OH, NOW THAT’S ‘TACKE’ Talk-show host Dan Potacke sits down with the Cardinal Arts page University of Wisconsin-Madison
Editorial Board: Cutting bargaining rights does not help repair Wisconsin’s budget
Complete campus coverage since 1892
“People view what we’re proposing as being modest.” Gov. Scott Walker
Thursday, February 17, 2011
“This is an unprecedented attack we’re seeing on members of the UW community” Peter Rickman, Teaching Assistants’ Association
Amendments to the Budget Repair Bill The Joint Finance Committee approved a number of amendments to Gov. Scott Walker’s budget bill Wednesday, but did not alter many of its most controversial aspects. Here are some ways the bill is different—and similar—coming out of committee.
ben pierson/the daily cardinal
mark kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
The Joint Finance Committee approved the budget repair bill on a party-line vote late Wednesday amid protests inside the Capitol.
Amended budget bill passes committee as protests continue By Samy Moskol the daily cardinal
The Joint Finance Committee passed Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill late Wednesday on a 12-4 vote along party lines. Unofficial hearings on amendments to the bill delayed the hearing by more than seven hours. The amended bill still contains controversial limitations to unions’ collective bargaining powers, as well as an increase in state employee contribu-
tions to pensions and health care. State Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, criticized the bill and called it a worker retribution act. “This [bill] doesn’t solve our economic problems but creates more pain and anxiety,” Jauch said. “It’s being classified as a meaningful change. It’s nothing more than planting a bunch of dying weeds and calling it a garden.” However, State Sen. Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, did not feel
sympathy for those affected. “When Scott Walker was sitting in that desk in closed caucus about a week ago and told me my pension was going down, which I wasn’t expecting, I got over it in about 10 seconds,” Grothman said. As the discussion continued, so did the clamor of drums and chants coming from the Capitol rotunda. “For five seconds, listen to what’s going on outside this room,” said Rep.
Jennifer Shilling, D-La Crosse. “It’s the drumbeat of democracy.” State Sen. Lena Taylor, D-Milwaukee, said the main problem with the bill lies in the loss of collective bargaining rights, not the increased contributions to benefits. “We’re willing to sacrifice,” Taylor said. “The issue is rights.” Committee Co-Chair Rep. Robin
• Limited term employees would be able to participate in the state retirement system and receive health insurance, which they would have been excluded from under the original bill. • Local governments that do not have a civil service system must establish a grievance system for firings, employee discipline and workplace safety. • Sales of state-owned power plants would undergo Joint Finance Committee review.
HOW IT STAYed THE SAME • State employe unions will not be able to bargain over anything beyond wages. • Workers will have to contribute 5.8 percent of their salaries to pensions, and will be responsible for 12.6 percent of health insurance premiums.
committee page 3
Letter reveals Chancellor knew of proposed split from UW System By Kayla Johnson and Scott Girard the daily cardinal
Despite professing a lack of details about UW-Madison’s relationship with the state at three student forums, a drafted letter obtained by The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel revealed Wednesday that Chancellor Biddy Martin advocated for the university’s separation from the UW system, and knew it was likely. “I appreciate knowing that
Governor Scott Walker wants to provide flexibility and intends to propose public authority status for UW-Madison,” the chancellor said in a letter to Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch Jan. 7. According to the letter, UW-Madison would have its own governing body, whose members would be appointed by the governor and university. The board would have the “authority to set and manage tuition,” according to the letter.
Although Martin has said specifics would not be available until after the release of the governor’s budget Feb. 22, many plans about economic relations with the state are outlined in the letter, including funding, insurance issues and sovereign immunity among others. “There is always a point in the development of plans when they aren’t fully formed or even really formed at all and where you need martin page 3
Teachers, TAA protest over bargaining rights By Scott Girard the daily cardinal
UW-Madison Teaching Assistants and Madison teachers and students joined protesters in and around the Capitol rotunda throughout the day Wednesday. Madison schools were shut down after more than 40 percent of the district’s teachers called in sick, giving
teachers and students a day off, which many of them spent protesting Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. Members of the Teaching Assistant Association said they felt positive about the protests, which they could hear going on in the nearby rotunda. “We’re very heartened right now seeing all of the support outside,” Sociology graduate student and TAA
member Adrienne Pagac said. “We think that more and more of the community is coming out to support not only us but all of the public sector workers that are threatened by the budget repair bill.” Like many unions at the protests, the TAs said they were concerned protest page 3
kathryn weenig/the daily cardinal
The budget repair bill’s restrictions on collective bargaining led to protests from unions across the state, including UW teaching assistants.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two 2
tODAY: chance o’ rain hi 54º / lo 31º
The many plights of a Madison pedestrian
Volume 120, Issue 91
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial edit@dailycardinal.com
Thursday, February 17, 2011
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892
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© 2011, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
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friDAY: partly cloudy hi 41º / lo 22º
rebecca Alt ctrl+alt+delete
fter being a student at the marvelous UW-Madison I have picked up a few valuable lessons. For example, never eat obnoxious food such as carrot sticks or any kind of bagged chips at Memorial Library because your surrounding peers will ostracize you. Never leave your apartment/ house/dormitory for a night out in the months of December through April without a few drinks in you. The bitter cold striking your tender cheeks will definitely not convince you that going out on a Wednesday night when you have a paper due in your 8:50 lecture the next morning is a bright idea. Always eat a balanced meal before Halloween and Mifflin or you may find yourself passed out in a bathtub at some rando’s house. Always have wine on hand in case of emergency situations such as getting an A on an exam, getting a D on an exam, a snow day or wiping out on the black ice on the way up Bascom. However, the single most important lesson I have learned while attending UW-Madison is
that pedestrians definitely do not have the right-of-way in several situations. I have learned this lesson the hard way, including countless near-catastrophic collisions with bikers, mo-peds, trucks, buses, SUVS, delivery cars and Smart cars. Yes, I will admit I can sometimes be careless when crossing the street, especially when I am itching to get somewhere. One such occasion happened last year, when I had some friends visiting and we needed a wine opener. I was so antsy to crack open that tantalizing bottle of Pinot Grigio, one of my friends literally had to pull me back onto the curb so that a passing semitruck would not pulverize me.
In Madison, yellow means speed the eff up and don’t stop for any college student trying to cross the street early because he or she is running late.
In my defense, though, I am only careless about 35 percent of the time. The other 65 percent of the time, I am innocently trying to cross Johnson Street to make it to my Byzantine history discussion in one piece and on time. Can’t a girl cross the street
without some audacious dingbat breakin’ ma strut? Without fail, each week I have an unfortunate run-in with a certain 80 bus that seems to believe it owns the street, and if it happens to flatten my face on the cold concrete, ’tis no skin off its back! Just off mine.
It I make it out alive by the time I graduate, Buddha is for sure on my side.
Cars are significantly more problematic. A yellow light for Madison drivers does not mean slow down for the humble pedestrians trying to go green by walking rather than guzzling gas in their monstrous SUV. Back in good ole Grafton, a yellow light means the cars slowed down, allowing a dear old woman to take her sweet time crossing the street to our one of three restaurants (Dairy Queen, McDonald’s or Taco Bell with only 36 percent real beef!). In Madison, yellow means speed the eff up and don’t stop for any college student trying to cross the street early because he or she is running late for lecture. If you
gotta take out some benign freshman while you step on the gas, so be it. And those damn right turners are always creepin’ up on you from the side even if you have the rightof-way! I still got two seconds, ya scalawag so back the eff up! By far the worst culprits though are bicyclists. They’re harmless when they stay on the bike lane designated for them, but once they start trotting along the sidewalks and crossing the crosswalks while still riding their bikes, not walking it across, they’ve crossed the lines. Those pretentious bastards who think it’s totally legit to ride on the sidewalk or on the crosswalk end up taking up the entire walkway and knocking into every passerby humanly possible because it is physically impossible for them to ride steady going at a solid mile an hour in such congested space. Those white lines with “bike line” inscribed inside of them aren’t just there to take up space, assholes. If I make it out alive by the time I graduate, Buddha is for sure on my side. I have two years left. Let’s see if my luck runs out. Do you have a difficult time crossing the street without getting mashed like a small rodent? Or are you the person running over other people? If so, are you doing it on purpose? E-mail alt2@wisc.edu with your confession.
Need more content? Yearning for more content? Check out Kyle Sparks’ review of Yuck’s new album online at dailycardinal.com/arts
Visit vimeo.com/dailycardinal for videos of the ongoing protests against Gov. Scott Walker’s Budget Repair Bill.
Also follow dailycardinal on for live updates from the Capitol!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
By Adam Wollner the daily cardinal
ben pierson/the daily cardinal
Protesters slept in the Capitol Tuesday night after as a marathon Joint Finance Committee hearing stretched into the next morning. Many spent the night in the building again Wednesday.
Vos, R-Burlington, said he must consider the 4,400 unemployed people in his district, as well as 1,800 public employees, and that they made the bill necessary. The amendment contains 11 points, the most controversial regarding the inclusion of wetlands in Ashwaubenon and the development of local grievance systems for employees.
martin from page 1 a certain amount of discretion while they are under development,” Martin told The Daily Cardinal Monday. Associated Students of Madison Chair Brandon Williams said Martin did not give the student government specifics about the partnership in their meetings. “In our conversations with the chancellor nothing like this has come up, which is kind of leaving us feeling a little bit like we were left in the dark in this process,” Williams said. In the letter, Martin explains how each part of the plan, especially flexibility from the state, would benefit the university. “If UW-Madison were to be
protest from page 1 about how the legislation would affect their rights to collective bargaining. Under the proposed law, unions would only be able to bargain for wages. “The most heinous parts for me are the elimination of collective bargaining rights for public sector workers,” Pagac said. “We demand a voice in our working conditions, our benefits and other things.” Some TAs said they will seek work away from UW-Madison
System leaders urge Walker to reconsider Madison separation
Battle for the budget
committee from page 1
Taylor said the two points have nothing to do with fiscal matters, and should not be included in the amended bill the Legislative Fiscal Bureau passed. In addition, she said the creation of the local grievance system would be unnecessary if the collective bargaining rights already established in Wisconsin law were retained. Another piece of the amendment offers more secure health care coverage benefits for limit-
ed-term employees. Vos said the change showed he listened to the citizens that addressed the committee Tuesday. At 11:00 p.m., the four committee democrats appealed to modify the bill, aiming to reintroduce collective bargaining rights. The appeal failed in another 12-4 vote along party lines. “Rarely have so few ignored so many and learned so little,” Taylor said.
separated from UW System, the university could be a test case that paves the way for other institutions in the system to benefit from such flexibilities,” Martin said in a separate statement. Speculation that Chancellor Martin was keeping information regarding the New Badger Partnership from the student body arose earlier this month after the release of an e-mail between ASM Chief of Staff Tom Templeton and the chancellor’s chief of staff. Templeton said in the e-mail that he had met with the chancellor a few weeks earlier, and that she would give the ASM chairs documents regarding the New Badger Partnership “with the understanding [they] would
keep them secret and not make them public.” Templeton said his use of the word “secret” was a poor decision and he wanted the information in order for student’s voices to be heard on the issue. Martin said the use of the word “secret” was unfortunate because “it makes it seem like there was some sort of conspiracy.” “It was a period when we were trying to put together the principles and the evidence for those principles and we didn’t yet have what was worth sharing,” Martin told The Daily Cardinal. Whether or not UW-Madison will be separated from the rest of the university system will become clearer when Walker introduces his budget Tuesday.
should the legislation become law. “If this bill passes I will be looking for other work,” English TA Kim Moreland said. Until that happens, they plan to do what they can to make sure the legislators hear them. UW-Madison students created a Facebook event entitled “Sleep With Your TA,” which asked students to spend the night in the Capitol in support of TAs. The TAA also took a vote Wednesday afternoon and declared a “teach-out” for
Thursday morning. “This is an unprecedented attack we’re seeing on members of the UW community, which includes faculty and staff and graduate assistants and students,” TAA member Peter Rickman said. “So we’re going to call on people to stand shoulder to shoulder starting tomorrow at 10 a.m. and make sure that our voices are heard.” Protests are expected to continue tomorrow as schools in Madison and other districts across the state will be closed once again.
Several leaders from the University of Wisconsin system have asked Gov. Scott Walker not to remove UW-Madison from the rest of the state system in his upcoming budget. Board of Regents President Charles Pruitt, Board of Regents Vice President Mike Spector and UW System President Kevin Reilly wrote a letter to Walker Tuesday expressing their concerns over the potential restructuring of the UW System. “If changes are proposed that establish UW-Madison as a separate, self-contained institution with its own governance board separate from the Board of Regents, we would return to a two-tiered system the state abandoned 40 years ago for good reasons,” they said in the letter. The three admitted that changes need to be made to the UW system, however they said UW-Madison and the system as a whole have benefited from each other for years and separating the two would result in needless competition between Wisconsin universities.
“We ask that you not take any precipitous action in the budget to demerge the University of Wisconsin System, which has worked so well for the people of this state for so many years,” the letter said. “Our leadership wanted to go on record raising some serious concerns about that before this got too far down the road,” UW System communications director David Giroux said. Walker will announce his budget proposal Feb. 22. Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said they could not release any specifics about the plan for now. “Lots of the details of the UW System, including funding and flexibility will be released in the Governor’s budget, which will be introduced on Tuesday,” Werwie said. Chancellor Biddy Martin said she hopes that Walker’s budget will include flexibility for all UW institutions. “If UW-Madison were to be separated from UW System, the university could be a test case that paves the way for other institutions in the system to benefit from such flexibilities,” Martin said in a statement.
Courtesy of Pat McCaughey
The Urban Design Commission postponed its vote on the proposed development on West Mifflin Street again Wednesday.
Urban Design Commission postpones West Mifflin vote By Taylor Harvey the daily cardinal
The Madison Urban Design Commission further postponed the final vote on the 416, 420 and 424 W Mifflin St. apartment building proposal Wednesday. The commission did not meet a consensus in part because of public outcry over the project from students, who said the proposed complex’s height and size will disrupt the West Mifflin Street atmosphere. “We just want to make sure students are able to love and enjoy West Mifflin Street for years to come,” UW-Madison student Kate Robertson said. Committee members suggested several renovations to give the complex more identifying features of the West Mifflin neighborhood. Along with the project’s size, most opposition from committee members came from the development’s proposed fourth floor. Developer Pat McCaughey set back the fourth floor 20 feet to
make it less visible from the street, but people opposed to the project insist on a more generous setback. “We want as much setback as possible,” Robertson said. “We really like to see an open atmosphere.” Committee members said they are discontent with the building’s porch design, insisting the proposal should adopt a more stoop-like characteristic to match the rest of the Mifflin neighborhood. Committee members said they also disapproved of the elevator stair tower on the fourth floor. “It sticks out like a sore thumb,” Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said. Supporter Rosemary Lee said the argument that the building is too tall for the neighborhood is irrelevant because of the Capital Centre and Ambassador apartment buildings already on the 400-500 block of West Mifflin. “It’s about time we get together and appreciate the financial risk developers are making downtown,” Lee said.
arts 4
Thursday, February 17, 2011
THE DAN POTACKE SHOW By Todd Stevens The Daily Cardinal
With his show’s two-year anniversary special coming up Feb. 24 at the Frequency, Dan Potacke now lays claim to the title of Madison’s talk show king. True, that’s partially because he might be Madison’s only talk show host, but it’s an awesome title nonetheless. The Daily Cardinal sat down with Potacke for a recent Q&A about some of his best memories, Gov. Scott Walker and the possible consequences of the Rapture, among other topics. Q: How did the genesis of “The Dan Potacke Show” come about? A: Well, for many years I had been a businessman in the local Wisconsin area. Unfortunately I had been putting ads out there, and every publication, TV show, radio station, blog refused to run my ads. So I needed some place to put my advertising out there. So I decided, why not make my own show? And I thought, hmm… what could I do? Well, I’ve been talking since I was four, maybe I could try talking to people. It’s something I do almost once every couple days. Q: Any favorite guests you have had over the past two years? A: I would have to say both Mayor Dave [Cieslewicz] and Paul Soglin were wonderful guests, they were both really nice. Mayor Dave couldn’t pronounce my last name, which was somewhat unique. Q: Slightly ironic, too.
photo Courtesy Josh Klessig
Alan Talaga (as his character Dan Potacke, left) hosts his talk show before a live audience every other Monday at the Frequency. A: Yes. As for Paul Soglin, he’s very detailed when it comes to his love of the Chicago hot dog. Q: Since the two of them are currently running against each other in the current mayoral race, if they were to have a debate on “The Dan Potacke Show,” what would that look like? A: I think I would keep it very fair. I would ask tough questions. Like which one likes me more. Q: Last year you started up a semi-campaign for governor, complete with a campaign ad. One of the planks of your candidacy was selling Menomonee off to other states. Do you think this should be something that Gov. Walker should adopt? A: I don’t know. Does Menomonee have a lot of state workers? Because I think he’s going to focus on getting rid of as many state employees as possible. So if they had a way to put all of state government there, then maybe he could sell off Menomonee. Q: So would you say he should sell off Madison first? A: Well, I don’t know if we should go that far, because he’s turning the Department of Commerce into a private-public corporation, and I think there’d be a lot of great ways to do that in other areas. Like for example, the state Capitol would make a great Target, because we don’t have enough Targets here in Madison yet. The Capitol would look great
with little circles of red and white. Q: Recently we had the giant blizzard where the university shut down. What’s your emergency action plan in the event of another snowpocalypse? A: Luckily we didn’t have [a show] scheduled for the snowpocalypse, but we’ve done shows in major snowstorms. We actually did one on the 17th where there were probably five people who weren’t part of the show there––and let me tell ya, each and every one of them got a wonderful performance. Though if it was a really big storm like the snowpocalypse, I would probably just invite everybody to get on skis and enjoy the show in my apartment. Or failing that, an igloo of some type. Q: What if, say, the Rapture occurred? A: Trust me, I went to UW-Madison, I’ve been in Wisconsin for a very long time, not a lot of people in the Madison area are going to disappear during the Rapture. Population-wise it’s going to be about the same. Q: Are there any emergencies that could cancel the show entirely? A: I don’t know. We had a show during Gov. Walker’s inauguration, so I feel the show can survive any disaster. For the full interview with Dan Potacke, including his thoughts on mustard stains, head to www.dailycardinal.com.
Musical desert islands define us all Kyle Sparks total awesome
ere’s a question: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only listen to three records for the rest of your life, which would they be? I think about this myself a lot, and sometimes I ask other people their answers to make up for my inability to make substantial conversation with other people. But usually the reaction is pretty exciting. Almost without fail, people apologize, wandering around their list as if they have something to hide, and then finally unloading a trio of very distinct, if maybe less acknowledged records. And I always go back to ask why they felt so insecure with their choices. What sort of obligation did they feel going into it? Because the point of the whole exercise is that their list should have been different from other people’s––it’s a reflection of your own personality. But that expectation is everywhere. We expect for there to be some universality in musical preference, which is why we feel the need to quantify album reviews and derive lists that rank
the year’s best albums each December. But no matter how many numbers we throw on a page, what it comes down to is very simple—how happy would you be if you were stuck on a desert island with only this record to listen to? Where this gets complicated is when you try to make a universal list for a population that maybe hasn’t been exposed to the same records. To be sure, if you’re going to be stuck on a desert island, you’d be hesitant to choose to spend the rest of your waking life listening to any old album. And so we make concessions and choose things that maybe aren’t our favorites but that we can tolerate all the same. That’s necessary when you accept any amount of authority, though. And so revisit that first question, but this time imagine you’re part of a listmaking group that garners genuine excitement and investment from a very wide audience. That is, imagine you’re the Grammys. Your role, then, becomes something like the electoral college of pop music’s presidency. You need to reconcile what people seem to need (qualitative or substantive excellence) with what people seem to want (for lack of a better measurement, expressed through sales figures). We get those things mixed up a lot, relying on numbers or “hard facts” to stand in for the more complicated and
immeasurable qualitative functions. It’s what got shows like “Party Down” and “Arrested Development” cancelled before they could garner appropriate audiences, and what makes politicians confuse cutting costs with cutting liberties (Scott Walker, raise up). This year, the Grammys regained a middle ground. Of all the finalists, Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs sold the fewest records, and there’s an entire web phenomenon tracking the public outrage over how a band they’ve never heard of could have won—or, how so many people could be stuck on an island with a record by a band of ugly Canadians (not all of them are ugly). But this isn’t the kind of sea change many people are making it out to be— Arcade Fire have sold out Madison Square Garden and headlined large festivals, and it’s not like they’re starved of attention from the media. The album’s award doesn’t represent any major shift in popular music, but it does represent a shift in where the Grammys focus their attention. The Grammys opened their doors to indie culture, and when you’re making a democratic decision about eternal damnation, that’s all that really matters. Who is Arcade Fire, you may ask? Kyle will be happy (or at the most just mildly annoyed) to tell you at ktsparks@wisc.edu.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It’s easy being green
The rise of sustainable cities cropping up across the globe may hold the answer to sustainable living. Story by Michael Podgers • Graphic by Johannes Peter
ost people would not think it, but some of the most environmentally friendly places to live are not idyllic small communities or suburbs spread out across the countryside intermixed with forests and farms, but concrete jungles like New York City, Chicago or San Francisco. “Some have even suggested Manhattan is one of the more sustainable places in the country,” said James LaGro, UW-Madison urban planning professor. Many Americans, however, don’t live in places like Boston, Washington, D.C. or Philadelphia; many Americans live in suburbs. American suburbs are characteristically sprawling, car-oriented places made up of subdivisions, office parks, shopping centers, malls and parking lots. It is a way of life that developed in the post-war years. According to Elizabeth Tryon, assistant director of community based learning at the Morgridge Center for Public Service, the suburbs are no longer ecologically feasible. Suburban Sprawl “In terms of sustainability urban residents have … fewer impacts compared to suburban residents,” said LaGro. LaGro thinks cities could hold the answer to environmental problems affecting Americans and people globally. Cities are inherently sustainable in ways that sprawling suburbs are not. Suburban sprawl is an area where the land used for development exceeds the population growth rate. Sprawling suburbs use greater amounts of land and have a greater affect on the quality of the environment than higher density cities, according to LaGro. “People out in nature living idyllic … actually have a bigger [carbon] footprint than us living in cities,” Tryon said. According to Tryon, even though cities use land at a much higher impact than suburbs and rural communities, the amount of land used and affected by cities is much less than sprawling suburbs or suburban metropolises. However, the amount of land used and affected by cities is much less than suburbs. If the 200 American cities with a population of 100,000 or greater were laid out at their current average density of 3,100 people per square mile they would require more than 20,000 square miles of land.
Conversely, those same 200 cities at the average density of America’s 10 densest cities with over 500,000 residents would require less than 5,500 square miles. Sprawl also means increased resource consumption because of the need to expand infrastructure over increasingly large areas. The developed world is growing. Every year more people are entering the middle class, according to Tryon. “We use a quarter of the world’s resources with less than 10 percent of the population,” she said. According to Tryon, environmental problems are not local in scope. “What somebody does in Wisconsin can affect somebody living in BadenWürttemberg, Germany and pollution in China can result in drought in subSaharan Africa,” she said. LaGro said he thinks that in terms of our global impact on the environment, rebuilding cities in a more sustainable way helps the global environment. Automobile Sustainability According to Tryon, dependence on the car plays a significant role in the unsustainable nature of American suburbia. “Cars contribute a lot to our carbon footprint,” she said. “But it’s more easily controlled … you can do more with it in terms of using alternative transportation.” According to LaGro, the intense suburban sprawl and automobile dependence may cause some of the undesirable city qualities: Water and air pollution. He said that in urban areas air pollution is caused in great part by exhaust from the cars of people commuting into cities because there are not alternatives. Water quality worsens because of runoff caused by paved surfaces necessary for high rates of car use. Cities that are dense and mixeduse are walkable, bikeable and can sustain extensive mass transit systems. “[Cities] tend to have much better access to public transit,” LaGro said. “There tends to be greater access to the civic services, retail, commercial services, the types of things that people use on a daily, weekly basis.” Government policy has a lot to do with how our urban landscape looks. “It has a lot to do with the inertia of public policy,” LaGro said. “A lot of times laws and past ways of doing business have to change. In many cases there needs to be strong leader-
ship at the local level.” According to LaGro, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley have made sustainable policy part of their leadership. Sustainable Cities Older suburbs offer a model for sustainable suburbanization. These suburbs are often developed at a higher density than most modern suburbs. They are also walkable and bikeable; they contain a mix of housing types and styles as well as mixeduse neighborhoods that don’t require a car. They’re connected to the larger urban area by streetcar lines, El systems or commuter rail lines. “The Monroe Street neighborhood was built as a streetcar neighborhood … nobody had to go more than a block or two to walk to a streetcar,” Tryon said. Tryon, who lives in the neighborhood, said she rarely had to drive. Similar to the Monroe Street neighborhood, the Vauban neighborhood in Freiburg, Germany is connected to the rest of Freiburg by the local streetcar and regional bus systems the same way Monroe Street was once connected to the Square, Tryon said. “A lot of people who live in Vauban take the streetcar into town, and they rent cars when they want to go on vacation where you can’t go on the train,” Tryon said. Vauban is entirely car-free, energy efficient, automobile access is limited to certain municipal vehicles and residents who own a car must buy a 17,000 ($25,000) parking space for each car at a community lot outside the neighborhood, according to Tryon. “I would think Vauban is the most sustainable neighborhood I’ve ever seen,” Tryon said. “The whole philosophy is to be as sustainable as you can. The houses are built to passive house technique, which saves 90 percent on energy bills.” According to Tryon, houses made under the passive house technique are insulated almost entirely with the body heat of the residents and the heat of appliances. While cities still have room to adapt they may hold the key to achieving sustainability. “We have enough fossil fuels to help us fix the problems. I would not call [these changes] sacrifices, but an opportunity,” Tryon said.
comics 6
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Understanding Scott Walker
Today’s Sudoku
Evil Bird
Five Sided! Patrick Star from Spongebob Squarepants is a star fish.
dailycardinal.com/comics By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Eatin’ Cake
By Dylan Moriarty EatinCake@gmail.edu
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
The Pipesmokers
By Joseph Diedrich jsdledrich@wisc.com
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
By Patrick Remington premington@wisc.edu
By Dan Tollefson dtollefson@wisc.edu
Hoop Dreams Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com They’re off!
ACROSS 1 Having everything arranged just so 5 Type of cable 10 “Hey you, c’mere!” 14 43,560 square feet 15 Gladiator’s fighting place 16 Angel costume accessory 17 Act to impress the audience 19 Egg, biologically 20 One may be needed after a sports injury 21 Breathing spell 22 Some library gadgets 24 Tied up 25 New kid on the block 26 Tilting 29 In 25 words or fewer, for instance 32 Young bird 33 Upside-down frown 34 Fanzine focus 36 Vow of silence taker 37 Word with “well” or “human” 38 Botanical joint 39 They come before big days 40 “I’m in” indicator 41 Water carriers 42 Tempts
4 Certain igneous rock 4 45 Molders 46 Souse 47 Stick firmly 50 Wave of interest in math? 51 Chattering tongues do it 54 Plundered goods 55 Watkins Glen, e.g. 58 Voting group 59 Adult insect 60 Royal annoyance 61 Meyers or MacFarlane 62 ___-ski (lodge socializing) 63 Young oyster DOWN 1 Badgers or bugs 2 Off-white shade 3 Bedouin tribesman 4 Full complement of fingers 5 Lowest of the low 6 ___-craftsy 7 Word with “driver’s” or “booster” 8 Lodging for travelers 9 Aiding a golfer, in a way 10 Glossy or matte, e.g. 11 Stash away money 12 Potentially slanderous remark 13 Some turkeys
18 Three sheets to the wind 23 You may precede it, but I can’t 24 Part of Pimlico 25 Threefold 26 Zenith 27 What push may come to? 28 Tablecloth fabric 29 Some Londoners 30 Rx for Parkinson’s 31 Song accompanied by an alpenhorn 33 Offspring’s inheritance 35 For fear that 37 Antibiotic targets 41 Old Toyota model 43 Super ending? 44 Scams 46 Monarch’s loyal subject 47 Priest’s robes 48 Loser to Clinton in ‘96 49 Owl’s utterance 50 Proof of surgery, perhaps 51 Do some seasonal mall work 52 Singapore’s location 53 Man of breeding 56 Rock guitarist’s accessory 57 Pkg. delivery outfit
Washington and the Bear
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
opinion dailycardinal.com/opinion
Thursday, February 17, 2011
view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
irst, let’s make one thing absolutely crystal clear: The right to collectively bargain in itself has nothing to do with balancing the state budget, and taking away that right will in no way improve Wisconsin’s budget crisis. It has been argued that by prohibiting unions from asking to increase state employees’ healthcare benefits or number of sick days, the state will avoid extra costs. This may come to be true, but legislating on such a hunch is rarely a good idea, and is a dangerous precedent to set. Setting that argument aside, if eliminating collective bargaining rights does not present a significant financial advantage for recouping our state budget, why is it necessary for Gov. Scott Walker’s bill to include this extra preventative measure? With a strongly Republican state Legislature, Walker does not need to lose sleep worrying that the state Assembly or Senate will give any kind of leeway to union interests.
There is no denying the symbolic slap in the face this bill represents for our state’s workers.
It’s one thing for state policymakers to tacitly tell unions that their bargaining efforts will be futile in the Republicancontrolled state Legislature. It’s another for the figurehead of the state’s Republican party to push through a bill hell-bent on denying public workers’ right to even
try to bargain. At a press conference Wednesday, Walker backed up the bill with this argument: “The last thing we want to do to balance this next budget … is balance it on the backs of middleclass taxpayers.” What he neglected to mention was that the overwhelming majority of state employees are just that—middle-class taxpayers. So, if you’re following along at home, Walker thinks we need to silence middle-class taxpayers in order to protect middle-class taxpayers. It is also notable that Walker exempted Wisconsin’s police and firefighter unions— the only unions that endorse him during his campaign—from the collective bargaining limits facing the rest of the state’s unions. The second argument Walker offered at the press conference amounted to telling unions that he’d based his campaign on this platform and therefore they should not be surprised that he followed through. That argument is the equivalent of walking up to a stranger and saying, “Hey, I’m going to steal your car in four months!” then not understanding why the person got upset after you actually stole his or her car. Walker has assured the public that though the collective bargaining process will be transformed, Wisconsin’s civil service system, including merit-hire and just punishment provisions, will remain intact. Further, the proposed pension and health-care increases are reasonable and for the most part align with the national average. However, no matter how reasonable isolated changes may be, there is no denying the symbolic slap in the face this bill represents for our
KATHRYN WEENIG/the daily cardinal
Protestors march on State Street in response to Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. state’s workers. If Walker were to go to state union leaders and say, “We need to make some cuts here in order to not cut jobs,” there would be pushback and negotiation, but eventually there would be compromise and agreement.
So with all due respect, Gov. Walker, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too.
However, Walker has not done this—he gave unions no opportu-
nity to make concessions or feel in any way at all involved in the policy negotiations. So with all due respect, Gov. Walker, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. You can’t say you’re concerned about Wisconsin’s workforce while crushing whatever political leverage it has left in this legislative session. You can’t say you’re focused exclusively on jobs while shoving political changes through the legislature as a footnote in the budget. You can’t argue that this bill will support Wisconsin’s middle-class taxpayers while blatantly ignoring the fact that overwhelming majority of state workers belong to that group. You can’t declare
the state “open for business” while shutting workers out of any substantive relationship with the state that employs them. Well, maybe you can do all of that, but you can’t expect to get away with it. We applaud the Associated Students of Madison and the Teaching Assistants’ Association for their success in rallying support against this bill, and encourage Chancellor Biddy Martin to quit rubbing elbows with the governor and to start using her political sway to support the state workers she represents as the face of the university. However, there is much more to be done. Back to the Capitol!
sports 8
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Men’s Basketball
No. 11 Boilermakers derail No. 10 Badgers By Max Sternberg the daily cardinal
Trailing by as many as 13 in second half, the Wisconsin men’s basketball team once again fought its way back into a tough conference matchup, but couldn’t get over the hump, falling to No. 11 Purdue 70-62. As much as the 10-4 Badger start seemed to point toward a continuation of Saturday’s offensive surge, the reality was that the Badgers couldn’t get that big shot or big rebound like they had the entire second half against Ohio State. “[I am] disappointed,” UW head coach Bo Ryan said after the game. “But I learned something about our guys during that comeback.” That comeback Ryan was referring to saw the Badgers once again whittle into a double-digit lead, this time going on an 18-7 run over a seven-minute run to close within two points with just under four minutes left in the game. “We could smell blood in the water when we cut it to two,” senior forward Jon Leuer said. “But credit them, they made some big shots. We let it slip away.”
Even though Leuer put up 23 points and four rebounds, he was in foul trouble much of the first half and was forced to hit the bench for the final 7:42 leading into halftime as Purdue built a six-point lead at the intermission. With Leuer forced to sit and junior guard Jordan Taylor unable to get much going on the offensive end, finding production was an issue for a Badger team that has relied heavily on its top duo throughout the season. Though redshirt sophomore Ryan Evans contributed 11 points and six rebounds in 28 minutes off the bench, the supporting cast behind Taylor and Leuer shot a combined 8-for-32 from the field and 2-for-14 from three-point range. Without much production from the likes of sophomore forward Mike Bruesewitz and senior forward Keaton Nankivil, who combined for just seven points on 3 of 14 shooting, the spotlight shined brightly on Taylor’s struggles on the offensive end. Though the newly instated Cousy Award finalist still managed 15 points, five rebounds, and five assists, the rhythm Taylor had played with against
Ohio State was nowhere in sight. “I felt like I could have done more and maybe started penetrating earlier than I did,” Taylor said. Although Taylor would never admit it, it appeared that the 83 minutes he logged last week in games against Iowa and Ohio State might have finally caught up to him. Purdue junior guard Lewis Jackson put up 18 points, one shy of his career high, while adding four rebounds and five assists. With Purdue’s scoring duo of E’Twaun Moore and JaJuan Johnson combining for a ho-hum 39 points, that third source of production was crucial in the Boilermakers’ victory. Though they missed an opportunity to get a tough road win, the Badgers now hit a stretch of four straight conference games in which they will be favored leading up to the season-ending showdown in Columbus. Beginning with Penn State’s visit to Madison Sunday afternoon, this four-game stretch is arguably among the most important of the season as Wisconsin tries to distance itself from the pack and earn a high seed heading into the NCAA Tournament.
Women’s Basketball
Wisconsin drops fourth conference match as Hawkeyes roll in Iowa By Mark Bennett the daily cardinal
After winning its previous two contests by a combined 47 points, the Wisconsin women’s basketball team hit a wall Wednesday night. That wall, painted in black and gold, was the University of Iowa and a Hawkeyes team no current Badger player has ever beat. Following a 59-44 loss in Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Wisconsin (9-4 Big Ten, 14-11 overall) is now 2-9 in its last 11 contests against Iowa (8-6, 20-7). The Badgers and Hawkeyes both entered the game stagnant. It wasn’t until the 8:36 mark in the first half that Iowa finally broke into double-digit scoring, taking a 10-9 lead over Wisconsin. From there, however, the Hawkeyes woke up and lit up the scoreboard, while the Badgers remained groggy at best, as Iowa finished the half on a 14-2 run. The 11 points Wisconsin scored in the first half ties a school record for fewest in program history. The Badgers made the game interesting in the second half, pulling to within four points of the Hawkeyes twice, including a small run that narrowed the gap to 44-40 with just over eight minutes remaining. “We came out in the game and boom, boom, boom,” Stone said. “We cut the lead to four a couple of times and came up empty.” At that point, however, Wisconsin went cold again and did not score a point for almost four minutes. The Badgers also ended the game with zero points in the final 3:20. Wisconsin also lost a key contributor in the loss. Senior forward
Tara Steinbauer, who had played in 110 consecutive games for the Badgers heading into Wednesday, went down with a leg injury just two minutes into the game. The team will know more about the injury and Steinbauer’s status Thursday following a doctor’s evaluation. Although Wisconsin sits in the basement of the Big Ten when it comes to points scored (60.4), the Badgers found new lows Wednesday. The team’s 44 points were the fewest for Wisconsin this season. The previous low of 47 came in a win against Minnesota Jan. 9. Senior guard Alyssa Karel was the only Badger in double figures Wednesday night. She finished with 15 points on 7-of-17 shooting.
Senior forward Lin Zastrow finished with nine points, snapping a six game, double-digit scoring streak. “This is a tough one when you look at the schedule,” Stone said. “Our team was so focused. I feel bad for them that we couldn’t get this done. But credit Iowa, they did a great job. We just can’t let one loss turn into two.” Wisconsin, a team with a knack for resiliency this year, will have to once again recover quickly as they turn around for a matchup this Saturday at home against Michigan. The Badgers will be looking for revenge after the Wolverines handed Wisconsin a 16-point loss Jan. 16 in Ann Arbor. —uwbadgers.com contributed to this report.
Matt marheine/cardinal file photo
Senior guard Alyssa Karel’s 15 points were not enough as Wisconsin fell in Iowa City 59-44. No other Badger scored in double figures.
Andy Jessop/The purdue exponent
Senior Tim Jarmusz goes up to block a Purdue shot Wednesday night in a 70-62 loss on the road in West Lafayette, Ind.