University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892
Weekend, March 2-5, 2017
Spring BREAK
UW may accept food stamps in dining soon By Noah Habenstreit THE DAILY CARDINAL
on campus—were on probation or suspension in 2016. Each fraternity on probation or suspension had at least one alcohol-related offense, according to a series of documents obtained by the Cardinal.
Starting next fall, UW-Madison could be the first school in the nation to accept food stamps in dining halls, according to a university administrator who called the program a no-brainer. Director of University Housing Jeff Novak and Associate Dining Director Julie Luke are spearheading a plan, which, if approved by the state government, would allow eligible students to use food stamps to pay for meals in UW-Madison’s dining halls. When asked why he is pushing to make dining halls more accessible to low-income students, Novak replied, “I can think of no downside.” “If it would allow even one person the opportunity, with really no major cost to us, I can see no reason why you wouldn’t do it,” Novak told The Daily Cardinal. University Housing began considering the idea after receiving information about a similar program at Oregon State University, which is one of a handful of universities with food stamp accessible on-campus markets. However, Novak and his staff hope to take it one step further and implement the initiative in dining halls. Brooke Evans, an ASM representative and a well-known advocate for
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After Sigma Phi Epsilon’s termination in 2016, the fraternity will vacate their newly built house next year to make room for another group.
Nearly half of UW fraternities faced punishment during 2016 Documents show 13 out of 29 fraternities were on probation or suspension Story by Peter Coutu A young man, face bright red, covered in vomit and urine, lay slumped in the corner of a basement while a frat party continued.
Several members of Sigma Phi Epsilon’s UW-Madison chapter carried the severely incapacitated person into a bathroom, one saying, “F--- you … you always do this.” He remained in the bathroom until the party ended, and was then dropped off a block away from the fraternity’s house so emergency ser-
vices could be called without the chapter being implicated. This case is not isolated. More than a dozen fraternities on campus faced university punishment in 2016 because of alcohol violations. An investigation by The Daily Cardinal found that 13 fraternities at UW-Madison—almost half of those
Campaign seeks greater tuition transparency By Ellen Krebs THE DAILY CARDINAL
Students may not know that segregated fees and housing fees are separate from tuition, and that tuition does not pay for athletics. Greater tuition transparency will allow students to see what exactly their tuition money is going toward. For almost two years, Associated Students of Madison Shared Governance Director Mara Matovich has worked for tuition transparency. For her, educating students on their misconceptions of tuition is a driving goal of this campaign. “Some [students] pay the fee and try to forget about it, and others have their parents pay it for them, or [get] scholarships or grants to cover it,” Matovich said. “I think knowing better as to where my tuition dollars go will help me more confidently
pay my tuition bill every semester.” Matovich noticed rising costs of college in comparison to previous years’, which led her to kick-start this campaign. She noted there is not much information to explain this spike. With more transparency, Matovich believes the campaign can better assess how to critically evaluate tuition spending. Central to Matovich’s campaign is the 101 fund, a combination of state tax dollars and tuition into a single fund, and this is what she is looking to make transparent. Matovich is currently working with the Madison Budget Office to allow students to see the expenditures of the Gross Product Revenue and tuition. In a Shared Governance meeting, the Director of the Madison Budget Office Tim Norris publically said that he would work with
Matovich to make 101 fund expenditures readily accessible to the public following the conclusion of the budget process. “[The campaign] will be putting together fund 101 expenditure information/charts/graphs starting the end of this semester and over the summer,” Matovich said. Despite her accomplishments, Matovich also encountered obstacles. She said that educating herself about details of tuition, segregated and housing fees has been a huge learning curve. “It’s hard to ask for something when you don’t really know about what can be provided or given to you,” Matovich said. “[However], I encourage students to ask questions about the fees they pay—like seg fees and housing fees, and really think critically about their beliefs and what they get out of it.”
A man was fatally shot Wednesday in Madison’s first homicide of 2017.
Man fatally shot on East Washington Avenue, crashes into a nearby hotel By Gina Heeb THE DAILY CARDINAL
A man drove into an east-side hotel and died after being shot multiple times by a still-at-large suspect early Wednesday morn-
ing, according to the Madison Police Department. The case is the city’s first homicide of 2017. The victim was 31-years-old
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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”