University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892
Sexual health resources on campus invaluable during national changes
view +OPINION, page 6
Weekend, February 2-5, 2017
Trice and Ford: Bradenton Brothers +SPORTS, page 8
UW to discuss criminal history on applications Most Big Ten schools already include it Story by Noah Habenstreit When Chancellor Rebecca Blank suggested that UW-Madison may begin considering criminal history in its admissions process, backlash from students swiftly ensued. Opponents took to social media to rebuke the chancellor’s statement, and members of Associated Students of Madison immediately released a statement outlining their concerns. “The practice of considering criminal history in admissions [is]
unnecessary and discriminatory,” Representative Brooke Evans said in the statement, co-written by fellow ASM members Carmen Goséy and Katrina Morrison. Blank’s suggestion came as a response to the revelation that Daniel Dropik, a UW-Madison student and the founder of a controversial “alt-right” group on campus, had committed two racially motivated crimes in 2005. The practice of considering criminal records is quite common among UW-Madison’s peer
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A hijab-clad student watches the presidential election results at Union South last November. Since the election, President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to limit immigration.
‘Targeted’: Ban on immigration upends life for Muslims in Madison Story by Hannah Olson and Jake Skubish
Seeking refuge from a violent civil war, Hussein Amach fled Syria and Jordan, ultimately pursuing safety in Madison, but sweeping immigration restrictions have put that newfound security in peril. “As an immigrant and as a Syrian, I’m really worried and sometimes terrified,” he said. Fearful sentiments echo throughout the Muslim community in Madison following a controversial executive order signed by President Donald Trump last
Sue Riseling became the first woman UWPD Chief 25 years ago. This week, Riseling officially passes the baton to the new chief, Kristen Roman. + Photo by Katie Scheidt
County jail renovation saga persists as officials clash on plan’s next step THE DAILY CARDINAL
Caught between diminishing inmate conditions and budget concerns, Dane County officials find themselves slowing to a yet another standstill on plans to move forward with a jail renovation project that has dragged on for years.
Americans in the U.S. since 9/11. Students speak out against ban “If the president says refugees from the same exact country that are Christian are able to come into the country versus Muslims that are not, then that comes down to religion,” said Iffat Bhuiyan, an American-born Muslim student at UW-Madison whose family emigrated from Bangladesh. “By doing this … you’re saying, ‘Oh, refugees are now dangerous.’ People don’t see them as people anymore.” Others contended the order is not only wrong, but ineffective. “I see it as being counterproductive ... because it antagonizes
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PROFS to ask congressional leaders for national support of shared governance
Changing of the Guard
By Gina Heeb
week. Various students expressed hesitancy to comment, unsure how public statements would personally affect them. The order declares that, barring case-by-case exceptions, immigrants from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia are prohibited from entering the U.S. for 90 days as the Trump administration reviews its screening process. The legislation prioritizes entry for refugees of minority religions in their country of origin. Given that the seven countries specified are majority-Muslim, opponents of the order question whether it is a thinly veiled attempt to limit Muslim immigration. No extremists from any of those seven countries have killed
Supervisors from a county board subcommittee—feeling pressure to improve standard of living for prisoners—sparred with cost-concerned representatives from the county executive and sheriff’s offices once again Tuesday, the groups at odds on
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Following the shared governance changes in 2015, UW-Madison had to rethink its structure of communication between campus groups. According to Jack O’Meara of PROFS, the lobbying arm of the Faculty Senate, UW-Madison still has shared governance but movement among some state political leaders has weakened this structure. PROFS seeks to protect shared governance, which they think has helped make UW-Madison a premier university. The organization is currently drafting a letter asking congressional leaders to recognize the impor-
tance of shared governance on a national level. “Because the federal government plays a key role in setting the agenda and tone for higher education in our country, it makes sense for language supporting shared governance to be placed either in the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act or in a Department of Education appropriations bill,” the current draft of the statement reads. O’Meara said PROFS wants to make it clear that the federal government supports shared governance. He said adding federal legislation would be a message of principle, with the weight of law, but operational details could be worked out at
the local level. Ultimately, PROFS will share their final draft with Wisconsin’s congressional delegation in hopes they will share it and gather support from their colleagues. “We look at our budget at UW-Madison and we get more funding from the federal government than we do from the state government,” said O’Meara. “And we saw that as a reason why it might make sense for the federal government to weigh in on this issue as well.” O’Meara said that schools in other states have recognized how effective shared governance has
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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”