Weekend, February 6-9, 2014 - The Daily Cardinal

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Weekend, February 6-9, 2014

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Since 1892




Senate hears bills on student issues Students testify for drinking bill

‘Higher Ed, Lower Debt’ bill draws large crowds at public hearing

By Eoin Cottrell

By Sam Cusick



The Wisconsin state Legislature made one of the first moves in the legislative process that could save students’ lives. The Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges held a public hearing Wednesday to facilitate discussion and gauge how Madison residents feel about the Responsible Action Bill, which would protect drunk underage students calling emergency services. State Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, said the meeting was well rounded and there was little opposition to the bill. The bill would grant immunity to students who contact emergency services for themselves or classmates in emergency situations involving underage drinking. Currently students are only granted immunity if they are on UW-Madison property. The bill expands protection to all UW System schools across Wisconsin. UW-Madison junior Morgan Rae first approached Risser as a freshman and proposed the idea that students would be much more

Madison residents flocked to the Wisconsin State Capitol Wednesday for the state Senate’s public hearing of the “Higher Education, Lower Debt” bill, which would lower interest rates and offer a tax deduction for student loan payments. The bill would also create a board, named the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, which would develop a program to help students in the state refinance their student loans. If created, the board would be the first of its kind in the country, according to state Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay. The Senate chambers were “crowded” Wednesday as not only current students, but community members still trying to pay off their student loans, shared their opinions and support for the bill, Hansen said. Jenni Dye, a Dane County Supervisor for District 33, broke down into tears during her testimony at the hearing, saying she felt greatly bur-


ASM Chair David Gardner said the Responsible Action Bill is important in maintaining student safety on campus. likely to seek medical assistance for their intoxicated underage friends if there were no consequences. Rae and Risser collaborated with the Senate’s drafting department and circulated the bill in June. Madison’s senator referenced other bills circulating in the legislation saying if the legislature is reviewing “good samaritan bills” for other substances, including heroin, then there is no reason to not review and pass the Responsible Action Bill. “The crux of the bill is health and safety of the citizens of our state,” Risser said. Associated Students of Madison Chair David Gardner, who testified at the hearing,

encouraged legislators to support the bill. Gardner said ASM endorsed the bill and has been working on the issue for the past three years. Gardner added there was a lot of excitement and motivation to see the bill move out of committee and to the floor of the state Assembly and Senate. “[The bill] goes right to the core of our responsibility to student safety,” Gardner said. The bill received significant support through a survey ASM issued last year. In the survey, 89 percent of students indicated they would be more likely to call the authorities if they knew no one would be cited.

dened by her student loan debt. “We talk about getting married, we talk about having kids, but it’s hard to think that I’m going to be paying off these loans when my kids are in college,” Dye said.

“If Wall Street can borrow at .75 percent, at less than one percent interest, than so can college students.” Elizabeth Warren U.S. senator Massachusetts

Scot Ross, director of One Wisconsin Now, also testified at the hearing, comparing college graduates to “indentured servants” who are forced to serve a “multiple decade debt sentence” while paying back loans at current interest rate levels. “If we fail to act, [student loan debt] will blossom to an economic catastrophe,” Ross said.

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ASM approves Green Fund bylaws, rules By Maija Inveiss THE DAILY CARDINAL

Associated Students of Madison approved the creation of Green Fund bylaws and standing rules legislation Wednesday, with a vote of 18-2 and one abstention. The Green Fund is a grant distribution system for registered student organizations that propose green initiatives on campus. Some possible themes included increasing energy efficiency and creating more sustainable food sources, but project ideas are not limited to those listed in the legislation. Student Council approved a total of $80,000 for the fund through the ASM Internal Budget in November. “I think this is a really important part of campus,” Sustainability Chair Will Mulhern said. Student groups can create a proposal for a grant through the Green Fund, although the process is very selective and specific, according to Shared Governance Chair Sarah Neibart. “This is a competitive bidding

process, and … ASM has already established that we’re valuing sustainability services to a higher level,” Neibart said. A Green Fund Advisory Board will be established per the bylaws, and will decide which projects will be recommended to ASM Finance Committee for a grant. Student Council made numerous amendments to clarify the bylaws, especially focusing on the organization of the GFAB and the numerical ranking scale. One of the concerns was a lack of a time limit for project completion. The council decided to give the project two calendar years to finish. “They should be able to accomplish what they want to accomplish in a timeline under which they are given money,” representative Jamie Wheeler said. The GFAB will rate the projects based on eight criteria through a numerical ranking scale. The board ranks the proposed project on a scale of either one to 10 or one to 20 in the eight specific criteria. The highest

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UW-Madison commemorated the 165th Founders’ Day by asking students and alumni to tweet their favorite memories and appreciation for the university Wednesday.

UW-Madison celebrates Founders’ Day On February 5, 1849, a group of University of WisconsinMadison students paid a yearly tuition of 20 dollars—the current cost of several days’ worth of Gordon Commons meals— to secure a place in the newly established institution’s first class, according to a university

UHSL returns to Madison SPORTS +page 8

news release. One hundred and sixtyfive years later, UW-Madison remembered these pioneers of education with Wednesday’s annual observance of Founders’ Day, a celebration that originated on campus, according to Wisconsin Alumni Association

Managing Director Kate Dixon. Founders’ Day celebrations were first recorded in 1915, and in 1919, student leaders organized the first “Foundation Day” on campus, driven by the notion that “too few students know anything

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“Climate change is real” Obama and the Keystone Pipeline

OPINION +page 3

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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Weekend, February 6-9, 2014 - The Daily Cardinal by The Daily Cardinal - Issuu