Monday, February 21, 2011 - The Daily Cardinal

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Delving into history: We revisit TA protests from the ’70s and ’80s PAGE 2

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Monday, February 21, 2011

TAA to hold third day of ‘teach-outs’ Tuesday By Kayla Johnson the daily cardinal

ben pierson/the daily cardinal

Competing protests between Tea Partiers and denouncers of the budget repair bill remained peaceful Saturday as the groups often marched next to each other around the Capitol.

Camped out at the Capitol in a room strewn with backpacks and sleeping bags, surrounded by signs with caricatures of Gov. Scott Walker and reminders to keep the peace, the Teaching Assistants’ Association called for a general assembly meeting Sunday. At the meeting, the TAA decided to resume classes Monday, but said it will hold another teach-out Tuesday to protest the reconvening of the state Assembly. The TAA, the nation’s oldest graduate student workers’ union, represents approximately 3,000 graduate students at UW-Madison and opposes the proposed budget repair bill because of its limitations on unions’ collective bargaining rights.

Members of the union expressed fear that if their right to collectively bargain on anything but wages were taken away, it would lead to the end of tuition remission at UW-Madison. Tuition remission, which is considered a benefit, is the waiving of tuition for graduate students who teach or do research at the university. “It enables the university to recruit top-tier graduate students,” TAA member Jill Hopke said. “The majority of us would not be able to come here unless we had tuition remission.” In an e-mail to UW-Madison graduate students Saturday, Provost Paul DeLuca said the bill would not affect tuition remission and the taa page 3

Bill protesters, supporters meet in rallies at Capitol By Ariel Shapiro the daily cardinal

Protesters for and against Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial budget repair bill numbered at an estimated 60,000 Saturday for the

largest rally yet at the Capitol. Although there were tensions between the two groups as the marches often overlapped, the demonstrations stayed peaceful. Between Friday and Saturday,

kathryn weenig/the daily cardinal

Although police monitored the protests, the marches remained relatively peaceful despite a contentious atmosphere.

protesters against the bill heard from the likes of former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, urging them onward in their fight. “When we act, we make good presidents great,” Jackson told the crowd. “This is a Ghandi moment, this is a King moment.” Walker supporters, who saw a significantly smaller turnout than their pro-union counterparts Saturday, gathered on the east lawn of the capitol to hear from Tea Party leaders and celebrities. Although it was rumored that Sarah Palin would make an appearance, she sent a Facebook message instead as her address to both the Tea Party crowd and the union supporters. Former U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake read Palin’s letter to the audience. “Union brothers and sisters: This is the wrong fight at the wrong time,” Palin’s letter read. rallies page 3

Worldwide donations send hundreds of pizzas to protesters By Maggie DeGroot the daily cardinal

Callers from 15 countries and almost all 50 states have ordered hundreds of macaroni and cheese pizzas from Ian’s Pizza on State Street to be donated to protesters at the Capitol over the past week. The calls for donations started Wednesday night, and after coverage from the Huffington Post and other news sources it “blew up,” according to assistant man-

ager Jack Thurnblad. Ian’s has received donations for pizzas from 43 states and countries including Egypt, South Korea and China. “I think right now we’ve delivered 500 [pizzas] and we have 575 more to go with phone calls still coming in,” Thurnblad said. The company is delivering anywhere from 30 to 40 pizzas at a time to protesters at the Capitol, but Thurnblad said Ian’s

is not taking sides on the issue of Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget repair bill. “We are supporting the people by giving them food, but not making any political statements or cash donations,” Thurnblad said. From a business perspective, he said, Ian’s is happy and proud to be a medium for the people. “We don’t judge, we don’t really care,” Thurnblad said. “If you want pizza, we’re here for you.”

ben pierson/the daily cardinal

State Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, encouraged protesters as the fight over the budget repair bill continued in the state Assembly.

Republicans’ early vote on bill amendments infuriates Dems By Steven Rosenbaum the daily cardinal

The state Assembly got heated Friday afternoon when voting began without the Democratic caucus present in the chamber. The controversy started when the Assembly clerk began taking roll call five minutes before Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, had told the Democrats the body would convene. About three minutes later, with no Democrats in the chamber, the Republicans voted on, and unanimously approved, the Joint Finance Committee’s amendment to the budget repair bill. They then moved the bill to the third reading, which is the stage when no amendments can be offered. Democrats entered the

Assembly seconds later, raising protest to the earlier votes. State Assembly Minority Leader Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, addressed the Republican legislators, calling their tactics outrageous, unprecedented and unAmerican. “I know you are just so eager to trample on workers’ rights, you just can’t wait, can you?” he said. Barca then filed a motion to strike the previous vote from the record. The motion eventually passed, meaning the bill returned to the stage where legislators could propose amendments. The Assembly is expected to vote on the amendments when it reconvenes Tuesday morning. assembly page 3

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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tODAY: icy hi 21º / lo 14º

tuesDAY: partly cloudy hi 29º / lo 16º

Monday, February 21, 2011

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 120, Issue 93

2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100

Delving into

’s History

A weekly dig through the bounds of our old issues: TAA Protests

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paul crouse/cardinal file photo, 1985

Tuesday Sept. 17, 1985 Editorial Kevin Keck/cardinal file photo, 1980

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arthur pollock/cardinal file photo, 1972

Teaching assistants, no less than other state employees, deserve the right to form a union and bargain collectively with their employer, in this case, the University. Since 1980, the University has refused to negotiate a contract with the TA’s union, preferring instead to implement policies and procedures unilaterally. The state Joint Finance Committee will vote today on a bill which would remedy this situation, by requiring the University to negotiate a legally-binding contract with a union chosen by a majority of the TAs. The issue here is not only fairness, but educational quality as well. The Teaching Assistants Association, which the University recognized as the TA’s union prior to 1980, has consistently fought to help students get the most for their tuition dollar. It has, for example, opposed University attempts to enlarge class size and reduce the ratio of TAs to students.

Tuesday Sept. 17, 1985

The Joint Finance Committee will vote Wednesday on the Collective Bargaining Bill for Graduate Assistants of the UW System. Passage of the Bill will enable teaching assistants to bargain collectively through the UW Teaching Assistant’s Association and make all agreements negotiated by the TAA and the Administration legally binding. Until now, administrators have bargained with the TAA, but since the agreements are not covered by state collective bargaining law, the administration could disregard unfavorable decisions. TAA Co-president Ross Finnie said that passage of the bill is necessary to “ensure the quality of undergraduate educations.” Finnie cited insufficient

appointment levels. over-size classes, and unilateral grievance procedures as major concerns of the TAA. Erin Crawley, co-chairperson, TAA Organizing Committee said that the TA’s “are willing to work and are concerned with maintaining the quality of our courses but we’re students too... I end up teaching and grading all the time—for free.” Of the 600 TAA members most are willing to work for free rather than let course quality slip or leave assignments ungraded, Crawley said. Finnie added that “TAs still manage to come up with TA dues out of their own pockets, “despite the fact that they are not salaried.” “TAs are workers in the classical sense and need

protection all the more since their work-place is also their academic environment,” Finnie said, “They are particularly susceptible to departmental politics and need an organization to represent their before the administration.” Although the TAA is an organization composed solely of graduate students, the organization draws support from many labor groups and its current bill has been endorsed by 14 labor groups including the state AFL-CIO, and the Wisconsin Federation of Teachers. TAs have worked without a collectively bargained contract for over six years. If the current bill passes, the TAA could begin bargaining a contract by this spring.

Thursday Sept. 19, 1985

Neither those in favor nor those against a bill granting collective bargaining rights to members of the Teaching Assistants Association expressed surprise Wednesday when the legislation nudged its way through the Wisconsin Joint Finance Committee by a 9 to 6 margin. Despite their tranquil reactions, each side continued to staunchly defend their opposing viewpoints.

Millard Susman (University committee member) maintained that collective bargaining, a TA-held power through the 1970s. “had a very negative effect on the atmosphere between TAs and faculty.” He said the relationship had and would again be “combative.” TAA Co-President Ross Finnie contended that while University officials may believe the current TA governing process—Committee

on Teaching Assistants’ Policies and Procedures— is working smoothly, “whenever you have a master-slave relationship there’s less conflict.” He said that collective bargaining would create “two sides of equals where things can be resolved, rather than just simmer.” Susman also said that because TAs are “temporarily at the University, and because they’re not just teachers, but learners too, their

position is not quite the same as that of regular state employees. They’re not going to be here six or seven years from now,” he said. Finnie, however, argued that the tenure of TAs “is about equal to the national average” of any employees anywhere, or lasting approximately three or four years. He said that because of long-term academic demands, graduate assistant TAs are “immobile.”

budget battle

rallies from page 1

ben pierson/the daily cardinal

Estimates for Saturday’s rallies were as high as 60,000 attendees, the highest yet. Protests are expected to continue through the week

taa from page 1 university recognizes how critical it is to keep the university competitive. But members of the TAA said the university cannot make such a promise because decisions regarding tuition remission are made by the state. Mike Mirer, a masters student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, said he is worried he will be forced to leave the state if the bill passes.

assembly from page 1 During debate on Barca’s motion, state Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, made an impassioned speech criticizing the Republicans’ handling of the bill. Hintz said he first heard of the budget bill through a radio advertisement by a national conservative interest group—instead of from Assembly leaders—and said the speed at which it was being sent through

“Solidarity doesn’t mean making Wisconsin taxpayers pay for benefits that are not sustainable and affordable at a time when many of these taxpayers struggle to hold on to their own jobs and homes.” Palin’s letter also advised workers not to trust union bosses she said did not have their best interests in mind. “At the end of the day, they’re not fighting for your pension or health care plan or even for the sustainability of Wisconsin’s education budget,” she said. “They’re fighting to protect their own powerful privileges and their own political clout.” Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, the Tea Party celebrity who came to fame in the 2008 presidential campaign under the name Joe the

Mirer and his wife, who is pursuing her PhD in genealogy, both work as research assistants in the School of Medicine, and had a baby in July. “This is a $65-a-week pay decrease for us,” Mirer said. “This is going to be rough for us. Every dollar that comes in already has a destination. “I chose to come back to school. I’m not looking for sympathy, but I want to better myself and be able to be a contributor in the 21st Century. I don’t know if it is going

to be possible going beyond this.” Some undergraduate students, however, said they felt frustrated with TAs’ decisions to cancel or relocate classes. “We pay a lot to go here and we put a lot of effort into our work so we would expect the same thing back,” sophomore Katie Herman said. “It’s not like they have so many classes a day. They still have time to go express their political ideas after class.”

the Legislature was unacceptable. “If you want to jam through a bill, you’ve got to sit through the messy process that is Democracy,” Hintz said. Rep. Kelda Helen Roys, D-Madison, also made an emotional speech to the Republicans, reminding them that they have the votes to pass the bill, but they must do it honestly. “None of us wants to see this institution and this state take

this direction, because this is the United States of America,” Roys said. “You can still do the wrong thing, but please, please look in your hearts, do it the right way.” Fitzgerald acknowledged that he started the session early because he thought the Democrats would not show up to the vote Friday based on an exchange he had with Barca. According to Fitzgerald, Barca told him Democrats would not be out of caucus until Monday.

Athletic Board raises hockey ticket prices By Alex DiTullio the daily cardinal

The UW Athletic Board approved a $2 ticket price increase for men’s hockey tickets and a budget proposal of $93.4 million for the 2011-’12 season Friday. All other athletic ticket prices will remain the same, but the board said the $2 increase will bring in $446,000 each year. The money will help pay for construction and debt services towards La Bahn Arena, which will host women’s hockey games as well as provide the men’s hockey team and Wisconsin swimming programs with practice facilities. The board also passed a proposed budget of $93.4 million, a slight increase from the previous four years. Board members agreed the budget is fiscally sound, and will allow the university’s programs to remain competitive while staying financially stable. Included in the budget is revenue sharing from the Big Ten Network, which designates $2.3 million for campus programming and priority seating gifts, earning $1.3 million from football and $400,000 from basketball. According to one board member, Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill

would hurt employees of the athletic department that do not have an official assigned position but work on a full time basis. Although those employees earn minimum market profits, benefits such as health insurance are incentives to hold the positions. The proposed bill would take away those benefits, removing the employees main incentive to work for the athletic department, according to the board member. “Some of our [employees] have been here long term,” the board member said. “They’re good employees, they do great work, but they work for less than market pay. “A lot of them are here specifically for the benefits.” John Dettmann, director of strength and conditioning for the athletic department, also spoke at the meeting about a new nutritional program for athletes, saying it is important for nutritional information to be easily accessible to student athletes. The department’s new program breaks down costs and maps out grocery stores for athletes, making it easier to find certain foods. The program could spread to the general student body within the next two years and Dettmann said could also help recruit athletes.

Monday, February 21, 2011 Plumber, also spoke at the rally. “One of the things we need to … get out of our vocabulary is the word ‘deserve,’” Wurzelbacher said, noting military veterans as the exception. “Unions don’t deserve anything, you don’t deserve anything, you work for it yourself. That’s what America’s about.” Tens of thousands of teachers, UW-Madison students and union supporters from around the state continued to voice their concerns about the bill during the Tea Party rally. Mary Bell, president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council, said the movement against the bill could not be stopped. “A fire has started—and we need to remain active in these efforts to have the voices of the people heard throughout




Wisconsin,” Bell said. “We will not be silenced, and though we move to the corners of our state, our intensity grows.” Although there were concerns preceding the rally that violence could break out between the two groups, the day remained relatively peaceful and Madison Police Department spokesman Joel DeSpain said there were no arrests Saturday. Members of the UW-Whitewater College Republicans came to the Capitol for the rally to show their support for Walker. The group’s secretary, Stephanie Abbott, said she had no fear coming to Madison. “I think there’s this conception that we’re afraid to be here because we’re surrounded by liberals, but I’m not scared,” Abbott said. “Both sides of this issue have been very peaceful.”

kathryn weenig/the daily cardinal

The Teaching Assistants’ Association set up its headquarters in the state Capitol. The TAA will hold teach-outs again Tuesday.

‘This is a king moment’

ben pierson/the daily cardinal

Jesse Jackson encouraged pro-union protestors to continue their fight against the budget repair bill Friday. Former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold also spoke to the protesters and showed his support.

Woman placed in choke hold outside Planned Parenthood A 21-year-old Fitchburg woman was attacked after her Tuesday evening appointment at Planned Parenthood, Madison police said. The victim told police she was leaving her appointment from the clinic at 2222 S. Park St. when a stranger grabbed her as she was

about to get into her car, Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said. The stranger allegedly put the victim in a choke hold and said, “You better watch what you do.” The victim told police she began to scream and an unknown person nearby yelled, “What’s

going on over there.” The victim drove home and called police. “The victim was upset, but not injured,” DeSpain said in a statement. According to police, the Planned Parenthood staff had not heard of any similar assaults.

arts 4


Monday February 21, 2011

Adele sounds wise beyond her years on ‘21’ By Aimee Katz Senior Music Writer

Hallmark and Godiva remind everyone in February that not having who you want is outright awful, and being with someone you want fills you with bliss. Through her vocal maturity and love songs, Adele provides the heartbroken with an honest and emotional set of singles. In a month of cynicism about love, Adele will lead you through her personal journey on her sophomore album 21. The difference between Adele and other pop singers is that her lush vocals make every song she sings intrinsic; this voice wasn't fabricated in a studio. Though she sticks with themes from her debut album, 19, Adele's exploration of regret and heartache mixed with a bluegrass feel make for a beautiful set of lyrics and music. Simply put, Adele is real. The songs on 21 do not tell the explicit details

of Adele's breakup, or even give a silhouette of the person she is confronting. She lays all of her emotions on the table. 21 is a mixture of genres: You can hear jazz, bluegrass, funky gospel and country influence in each single. Through each song, Adele shines brilliantly, deserving the same respect that she earned in 2008 with her Grammy Award for Best New Artist. “Rolling in the Deep,” 21's lead single, sets the bar high for the rest of the album with strong vocals and the theme of a collapsed relationship. In complete honesty, “Rolling in the Deep” is quite dark. With lyrics such as, “Think of me in the depths of your despair / Make a home down there / ’Cause mine sure won’t be shared,” Adele is clearly inspired by a real-life breakup. She's not afraid to be frank. The following track, “Rumour Has It,” picks up the tempo and

eventually leads to “Set Fire to Rain,” showing the more electropop side of Adele. Many of her lyrics are generic, such as “There’s a side to you that I never knew / All the things you’d say / They were never true / And the games you’d play / You would always win.” But her voice with the mixture of musical genres makes Adele seem like a person to whom anyone can relate.


21 Adele Throughout 21, Adele is desperately trying to convince herself to feel better and that life will progress. One of the most nos-

photo courtesy Rock Action Records

Mogwai have been at this for seven albums now, and seem to have found their niche, which they stick close to.

Mogwai stick to their niche on latest, offer nothing extraordinary By Jon Mitchell Senior Music writer

Don’t be fooled by Mogwai’s latest, metal-evoking album title, Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will: after all, this is the same group that brought us an album called Happy Songs For Happy People. Misleading titles aside, Mogwai’s formula for building dynamic, layered instrumental anthems has hardly changed over the course of the Scottish quintet’s 13-year career. Nor has their ability to make consistently original, if not amazing, albums. Like Mogwai’s last few efforts, Hardcore suffers from a real lack of continuity, sounding like a grab bag of musical ideas thrown together in random order. That said, it’s a testament to Mogwai’s craftsmanship and musical ingenuity that Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will is full of enough great moments to be a thoroughly enjoyable album. On the opening track “White Noise” Mogwai build echoed guitar harmonics and walls of electronic feedback toward a raging climax of crashing cymbals and guitar squelches, all the while keeping an accessible melody intact. A prototype for the guitardriven melodic formula that Mogwai’s post-rock contemporaries, Explosions in the Sky, have rode to widespread praise, “White Noise” sets expectations high for the rest of the album.

Unfortunately, the following track “Mexican Grand Prix” kills that momentum entirely, with ill-conceived voice modulations, electronic bleeps and a dancey bass line. Sounding like a mix between a video game soundtrack and a Fujiya & Miyagi groove, “Mexican Grand Prix” is symptomatic of a band that takes too much liberty with its musical arsenal. While “Mexican Grand Prix” offers an interesting deviation from Mogwai’s normal sound, it just doesn’t fit.


Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will Mogwai By the time “Rano Pano’s” gritty guitars kick in, we’re not sure what to think. Here, a twenty-second guitar riff is repeated 15 times while thick harmonic layers crescendo on top of it. It seems Mogwai is satisfied to sit on a riff for five minutes, but unwilling to make an album with a real sense of cohesiveness. “Letters to the Metro” is probably the album’s most approachable song,

with slide guitars and pattering cymbals providing the backdrop to a picturesque piano melody. Nothing hardcore here, just a sweeping track that seems destined for a movie soundtrack. “Death Rays” and “How To Be A Werewolf” are both dynamic, atmospheric and, of course, earsplitting 6-minute spectacles that evoke Mogwai’s earliest gems. This may be due, in part, to the word of producer Paul Savage, behind the boards with Mogwai for the first time since their debut album, 1997’s Young Team. Aside from “George Square Thatcher Death Party"—a computerized iteration of the aforementioned “Mexican Grand Prix”—the second half of the album does maintain some fluidity. “How To Be A Werewolf,” “Too Raging To Cheers” and “You’re Lionel Richie” start with modest, isolated instruments that climb to anarchical guitar distortion and feedback. The seventh album in an already illustrious career, Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will isn’t likely to rock the surface of the instrumental rock genre like their first one did. But 13 years later, Mogwai sounds as relevant as ever—and a recent signing with Sub Pop suggests they’re not going anywhere, either. In other words: Mogwai will never die. But you will.

talgic and beautiful songs on 21 is “One and Only.” The entirety of 21 is intensely honest, but this track epitomizes what Adele is trying to achieve through musical expression: “I don’t know why I’m scared / ’Cause I’ve been here before / Every feeling, every word / I’ve imagined it all / You’ll never know if you never try / To forgive your past and simply be mine.” Forgiveness is hard, but she wants a chance. Later in the tracklist comes “Lovesong,” originally recorded in 1989 by The Cure. Twentytwo years later, Adele covers their track with subtle acoustic guitar. With purely sexy background music, “Lovesong” is comforting. You can’t help but admire the maturity Adele conveys through this track. At just 22 years old, it is breathtaking to hear her sing with such elegance and wisdom. One of the final three tracks on 21, “Someone Like You,” is the

archetype of a breakup song and again we see Adele’s maturity. The song has incredible depth. Her voice and the soft to forte piano combine to create 21’s standout track. Adele wrote this song when she could not drink legally in the United States, yet the acceptance she sadly sings of is something most adults cannot admit. She begins to come to terms with the fact that her perfect man is with someone else: “I heard that you’re settled down / That you found a girl and you’re married now / I heard that your dreams came true / Guess she gave you things I couldn’t give to you.” Adele’s sophomore album is nothing ordinary. Call it pop, but it is impossible to ignore all the other influences in her music shown through her vocal proficiency and emotional stamina. 21 is sensitive, but if you listen closely, it will charm you with each exceptional track.

opinion Bring clarity to the debate

TODD STEVENS opinion columnist


aybe it is just a product of the Twitterverse, where we absorb copious amounts of unprocessed information. Maybe it is a side effect of people getting swept up in the moment. Or maybe it is a result of intentional distortions of the truth. But over the past week of protests that have enveloped the Capitol, there has been an overwhelming amount of information coming from our little isthmus, and it is time to set some things straight.

The unions’ priority is the preservation of their collective bargaining rights. They just want the security to fight for their jobs in the future.

Claim from protesters supporting Gov. Scott Walker: State workers are fat cats enjoying privileges private sector workers could only dream of. This is a lie by omission. State workers usually do receive better health and pension benefits, but if you compare state workers’ total compensation package to private sector workers of the same level of education, across the board they make an average of 11 percent less, according to the Economic Policy Institute. State workers with college degrees make on average almost 25 percent less. Claim from numerous Tea Party speakers: State workers refuse to bargain. This is a lie once again. The unions’ priority is the preservation of their collective bargaining rights. They just want the security to fight for their jobs in the future. State Sen.

Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, has said flat out the unions will accept the financial components Walker has proposed so long as they can maintain their ability to collectively bargain. Claim from the governor himself: The thousands of protesters at the Capitol don’t speak for the rest Wisconsin. This is a valid point, but to say the bill has strong levels of support is also a lie. We Ask America, a polling and survey organization that tends to lean conservative, released a poll Friday showing only 43 percent of Wisconsinites support the Budget Repair Bill, while nearly 52 percent disapprove. It is one thing for Republicans to say it is their job to legislate for Wisconsin residents—but conservatives can’t say they have support on this particular issue because Walker talked to one factory worker in Hudson. Claim from U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.: The protesters are rioters. Well if you take the isolated snippets of signs shown on The Sean Hannity Show or Glenn Beck, that’s an understandable assumption, but a wrong one. When Tea Party counter-protesters showed up Saturday, both sides rallied peacefully. And while there were crude and insensitive protesters with signs comparing Walker to Hitler, these people are an incredibly small minority of protesters, and represent the unions no more than people comparing President Obama to Hitler represent the Tea Party. Claim from College Republicans on campus: The voters have spoken and they put the Republicans in power. This is absolutely correct, Walker and his fellow Republicans in the Legislature were swept into office last year by a fair vote of the people. But that doesn’t mean that they are showing the correct level of respect for the people of Wisconsin or the government bodies they represent. State Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, made this point

clearly (and loudly) on the Assembly floor after Assembly Republicans tried to vote on the bill before Democrats even realized they had to be in the chamber. This is in addition to efforts to cut off public testimony at the Joint Finance Committee. Claim from state Senate Democrats: We are standing up for our constituents. The bogus claims aren’t limited to Walker and his allies. If you listen to certain Democrats, such as state Sen. Lena Taylor, D-Milwaukee, you’ll get the impression that they are performing a heroic act in fleeing the state for Rockford, thus preventing the Senate from reaching quorum. But this is just a childish response that lowers them to the level of their political opponents. In effect, state Senate Democrats are reverting to the same tactics U.S. Senate Republicans used when filibustering health-care reform. Even in the face of legislation like the Budget Repair Bill, this is simply not responsible governance.

Conservatives can’t say they have support on this particular issue because Walker talked to one factory worker in Hudson.

It’s been a long week. In fact, it could possibly continue to be a long few weeks. And as the state Senate Democrats continue to play keepaway with quorum, it is more likely that Walker will continue to keep pushing these messages of spoiled state workers, false public support and the irrationality of unions. It’s important to keep in touch with reality, particularly in this case, where reality overwhelmingly sides with Wisconsin’s state workers. Todd Stevens is a senior majoring in psychology and history. We welcome all feedback. Please send responses to

Monday, February 21, 2011




Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.



hen it comes to details about the New Badger Partnership, Chancellor Biddy Martin has been talking in generalities for nearly a year. Martin has continually called for drastic measures to help cushion the possibility of large cuts to university funding—measures she vaguely described as “flexibility” and “increased tools.” However, when a memo with specifics about the possible shape of the New Badger Partnership was released last week, it seemed as if behind-the-door details that had built up for months were finally made public. While Martin’s intention to give UW-Madison “public authority status,” a separation from the UW system with its own independent governing board may have seemed obvious to some, her memo seemed like a slap in the face to many and a far cry from the “flexibility” she’s been calling for. The reality is, Martin has been speaking in ambiguities for months and while she’s always been good at communicating her goals, she botched it this time. On one hand, the details in the memo are not in conflict with the broad strategies Martin has discussed publicly. Threatened budget cuts undoubtedly put Martin in a tough spot and in light of this, it is reasonable for her to keep some details confidential to avoid confusion among the press, students and other chancellors. Additionally, separating UW-Madison from the UW System does accomplish Martin’s goals of giving the university more flexibility and decision-making power. In this respect, everyone who is up in arms about the memo needs to settle down. On the other hand, Martin could have done a better job of providing more information about

what the New Badger Partnership would actually look like. Though she has repeatedly said “everything” is on the table, it would be more than a stretch to say she’s ever explained what “everything” means. While Martin was crunching hypothetical numbers about possible tuition increases and budget cuts, it would have been nice if she’d given the students and faculty a heads-up about the direction she was moving. At no point did Martin outright lie, but the memo shows she hasn’t been telling the university community the entire truth. The memo, drafted Jan. 7, contains everything from broad details about tuition increases and shared governance, down to minutiae about how this new business model will affect public records requests and utility maintenance projects. Martin could have avoided ruffling the feathers of her colleagues on the Board of Regents, her fellow UW System chancellors and numerous concerned students if she had simply leveled with the university community earlier on. The New Badger Partnership has always sounded more like a bend than a break, and the way Martin has communicated her plans at numerous public forums made the plan look significantly less decisive than it actually is. We would have been happy if Martin had kept us updated about her meetings with Gov. Scott Walker’s staff concerning the partnership, or even if she mentioned she had proposed a more concrete plan than she had discussed in the past. In the future we will be more cautious of taking Martin at her word, and hope she takes steps to show she is committed to being more forthcoming about issues that have such a high impact on students.

Protesters don’t reflect sentiment of all students on campus Matt Payne opinion columnist


ast Friday, leaflets encouraging students to walk out of class at 11:11 a.m. littered the campus. For the past week, UW students had been subject to cancelled classes, teaching assistants missing from office hours and megaphone-bearing organizers disrupting classes to encourage students to participate in the protests. One such organizer was walking through the halls of Van Vleck when a shout came from the library that spoke for the rest of us: “Shut up! I’m trying to study!” Standing up to voice your opinion and petition your government for a redress of grievances is something we consider vital to our democracy. Last year, millions of Americans around the country stood up to protest a health-care law they felt was being unfairly

rammed down their throats. At the time they were mocked and berated as “teabaggers” who simply didn’t understand what was good for them. Today ironically, many of those same people who thought so little of the Tea Party are now standing on the steps of the Capitol wanting their voices to be heard. We Badgers embrace this back and forth. Our university has a long history of being politically active and there is no reason we can’t continue to engage in civil political discourse. Yet when that discourse becomes so vociferous as to interfere with our education, it is too much. Whether or not you agree with Gov. Scott Walker’s repair bill is certainly your own choice. While I would politely argue that when you have bus drivers in Madison making more than $100,000 a year there is a systemic problem that needs to be fixed. You have every right to tell me that union rights are human rights. When you do so however, please don’t barge into (or out of )

my lecture hall making your point. Furthermore, while canceling class may be a relief to some, those of us who care about our academics are left to figure out how to learn the material on our own.

We must continue to do our best to keep this dialogue civil, and not hurl nasty ignorant insults at each other.

The uproar isn’t just limited to UW. Last week, for three straight days the Madison School District shut down because too many teachers falsely called in sick. When teachers fraudulently call in sick, it affects more than just the students they are expected to teach. Their parents, a number of them UW professors, then have to stay home and miss work or scramble to find a baby sitter. Teachers have every right to

stand up for what they believe in, but when they put their political beliefs before a child’s education, they become irresponsible. Yet it wasn’t just some teachers who irresponsibly failed to show up for work last week. Astonishingly 14 state senators fled the state to avoid doing the job they were sent by voters to do—represent their district. By skipping out on their obligations as senators, they are delaying the very democratic process they claim to be defending. Their actions are akin to a sports team not showing up for a game until the other team agrees to forfeit. Like President Obama has said, elections have consequences. Those senators need to end this now and show up to do their jobs like the people elected them to do. Finally, as I scanned the signs around the Capitol Thursday, I couldn’t help but notice a sign with crosshairs on Walker’s face with the caption “Reload.” There seemed to have been a consensus in the wake of the shooting

in Tucson that we needed to tone down the violent political rhetoric. I wholeheartedly agree. Yet when I see signs like this and many more with slogans like “Suck it Walker,” I am reminded that not everyone holds those same sentiments. We must continue to do our best to keep this dialogue civil, and not hurl nasty ignorant insults at each other. As the clock struck 11:11 a.m., the class I was sitting in continued as normal. I looked to see if anyone was walking in the hallway, but saw no movement. A friend of mine later told me that he was in a 200-person lecture, and a single student packed up his belongings and left. In the end we all love UW, no matter where you stand on Walker’s budget repair bill. I for one will choose to express that love by continuing to attend class and not disrupt those around me who wish to do the same. Matt Payne is a junior majoring in Chinese and economics. We welcome all feedback. Please send responses to

comics 6


Monday, February 21, 2011

Being miserable in this weather

Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird

Oh, whoops. When Martin Van Buren wrote his autobiography after serving as president from 1837-1841, he didn’t mention his wife of 12 years. Not once. By Caitlin Kirihara

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake Classic

By Dylan Moriarty

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

The Pipesmokers

By Joseph Diedrich

Today’s Crossword Puzzle


By The Graphics Editors

By Angel Lee

First in Twenty Answer key available at Color Trail

ACROSS 1 Cashless deal 5 Defect 9 Uncovered 14 Tibetan monk 15 Top-drawer 16 Twinkle-toed 17 Better clues? 18 Mechanical learning method 19 Diameter halves 20 Black ... 23 “Live from New York, ___ Saturday Night!” 24 The white of an eye surrounds it 25 Substance used to curdle milk 27 Low-voiced singers 30 Not digital 32 Big bird that can’t fly 33 Sports car engine options 36 Resistance units 39 Criminally assist 41 Like some change 42 Season to be jolly 43 Commotion 44 Boilermaker factory? 46 Lennon’s bride 47 Sovereign’s concern 49 Endow, as with a quality 51 Place for a dinosaur

53 Grammatical category 55 “The Evil Dead” protagonist Williams 56 Yellow ... 62 Sierra ___ 64 Stereotypical Bowery denizen 65 Paintbrush woe 66 Alders and elders 67 Seagoing vessel of myth 68 Longshoremen do this 69 Plus 70 Potatoes’ partner 71 Got a load of DOWN Countless number Dry watercourse Surrounded by Talk of the town? Language of Iran Daring aerial maneuvers 7 Nonsupportive 8 Dandelion, to gardeners 9 Petroleum drum 10 Turkish VIP 11 Red ... 12 The best and the brightest 13 Rational believer 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Court order 2 22 A golf pencil doesn’t have one 26 It’s high time 27 Exhausted 28 Old pulpit 29 Blue ... 30 Over your head 31 It usually smells great 34 In the previous month 35 Bestial bellow 37 Pull-down item 38 Plumlike fruit 40 “Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations,” e.g. 45 Aerie, essentially 48 Most unspoiled 50 Speedometer part 51 Neighbor of Sicily 52 Kind of manual 53 Dance done in single file 54 Underway 57 Used a scissor kick 58 Beckett’s home land 59 ___ vision (one of Superman’s powers) 60 Man Friday 61 Deserved a ticket 63 Word helpful in alumna identification

Washington and the Bear

By Derek Sandberg


basketball from page 1

Women’s Basketball

“I believe there was an erroneous number given to the scorer’s table,” UW head coach Bo Ryan said somewhat facetiously. “Jordan said ‘that foul was not on me’ and was given a technical foul.” While the final margin of victory was just 10, this one was never in question. The Badgers took the lead on the first possession with Leuer’s turnaround floater and never looked back, eventually building a 19-point lead before Penn State’s shooters got hot late. Aside from the big numbers

hockey from page 8

Matt Marheine/the daily cardinal

Junior Jade Davis recorded a career high 14 points on Saturday. But, the Badgers suffered a heartbreaking last second loss to Michigan.

Women’s basketball falls to Wolverines By Stephanie Richter The Daily Cardinal

The Wisconsin women’s basketball team (9-5 Big Ten, 14-12 overall) wasn’t able to overcome a 12-point deficit, as they lost in a heartbreaking Senior Day game, 68-66. Michigan (9-5, 16-10) was able to hold off the Badgers, as junior guard Courtney Boylan scored the game winning shot with eight seconds left in the game. “[Boylan is] just relentless. She’s a little undersized but she’s tough. She takes it at you like she’s six feet, so just that toughness really,” senior guard Alyssa Karel said. Junior guard Jade Davis led the Badgers with a career-high 14 points. All nine Badgers who played contributed to outscoring Michigan 41-34 in the second half. Senior guard Lin Zastrow played all 40 minutes of the game and had a double-double, 11 points and 10 rebounds. Sophomore guard Taylor Wurtz also had a good game on the boards, as she racked up 10 rebounds as well. Wisconsin was down for the majority of the game, as they only lead once in the first half.

“[Boylan is] relentless. She’s a little undersized but she’s tough. She takes it at you like she’s six feet.” Alyssa Karel senior guard UW women’s basketball

The Badgers were sparked by a three-pointer from Davis with 4:07 left in the second half to give Wisconsin a 59-58 lead. Davis had four three-pointers in the game. Despite a four-point lead with under three minutes left in the second half, the Wolverines were able to outscore Wisconsin 8-2 in the last two minutes. “We are a second half team,”

head coach Lisa Stone said. “We talked about it a halftime and I knew we would give a valiant effort there is not a player on our team that didn’t leave themselves on the floor. They laid it out there and played very well.” Wisconsin couldn’t seem to stop Boylan, who scored six of the Wolverines last eight points. After Boylan tied the game at 64-64, Zastrow hit a jumper with a minute left to put the Badgers up by two. “I knew we would give a valiant effort, there is not a player on our team that didn’t leave themselves on the floor.” Lisa Stone head coach UW women’s basketball

However, the Badger defense couldn’t hold off Boylan, as she added four points, including the game winner. The Badgers had a good look at the end of the half, with a shot from Davis that fell just a bit short. “I thought Jade’s [Davis] shot was going in. [It] sat up in the air for a long time, I thought that was going down,” Stone said. There are many positives to be taken out of the game for the Badgers, as they only recorded eight turnovers. Wisconsin went 7-for-7 from the free-throw line, and finished with a 43.1 shooting percentage. Davis shot 57.1 percent from the three-point line. “[We] shot the ball really well.” Stone said. “We ran a spread offense, four-guard offense rotation and did well offensively. We just needed to get some stops, and those last six possessions we didn’t get stops.” The Badgers return to action on Wednesday at 7 p.m. when they welcome Indiana to the Kohl Center for their final home game of the season game of the season.

Breaking the UW careerpoints record on a hat trick of assists highlights Duggan’s unselfish play and her team-first attitude. Neither Duggan nor Decker would be finished though, both earning more points Saturday afternoon. But it was two other Badgers that would steal the spotlight in the 9-1 thrashing that saw ten different skaters earn at least one point. Duggan had another career performance Saturday, tallying two goals, her 100th and 101st, and two assists to bring the new career-points record to 224. She joined junior Hillary Knight as the only two Badgers to reach 100 career goals. Decker picked up three assists to earn a total of 7 series points, a career high for her. Despite another career night for Duggan and Decker capping off a career weekend, all eyes were on a pair of players that would earn the second and third hat tricks of the series. Knight was the first to do it Saturday, pushing her career goals to 107. Joining in on the

Monday, February 21, 2011



posted by Leuer and Nankivil, offensively and managed to get freshman guard Josh Gasser to the line 21 times, converting returned to form after 18 of those free throws a tough game in West compared to just three Lafayette, shooting three for Penn State. of four from the field for Next up the Badgers 11 points to go along head to Ann Arbor for a with five assists and two tough midweek date with rebounds. With 4 players a hot Wolverine team scoring in double digits, that has gotten itself back not even the eight 2nd onto the bubble and GASSER half three-pointers by PSU this weekend overcame could put a Badger victory a double-digit deficit at in doubt. Iowa to pick up a key road win. Ultimately, the difference “We are gonna play the hotcame at the free throw line. As test team in basketball next,” they have throughout the sea- Ryan said. “As long as we stay son, UW tried to stay aggressive resilient, we’ve got a chance” fun would be freshman Madison Packer, whose three-goal performance was her first career hat trick. Other Badgers earning points Saturday were: junior Brittany Haverstock scoring a goal; sophomores Stefanie McKeough and Saige Pacholok each earning two assists and

seniors Geena Prough and Mallory Deluce and freshman Kelly Jaminski with one assist. Wisconsin enters postseason play next weekend with a bestof-three series against St. Cloud State in the opening round of the WCHA tournament at the Eagle’s Nest in Verona, Wis.

Matt Marheine/cardinal file photo

Meghan Duggan recorded two goals and five assists against Mankato to set the all-time women’s hockey program record for points

sports 8


Monday, February 21, 2011

Men’s Hockey

Men’s Basketball

Shooting gallery leads UW past Penn State By Max Sternberg The Daily Cardinal

Matt MarHeine/the daily cardinal

Senior goaltender Brett Bennett replaced Scott Gudmandson in goal for Saturday’s series finale and stopped 28 of 31 shots to help the Badgers earn a 3-3 tie and gain a point in the standings.

Badgers salvage a point from border battle series By Ryan Evans The Daily Cardinal

For weeks now, members of the No. 12 Wisconsin men’s hockey team have said from here on out every weekend might as well be considered a playoff series as the race for home ice advantage in the WCHA playoffs is on. A border battle always has the feel of a playoff series, but thanks to the playoff implications that this weekend’s series with Minnesota carried the intensity was all the more heightened. The Gophers came in trailing the Badgers by a mere three points in the standings and on Friday they were the team that came out playing inspired playoff hockey, trouncing the Badgers 5-2. Wisconsin did salvage a point from the weekend with a hard-fought 3-3 tie Saturday that left room for optimism moving forward. On Friday, after senior forward Mike Hoeffel gave the Gophers the 1-0 lead late in the first period, the Badgers appeared to grab the momentum right back early in the second on the power play when junior defenseman Jake Gardiner scored to tie the game with a shot from the point. But Wisconsin’s momentum would be extremely short lived. Minnesota senior forward Jacob Cepis tied the game for the Gophers just over a minute later, and an onslaught of Gopher goals ensued. Two from senior forward Taylor Matson in the second and one from senior forward Patrick White in the third built the Minnesota lead to 5-1. “That momentum swing definitely hurt us,” senior forward and captain Sean Dolan said. “We played on our heels the rest of the game and weren’t on our toes and that came back to bite us.” Wisconsin junior forward Jordy Murray scored in the waning seconds of the game to cap the score at 5-2. After the game Wisconsin head coach Mike Eaves said the difference in the game was the Badgers’ inability to make the right plays when they needed to. “We were biking into the wind tonight,” Eaves said. “We didn’t make

enough hockey plays without the puck or with the puck. We were there but we weren’t there, we were really fighting it tonight.” Friday’s game led Eaves to make a change in goal for Saturday’s series finale, opting to start senior Brett Bennett between the pipes. “It was just, pure and simple, time for a change,” Eaves said. “[Scott] Gudmandson wasn’t as good as he had been, and with that effort last night it was time for a change.” Bennett proved to be a key figure in the game, turning away 28 shots, including some clutch saves in the game’s biggest moments. “He definitely gave us a boost,” sophomore defenseman Justin Schultz said. “He played unbelievable tonight and I give a lot of credit to him.” The Gophers got on the board first, but, in what would become a theme for the night, the Badgers responded quickly. Seventeen seconds after the Minnesota marker, Wisconsin tied the game with a Schultz shot from the point. The goal was Schultz’s 16th of the season, tying him for fourth on the Wisconsin single-season list for goals by defensemen. “Whatever I can do to help the team win,” Schultz said. “Whatever I have to do to help this team get back to

the national championship game and win it this year.” In the second period a breakaway goal from senior forward Patrick Johnson gave the Badgers their only lead of the series. However, a goal from Minnesota junior forward Jake Hansen tied the game before intermission, setting up an exciting finish. The Gophers grabbed the lead right out of the gates in the third when Cepis scored on a breakaway of his own 44 seconds into the period. But again, the Badgers would answer immediately, this time from an unexpected source. Camped out at the top of the crease, freshman forward Jefferson Dahl picked an opportune time for his first career goal, backhanding the puck into the goal to tie the game. The teams headed to overtime and despite a flurry of Badger chances the game would result in a 3-3 tie. Eaves said that he thought his team deserved to win, but they are happy with the tie. “It was one of the better games we’ve played all year,” Eaves said. “We just ran out of time. We were down there, we could see we were on our toes in our play and we just ran out of time.”

Lorenzo Zemella/the daily cardinal

Jefferson Dahl recorded his first career goal on Saturday. The goal couldn’t have come at a better time as it tied the game for UW.

After an exciting game against then-No.1 Ohio State last weekend, Sunday’s matinee against Penn State was sure to be lacking in terms of emotional punch. But after a loss to Purdue during the week, defending the home turf was crucial for UW as they responded with a 76-66 win over Penn State. Though Wisconsin (10-4 Big Ten, 20-6 overall) had dropped a tough game on the road earlier this year against the Nittany Lions (7-8, 14-12), PSU had never won at the Kohl Center and until having a 16-point, 2nd-half lead last year, had really never come close to doing so. Never trailing, the Badgers were led by senior forward Jon Leuer’s 22 points and 10 rebounds and perhaps even more so by the hot hand of fellow senior Keaton Nankivil, who rebounded from a tough shooting stretch to go 8-for-9 from the field including 5-of-5 from three-point range. The 22 points for Nankivil

marked just the third time in his career he has surpassed the 20-point mark. “We gave him open shots,” Penn State head coach Ed DeChellis said after the game. “That’s not what you really want to do with him because he’s a really good perimeter shooter.” “He’s a rhythm shooter,” Leuer added. “When he gets into a rhythm he’s as good a shooter as anyone in the country.” Three-point shooting was key as UW shot 8-for-15 from downtown, a far cry from the 3-for-18 put up against Purdue. “We’ve got to continue to shoot it well,” freshman guard Josh Gasser said. “Whether it’s at home or on the road.” Although he finished with 13 points and seven assists (once again without committing a turnover), junior guard Jordan Taylor was clearly without the magic of last weekend, shooting just 4-for-11 from the field and even picking up a rare technical foul after a miscommunication on a foul call that ultimately went against Leuer. basketball page 7

Matt Marheine/the daily cardinal

Jon Leuer recorded a double-double with 22 points and 10 rebounds, leading the way for the Badgers win over Penn State.

Women’s Hockey

Duggan makes history as Wisconsin sweeps Mankato By Matthew Kleist The Daily Cardinal

Closing out the regular season with style, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team put on a show at the All Seasons Arena in Mankato. The Badgers (242-2-2 WCHA, 30-2-2 overall) swept the Mavericks (7-20-1-0, 8-23-8-3) in a decisive manner, outscoring their opponent 13-1 over the weekend. The final weekend of the regular season saw many individual and personal achievements. In Friday’s 4-0 win, sophomore Brianna Decker found herself involved in every play that produced a goal. Decker would open the flood gates tallying the first goal of the game and weekend. Going on to score the 2nd and 4th goal of the game, Decker earned her second hat trick of the season. Collecting a assist on the 3rd

goal of the game, Decker would earn four points on the night, tying her career high for points in a game. Overshadowing Decker’s career-tying night, however, was the record night of senior Meghan Duggan. Entering the series, Duggan was just one point shy of the UW career points record of 218, previously held by Sara Bauer. Needing just one point to tie the record, Duggan did more than that by earning three points to set a new record of 220 career points. Duggan has always attributed her success to the success of her teammates, and in a way if it were not for Decker’s hat trick, she would have not have broken the record. Duggan’s three points all came on assists to each of Decker’s three goals Friday night. hockey page 7

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