I was in SIAST now! And they gave us thirty credits for free One year passed, unused credits we’ll never see
The Guarantee had been a cruel mistress How I wish I was in SIAST now! Returning students made an awful din Guarantee not film or education
So here I lay in my 23rd year How I wish I was in SIAST now! Can’t help but feel I’ve been lead astray Since now I wait for job calls everyday
Visual Editor: Emily Wright the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
cd a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o f s t u d e n t s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s c o a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y t o n u n e r fi r e t h a t s p e e c h s t e p h e n h a r p e r c a n a d a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a l d y g a g a t p a n i a u t o all right, so maybe none of these freshmen are particularly angry. we just ttg u n e r e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k r u p t c y s w e a t e v r e s h t p i s t e d r o u c h e b a g s h o s e a s s h o e l s w h o g v i e y o u t c i k e t s w h e n y o u p a r k n i t h e w r o n g p a l c e o n c a m p u s a t l h n i g s c a p t i a s i l t a y m c a n a d a i n f e d e r a t o i n o f s t u d e n t s a s k a t c h e w a n s t u d e n t s c o a t i l o n m c i h a e a j l c k s o n m o v e i a l y couldn’t resist the reference. instead, we interviewed these good people to ta o n u n d e r fi r e t h a t s p e e c h s t e p h e n h a r p e r c a n a d a i n e e l c t o i n t w t i e r t i u n e s k a n y e w e s t a l d y g a g a t p a n i u t o t u n e r e c e s s o i n a f g h a n s i t a n t a s e r s d o m e b a o l i u t s h e a t l h c a r e b a n k r u p t c y s w e a t e r v e s t h p i s t e r d o u c h e b a g s t h o s e a s s h o e l s w h o g v i e y o u t c i k e t s w h e n y o u p a r k n i t h e w r o n g p a l c e o n c a m p u s a lhp n ih gesn ca tg an ym re a iwhat da fa hn 1e nsk 1a m h aee a jlsca so n vn ia a lu ytto otn u dce ea th ah tsa pn esie ch see the experience like this stte hp atira psile cra ad a ian e lg cte o ia nn tw tie tirfreshmen u nycie w ltk d yg am gisatp -o a ie uyear. nn ere ersfi so irn fg ta n
brittany sippola First year engineering Advice she'd give a freshmen: Put your phone down, branch out, get involved and MEET PEOPLE. Favourite quotes: "Crushed it!" "Make good choices"
brittany melland First year pre-nutrition Advice she'd give a freshmen: Actually study
emma chatterson Social Work What do you like about the University? “I like living on campus. It definitely makes it easier in university life. I definitely feel this sense of a community here, even though its still school, but yah, very family like here.”
joey carriere Education What do you like about the University? “I like the smaller campus.”
victoria leier Geology What do you like about the University? “I like the freedom of choice that I have with my classes, and that I’m able to make my schedule around the times I want.”
alex Journalism What do you like about the university? “I like how different it is. I came from a small town, and it's a huge change going to a campus with the population of your town!”
12 angry (fresh)men
Photos by: Zach Almond, Haley Klassen, & Emily Wright the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
shae bonk Major: Engineering Advice she'd give a freshman: As comfy as your bed may be... go to class!! Favourite quote: My grandmother started walking 5 miles a day when she was 60. She is nintyseven now and we don't know where the hell she is!
braxton istace First year Systems Software Engineering Advice he'd give a freshmen: Double check what is due & the internet can be your friend.
tessa herzberger Electronic systems engineering Favourite Quote: Be who you are and say what you feel, for those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind - Dr. Seuss
frances kurtenbach Faculty of Education, majoring in Secondary Literature Advice she'd give a freshmen: Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to new people. You'll find out that they are very willing to help you out. Favourite Quote: If you're going through hell, keep going.
danish chowdhry Engineering What do you like about the University? “I really like the people here, very good and diverse group of people.�
meika schauerte Journalism Favourite quote: Life is short so live fast, have fun and be a bit mischievous. Advice she'd give a freshman: Stay fresh.
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the carillon | October 3 - 16, 2013
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2:14 PM October 01 from print media
the_carillon The Carillon
cd ae n ad ith na fetsd acto ihn o fsth ue d eh na tsrsp ae sk ch sctto u dte nttisceo atin loe nsm cih e a jlce ksso nm o va e ita l-y nu uto n-the Carillon: seceding the union 1962. rfi rea pe ere ste p n rca atn ae dw a ina en e lfrom in w rtiu ksince an ya ew ta ld yga g p atn ioa