University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Want to live off campus? Here are a few tricks to keep in mind
ASM sees influx in complaints under new procedure
what our revenues will be each year, we chose to go with what we feel is a very fair and balanced minimum requirement,” he said, adding the plan will ensure long-term stability for University Dining. Novak said the dining program is not struggling financially and added that most dining hall models need a baseline understanding of yearly revenues to appropriately price items. He said that unlike most dining programs, UW-Madison allows unused funds to carry over
So, you and your best friends have decided that this next school year is the year you’re going to live across the street from Cap Centre Market. Well, first, great decision. You can’t beat a 24-hour supermarket. But more importantly, it’s imperative you know the pitfalls that student renters fall into. Director of the Neighborhood Law Clinic, Mitch, said one of the most common issues is that students feel pressure to sign a lease early because of early marketing tactics by management companies. “As a college student, you’re in a pretty happening time,” he said. “And if you sign a lease, most are for a year, but you’re signing it nine or 10 months or even 11 months before it starts, you’re literally committing to where you’re going to be two years from now.” Mitch added that this can significantly impact students who sign early and then have roommates who end up leaving school for whatever reason. He thinks this ultimately has an adverse effect on landlords, because renters who are placed under stress when they have to cover for roommates who leave subsequently have a negative impression about the property. “The landlord is in a worse position by trying to secure the money early,” he said. “That can come back to bite them because by defacto, nine months is more likely that somebody is going to
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At least 16 complaints have been taken up with ASM Student Judiciary this academic year — a 220 percent increase from the previous year. Most of the cases brought forward have been against Rachel Widra and the ASM Grant Allocation Committee. Widra, the committee chair, attributes this rise in cases to a change in GAC policy. “We used to send out just an automatic [grant] denial notice and now I just updated it to include a line about appealing and the appeals process through Student Judiciary,” Widra said. “I think a lot of people didn’t know that option to appeal.” Registered student organizations can apply for segregated fee funding during each school year. If their request is denied, they can take the case up with the ASM student justices, led by Chief Justice Will Olson. Informing students about their rights through Student Judiciary is important to both Widra and Olson. “[Student Judiciary] serves as the neutral arbitration body to make sure that the allocation process is fair and inclusive, and I hope that we can help give students faith that student government is held accountable for their actions,” Olson said. But GAC is hoping to increase
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Approximately 100 UW-Madison community members recently protested the meal plan in Gordon.
Amid student protest, official says meal plan will ‘stabilize’ Dining By Lawrence Andrea CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR
Petitions have been circulated. Meetings have been held. Trays have been kicked and thrown across the Gordon Dining Hall floor. After months of opposition to the new university meal plan requiring incoming students to spend a minimum of $1,400 in dining halls, a UW-Madison official said Wednesday the plan is an effort to “financially stabilize” the dining program. While officials previously said the plan was an attempt
to be “upfront” and “transparent” with parents concerned about their student’s spending in dining halls, students had long questioned that claim. According to Housing Director Jeff Novak, UW-Madison Dining’s sales were declining “because of the à la carte nature” of the program. He said students were choosing to dine at many different locations — both on and off campus — and that the new plan would give officials a better understanding of yearly revenue. “In order to establish a baseline understanding of
‘Mark Cook bill,’ named after the late UW professor, would streamline university research projects By Andy Goldstein STATE NEWS EDITOR
With the intention of streamlining approval of cutting-edge research projects, the state Legislature is considering a pair of bills named in honor of a deceased UW-Madison professor. The “Mark Cook Bill” would reform the university’s research contract approval process, speeding up the administration’s oversight role, in order to further encourage research and development in the state. Mark Cook was an animal sci-
ences professor at UW-Madison who started four companies and whose work led to 50 technology patents. Cook died of cancer in September of last year. “Firstly, I would like to say that I am pleased that the bill honors the late Professor Mark Cook,” said Thomas Mackie, a professor of medical physics, human oncology and engineering physics at UW-Madison, during the bill’s hearing. “Mark was a friend and fellow board member of [the Association of Campus Entrepreneurs] and
believed that entrepreneurship was the ultimate extension of science and technology to benefit society.” Under current law, the UW System Board of Regents is given 45 days to review any research contract exceeding $250,000 when faculty have a financial stake in companies involved. Critics argue that while managing conflicts of interest is central to research oversight, Wisconsin is lagging behind in innovative projects, losing such opportunities to other states
with more relaxed requirements. “Every academic entrepreneur has a management plan to ensure that the interests of the university and society are carefully maintained,” Mackie said. “Having a layer of regents’ approval on contracts from spin-off companies over $250,000 does not add to the carefulness but only adds bureaucracy and expense. The Assembly unanimously passed the proposed legislation on Tuesday, while the Senate bill has not yet been scheduled for a vote.
The proposal is intended to boost university innovation, faculty say.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
Thursday, February 15, 2018
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 127, Issue 30
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
UW professor innovates effective, cheap TB test
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Dear Ms. Scientist, What in the world is the deal with wisdom teeth? Jenny G.
TB diagnostics usually involve a lengthy procedure. David Beebe, a UW-Madison professor of biomedical engineering, has innovated a new TB test that will be more accessible to the poorer, developing countries. By Evan Cory THE DAILY CARDINAL
The home pregnancy test has become a cheap and effective option across the world, helping women to become more aware of their pregnancy status for decades. Diagnostic tools such as the pregnancy test are powerful but also few and far between. UW-Madison professor of biomedical engineering David Beebe and his colleagues at his company Salus Discovery have used lateral flow technology, like in pregnancy tests, to create one of the first cheap and effective tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic assays. Supported by a $2.6 million grant from the Gates Foundation, Salus Discovery set out to fulfil the pressing global need for a simple TB test. Current diagnostic assays for TB involve lengthy DNA extraction and analysis from sputum samples which a patient must cough up. This new assay detects protein rather than DNA; Beebe and collaborators use lipoarabinomannan (LAM) protein from urine samples as a biomarker to detect TB. Beebe explained that his team originally “didn’t know anything about what’s called lateral flow technology … but because we didn’t know anything about it, we weren’t constrained in any boxes, because of that we came up with a way to enhance lateral flow assays that someone who’s been working in lateral flow assays for 30 years would never have thought of.” Throughout the entire process, Salus Discovery has worked to ensure that the assay would be sturdy enough for widespread use in the developing world, where conditions like extreme temperature, contaminating dust and limited medical labs would not be an obstacle to patient diagnosis. This approach reflects Beebe’s longstanding commitment to global health efforts in Africa, with
more than 10 years partnering with organizations on various projects. Looking forward, Salus Discovery will seek World Health Organization certification for their TB test and then begin to evaluate manufacturing options. It’s likely that they will end up partnering with one or more companies to complete the manufacturing of both the device and the antibody itself. They also plan to do more rigorous testing in the field to ensure effectiveness under extenuating circumstances. Another thing to consider is the potential applicability of this biomarker based lateral flow assay to other diverse conditions.Many other diseases have so-called biomarkers that could potentially be the basis of an assay, like the LAM protein is for TB. This is a hot topic in the biomedical sciences, exemplified by the very recent development of a blood test for dementia by Katsuhiko Yanagisawa’s group in Japan. Yanagisawa’s assay tests for high levels of a protein called amyloid-beta, a condition that often indicates early progression of dementia. “Lateral flow pregnancy tests are widely used, and [the TB
assay] really just builds upon that, so we do think it absolutely has applications in other conditions. Mental health for example is on our list of where we think this technology might have potential,” Beebe said. Salus Discovery and their new TB lateral flow assay are one of the finest examples of university research applied to enterprise. Almost all of Salus Discovery’s employees came directly from Beebe’s UW-Madison lab. Many of the most accomplished research professors at UW-Madison start their own spinoff companies to take their innovations further. Most notably, James Thompson — who first derived human embryonic stem cells in 1998 — started Cellular Dynamics International, which was eventually acquired by Fujifilm for more than $300 million. The lateral flow TB test is a collaboration of university research, entrepreneurial innovation and philanthropic goals. Beebe said that if you care and want to make a difference, “get to Africa, get to India, get to wherever it is you actually want to help people, spend some time there and actually understand what the real problems are.”
A microscopic view of tuberculosis, a serious health and diagnostic concern present in many developing countries around the world.
Years and years before processed food and modern human diets, consuming a meal required a bit more work than we have to do today. Meat was rougher and root vegetables and wild plants were chewier. Wisdom teeth helped our distant relatives chew through tough diets and stay nourished in a world before yogurt and Cheetos. Today, with modern breeding techniques and food processing, wisdom teeth aren’t needed to chew up the food. So, why do they still cause problems for us? It’s because our jaws are slightly smaller than our ancestors from thousands of years ago. While wisdom teeth might still grow in our mouths, there usually isn’t room for them in there. The tight fit can consequently cause complications. resulting in dentists usually removing our wisdom teeth.
Dear Ms. Scientist, How deep is the ocean, and what lives down there? Omar R. The short answer: really deep. The average ocean depth is about 2.3 miles. That’s about 41 Camp Randall fields or about the distance from the UW Hospital to the Capitol. The deepest known point in the Earth’s ocean is the Challenge Deep in the Mariana Trench, which is 10,971 meters below the surface, or about 6.8 miles. For some perspective, that’s about the same distance an airplane flies or the height of Mount Everest with five Empire State Buildings stacked on top. Humans have only made the journey to the Challenge Deep twice. The organisms that live deep in the ocean seem like they’re aliens from another planet. It’s teeming with crustaceans like shrimp, sea cucumbers (relatives of starfish), jellyfish and microscopic miscellaneous. Researchers even saw something called the sea pig, a species of sea cucumber showing off bright pink tentacles. Ask Ms. Scientist is written by Jordan Gaal and Maggie Liu. Burning science question?
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Juvenile justice reforms follow Lincoln Hills abuse allegations
After months of controversy, legislators may vote to shut down the Lincoln Hills juvenile detention center. By Jessica Lipaz STAFF WRITER
A new bipartisan bill introduced earlier this week would close down the contentious Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake schools for juvenile detention and open smaller, local facilities in their place. While some see the schools’ shuttering as a long-awaited victory, other advocates believe far too little is being done to ensure the same issues will not arise again. The state’s juvenile detention centers were the source of significant controversy after numerous lawsuits and allegations of violence, inadequate safety, overpopulation and mistreatment toward juvenile inmates as young as 13. New legislation would close the secluded facilities located in northern Wisconsin and instead provide money to county governments to replace the schools with local, secured residential care centers for all nonviolent offenders. A major concern addressed in the new bill was how far facilities are from most of the inmates’ homes, which critics argued damages the feasibility of visitation and disrupts familial rehabilitation. In addition to location issues, the Lincoln Hills Schools caused financial controversy as well. A 2011 study from the Justice Policy Institute quoted the average cost of locking up a juvenile in a Department of Corrections
dining from page 1 into the next academic year, which will add flexibility for students. The meal plan — revealed in early December — requires incoming students living in residence halls to deposit a minimum of $1,400 into a specific Resident Food Account on their WisCards. Money can be loaded in quarterly deposits of $350 and can only be spent in on-campus dining locations. Rena Newman, a UW-Madison student who has been opposed to the meal plan since it was first revealed, said students know University Housing is looking to make money, but that “bleeding low-income students of their money” is not the way to do it. “If you need to fill your budget, you can’t do that at the hands of hard-working students,” Newman said. “That’s
facility nationwide at about $148,767 per year. The upcoming bill hopes to save money, while also providing more personal and effective care to juvenile offenders across the state. “Providing evidenced-based, secure local options for judges was our goal, and this bill uses an existing, but unused, option to accomplish that goal,” said state Rep. David Bowen, D-Milwaukee, in a statement. “Allowing counties to run local, secure residential care centers focused on trauma-informed care with a low number of beds and low staff-to-student ratios will transform how we treat young people and deliver improved outcomes in addition to cost savings,” In 2011, the Ethan Allen School in Waukesha County and Southern Oaks Girls School in Racine County closed due to funding issues, causing many inmates to move to the Lincoln Hills School and leading to the opening of the Copper Lake School for girls. Since this change, many allegations of abuse and neglect have poured in. The reports were so alarming that a former Racine Circuit Court Judge, Richard Kreul, wrote a letter to Governor Scott Walker urging him to push for reform after prison staff failed to react to an inmate-on-
inmate sexual assault. “I’ll be thinking long and hard before sending another youth to that place!” Kreul said in the letter. Already understaffed, the facility has fired several employees for wrongdoing or rule violations. That includes Dusty Meunier, the lead corrections officer trainer, who was fired in 2016 after investigators found he trained staff to use improper and dangerous techniques when handling juvenile inmates and had violated facility policy 16 times. Meunier trained corrections staff at Lincoln Hills for 10 years. Moving toward secured residence care centers, like the new bill proposes, is seen as a step in the right direction to many disturbed by the recent controversies. However, some are not convinced that closing Lincoln Hills will result in any reforms other than a change of address. “While we agree these facilities must be closed as soon as possible, the legislation raises concerns. Bringing youth closer to home is important, but it won’t work without meaningful statelevel oversight and accountability,” said Larry Dupuis, legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union in Wisconsin. “The risk here is that the state will replicate the mistreatment in Lincoln Hills at the new county-level facilities.”
just not fair.” Novak said meal plans are present across the country and noted that the plan is similar to and cheaper than other Big Ten meal plans. He does not anticipate any more changes to the meal plan. Newman acknowledged that the university’s meal plan is cheaper than others in the conference, but said this does not justify its existence. They said low-income students and those with dietary restrictions at other schools have been hurt by their meal plans, just as students here will be. “It is not a better alternative just because it is slightly less harmful than things already harming students,” they said. Newman was one of the organizers of a recent protest where approximately 100 UW-Madison students and community mem-
bers gathered in Gordon to share their outrage over the plan.
“If you need to fill your budget, you can’t do that at the hands of hard-working students. That’s just not fair.”
Rena Newman sophomore UW-Madison
At the event, protesters read testimonies describing how the meal plan will negatively impact low-income students and those with dietary restrictions. They chanted slogans like “I can’t eat” before marching through the market area of the dining hall and eventually blocking the
GAC from page 1 transparency even further in the coming semesters. Some grants are denied, Widra explained, because student groups don’t understand that they are breaking ASM policies which would disqualify them from GAC funding. A stream of cases came after an organization, which had their grant revoked for failing to follow ASM bylaws, reported several other organizations for similar breaches in policy. “I’m not going out of my way to find policy violations, but this group basically did that for me. They researched every single group that had applied all year and they forwarded me a large Excel spreadsheet, highlighting groups that had broken policies,” Widra said. The group put her in a “tough place,” Widra said. Her options were to reinstate their
grant and ignore the policy violations, or revoke the grants of every group which had violated ASM policy. “I wasn’t willing to reinstate their grant basically through blackmail,” Widra said. Many of these groups were unaware of their policy violations until their grants were revoked. In order to limit the possibility of this happening, Widra is working to change the application process to limit future confusion. The committee recently received $40,000 from ASM’s reserve fund for the creation of a new grant application website. For both Widra and Olson, the increase in cases just means the system is working. “I’m not complaining that people are using the judicial system at all; I think that’s fair and right and we need those checks and balances,” Widra said. “It keeps GAC accountable.”
There are some alternatives to subletting your property if you move or are unable to afford your lease in the middle of the year. rent from page 1 have something happen that’s going to make them unable to complete their lease.” However, if a renter can’t complete their lease, Aaron Romens, program director from the Tenant Resource Center, believes that subletting may not always be the best course of action. Instead, Romens suggest breaking the lease, a process by which a renter notifies their landlord that they’d like to end their contract and move out. While the property is vacant the owner is responsible for paying the remainder of the lease. entrance to the market for about 15 minutes. Newman said this protest was one of the first steps of a more active effort to try to get the university to understand the opposing point of view. According to Newman, there are “people from all different kinds of organizations” talking about the plan through group chats and meetings. Newman said these people want to create a “united front” where hundreds of students can come together to continue to meet with faculty, write opinion pieces in papers and demonstrate against the plan. Newman added that there are so many different organizations opposing the plan that they are unsure of what some of these opposition tactics will look like. They mentioned talk of more demonstrations in dining halls, marches and a potential boycott
The caveat, often underadvertised to students, is that landlords are required by law to find a new tenant. If the landlord isn’t advertising the property the way they did when it was originally rented, they could be responsible for the rent. “If they’re not showing that apartment the same way they did when it was originally rented, then they might not be entitled to any money at all because they weren’t trying to mitigate,” Romens said. Both the Tenant Resource Center and the Neighborhood Law Clinic are local resources available to both established community residents and students. of University Dining as some of these tactics. “Things are going to escalate,” they said. “I’m not totally sure what that escalation is going to look like because there are so many possibilities. We want to force [administration] to do the right thing if they are not going to do that on their own.” Novak said the university respects the students’ right to protest peacefully and will continue to work with students and address the concerns that they have. Despite this, Newman said the opposition will not stop until this plan that “creates more hoops to jump through for students who are already working so hard to be able to come to this institution” is abolished. “There are going to be a lot of different tactics,” they said. “Some people are going to like some more than others.”
special pages 4 • Thursday, February 15, 2018
barriques Yeah, yeah, we know the best coffee shops are on State Street, the Capitol Square and Johnson Street. But not everyone lives on that side of campus, you know. For those who call the west side home, there is a rock solid alternative to Collectivo or Espresso: Barriques. Well-known throughout Madison for its East Washington Street location, there are also two cozy, comfortable outposts of Barriques on Monroe Street and Old University. The latter represents the best bet — tucked away by the UW Hospital, the brand-spanking new space has the trademark selection of coffee, sandwiches, beer and wine, along with a lovely patio and a healthy amount of seating in an inviting, wood-paneled space. It’s so good that it justifies a bus ride for those of you who live on Mifflin Street. — Andrew Bahl
ground zero The vintage maps and natural sunlight that fill Ground Zero Coffee on Willy Street make for a welcoming atmosphere at the coffee shop. Located just east of campus, Ground Zero is a great place to study, grab a delicious wrap or cozy up on a couch to read a book. Ground Zero is the perfect location for a student who wants to get off campus to study but doesn’t have a car. While you’re there, be sure to try their seasonal Spiced Apple Cider Chai Latte. — Lulu de Vogel
chocolaterian It may be a bit of a hike from campus, but a half-hour bus ride to the Chocolaterian on Atwood will cost you much less than a plane ticket to Paris and will produce very similar results. On a lazy Sunday morning, nothing much compares to being tucked into one of their cozy-but-chic alcoves and pretending like you’re at a sunny French café. If you’re willing to pass on their delicious specialty drinks, your average black coffee comes with free refills — and that’s not even the best part. In addition to your beverage, you can choose from rows and rows (and rows) of sweet treats, from fondue to mousse to three-layer chocolate cake. Don a beret if you feel so inclined and go enjoy some chocolate with your caffeine. — Madeline Heim
michelangelo’s There are plenty of quality coffee shops around the Capitol Square, but Michelangelo’s is definitely one of the best. Not only is the coffee good, but the food is delicious too. It is also a great spot to camp out all day and study. There are plenty of tables, so finding a spot to pull out your books is usually pretty easy — plus, they stay open until 11, so it’s a good place for a late night study as well. In the corner, there are several comfortable couches and chairs that are the perfect spot to lounge and read a book. The best thing about Michelangelo’s, though, is the fish tank in the corner. Michelangelo’s is home to a decent-sized fish tank that houses a bunch of colorful, beautiful fish that make the coffee shop feel like a cozy home. —Ethan Levy
black locust cafe Black Locust Cafe is in an unassuming location — within a small strip mall on East Washington — yet the interior is anything but subtle. Bright yellow and blue tile floors greet your feet as you step into the charmingly eccentric little space. Striking artwork, an old bank vault door and accordion lamps provide the perfect alternative escape from a dreary Madison winter afternoon. When the weather’s warmer, there’s even a beautiful courtyard adorned with string lights to sit back and enjoy your coffee. With velvety smooth lattes that come in mason jars and other fun beverages with names like the “Laura Palmer,” it’s hard not to love this small and quirky spot. — Ben Golden
Ancora Picking a coffee shop to spend the day at can be a tricky task. It’s near impossible to find the perfect combination of great food, a welcoming atmosphere and, of course, great coffee. Ancora — located on King Street just across from the Majestic Theatre — is the coffee shop where all of those essentials coalesce. Ancora’s best selling point is their bottomless coffee, all of which is fair-trade. For less than $3, you can drink until your limbs shake from excessive caffeine consumption. Plus, they have the absolute best grilled cheese menu in Madison. The blackberry smash grilled cheese, loaded with basil, blackberry puree and muenster cheese, is absolutely to die for (add bacon for an extra layer of flavor). Once you’ve picked your preferred sandwich and grabbed your first of many cups of coffee, you can settle down by the fireplace in one of the plush leather chairs. The comfort of Ancora is unparalleled. While it may be a little farther than some people might be willing to travel, it is worth every bit of the journey to get there. — Logan Rude
DC joe
When one thinks of “indie,” one pictures artistic films, musicians crafting heart-thump beats on an out-of-tune guitar and a person with a beard wearing a knit beanie gripping a coffee mug. This picture can be seen through the fogged windows of Indie Coffee, a cozy escape on Regent Street. The air is filled with alluring hints of sweet potato or chocolate waffles and the steam of a cup of their so-good-you-don’t-need-cream coffee. Enjoy listening to the sounds of undercurrent artists playing through the speakers, while letting your mind flow with the Vinyl records from the legendary likes of the Velvet Underground and The Smiths hang on the wall. The inside of the eccentrically decorated, living room-esque space is cramped — it’s nearly impossible to find a seat on weekend mornings — but a shady back patio offers a hidden oasis for sipping iced coffee on sunny days. For a warm, hip, indie movie setting away from the gameday hustle of Regent, look no further than beyond the velvet curtain entrance of Indie Coffee. —Sammy Gibbons
Dunkin’ Donuts Walk into the Dunkin’ Donuts on S. Park Street and you’re unlikely to see anyone studying. But that’s what makes Dunks — as it should always be known — such a refreshing place to be on a weekend morning. More than half a mile from the nearest campus building, and populated almost exclusively by ruggedly dressed middle-aged people who haven’t taken a midterm in 20 years, it’s an ideal place to grab a coffee and a donut and unwind on your own or with a friend. Leave the schoolwork and stress to the libraries, and let Dunks be the place to get away from it all. — Cameron Lane-Flehinger
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Portugal. The Man lights up the Orpheum By Bremen Keasey THE DAILY CARDINAL
In a dizzying and intense performance, Portugal. The Man rocked the sold-out Orpheum Theater Sunday night. Twin Peaks brought a lot of spirited enthusiasm with their opening act, but this energy quickly evolved once Portugal. The Man took the stage. They led with a cover of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” that transitioned into “Purple Yellow Red and Blue,” which totally electrified the crowd. Their light show pulsated in the background to the psychedelic beat of their music, making it feel like the audience was transported to their own little weird world. Portugal. The Man’s songs were punctuated by extended solos that showed off the talent of frontman John Gourley and guitarist Noah Gersh. Gourley especially enjoyed the spotlight, as his infectious verve frequently made for big moments during those unaccompanied instances. When the band started their smash hit “Feel It Still,” the
crowd erupted. The Grammy award-winning song got everyone in the Orpheum up and dancing. While that was probably the most well-known song played, my personal favorite was “Modern Jesus” from their 2013 album, Evil Friends. Its eerie opening sounded incredible live and a lengthened guitar solo rocked the whole crowd. The graphics in the background helped add to the performance’s vibe and dynamism. Psychedelic images made it feel like you were tripping along with the songs, while tongue-in-cheek messages like, “This is Portugal. The Man, in case you’re at the wrong concert.” gave their performance some humor to go with the crashing music. The band seemed to frontload their most popular songs in the performance, as some of the energy waned slightly toward the end of the concert. By the final song, however, the audience demanded an encore. Portugal. The Man obliged, finishing with a mash-up that included a much harder version of The Beatles’ “Hey Jude.” After their Grammy win,
Portugal. The Man brought some of their new spirited vitality and buzz to the Orpheum Theater. Portugal. The Man continues to rise and they showcased some
of their new vitality and buzz for Madison. It’s likely that
Madison will “Feel It Still” for the next few days.
‘Henry IV’ an interactive, yet inaccessible Shakespeare experience By Cara Suplee THE DAILY CARDINAL
I entered The Bartell Theater a little before four o’clock on a Sunday afternoon. The local theater looked like everything you’d imagine it would: a modest waiting room with a family of welcoming, eager staff and an intimate black box theater
for the main event. I glanced over to a slightly ajar door that revealed a cast member preparing his lines for his upcoming performance of the Shakespeare play, “Henry IV.” This play reflects a different side of Shakespeare’s writings, focusing on a rebellion and allowing for love stories to take a
backseat. For those who have not spent their free time immersing themselves in Shakespeare’s works, “Henry IV” mainly revolves around two plots that eventually intersect with one pivotal battle. One plot surrounds King Henry IV, Prince Hal and Prince Harry while the other focuses on the Percys, a fam-
Challenge yourself, take up to 4 credits and have the rest of your summer free. Or stay for more sessions starting June 18. Choose from over 1,000 courses on campus and more than 200 online. Enrollment opens April 2
ily of noblemen, who want to rebel against the king for refusing to pay his debt. About 10 minutes before the production began, a few characters playfully conversed with the audience. Some people nervously laughed as the character Poins sat beside them and made raunchy jokes; others took great fun in testing just how well these actors could stay in character. The cast then scattered and the play began with Falstaff, a local drunkard, sitting at a lone table in a pub. If there was one takeaway from the tavern scenes, it was that the actors were deliberately and skillfully cast for their parts. Sam White, who portrayed Falstaff, could not have been better suited to play an unfiltered father substitute for Prince Hal. His grand, drunk on life — and wine, frequently referred to as sack throughout the play — demeanor helped the audience better understand his character. This was especially helpful considering Shakespeare can be difficult to comprehend. Additionally, the actor who played Poins was extremely memorable. Playing a part intended for a male, Annalyse Lapajenko put a wonderful spin on the character that added more excitement and mischief to the first half of the play. Overall, each role was well-cast. The actors’ fluidity in reciting some fairly difficult lines was artful. It was easy to tell they had practiced religiously and had done their research on the meaning of each line. They also worked very well in a small space with little to no props, as they relied simply on the story and language itself. However, with this beautifully complex language comes a great deal of confusion for the audience. Not having read the play myself, there were multiple times when I had little idea of what was happening. Considering the fact that the play focuses on two plots, it was hard to differentiate exactly who was involved with what story. I
overheard another group of girls discussing their bewilderment during intermission and began to feel bad that we couldn’t fully appreciate the play because we simply did not do our research. With that, I think everyone who is planning to go to a Shakespeare play (which you definitely should!) needs to recognize that with great playwriting comes great responsibility. In other words, you need to do your homework before you arrive. Of course, it would be most beneficial if you read the play in its entirety and discussed it before seeing it live. That said, not all of us have time to read Shakespeare between classes or on our lunch break. Luckily, I have a few ways to cheat. First, you can pop in your headphones before bed and listen to an audio version of the play (they are easy to find on YouTube). It would help to read along with the book — that way you can really get a feel for who is saying what and how it is being said. The audio recordings are only a few hours, which is really not bad when split up over a few nights — and pretty relaxing. Other than that, there is always SparkNotes. Even if you have to scroll through the plot overview on your phone 10 minutes before the play, it will at least give you a loose summary of the story. Really, there is no shortage of online sources for interpretations, modern versions or summaries of Shakespeare’s works. Overall, the play was as impactful as it could have been without reading it in advance. The experience taught me less about Shakespeare and more about one’s role as an audience member when going to see a Shakespeare play. Perhaps this is what the Bard intended, or at least the goal of the actors at The Bartell. They clearly wanted the show to be interactive, and although I was not left thinking about the content of the play, I was definitely left reflecting on the experience after the blackout.
opinion 6
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Plan to decrease ‘brain drain’ a good first step SAMANTHA WILCOX opinion columnist
Criticism towards the plan fails to address the harsh realities faced by low-income families and students.
Bucky’s Tuition Promise is important, necessary ISABELLA BOUDNIK opinion columnist
hen I arrived at UW-Madison last semester, I held the naïve opinion that class stratification was not a large problem on campus. While my experiences so far have drastically changed my mind, I think that Chancellor Rebecca Blank’s new financial assistance program for low-income students, called “Bucky’s Tuition Promise,” was a step in the right direction. Beginning in the fall of 2018, any incoming freshman whose annual household adjusted gross income is $56,000 or less will have their tuition and segregated fees covered by UW-Madison. Bucky’s Tuition Promise will not involve any taxpayer dollars and will be funded solely by private gifts and institutional funding. Expecting to see joy over a program that would benefit so many deserving students, I began reading the comments both on UW-Madison’s page and several news outlets about the new program. Instead, I was shocked to see a few positive comments washed out by a sea of negative ones. Over and over, I read as people lamented the unfairness of such a program, whether it was because it “punishes” those who work hard and therefore do not fall under the $56,000 household income limit, or because free tuition would promote laziness. I would like to believe that these misconceptions are held because people are blind with jealousy at an opportunity they did not get to benefit from, rather than the comments being made with the intent of direct malice toward Wisconsin’s lowincome students. I believe that many hateful commenters would have a change of heart if they spoke to a student who would benefit from such a program, like myself. The insinuation that students who will benefit from these programs will not be motivated to succeed at UW-Madison is not only insulting but also blatantly incorrect.
A student cannot be eligible to receive funding unless they are admitted to UW-Madison, which is the most selective higher education institution in the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction requires high school students to take the ACT, a college readiness test scored on a scale from 1-36. Data gathered by the testing agency showed that in 2016, students that reported a household income of less than $80,000 received an average ACT Composite score of 19.5. According to UW-Madison’s Office of Admissions and Recruitment, the typical admitted student will usually score between 28-32 on the ACT, though there is not an official minimum requirement.
[Low-income students] don’t think the world owes us anything.
How does a student make up almost an 8-point deficit in order to get into the college of their dreams, especially if they come from an area where schools may be underfunded and overcrowded? Personally, I bought used test-prep books and constantly completed practice tests after finishing my homework in order to prepare for test day. First-generation, low-income students like myself are some of the most resourceful and diligent students I know, traits born out of necessity in order to keep up with everyone else. We cannot afford, literally or figuratively, to let any opportunities pass us by. Many critics of the policy also seemed to equate the privilege of attending UW-Madison with the privilege of working hard to finance your own education. Students will never learn the value of hard work if they are
constantly given handouts, said the peanut gallery. I am here to report tuition is far from the only cost associated with going to college. Students also need to eat (with UW Housing’s $1,400 meal plan putting an even larger burden on students next fall), pay for books and school supplies and perhaps even enjoy a social event or two. There will always be reasons students will need to work, whether to support themselves or to support the family they left at home. In addition, recipients of the grant must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and stay on track to graduate in four years. People that disapprove of this new policy would prefer that poverty remains a hamster wheel—a cycle with no end. As soon as we work hard enough to get to the finish line, they move it, because the constant guilt of trying to decide if we can afford school is good for our character. For critics of this program, talking to a low-income student would likely reveal that we don’t think the world owes us anything — if it did, the situations we came from would not have existed. Opponents of the new tuition promise wish for equality for all students, giving every student the same type and amount of aid, when they should believe in equity, which provides the unique resources each student needs to succeed. However, a policy of equality only works when everyone starts from the same place and needs the same kind of help. Without funding from programs like FASTrack, BANNER and Bucky’s Tuition Promise, I would not have been able to attend UW-Madison and become the first in my family to graduate college. I am not in the business of proving my right to be at UW-Madison to anyone but myself. I’ll let my diploma do the talking. Isabella is a freshman studying political science. What are your feelings towards the UW’s new policy? Send comments to
s an out-of-state student, I understand the trials and tribulations of an ever-increasing tuition while in-state students reap the benefit of a locked in price of attending UW-Madison. This is more than just annoying for personal financial reasons, however. It is often harder for out-of-state students to be admitted to UW-Madison, and as a result, those that do get admitted bring higher test scores, extracurricular activities and more money to the campus. The UW system has recently unveiled a new proposal that would reduce tuition for outof-state students if they plan to live in work in Wisconsin for two years after graduation. This plan is genius. The problem of brain drain is evident in Wisconsin, as only 29 percent of the population has a bachelor’s degree. High achieving students and graduates of the UW system often find opportunities in neighboring states, such as Illinois or Minnesota, or they make the pilgrimage to one of the coasts in order to follow their professional dreams. While these opportunities are good for those individuals, the professional, intellectual and economic growth of Wisconsin is left stunted. When great minds and thinkers leave in favor of other burgeoning cities and states, their impact and services no longer affect the Wisconsin community. Preventing this brain drain is essential in order to compete with more desirable for college graduates. Wisconsin needs to offer a competitive environment in order to attract people who are going to make an impact on the state. This process of attracting and retaining great thinkers can begin at the college admissions level, by attracting more out-of-state students. By offering out-of-state students a reduced tuition, however, it not only attracts high caliber students to UW-Madison, but also ensures they will stay in Wisconsin. By staying in Wisconsin, there will be a long term ripple effect of positive change in the state — graduates will be able to apply their educa-
tion and skills in the Wisconsin community instead of leaving for “greater” opportunities and growth elsewhere in the country. The Wisconsin community will not only be affected by the lack of brain drain, however. The economy will massively improve with a more educated population. College graduates make an average of $17,500 more than their high school graduate peers. With an increase in high earners in the state, people will spend more, which will lead to businesses booming and cities regenerating. Milwaukee and other Wisconsin urban hubs will benefit from a resurgence because of the strengthened economy, which will even further cement Wisconsin’s attractiveness for more out-of-state students. The cycle will continue. While the proposal only requires out-of-state students to stay in Wisconsin for two years post graduation, many may choose to stay longer if their career roots them in Wisconsin. It could turn into long term retention of talent, which could turn into generations of great Wisconsin thinkers. Speaking of a cycle continuing, education is a cycle. The children of college graduates are more likely themselves to seek higher education. If the children of recipients of this grant grow up in Wisconsin, they have the potential to stay in the state and continue the intellectual resurgence for the long term. Additionally, the children of college graduates are shown to be more likely to be admitted to high-ranking schools, because they grow up in families that value and are aware of higher education. This cycle would help to maintain a level of intellectual excellence in Wisconsin, which could lead to professional, social and economic climbing over decades to come. By offering out-of-state students a tuition discount, the state of Wisconsin could be making an investment in their long term future and success. Samantha Wilcox is a junior majoring in communication arts and journalism. Please contact us with any comments or questions at
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Today’s Sudoku
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Apartment Hunting
Classes Starting
Windy City
By Maggie Liu
Thursday, February 15, 2018 • 7
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
© Puzzles by Pappocom
40 Birthstone for many Libras
3 Like Seattle’s climate
33 “Mrs. Bridge” author __ S.
1 Ear-related
41 Female rabbit
4 Alamo capturer Santa __
6 French military cap
42 Attacks from all sides
5 One in need of salvation
34 Muslim leader
10 Nonstick kitchen spray
43 Publisher of author-financed
6 Abstract artist Paul
38 Klutz’s cry
13 Pipe-unclogging brand
7 Extra-wide, on a shoebox
39 Napoleons, bombes, etc.
14 “Expletive deleted” sound
46 Marine One rider (Abbr.)
8 Dispenser candy
41 Henna rinse, e.g.
15 Air hero
47 Fleur-de-__
9 Emetic drug
42 Oft-forgotten part of a 45
16 Significant other
48 Emissions-monitoring org.
10 Cowpoke’s pal
44 “The buck stops here”
18 Inform on the mob
51 __ pork (Chinese dish)
11 Trendy berry
19 Outside the lab, say
54 Fortified Portuguese wines
12 French city on the Moselle
45 Tickle pink
20 Port near Gibraltar
56 Half a sawbuck
14 Myanmar, formerly
48 Wipe away
22 AKC category
57 1962 hit for Bobby “Boris”
17 A bit less than a liter
49 Shells, but not BBs
23 Soul singer Cooke
21 Is in sync
50 “My Name is __ Lev”
24 Online ‘zine
60 Senate vote
24 Ids’ complements
51 Yucatan dweller
26 Citrus-flavored soda
61 Often-quoted line
25 All chess pieces (even the
52 Ride-requesting app
31 Like pieces in a kit
62 Take a sip of
53 Do some ushering
35 Cyclotron bit
63 Curator’s concern
27 San Fran gridder
54 Roman Cath. title
36 Art deco great
64 __-do-well
28 Twist the arm of
55 Mosque leader
37 One to vie with
65 Lipstick mishap
29 ASAP, in the ER
58 “To a ...” poem
38 Come-__ (lures)
30 Pianist Dame Myra __
59 Dundee denial
39 Edgar who painted ba
1 Fess up to
31 Alta. or Ont.
2 Heavenly prefix
32 Co-host of Strahan
By Yiran Liu
By Max Homstad
sports 8
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Men’s Basketball
Frank Kaminsky developed into one of the best players in Wisconsin’s history over his four-year career. His jersey will be raised to the rafters against Purdue.
Forever Frank: Kaminsky’s work ethic, antics immortalized in Wisconsin lore By Ben Pickman THE DAILY CARDINAL
Throughout both the 2013-’14 and 2014-’15 Wisconsin men’s basketball seasons, a Nintendo 64 video game console almost always accompanied UW on its road trips. Large swathes of players would gather in someone’s hotel room for hours at a time as heated battles were conducted. Frank Kaminsky often played as Kirby. And according to redshirt senior forward Aaron Moesch, he was just as likely to jump up and down in excitement as he was to throw a remote control in disgust. Redshirt junior forward Ethan Happ, then a redshirt player during Kaminsky’s senior season, recalls Kaminsky as being “just average” at the game. That was almost the only thing Kaminsky was average at over his last two seasons in Madison. Thursday night when the Badgers host Purdue, Kaminsky’s No. 44 jersey will get raised to the Kohl Center rafters. The only other men’s basketball number honored by UW is the No. 8 jersey worn by Albert “Ab” Nicholas, a two-time All Big Ten player in the 1950s and, later, a prominent booster. But, for all of Kaminsky’s antics — and there were a lot of them — his work ethic and desire to be great are arguably more important parts of his Wisconsin legacy.
“I was a frail kid with lofty dreams who wanted to achieve something great.” Frank Kaminsky forward former Wisconsin Badger
“He got tired of not being good enough,” head coach Greg Gard said when reflecting on what changed between Kaminsky’s sophomore and junior seasons. “He made a commitment to being great. He wanted to be great.” Kaminsky got cut from his AAU
roster at age 15, and when he was a attacked the weight room and sophomore in high school he could worked non-stop on his dribbling barely get off his team’s bench. skills, shooting and post play. Gard Assistant coach Howard Moore said he returned to campus that fall was the first Wisconsin coach to watch like a “different person” with a “difthe future Naismith Award winner. ferent mentality.” In the summer before Kaminsky’s “I was a frail kid with lofty dreams junior year of high school, Moore who wanted to achieve something traveled to watch Kaminsky’s AAU great,” Kaminsky wrote on his perprogram, the Illinois Wolves. He was sonal blog just before the NBA draft. in attendance, not to scout the future Early confidence-building Badger big man, but instead, to see moments in Wisconsin’s preseason future Illinois Fighting Illini center trip to Canada and a program record Nnanna Egwu play. Moore, however, 43-point performance against the became enamored by Kaminsky over University of North Dakota helped the course of his junior season, espe- set the stage for Kaminsky’s junior cially after his performance in the season. That year, he averaged 13.9 high school state tournament. points and 6.3 rebounds and played The Lisle, Ill., native remained a nearly three times as many minutes lowly three-star recruit and per game. Moore convinced then-head All the while, as he coach Bo Ryan to offer the big eventually upped his man who looked as if he had scoring average to 18.8 never lifted a weight in his life points in his senior year, Kaminsky a scholarship to play at the the goofy, sleepy-faced scored a programUniversity of Wisconsin. forward’s personality high 43 “All we talked about was started to come out. As his points in his possible development,” stardom grew, Kaminsky Nov. 2013. Moore said. became more comfortWhen he arrived on camable in his own skin and pus in the fall of 2011, few his off-the-court persona Kaminsky could have predicted that started to take shape. led UW to its Kaminsky would go on to Over the next two first National become one of the best playseasons, Kaminsky interChampioners in the program’s history. viewed Will Ferrell and ship game He averaged only 1.8 points as posed in front of a real milsince 1941. a freshman and as he sported itary tank for a magazine goggles and a headband durcover shoot. ing his sophomore season, He led a dance party Kaminsky averaged a pedestrian 4.2 to Kesha’s “Die Young” in the locker points per game. room after beating Michigan in 2013 Moore, who left the Badgers before and flashed the Dirty Dub on a Kaminsky’s freshman year to coach summer day with Scott Van Pelt at at University of Illinois-Chicago, Dotty Dumplings. occasionally texted the big man and Happ remembers Kaminsky once gave him words of encouragement being so upset at himself for not makthroughout his first two seasons. ing shots in an open-gym session that Happ remembers that during he cursed himself out and punted the Kaminsky’s sophomore year, Ryan basketball in the stands. Kaminsky would often tell Kaminsky, “Frank, went into the stands to retrieve it, don’t shoot the ball unless there’s a but when he got the ball, he plopped second left on the shot clock.” But, by down in the seats because he didn’t his senior year, Kaminsky shot 41.6 want to play anymore. percent from 3-point range. “I was like, ‘woah, this guy is It was between his sophomore nuts,’” Happ recalled. and junior seasons that Kaminsky Kaminsky wore a GoPro
throughout his senior season, including out of the tunnel on senior night. And he caught confetti like they were snowflakes after Wisconsin defeated Michigan State in the 2015 Big Ten Championship.
“He got tired of not being good enough. He made a commitment to being great. He wanted to be great.” Greg Gard head coach Wisconsin Badgers
He pitched a sitcom, “It’s Never Sunny in Milwaukee,” after an NCAA Tournament win in the aforementioned city. He started his own blog, played FIFA with an
ESPN reporter and, most importantly, led Wisconsin to its first NCAA Title Game since 1941. Frank the Tank. The Moose. Sleepy-Faced Assassin. Kaminsky cycled through nicknames and dominated opponents. “He’s obviously a poster child in terms of a player putting in so much time and such a commitment to develop, to make himself who he was, and is,” Gard said. Thursday night, almost all of Wisconsin’s 2014-’15 Final Four team is expected to be in attendance for Kaminsky’s jersey retirement. Former Badger Vitto Brown alerted Happ that he’s going to bring the Nintendo 64 with him when he returns to Madison. And while Kaminsky might be average for one night when playing as Kirby, on the court and off of it,