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Celebrating National Library Week

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National Library Week

(April 23-29) is a time to celebrate and appreciate the vital role that libraries play in our communities. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries of all types across the country each April.


This year’s theme, “There’s More to the Story,” highlights the ways that libraries offer resources and services that go beyond books.

Madison College Libraries are no exception. They offer a variety of online workshops and resources to support students at all levels of their educational journey. From technology help to research skills, the library is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve both their skills and knowledge.

During National Library Week, Madison College Libraries are encouraging everyone to stop by and explore what that they have to offer. The library is the place to be on campus. And with locations on six campuses and support available seven days a week, it is easy to find the help you need.

A critical role that libraries play is in providing access to technology and the internet. Internet access is essential for education, job searching and basic communication. Libraries offer free access to computers and the internet on campus, as well as training on how to use them effectively.

Madison College Libraries supports this by lending laptops and wireless hotspots through the college’s Technology Access Program. Libraries remain vital for promoting literacy and learning. Madison College Libraries offer educational resources like journal article databases and online reference materials. The library is a wonderful place to work on homework or to research a topic for a project in your class. But libraries are not solely about education and research; they are also community gathering places. Debrief with your friends after class or work on one of our puzzles. Your campus library brings people together for fun and socialization and they have something for everyone.

So do not miss the full story of what the library has to offer. Celebrate National Library Week with Madison College Libraries from April 23-29 and discover all the resources and services that are available to support your learning and personal growth.

Follow the Madison College libraries on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and the hashtag #NationalLibraryWeek to join the online celebration and learn more about your college’s libraries.

For more information, visit the library’s website at libguides.madisoncollege.edu/ library. And check out our guide for National Library Week at libguides.madisoncollege.edu/nlw.


By Sgt. Lucas Adler

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