Weekend, April 6-9, 2017 - The Daily Cardinal

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Weekend, April 6-9, 2017


‘sneaky pete’

Athletes leap from DIII to DI

+ARTS page 4

+SPORTS page+pages 8 6&7

Overview of spring election outcomes

Faculty aides seek ‘fair and equitable pay’ By Nina Bertelsen THE DAILY CARDINAL

For Alyssa Franze, a former student of UW-Madison, earning more degrees meant taking a pay cut post-graduation. Franze earned two graduate degrees while working as a teaching assistant at UW-Madison. After graduating, she decided to stay on as a faculty assistant until her husband finished school. However, Franze didn’t realize she would be taking a pay cut when her student status and ability to be classified as a TA changed. Even with multiple advanced degrees and years of experience, she must keep a second job waiting tables in order to keep up with daily expenses. FAs across the university have campaigned throughout the semester for “fair and equitable pay.” Although FAs teach the exact same classes, they are paid a lower rate than TAs.

“They shouldn’t be punished for moving laterally,” said FA Rene Lajack. Teaching at 100 percent capacity, an experienced FA would earn $31,292 annually. But a senior TA working at only 75 percent capacity would make $36,133. An inexperienced FA earns even less, at $29,945 in a nine-month pay period. Franze and her colleagues stressed that they don’t think their TA counterparts should be paid less, they just want to be paid at a comparable rate for the comparable work that they do. Earlier this year, the Teaching Assistant Association, Associated Students of Madison and the Academic Staff endorsed the resolution. Monday, the Faculty Senate approved it unanimously. Before the meeting, Dean of Letters & Science Karl Scholz sent

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By Lawrence Andrea, Gina Heeb and Claire Lancaster THE DAILY CARDINAL

Community members heading to the ballots with campus and downtown addresses voted on several contested races in Tuesday’s election, including for various judicial, education and city posts.


UW-Madison and city police officers are permitted to wear hijabs while on duty, spokespeople for the departments say.

Hijab allowed for officers employed by MPD, UWPD By Noah Habenstreit THE DAILY CARDINAL

Both UW-Madison and city police say they would permit their officers to wear hijabs while on duty, a move that sets them apart from other departments around the country that either do not allow officers to wear religious head coverings or do not have a clear policy on the matter. UW-Madison Police Department spokesperson Marc Lovicott said the department’s policy does not “directly address the

wearing of hijabs,” but allows for “uniform modifications” with the approval of the chief. UWPD Chief of Police Kristen Roman said she would permit an officer to wear the hijab for religious reasons, according to Lovicott. Madison Police Department’s standard operating guidelines say that “scarves are allowed, as are head covers that are required for religious or medical purposes, with a Commander’s approval.”

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UW-Madison pilot program will provide free menstrual products for students By Nina Bertelsen THE DAILY CARDINAL


Professor Chad Goldberg introduced and supported the plan during a Faculty Senate meeting in Bascom Hall Monday.

UW-Madison will begin a pilot program to provide free menstrual products to students starting this month. Associated Students of Madison representatives said the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration and Facilities Planning and Managment have agreed to implement a pilot program through the end of 2017. Products will be available in wom-

en’s bathrooms in Helen C. White and Sterling Hall and additionally in men’s and gender-neutral bathrooms in the Red Gym, according to representatives. After the pilot, leaders must provide student feedback and a breakdown of costs for evaluation. Rep. Katrina Morrison said that she hopes the program will yield an official initiative for all buildings within five years.

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Student reports strong armed robbery outside of Elizabeth Waters Residence Hall A strong armed robbery was reported outside a Lakeshore residence hall Monday night, according to a UW-Madison Police Department Crime Warning. A single victim was tackled to the ground by two reported assail-

ants. He did not receive significant injuries and refused medical treatment, according to UWPD spokesperson Marc Lovicott. The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. near Elizabeth Waters Residence Hall.

The victim—a UW-Madison student—told UWPD his backpack was stolen by the two individuals. They then fled the area, according to the crime warning. The victim knew both suspects, according to Lovicott.

UWPD does not believe either suspect is affiliated with UW-Madison. Lovicott said there is no further information available at this time, as this is a “very active police investigation.”

City Council, District 8 A UW-Madison alum currently representing the campus area on Madison’s city government is set to serve another two-year term. Incumbent Ald. Zach Wood, District 8, earned 74.2 percent of votes, defeating John Terry Jr. Wood has said during his campaign that he will spend his next term working to improve several aspects of the campus area, including student access to affordable housing and street safety. Environmental sustainability will also be a focal point, according to the alder. A year into Wood’s first term, he was appointed to the city’s finance committee—the first time in 10 years that an alder from the student-dominated district had been asked to fill a position on the Board of Estimates. State Superintendent Incumbent State Superintendent Tony Evers will spend a third term leading Wisconsin’s public education system, after easily beating former School District Superintendent Lowell Holtz. “I’m grateful for tonight’s results,” Evers said in a statement. “I believe in public education and I am proud of where we are today. We have high graduation rates, suspensions are down, attendance is up, and the number of kids earning college credit in high school is at an all-time high.” Evers led Holtz by a landslide, echoing results of the spring primary, earning 86.7 percent of votes. The incumbent secured 88.7 percent of votes in February, and his opponent just over 7 percent. Evers said during his campaign that his first priority in the new term will be to secure adequate education funding throughout the state, specifically in the area of mental health care. Another top priority, he has said, will be narrowing the state’s achievement and graduation gaps— which have been rated by the Center on Wisconsin Strategy this year as being among the worst in the nation

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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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