Weekend, January 22-24, 2010 - The Daily Cardinal

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Our sex columnist examines the science of the G-spot PAGE 2

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Badgers shoot for revenge, look to rebound at Kohl Center this weekend SPORTS

Complete campus coverage since 1892



Doyle introduces new basic health-care plan By Cathy Martin The Daily Cardinal

Gov. Jim Doyle introduced a health-care plan Thursday aiming to cover thousands of low-income, childless adults, but critics questioned a lack of details about the plan. The new plan, the BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan, will provide limited health-care access to those on the waiting list for the more comprehensive BadgerCare Plus Core Plan. The Core Plan, which was introduced last summer, halted its enrollment in October 2009 at 64,000 because of budget constraints. According to a statement from Doyle’s office, the Basic Plan will be a temporary solution for those who have been turned away. The Basic Plan will be funded entirely through an individually paid $130 monthly premium and will include some physician, hospital and prescription coverage. Kelly Becker, spokesperson for state Sen. Jon Erpenbach,

D-Waunakee, said though the plan is just a “bare-bones option,” it could help prevent cases of medical bankruptcy, one of the leading causes of bankruptcy in the state. Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, said in a statement that though it remains to be seen how many eligible individuals will be able to afford the premiums, providing them with another possibility is a “very smart step.” Others are not so sure. Jim Bender, spokesperson for state Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, said none of the plan’s details are available, making it impossible to evaluate. How long the plan will be available is unknown. Stephanie Smiley, spokesperson for Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services, said as the economy improves, people will find jobs with employer-sponsored insurance and move off the Core badgercare page 3

U.S. Supreme Court overturns campaign funding restrictions By Hannah Furfaro The Daily Cardinal

Corporate donations to legislative and presidential campaigns are no longer restricted to maximum caps on their amount after a U.S. Supreme Court decision Tuesday overturned a 63-year-old law. In a 5-4 decision, the court decided corporations should be allowed under the First Amendment to draw from their own treasuries to fund campaigns. The ruling also effec-

tively overturns part of the McCain-Feingold Act restricting corporate-funded issue ads. According to Jay Heck, director of the government reform group Common Cause in Wisconsin, the decision “opens up the floodgates” for special interest funds. Heck said the net effect in Wisconsin will be an influx of money in legislative and gubernatorial elections. “For those of us who think campaigns page 3



Weekend, January 22-24, 2010

UW-Madison student Tyler Lark (left), a member of Engineers Without Borders, helps fix a pipe in Haiti shortly before the earthquake. Students back in Madison are now doing what they can to help.

Photo courtesy eyleen chou

Campus unites to help in Haitian relief efforts By Kelsey Gunderson The Daily Cardinal

UW-Madison junior Maggie Baker is not the only student on campus who was devastated to hear about the earthquake in Haiti and felt compelled to do something to help out. Many UW-Madison students and organizations on campus are making an effort to provide relief to the people of Haiti. Baker is currently in the process of organizing a campuswide clothing drive to benefit those in Haiti. She said although UW-Madison students may be short on money, she believes it is still important to make the effort to help out.

“The clothing drive is an easy way to get a large number of people involved to promote the cause without necessarily asking for money,” she said. Baker said she is still working out the details of the drive but plans to have places for students to donate in common campus buildings like the Student Activity Center, the SERF and residence halls throughout next week. Several other UW-Madison students have planned events on campus throughout the next few weeks as well, including those in the Greek community. “We’re a connected world, and we need to help those in need, especially when we have the

money and resources and time on our hands to give to them,” said Betsy Pike, president of Gamma Phi Beta. Pike is one of over 200 UW-Madison students planning on attending the “Dance for Haiti” event Jan. 23, organized by the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. In addition, the Associated Students of Madison have discussed plans for a “Haiti Day of Action,” the Greek community plans to host a “Pray for Haiti” event Friday and, according to a UW-Madison release, UW Health donated about $15,000 to the Red Cross. Students can make Red Cross donations at redcross.org.

ASM negotiating with Madison Metro Transit over expiring bus pass contract

The Penn is mightier

By Samuel Berg The Daily Cardinal

lorenzo zemella/the daily cardinal

Badger basketball players Tara Steinbauer, Alyssa Karel and Taylor Wurtz (left to right) walk off the court after a 54-43 loss to Penn State at the Kohl Center Thursday night. Turn to Sports on page 8 for full coverage.

The future of the Associated Students of Madison bus pass program was the subject of discussions at the Downtown Coordinating Committee’s first meeting of the year Thursday. Committee members also discussed new electronic parking meters and the possible introduction of longer, articulated buses. The most pressing issue discussed at the meeting was the upcoming expiration of ASM’s agreement with Metro Transit that provides UW-Madison students with unlimited-ride bus passes. ASM and Metro Transit are currently negotiating the contract, which expires at the end of the 2009-’10 school year. It is not clear how last April’s bus fare hike

will affect the bus pass agreement. Bill Knobeloch, Madison’s parking operations manager, discussed the new computerized parking meters that will be installed throughout the city. Officials intend to replace 10 of the old parking meters with the new models by as soon as February. The new machines will accept credit and debit cards. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 8, brought up the possibility of paying via text messaging. Metro Transit General Manager Chuck Kamp said the city is considering the possibility of articulated buses, large buses with accordion bends in the center, being introduced into the transit system in the future. The new buses would have transit page 3

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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TODAY: cloudy hi 34º / lo 27º


Weekend, January 22-24, 2010

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892

Peter Stotch: Narcoleptic soldier for hire

Volume 119, Issue 71

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SATURDAY: rain hi 38º / lo 35º

ANDREW LAHR spare me the lahrcasm


ots of NoDoz, and plenty of Dew.” That’s how I respond when my close friends ask me how I ever got through U.S. Operative basic training without my superiors catching wind of my debilitating disorder. I’m agent Peter Stotch, and I have narcolepsy. Sometimes I’ll go all day without falling asleep. Other times I’ll find myself curled up like a kitten in the middle of the street. Regardless, I’m the best there is at what I do, and I’ll be damned if the occasional mid-day snooze is gonna keep me from my work. Right now I’m deep undercover in Istanbul, Turkey. It’s hot as hell, the food is awful and the women are worse. I’m expected to hunt down a real ballbuster of a drug dealer, the kind with rabid dogs, Uzis and a thick middle-eastern accent. Boy, I’ve seen some nasty shit during my days down in South America and Mexico, but this was the coup de

grace of shit-storms. Yesterday was when my tendency to nap really screweed me. I’d been tracking this dame from Morocco, who has recently been seeing this dealer for more than drugs, if you catch my drift. She’s the best lookin’ broad in Turkey if you ask me, but she’s still a bitch to track. Just then, she stepped into a local bar. My throat had been feeling like sandpaper for hours so I was more than happy to have a quick drink. I moved to the opposite side of the bar and quickly ordered up a whiskey and coke. She’d been carrying a briefcase all day, a suspicious thing considering how it clashed with her little red number. I was halfway into my second Turkish Gold when this gal drops the briefcase on the bar and walks away; didn’t even finish her drink. I quickly took one last swig and moved away from the bar into a crowd by the door. Sure enough, my main objective comes walking right through the back door, strolls over to the bar and picks up the briefcase. There’s something about danger that calms me down; it’s always

The Dirty Bird

been a trait that’s paid off on the job. I could feel my hands begin to steady as I flipped the safety off of my .38-caliber and stepped out of the bar to follow my elusive friend; I wasn’t going to screw this up again. This guy has connections; he’s not only the top dealer in the area, but the top murderer too. To catch him without his usual band of cronies was a rare opportunity. As I was running to the alley where I was gonna cut him off and bag him, I felt that familiar sleepy feeling coming on. It’s a little like you’re going from sober to drunk as a skunk in a split second. I shook it off and kept running. I just needed to hold it off long enough to get this guy in cuffs. As I was camped out in the alley, I could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer. I got ready to pounce, and as he rounded the corner, I gave him a knuckle sandwich. He went down quicker than a couple of frat-boy punks. I quickly grabbed the briefcase and rolled him over to throw some cuffs on him, when I felt the sleeping monster rise again. I was heading to snooze city quick, and nothing was gonna stop me this time.

If you would have walked into that alley, you would have found two unconscious men. One laying down with one handcuff on, and the other slumped over in an attempt to cuff the other guy’s hand. Quite the scene, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, I didn’t wake up first. I woke up sitting in a cell that smells like urine and cow shit, and it’s here I’ve been sitting ever since. Maybe I’m not cut out for this job. There’s a Wendy’s that’s hiring back in the cities... coulda just stopped by for an interview and my only worries right now would be making sure not to fall asleep face-first into the deep fryer. Thought I was dead... still do actually, but I’m glad whoever searched me had shit for brains, because they forgot to grab the six-inch blade I keep in the sole of my left shoe. If this sleaze-bag’s going to try to get information from me without getting in over his head, he’d better bring friends this time, and I better stay awake for the kill. To be continued... Confused? Not sure what to think? E-mail Andrew at aplahr@wisc.edu to voice your opinion.

sex and the student body

the g-spot: genuine or gibberish? ERICA ANDRIST sex columnist


ello, welcome back and all that jazz. So, while the start of the semester naturally brings a lot of feelings—excitement, annoyance, anxiety—I am especially hopeful it’ll bring is questions. Not a lot of you wrote to me over winter break, which is fine and unsurprising. But pleeeease, as the semester gets underway, start sending your sexy questions to me at sex@dailycardinal.com. In the meantime, I do have something I’d like to mull over for this welcome-back column: the G-spot. The G-spot was in the news over winter break, and alas, it was in the news for apparently not existing. That’s right, folks, according to researchers at King’s College London, female-bodied individuals do not have any such erogenous zone known as the G-spot, and if they think they do, well, it’s just a figment of their lady imaginations. The study, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, interviewed 1,800 women, all pairs of twins. The authors hypothesized that if in fact the G-spot existed, identical twins (who have identical genes) would show more agreement about having G-spots than non-identical twins, i.e. it would be more likely for identical twins to report having G-spots. When it was no more likely for both identical twins to claim G-spots than for fraternal twins (though 56 percent of the overall sample reported having them), the researchers concluded the “G–spot” is, in fact, a myth. Mmmkay. Before I get into the reasons, I think this study and its conclusions are poppycock, let’s take a crash course in G-spot 101. The G-spot is a round-ish, raised ridge of tissue approximately two inches inside the anterior (front, toward the belly button) wall of the vagina. In most

female-bodied people, it is significantly more prominent in arousal. Technically, the ridge of tissue results from the paraurethral tissue, a little wad of tissue that protects the urethra, the tube you pee out of. When stimulated, some women (not all) find it orgasmically pleasurable and may ejaculate as a result. Though this watery ejaculate is expelled through the urethral opening, it is chemically distinct from urine. So that is a brief primer on the history (mythology?) and anatomy of the G-spot. Now, let’s dive into the study, starting with the sample. 1,800 twins. It’s a good-size sample—but maybe not when you’re looking to extrapolate your results to some 3 billion people worldwide. The authors take into account a moderate number of demographic characteristics, including age (22-83), social class and education level. That’s great, but one (not that there aren’t several) flaw in the sample is the explicit exclusion of sexual orientation: “Women who reported that they were homo- or bisexual were excluded from the study because of the common use of digital stimulation, which may bias the results.” What the authors of the study meant to say was, “We didn’t include the gays because (zomg!) they use their fingers and their toys and all sorts of other stuff that is way more ideal for G-spot stimulation than a dick, and so they’ll probably be more likely to believe in the G-spot or have already found theirs and we didn’t want that to screw around with our goal of proving the G-spot doesn’t exist.” And beyond the faulty sample, the selfreported identification of one’s pleasure zones was the basis for “determining” the G-spot’s existence. Study author Tim Spector opines, “Women may argue that having a G-spot is due to diet or exercise, but in fact, it is virtually impossible to find real traits.” Uh, while I have never heard anyone attribute their G-spot orgasms to their diet or their gym routine, the real problem with that statement is that the authors didn’t actually make any effort to find “real traits.” The question asked, “Do you believe you

have a so-called G-spot?” First of all, they asked women if they believed they had Gspots, not whether G-spots existed. They didn’t do any kind of physical exams or testing. They didn’t observe women masturbating or having intercourse. While it’s great that the study listened to women’s opinions about their bodies (to some extent, since over half of the women actually did report having a G-spot), it’s lazy science to claim something is “virtually impossible” to find when you don’t put forth any effort to look for it. Finally, though I have made my case for why I don’t buy this singular study’s conclusions, my ultimate conclusion is this: In what ways does and/or should this study matter? For the women who have found their G-spots, it’s unlikely the revelation that all this pleasure is just fantasy will deter them. For the women who are concerned about finding their G-spots, perhaps it comes as a kind of reassurance; Andrea Burri, another author of the study, argues, “It is rather irresponsible to claim the existence of an entity that has never been proven and pressurize women, and men too.” However, reassurance for this second set of women should come with the recognition that bodies, sexualities and pleasure zones vary tremendously—not at the expense of the G-spot’s existence. Lots of women (and men) have not found the clitoris, but that doesn’t mean we should scrap the entire idea. Lots of women (and men) have not experienced an orgasm, but that doesn’t mean it’s a figment of the imagination. For better and for worse, the genes, biology, and physiology of sex remain largely a mystery. But when we’re squirming in ecstasy or squealing with pleasure, the precise genetic mechanisms and neural pathways underlying those squeals generally tend to be the last things on our minds. Want to share your thoughts on the G-spot or ask Erica other sex-related questions? Email her at sex@dailycardinal.com.


State Senate OKs job creation legislation with bipartisan vote The state Senate passed a job creation bill Thursday by a 32-1 vote. State Sen. Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, was the only member to vote against the bill. Introduced by Senate Democrats last year, the C.O.R.E. Jobs Act aims to increase investments in businesses across Wisconsin. The bill also plans to create a UW System-wide business competition modeled on UW-Madison’s current business competition. State Sen. Julie Lassa, D-Stevens Point, an author of the bill, said the bipartisan vote shows the pressing need to rejuvenate Wisconsin’s economy. “This is the kind of focus and urgency we need to revive Wisconsin’s economy and create good paying jobs,” she said in a statement. Although the bill passed with support from both sides of the aisle, Republican members criticized the bill for not doing enough to revitalize Wisconsin’s economy.

“I was hopeful [Senate Democrats] would use this legislation as a vehicle to undo the damage they did to Wisconsin’s economy when they passed the state budget. There is no question that their $5 billion in tax increases have killed jobs and delayed our state’s economic recovery,” state Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, said in a statement. Senate Republicans unveiled their own jobs proposal Thursday morning. The plan promises to reduce taxes and curb government spending. The Jobs Act includes some provisions outlined in the Republicans’ plan, including an education tax credit and measures to reduce health-care costs. The legislation now moves on to the Assembly. According to a statement, Gov. Jim Doyle has said he plans to sign the bill if it passes. —Hannah Furfaro

H1N1 vaccine available at large-scale clinic on Friday H1N1 vaccines are still available on campus for all UW-Madison faculty, staff and students. University Health Services will hold two more large-scale H1N1 vaccination clinics Jan. 22 and Jan. 29 for all UW-Madison students. Students can receive the vaccination at any time between 3 and 7 p.m. at the SERF on those days. The vaccine is free for

all UW-Madison students with a valid student ID. Students can also stop by UHS at 333 East Campus Mall from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday from now until Jan. 29 to receive the vaccine. UW-Madison employees can get vaccinated in room 5045 of the Welcome Center at 21 N. Park Street Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Wis. unemployment up in December The unemployment rate across Wisconsin increased 0.5 percentage points from November to December, according to a statement released Jan. 21 by the Department of Workforce Development. As of December, Wisconsin’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 8.7 percent, less than the national figure. The national unemployment rate was 10.0 percent in both November and December. “Wisconsin’s unemployment rate remains below the national rate, yet we know many hardworking Wisconsin workers are still out of work because of the

national economic downturn,” Roberta Gassman, secretary of DWD, said in a statement. Unemployment in Wisconsin is 2.8 percentage points higher than a year ago, when it was 5.9 percent. The national rate is up 2.6 percentage points from 7.4 percent a year ago. The December survey of Wisconsin households indicates a significant decrease in employment, down 26,100 people from November and 163,000 from last year. “We are committed to doing all that we can to help people gain employment and move the economy forward,” Gassman said.

Restaurant Week to begin on Sunday Sunday marks the beginning of the popular biannual Restaurant Week in Madison, presented by Madison Magazine. The event, which is in its fourth year and runs through Jan. 29, offers diners the opportunity to experience a three-course dinner for $25 at a variety of area restaurants. Select restaurants will also be offering a $15 three-course lunch option. The menus will offer three options for each course. Beverages, tax and gratuity are not included in the set price. Thirty-three restaurants will be participating this January, including Tutto Pasta on State Street, which is participating in Restaurant

Week for the second time. “Downtown in January is a pretty slow time,” owner Pam McCord said. “Last year was our first year doing it ... and we had a good turnout.” According to McCord, Restaurant Week enables customers to get the best of a restaurant’s food at a set price. “What we discovered is a lot of people go to really expensive restaurants to get to eat [the restaurant’s] food for less,” she said. Diners do not need to present any type of ticket or coupon at participating restaurants, but it is recommended that customers make reservations in advance. —Grace Urban

Weekend, January 22-24, 2010

transit from page 1

campaigns from page 1

nearly twice the capacity of the buses currently used by Metro Transit and would greatly increase the efficiency of the Madison bus system, he said. Route 80 was an especially large concern for the committee, because an average of about 150 people board the route every hour, compared to most other bus routes that average about 50 people per hour.

there is already too much special interest money in elections, this is not a happy day,” he said. Julie Laundrie, spokesperson for state Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Waunakee, said the ruling is “bad for democracy.” She said because the ruling threatens Wisconsin’s ban on corporate contributions, Erpenbach plans to go forward with an issue ad disclosure bill he authored, which recently passed the state Senate. “If our corporate ban is in fact overturned, more than ever we need to know where that money is coming from,” she said. Although some believe the decision will have wide-ranging and detrimental effects, others say they are skeptical about how much the campaign funding landscape will actually change.

badgercare from page 1 Plan. Smiley said those open slots will be filled by those covered by the Basic Plan, eventually rendering it unnecessary. “[The plan’s duration] is dependant on how quickly we can move out of this recession,” Smiley said. It also depends on federal legislation. “[The plan] is a good shortterm step to take as we wait for desperately needed national reform to guarantee access to quality, affordable health care for everyone in Wisconsin,” Kraig said. Becker agreed. “Until we can get some comprehensive reform done, we’re trying to find everything we can to help,” she said.




Donald Downs, UW-Madison political science professor, said because the decision applies universally to all political groups, he doubts there will be a large change in outcomes. “There is big money on the left, and there is big money on the right. I think in terms of the overall balance, I don’t see a big change. It would make it harder for smaller sources of money to have any kind of impact, but that’s already the case,” he said. Laundrie said she thinks the decision will likely be challenged by the public, and Heck agreed. “I think it will be revisited, particularly after the 2010 elections when we see just how much corporate money and outside money is going to be influencing these elections,” Heck said. “This isn’t the end of the story.”

comics 4


LetHAL DOSE: You can die of cyanide poisoning from eating too many fruit seeds. dailycardinal.com/comics

Weekend, January 22-24, 2010

Breaking Up

Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Ludicrous Linguistics

By Celia Donnelly donnelly.celia@gmail.com

Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Sid and Phil Classic

By Alex Lewein alex@sidandphil.com

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Ambulance Moonpants

Charlie and Boomer

By Taylor Nye taylor_e_a@yahoo.co.uk

By Natasha Soglin soglin@wisc.edu

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com HAVE A BAA DAY

ACROSS 1 Mixed-breed dog 5 Lady of the house 10 “La ___ Bonita” (Madonna hit) 14 Bushy hairdo 15 Biggest city in Nebraska 16 Run ___ (accumulate debt at the bar) 17 Taking a risk sheepishly? 20 Board, in a rooming house 21 Deep desire 22 Golf ball holder 23 By means of 25 Ancient Chinese money 27 White-and-yellow flower 29 From the beginning 31 Most of the Western Hemisphere (with “the”) 34 An anagram for “rats” 35 Rubbernecker 36 Sheepish youngsters? 40 Raccoon cousins 41 Verdi classic 44 Tartan wearer 47 Alit 49 Buchholz of “The Magnificent Seven” 50 Tempting garden 52 Draw to a close

53 “What Kind of Fool ___?” 54 Barbecue bit 57 Autumn bloomer 59 Sheepish game for tots? 64 Europe’s tallest active volcano 65 Habituate (to) 66 Myanmar neighbor 67 Children’s connectibles 68 Mythical woodland deity 69 Swine swill DOWN 1 ___ wheels (sporty rims) 2 Craft in the tabloids, briefly 3 Three-hulled sailboat 4 Vocal pitch 5 Cash, slangily 6 Do a comedian’s job 7 Not “dis,” in Brooklyn 8 “You there!” at sea 9 Hair on a horse’s neck 10 Completion to “proverb” or “different” 11 Radio broadcast interference 12 City near San Diego 13 Monasteries 18 Gangland guns 19 Blind vocalist Bocelli 23 Chocolate factory need 24 No ___, ands or buts

6 2 28 30 32 33 35 7 3 38 9 3 42 43 44 45 46 7 4 48 51 55 56 58 60 1 6 62 63

Place to go on base Aviator Burps, technically “Say Hey” Hall-ofFamer Be human, according to a saying Words with “bad example” or “high standard” Forum platforms “Green Eggs and Ham” guy Pertaining to stars Wolf pup’s home What summers do Did a potter’s work Wake up Familiarize with new surroundings ___ of two evils “Deal me in” indicator Cheese producer African wading bird ___ fide (authentic) Conger line? ___ in kangaroo (spelling aid) Ump’s call It’s pitched by a suitor The sixth sense

Washington and the Bear

By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com



Weekend, January 22-24, 2010



Foster is ‘Star,’ new album isn’t By Justin Stephani

this piece an unadorned tribute intended to be humbling to performer and listener alike. Josephine Foster’s archaic approach to Using the words of another can seemmusic is thoroughly indicative of her back- ingly draw a line between strictly writing ground. She is an aspiring opera singer turned music and creating song as an organic classically trained songwriter who can play artform, which always made Elton John’s guitar, piano, harp and ukulele. Her tastes relationship with Bernie Taupin especially lend her a sound predating pop music as unique and, well, bold. It takes a spewe know it, making her an old-school tradi- cial songwriter to mold a song musically tionalist. Think of a Joanna around such specific preCD REVIEW tenses. Even though Foster Newsom type of adoration has shown the capacity for antiquity, only not so to do so in the past, it wrapped up in individual appears as though that vision and ambition. simply wasn’t her intenFoster’s unassuming tion here. nature can be quite refreshing. On her solo debut, Although all of her 2000’s These Eyes Above, her albums retain subdued Graphic as a Star crooning melodies empamanners of traditionalism, Josephine thetically skate over rolling Graphic is almost offenFoster sively simple. Musically, ukulele. Her work with The Supposed on 2004’s All the Leaves Are Gone if the guitars on All the Leaves are Gone resulted in her own brand of bashfully wander- were overzealous in their willingness to ing and playful psych-rock. And most recently, occasionally hit listeners in the gut (albeit This Coming Gladness, her last solo release in timidly) Foster is now playing devil’s 2008, quietly strums by with less accessibility advocate. Several songs here are vocals but more eccentricity and experimentation. naked of any decoration except for the However, her latest, Graphic as a Star, relates occasional chirping of birds, and anymore to another album from her catalog that thing more consists of unobtrusive acouslends some creative control to her influences. tic guitar and harmonica. An attempt On 2006’s A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, she recre- to bring Dickinson’s work to the foreates German Lieder through classical music of ground, Foster checks musical dynamism composers like Johannes Brahms and Franz and imagination at the door. Schubert and puts them to words by writers Ultimately, it’s hard to get over the such as Johann Goethe. Similarly, Graphic con- musical sacrifices made to embellish sists lyrically of Emily Dickinson poems while Foster’s connection with Dickinson. Her Foster’s consistently subservient acoustic and operatic vocals are held in check, as if harmonica provide simple background. afraid to imply personal creativity and The polished sound and treatment of the detract or alter the poetry’s inherent classical music on A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, value. Even still, Foster’s classical backwhich keep it abstractly impressive if nothing ground and attitude of professionalism else, is substituted for unintrusive strumming. toward her art will never allow her to The reverence of not only her soft acoustics make unpleasant music. Only Graphic as and voice, but also her treatment of Dickinson’s a Star should be counted as background work—not a word is altered or added through- music, maybe to listen to while reading out the 27 illustrations of her work—make some Dickinson. THE DAILY CARDINAL


The performances in ‘The Lovely Bones’ help to keep an otherwise-lacking film worth seeing, including that of Saoirse Ronan, who plays the murdered Susie Salmon.

Acting in ‘Bones’ makes film ‘Lovely’ By Mark Riechers THE DAILY CARDINAL

The premise of “The Lovely Bones” draws you in with high ideas about murder, death and the afterlife. A girl who is brutally murdered remains halfway between here and the hereafter while she comes to terms with leaving her life, her family and her killer remaining on Earth. Peter Jackson’s adaptation of this Alice Sebold novel, though featuring some breakout performances and stunning visuals, doesn’t use enough of the machinery for a solid film adaptation to support the ideas.

You can give Jackson the benefit of the doubt and call it avant-garde, but at times it feels like digital effects for effects’ sake.

Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan, “Atonement”) starts her story explaining that she was murdered as a teenager in the mid-1970s. Her killer was creepy neighbor George Harvey (Stanley Tucci, “Julie & Julia”). In death, she does everything in her power to stay in the “in-between,” an imaginative world between worlds where she watches her father (Mark Wahlberg) obsess over finding her killer while her mother (Rachel Weisz) descends into a nervous breakdown. The movie cuts between the gritty reality of Earth, where the film mostly aims to be a serial cop drama, and the colorful CGI fantasy world of the in-between. Although the fantasy scenes add some visual pizzazz, their narrative purpose is unclear at times. Susie sits in a gazebo as the seasons change around her—the passing of time? The agelessness of death? You can give Jackson the benefit of the doubt and call it avant-garde, but at times it feels like digital effects for effects’ sake. These scenes also have few ties to what’s

happening on Earth, where most of the story takes place. Susie’s family crumbles as her father obsessively pursues her killer, and Susie does what she can to press him onward. Eventually her sister gets wrapped up in the grassroots investigation, building up to a finale ripped straight out of “Rear Window.” What you really need to see “The Lovely Bones” for are the performances. Namely, Stanley Tucci’s run as an unassuming neighborhood serial killer. Tucci is drained of the confidence of his usual roles, replaced with a bad comb-over and awkward drawl that betrays a fundamental disconnect with the whole of the human race. He meticulously sketches out his designs to kill Salmon, staring into the lens of his camera as he stalks her in the mall and on the way home from school. Just seeing him pass in the background of a scene is chilling. Saoirse Ronan won a Critics Choice Award this year for her role as Susie, and it was deserved. Her long, mournful wails punctuate a performance that has to transition from teenage aloofness and innocence to the pain and misery of someone haunted by violent trauma. Susan Sarandon also shines as some comic relief–she plays Susie’s chain-smoking grandmother who swoops in to take care of the family as they weather the crisis of Susie’s death. The others are not so great, crowded out by limited screen time and a truncated finale as the focus falls more on Susie and Mr. Harvey. Wahlberg must be a hard man to direct, because like in “The Happening,” his performance lacks real emotion in a role that demands it. And Rachel Weisz basically vanishes halfway through the movie. “The Lovely Bones” is a far from perfect film—I’d wager that it will make a good case study for that old chestnut “The book is better.” But some obvious production values in directing and performance make the choppy story and visual design workable. However, the message about dealing with death for the living and the dead remains intact, and you’ll walk away thinking on it, a sign of any great film.

Cold War Kids try to control craft By Jacqueline O’Reilly

It’s just five slower Cold War Kids songs in a row. When Cold War Kids released Loyalty Whether it’s appreciated or not, the to Loyalty in the fall of 2008, it was EP indicates Cold War Kids have pulled met with mixed reactions. There was no on their musical reigns. Loyalty to Loyalty doubt the group had changed its tone hinted at this change, and Behave Yourself since their first full-length album, 2006’s EP made it official. It seems as though, Robbers & Cowards, but reviews wavered for better or for worse, this is the type on whether these changes were any good. of music that can be expected from the A common critique was that the band’s southern California group. For those who loved Robbers & Cowards, tempo had slowed, giving them a more low-key sound. Those who deemed this this doesn’t have to be bad news. As great as the vocals of lead singer a positive transformaCD REVIEW tion will be pleased with Nathan Willett can be, the group’s latest release, there were points when his Behave Yourself EP. Those bellowing vibrato crossed who thought otherwise the line between powerful won’t be as thrilled. and abrasive. He’s figured Even if you’re pleased out how to use his voice to hear Cold War Kids within the context of the are keeping calm, don’t band’s whole sound, showBehave ing musical maturity. This assume the EP is perfect, Yourself EP is the new style Cold War because it definitely isn’t. Cold War Kids Kids have taken on, and “Audience” is the clear standout track on the release, but it still they’re not half bad at it. They’re simply leaves something to be desired. The group trying to control their craft. Have Cold War Kids refined their tries to combine the sharpness of their first album with the subtlety of their second. The style too much? It’s possible. The five end result is respectable but not impressive. songs are just as, if not more, tame than There’s no momentum to the song, what the group has released before. But leaving you with no reason to keep listen- if you keep an open mind when listening ing. “Audience” is the first track on the to the EP, you’ll see that this new energy EP and should lure the listener in, but level is something Cold War Kids do instead it leaves them indifferent about fairly well and is likely indicative of what whether to stay tuned. It’s good, but it’s the band will offer in the future. not enough. The song offers hope for When it comes down to just the EP, what the group’s future work could sound Behave Yourself EP is simply OK. Cold War Kids are still adjusting to their like, but not certainty. This lack of momentum continues in calmer ways. They have found that their the remaining four songs. It’s as if the sound on Robbers & Cowards was too big, only way Cold War Kids knew how to and their sound on more recent work too calm their music down was to the slow small. Perhaps on their next album, a the tempo. Because of this the album balance will be struck and the result will falls flat: there’s no buildup or climax. be just right. THE DAILY CARDINAL

opinion Brown’s win a sign of shifting momentum 6



Weekend, January 22, 2010

MATT PAYNE opinion columnist he election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts Tuesday night sent tremors through the political world. A wake up call was sent to the Washington establishment that Americans were, at the very least, concerned about the direction the country was heading. A Republican was able to pull off the unthinkable by taking on the Massachusetts Democratic machine and turning a seat that was once held by none other than Ted Kennedy into a seat that sustained the filibuster and blocked any hope of health-care reform. In a state where Democrats enjoy a three-to-one advantage in terms of voter registration, how could such a high profile Democrat lose when so much was on the line? Perhaps the better question is how was Scott Brown able to convince the commonwealth of Massachusetts that he was the better candidate. While it’s easy to categorize the Coakley-Brown race as just a stroke of luck, it is


in fact a wake up call to the elite in Washington that conservatives are ready to fight. Along with a majority of independents, they see the policies coming out of Washington as simply not good for America. The race Tuesday night proved that with the right candidate willing to talk about the right issues, conservatives can win anywhere. Conservatives are more energized than ever. Proof of this is that Brown got 63,823 more votes than John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. That’s a six percent increase in a midterm election. What’s more astounding is not only was this just a midterm election, it was a special midterm election which Charles Franklin, co-founder of pollster.com and professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, points out as typically seeing an exceptionally small turnout. While six percent more voters turned out to vote for Brown than for McCain, 44 percent less people turned out to vote for Coakley than for Obama. It’s unclear why exactly Democrats didn’t turn out in the numbers they did in 2008, however why Republicans did turn out is less of a mystery.

It all started last spring when billions of dollars in bailouts significantly increased the national deficit. It took the much-maligned George Bush eight years to double the deficit, and if Barack Obama’s current spending habits continue, it may take him less time to do more damage. This upset many conservatives and independents who remembered claims during the 2008 election that Obama would cut the national deficit in half. This led to what became known as the Tea Party movement, which quickly gained momentum throughout the country. The Tea Party demonstrations allowed conservatives and independents to voice their anger at the record spending that was going on in Washington. The success of the Tea Parties and the constant mocking of the “Tea Baggers” unified the movement more than anything and set up the grassroots support that planted the seeds for the Brown victory. This grassroots support carried through the town hall meetings and through the healthcare debate all the way to Tuesday’s election. Brown ran a campaign that successfully utilized this new grassroots support

system, which didn’t exist in the 2008 election. The last few days of the election, Tea Partiers were organizing phone banks across the country and making phone calls to Massachusetts Republicans and Independents urging them to get out and vote.

Conservatives are more energized than ever.

In addition to an energized grassroots movement, Scott Brown’s ability to communicate and connect with the people of Massachusetts was truly impressive. His famous, “It’s not Ted Kennedy’s seat... It’s the peoples seat” line won him instant popularity with many independents who voted for Obama in the previous election. It is also notable that Coakley had a series of gaffes, including calling future Red Sox hall of famer Curt Schilling a Yankee fan and saying nothing as a member of her campaign shoved a reporter to the ground who dared

to ask her a question about her close ties with pharmaceutical lobbyists. Coakley’s loss is also largely a product of the way Democrats have been handling healthcare legislation proceedings in the Senate and House. Democrats voted on health-care legislation in the dead of night on Christmas Eve and held backroom talks when Obama promised all talks would be aired on CSPAN. This further turned the key independents to Brown and put the final nail in the coffin of Coakley. Scott Brown ran a terrific campaign that conservatives can use as a blueprint for success in the upcoming 2010 elections. The message that Tuesday’s election sent will be talked about in the halls of Washington for months to come. What’s clear is that conservatives are motivated and energized to fight for every seat in the House and Senate in the upcoming midterms. Scott Brown’s victory showed that no seat is safe. Now the question is how will Democrats react to the stunning upset in Massachusetts. Matt Payne is a sophomore majoring in Chinese and economics. Please send all responses to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

Time to come clean on the different types of renewable energy By Aditya Pidaparthy GUEST COLUMNIST

Today’s guest column is a response to the Green Room article “Take a clean look at nuclear energy” by Rachel Slaybaugh. Ms. Slaybaugh’s article on the need to take a clean look at nuclear energy may have raised a few eyebrows, as clean and nuclear are rarely part of the same sentence. However, it is important to first define what makes clean energy and see how different energy options measure up on this “clean” scale. Cleanliness, and efficiency, of an energy source depends not only on how it is generated, but also on the complete chain of all processes involved in generating power with a given technology. For example, solar power is always touted as the solution for all of the energy problems we face today, often forgetting how solar radiation is converted to electricity in the first place, namely solar cells. Solar cells are manufactured using metals like cadmium, arsenic, and other compounds of silicon. The metals used are rare and can be very toxic. Their metallurgy involves extraction processes generating toxic waste. Silicon is available in large quantities but its extraction is fraught with toxic and hazardous by-products. Ironically, a by-product of the process is carbon-dioxide from blast furnaces. Solar cells eventually need to be disposed of once they lose their capacity to generate electricity, which presents a waste disposal problem given the metals present in them. A 2007 study performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory analyzed the emissions and waste generated in the metallurgical processes of metals required for solar cells. The metals used are primarily the products or byproducts of copper and zinc mining and extraction. Two important metals for solar cells

are indium and tellurium (zinc and copper mining by-products respectively). One tonne (or metric ton) of indium is produced for every 6000 tonnes of zinc, while 1000 tonnes of copper ore result in one kilogram of tellurium. Each tonne of zinc and copper require 30 and 25 gigajoules of energy to excavate. Every tonne of zinc results in 1.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide released as a process and energy requirement byproduct. Also, the production of one tonne of zinc and copper leads to emissions of the atmospheric pollutant sulfur dioxide, lead and arsenic, as well as other metals like cadmium, chromium and mercury. These complicated figures indicate the need for a thorough understanding of the whole process to understand how waste is generated. The point is not to discredit solar power, but to paint the complete picture behind what is generally considered a completely clean energy source. A more rational parameter of comparison would be how much chemical and industrial waste is generated for each megawatt of energy generated from the entire energyproduction cycle. Wind power is also considered a form of clean energy. But it is inherently intermittent, endemic and takes up too much space to shoulder the burden of an industrialized economy that requires steady reliable power. Hydroelectricity is a promising source from both waste generation and scalability perspective. However, hydroelectricity also has substantial issues in the form of land area used, as well as the flooding of upstream areas due to dams and silting at the base of dams over a period time. This reduces dam efficiency and is a grave ecological hazard. One advantage of nuclear power has always been the low

tonnage of waste generated per megawatt of electricity and the energy-intensive nature of nuclear fuel, where one kg of uranium235 has the capacity to produce about 70000 gigajoules of energy before transmission.

Today we need a poower source that is relatively clean and can be counted on to supply power to 6.8 billion people.

Used nuclear fuel, a major environmental issue, can be dealt with efficiently by reprocessing and separating it into individual constituents. France and Japan are two heavily industrialized countries that rely on nuclear power for a large portion of their electricity (79 percent and 35 percent respectively) and actively reprocess. Reprocessing allows us to take back viable fuel present in low concentrations and separates all the fission products and by-products into their individual constituents, many of which have industrial uses. Reprocessing is effectively the recycling of used nuclear fuel. The residue left is what is called high level waste. A point to be noted is that an intensely radioactive material has a shorter life and one of lower radiation intensity a longer one. For the high-level waste, technology currently exists to store this waste safely until it is rendered inactive. Although nuclear power has a low margin of error, safety is still a high priority. All nuclear engineering programs in the U.S. have a research field devoted only to safety, something that is rare in chemical or mining industries. Statistically, the nuclear industry has one of the best safety records when compared with any other sector.

The nuclear reactors today are inherently designed to be safe and, even in theory, they cannot, given the fuel loading and geometry, ever go out of control and pose a public risk. New reactors take even greater advantage than existing reactors of a physical phenomenon called temperature feedback, and other fail-safe methods put in place that assure safe operation. Today we need a power source that is relatively clean and can be counted on to supply power to 6.8 billion people for the coming 200300 years, until a more viable form of energy, like is harnessed. Everything we use today requires energy to produce, whether it is toothpaste, soap or computers. Even the process of recycling has energy needs and generates waste, like when the pulp of paper mixed with acid dissolves off bottles to separate glass. To become truly eco-friend-

ly we need a change of lifestyle that is difficult in a short span of time. This article is not about defending one power source over another, but analyzing each without being under the impression of false notions. Contrary to popular perception, an economy completely based on solar power can place extreme strain on mining while effectively still being a source of energy dependent on non-renewables. In summary, the points raised against nuclear power are equally pertinent for all sources of energy, even those considered “renewable.” Based on present day requirements of reliability, scalability, and emissions control, and available technology, nuclear power presents one of the best options for us, and it should be viewed positively. Aditya Pidaparthy is a graduate student studying nuclear engineering. You can send responses to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

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Weekend, January 22-24, 2010



Women’s Hockey

After sweep in Duluth, Badgers seek rebound against Huskies


The Wisconsin women’s hockey team returns to the Kohl Center for a two game tilt with St. Cloud State this weekend. The Badgers come into this series ranked seventh in the nation, and tied with Bemidji State for third place in the WCHA. The team is coming off a weekend that saw them get swept by No. 5 Minnesota-Duluth. When asked what the Badgers need to improve on from last weekend, head coach Tracey DeKeyser placed the losses more on bad luck than poor play. “The thing is we don’t need to change anything, aside from get-

ting good bounces,” DeKeyser said. “Sometimes there is a hot goaltender on the other end or unlucky bounces in our end.” DeKeyser said she did not want to change up the team’s game plan too much. “Things have been changing by themselves,” she said. “We’re trying to consolidate and get things back into some sort of routine.” “I don’t have much bad things to say about our players because they’ve been working hard in practice and creating scoring [opportunities] and meeting hot goalies, unfortunately,” she said. These two teams split a series at


The Wisconsin offense will have to step up to keep pace with a fast St. Cloud State attack and strong goaltender in their series this weekend.


from page 8

“The job we did defensively [was important],” Gard said. “I think that’s the only way you have a chance to stay in a game like that and have a chance in the last five minutes.” Now the Badgers have a chance for another home victory Sunday against Penn State. After making a surprise run at an NCAA tournament berth last season and ultimately winning the National Invitation Tournament, the Nittany Lions struggled out of the gate this season, especially in conference play. Winless in the Big Ten after five games, Penn State’s problems this season have come at both ends of the court. Defensively, the Nittany Lions allow the third-least amount of points per game, but that is more a product of their pace than their defensive ability. In field goal percentage defense, Penn State ranks ninth in the conference. Offensively, Penn State is not any better, ranking eighth in the conference in field goal percentage, and 10th in points per game. The

kiffin from page 8 beat Florida and sing Rocky Top “all night long” (they didn’t). Not only that, but he started calling out SEC coaches, particularly Florida’s Urban Meyer, and taking names—sound bytes the media eats up and loves to write about. Kiffin brought somewhat of a swagger to Tennessee and this, along with his recruiting prowess, was able to

Nittany Lions struggle from long distance as well, ranking eighth in the conference.

St. Cloud State earlier this season, and the Huskies boast the top goal scorer in the nation in senior forward Felicia Nelson. “We know that they have a really strong goaltender, and their first line is really good, so we just have to be ready to play a great team,” junior defender/forward Geena Prough said of the Huskies’ strengths. “You know they are going to come out there wanting to win and so are we, so its going to be a battle, but I’m looking forward to it.” “Fortunately we have the opportunity to match lines at home,” DeKeyser said of Nelson and the Huskies’ attack. “But [we] have to be wary on the defensive side when we see her on the ice. That is what we have to be thinking on the inside, as well as playing the body properly.” For the Badgers to be successful this weekend, they will need to increase their goal production. In WCHA play this season, the Badgers have averaged only 2.67 goals per game, down from last season when the team averaged 4.75 goals per game in conference play. “It’s a different team than last year, a different group of girls, different strengths. Last year’s scoring was definitely a strength for us, and it’s a different group, we just need to pick up our scoring,” junior forward Mallory Deluce. “It’s going to be tough, tight, fast paced and big ice,” DeKeyser said. “If we can use that to our advantage it could be a good thing, we have some fast-paced skaters. We need to be able to drive wide and get to the net. It comes down to taking the right shots at the right time and going to the net hard to finish.”

Wisconsin will, however, need to contain junior point guard Taylor Battle, whose 18.4 points per game rank second in the conference. Head coach Bo Ryan knows Battle well from his time coaching Team USA at the 2009 Men’s World University Games. Battle was not expected to be a key component of that squad last summer, but impressed the coaching staff to make the team. “He made that team by beating out some high-profile guards,” Gard said. “His performance sent a few other guys, that thought they were

going to make the team, home.” The Badgers prevented Battle from becoming too much of a factor during the first meeting between the two teams earlier this season, holding Battle to 15 points on 6-of-16 shooting. But Battle is capable of turning in dominating offensive performances, as the guard has scored 20-plus points seven times this season, and 30-plus points three times. “He’s a guy that can carry a team,” Gard said. “When you allow him to get confidence like that and get going, it’s very hard to get him out of his rhythm.” UW won the first game between the two squads this season in State College, 63-46, and with the two teams playing for the second time against one another, they know what to expect time around. “We know what they’re going to do, they know what we’re going to do,” Gard said. “It’s just a matter of who’s going to take care of those 7580 possessions Sunday afternoon.” The contest tips off at 1:30 p.m. at the Kohl Center and can be seen on the Big Ten Network.

draw top recruits from around the country to Knoxville. After bringing in several blue-chip players, it only made sense to Kiffin to abandon those players who he convinced to enroll early while starting anew in sunny Southern California. I still can’t get over the fact that the Trojans decided to hire somebody with such a terrible head coaching background. Hell, Bielema is more qualified as far as I’m con-

cerned and, like ESPN’s Pat Forde said, “Paris Hilton has paid more dues than Lane Kiffin.” Sure, he was the offensive coordinator for the glory years of Bush and Leinart, but his cumulative head coaching record of 12-21 and self-centeredness are negatives that far outweigh any of his positives. How do you think Lane Kiffin will do at USC? E-mail Jack at jpdoyle2@wisc.edu.

“We know what they’re going to do, they know what we’re going to do” Greg Gard associate coach UW Men’s Basketball


Rae Lin D’Alie had 8 rebounds in Wisconsin’s loss to Penn State.

loss from page 8 Most notably, the league’s second leading scorer, Tyra Grant, who was held scoreless in the first half, exploded offensively down the stretch. Wisconsin continued to apply tough pressure against the Penn State senior guard, but Grant repeatedly sunk remarkable off-balance shots, which kept the Badgers from making the game too close. “Tyra Grant’s a great player. Great players make great plays,” said senior guard Teah Gant. “I thought I played pretty good defense against her and that’s all I can do.” With just over two minutes left in

hockey from page 8 comeback fell short as Wisconsin lost 6-5. Eaves blamed that loss on the disadvantage the Badgers gave themselves in the first period. “You can lump it into one statement: We had a bad start ... when you have a start like the one we had, you can comeback but it’s a tough task,” Eaves said. “In that game we ran out of time, but we put ourselves in a hole by having a bad start.” “We just got away from our game ... and for that we gave up four goals in the first period,” freshman forward John Ramage said. So we’ve just got to get back to playing our game and shut

the game and the Badgers down by only five, junior forward Lin Zastrow drove hard to the basket, sinking the shot as a foul was called. However, the officials called the foul on Zastrow, and the basket was negated. With a made free throw, Wisconsin would have trailed by just two. Instead, the call proved to be a crucial turning point in the game and the last gasp for the Badgers. “I liked the aggressiveness. Whether it was a foul or not, I’m not sure,” said Stone. “But the game doesn’t come down to one play. We needed to have more urgency from the start of the game, and we were a little flat tonight.” down the other team.” This series is the latest in a string of games against very strong opponents. Wisconsin is currently six games through a 10game stretch in which it will face six opponents, five of which are ranked in the top seven nationally. The Badgers are 3-1-2 in their past six games, and Eaves said these next few games will be some of the most important of the season. “We were in a defining moment last year as well,” he said. “We had six games at the end of the year that could have projected us into the top, and it was a series with Denver that was a turning point for us. So once again, we’re here.”

sports 8



Weekend, January 22-24, 2010

Men’s Hockey

Revenge a priority as Badgers host Pioneers By Nico Savidge THE DAILY CARDINAL

Eleven months ago, the Denver Pioneers entered the Kohl Center for a home series against the Badgers with a lot on the line. At the time, Wisconsin, Denver and North Dakota were fighting for the WCHA’s regular season title and the MacNaughton Cup, and in two of their final three series of the 2008-’09 season, the Badgers

would face both of those teams. In the first game of the series, Wisconsin took a 3-2 lead into the dying minutes of the third period, but could not convert on a pair of open-goal chances and with 15 seconds to go, Pioneer forward Joe Colborne scored to send the game to overtime. The Badgers never recovered—not for the rest of the game nor the rest of the regular season—as Denver scored less than a minute into the extra


Derek Stepan and the Badgers lost all five of their matchups with Denver last year. The two teams meet again Friday and Saturday.

Poor shooting leads to home loss at hands of Penn State THE DAILY CARDINAL

For just the second time all season, and the first against a conference foe, the Badgers (5-4 Big Ten, 15-5 overall) dropped a game at the Kohl Center, falling to the Penn State Nittany Lions 54-43 Thursday night. Riding a four-game winning streak, Wisconsin led early in the game, jumping out to a 4-2 lead three minutes in, but could never do better than pull even with Penn State for the rest of the game. Both teams came out strong on defense but shot poorly. Wisconsin trailed by just three points at halftime, 21-18, but shot under 26 percent from the floor. Meanwhile, Penn State began similarly cold, also shooting under 30 percent in the first half. However, four 3-point field goals by the Nittany Lions in the first period were enough to maintain a lead that stretched over the remainder of the game. “Offensively, we sputtered,” head coach Lisa Stone said. “Although we only had 10 turn-

hockey page 7


Rob Wilson will look to carry the momentum from his breakout performance against Michigan when the Badgers face Penn State.

Downtrodden Nittany Lions next test for UW By Scott Kellogg THE DAILY CARDINAL

After narrowly avoiding their first multi-game losing streak of the season against Michigan, the Badgers shift their focus to their second meeting of the season with Penn State Sunday. Wednesday night Wisconsin turned in one of its least effective offensive performances of the season, shooting only 34 percent from the field, their second-lowest figure of the season. But instead of allowing their offensive effort to discourage them, the Badgers are taking pride

in how they pulled out a win under the circumstances. “The thing that stood out the most was the way we stuck through it and battled through everything that we were fighting against,” junior forward Keaton Nankivil said. When a team has such trouble getting points on the board, the result of the contest can hinge on a team’s defensive effort, and according to associate coach Greg Gard, that is how Wisconsin won the game. preview page 7

Kiffin’s rise comes despite mediocre record and bad reputation

Women’s Basketball

By Mark Bennett

frame and romped to a 5-0 win the next night. Including that series, Wisconsin was 1-1-4 in the final six games of last year’s regular season. The Badgers took third at the WCHA Final Five tournament, which included another loss to Denver, and missed out on the NCAA tournament. This weekend, No. 3 Wisconsin will welcome the No. 1 Pioneers to Madison once again, and according to sophomore forward Derek Stepan they will do so with a chip on their shoulder, having gone 0-5-0 against Denver in the 2008’09 season. “Some of the older guys will say to you, ‘hey we owe these guys a couple, we’ve got to go out and make sure we get the job done tonight,’” Stepan said. “We didn’t win a single game against them ... That kind of gives you a little incentive to beat them.” Head coach Mike Eaves disagreed—he believes the biggest motivation will come from Denver’s spot atop the national college hockey rankings. “I don’t think that you can get too hung up on looking at that too much,” Eaves said of the teams’ last meeting. “It’s [a] new team, new look for both teams in many ways and both teams are playing well and come in highly ranked.” To take down the Pioneers, Wisconsin will need to recover from a poor showing in the second game of its series against Colorado College last Saturday. Despite shutting the Tigers out 4-0 in the first game, the Badger defense surrendered four goals and a late

Men’s Basketball

overs, we had poor shot selection, and that ended up resulting in a poor [field goal] percentage.” Wisconsin came out of the locker room for the second half poised and tied the game on multiple occasions. Both teams remained tough on defense, but the Badgers were unable to capitalize on Penn State turnovers and struggled to convert from the line. Penn State also used full court pressure, which forced Wisconsin into short shot clock situations and poor shooting. Junior guard Alyssa Karel finished the game as the leading scorer for the Badgers with 15 points, while senior guard Rae Lin D’Alie dominated the boards for Wisconsin with eight rebounds on the night. Freshman guard Taylor Wurtz, who has been awarded Big Ten Freshman of the Week honors the past two weeks, played just 19 minutes, scoring five points. Meanwhile, Penn State began to heat up offensively in the second half. loss page 7

JACK DOYLE doyle rules


he person at the forefront of my first column may be the most hated sports figure of the new decade: Lane Kiffin. If you have watched ESPN any time within the past week or so, you should know that Kiffin recently bolted from his job as the Tennessee head football coach—after only one year—to take the same position at USC. This has caused a lot of controversy in the college football world not only because of how unethical Kiffin appears to be after preaching loyalty and promising to restore the Tennessee program to its former glory, but that he is also consistently able to obtain prominent head coaching jobs while having an absolutely atrocious track record as one. Let’s start from the beginning of Kiffin’s coaching career at USC. After joining the staff in 2001 as a tight ends coach, he quickly moved up to wide receivers coach in 2002 and eventually was promoted to offensive coordinator in 2005 under head coach Pete Carroll. During

his years as offensive coordinator, Kiffin helped guide the Trojans to an impressive 23-3 record. It can be debated as to how much credit Kiffin should receive for those wins considering that in his first year as offensive coordinator, he had arguably the most talented offense in college football history with the likes of Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, LenDale White and Dwayne Jarrett, all of whom were future pros. After Kiffin’s notable stint at USC, the NFL came knocking. Al Davis, always the understated genius, decided to hire him and, at the ripe age of 31, Kiffin became the youngest head coach in the modern-NFL era. Davis has a history of hiring young coaches, such as John Madden or Mike Shanahan, so this choice was actually somewhat logical considering the circumstances. Following an inaugural 4-12 season in 2007, Kiffin’s Raiders started off the 2008 season 1-3, which prompted Davis to fire his young protégé after only 20 games and a cumulative 5-15 record. Of course, Kiffin shouldn’t receive all the blame considering he had to work with less talent than your average junior varsity football team, but a .250 winning percentage during

your first season and a quarter doesn’t exactly pad a head coaching resume. With his debacle at Oakland being headline news, it would seem like a program with a history as prestigious as Tennessee’s would not pursue Kiffin. Wrong. For some reason, Tennessee Athletic Director Mike Hamilton decided to court Kiffin, introducing him as the Volunteers’ football head coach prior to the 2009 season to much fanfare and many expectations. Fast forward to this past season, one in which the Volunteers stumbled to a middling 7-6 record. Although he didn’t exactly produce the results that were expected, Kiffin did do one major thing for the Tennessee program: thrust it back into the national spotlight. Not many people, including myself, had heard so much as a whisper about the Volunteers’ program since their incredible 1998 season in which they completed a perfect 13-0 season en route to its sixth national championship. That all changed when Kiffin became head coach. Many people will remember his much-hyped arrival in Knoxville only a short 14 months ago, when he proclaimed that Tennessee would kiffin page 7

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